Saving Rock - 節約ロック - E8

  • 2 days ago


00:00I know that I'm not an expert, but when I challenge myself, the more interesting the results are, the more I can say that I'm almost sure.
00:12David Bowie
00:19Good morning.
00:21Good morning.
00:26What's wrong?
00:28I heard that you like rock music, so I dressed up like you.
00:31Do I look good?
00:33No, I think you look good.
00:35But you don't look good in that outfit.
00:37It's okay.
00:39Because I'm a connoisseur.
00:41What an expression!
00:44Mr. Matsumoto!
00:46Can we talk for a moment?
00:48Good morning.
00:52That's right, president.
00:53Say something to this little girl.
00:59Mr. Matsumoto, can we talk for a moment?
01:00I won't say anything!
01:01As expected, the president is the type of person who is easily swayed by long things.
01:06What is it?
01:07Have you been hanging out with Mr. Kuwata lately?
01:11I think he's in Oman right now.
01:13No, he should be back already.
01:15He hasn't come out at all, so I'm a little worried.
01:20Is that so?
01:22The number you have dialed is not available at the moment.
01:35What happened?
01:37Don't eat it without my permission!
01:40I'm sorry!
01:41It's my favorite!
01:44I'm sorry!
01:46Don't eat it without my permission!
01:49I'm sorry!
01:51It's my favorite!
01:55Mr. Kuwata?
01:56That's right!
01:57I'm sorry!
01:58It's my favorite!
02:02I'm sorry!
02:03It's my favorite!
02:10I'm sorry!
02:13It's my favorite!
02:19Mr. Kuwata!
02:21What are you doing in a place like this?
02:24He ate my rice balls.
02:29Is that so?
02:30I was hungry, so I ate them.
02:35I'm sorry.
02:37I'll give you this.
02:41This is great!
02:44I love rice!
02:48Rice is great!
02:50This is bad! Let's run!
02:55Here you go.
03:04What happened?
03:15He tricked me!
03:17What? He tricked you?
03:20He took Zenzai-san from me!
03:26But how could he take Zenzai-san from you?
03:31He signed a suspicious document.
03:35You have to confirm that!
03:38I'm not stupid! I didn't do that!
03:41You idiot!
03:43Stop it!
03:45What about Kaori-san?
03:48Don't say that name!
03:50I'm going to cry!
03:53He sold you, didn't he?
03:55I don't need a man who doesn't have money!
04:01Do you have a tissue?
04:05Here you go.
04:07How many are you going to use?
04:10Don't be angry!
04:12I'm not angry!
04:14You're angry.
04:15I'm not angry.
04:18Kuwata, I'm thirsty.
04:21Do you have anything cold?
04:26Here you go.
04:28If you can, I'd like alcohol.
04:34If you can, I'd like beer.
04:37I don't have any!
04:39Don't be angry!
04:41Cheap liquor doesn't suit you!
04:43Be patient.
04:45You're a great creator.
04:48You'll be able to go back to your old life.
04:51I can't.
04:53I don't have the energy.
04:55I have a weak heart.
04:57I'm a chicken!
04:59What are you going to do?
05:02Leave me here for a while.
05:04I have nowhere else to go.
05:08I gave you a lot of money!
05:11Don't abandon me!
05:12Don't abandon me!
05:18He was deceived and lost all his money.
05:21He's a liar.
05:23He was very depressed.
05:25If I can help you, I'll do it.
05:32Of course.
05:43Where is Mr. Kuwata?
05:46He's at home.
05:51He has nowhere else to go.
05:53I haven't seen him for a long time.
05:57I like to see people's weaknesses.
06:01Mr. Kuwata is depressed.
06:05He's the best!
06:07Rin, your image has improved a lot.
06:13Wait a minute.
06:16I'll tell Mr. Kuwata.
06:22It's hot!
06:28Welcome back.
06:30What are you doing?
06:32I was depressed.
06:35I wanted to go abroad and relax.
06:39But I don't have money.
06:43I want to feel like I'm in Hawaii.
06:47How long do you think it will take to set the temperature to 30 degrees?
06:53I don't feel like I'm in Hawaii.
06:55It's just hot.
06:56Then don't do it.
07:01I don't have money.
07:06Sell it.
07:09Are you kidding me?
07:11I only had 10,000 yen.
07:14Mr. Kuwata, please don't.
07:16If you have time to do this, why don't you find a job?
07:19I can't.
07:21I'm not motivated.
07:23I want to stay like this for a while.
07:25I'm depressed.
07:29Can I come in?
07:32Who is it?
07:34It's Rin.
07:35She wants to see you.
07:38I can't let her see me like this.
07:42I've been waiting for you.
07:45I'm sorry.
07:47Excuse me.
07:59So this is what your house looks like.
08:04What about you, Mr. Kuwata?
08:12How are you?
08:15Mr. Kuwata, you look fine.
08:19But your clothes are wet.
08:21Why are you asking about my clothes?
08:23I've been working hard overseas.
08:27How was it?
08:29It was great.
08:30If you dig up the oil, it'll come out.
08:35No way.
08:37You can see it in front of Rin?
08:39But you can't, Mr. Kuwata.
08:41Rin knows she was fooled by the oil.
08:44Mr. Kuwata, the truth is...
08:46The oil is amazing.
08:48How much does it come out?
08:51How many liters?
08:53Could it be that Rin is swimming?
08:56No, it's not a liter.
08:59It's a barrel of oil.
09:02I think it's worth a million barrels.
09:08So you're a rich man.
09:10That's great.
09:13I'll buy you anything you want.
09:17But it's strange.
09:19Mr. Kuwata was fooled by the locals.
09:21He lost all his money.
09:27This is tough.
09:28He's going to hell.
09:31Did you know that?
09:32I'm here to cheer you up.
09:39Good luck.
09:43It's like a demon.
09:46Excuse me.
09:50Be careful.
09:52Mr. Kuwata's reaction was funny.
09:55See you.
09:59Mr. Kuwata.
10:04Why didn't you tell me?
10:07Rin knows everything.
10:09I was going to tell you.
10:11I want to hit myself for telling you everything.
10:18Why did you suddenly show up?
10:22I wanted to look cool in front of a cute girl.
10:25You want to look cool, don't you?
10:28And today, Rin was a fan of Kuwata.
10:34I see.
10:36I understand.
10:38What Mr. Kuwata needs to cheer up now
10:41is not a new job,
10:43but a new love.
10:47He's a middle-aged rich man.
10:49Who's going to care about him?
10:51There must be a way to look cool without spending money.
10:56In this case,
10:58I'll summon the strongest saving monster.
11:00Saving monster?
11:02Come on.
11:04Let's go!
11:11First of all, Mr. Kuwata's shoes.
11:14The material is good.
11:16It's originally made in France.
11:18But I only wear it now.
11:19It's worn out.
11:21It's because of the shoes.
11:23Do you have a used toothbrush?
11:28If you have a toothbrush,
11:31you can get rid of dust without a special brush.
11:36Do you have a t-shirt that you don't wear anymore?
11:40Cutting the edges of the t-shirt
11:43is effective in getting rid of dirt.
11:48In addition,
11:49by applying lip cream,
11:51you can get rid of dead skin.
11:54By the way,
11:56it can be used as a hand cream.
11:59And the finish is
12:07By rubbing and polishing it,
12:10it will be glossy
12:12and dry.
12:13It's done.
12:15It's polished.
12:20a suede coat.
12:22It's pretty dirty.
12:25I used to live on the street with this.
12:28Suede is difficult to handle.
12:30You need a special cleaner to get rid of dirt.
12:36you can use this.
12:40Keshigo is eraser?
12:43Rub it like this.
12:48The dirt is gone.
12:50Now, you're ready to go.
12:55The finish is paper.
12:59I didn't do anything this time.
13:01Did you know?
13:03You can actually make it yourself.
13:09All you need is
13:10gelatin powder and hot water.
13:13Put hot water in a glass with gelatin powder.
13:18Stir it well.
13:22put it in the fridge to cool.
13:25It's done.
13:26Try it.
13:36It's great.
13:39Set the paper,
13:40clean it,
13:42and put on your shoes.
13:51I only use what I have at home.
13:54It costs me zero yen.
13:56How do you like it, Mr. Kuwata?
13:58It's so cool.
14:09It's good to save money.
14:12No, no, no.
14:14I'm happy to hear that.
14:18I'm going home.
14:21I'm going to look for a girl.
14:23I'm an expert.
14:25See you.
14:30What a handsome man.
14:35what are you going to do, Mr. Kuwata?
14:38Are you going to go out of town like this?
14:40No, I already have a girl.
14:50I can't forget her pink fashion.
14:54I can't forget Kaori unless I'm in Rin-chan's class.
14:59I don't think you should go out with her.
15:03She seems to like me recently.
15:08Do you two get along well?
15:10No, no, no.
15:11I prefer my ex-girlfriend.
15:14Then, it's good.
15:18can you make music, Mr. Kuwata?
15:20Rin-chan seems to like someone who can make music.
15:22No, no, no.
15:24I played a recorder when I was in elementary school.
15:27In the first place,
15:29Kuwata is an idiot.
15:31It's not easy to be an idiot.
15:33I knew it.
15:35It's Kuwata now.
15:38I'm going to cry.
15:39I'm going to cry.
15:42Where are you, Germany?
15:54Who are you?
15:57Can you see me, Mr. Kuwata?
15:59I am
16:02David Bowie.
16:04David Bowie?
16:06Isn't he dead?
16:07No, no, no.
16:09This is my friend.
16:10I'm sorry. I didn't mean to say that.
16:12I'm sorry.
16:14Is it you?
16:15You're a good boy.
16:17You're a good boy.
16:19You're a good boy.
16:20You're a good boy.
16:22You're a good boy.
16:23You're a good boy.
16:25Listen, you pig.
16:27I've always had
16:29interesting results
16:32when I challenged myself
16:35to a genre that I know I'm not an expert in.
16:38You've just experienced it, haven't you?
16:41With the power of saving that I've been denying until now,
16:45I got myself a new self.
16:48That's right.
16:49What would a guy like you do when you sweat?
16:52What would a woman do when she's in a bad mood?
16:55You can't do it, can you?
16:57I can't, I can't, I can't do it!
17:00What's your answer?
17:06Mr. Kuwada,
17:08the boy is right.
17:12Let's challenge.
17:15What's your answer?
17:22Where are you taking me?
17:25Actually, there's someone I want to see.
17:27I see.
17:29I thought you were inviting me on a date.
17:34Oh, that person.
17:42I've been waiting for you, Rin-chan.
17:44This is a present.
17:48Oh, thank you.
17:52What do you want, Mr. Kuwada?
17:55Can you sit here for a moment?
18:05I finally realized how I really feel.
18:10I, Keizo Kuwada,
18:13love you, Rin Shina.
18:15More than anyone else in the world.
18:19That's the guy from the last episode of the manga!
18:27the pose is the same!
18:30Are you serious?
18:31I'm serious.
18:33And one more present.
19:10How was it?
19:16It was really gross.
19:20I'm cold.
19:23Excuse me.
19:37Mr. Kuwada.
19:39It was a serious fight.
19:41It didn't reach Rin-chan,
19:44but some people were moved.
19:57Mr. Kuwada.
19:59That song.
20:01My grandmother in Bolivia
20:03told me many times when I was a child.
20:08Such a gentle voice.
20:11I remembered Mr. Kuwada's kindness.
20:15I knew it.
20:21I don't have anything anymore.
20:26I don't have a house or a company.
20:28I'm a middle-aged father.
20:32That's the guy from the last episode of the manga!
20:35I don't even have a ring for you.
21:05Mr. Kuwada.
21:15Mr. Kuwada.
21:31Looking at Mr. Kuwada,
21:34I remembered Makiko.
21:37I was with Makiko.
21:40I was with Makiko.
21:52I've had this before.
21:56What is this Deja Vu?
21:59It can't be.
22:01It can't be.
22:06It can't be.
22:12Who are you?
22:16Who the hell are you?
22:25Who the hell are you?
22:28Who the hell are you?
22:31Who the hell are you?
22:34Who the hell are you?
22:37Who the hell are you?
22:40Who the hell are you?
22:43Who the hell are you?
22:46Who the hell are you?
22:49Who the hell are you?
22:52Who the hell are you?
22:57I don't want to see Makiko again.
22:59Are you seeing her?
23:00I'm thinking of getting married.
23:01I'm thinking of getting married.
23:04Do you need to be alone with Makiko?
23:06Is it okay to change your mind?
23:08Shall we go?
23:09Is this okay?
23:14Ueda-kun, Ueda-kun.
23:17We will give away the original manga to 10 people.
23:20For more information, please visit the program's website.
23:23We look forward to your participation.
