McDonalds 2023 Halloween Boo Buckets | #spookyspot

  • 5 months ago
McDonalds 2023 Halloween Boo Buckets | #spookyspot


00:00 I've been hitting Mickey D's and I can check now four things off my bucket list.
00:04 Here's your spooky spot on the 2023 McDonald's Halloween Pails.
00:08 [music]
00:28 And just under the wire too with Halloween fast approaching.
00:32 In fact at the time that I'm doing this video, Halloween is tomorrow.
00:36 And I was finally able to get the very last Halloween Pail that McDonald's was putting out.
00:40 Of course, as it always is the case with McDonald's, they're not going to put these all out at the exact same time.
00:45 You have to always go back to their stores, their restaurants, every single week or every single day in my case,
00:51 to see if they have the new Halloween Pail available.
00:53 The first one I was actually able to get was the Witch and then followed from that was actually the Monster.
00:58 Just recently in fact I was able to find the Mummy.
01:01 And only just last night I was finally able to get the Jack-o'-lantern.
01:05 The Jack-o'-lantern honestly was the one I was the most interested in.
01:08 And sure enough, the Jack-o'-lantern also happens to be the one that has the most problems.
01:13 One thing also as a side note too is when you're picking up these Halloween Pails, they don't sell them to you separately.
01:18 Oh no, you in fact have to get yourself a Happy Meal.
01:21 And the last one in fact, I think actually the Mummy, that I picked up the Mummy,
01:25 I had picked up a meal and then I just happened to go up to the front desk and I had asked the person there,
01:29 "Oh, do you have any Pails available?"
01:31 And they said, "Oh, well we have the Mummy."
01:33 And I said, "Oh, would I be able to pick up one separately?"
01:35 And she said, "No, unfortunately we can only sell it to you, sir, if you've already bought yourself a Happy Meal."
01:39 To which I then point over to the tray of food that I already had picked up for myself and the rest of my family.
01:45 And finally she had given in.
01:47 But she had really, for no intensive purposes, all intensive purposes,
01:51 she had no plan at all to actually even sell me the Pails separately.
01:54 So I really do think that's something that they should make available.
01:56 I get the idea that people could easily go in there just be buying up Pails galore.
02:00 But at the very least, if you're already buying food,
02:03 I think it should be made available to you if you want to buy the individual Pails separately.
02:07 Speaking of the Pails separately, each one of them sold separately comes also included with a pair of stickers.
02:13 Again, we have ourselves the Witch.
02:15 I think this is supposed to be a Witch based on, of course, the fact that the top is an actual hat.
02:20 Inside each one of them, by the way, not only do you get yourself the Happy Meals,
02:23 but you also get yourself some stickers as well.
02:25 The stickers on the back also do feature a face.
02:28 I guess the intended plan is that you can not only use these stickers to apply onto the Pails themselves,
02:33 but you can then also use these same stickers and apply them onto the back of the figure's or character's face.
02:38 That looks to me like a vampire.
02:41 The actual Pails themselves all seem to be molded exactly the same.
02:44 The only thing that's obviously very different is the fact that they printed them differently here on the front.
02:48 I don't know if I would say necessarily that looks like a Witch.
02:50 It's only really by the fact that the hat is on the top.
02:53 I would look at this and almost just assume this is a vampire, but we got ourselves the Purple Pail.
02:58 And of course, along with that, I got myself some purple stickers.
03:01 Got some eyes with glasses. Looks like some vampire fangs. A couple of noses.
03:05 Yeah, I mean, all of this really points more to the idea of this being a vampire.
03:08 And yet again, you got that top section of the hat, of course, where the handle actually is.
03:13 And it's clearly a Witch's hat.
03:15 The whole idea, of course, in mind is with even like the older Halloween Pails that I was collecting years ago,
03:21 these are supposed to be ones you can kind of take around with Halloween.
03:23 But I mean, obviously, there's not going to be much space to store any treats.
03:26 You're going to be having to constantly dump this into a parent's bag
03:30 and go back up to someone else's door to fill up more treats.
03:35 Now again, this is the Witch. This is the first one that I did get.
03:37 I think the next one after that was the Frankenstein's Monster.
03:40 I also really like the look of the Frankenstein's Monster.
03:43 The monster itself, you can see for the actual handle portion at least,
03:48 is the exact same molding that they end up using then for the Jack-o'-lantern.
03:51 I know what you're going to say. I know what you're going to say.
03:53 And also the mummy. The Witch is really the only one, as far as I know, is the one that has the different handle.
03:58 Now the mummy, or I should say the Frankenstein's Monster,
04:02 I don't think should have had one that looked, the top of it at least, look like a Jack-o'-lantern.
04:06 I think they probably should have made something that looked a little bit more flat-headed.
04:09 Something to go in more in line with Frankenstein's Monster.
04:12 Of course, Frankenstein as well, like the Witch, came included with some stickers.
04:16 These stickers themselves can be applied onto the back.
04:19 I mean, again, you got yourself a little outline there of Frankenstein's Monster.
04:21 Or again, if you wanted to, you can also just heavily, oh, is there, I think there's a french fry still in there.
04:26 You can actually take the stickers and just apply them onto the front of the pail.
04:30 Whatever you really want. You probably already noticed one thing about the Jack-o'-lantern.
04:34 I'm sure you've already commented down below. We will be getting to the Jack-o'-lantern in a second.
04:38 The next one I was able to pick up in order was the Mummy.
04:41 Honestly, the Mummy is the least interesting for me.
04:44 I don't know really what's happening here. I get the idea there's eyes.
04:47 I can see there's wrappings all around this.
04:49 But it doesn't really look to me like much of a mummy.
04:52 Unless they had maybe put some wrappings on the top and on the bottom as well.
04:55 With only really like this section to work with, it doesn't really read as much for me like the Mummy.
05:00 Anyways, the top of the pail where the handle is, is molded exactly the same as the Frankenstein's Monster.
05:06 And then this one also as well came included some stickers.
05:09 The stickers are all again different from one another.
05:11 So this one does have a mummy on the back of it.
05:12 And then of course you can peel these stickers off and stick them onto the back.
05:15 Or again, if you're somebody that just likes to graffiti your pails, you can also stick them all around the pail as well.
05:20 Again, all the pails are exactly the same.
05:23 Onto the Jack-o'-lantern. And this was the one that was the hardest for me to find.
05:26 I checked around to actually four different McDonald's.
05:29 Not all at the same time. That would be obsessive.
05:31 But I did actually check to various McDonald's as I was picking up some other like meals for my daughter, for example.
05:37 And I could never really come across the Jack-o'-lantern until last night.
05:40 I happened to go to one, this random McDonald's along the way.
05:44 And I asked them if they had the Halloween pail.
05:47 They said, "Well, we have the Jack-o'-lantern." I said, "Oh, that's ideal."
05:49 They said the only problem with the Jack-o'-lantern for them is that all the handles for some strange reason were all green.
05:56 Obviously, you can see that they probably had got the wrong shipment of handles with them.
06:00 Because the handle actually for the Jack-o'-lantern is supposed to be more orange.
06:03 What they got instead, though, was a whole bunch of green ones that are actually supposed to be for the Frankenstein's monster.
06:09 So ultimately, though, I did get the wrong handle.
06:12 The handle, again, should have been the same coloring of the orange plastic here.
06:15 But I think in a way, it actually works a little bit better, the fact that it looks like the top of a Jack-o'-lantern, the top of a pumpkin.
06:21 In the fact that it's actually green.
06:23 You know, at least in the sense of collecting these, honestly, I do wish that the handle was still orange.
06:27 But at least it's no harm, no foul. I can justify the fact that the Jack-o'-lantern, though, does have a green top to it.
06:33 It doesn't look terrible.
06:35 What does look terrible, though, is the placement of the handle.
06:38 I don't know, looking at this, it just doesn't seem like it lines up properly.
06:41 But again, I guess looking at all of the rest of them, they're printed in...
06:45 They're not just printed on the front or on the back.
06:47 They're printed also here on the side as well.
06:49 So I guess if you're looking at it from the front, it doesn't look as off-kelto.
06:52 But it kind of looks like the handle is slightly twisted to the side.
06:55 And of course, with the Jack-o'-lantern, you've got some various different faces.
06:57 In fact, actually, all of them, even like the witch, for example, has different expressions across the face.
07:02 All in all, though, I'm glad to finally have these as part of my collection.
07:07 The thing about it, though, with any McDonald's pickup like this, you always have to go back on a regular basis.
07:12 Maybe not every day. Maybe not every other day.
07:14 Maybe once a week, I think, is when they start to rotate these things.
07:17 I thought I was actually on a good run, because I'd already got easily the witch.
07:22 And then right after that, I got myself Frankenstein's monster.
07:25 I had to wait a little while, in fact, to try to track down the mummy and the Jack-o'-lantern.
07:29 And I finally now can say I have all of the 2023 Halloween pails from McDonald's.
07:34 I'm bummed a bit by the fact that I did get the wrong handle, technically.
07:37 Because I would really like to be able to say I have myself a complete set that actually has the correct handles.
07:41 But at the end of the day, I'm so glad I finally found myself the Jack-o'-lantern.
07:45 I might even see if I can go back between now and whenever they stop selling these things.
07:49 And see if I can actually go back and find another Jack-o'-lantern.
07:52 Fingers crossed that I actually do find one.
07:54 Or maybe if I just happen to go to a McDonald's and they say,
07:57 "Well, we don't have any more pails, but we have ourselves a whole bunch of orange handles."
08:01 Yes! Victory for me.
08:03 Have you guys had the chance to pick up any of the McDonald's 2023 Halloween pails?
08:08 If you haven't, let me know if this is something you guys would...
08:11 Again, I don't know when this is going to be running until.
08:13 I would imagine it would probably be until the end of October.
08:15 So, I mean, we're kind of creeping up on that already.
08:18 Considering that today is the 30th. Considering that tomorrow is the 31st.
08:22 There really isn't going to be a lot more time to be able to try to track these down for yourself.
08:26 Or if you have been collecting these, what do you guys think of the Halloween pails?
08:29 I think some of the earlier years may have put out better looking pails.
08:33 I mean, it's kind of been a gap space where McDonald's wasn't doing the Halloween pails for a while.
08:37 I think some of the earlier years may have put out better looking pails than the ones we got right here.
08:41 And again, I'm kind of a little disappointed I did get the wrong handle.
08:44 But I'm still finally happy to get myself the entire set of the 2023 Halloween pails.
08:48 Today we were having a look... Today's spook-a-verific review...
08:51 We were having a look at the McDonald's 2023 Halloween pails.
08:55 With a wrong handle, unfortunately, for Jack-o'-lantern.
08:58 If you guys enjoyed this video, why not hit it with a like?
09:01 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing, and you certainly would like to stick around for more.
09:05 Just because tomorrow, at least at the time of shooting this video...
09:07 So, when you guys are watching this video, I'm sure it's actually going to be Halloween day.
09:11 Just because we are wrapping up the end of Halloween, and we are wrapping up technically the end of October...
09:15 Does not mean... Does not mean...
09:17 We aren't going to be looking at some more spook-a-verific reviews.
09:19 So make sure, of course, you're keeping your ghoulish peepers peeled to this channel.
09:22 As always, guys, thanks for watching.
09:24 See you guys next time.
09:26 [Spooky Growling]
09:30 (whooshing)
