Blood Transfusions in Serpent Seed Theology

  • last year
When William Branham introduced the Christian Identity Doctrine of Wesley Swift into the Voice of Healing and Latter Rain revivals and converts to the “Latter Rain Message” began to adopt its principles, it came at a very deadly cost: converts to the white supremacy ideology began refusing to have blood transfusions — even those who desperately needed them.

According to Wesley Swift’s theology, the Biblical Eve mated with the Serpent from the Garden of Eden to produce an evil and “hybrid” bloodline between human and beast. It was allegedly a cursed bloodline, one that could be traced through the lineage of Ham, the son of Noah, and resulted in the people with black skin. Though Branham did not use the word “black”, he traced the same lineage.

Following this out to its logical conclusion, many of Branham’s (and Swift’s) converts refused to accept blood transfusions from “unbelievers”. The blood of a non-cult member could potentially be blood from the Serpent himself, which according to the theology, was the blood of the devil.

Sadly, this very dangerous doctrine was widespread among white supremacists. Eldon Edwards, who appointed Branham’s mentor Roy E. Davis as Grand Dragon in Texas, helped spread fear of blood transfusions. Many people who desperately needed blood to survive rejected transfusions due to this anti-biblical theology.

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