• l’année dernière


00:00 *Musique*
00:02 *Musique*
00:04 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:07 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:10 ♪ Flying at the speed of sound ♪
00:12 ♪ Vocabulary that astounds ♪
00:14 ♪ From the blind lexicon ♪
00:15 ♪ Watch her villains, here she comes ♪
00:17 ♪ Faced with a catastrophe ♪
00:20 ♪ Who'd need the living dictionary ♪
00:22 ♪ Her superior intellect ♪
00:23 ♪ Keeps the crime world in check ♪
00:26 ♪ Go, girl ♪
00:28 ♪ Hugging faces by her side ♪
00:30 ♪ Vocabulary of my and mine ♪
00:32 ♪ Let crime go pay ♪
00:34 ♪ And throw some mighty words your way ♪
00:38 ♪ Word up, it's Word Girl ♪
00:40 ♪ Word up ♪
00:42 ♪ From the blind lexicon ♪
00:44 ♪ Watch her villains ♪
00:47 ♪ Here she comes ♪
00:52 ♪ Word Girl ♪
00:56 Psst! Listen for the word "vigor."
00:59 When we last saw Word Girl,
01:01 she had hurt her father's feelings,
01:03 broken off her partnership with Captain Huggyface,
01:05 and walked off without finishing her punishment chores.
01:09 Word Girl had just started training
01:11 under a new superhero named Miss Power,
01:13 a mysterious alien with a mysterious ploy.
01:16 She encouraged Word Girl to be harsher to her foes.
01:21 So, was it a coincidence that Word Girl started acting funny
01:24 at the same time she started training with Miss Power?
01:27 Yeah, right.
01:30 So, my mom and Captain Huggyface
01:31 think that you've been bullying people,
01:33 and now they think that I'm bullying people, too.
01:35 That's ridiculous.
01:37 Look, I know they mean well,
01:39 but if anything, the villains are the ones
01:41 doing the bullying, not us.
01:43 Right! Thank you! That's exactly what I said.
01:45 We're the good guys.
01:46 Yeah!
01:47 Fighting bad guys.
01:48 Yeah!
01:50 And we're the ones with all the power.
01:52 Right, right.
01:54 So we get to do whatever we want,
01:55 however we want, to whomever we want.
01:58 Uh, that's not really...
01:59 Help!
02:01 Someone's robbing the...
02:02 Oh! Uh, never mind.
02:05 No, wait!
02:06 What was that about someone robbing something?
02:09 Please don't yell at me.
02:11 I'm not going to yell at you.
02:12 I am if you don't stop whimpering
02:15 and tell me right now what's going on.
02:17 Uh...
02:18 What are you doing?
02:19 Getting information. What does it look like?
02:21 Now spill it!
02:22 Someone's robbing the jewelry store.
02:25 Please put me down.
02:26 Oh, thank you.
02:28 Next time, tell us quicker.
02:30 Help!
02:32 Someone grabbed my sweatshirt!
02:35 Help!
02:36 Man, that guy is annoying.
02:38 Uh, maybe, but he's also kind of helpful.
02:41 And anyway, you can't just go around...
02:43 Come on, word girl, we've got a crime to stop.
02:45 Power up and away!
02:47 Oh...
02:48 Come on, hurry it up.
02:51 Let me guess.
02:54 Stealing jewels to pay for your latest
02:55 evil cheese-themed creation?
02:57 Ha, ha, on the mouse's nose, kiddo.
02:59 (crash)
03:02 Why don't you just use the jewels to buy cheese?
03:05 You'd think someone with an extra brain
03:06 would be a little smarter.
03:08 So how's it feel, word girl, huh?
03:09 You learning all her bullying tricks?
03:12 She doesn't have any bullying tricks.
03:15 We're the good guys.
03:16 It's like she says.
03:17 You're the villain.
03:18 Uh-huh. Enjoys bullying people.
03:20 Got it.
03:21 I do not enjoy bullying people!
03:23 I mean, I do not bully people!
03:25 Oh, no?
03:26 Then why do you deny it with such vigor?
03:28 Vigor?
03:30 Yeah, it means with great strength or intensity.
03:32 So when I yell, "I do not bully people!"
03:35 I'm yelling with vigor!
03:36 Ooh, vigor, strength, power.
03:39 I like that.
03:40 Yeah, you would.
03:41 Don't listen to this guy.
03:43 He's not even a real villain.
03:44 Not ev-- what?
03:45 Not a real villain?
03:47 Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
03:49 How's that for an evil laugh?
03:50 Not only am I the real deal, sister,
03:53 I'm the most dangerous villain in the whole world.
03:55 You? Please.
03:56 You're not even in the top ten.
03:58 You have no idea--
03:59 I have no idea.
04:01 Well, tell me, mouse brains,
04:02 how successful is this ploy so far?
04:04 Huh?
04:05 All right, I'm captured.
04:07 You made your point.
04:08 You don't have to be so harsh.
04:09 That's enough.
04:10 Enough? I'm just getting started.
04:12 In fact, I'm going to make it my personal mission
04:14 to make sure that you never get to eat
04:16 another piece of cheese again!
04:17 No.
04:19 What?
04:20 No, you can't do that.
04:21 Oh, I can and I will.
04:22 You and cheese?
04:23 Done. Finished.
04:24 Finito.
04:25 Please. Please, no.
04:27 Okay, I think you're being a little mean, you know?
04:29 Maybe taking this too far?
04:31 Too far? He's a criminal.
04:33 There's no such thing as too far.
04:35 No. You see, it's--
04:37 Don't you have somewhere else to be?
04:39 Are you serious?
04:40 We saved your precious little storm.
04:42 You should be thanking us.
04:43 Oh, no, don't worry about him.
04:45 He can be a little cranky.
04:46 That's only because you let him.
04:48 Me, not so much.
04:49 Hey, hey, put me down.
04:52 Wait, what are you doing?
04:54 He's just a regular citizen. You can't just--
04:55 Too late. Already did.
04:57 Power of the brain!
04:59 So, why is Reginald tied up like a criminal?
05:02 Well, because he's rude.
05:04 Yes.
05:05 See, being rude isn't actually a crime.
05:08 If it were, we'd send you to jail.
05:10 No one talks to me the way he did and gets away with it.
05:12 Listen, lady, you're going to let Reginald go.
05:15 Listen, Boxford, you better watch the way you talk to me.
05:18 Or what?
05:19 You'll have to deal with Miss Power and Word Girl.
05:23 Wait, I never said--
05:25 You know what, Word Girl?
05:26 I'm really disappointed in you
05:28 because I know that you're a better person than this.
05:30 All right, enough of this garbage.
05:33 You see, people like the Spotsford lady are the problem.
05:35 They don't understand that you and I have the power.
05:38 So that means we're always right.
05:40 No, we're not.
05:44 In fact, sometimes we're completely wrong.
05:48 Excuse me?
05:49 Just because we have power
05:50 doesn't mean we get to use it any way we want.
05:52 Uh, hello?
05:53 That's exactly what it means.
05:55 No, it doesn't.
05:57 Well, since you put it like that...
05:58 How dare you question me?
06:04 I trained you. I'm Miss Power.
06:07 Before me, you had a ton of trouble
06:11 with all these second-rate villains.
06:13 I encouraged you.
06:19 I listened to your boring stories.
06:21 I taught you how to be a decent superhero.
06:23 Without me, you were nothing.
06:25 And together, you and I were going to rule this planet
06:30 in an awesome "we get to do whatever we want" kind of way.
06:34 What? There's no way I'd ever do anything like that.
06:40 Ever!
06:41 Yeah, well, I see that now.
06:42 Looks like you were nothing but a waste of my time.
06:45 Thought I could get you to team up with me.
06:47 But, oh, well.
06:48 Guess I'll just have to take over this planet myself.
06:51 Yeah, I don't think so.
06:53 Ha! Like you're gonna stop me.
07:03 You are nothing special.
07:04 Just a silly little girl in a costume.
07:06 [grunts]
07:08 [screams]
07:12 You don't deserve to wear this.
07:17 [screams]
07:18 You see that, everyone?
07:20 Word Girl is done.
07:22 Finished! Defeated!
07:24 Miss Power rules!
07:26 [laughs]
07:28 Huggy!
07:32 Yeah, I'm the best.
07:34 Say, "Who's the best?"
07:35 Say, "I'm the best." Yeah!
07:37 And just in case there's any doubt whatsoever,
07:39 I think it's time to bring Word Girl...
07:41 [gunshot]
07:42 ...to jail...
07:43 by that little sneak.
07:47 [musique]
07:48 Thanks for coming back to save me.
07:50 I'm... I'm really sorry.
07:51 I should have never treated you that way.
07:53 [squeaks]
07:54 Oh!
07:56 [squeaks]
07:57 I know. It was like I was a different person.
07:59 Mean, harsh, and I thought everyone else was wrong.
08:03 [sighs] So what do I do now?
08:05 [squeaks]
08:06 No, I can't. I can't go home.
08:08 I don't think I could face Mom and Dad.
08:10 Not after how I treated them.
08:12 Um, I encourage you to go home and see your folks.
08:16 Trust me, they love you unconditionally.
08:19 [musique]
08:20 Hello?
08:24 Anybody home?
08:25 Becky!
08:26 Sweetheart!
08:27 Oh!
08:28 Mom? Dad?
08:30 I know I said a lot of harsh things
08:33 and I wish I could take them back, but I can't.
08:35 All I can say is that I'm really, really, really sorry.
08:38 Can you forgive me?
08:40 Oh, honey, of course we can.
08:42 We were just so surprised.
08:44 It was so unlike you.
08:45 Came out of nowhere. Flam!
08:46 Yeah! We've come to expect better of you.
08:49 You've always treated others with respect.
08:51 But we knew you'd do the right thing and apologize.
08:54 We love you, honey.
08:55 Thanks. I love you, too.
08:57 Hug, hug, hug, hug, hug, hug.
08:58 Hug, hug, hug, hug.
08:59 [kissing]
09:00 But don't get us wrong, you're still in trouble.
09:02 Big time.
09:03 Yeah, I was kind of hoping we could forget all that.
09:06 Yeah, not a chance.
09:07 Oh, I can't tell you how much better I feel.
09:12 I've almost got my old vigor back.
09:14 [explosion]
09:15 Hello?
09:16 Miss Power?
09:17 Time to go to jail, District Attorney Botsford.
09:20 Jail?
09:21 Uh, but on what charge?
09:23 Disagreeing with me.
09:25 Now let's go.
09:26 What? You're not just harsh, lady.
09:28 You're out of control.
09:29 Wrong.
09:31 You need to be taught a lesson about who's really in charge.
09:34 Me.
09:35 [zapping]
09:36 Hun! Hun!
09:39 Time to spring into action.
09:41 - TJ. - Yes, sir.
09:42 Go around the house and collect these things.
09:44 Yes, sir.
09:45 And now, if you'll excuse me,
09:47 it's time to put on my danger pants.
09:50 Boo-ba-doop-boo-boo, Tim Botsford.
09:52 Come on, Bob. I think it's time we taught Miss Power a lesson.
09:55 [squawking]
09:56 Yeah, I know she's more powerful than me.
09:59 Hey, look, if you're trying to encourage me,
10:00 you're not doing a great job.
10:02 [squawking]
10:03 Wait, where are we going? Bob?
10:05 Miss Power's ploy revealed?
10:07 Mrs. Botsford captured?
10:09 Bob dragging Becky somewhere we hope is important?
10:12 [zapping]
10:13 [announcer]
10:16 [announcer]
10:19 [announcer]
10:22 [announcer]
10:25 [announcer]
10:28 [announcer]
10:31 [announcer]
10:34 [announcer]
10:37 [announcer]
10:40 [announcer]
10:44 [announcer]
10:47 [announcer]
10:50 [announcer]
10:53 [announcer]
10:56 [announcer]
10:59 [ding]
11:00 Go ahead, Tommy.
11:01 "Dangle" means to hang loosely
11:02 and sway back and forth.
11:04 That's correct.
11:05 In that last clip, Word Girl zoomed in,
11:07 tied up Dr. Two Brains,
11:08 and left him dangling from the ceiling.
11:10 She sure did.
11:12 Okay, Tommy, you are today's winner.
11:14 Huggy, show Tommy what he's won.
11:16 [cheering]
11:18 An official Word Girl super-sized dictionary.
11:22 [cheering]
11:23 Like I need that.
11:25 I'm a walking dictionary.
11:26 Allow me to demonstrate.
11:28 Strenuous, requiring great energy or effort.
11:30 Bewilder, to puzzle or confuse.
11:33 Perspire, to--
11:34 Boy, you sure do know a lot of words.
11:36 So I'm sure you also know what "farewell" means.
11:39 But I didn't finish.
11:40 No, you didn't.
11:41 That's it for today's episode.
11:43 See you next time on...
11:45 May I Have a Word?
11:47 ♪ Word Girl ♪
11:49 Hey, kids, today's featured word is "ploy."
11:53 [clock ticking]
11:54 When we last saw the Botsfords,
11:55 they had just seen Miss Power take Mrs. Botsford away.
11:59 To jail!
12:00 Mr. Botsford and TJ immediately set a plan in motion
12:03 to free Mrs. Botsford,
12:05 while Bob seems to have a plan of his own.
12:08 We hope.
12:09 [squeaking]
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