The Message Part 33: William Branham and Joseph Mattsson Boze

  • 5 years ago
This episode examines William Branham's connections to leaders of the "Latter Rain" movement through Rev. Joseph Mattsson-Boze of the Philadelphia Church in Chicago. It also examines Rev Mattsson-Boze's promotion of "divine healers", "Latter Rain" evangelists, cross-promotion between Boze's "Herald of Faith" publication and Branham's "Voice of Healing" publication, and the promotion strategies of the two organizations. It uses the example of both Branham and Boze's use of "Flying Saucers" to promote their ministries, and Branham's advancing the "UFO doctrine" for transitioning his ministry from the "Latter Rain" version of the "Message" to later iterations of the "Message". Last, it briefly examines the creation of "divine healer" and "Message" minister Rev. Jim Jones of Peoples Temple, through work from both Rev. Joseph Mattsson-Boze and William Branham.

Names discussed in this video:
• Rev. Joseph Mattsson-Boze
• Rev. Jim Jones
• Peoples Temple
• William Freeman
• Rev. A. W. Rasmussen
• Rev. Roy E. Davis
• Former Congressman William D. Upshaw
• Rev. F. F. Bosworth
• Rev. Paul Kopp
• Rev. LeRoy Kopp
• Rev. Billy Graham
• Rev. Levi Pethrus
• Rev. Myrtle Beall
• Rev. F. R. Lummer

Topics discussed in this video:
• Branham's first mention of the "1933 Prophecies" on recorded audio in 1953
• Branham's introducing the "prophecy of the Women's vote" in 1960
• Branham's claim that the "prophecy of the Women's vote" was fulfilled with President John F. Kennedy, and later rejection of this claim after the assassination
• Joseph Mattsson-Boze's work to promote Branham after the Latter Rain movement split Pentecostalism
• Joseph Mattsson-Boze's promotion of the "Message" worldwide
• Joseph Mattsson-Boze's attempt to convince Billy Graham to work with William Branham in 1952
• William Branham's claim that Billy Graham's ministry would bring salvation to thousands in 1952 during the "Latter Rain" version of the "Message"
• Comparison of this statement to later versions of William Branham's "Message" cult
• William Branham's using the spelling of Graham's name to imply that he [Branham] was the return of the "Son of Man" through his "Manifest Sons Of God" "Latter Rain" theology
• Joseph Mattsson-Boze's work in the 1940's as a Swedish-American revivalist
• Joseph Mattsson-Boze's affiliation with the Assemblies of God that F. F. Bosworth helped to create
• Joseph Mattsson-Boze's joining the Independent Assemblies of God to side with "Latter Rain" as it split Pentecostalism
• Joseph Mattsson-Boze's affiliation with Levi Pethrus, who sponsored Branham's meetings in Stockholm
• Both Boze and Branham sponsoring William Freeman as a "divine healer"
• Joseph Mattsson-Boze's promotion of Rev. Freeman in Stockholm, during which time they both were arrested and fought for
freedom in court


