• l’année dernière


00:00Hi! Ha! Ha!
00:02Let's go!
00:04Chip, you're fantastic
00:06In everything you do
00:08There's Little Mama
00:09Little Papa
00:10Spud and Niko too
00:12Chip and Potato
00:14Chip and Potato
00:16Chip and Potato
00:20Hugs and kisses
00:26Welcome happy hoppers
00:28Eggs and coats on pegs please
00:30Good morning Chip
00:32Morning Mr. Diggerty
00:33Oh, it's not like you to be last into class
00:35Oh, I did not get much sleep last night Mr. Diggerty
00:39Sorry, so I'm a little bit tired
00:42Oh, well, come and have a seat Chip
00:46It's time to take attendance class
00:48Are you ready for class Potato?
00:50Oh Potato, you're so sleepy in your hoodie
00:54Football practice in the middle of the night has made us both sleepy
00:58Time to wake up, we're at kindergarten
01:15I know you're here somewhere little pug
01:20Oups! Here Mr...
01:22The chrysalis! Look!
01:25It twitched!
01:28It's moving!
01:31Sit down Howie
01:33Well done Chip, the chrysalis is moving
01:38Now if the chrysalis is moving, what diggly day do you think today is?
01:43Butterfly day!
01:44That's right!
01:45Do you all remember our little caterpillar buddy who we put in this box a little while ago?
01:50Oh yeah, I remember
01:53It ate and ate and ate, didn't it?
01:56And then what did it do?
01:58It went to sleep
01:59In that thing it made, the chrysalis
02:01That's right Mona!
02:02It looks like the caterpillar is ready to come out of its chrysalis today
02:07And it only comes out when it has turned into a...
02:14I can't wait to see the butterfly fly!
02:18Now happy hoppers, sneak over there very carefully and have a closer look, together
02:24Quietly now
02:26Me first!
02:28Shh! Make sure you can all see
02:31Oh little Chip, come to the front please
02:38Calm down happy hoppers
02:40Who can tell me what is happening?
02:42The butterfly's wing is poking out
02:45Yes, you are right Gigglish!
02:47Let's watch some more
02:49Quietly please
02:54So is it ever going to fly?
02:57Yes Howie, it will fly, but not quite yet
03:06Let's just wait here for the butterfly to fly Potato
03:11While we wait, we are going to do butterfly math
03:16Carpet time everyone!
03:20One, two, three, four, five paper butterflies!
03:26And then, one, two more butterflies! Clap in and say hello!
03:38So, how many butterflies are there in total?
03:41Who knows?
03:43Five plus two makes...
03:47Seven butterflies!
03:50That's right class! Seven butterflies!
03:53Well diggledy done!
03:55Now please bring the butterflies back to me
03:58I don't feel like doing math today
04:05Yes, I feel a bit hot Potato
04:10I'll be okay
04:18Are you feeling okay Chip?
04:20I just feel a bit hot Mr. Diggledy
04:23Let me open this window
04:25That should cool you down a bit
04:29That's better
04:33Okay, we've done butterfly math
04:35How about caterpillar math?
04:41What are you doing Potato?
04:46A spot! I've not seen that before
04:52Chip! Come join the class and tell us how many did it eat in total?
05:01Look! The butterfly's wings!
05:05Well done again Chip!
05:07Let's leave math for now and have another look at our butterfly Happy Hoppers!
05:15I don't feel so good
05:24What is it Potato?
05:29I know, I should tell Mr. Diggledy that I don't feel too good
05:33Because that's what you're supposed to do when you feel sick at school
05:38Okay Happy Hoppers, next we are going to do...
05:41Butterfly painting!
05:43But that sounds fun
05:49I'll tell him later Potato
05:53You fold the paper in half
05:56Paint just one side of your paper
05:59With a set of butterfly wings like this
06:04Fold it up
06:06Open it out and...
06:08A butterfly painting!
06:12Now, over to you!
06:16Mine doesn't work
06:19Let me help you Happy Hoppers
06:21Let me help you Howie
06:23What color is your butterfly going to be Chip?
06:25Hum... Red I think
06:32Red and...
06:39So sleepy
06:49Chip? Hum... That's not how you do it Chip
06:53Hum... You're not quite yourself today are you Chip?
06:57How about you go to the bathroom and wash the paint off your face?
07:05Three spots?
07:07Hum hum!
07:09Oh yes! And a spot on my tummy too!
07:13Oh no!
07:15I've got lots of spots that weren't there before
07:20I want to go home
07:24You're right Potato
07:26I need to tell Mr. Diggity that I don't feel well
07:29And that I want to go home
07:33But if I go home I won't get to see the butterfly fly!
07:38It's flying!
07:41The butterfly! It's flying!
07:51It's okay class!
07:53A butterfly is a wild creature who needs to be free in nature
07:57We would have let the butterfly go anyway
08:00Did I miss it? Did I miss seeing the butterfly fly?
08:03I'm afraid so Chip
08:06Oh Chip! You missed it!
08:09The butterfly started to fly like this
08:11And so we took the lid off the box to give it some food
08:14But I bumped into it like this
08:16Whoa! And then the lid fell off
08:19And the butterfly flew away!
08:22Out the window
08:26But I wanted to see the butterfly fly
08:29And now it's gone
08:31Oh dear Chip
08:33You weren't here when it all happened
08:35Are you okay?
08:37No Mr. Diggity
08:39I don't feel too good
08:41Spots! Come on little Chip
08:44You need to go home
08:46I'd say you've got the puggy spots
08:48And that's what's making you feel ill
08:57There you are little Chipster
08:59Oh! You are spotty!
09:01You've got puggy spots!
09:03Oh! I want to go home Mama
09:06Of course but on the way we need to visit the doctor
09:08To make sure you definitely have puggy spots
09:10And not something more serious
09:12Thanks for looking after my precious chippy pit Mr. Badger Fox
09:15That's okay
09:17What is the puggy spots Mama?
09:20It's something which lots of young pugs get
09:22It only lasts for a few days
09:24I had it when I was a little yipster
09:26And Papa did and Spud too
09:28The puggy spots tend to be itchy though
09:30You have to try to not scratch them
09:32A butterfly!
09:34It's the happy hopper's butterfly
09:38Oh! I can talk
09:42The butterfly likes you Chip
09:44Hi butterfly
09:46Oh! It's spotty just like you
09:51Bye bye spotty butterfly
09:53Come on my little spotty pug
09:56I'm glad I told Mr. Diggerty I was feeling sick
09:59And that I still got to see the butterfly fly
10:03Hurry up!
10:14My puggy spots are so itchy!
10:17Oh my little chippy dip
10:22Rappelez-vous, Docteur Rhino a dit que vous ne devriez pas scratcher vos puggy spots
10:27J'essaie de ne pas les scratcher mais...
10:30Oh! Je ne peux pas l'aider
10:36Itchy, itchy, itchy
10:38Je dois vraiment les scratcher
10:40Vous devez vous occuper
10:42Faites quelque chose pour qu'il ne vous fasse pas mal
10:52Je peux rester occupé en allant à l'école, Potato
10:57Où allons-nous aller?
10:59A l'école!
11:08Est-ce que je peux aller à l'école aujourd'hui maman?
11:10Non, je suis désolée Chip
11:12Vous devez rester à la maison jusqu'à ce que vos puggy spots arrêtent d'être itchy
11:19Le petit Tod a réveillé-se de son repos du matin
11:21Je reviendrai dans un pot-au-lait, Chip
11:23Oh! Ma poitrine!
11:25Itchy, itchy, itchy
11:27Je dois vraiment les scratcher
11:29Itchy, itchy, itchy
11:32Mais pas de scratcher!
11:35Pas de scratcher
11:37Ah! Scratcher!
11:43Merci, Potato
11:46Alors qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?
11:56Oh! Je comprends! Jouer au tag!
12:02Je vais te tuer!
12:08Tu vas bien, Chip?
12:10Bien, maman!
12:11Reste occupé!
12:20Je t'ai eu!
12:21C'est ton tour de me chasser maintenant!
12:35C'est facile, Chip!
12:37J'étais juste occupé, maman
12:39Je sais, Chip
12:40Mais je pense qu'on doit trouver quelque chose de moins occupé pour toi
12:43D'accord, maman
12:45Je reviendrai quand j'aurai changé de veste
12:54Potato, mon ami, où es-tu?
12:59T'es là!
13:03Bonne idée, Potato!
13:05Si je pratique pour mon examen de piano,
13:07je vais rester occupé et je ne serai pas obligé de scratcher mes spots de Pug
13:15J'ai trop faim! J'ai trop faim! J'ai trop faim pour jouer correctement!
13:22J'abandonne mon exercice de piano!
13:27Ne t'inquiète pas, Chip!
13:29Je sais la meilleure façon de garder vos spots de Pug occupés
13:36C'est ton tour maintenant, Chip!
13:38Tout d'abord, l'eau sauvée
13:42L'eau sauvée
13:46Ensuite, l'eau sauvée
13:49Merci, Potato!
13:50L'eau sauvée!
14:03Pas de scratching, Chip!
14:06Restons occupés, occupés, occupés!
14:08Encore plus d'eau sauvée!
14:10Allez, Chip!
14:12Occupés, occupés, occupés!
14:14Trop occupés pour scratcher!
14:16Occupés, occupés, occupés!
14:18Trop occupés pour scratcher!
14:21Bien joué, Chip!
14:23Puggy parfait!
14:25Sparkly clean!
14:31C'est Donnie le Posty!
14:32Salut, Chip!
14:34J'ai mon potato de poche!
14:37J'ai une lettre pour maman!
14:40Maman, Donnie a une lettre pour toi!
14:42Oh, salut, Donnie!
14:46Merci, Donnie!
14:48Pas d'école pour toi aujourd'hui, Chip?
14:52Occupés, occupés, occupés!
14:54Je dois vraiment me scratcher!
14:56C'est ça, une nouvelle danse?
14:58Occupés, occupés, occupés!
15:02J'ai les spots de Pug, Donnie!
15:04Oh, pauvre petit Pug!
15:06J'ai eu des spots de poche une fois!
15:08Oh mon dieu, ils étaient vraiment dégueulasses!
15:10Tu dois rester occupé!
15:12Je sais!
15:14J'ai besoin de quelque chose pour m'occuper maintenant!
15:17Dis, tu peux m'aider à envoyer des mails aux fans!
15:20Tu ne peux pas passer tes spots de Pug aux éléphants!
15:23Oh, oui, s'il te plaît! J'aimerais t'aider!
15:26Est-ce que je peux t'aider, Maman Donnie?
15:28Bien sûr que tu peux, Chip!
15:30Et je sais un super jeu qu'on peut jouer en partant!
15:33Pour t'occuper de ces spots de Pug dégueulasses!
15:37Alors, Chip, nous devons aller jusqu'à la maison des fans
15:41sans s'étranger et sans tomber sur les craques de l'escalier!
15:48Nous sommes occupés, occupés, occupés!
15:51Deux occupés, deux étrangers!
15:53Occupés, occupés, occupés!
15:55Jompons sur les craques!
16:01Oh, il y a quelque chose d'autre!
16:04C'est un Whopper! Trop gros pour la boîte à mails!
16:07Nous pouvons l'envoyer à la porte!
16:16Envoyez-le aux fans!
16:18Au revoir, Chip! Merci de m'aider!
16:21Au revoir, Donnie!
16:23Salut, Potato!
16:24Oh, oh! Une alerte!
16:26Eh bien, bonjour, petit voisin!
16:30Et comment tu te sens avec tes Pug dégueulasses, Chip?
16:33Vraiment dégueulasse!
16:35Pauvre petit Pug dégueulasse!
16:37Qu'est-ce que tu penses d'une course sur les craques de l'escalier
16:40pour t'en sortir la tête?
16:41Oui, Puggy!
16:43Alors, suis-moi, petit Pug!
16:50Occupés, occupés, occupés!
16:52Deux occupés, deux étrangers!
16:55Oui! Pas de dégueulasses!
16:57Bien pour toi, Chip!
16:59Au revoir, les fans de Granny!
17:04Mais mes Puggy-Spots sont encore malade, Potato!
17:07Youhou! Chip et Hip!
17:09Tot et moi allons à l'hôpital de Flingo.
17:11Tu peux garder ces Pauvres dégueulasses occupées en poussant le Pug!
17:15Oui! J'y vais, Maman!
17:18Occupés, occupés, occupés!
17:20Deux occupés, deux étrangers!
17:22Occupés, occupés, occupés!
17:24Deux occupés, deux étrangers!
17:30Puggy-Boo, Tot!
17:36Puggy-Boo, Tot!
17:39Hey, Tot! Puggy-Boo!
17:41Je pense qu'elle a le droit à un dégâts de Flingo!
17:47C'est pour toi, Chip!
17:49Pour être si gentille,
17:51et pour être courageuse avec tes Puggy-Spots!
17:55Merci, Mme Flingo!
18:02Oh, non! J'ai besoin d'un repas!
18:09Merci, Potato!
18:10Le cool Rudy Fruity Ice Pop m'a aidé!
18:14Encore un!
18:19Quelle bonne idée, Potato!
18:21Prête à rentrer chez toi, mon petit Chip?
18:23Heidi, vite!
18:24Oui, Maman!
18:25Maintenant, j'ai un Rudy Fruity Ice Pop!
18:32Occupés, occupés, occupés!
18:34Rudy Fruity Ice Pop!
18:37Occupés, occupés, occupés!
18:39Ça me fait un dégâts de Flingo!
18:41Oh, mon Dieu, Chip!
18:43Tu portes ton Rudy Fruity Ice Pop!
18:46Je sais!
18:47Le cool Ice Pop fait que mes Puggy-Spots ne se sentent pas dégoutés!
18:50Mon dégouté, dégouté, Sticky Chip!
18:54Oh, je sais juste la chose qui fait que un Sticky Chip se sent mieux!
19:06Joli petit bébé, Dot!
19:08Allez, Puglets, c'est parti!
19:17Doucement, doucement, doucement!
19:20Prêt pour le lit de Puggy!
19:22Bonne nuit, Dotsy-Dot!
19:24Pas de bruit pendant que je mets Dot au lit, Chip!
19:31Mes Puggy-Spots ne se sentent plus dégoutés, Potato!
19:35Mes Puggy-Spots ont arrêté de dégouter!
19:43Maman, Maman!
19:44Mes Puggy-Spots ne se sentent plus dégoutés!
19:47C'est merveilleux, Chippy-Dip!
19:49Cela signifie que demain, s'ils ne sont pas encore dégoutés, vous pouvez...
19:53Revenir à l'école!
20:17Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
20:47Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
