Spero Studios Animal Warriors of the Kingdom General Thang Figure

  • 5 months ago
Spero Studios Animal Warriors of the Kingdom General Thang Figure
00:00 It would be best advised to not bring the war to his door.
00:03 Here's a look at the Spiro Animal Warriors of the Kingdom Primal Series General Thane.
00:28 This mighty warrior leads the Chinari forces with his wife Mala,
00:32 a kind and nurturing leader who cares deeply for his people and is a formidable warrior and tactician.
00:38 Standing quite large and in charge, before we get a closer look at General Thane,
00:42 let me send a big thank you once again to the folks over at Spiro Toys.
00:45 They were kind enough to provide this sample of the Animal Warriors of the Kingdom General Thane that we can have a look at.
00:50 We have already looked at Kali, which we will be bringing in a second for comparison's sake.
00:54 Though for General Thane, he's quite large again. He's about 8 inches in height, or the figure is going to be about 20 centimeters tall.
01:01 Two very different figures of two very different builds.
01:05 We're going to slide over General Thane that we're about to have a look at and bring in the earlier looked at Kali.
01:10 One thing I really wanted to say that as a compliment to the company,
01:13 I think Spiro is really nailing when it comes to the paint.
01:16 The color schemes though are different from one another,
01:18 maybe have something to do with their tribe differences from one another as well.
01:22 Kali going with more the gold and the vibrant blue.
01:25 On the other hand though, General Thane is going with this very vibrant metallic pink.
01:29 And unlike Kali, General Thane actually comes in clue with a secondary head portrait,
01:35 something that the earlier emperor couldn't actually say that he had.
01:38 Not only does he come in clue with an additional head, but the figure also has two additional pairs of hands.
01:44 One pair of hands in fact were actually included already with the tray with Thane.
01:50 These are these closed fisted hands, nicely detailed, very well painted as well.
01:54 These can be easily, I don't want to say easily, they can be swapped out from his forearms,
01:59 though it did take a little bit of time and patience to actually remove the hands from their sockets.
02:03 Then packaged inside of an orange baggie, the figure also comes in clue with these hands as well.
02:08 May have something to do with the large war hammer that he wields.
02:11 May also just do more for mauling hands, but either way the figure hands are nicely detailed.
02:16 It looks to be as well they took the time to even go in there and paint the individual fingernails.
02:21 All these attentions to detail are things I certainly appreciate.
02:25 Then let's talk a little bit about his war hammer. Get a good load of this.
02:29 The hammer itself has been cast in what I'm guessing to be more of a dark gunmetal grey.
02:33 And then they've painted the bands in blue with some additional brown in the middle there as well.
02:37 This looks like it could inflict some serious damage, especially being wielded with a monkey this size.
02:43 The gorilla can hold it in either one of his hands, though you will have to pry the fingers away from the palm in order to do this.
02:49 I would always really recommend as well, and even on the packaging they said as well,
02:52 that if you're having any tough time with the joints, just heat them first before you start to move forward.
02:57 That also can be applied as well when it comes to his hands.
03:00 The hands themselves, the plastic is such of a good quality,
03:04 I ended up having to heat the hands in hot water in order for the grip to get a little wider than what it is.
03:10 Once the hand is of a grip wide enough, you can then take the war hammer and wedge it in place.
03:15 The only thing, unfortunately though, with the time that I've had now breaking in between,
03:19 the plastic has now started to cool, so I'm going to have even a harder now time to get the war hammer in place.
03:25 But it still though manages to get in between his grip.
03:28 It just takes a little bit more persuading in order to do that.
03:31 And boy, does that ever look nice to have the hammer in his hands.
03:34 And because also with the size of his hands, you can also bring the war hammer across,
03:38 and he would be able to wield it with both hands.
03:40 Although again, this is going to involve me a little more prying to get these off.
03:43 Speaking of which prying, like I did say though earlier, the hands were really hard to actually get off.
03:49 I had to really heat them first, and even then it took a lot of pressure and pulling to finally get the hands off.
03:55 The hands then can be swapped out with any one of the hands that were already included with the figure.
04:00 I'm just going to get the hand back in place here for a second.
04:02 One of the other things that come included with the figure as well,
04:04 is this really interesting looking alternate portrait.
04:07 I'm guessing this is now when Thane is going into battle leading his troops.
04:11 Now you can see now he is adorned in this really interesting looking war helmet.
04:15 The helmet itself is made of softer plastic, by you can see the way I'm prying it away from his face.
04:20 But it does also give him a much angrier looking portrait that lends really well,
04:23 also as well with the armor that he's had currently on his body.
04:27 Now one thing I did also discover about the armor of Thane is the fact it seems to be removable.
04:31 So for example, seeing as this hand was already removed anyways,
04:34 you can take the hand off and you can slide the armor pieces off completely.
04:38 That seems to be the case across the board.
04:41 He's picking up his armor right now.
04:42 It seems to be the case across the board.
04:44 The only one I couldn't seem to move is this one right here.
04:47 It may just be a case that's really tight around the plastic arms,
04:51 or it may also be the case that it's adhered to the body.
04:53 But it seems to be the case that you can remove the skirting.
04:56 You can also as well remove the boots, or the guards in front of his legs.
05:00 This was a lot harder for me to do.
05:02 In fact, I couldn't even get the feet actually off, and that's even after heating them.
05:06 But it seems to be the case that these are separate from what I can see at least.
05:10 For all intents and purposes, I would imagine you'd be able to take them off.
05:13 If you wanted to take off, say, this shoulder piece armor,
05:15 first of all, let's actually go ahead and take that the hammer and remove it from his hand,
05:19 just because I know it's going to be getting in the way of things.
05:21 Again, I would really say heat these with hot water.
05:25 I mean, thank goodness there's this much clearance with only the handle in the middle.
05:29 It's a lot actually easier to remove that.
05:31 But it also seems as well like this can be removed.
05:33 But if you wanted to, say, remove this piece,
05:35 all you really need to do is just remove the head first,
05:37 and then this whole entire part can slide over the socket.
05:41 So if you wanted to have the figure displayed, for example, without it,
05:44 one thing it does also give you a chance to see is the talented sculpting that they incorporated to the figure,
05:49 where you can see some scarring very visibly on the front of Thane's chest.
05:52 Personally, for me, I'd like the idea of more displaying him really with the armor myself.
05:57 But if you did want to change the head out, say, from the more neutral expression,
06:01 which we really didn't even get the chance to have a look at first,
06:03 really well sculpted, again, really nicely painted there as well, the front of his face.
06:07 He certainly seems a little kinder in this head sculpt versus the one that we're about to change him out for.
06:12 Just let's put that back into the ball joint for right now, at least.
06:15 Bringing the other alternate head sculpts, you can see the difference between the two.
06:19 It may just also be the fact I just really like the use of this metallic blue.
06:23 It isn't quite the same metallic blue that they used earlier for Kali.
06:26 It seems to be definitely a lot more shinier, but it matches, obviously, the coloring that he has there on the gauntlet there,
06:31 or the part that at least protects his forearm.
06:33 Changing out the heads, we're just going to go ahead and pop the head off for right now.
06:36 We're going to pop in and then the new head.
06:38 For me, at least, I'm going to be displaying the figure I feel with this head sculpt instead,
06:41 just because I think it's got a lot more personality going for it.
06:44 It is a little harder, I will say, to get this back in place.
06:47 The socket, for all intents and purposes, is the same size of the ball joint,
06:51 but every single time you go to put the head back in place,
06:54 what ultimately ends up happening is it ends up moving the ball joint.
06:58 Realizing that the plastic may have cooled a little bit too much,
07:02 I went back with the hair dryer once again and just heated the under socket of Thane's head
07:06 before trying to attempt again to get the head back onto the ball joint.
07:10 It involves a little less than exertion on your part to get the head properly in place,
07:14 and once in place, it does look quite good.
07:16 The thing I noticed, though, about this head sculpt, say, over this one,
07:20 is that this one is a little bit more prone to popping off.
07:23 It may have something to do with the fact I don't have the head completely securely attached onto the ball joint,
07:27 but even moving his arms back and forth, especially this one,
07:30 moving his arm too far forward sometimes then ultimately pushes the shoulder pad armor right into his head,
07:35 and that's one thing that pushes the head off.
07:37 Again, it may be just a case that I don't have the head completely in place.
07:41 Though, with the head now in place, you really get a chance to see the consistent colors,
07:45 where now you've got that metallic salmon representing here, again, the armor that he has on his body,
07:50 but again, like that really nice metallic blue that he's got on his helmet matches that of the forearm guard, of course,
07:55 and he's also got that in the knee pads.
07:57 While we're still on the subject of his lower half, at least,
08:00 you can see he's proportionally a lot bigger, obviously, in the top torso than he is in the lower half.
08:04 Thane, for example, doesn't have...
08:06 He has still the same range of motion, for example, as Kali from before,
08:10 but just again, he's got smaller quarters to contend with.
08:14 It's a little harder to kind of get in there, just because, again,
08:17 you're dealing with much smaller legs this time around.
08:19 But again, like the detail work that they incorporate into this figure,
08:22 it looks just as good from the front as it does to the back,
08:25 and even the places that normally you could easily hide non-sculpted areas,
08:29 like underneath his armor, for example.
08:31 The fact that these all have to be removed, you'd know that they'd have to go in there and finish it,
08:35 and everything, every part of Thane looks, again, just as good as it does from the front.
08:39 Now, the thing about the figure as well, when it comes to the articulation,
08:42 he still more or less retains the same posability as he earlier looked at Kali.
08:48 It's just, again, like you're dealing with a much larger body this time around.
08:51 For the head, it's going to be on a ball joint, so it does move back and forth,
08:54 but because, again, like the head is so close in quarters to his torso,
08:57 it's a little harder to kind of move his head around.
08:59 It moves up to about that high, it looks down about that low,
09:03 and of course you can rock it back and forth.
09:05 The thing, again, when it comes to this particular arm as well, moving it forward and back,
09:08 sometimes, if, again, you don't have the head completely attached onto the ball joint,
09:11 this has happened to me a couple of times already.
09:13 I think I've got it good okay this time, but moving it back and forth sometimes,
09:16 and especially bringing his arm out, either the hand will fall off,
09:19 like it's going to be doing just right about now, or the head is going to pop off.
09:23 We want to make sure everything's kind of back in place.
09:25 I know it's just simply a case where I don't have it completely securely attached,
09:29 and, again, I may have to just kind of heat the hand a little bit more to get that properly in place.
09:32 This arm is fine and good. I mean, this arm's going to rotate all the way around.
09:35 There's no hindrances necessarily by the fact that there's no armor,
09:38 and, again, while I'm rotating this, I don't know if you can actually tell this or not,
09:42 but it seems to be almost a ratcheted joint that they've got in the shoulders.
09:45 So it rotates quite securely. You can also as well bring the arm up.
09:49 Now, even though he has very large shoulders and an equally large body,
09:53 he still manages, I'm surprised to see, a pulled-off 90-degree angle bend.
09:57 Of course, the figure does have a bicep swivel, even though it's a much larger bicep this time around,
10:02 and he also has just a single hinge in the elbow this time around.
10:06 Hands do rotate back and forth. The figure does have an upper torso crunch.
10:10 So, again, you get that ratcheted joint at play here,
10:13 so it can bring the torso further forward this way,
10:16 or, again, you can bring the torso back that way as well.
10:19 You can rotate the waist back and forth. The legs do split, and, again,
10:22 like, this is going to be something that's going to be a little bit more limited,
10:25 just because, again, like, the skirt's so close, really, to the knees,
10:28 but the legs do split about that far out.
10:30 You can take the legs and move them forward. You can move them back.
10:32 There's a bend at the knee. It does allow, in theory, as well, the lower leg to rotate as well back and forth,
10:37 and, again, the figure does also have foot articulation, both up and down this way,
10:41 and you can also rock it back and forth this way as well.
10:43 I love—I interrupted myself with a train of thought—I love the look of General Thane.
10:48 I mean, to be really also fair, too—just get the figure to stand here—
10:52 I also was a big fan of Kali, too.
10:54 It's really interesting to see two different complete takes on characters.
10:58 Of course, you've got the larger proportions here happening for General Thane,
11:01 the more skinnier, leaner look for Kali, but really well executed by the folks over at Spiro.
11:06 If given, really, the choice between the two, I think my favorite, I would say, is General Thane.
11:11 He's just got, again, a lot of cool character going on for him.
11:14 I also really want to give him, as well, awarded points for the fact that the figure does also have an additional head,
11:19 something that Kali, even though he really is a conquest leader, can't really say that he has himself.
11:24 I really, again, like the way they've executed General Thane.
11:28 The thing about, again, the armor, even though it is technically removable for all intensive purposes,
11:32 from what I can see, again, you can remove it on the forearms, you can remove it, again, clearly on the shoulder pads,
11:36 and it seems to also be the case that you can remove it on his lower half, as well.
11:39 I would ask, really, the question, I mean, underneath all that, you would imagine, would just be a gorilla body.
11:43 Why would you want to remove the armor?
11:45 Why would you want to take off all the work and all the effort and all the great sculpting that Spiro put into this piece in the first place?
11:51 I say, personally, and I'm not going to sway you, I hope, in any one direction,
11:54 I would say, personally, leave on the armor, because that's the best trait of General Thane here.
11:58 Due to the obvious size and weight of General Thane, if you are looking to get this figure for yourself,
12:03 and you're worried about the stability of him, just know that while display stands aren't sadly included with the animal warriors of the kingdom,
12:10 they are, though, using the same diameter size peg hole in the undersides of their feet.
12:14 Here we go, what does that mean?
12:15 You can use a display stand from another figure company, just to ensure some additional stability is on the bottom of Thane's feet.
12:21 I've got the figure here in final looks, displayed with Warhammer in both of his hands,
12:25 can be effectively done by using the hinging in his elbows.
12:29 Even though it's only just one single hinge, he doesn't have the double hinge, for example, like Kali, that we looked at earlier,
12:35 but the single hinge is more than enough to effectively have him holding the hammer in both his hands.
12:39 And while it seems to be the case that you can remove the armor on General Thane,
12:43 I personally prefer the look of having him more armored up.
12:46 But it looks to be the case that, as you saw in this review, you can remove the shoulder, you can remove at least the forearm guards,
12:51 and I would imagine the same rule applies as well for his lower half, even though I had a real hard time to actually remove his feet.
12:57 The feet were one thing I just wanted to leave in place, because I'm sure it would be a harder time to then get his feet back in place,
13:02 but it looks to be the case that you can remove his armor.
13:05 I personally would just rather leave the armor on myself, but there's also that option if you prefer that look instead.
13:10 Once again, though, a big thank you to the folks over at Spiro that did provide this sample of the brand new Animal Warriors of the Kingdom Primal Series General Thane.
13:17 What a fantastic figure this is.
13:19 If you guys are interested to check out more from Spiro, you can go to www.spirotoys.com.
13:24 Don't worry, don't worry, I'll also put it in the description down below in the video.
13:27 Also, as well, if you guys enjoyed this video, I want to hit it with a like.
13:30 If you guys are loving the content you guys are seeing, and you would like to stick around for more,
13:33 while we have wrapped up things right now, at least for the Animal Warriors of the Kingdom,
13:37 there's definitely going to be a lot more videos coming your way.
13:39 As always, guys, thanks for watching. See you guys next time.
13:42 [outro]
