• last year
Super7 The Simpsons Ultimates Kang Figure


00:00 We are merely exchanging long strings of complex proteins for substance. If you can think of
00:05 a better way how, I'd like to hear it. Here's your look at the new Super 7 The Simpsons
00:09 Ultimate Kang.
00:16 Prepare for probing questions about how to manage to get your Kang Ultimate's figure.
00:41 This 8 inch highly articulated Ultimate's figure of Kang as seen on The Simpsons comes
00:45 with interchangeable heads and tentacle tips and a variety of accessories including Ray
00:49 Gunn, Alien Maggie and an Earth Capital Hitchhiking sign.
00:53 Oh, you look lovely this evening. Have you decreased in mass?
00:59 Just before of course we get a closer look at the brand new Simpsons Ultimate's Alien
01:02 Kang, the tape measure is going to tell us that the figure's tall. How tall? He's actually
01:06 11 and a half inches in height or he's about 28 and a half centimeters tall.
01:12 Citizens of Springfield! Here's a couple of them right now. Here's what Kang looks like
01:16 with Moe the bartender. Why I bring also Moe in is because while both Kang and Kodos that
01:21 we will be looking at in the upcoming review do come in clue with pretty cool accessories,
01:25 one of them doesn't happen to be the board with the nail on the end of it. Now, even
01:29 though it doesn't belong to Kang or Kodos, it is though a nice little Easter egg and
01:32 a nudge that the collectors would need in the right direction that if you haven't already
01:35 picked up a Moe, you could say well Kang comes in clue with the board with the nail on the
01:39 end of it. I might as well just pick up a Moe. Speaking of things missing on Moe, I
01:43 still don't have the apron. I reached out in fact actually to Super 7 hoping that they'd
01:48 have extra aprons and they said that they didn't. I'd have to reach out to the company
01:51 where I bought my figures from which would be Entertainment Earth. I haven't yet done
01:55 that, so leave it with me. I'm going to see if I can get myself an extra apron for Moe
01:58 because he certainly does need the apron on the front of his body. While we're also on
02:02 the topic of Super 7 Treehouse of Horror figures, here's what the figure looks like with Devil
02:06 Flanders. What a disaster that figure was. He looks great. He's not constructed well
02:11 at all. I haven't yet fixed the problems with the ball joints. I'm just going to see if
02:15 maybe I can add a little bit of something on the end of the ball joint just to thicken
02:18 it up. Maybe just even if I put a little bit of sticky tack on the inside of it, I don't
02:23 mind that the sticky tack is going to be in the inside cavity of his leg if it means that
02:27 the figures are going to stand a little bit better. Somewhat ironic also, while he doesn't
02:30 come with the board with the nail on the end of it, the one thing he does have for an accessory
02:34 is alien Maggie. This is now the third time we've got a Simpsons family member that isn't
02:40 the way they normally look. We've already gotten ourselves Deep Space Homer. We also
02:43 have the other example here of Bartman's Bart. Now we have an alien Maggie. That's three
02:48 of the five family members still not getting Maggie. We're still not getting Marge. We're
02:52 still not getting Lisa, but we have three members so far and none of them look the way
02:56 they look in everyday episodes. Moving along, here are the things that come in clue with
03:02 Kang. First, as I already mentioned, the figure comes in clue with alien Maggie. Alien Maggie,
03:06 while being a bitter pill to swallow, is a nice looking version of Maggie, even though
03:10 obviously she's got now tentacles. Got a little pacifier there on the end of one of them.
03:13 That's pretty cool. She also has articulation, although it's only really just in the head.
03:18 The head sculpt, for what it is, is really good. The one singular fang tooth that she
03:22 has on the front is a nice added touch. Again, it's just a nice little included accessory.
03:26 I just wish though that we could still see the whole entire family get at least released.
03:30 Should have done it right from the very beginning. Anyways, we get alien Maggie. Nice little
03:34 accessory though. Put it off to the side. The figure also comes included with several
03:38 different hands. Now, two of the three hands already have utensils on the end of them.
03:43 While we don't actually have ourselves the cookbook or the serving saucer, that's going
03:47 to come in clue with Kodos. Kang at least comes in clue with one that has a fork and
03:50 a knife. These are permanently attached so you can't remove them and they're basically
03:53 just going to swap out from the ends of his arms. In fact, I'll show you guys how that
03:58 works. You basically just pop the arm off like that. Take the arm that you want to use
04:01 and that's just going to plug in place. Super, super easy. So he comes included with, like
04:05 I said, the tentacle for the fork and we've already swapped out for the knife. The other
04:09 thing that the figure has is just a standalone hand, which isn't actually a standalone hand
04:13 at all because in the packaging it's attached to the ray gun. You'll see on the side, the
04:17 ray gun has a little hole and when you get it out of the packaging, the tentacle, if
04:21 I can just get this facing the right way here, the tentacle basically just wraps around the
04:25 handle here and plugs in place like that. So basically when you get out of the packaging,
04:29 it looks like this, but you can detach it, which is the good thing. And it just detaches.
04:33 There we go. The ray gun itself is very similar to what we will be getting with Kodos. The
04:38 thing again about it is with Kodos coming also included with a ray gun, I just feel
04:41 like Super 7 could have used the plastic similar to Robot Itchy and Scratchy. Why pack two
04:46 figures with very similar accessories, use the plastic, use the plastic and commit it
04:50 to something else. You get ray gun, we'll be seeing something similar like this when
04:53 we'd be looking at Kodos. I do like at least the way they've sculpted where the lightning
04:57 ball is actually sticking out. It's not just painted in place. This again just plugs
05:01 on the end of his tentacle hand, or you can also use this same arm for the Earth Capital
05:07 sign. When they first land, in fact, actually they're holding the sign and you're basically
05:11 just going to take his hand and we're just going to again, fit this around. The only
05:16 thing I will say though, and I don't know if I've talked too much about this when it
05:19 comes to the plastic that Super 7 have used, it's that kind of plastic. Let me just get
05:23 this actually attached onto the sign. By the way, it just plugs into the corner just like
05:28 that. He basically holds it up like that. The thing I didn't really say too much about
05:32 the plastic when we've been looking at these Simpsons Ultimate figures, it's that type
05:35 of plastic that if you rub stuff against it, for example, other accessories, for example,
05:40 it leaves marks. It hasn't left any marks so far on any of the things that come in clue
05:44 with Kang, but it's that kind of susceptible plastic. Again, what you can do, although
05:49 he's probably not going to be getting picked up if he's got a knife in his other hand,
05:52 you just basically plug the other tentacle arm in there and now he's got himself the
05:56 Earth Capital sign. Pretty cool. I like that they had the hitchhiking sign included with
06:00 the figure. The one other thing that comes in clue with Kang, let's first of all just
06:04 get this removed. Put it off to the side here. Actually, you know what? Let's just also remove
06:09 the knife arm. We'll just put that off and we'll just swap it out with the defaulted
06:12 arm. The thing that also comes included with is the laughing head. I would imagine, and
06:17 I haven't yet opened up KOTOS, that it's probably going to be a universal hole on the
06:21 bottom of this. So while Kang comes in clue with two heads, KOTOS is going to also come
06:25 in clue with two heads. I would imagine you'd be able to mix and match these. Obviously,
06:29 you're going to be taking the dome off this one anyways. To change it out for this one,
06:34 I could imagine that you'd probably be able to do something similar for KOTOS because
06:37 obviously they're probably going to be using the exact same lower body. So that's pretty
06:41 cool. I do like this one because obviously with this one, it does have the additional
06:44 drool coming out the bottom of the mouth. One of my favorite things about Treehouse
06:47 4 was always the aliens, Kang and KOTOS. I mean, they first debuted, I think, in actually
06:52 not the first Treehouse 4. I think it was, maybe it was the first Treehouse. Yeah, it
06:55 was the first Treehouse 4 season two. And it was like episode three way back in like
06:59 1990. So these guys have been around for a while. I will say though about the head is
07:03 that the head is kind of feeling like very hollow plastic. We sort of started to see
07:07 that when it came to Devil Flanders, where he had like a really hollow body. KOTOS, I
07:12 could certainly, and Kang, I could certainly understand that. I mean, for so much plastic
07:16 that's going into the figures bodies and their heads, I mean, using a hollow plastic
07:19 is obviously the most cost effective route. Changing out the heads, by the way, picking
07:23 first of all, Kang up here. I keep wanting to call this guy KOTOS because just because
07:28 again, like they look exactly the same for one another. They have the dome. Now the thing
07:31 about the dome is the dome is removable. So I mean, it's just a case of basically just
07:35 popping it off like that. One thing you'll notice though, is when you go to put the dome
07:40 back, there's a slot right at the back and there's a slot here in the front that when
07:44 you then look at the dome, there's a lip here and a lip at the back. So when you are putting
07:48 in place, you have to line up everything with those slots in the back and that just plugs
07:53 back in place like that. One thing that they were at least smart enough to do is on the
07:57 point that he has on the top of his dome, they put a little like rubbery piece on top
08:00 of it just to prevent this from breaking. The dome does look good. I mean, obviously
08:03 there's the seam line right there. There's no way they really would be able to avoid
08:07 that. I mean, you couldn't even vac form a clear plastic like this, but the seam line
08:11 is obviously going to be there on the side of the figures dome. I mean, there's really
08:14 no way around it, but just to change the head out, it's just a case of popping the dome
08:17 off, putting off to the side here and the defaulted head for Kang is really neat. The
08:23 thing I also really like about it and it salvages some of the ill-fated feelings that I had
08:28 when it came to Devil Flanders. I feel like they really did fix a lot of things here with
08:32 Kang. The thing I really like about him is the fact he does also have articulation in
08:36 his eyeball, so you can move it back and forth. Not only can you move it back and forth, which
08:40 I know basically this is stuff we're going to be talking about a little bit later in
08:43 the review, but you can also move his eye up and down as well. So it's just one big
08:46 giant ball joint sitting inside of a socket. When you are taking this guy to the packaging,
08:51 there's going to be like little adhesives on the side. You just want to make sure you
08:54 peel those off so his eyes going to be able to move back and forth. The eye that's closed
08:58 obviously isn't going to have the articulation, but if you did want to change this out, this
09:02 side, by the way, does rotate. So if you wanted to, you know, again, have the head turned
09:06 slightly, just turn the head first, obviously, and then just put the dome over top of it.
09:10 To change the head is extremely easy. You just pop it off the peg. Even though there
09:14 are really these little slots on the side, I don't think you really necessarily need
09:17 it. When I first took this off, and I'll show you guys the bottom of these, I thought
09:22 actually that the plastic was cracked. See how it sort of zigzags like this? It's only
09:26 because the front half and the back half are two separate pieces that they've sandwiched
09:29 together. But if you look on the bottom, for a second you'll panic and you'll think that
09:33 it's cracked. It's not actually cracked. I'm just going to unplug that on one, and then
09:37 we're just going to go ahead and pop the new head back in place. And then you're just going
09:40 to go ahead and just rinse and repeat. You're going to put the dome back over top of it.
09:44 This one's a little harder. I don't know why to get this over top, but like I said, plug
09:47 it in place. And now you've got yourself a Kang with the alternate head sculpt. Looks
09:52 fantastic. By the way, also too, we can go back and just kind of look at the detail that
09:55 they put onto the defaulted head. You've got the spots, of course, on the top there. These
09:59 spots, by the way, again, I was impressed to see that they didn't just paint them. They're
10:03 raised. They're actually sculpted in there. Of course, you've got the movable eye that's
10:06 only going to be on this head sculpt. And again, lots of drool coming out the bottom
10:10 of his lip there. Again, very hollow plastic, but again, I can certainly understand why
10:14 for how big these figures are. For the rest of his body, this is kind of where more of
10:17 the heavier plastic comes. I mean, obviously this doesn't have any rotational here, but
10:22 on the bottom of it, this basically is going to be like, I guess the, I don't know, the
10:26 frame or the bottom neck piece of the dome that's going to go over top of it. That's
10:30 nicely done. I mean, you've got some additional pink and red painted in there. The paint's
10:33 pretty clean for what it is. I mean, there's not really a lot of chance where they could
10:36 have really messed up the paint. The back tentacle, while not being poseable, it's going
10:40 to be basically all part of the bottom base here. He does have at least articulation here,
10:45 not only for the smaller little tentacles that he has, but the much larger ones that
10:49 he has on the sides there as well. For the figure's articulation, I guess we'll just
10:52 kind of take the dome off for right now. Just careful though about that. When you are removing
10:57 it, obviously the thing about it though, is this guy has the mouth that's open. So I think
11:01 that's probably one of the reasons why it's a little harder to get the dome off this one,
11:05 because you're going to be rubbing, as you can see there, see the dome, it's going to
11:08 be rubbing the front of his face. So kind of just be a little bit more careful when
11:10 it comes to taking the dome off that time. But for the articulation, no, the head's going
11:14 to rotate all the way around. It's just plugged in place. The fronts here are all in hinge
11:18 joints so you can move these back and forth. You could really rotate them up and down as
11:21 well, but to kind of have it more flush and flat, you kind of want to keep them flat like
11:25 this. This again does move back and forth, up and down as well. And then the side arms,
11:30 the longer of the tentacles, they move back and forth. You can also rotate them back and
11:33 forth this way. There's a hinge, there's a hinge, so those also rotate back and forth.
11:38 This hinges back and forth as well. So some decent levels of articulation. I mean, it
11:42 kind of goes without saying, you know, when you're going to get a character like this
11:44 with Kang and Kodos, you're really not going to get a whole load of different posability
11:49 options. He has again in a head where you can rotate it back and forth. He has it in
11:52 the arms, you know, again, three separate sections in the arms. And then again, like
11:56 if you want to have the figure displayed with this defaulted head, he now has also the benefit
12:00 of the ball joint, like the track ball eye, which again is something I really wasn't expecting.
12:05 I just assumed getting this guy out of the packaging that his eye would just be kind
12:09 of permanently molded like this. So Super 7 did surprise me. Again, like it's a nice
12:13 looking figure. As disappointed as I may have been when it came to Devil Flanders, I feel
12:17 like Kang may have fixed, kind of salvaged some of my feelings. I mean, again, I'm still
12:23 really disappointed. The fact that Devil Flanders is as disappointing as he is, not again for
12:27 the way he looks, but the way he was constructed. If anything could be said for Super 7, for
12:31 what we've gotten from Simpsons, even though we are coming down to the wire, I mean, like
12:35 I'm still going to be picking up what's left of the least of the line. So there's only,
12:38 I guess there's like five or six figures I still need to pick up. I'm still planning
12:41 to get those because while again, like the line's disappointing for the way it had to
12:45 wrap it, it's obviously disappointing for the characters that they chose. The figures
12:49 that we have at least gotten have all been great, well, except for Devil Flanders. Kang
12:54 looks fantastic. You know, again, this guy's going to be also a little bit more expensive.
12:57 So like, you know, there goes the like, so like, for example, the regular Simpsons characters,
13:01 I'm actually, I'm just going to move them out of the way. The regular Simpsons characters,
13:03 I think when I picked them up on Entertainment Earth, were around $54 to $55. That's US.
13:08 So of course I'd have to do the Canadian conversion on top of that. Kang and Kodos were, I think,
13:12 about $20 on top of that. So they were more close to being $75 or so online. So I mean,
13:18 for me to be a Canadian and convert that over, that's almost close to $100 a piece. I would
13:23 say like, obviously paying that much for anything Super 7, I know that's one of the biggest
13:28 problems when it comes to the company as a whole, is that they charge way too much for
13:32 their figures. I feel at least I'm getting value for Kang and Kodos for that matter.
13:37 $74 is a bit steep of a price, but at least you're getting a really large size figure.
13:41 Granted, we're not gonna be getting any more when it comes to Simpsons figures. I mean,
13:44 again, we're only going to be getting like five or six more figures, but at least the
13:48 ones that I did want to get, they did release. Devil Flanders, disappointing, yes. Kang,
13:52 though, fantastic looking figure.
13:54 Look, say what you want about Super 7 and the way they handled the Simpsons license.
13:58 I mean, obviously I think there was a little bit of arrogance on the company's part, just
14:01 assuming that the line would last as long as it would. Just thinking that down the road
14:05 they could release a casually dressed Homer and that collectors would just wait. The deeper
14:09 cuts were the more important cuts they felt, and that's why we would get characters like
14:13 Deep Space Homer. But you know, if anything could be said for this, Super 7 have put out
14:18 really great looking figures. The price is always going to be a debate. I mean, whether
14:21 you think that Super 7 put out too expensive of a figure. I mean, Ultimate figures tend
14:25 to be like what on average over $50 a piece. Here in Canada, I have to add like a third
14:30 the price on top of it. Kang and Kodos was another $20 on top of that. So I was paying
14:34 well into probably like $200 for getting both figures. And while yes, they have limited
14:39 articulation, I think for Simpsons, you can kind of get away with the idea that they have
14:42 only single hinges in their elbows and their knees. When you look at characters like, for
14:46 example, Thundercats, Silverhawks, GI Joe, you probably would want to add additional
14:50 articulation in their elbows. I know Super 7 really want to go with more of the seamless
14:54 look to their bodies. Paint's always sort of somewhat of a questionable issue. But for
14:58 the look of the characters, I mean, this is the best looking Kang that we've ever gotten.
15:02 The only other Kang that I can think of is that Gentle Giant did a breakups line long
15:06 time ago, a little tiny miniature version of Kang and Kodos. And of course, the obvious
15:10 one, there was the Playmates, the sound bit, sound chip version of Kang and Kodos that
15:15 came included with Homer. I mean, if you didn't get the chance to get that one, obviously
15:18 this is a much better looking Kang. It's going to take up a lot more space as well.
15:22 He has some decent level articulation, really a lot more than I was expecting. The trackball
15:26 eye, for example, was a welcome surprise. I really wasn't expecting that at all. And
15:30 you know, again, like while having very limited hinge joints and elbows, the fact that he
15:34 does have hinges in three places, really in each of his individual arms, and that he has
15:38 the amount of accessories that he does, I'm disappointed, yes, sure, that he doesn't come
15:42 with the board with the nail on the end of it for the mo, but all the other things that
15:45 he comes included with, I think he's worth the price that they're asking for. It's still
15:50 steep, don't get me wrong. And I'm saying that also as, again, a Canadian collector
15:53 who's only going to be paying a lot more than what you're seeing online anyways, but I think
15:57 for around $74 US, I'm happy to have picked up Kang. I'll be also equally happy to open
16:02 up and review the Kodos, which obviously his review will be right around the corner. I
16:06 think Super 7, again, for what they've given us for figures have all been good. It's just
16:10 all the little stumbling things that they've done with the line leading up to their cancellation.
16:15 If you guys though are interested and would like to get yourself Kang and Kodos, I would
16:18 imagine if you're getting Kang, you're probably going to want to get also Kodos. I did also
16:22 pick up both of these over at Entertainment Earth. I mean, one of the benefits, at least
16:25 for you guys, if you guys are interested to get these figures and you want to save a little
16:28 bit, clicking the affiliate link down below, they'll provide, we'll also save you 10% on
16:33 anything that's currently in stock. That's whether you want to pick up anything from
16:36 Simpsons, whether you want to just pick up anything online, as long as it's in stock,
16:40 you'll save 10% off. And again, we are wrapping up things right now for Kang, but just right
16:44 around the corner, we will also be looking at the Treehouse of Horror Kodos. So definitely
16:47 stay tuned for that. As always, guys, if you guys did enjoy this video, I want to throw
16:50 it a like. If you guys love the content you guys are seeing and want to stick around for
16:53 more, make sure you hit that subscribe button down below. And of course, turning on the
16:57 bell notification always helps as well. As always, guys, thanks for watching. See you
17:00 guys next time.
17:01 [Music]
17:07 (whooshing)
