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McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse Black and White Accent Edition The Flash BBTS 2023 Exclusive


00:00 Well, it would seem that the Scarlet Speedster isn't so Scarlet.
00:03 Here's a look at the McFarlane Toys DC Multiverse, the Gold Label Collection DC Rebirth, the
00:09 Flash Black and White Accent Edition.
00:12 [music]
00:35 In a freak lab accident, forensic scientist Barry Allen was struck by lightning and doused
00:39 with chemicals which gave him the superpowers of the Speed Force.
00:42 Now he uses these powers to defend his hometown of Central City and the rest of the world
00:46 from forces of evil as the Flash, the fastest man alive, can run up sides of buildings across
00:51 oceans and around the world at light speed.
00:53 He can also vibrate his molecules to phase through solid objects.
00:58 Come on Barry, not all your problems are always black and white.
01:01 Before we get a closer look though at the Flash Black and White Accent Edition, I'd
01:05 like to thank the folks over at McFarlane Toys that did provide this sample we could
01:08 have a look at.
01:09 This version of the Flash is a Big Bad Toy Store exclusive for 2023 and with that is
01:14 limited to only 3,000 pieces worldwide.
01:18 I'm going to bring in the original Flash from the Rebirth so you can see the differences
01:21 between the two and hey, why not, maybe I'll also bring in the Accent Edition of Superman,
01:24 a figure we've looked at recently here on this channel.
01:27 But back though to Flash, you're looking at the figure standing about 6 3/4 of an inch
01:31 in height or the figure is going to be 17 centimeters tall.
01:35 Now I do have the original DC Rebirth Flash that I'm going to be bringing in, though you'll
01:39 notice right away it's not the exact same head sculpt.
01:42 This one that I'm bringing in was actually packed along with Red Death.
01:45 I did also do the review of the standalone Flash that has the smirk on his face like
01:48 the one that we're getting in this review, but unfortunately its whereabouts right now
01:51 remain unknown.
01:52 He might be solving problems right now in Central City.
01:54 I do also have the Accent Edition of Superman we just recently looked at here on this channel
01:58 that like the Flash was also a Big Bad Toy Store exclusive, which in other words, the
02:01 only way to get both of the figures of the Superman and the Flash in the gray color scheme
02:05 was to go over to Big Bad Toy Store's site.
02:07 I think actually right now the stock on both the figures is right now out of, and while
02:12 Barry may be of short supply on BBTS, he's not short on accessories as all the figure
02:17 comes included with accessories that on this side we have gotten before with the other
02:20 DC Rebirth Flash and then on this side we've also gotten before with the Accent Edition
02:24 Superman.
02:25 First, with the things that are on this side, the figure comes included with a rectangular
02:28 stand that has a Flash logo on the top printed in a very similar yellow that we're about
02:32 to see on the figure itself.
02:34 Now it is also using the same stand as the earlier looked at Superman.
02:37 I'm going to bring in Superman's right now so you guys can see.
02:40 Still though a problem that I was having with Superman's is still a problem I'm having here
02:43 with Flash's.
02:44 The peg that they put, the peg that they provided, I think is way too far off to the side of
02:48 the stand.
02:49 I think especially when it comes to Flash and displaying him that you'll see in a second,
02:53 it would have worked much better I feel if the peg was closer to the center.
02:56 Maybe it had something to do with the way they had to print these stands.
03:00 In order to print this on the press, they couldn't have had the peg in the way.
03:03 That's my only real guess.
03:04 I really wish the pegs could have been a little bit more closer to the center.
03:08 The figure also as well comes with a little tiny standee.
03:11 Not only was the same standee shared as well with Superman, just bring in Superman's now
03:14 so you guys can see, the black use of the stand has been printed nicely with the Superman
03:19 logo on the front that said, I said at the time, looked kind of like the bloodied Superman
03:22 logo from Superman number 75.
03:25 But then this one actually does have the Flash printed nicely then in yellow.
03:28 The colors are consistent with one another, Superman being all the more in the reds, Flash
03:32 is all more in yellows.
03:34 This stand is also the same one that was also shared as well with the movie Maniacs line.
03:38 Although in that case, it would have actually been cast in silver, not in black.
03:42 Of course it does hold the card the same way.
03:44 This time around we actually get ourselves a black and white version of Barry Allen.
03:47 Down below it's got the Flash black and white accent edition.
03:50 And again, all done away with is the red in favor of black and white and a whole bunch
03:54 of yellow.
03:55 On the back of the card though, this is out of a limited run of 3000.
03:59 And of the limited run, that was one, the one that was gifted to me at least, is number
04:02 zero out of 3000.
04:05 Just going back and looking at Superman's.
04:06 Superman's also was zero out of 3000.
04:09 But again, they're only a very limited quantities.
04:12 It does hold the card really nicely.
04:13 And also really as a side note, I appreciate the fact that they added gold font down below.
04:18 It's always nice to actually showcase the figure.
04:20 The only thing about it though, is by having the font down below here, it really is almost
04:24 masked all together.
04:25 The only thing you really get the chance to kind of see is Flash sticking out the top.
04:29 You really miss the chance to kind of see the black and white accent edition until really
04:32 remove the card from the standee.
04:34 Let's for right now, at least move the standee out of the way.
04:36 Now onto this side of everything that's going on.
04:39 Flash comes included with all the speed force effects that came included with the original
04:42 Flash Rebirth.
04:44 Included of which, first of all, actually, you know what, before we look at that one,
04:47 I wanted to look at this one.
04:48 He comes a little standee for his foot.
04:50 Now his foot, if you were to have, for example, a figure in a running pose like I had at the
04:53 beginning of review, what you can do is angle his foot like this.
04:57 Take the stand and may look at a lot of place right now.
05:00 And then you just take this peg.
05:01 So instead of this actually attaching onto the standee, you take this part of it and
05:05 you attach that onto the bottom of his heel.
05:07 And then of course, accordingly, you can kind of just bend his foot so it looks like he's
05:09 in a running pose.
05:10 And then from there, you can get Flash more in a running stance.
05:14 The thing about it though, I'm just going to kind of get his arms in somewhat of a makeshift
05:17 running stance.
05:18 The thing about it though, is going back to the stand, I did notice that the hole that
05:22 was on the bottom of it seems larger than the peg that's provided here on the standee.
05:27 So when you are, for example, taking Flash and you're trying to do your best to get him
05:30 to balance, he doesn't balance very well.
05:32 One problem is already facing the fact that the peg is so far back.
05:36 Again, if it only was more closer to the center, I think it could kind of, you know, of course,
05:41 balance off the weight that you would have on either side.
05:43 Usually what I ended up doing when it came to Flash was angling the stand this way and
05:47 sort of then having a little bit more stability on either side.
05:50 The problem still is though, the fact that there's the hole on the bottom is way too
05:53 big for the peg.
05:54 I'm going to put the peg next to the hole.
05:56 You can see how much bigger it actually is.
05:58 It just barely holds it.
06:00 I mean, to the point where I was even surprised the fact I was able to balance Flash on the
06:03 stand.
06:04 It's more just a case again of balancing act.
06:06 You kind of have to just put Flash on there and then put him enough in a running pose
06:10 that like the figure isn't going to fall forward.
06:12 The figure is fine, of course, if you just wanted to do away with this altogether and
06:15 just plug this onto the stand as the hole that's on the bottom of it is just the right
06:19 size to accommodate that peg.
06:21 So there's that option available if you want to.
06:23 This has been nicely done here in translucent yellow, by the way.
06:26 And then he also has an effect piece that plugs onto the back of the figure's body.
06:29 If you look to the back, you'll notice that there's a hole right here and then he has
06:32 this section that plugs then onto the torso.
06:34 Just wedge it in place.
06:36 And then from there, these actually have little angled pieces.
06:39 These are pegged in place and they're actually ratcheted too.
06:41 So you can have them in two different desired directions if you really wanted to.
06:45 It's a bit strange, of course, that you see lightning basically just sticking out the
06:49 back of Flash's body, but certainly from the side, if you have it angled right, it does
06:53 really look good and brings a little bit more pizzazz, I feel, when you're displaying him
06:56 on the table.
06:57 Now, of course, the figure also has a couple of other speed force effects.
07:01 First of which I'll just draw your attention to the fact that he does have holes there
07:03 on his forearm.
07:04 He has holes also down below here by his boots.
07:06 And then choose which ones you want to use.
07:08 He has a longer version and he also has, let me just put the figure down here for a second,
07:12 he has a short version and he has a long version.
07:14 Now choose which one you'd like to use.
07:15 The pegs are exactly the same, so it doesn't really necessarily matter.
07:18 I like to use personally the longer ones, the longer length speed force effects.
07:22 And then they just plug basically onto his boots.
07:24 Do the exact same thing.
07:26 Again, you could go with the larger ones.
07:27 I'm just going to go with the smaller ones myself.
07:29 And then just plugs onto his arm.
07:30 And really between the two, I had all of them at the beginning of this review spinning on
07:33 the turntable with all the speed force effects attached in.
07:36 You can really choose for yourself which ones you'd like to use when it comes to your own
07:39 display.
07:40 So I like those.
07:41 I mean, obviously it does leave behind very glaring holes when you are removing these
07:44 and you don't decide to use them on the figure.
07:46 So yeah, you're going to notice there's a hole right there on his boot and you're going
07:48 to notice obviously there's the hole there on his forearm.
07:51 But if you don't mind that, if you don't mind that at all, I mean, it's a nice little additional
07:54 piece that you can add then onto the figure.
07:57 Moving now closer to look at the Flash.
07:58 Now this one again is the smirking version of the Flash.
08:00 Just to bring back in the original Flash that we had a look at, overlooking the fact that
08:03 obviously the face sculpt is different on the two.
08:05 This is more the grimaced head sculpt of Flash that got packed along with Red Death.
08:09 This is just a regular smiling Flash.
08:10 I think in fact, actually we got this version Flash first as I'm tapping away in his shoulder.
08:14 We got then this version of Flash, not the black and white, mind you, but we got more
08:18 of the smirking Flash in a later release.
08:20 The colors again are done away with altogether for Flash.
08:23 So instead of having more of the brighter red accented then in the yellow, we still
08:27 get the accents of the yellow, but now done away with the red, we're all kind of left
08:30 behind with a gray monotone.
08:32 The head sculpt for what we get is actually a really nice portrait for Flash.
08:35 The problem still faces me at least when it comes to displaying this guy.
08:38 If you ever bagged this guy away, at least with this one, you only put him back in a
08:41 plastic tray.
08:43 But initially my other Flash, putting them in bags at one point, it actually crushed
08:47 these because again, they're made of software plastic.
08:49 I like the length of these.
08:50 And one of my favorite things about the Rebirth Flash was the fact he has a little chin guard.
08:54 It's something I really wish they could have carried over to like a live version of
08:57 Flash.
08:58 I don't know even in the, did Grant Gustin even in the Flash series even have a mouth
09:01 guard?
09:02 I'd have to go back and look at that again.
09:03 But I do like the head sculpt.
09:04 I mean, obviously doing away with all the color, I mean, we're just going to bring
09:07 back in Superman.
09:08 I think one thing it does lend to is the fact that it really gives you a chance to kind
09:12 of appreciate the mold a little bit more by not having colors distracting you.
09:15 Now where Superman would have had the glowing eyes.
09:18 Flash doesn't have necessarily anything that's really glowing on him, at least in
09:20 the face until you get down to his torso.
09:22 And then of course he has the Flash logo there jetting out on the sides and the corners.
09:26 You've got some little jagged lightning bolt effects and those are nicely been painted
09:30 there as well.
09:31 And so strange really to kind of see Flash.
09:33 I mean, it was strange really to see Superman really without his traditional blues, but
09:36 Flash I always kind of consider as a character is always dressed in red and now to only see
09:40 him in gray, it's a little jarring, but I got to say at least the yellow does make
09:43 up for it.
09:44 The yellow works really quite well.
09:46 The only thing about it though is that the yellow on the belt, the yellow on his gloves
09:49 isn't quite the same yellow that he has in his torso.
09:51 So I do wish like the colors were kind of consistent with one another.
09:54 The paint that he also has there on the side of his head, for example, isn't again the
09:57 same yellow that they use for the plastic.
10:00 It's almost as if like the paint that they use is a little bit darker than the actual
10:02 molded yellow plastic.
10:04 It's still close enough, but I kind of wish that the colors were a little bit more consistent
10:07 with one another.
10:08 And then down below, of course, just below the legs, Flash also does have very bright
10:12 yellow boots, which again carry very much.
10:14 I mean, they're not really that much different from the original Flash other than maybe it
10:18 looks like the original Flash may have had more of a brighter lemon yellow, whereas these
10:22 were a little bit more of a gold yellow.
10:24 If you look at the bodies, the bodies are exactly going to be the same.
10:27 And of course the speed force effects on both the Flash plug in in the exact same spots.
10:31 So really if you didn't have, for example, the speed force effects with this version
10:34 of Flash, let's just say, for example, they just did away with the speed force effects
10:37 and just decided instead to opt in only just the display stand and opt in only just the
10:42 trading card stand, then really if you weren't already using those speed force effects from
10:46 the other Flash, hey, why not?
10:47 You could just plug them into this figure's body instead.
10:49 And of course, yellow would have still stayed the same.
10:52 You just simply would have used it with this figure instead.
10:54 Now for the figure's articulation, going back first to his head sculpt, it is on a ball
10:57 joint so it does rotate the head all the way around.
11:00 While you're doing that, of course, just make sure you're not pinching these in the process.
11:04 Head does look up and the head looks also down and you can rock it back and forth as
11:07 well.
11:08 As for the shoulders, they do rotate all the way around.
11:10 They're on pin and hinge joints.
11:11 You can take those arms and bring them out easily at 90 degrees.
11:14 I mean, even to the point a little bit over 90 degrees, I would say.
11:18 There's a swivel at the bicep.
11:19 The figure does have a double hinge on the elbow so he can pat himself on the back when
11:22 he's doing a job well done.
11:24 And the figure also has a swivel in his hand.
11:25 You can rotate it all the way around.
11:27 The upper torso is on a ball joint.
11:29 Again, also one thing I just want to say, I want to stop myself before I get to the
11:32 rest of the articulation on the figure.
11:33 I do really like the more tapered, narrow body that he has for the Flash.
11:36 Obviously, though, with the abdomen being the size that it is, it does draw a little
11:40 bit more attention to the fact that the top of his torso is clearly more of a separate
11:43 piece.
11:44 It's not kind of as consistent, but I do like the more of the narrow body of Flash.
11:49 Going back though to the articulation, the upper torso is in fact on a ball joint so
11:52 it rotates all the way around.
11:54 The lower abdomen area, just behind the belt, is actually on a ball joint too.
11:57 So you can hinge that back and forth as well.
12:00 Legs once again are on ratchet joints.
12:01 You can split the legs by that far.
12:03 You can take the legs and move them forward.
12:04 You can move them back.
12:05 And this, by the way, is once again using a softer plastic.
12:08 You may not notice it in the camera, but you certainly will notice it if you have the figure
12:11 in front of you.
12:12 The original Flash also had a softer body that they used down below, below the belt.
12:17 The figure does, like I said, have a double hinge on the knee, a little bit tighter on
12:19 this figure.
12:21 And just straighten out the figure once again.
12:22 He does have no swivel here in the boots.
12:24 It's just actually one continuous piece from the rest of the calf, but he has at least
12:28 an ankle pivot back and forth, back and forth this way.
12:30 And he has already, already mentioned, you can already see for yourself, he does also
12:33 the toe articulation as well.
12:35 The only thing about this Flash is, at least on the original one that I have, the ankle
12:39 started to develop looseness because I always had the figure in a running pose.
12:43 I'm not sure if I'm going to necessarily do it with this version of Flash, considering
12:46 he's also limited only to 3,000 copies.
12:47 But I do like the idea at least that they gave him once again, all those same speed
12:51 force effects that came included with the original Flash.
12:54 The only thing about it though, is that once again, going back to that display stand, it's
12:58 probably even easier to show you guys now that Flash is over there and we've got the
13:01 stand over here.
13:02 If you again, look at the way they've got the little stand ease speed force effect,
13:05 and you look at the size of the hole and you look at the size of the peg, the two really
13:09 don't hold well enough together.
13:11 I might even just go back, not that I really want to start adding things to something that's
13:14 only 3,000 copies.
13:16 I almost feel like I almost, I could probably even go back to the speed force effect now
13:20 that I'm even thinking about it right now.
13:21 Instead of actually doing anything to this one, go back to the original speed force effect
13:24 and see if I can actually just thicken the inside of the hole so it fits a little bit
13:28 better on the stand.
13:29 I mean, it's obviously not going to be a case where I can hold the stand upright just by
13:32 plugging this in place.
13:33 I mean, like I said, it just, it doesn't hold up well enough and that's going to cause some
13:37 problems if you're looking to get the fastest man alive to actually be in any bit of a running
13:40 pose using at least that stand that's provided.
13:45 I just took a trip over to BBTS and sure enough, putting in black and white accent edition
13:49 Flash, I couldn't find him.
13:50 I did see listings though for the black and white accent editions of Spawn, Joker, Martian
13:55 Manhunter and the earlier looked at Superman, but Barry Allen's whereabouts remain unknown
14:00 unless potentially this is a figure that's still yet to be released over on Big Bad Toy
14:03 Store.
14:04 But unfortunately, once again, like the Superman that we looked at before, he's going to be
14:08 limited to only 3000 pieces worldwide.
14:11 That means if you guys are interested to get this one for yourself, you're going to have
14:13 to jump on over to Big Bad Toy Store as soon as the listing is already shown or you have
14:18 the risk of this guy selling out and then you're going to have to try to track one down
14:21 over on eBay.
14:22 I would say certainly when it comes to picking this piece up.
14:24 Is it worth it?
14:25 I would say yes.
14:26 If you are one that likes the accent edition of these figures, the fact that the colors
14:30 are mostly just done away with and only taking it seems like one inspired color.
14:35 Superman was more the red, Flash is more the yellow.
14:37 I wonder if we were to get say a Batman, for example, I would imagine that the colors that
14:41 they would have chose for his quote accent color would likely be blue.
14:44 But I do like the way that the yellow does bounce off an otherwise very dark, very gray
14:49 version of Barry Allen as well.
14:51 He does have the speed force effects.
14:52 Now I've only opted to use one of them.
14:54 You don't have to really commit to the idea of using all of them just because it's packed
14:57 in with the figure doesn't necessarily mean that you have to use all those accessories.
15:02 If you'd like to just be very selective of those accessories that you use, just use a
15:05 couple of them.
15:06 I've just only got the one plugged on the back of the figure's body.
15:08 So it kind of looks like he's skidding and sliding into the scene.
15:12 Really like the way I've got him posed right now.
15:14 Now the figure does have again that display stand.
15:16 He does have again that podium stand that holds the trading card, but he does also have
15:21 the speed force effects that we got carried over from the earlier look at Flash.
15:24 The only thing about it as shown in this review is that that one piece that he's supposed
15:28 to stand on top of the giving you a little skidding effect of the speed force doesn't
15:32 really properly plug in place as the hole that's on the bottom of the speed force is
15:36 way too large to accommodate the peg that's from the stand.
15:40 Other than that though, I really liked the way that this one did turn out.
15:42 And again, a big thank you to the folks over at McFarland toys that did provide, yes, this
15:46 sample of the Big Bad Toy Store exclusive 2023 limited edition rebirth black and white
15:52 accent edition Flash.
15:53 I don't even know how I'm going to fit that all in the title, but what I do know though
15:56 is that this guy is, we are going to be looking at some more DC multiverse reviews.
16:00 So of course, if you guys didn't want to miss out on anything that's coming up to this channel,
16:04 if you haven't already done so, and you guys certainly enjoyed this video, want to hit
16:06 with a like, but if you guys do want to stick around for more, do the things of course of
16:10 hitting that subscribe button as step number one and step number two, make sure you're
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16:14 Of course, as I already mentioned, we are going to be looking at some more DC multiverse
16:18 stuff, but if this hasn't fit your fancy and you certainly want to check out some more
16:21 popping up also at the very end of this video will be a playlist of other DC multiverse
16:25 stuff I've been looking at in the past as always guys, thanks for watching.
16:29 See you guys next time.
16:30 [Music]
16:36 (logo thuds)
