Fire Emblem Three Houses - Ferdinand and Hubert

  • 3 months ago
Went from hating each other to tolerating each other.

(Was originally the oldest recorded support conversation, but an audio hiccup in their B support caused me to rerecord their support.)
00:06Hmm with this idea I may be able to get the one up on Edelgard
00:12This again
00:15Hubert I wish you would not sneak up on me like that
00:21Maybe you would be more perceptive if your mind were less burdened by sedition
00:27Absurd, this is an important project
00:30Yes, I heard a new way to prove how superior you are to Lady Edelgard
00:35She's not your rival Ferdinand. She is above you a noble like you ought to know his place
00:44Anything is better than being a noble like you
00:47Every time you open your mouth, it's Lady Edelgard this or Lady Edelgard that do you ever think for yourself?
00:54You follow her around like a pet you spend all of your time fretting over her and yet you never truly express an opinion of
01:01Your own before you reprimand me take a moment to consider your own failings
01:06Your nonsense is tiresome. So I hope this will be the last time I have to remind you
01:13Lady Edelgard is the imperial princess
01:17You are merely the Prime Minister's son
01:20Yes, I understand that but my duty is to guide her to give frank advice when she is on the wrong course of action
01:28That is what I strive to do always
01:31Thus my devotion to surpass Edelgard so that if she needs guidance
01:35I will be prepared to give it if you think it is tiresome to have a mind of your own
01:40You will never be much of an advisor
01:42Does the river of filth pouring out of your mouth ever stop flowing?
01:47Your obsession with all things superficial is disgusting. It's no use. You're hopeless
01:53I'll take my leave. I have nothing more to say to you get out of here
02:11Show them this letter threaten them do what you must now go
02:16Yes, sir
02:23Hubert's that letter. Is that what I think it was? I suppose there's no denying it but Edelgard
02:33Explicitly forbade me to send it
02:35Yes, I know. I cannot believe it. You disobeyed a direct order. I thought you were her loyal aide
02:47All that I do I do for her. I seem to recall you expressing a similar sentiment
02:52It is our role to guide her when she is on the wrong course of action
02:57Is that not what you said? You're not supposed to do it in secret
03:02When you disagree with your leader, you must voice your concerns directly. Otherwise, what is the point? The point is the same?
03:10Lady Edelgard's best interests are served whether she knows it or not. She needs not trouble herself with the mundane details of my actions
03:19Only results matter you are sorely misguided
03:24When I believe that Edelgard is making a mistake, I tell her as much
03:28Through discussing the matter. I sometimes find that I was mistaken to skip that process
03:34To make a decision that is not yours to make perhaps your advice is simply useless then excuse me
03:44Listen to yourself if I do as Lady Edelgard requires then you tell me to be more independent
03:51But if I tread my own path, I am misguided
03:54I suppose the fault is mine for expecting any useful advice to come out of your mouth
04:01I've had enough of your grousing
04:04To think I started to believe you were a useful aid
04:29It's strange I never thought you and I would be able to sit together and drink tea like this
04:36Drink tea you say but that does not smell like tea the aroma
04:41Would that be coffee by any chance?
04:44Imported from Dagda, I believe I do not care for it myself
04:48Your knowledge is impressive
04:50Although I should expect nothing less from a noble. I suppose
04:54Lady Edelgard surpasses you in nearly every respect, but I think when it comes to positivity
05:01You may actually exceed her
05:04Excuse me
05:06In a way it is merely a mask for your tactlessness
05:11But even so your relentless optimism
05:16Suffice it to say that it is your best quality. I
05:22You are constantly striving to grow as a person to seek new knowledge to push new limits
05:29When others might get distracted or abandon their path you never yield in that aspect at least I
05:37Think you are unmatched
05:39Hubert are you all right?
05:42Do you have a cold or the plague? Am I hearing a deathbed confession? Oh
05:49There's only a compliment. There's no need for such dramatic exaggeration
05:55dramatic you say I
05:57Do my best to analyze others without emotion even if I find you to be a
06:03Contemptible degenerate I can still evaluate your abilities in an impartial way
06:09So because you assess people without emotion you are totally confident in your appraisals. It seems I was wrong about you
06:19You actually understand
06:21Please do not compliment me again, though
06:23I find it quite unsettling. It is like hearing a snake sing an aria at least put it in a letter next time
06:32in the very
06:34Unlikely event that there is a next time I promise to put it in writing
06:52Hello Ferdinand
06:56That aroma your nose is as sharp as ever Hubert. Yes. It is a bag of fresh coffee beans
07:03Why did you buy coffee?
07:05You said you don't care for it
07:07My stance has not changed
07:09Drab bitter with that muddy texture if I have even a sip my hands start to tremble rather harsh
07:17What are you doing with it? Then? Well you see but wait a moment. What is that?
07:23Is that an imported tea from the east it is indeed?
07:27keen eyes
07:29Flaunting my favorite drink right in front of me, and you do not even drink tea
07:35Fiendish it is for Edelgard. I assume
07:39Before I answer that I would like to know what you are doing with the coffee. Well, I
07:47Is it a gift perhaps for someone you fancy a
07:53Gift yes for you
07:56Hmm who is the unlucky
07:59Did you say for me
08:02This coffee is a gift for me now have I heard you correctly
08:06Yes, that is what I said a noble does not go back on his word. Just take it I
08:15Should decline
08:21The thought of receiving a gift from you unbidden and unreciprocated fills me with revulsion
08:30Except this tea as a gift
08:33From me for me. Are you certain? I would hate to deprive the intended recipient of such a fine tea
08:41That would be difficult to do
08:43Since I bought it with you in mind. Oh in that case. Thank you
08:48What you were planning to give this to me all along that is what I said
08:56Really I
09:08Only one thing to do we must take a tea break
09:12Very well
09:13But tea is not what I will be drinking. Of course. I will make you some coffee
09:19Then I will prepare the tea
