Pop Mart Universal Monsters Blind Box Figurines
00:00 Taking a seat with some silver screen screamers.
00:04 What's inside the Popmart Universal Monsters vinyl figures?
00:15 I did in fact actually pick up three of these and I did find these online.
00:19 You know one of those Facebook ads that pop up while you're looking at other things that
00:23 happen to be one of those things.
00:25 And I decided that curiosity got the better of me and I in fact picked up not just one,
00:29 not just two, but three of the Universal Monsters from Popmart.
00:34 Along with my purchase that finally arrived, I think it actually took about three and a
00:38 half weeks for these actually to start to show up.
00:40 Along with that though I got myself, I think it's a postcard.
00:44 Again you got on the front here Skull Panda, Everyday Wonderland.
00:47 And on the back I'm sure I could probably send this off to somebody, right in my name.
00:51 Just "Hi, how are you?"
00:53 Greetings from far off places, hopefully those far off places aren't a cemetery.
00:58 And along with that as well I got myself, I'm guessing these to be stickers.
01:01 I haven't even opened these up yet, but this also again comes to us from the folks over
01:05 at Popmart.
01:06 The prices were reasonable on these.
01:08 I wanted to guess that they were about like $15 a piece.
01:11 They may have been even more than that.
01:12 Don't worry, I'll put the link down below in the video description.
01:15 Let's open this up as carefully as I can get this.
01:17 Just cut the seal that's on the back.
01:19 Again I think these are stickers.
01:21 These weren't by the way part of the purchase.
01:23 These just simply I guess were things that were added.
01:24 Why am I destroying this packaging?
01:26 These were included along with my purchase.
01:28 I guess they were just nice enough to throw these extra things in.
01:32 I don't know if these are, maybe they're tattoos.
01:35 Let's just look again at the packaging here.
01:37 It doesn't say anywhere on it what exactly it is.
01:40 Maybe it does say on the back.
01:42 I don't see anything.
01:43 Let's just peel the back on one of these.
01:45 I know obviously this isn't the real reason why you guys are here.
01:49 It is sticky, but is it a sticker?
01:52 Curiosity, curiosity.
01:53 I'm just going to leave those.
01:54 Anyways, I did get these also as well.
01:57 Some of these are pretty cool.
01:58 I like this one.
01:59 We also got a couple others.
02:01 There's a mummy, little skeletons.
02:03 Yeah, these are kind of fun.
02:04 I just don't honestly know what they're supposed to be.
02:07 Maybe they are tattoos, but I mean they're sticky as if they're, maybe they are something
02:11 you're supposed to put on your arm and then wet the back of it.
02:14 You think somewhere in this would be actual instructions exactly of what these things
02:18 were.
02:19 Anyways, the whole real reason, moving those aside, the whole real reason why I got these
02:24 was for the universal monsters.
02:25 Now not only are they cute little universal monsters, but they're also sitting inside
02:30 seats and I would imagine that you could take them in the seats and maybe not connect them
02:34 together, but you can have them all side by side.
02:37 All of the boxes, by the way, say Frankenstein and I'm hoping it's not just Frankenstein
02:41 as these are obviously random boxes.
02:43 The characters are included are Frankenstein, the Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula, the mummy,
02:48 the Wolfman, Van Helsing, the creature from the Black Lagoon, the Phantom of the Opera
02:51 and the Invisible Man.
02:54 I did want to actually look at these during, oh and there's also this one as well, which
02:57 looks almost to be Jack the Ripper, but it looks to be just a variation of Vellant Van
03:01 Helsing, so I don't know if it's supposed to be Jack the Ripper.
03:03 I was really wanting to look at these during the month of Spottober and of course just
03:06 by the time that these actually did finally show up, we're looking at them right now.
03:10 So we're going to go ahead and open these up.
03:12 I don't in fact think I need myself a knife, so what I'll do instead is just pull the
03:16 top of these, open up the box here, try not to make as much of a mess.
03:21 The first one that we got, there's the seats and then we've got the monster inside and
03:27 then there's also a card.
03:28 I would imagine the card is probably going to tell us exactly who the character is and
03:32 I don't want to ruin that just yet.
03:34 Let's take right now, we'll take my cutchins and we'll just cut carefully the plastic and
03:37 not cut myself.
03:38 So you get yourself a little theater seat.
03:43 Would it be safe to assume that all the seats are going to be, oh it says Bride of Frankenstein.
03:47 Now I just ruined exactly who the character was.
03:50 Okay, I'll know that next time.
03:52 Don't look on the back of the seat because it'll tell me exactly who it is.
03:54 I guess based on that, we'll look at the card.
03:56 Yeah, the card is the Bride of Frankenstein.
03:58 Biscuits.
03:59 So let's go ahead and cut the bag now that we already know exactly who this is.
04:04 Next time I'll know not to look at it.
04:06 And there's the Bride of Frankenstein.
04:08 Now they're all going to be in seated positions with the idea in mind that they're going to
04:11 be sitting on, obviously on top of their seat.
04:14 They're cute little characters.
04:15 I really like the design of these.
04:17 I mean, they don't have any articulation.
04:19 There's no posability happening here.
04:21 I can't tell.
04:22 Is she actually eating a Dorito?
04:24 Maybe it's popcorn.
04:25 Oh, from the side.
04:26 It looks more like popcorn from the front.
04:28 It looks like she's eating a nacho Dorito.
04:29 Of course, you can take your character, plunk her on top of her seat.
04:35 And then again, when we have the other ones, I really should have grabbed more than three.
04:38 It seems whenever I do like blind bags and blind boxes, I always tend to get three because
04:42 I always think to myself, what's the chances?
04:44 What's the chances?
04:45 What are the chances?
04:46 Of course, you would take your characters and put them on either side.
04:48 So there's the Bride of Frankenstein.
04:49 I like the look of her.
04:51 Let's open up the next box here.
04:54 They don't really have a real weight difference.
04:56 Oh, by the way, the ones that I was really the most interested to get was actually Frankenstein.
05:00 I would love really to get the Invisible Man.
05:03 Even the Wolfman looks kind of cool as well and Dracula.
05:05 I mean, really like all of them are pretty cool.
05:08 Opening up the next box though.
05:11 They seem to all store, by the way, these little moisture packs.
05:15 You want to make sure if you have yourself a cat or a small little child that likes to
05:18 put things in their mouths, you want to make sure that this is nowhere near them.
05:21 So I'm going to throw those away right after this review.
05:23 I'm not going to look at the seats because I know right away that's going to give away
05:27 exactly who the character is.
05:29 So hard to pull the bag out and keep the seat inside.
05:32 There we go.
05:33 Okay.
05:34 I don't know who exactly this is.
05:37 In a way, it sort of does feel a little like the Bride.
05:40 No, I feel feet.
05:41 Okay.
05:42 So we know that's not the Bride of Frankenstein.
05:43 Let's open up the next bag.
05:45 Oh, come on.
05:46 I would love to get a Frankenstein to go along with Bride of Frankenstein.
05:49 And what I got instead was, I'm guessing it's the Phantom of the Opera.
05:54 Now does he come with a mask?
05:56 Here's the, he should have a mask.
05:59 Maybe the mask is in the other bag.
06:01 I don't certainly see anything inside this bag.
06:04 But we've got the Phantom of the Opera.
06:05 He looks a little, I don't know if he seems worried.
06:09 Maybe he's realizing he's taken Frankenstein's seat.
06:11 He's thinking, "Oh, the moment Frankenstein comes over, he's going to realize I've taken
06:15 his seat."
06:16 There's, of course, the Phantom of the Opera's card.
06:19 Also as well, the seats.
06:21 And in the seat, along with the seat, also is the mask.
06:24 Oh, there's a little flower there as well.
06:26 Oh, that flower will be lost right away.
06:28 So I want to make sure I get that out.
06:30 Just put that right over there.
06:32 Let's cut the bag as well and get the mask out.
06:35 I like the idea that the mask is removable.
06:37 We'll also cut the bag here and take the chair out.
06:40 Okay.
06:41 So there's the chair, Phantom of the Opera.
06:43 Right?
06:44 Nice, nice looking chair.
06:45 Let's go ahead and get the mask on his face.
06:48 So it looks to be like the mask just, it probably obviously only goes one way.
06:52 And that just fits on his face.
06:55 It fits well too.
06:56 I mean, I guess it's supposed to sit really underneath his hair.
06:59 These kind of look like characters from like Pixar.
07:02 Now he does have the section to hold the flower.
07:04 So we're just going to go ahead and put the mask on first.
07:08 Mask looks good on the Phantom of the Opera.
07:09 We'll go ahead and get the flower, get that into his hand as well.
07:13 Now the flower sits really loose.
07:15 So we want to make sure that you don't bang it by mistake.
07:17 Oh, by the way, as well, let's just move Phantom off here.
07:21 I want to look and see if the chairs are exactly the same.
07:24 They look to be the same other than this one's got a little fiber on there.
07:27 They look to be identical.
07:28 Of course, the only thing that's different is the writing that's on the back of the chair.
07:31 So of course you can take yourself the Phantom of the Opera, put him right there.
07:35 And we can also take ourselves the Bride of Frankenstein.
07:37 We'll put her right there.
07:38 And hey, now you can have the two seating together.
07:41 The last one that we get, oh, I'm really hoping for a Frankenstein because I think actually
07:45 with Frankenstein, you can take the head off the top of his head off and he's got the juicy
07:49 brain inside.
07:51 It also looks as well he's holding something.
07:52 I think it's a jack-o-lantern.
07:53 Oh, he's got the popcorn.
07:55 So he's got the bowl of the popcorn and then Bride of Frankenstein looks like she's eating
07:59 off of him.
08:00 Apparently she didn't want to order her own thing of popcorn.
08:02 Okay, so let's open up the last box.
08:05 I can only hope by now with already two in.
08:07 At least we're going to get ourselves, I think even on the site, they say that when you're
08:11 ordering these, they want to make sure that you're going to be getting, I'm just gonna
08:14 put that over there.
08:15 They want to make sure that you're going to be getting, I think it makes much mention
08:18 of this on their site that they're going to be specifically selecting ones so that you're
08:22 not going to be getting the exact same ones.
08:24 And of course you can also get yourself the entire case.
08:26 Why was that so hard to spit out?
08:28 But the last one we're going to get, not looking still at the chair, is, is, is, oh, not really
08:36 who I wanted.
08:37 I got Van Helsing here.
08:38 I'm assuming it to be Van Helsing.
08:39 Yeah, he's right over there.
08:41 By the way, Bride of Frankenstein is one of nine.
08:44 Phantom of the Opera is one of nine.
08:46 Van Helsing is one of nine.
08:48 They're all one of nine.
08:50 So it'd be safe to say if you were, if you were safe, for example, go out and get yourself
08:53 a case of these, then the case would have all of the characters.
08:56 Cause I think, I think the case is of nine characters, nine boxes at least.
09:00 We'll take that out.
09:02 He also comes included with a sign of beer.
09:05 So it looks like he's got himself a crossbow.
09:07 So we'll go ahead and free those accessories right now as well.
09:10 Carefully, carefully taking those out.
09:13 So he comes with, oh, he's got a little trigger firing finger.
09:17 So we'll put the crossbow in the one hand and then carefully we'll take the mug of beer,
09:22 the stein of beer, and that I think just wedges into his hand.
09:26 Just kind of like that.
09:28 All right.
09:29 And there's Van Helsing.
09:30 Very nicely painted on really all of these.
09:33 Still very tempted to go back and buy more of these also.
09:36 If I do, of course I'll do a follow up video.
09:38 You guys will get the chance to see these.
09:39 I like the way they painted the shirt, for example, green, the nice long tailed jacket
09:43 there in brown.
09:44 That's yeah, I really wasn't looking forward to getting Van Helsing, but now having had
09:48 him, he's actually a nice looking figure.
09:50 And of course he was on the back of his chair, Van Helsing.
09:54 It has a year as well.
09:55 May 6th, 2004.
09:56 Did I even look at these?
09:58 So that's, that's probably Van Helsing.
10:00 Of course, Hugh Jackman's Van Helsing from 2004.
10:03 Bride of Frankenstein.
10:04 Yeah.
10:05 1935.
10:06 And which, which date did they go with for Phantom of the Opera?
10:08 Okay.
10:09 1943.
10:10 So it's a 1943 Phantom of the Opera.
10:12 So we're going to go ahead and put the bride there.
10:16 And then again, we'll take ourselves Van Helsing.
10:19 He can sit on the chair and really also when they put them, when you put them on the chair,
10:22 you don't really, this one leans back a little bit better than the others, but you want to
10:24 have them kind of leaning more forward and that's what they look like on the chairs.
10:28 Yeah.
10:29 Again, I really like these figures.
10:31 It's more on a whim than anything else.
10:33 I had, saw these online again, when it was one of those Facebook popped up ads and never
10:38 really can be sure when you're ordering these things online, whether you're actually even
10:41 going to get these things in the mail or when you get them in the mail, are they going to
10:44 look exactly like they do online?
10:46 And you know, now that I've actually had the chance to order these, I could definitely
10:49 see myself wanting to order more.
10:51 Definitely would like to get at least the Frankenstein.
10:52 I'm, I might even venture to try to get myself a case.
10:55 I don't really know.
10:56 Have you had though the chance to pick up these?
10:58 And if you have, which ones do you have in your collection or maybe you're lucky enough
11:01 to have all what I guess all nine, I guess nine plus the 10, the 10 is the secret, right?
11:07 Have you been collecting these?
11:08 Let me know down below in the comment section.
11:09 If you guys certainly enjoyed this video, I hit with a like, if you guys are loving
11:12 the content you guys are seeing and you'd like to see me do more of these pop mart universal
11:16 monster figures, let me know down below in the comment section.
11:18 Make sure, yeah, you hit that subscribe button down below that.
11:21 Yeah.
11:22 Also you're turning on the bell notification, but mostly yeah, that you're coming back here
11:25 on a regular basis.
11:26 Of course, as always guys, thanks for watching.
11:28 See you guys next time.
11:29 Bye.
11:30 Bye.
11:31 Bye.
11:34 (whooshing)