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Jada Toys Universal Monsters Dracula Bela Lugosi Stage Play Version | #spookyspot 2023


00:00 Bella's bringing some life to the party. Here's your spooky spot on the Jada Toys
00:04 Universal Monsters Bela Lugosi Dracula.
00:10 [Music]
00:28 [Music]
00:44 this spectacularly sculpted action figure features Bela Lugosi in his
00:48 unique and iconic portrait of Count Dracula as seen in the classic stage
00:52 play. This highly detailed six inch scale of the stage and silver screen star has
00:57 two detailed head sculpts, three sets of hands, miniature replica poster handbills
01:02 and the wired cape to allow for dynamic posing. All of this comes packaged in a
01:07 highly collectible closed box coffin packaging with sliding drawer. Bela Lugosi
01:11 is Dracula and he bids you welcome. When actors go on stage the others hope they
01:16 break a leg but in Dracula's case he hopes you break a leg so you can't run
01:20 as fast. Of course before we get a closer look at the Jada Toys Bela Lugosi
01:24 Dracula now this is the stage version of Dracula. I'm gonna go ahead and grab the
01:28 tape measure and see how tall the figure stands. I did actually grab this one over
01:31 on Entertainment Earth. I'll provide a link down below in the video description.
01:34 If you guys have been interested to grab this one and haven't had any luck to
01:36 find this one out in the spooky wild you can click the link down below in the
01:39 video description. Dracula though stands six inches in height or the figure is
01:43 going to be about 15 and a half centimeters tall. While it would
01:48 certainly make for scary stagehands here's some of the other Jada Toys
01:51 Universal Monster figures we've already had a look at. Now this is the regular
01:54 version of Dracula that doesn't bear as much of a resemblance I feel to actor
01:57 Bela Lugosi. You'll be happy to know as well that you can change the heads
02:01 between the two. We'll talk more about that in a moment. Also as well here's
02:04 what he looks like with the Universal Monsters Frankenstein the creature from
02:07 the Black Lagoon we'll put to the side here. The Wolfman recently in fact we
02:11 also had a look at the Invisible Man and then also as well we can't forget the
02:15 Bride of Frankenstein. Here's also what he looks like with her as well. Can I just
02:19 first say how much I love the packaging that comes in clue with Dracula? I mean
02:23 normally you just get yourself regular packaging but featured on the front here
02:26 we've got actually the symbol of Lugosi himself with some really cool bat wings
02:30 on either side. We've got Dracula down below here but the really interesting thing about
02:33 this is the amount of effort that they put into making this packaging. Jada
02:36 Toys also adds for example like a magnet enclosure so you just easily open up the
02:41 flap and inside first of all we're treated to sort of a wall face with all
02:45 of the marquees sort of indicated here with some posters that they put up.
02:48 There's also a lamp post as well. The inside though where actually Lugosi was
02:52 housed was part of a coffin and that's really neat the way they've done that.
02:56 But also if you look to the side here this drawer also pulls out. This was the
03:00 thing that stored as well his extra hands, his extra head and his cape and
03:04 then also has some interior padding looking as if it looked like a again
03:07 like a casket. Really some interesting some of the best some of the best
03:11 packaging I have to honestly say that we've gotten here is from Jada Toys. Of
03:15 course as we already looked at sort of with the way that the brick was set up
03:18 the wall actually had all these cool little posters and you get these also as
03:21 well. The poster here has Bela Lugosi Dracula the screens master of horror in
03:26 person on the stage. We also get some slightly smaller ones. I'm honestly not
03:31 even sure what I'm gonna really be doing with these. I guess I probably could
03:33 maybe mount these behind for example the the figure itself. We also got Bela
03:37 Lugosi in in person and company the horror and magic stage show. 13 scenes. I
03:43 can't quite make out all the things you might be able to see a little bit better
03:45 here on camera. I also have some slightly smaller posters. This seems to be also a
03:49 pamphlet that was probably given out to the patrons that were able to check out
03:52 the show. Also you got yourself some smaller posters there as well. Again the
03:56 fact that they would even take the time to throw in as many things as they do.
03:58 Very very cool stuff. Then we get also as well an alternate head sculpt. I guess
04:02 before we do that let's look at the alternate hands. He also comes with again
04:06 some mauling hands. I was jokingly say these look like mauling hands but what
04:10 other way would you describe these hands? Arthritic hands? Mauling hands I think
04:14 sounds a little more menacing. These have been cast in a way that they sort of
04:17 look a little off-colored. Like maybe some of the life is leaving his body. I'm
04:21 sure with it being really Dracula the life has already left his body. These
04:25 easily can just be detached from existing hands from the forms like we're
04:28 milking a cow and then just pop in the other hands. Then the figure also as
04:32 well comes included with these hands. Now to go back to the posters that we looked
04:35 at earlier, if you wanted to and if you consider this more to be Bela Lugosi
04:39 the actor and not as Dracula, then you could also then just take these posters
04:43 and they clip in between the fingers. The thing about it though is that you
04:46 really want to make sure that you're bending the finger properly. The few
04:49 times that I've actually done this you can probably already see it starts to
04:52 bend and crumple the cardboard. You want to maybe make sure that you maybe pry
04:56 this a little bit more away from the palm because again like it he holds it
05:00 but anytime I've done this already it already is now starting to
05:03 crumple the cardboard. I really don't want to damage these but there's always
05:06 that option available as well. Now we also had I already mentioned the figure
05:10 that's also come included with an alternate head sculpt. Alright alright
05:13 before we actually do that let's pick up the existing figure with the head
05:16 already attached in place to the ball joint provided. I will say though it
05:20 lands a better likeness to Bela Lugosi whereas say before when we looked at the
05:24 original Dracula I don't know if the plan was ever to really make this look
05:28 like a Bela Lugosi Dracula but of course it came up a little bit short. It didn't
05:32 quite deliver I felt the likeness where this one lands it a lot better.
05:35 Head sculpt wise very nicely painted. Again you got that off coloring of the
05:39 plastic purple painted in purple around the eyeshadowing of his eyes and he's
05:43 got a slightly more off pink color to it the coloring of his lips. Now where's the
05:47 original Dracula that we looked at? Again doesn't really look as much like Bela
05:51 Lugosi. It's sort of more of a suggested Bela. You also had as well came in
05:54 clue with this alternate head sculpt which looks even further removed from
05:57 being a Bela Lugosi likeness but there's always that available option as well. The
06:01 outfits if you were to say look at them are very differently done. This one of
06:05 course has the collar with a little pendant there in the middle. This one has
06:07 more just a classic bow tie. He's definitely dressed more for a stage show
06:11 than maybe sucking somebody's blood. Now the neat thing about that though is if
06:15 you did want to change out the head sculpts because of course with Bela you
06:18 actually get two different head portraits. You could really pop the one
06:21 that's off this one and replace it with say this head sculpt which again kind of
06:25 is a more definitely a more angrier looking Bela Lugosi I would certainly
06:29 say. Changing out the heads though again because they're using the same ball
06:32 joint just pop the head off the provided ball joint from this figure and then
06:36 just put in the new head sculpt here as the alternate head sculpt that came
06:39 include the other one. Now you want to make sure it's all the way down there. It
06:42 does sort of give a little bit of a gap space but it's just to show you the two.
06:46 I mean if again if you wanted to have two versions of Bela Lugosi or hey why
06:49 not if you want to use this head on this one and then use this one on this one.
06:52 Well you know you already get the idea. So I really like the idea that they
06:56 actually used maybe not the same body necessarily. The jacket seems to be the
07:00 same as well as the arms and the legs and feet and while the torso is very
07:04 very differently done here with the sculpting of the shirt and the vest
07:07 underneath. Yeah I mean easily you could just use this head sculpt for this one
07:10 or vice versa. Now this original vampire, this original Dracula actually had the
07:15 red interior cape. This would be in the stage show though what he actually does
07:19 get instead is an interior silver cape. It's a little off because I'm always
07:23 considering more Dracula with his silver inside cape but I mean kind of a little
07:27 bit different. Of course we get a gray cape this time around. Attaching the cape
07:30 I will say it's not the easiest thing. You get this little plastic strand you
07:34 see it goes from one side of the cape to the other. I don't really think it's
07:37 nearly enough wide so I mean like if for example you want to take the head off
07:40 that's the only way you're gonna be able to get the cape on. You'll see that it
07:44 you really have to kind of stretch it to get it across the neck and even then the
07:48 collar is really close to the what will be where his head's gonna go. I find it
07:52 sort of easiest just to kind of put it where you could kind of get it the
07:55 closest and then just attach the head on top of it. Now it's gonna crimp that
07:59 plastic but if you're never really planning to remove it I mean I'm sure
08:02 repeated times of doing this may start to fray the plastic but it does a good
08:06 enough job of keeping everything in place and then of course you just put
08:09 the cape like the actual shoulder piece of the cape over top of them. You want to
08:13 make sure while you're also doing as well that the collar doesn't get tucked
08:15 in by accident. I've already had that happen a couple of times already. I mean
08:19 the cape does lend a little bit better to the look of Dracula. I mean it doesn't
08:23 just look like necessarily somebody's attending a stage show. It looks a little
08:26 bit more like somebody that could potentially take your life and one thing
08:29 that's also really neat about the cape is the fact that actually has a wire
08:31 frame so it runs from the top here. I'm gonna get my finger, blast the finger out
08:35 of the way, it runs from the top here all the way down the side and it also runs
08:39 along the bottom here as well. Very nicely stitched in place so of course
08:42 you can also bend the cape and manipulate it a little bit differently
08:45 also as well. Boy that looks really really neat and again like as simple as
08:49 it is to attach onto the head even though the really again the strip of the
08:52 plastic that they provide wasn't nearly wide enough it's just as easy then to
08:56 remove it if you want to have it displayed without the cape. What I'll do
09:00 maybe for right now is I'm just gonna take the cape off after talking all
09:02 about that just because again it's probably gonna be a little bit easier to
09:05 look at the figure and of course cover off all the all the details certainly and
09:09 as well the posability points as well. Now of course the jacket itself seems to
09:13 be a separate piece. I'll move it out of the way so you guys can see. I mean to look at
09:17 this in a way it kind of looks like it's a black and white version of him until
09:20 you realize that of course he's got the purple in his eyes and the pink already
09:22 mentioned in his lips. He also has as well a gold chain but I mean with really the
09:27 way they've colored the actual vest the way they've actually colored of course
09:30 the jacket in black and the fact that the interior of the cape is silver
09:32 really lends more to the idea that this guy could come across more like black
09:36 and white. Unfortunately one thing about the jacket I may have already mentioned
09:39 that when we looked at the review of the other Dracula is by leaving this much
09:42 allotted space on the side to accommodate his arm articulation it does
09:46 as a result you can kind of see the inside of where his shirt is. See the
09:50 little white areas are kind of peeking out. Other than that though it's a really
09:53 neat looking figure still using the same mold as what we got before. It still has
09:56 again peg holes in the underside of the figures feet but we definitely get a
09:59 much considerably better likeness to Bela Lugosi. If again the original one
10:04 was really to be planned as a Bela Lugosi likeness this one definitely does
10:07 a better job of doing that. For the figures articulation starting once again
10:10 with his head sculpt it does rotate all the way around. Head looks up and down.
10:14 You can also rock it back and forth as well. Now the arms because of course
10:17 there's so much clearance inside there you can rotate them very easily all the
10:21 way around. You can also bring the arms out. Now bringing them out I can't get
10:25 them this arm is the more stubborn of the two. This arm easily comes out at 90
10:29 degrees no problems there but this one this is the one that really really
10:33 fights with me. Can't get it but it's a lot tighter on this one. The figure does
10:37 have a swivel in his bicep that's also the same on the side as well. The figure
10:41 has a double hinge on the elbow and the hands rotate all the way around. Now the
10:44 upper torso seems to be on a ball joint but you really can't get a lot of
10:48 movement happening from it. The legs on the other hand though do split very
10:51 easily because he has the ball joints on the interiors of his thighs. Three
10:55 quarters of the way up the thigh there's also swivel cuts so you can rotate the
10:57 leg all the way around. The figure does have a double hinge on the knee and he
11:00 also has the articulation in the feet back and forth as well. Comparing of
11:04 course the obviously two figures just gonna put Bela Lugosi's stage version of
11:08 Dracula right there and bring in the earlier looked at Dracula now with the
11:11 Bela Lugosi head sculpt. Really between the two I think again like this
11:16 is a better looking head sculpt even though really like when we got the two
11:19 heads actually it's this head sculpt here this whole time I popped out the
11:23 head I put the wrong head back in place. Let's just whole time I'm sure many
11:27 people have been screaming at me put the wrong Bela Lugosi head back in place.
11:29 I was gonna say something does did certainly seem off that makes more sense.
11:36 Anyways like I was saying though you did get you do get two head sculpts here
11:41 when it comes to Bela Lugosi. This one I definitely feel is the better of the two
11:44 especially now that I had the chance to replace it. I mean don't get the two
11:47 mixed up. Clearly this is definitely more the one that well we started with that
11:51 doesn't really again look as much like the actor. This one looks a lot more like
11:54 the actor. I wonder how long into the review I was actually having the wrong
11:57 head sculpt in place. Now again you get this alternate head sculpt which to be
12:00 honest doesn't look as much like the actor as this one but I do think that
12:04 both of them are still much considerably better than two head sculpts we
12:07 initially started with when we looked at the Jada Toys Universal Monsters
12:10 Dracula. So again one of the benefits of using essentially the same bodies and
12:14 because of that also the same ball joints in the necks it means also as
12:18 well that you can then use one of the other alternate head sculpts that came
12:21 with this guy being this one and just easily pop it over there or hey why not.
12:24 If you want a more classic looking movie Dracula do away altogether with the idea
12:28 of him going and performing on stage rather instead you can use this head
12:32 sculpt on this Dracula and have a true classic Universal release of Bela Lugosi.
12:37 Here in the final looks of the stage performance Bela Lugosi Dracula I've got
12:41 the figure display with this alternate head sculpt and honestly of the two I
12:45 think it's the weaker portrait. The other one that we started with that I ended up
12:48 mixing up in the middle of the review. How many people actually called me out
12:51 of that in the comment section? But I think honestly that's the better of the
12:55 two head sculpts and so very tempted in fact to actually use that Bela Lugosi
12:59 portrait and display it with more the colorized version of Dracula we looked
13:03 at before. Jada I'm sure had good intentions to sculpt that original
13:06 Dracula to bear a better likeness of Bela Lugosi but maybe due to licensing
13:10 they probably didn't have the rights available right away that at least we
13:12 get a better release here a subsequent follow-up release with the one that we
13:16 get here. Now not only is it looking a great-looking figure but also as well I
13:20 mean when we looked at the packaging I mean the fact that they would actually
13:24 take the time to make them look like caskets and then you'd actually be able
13:27 to pull out the drawer to store the accessories inside that's a lot of
13:30 additional work that Jada didn't even have to put in place in the first place.
13:34 I mean they could have just released them easily the way they've released all
13:37 the other Universal monsters but I think Bela Lugosi deserved better and he
13:40 certainly did get better from Jada. Now when it comes to certainly displaying
13:43 the figure now that I've accurately got the figure with the right head sculpt
13:46 now one thing that's also missing here in the final looks of the figure is the
13:50 additional posters. Now the posters again can be clipped inside of his
13:53 gripping hands. The thing you have to be careful though is we want to make sure
13:56 that you heat the hands and probably not hot water because again if you left in
14:00 some water on the plastic it will probably have damaged the posters but
14:03 maybe heat it a little bit with a hairdryer. That's the sound of a
14:07 hairdryer. Make a few passes with at least a hairdryer to soften up the
14:10 plastic just a little bit because I think if the grip is a little too
14:12 closed on the hands you ultimately will mean that you'll pinch a bit of
14:16 the cardboard on the actual posters and I definitely don't want that
14:20 happening. Maybe ultimately what I might just do is put the posters behind Bela
14:23 Lugosi when I put him on the shelf with the rest of Universal monsters. Now you
14:27 may be ultimately deciding to have Bela separately considering that what we
14:31 looked at in this review really is the actor. It isn't so much Dracula because of
14:35 course this is Dracula on the stage performance but I'm all for the idea of
14:38 displaying this guy not only with the other Dracula we've already had a look
14:40 at but the rest of the cool Universal monsters that we've gotten from Jada
14:43 Toys. What do you guys think though of the theater performance Bela Lugosi
14:47 Dracula? Have you had the chance to get this figure for yourself and if you are
14:50 displaying this figure on your shelf currently do you have him displayed as
14:53 the actor or do you have him being displayed as the character Dracula? I
14:57 mean certainly that would dictate how you have it. I don't think Dracula is
15:00 really gonna be walking around posters with his face on it unless he wants to
15:03 be handing out signatures. Although I don't know whatever the guy's charging
15:07 for for our autographs I don't think he'd be willing to offer it because I'm
15:10 sure he'd want you to sign it in blood. Not his blood either, your own blood.
15:14 Again if you guys are interested to get this one for yourself it is available as
15:18 right now over on Entertainment Earth. That's in fact the place where I end up
15:22 finding it. You know initially I actually was looking around places online like
15:25 eBay but the price that this guy was going for honestly ultimately I just
15:29 ended up finding him for a much better price over on Entertainment Earth and by
15:32 also as well using the link I'll provide down below in the video description it
15:35 does save you 10% and I have to honestly admit I did use the link myself and it
15:40 did save 10% on my purchase. But again if you guys are interested and would like
15:44 to get this one for yourself you can click the link down below that will take
15:46 you on over to Entertainment Earth. What do you guys think though of Bela Lugosi?
15:49 Let me know down below in the comment section. Also as well if you guys enjoyed
15:52 the video hit it with a like. If you guys are loving the content you guys are
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16:39 you guys next time.
