Vientos de amor Capitulo 4 en Español Latino

  • 2 days ago


00:39Vientos de amor
00:50Entro a la tinto de dia
01:16Listo acción
02:00Descuida, gracias. No es nada. ¿Te duele algo? No, estoy bien. ¿Cómo puedes ir tan rápido si vas sobre la acera? Lo siento, ¿está bien? Sí, estoy bien. ¿De verdad? ¿No estás herida? No, estoy bien, dame eso, vamos. Está bien. Ay, lo derramé todo. Qué desperdicio. ¿Dónde estás? ¿Qué haces? Ya busqué tu ropa.
02:27¿Por qué irías sin avisar? Vamos, pásame a mi madre. Ah, voy para allá.
02:34¡Qué cabello! Ya, ya.
02:38Aquí, aquí.
02:40¡Se nos acaba el tiempo!
02:44¡Vamos, pase prisa!
02:45¡Oye, oye! ¡Espera, espera! ¡Tus zapatos! ¡Espera, tus zapatos! ¡Espera! ¡Alto! ¡Espera, tus zapatos! ¡Ven, ven!
03:16Oh, no, no, no.
03:36¿Ahora vas descalzo? ¿Caminaste así?
03:39¿Caminaste así?
03:41¿Estás loco? Mamá, mamá, ¿dónde estás?
03:45Aquí estoy. Cielos, ¿qué te pasó? Cualquiera diría que te perseguía un perro rabioso.
03:53¿Cómo pudiste venir sin avisar?
03:55Como si tú llamaras con antelación. También hueles un tanto desagradable. ¿Te derramaste cangrejos con salsa de soja?
04:02¿Preparaste algo de comer? Tengo hambre.
04:05Oye, espera. El olor viene de ella, ¿cierto?
04:10No estoy tan seguro.
04:14¡Ah, delicioso!
04:16¡Déjalo! Tienes las manos sucias.
04:18Eso duele.
04:22¿Pero por qué hay tan poco?
04:24No preguntes. Tus manos apestarán durante mucho tiempo. Date prisa y lávatelas.
04:30De acuerdo.
04:35¿Por qué te sientas aquí? Ve a sentarte allá.
04:38¿No me quieres a tu lado?
04:40Me estás molestando. Siéntate allá.
04:44Los que me rodean son unos irrespetuosos.
04:50¿En dónde está la tía?
04:52No hace falta que nos visites. Solo tengo que ir al hospital una semana hasta que vuelva tu tío. Así que no te preocupes por nosotras.
05:00¿Pero cómo se rompió el dedo?
05:02¿Recuerdas a tu mamá?
05:04Tu prima quiere divorciarse después de unas veces de casada. Así que tu tía pateó algo por rabia.
05:12La gente se divorcia siempre.
05:14Sí, es cierto. ¿Para qué casarse?
05:18Dujun, come.
05:34¿Dormirás aquí?
05:36¿Tengo otra opción?
05:38Tu madre está aquí, así que no podemos estar separados.
05:59¿No estás cansada? ¿No dormirás?
06:02Estoy bien.
06:04Estas galletas que hizo Dujun son deliciosas y nada saladas.
06:09Sí, van geniales con cerveza. ¿Quieres cerveza?
06:12No. Esa pequeña bruja es tan suspicaz.
06:16¿Te divierte?
06:18Pues claro. Si no, ¿por qué iba a verlo? Anda, ve con él.
06:23Creía que con la edad te dormías temprano. No duermes mucho.
06:26Ese loco bastardo. Todos los matrimonios son iguales.
06:31Siempre mencionan el divorcio por la televisión, por Dios. Qué pena.
06:36Mientras se acercaba a mí, mi corazón latía desbocado.
06:41De pronto me miró y... morí.
06:46¡Ay, Dios mío!
07:05No, no oía nada. Pensé que había muerto, de verdad.
07:10¿Y te vio bien la cara?
07:13Sí, lo hizo. Incluso me dio las gracias y todo.
07:17¿De verdad? ¡Genial!
07:19Y lo más increíble, mi madre no me reconoció.
07:23¿Lo ves? Su madre y su esposo nos acechan.
07:26Bien, bien. Felicidades por tus habilidades.
07:28Pero todo se desordenó debido al accidente. Sería diferente si estuvieran cara a cara.
07:32¿Dijiste qué? Me ayudarías mucho si esto funcionaba.
07:35Oye, mejor escúchalo. Odia a la gente que se retracta.
07:38¡Argh! ¡Me sigo negando! ¡Haz otro montaje!
07:42El accidente de bicicleta arruinó todo.
07:44Ni mi madre me reconoció.
07:55Toma, es este. Todo está en orden.
07:59Revisaré este.
08:01Está bien.
08:05No sé si debería preguntar, pero debo saberlo ahora.
08:09¿Por qué quieres divorciarte?
08:20¿No puedes hablarlo con Hyomnim?
08:23Si eso funcionara, no haría esto.
08:30Sabes cuánto significas para mí, ¿no?
08:33¿Es este realmente el único camino? Me gustaría que pensaras en otra solución.
08:44Si no te gusta, no tienes que ayudar. ¿Entiendes?
09:01¿No quieres colaborar?
09:07Tengo un buen plan en mente. ¿Lo intentas?
09:21Para ti.
09:23¿Qué es?
09:25Digamos que es un certificado de regalo perfecto para ti.
09:30¿De verdad es gratis?
09:32¿No me cobrarán tasas extrañas cuando esté allí?
09:36Es una suite. Es válido hasta finales de año.
09:39Y te mataré si llevas a otra mujer.
09:43El negocio va lento estos días. Esto debe ser costoso.
09:47¿Lo es? ¿Así que puedes pagar en efectivo cuando estés en mi restaurante?
09:51¿Para qué? ¿Para evitar impuestos?
09:53Es por las comisiones de las tarjetas de crédito.
10:02Mi amigo golpeó el auto mientras retrocedía. Lo siento. Estoy esperando la grúa.
10:17¿Qué? ¿Sólo dirás eso? Debe estar loco.
10:22¡No puedes dejar que se vayan!
10:23¡Basta! Es un auto de segunda. Seguirá funcionando bien.
10:26¡No! ¡No lo hará! Cuando te rayan el auto, te enojas. Cuando te enojas, el auto no acelera, pase lo que pase.
10:31¡Deja de gritar!
10:33¿Y esto?
10:35Te escribo de nuevo porque es bastante grave.
10:38¡Vaya! ¡Mira! ¡Mira esto! ¡Es un gran rascuño!
10:42Vaya. En el mundo de hoy, una persona tan honesta merece perdón.
10:48Mira, si los dejas ir, estás siendo un perdedor.
10:51Estoy ebrio. No puedo mover mi auto.
10:54Sigue bebiendo y paga la cuenta. Yo me encargo de esto.
10:58Dios, está bien. Está bien. Espera.
11:02Hola. Mil disculpas. Mi amigo tuvo que irse. Así que llámame y te compensaré.
11:09¡Vaya! Es más grande de lo que pensé. Espera. ¿Dónde están?
11:39¿Aquí estás? Buenas noches. Debes haber estado preocupada, ¿no?
12:07Mis disculpas.
12:08No, no, no. No hay necesidad de que se disculpe. Este no es mi auto. El auto está bien.
12:15Envíame un mensaje cuando lo hayas arreglado.
12:18Descuida. No hace falta arreglarlo. Además, tu amigo es el que hizo esto.
12:22También estoy aquí en nombre de mi amigo.
12:25Qué gracioso. Conocernos mientras cuidamos de nuestros amigos.
12:33Por casualidad, ¿me permites preguntarte tu nombre?
12:39Por favor, no me malinterpretes. Es en caso de que mi amigo quiera arreglarlo.
12:44Está Yotun.
12:46¿Y es tu nombre o el del que hizo esto?
12:50Ah, ¿tu número de teléfono?
12:54Gracias, gracias. No, no. En realidad, espera un momento.
13:01Bien, entonces. Por favor, llámame.
13:03Está todo bien.
13:07Dime, ¿te acompañó?
13:09Chao Yotun, Chao Yotun. 010-9542-4582.
13:14Chao Yotun, Chao Yotun.
13:18Arreglar, arreglar, arreglar.
13:24Muchas gracias.
13:28Su comida está lista.
13:30¿Qué es esto?
13:32¿Le sirvo un trago?
13:34Por favor. Gracias.
13:40¿Puedo tomar una?
13:41Claro, tome asiento.
13:50Sabes que no me meto en los asuntos de los demás.
13:55Sujin, ella es buena.
13:59Volverá si te portas bien con ella.
14:02Y respecto al bebé, la convenceré para que lo piense un poco más.
14:07Nunca tendré un bebé.
14:11¿Eres el Dujun que conozco?
14:14¿Por qué haces esto?
14:17Yo solo... no cambio mi estilo de vida.
14:21Cuando veo gente casada con hijos, tienen una vida tan aburrida.
14:26Un matrimonio es... asfixiante.
14:30Aunque quisiera hacer algo, no puedo.
14:33Pero siempre has hecho exactamente lo que has querido.
14:37Tengo la cabeza embotrada y necesito despejarla.
14:42Tal vez... no estaba destinado a casarme.
14:54¿Tú... la amas?
14:59Sí, la amo.
15:03Pero un matrimonio no subsiste únicamente de amor.
15:12¿Ya pagaste la cuenta?
15:15¿Ya tasaste mi indemnización?
15:17Es bonita.
15:19No es bonita, pero el auto estaba bien así que la dejé ir.
15:25¿Era una mujer?
15:27Sí, dime.
15:29¿Sujin tiene un aspecto que sea muy típico?
15:32¿Qué quieres decir con eso?
15:34Nada, nada.
15:36Me resulta tan familiar.
15:38Es preciosa.
15:39¿Te aprovechaste de la situación para pedir su número?
15:42Sí. Un auto es solo una posesión. No te encariñes.
15:46Dijiste que sería un idiota.
15:48¿Un qué? ¿De qué hablas?
15:50Creo que bebiste mucho. Te prepararé algo ahora.
15:53¿Puedes traernos un ramen?
16:10¿Qué ocurrió?
16:12Fue un desastre.
16:16¿Te descubrieron?
16:18Todavía no, pero vino el amigo de mi esposo, así que fue un fracaso.
16:25¿Y después? ¿Qué pasó?
16:33¿Por qué sigues aquí?
16:34¿Qué estás haciendo?
16:36¿Yo? Nada.
16:38¿Crees que soy sordo?
16:40¿A quién envías mensajes tan furiosamente?
16:44¿Es un chico?
16:46No, no lo es.
16:48¿Y por qué te asustaste?
16:50¿Quién? ¿Yo? Por nada.
16:52No parece que no sea nada.
17:09No puedes mirar.
17:11Son gerim. Vamos, dámelo.
17:23¿Necesitas el auto mañana?
17:26Para que lo sepas, rallé el parachoques. No hace falta arreglarlo.
17:30De acuerdo.
17:31Listen, my mother will stay in the hospital with my aunt.
17:45Han Seo came out?
17:46Oh, I was surprised.
17:50But he didn't recognize me.
17:53Then you should seduce him as a practice.
17:56I was very embarrassed.
17:59Oh, I was dying of nerves.
18:00Why not? It will be fun.
18:02Consider him a test of security measures.
18:05If so, try to seduce him yourself.
18:09Hey, but...
18:10Ryan really won't cooperate?
18:13Wasn't he a prodigy who entered the university with honors?
18:17He was the prodigy of our city.
18:19Then he should have become a judge or a prosecutor.
18:23Why would he go to the United States to study cinema?
18:26I don't know.
18:28But he received an award for his stage.
18:32Oh, really?
18:34These nerds know how to do things.
18:38That's why you need a smart brain to be successful.
18:43I wish I had a brother like that.
18:45Ask him to include me in a movie.
18:48So you can ruin his movie?
18:50Right? I shouldn't ruin it.
18:57You couldn't wait to cause trouble.
18:59We'll talk in person.
19:03How did he find out?
19:04Who? Who found out what?
19:14If you have to divorce, then have an adventure.
19:19If you fall in love with someone else, you can't do anything.
19:21I thought so, but the one who cheated can't ask for a divorce.
19:28If denying sex is a reason for divorce,
19:30why can't the same thing happen when denying a baby?
19:34Our civil divorce laws are exhaustive, so it can be a cause.
19:38But it will be difficult to win just for that reason.
19:41And does that make sense?
19:45It's frustrating.
19:46But it's the reality.
19:48By any chance, were you cheated by your husband or...
19:52Did he have an adventure?
19:56If he hasn't, it will be difficult to get a divorce.
19:59It's only possible if you prove every little thing
20:02and declare that your marriage has no arrangement.
20:05But even that will take at least three years, more or less.
20:09It would be faster to convince your husband of a mutual divorce.
20:20I have it.
20:22Move and live on your own.
20:24Move alone and try to...
20:26go out with other men.
20:28Will it work?
20:29I'm still legally married.
20:31So who will have a baby with me?
20:34Is that your goal?
20:36To have a child?
20:37If so, I will help you somehow to have a baby.
20:42If you conceive a baby, there is nothing you can do.
20:44I'd rather die than have a baby.
20:46What do I do?
20:48It's easy to change it.
20:51What's wrong?
20:53Don't you want to have a baby?
20:55So, do you just want to divorce him?
21:03Tell me what's wrong.
21:05Do you hate him and you just want to divorce him?
21:11I'm not happy.
21:13I'm not sure.
21:15But if you're not sure, why do you do it?
21:18Oh, no.
21:20I'll do it.
21:21If you're not sure, don't do it.
21:24If I see him as another woman,
21:27maybe I can understand him.
21:30So you put him to the test?
21:33Dressing up as another person to see how he feels?
21:37What the hell? It's a children's game.
21:42I'll do it.
21:56Lizzy Jean!
22:02Even if I wanted to divorce him, I'd rather not do it.
22:06Do whatever you want.
22:09I'll do it.
22:10Don't be surprised at what I'll do.
22:14Maybe it'll happen sooner or later.
22:16Don't waste time.
22:26Tell me something.
22:28Are you kidding?
22:30I'm not kidding.
22:32I'm not sure.
22:36But I want to know
22:38how he feels.
22:43Now I understand.
22:48I'll help you.
22:50But get ready.
22:51There's a lot to do.
23:00I see you wrote this essay yourself.
23:03Everyone praises themselves.
23:05The photos are good.
23:08So, will the date be set?
23:11We have other exhibitions before,
23:13so it will be difficult, but not impossible.
23:16However, could you show us some more original sketches?
23:23Roads are a mystery.
23:27The destination is the same,
23:29but each road is different.
23:31There may be a detour, but you go on.
23:35You go straight, but you may be left behind.
23:39The roads will end up disappearing,
23:42but not their meaning.
23:44The path you will follow
23:46does not lack meaning.
23:50Keep visiting the hospital.
23:53The Lord will always accompany you
23:56in your journey.
23:58The Lord will always accompany you
24:00in your journey.
24:02The Lord will always accompany you
24:04in your journey.
24:26You won't grow and ruin your teeth
24:28if you eat this.
24:29Don't you ever eat well?
24:30But it's delicious!
24:32But it's not good.
24:33This is worse than garbage.
24:35You've read Hansel and Gretel, haven't you?
24:38Who built the cookie house?
24:40The witch.
24:42Only truly evil people do things like that.
24:44Excuse me.
24:45Have you tried them?
24:47Only evil people make them,
24:49and it's garbage.
24:51Who are you?
24:52I'm the mother of this cookie maker.
24:54Have you seen the ingredients?
24:56It's low in sodium for the children's sake,
24:59and they use fresh potatoes to guarantee quality.
25:02You don't know anything.
25:03Why do you talk like that?
25:09They're good, aren't they?
25:11I also like them a lot.
25:13Yes, you should listen to your mother,
25:15but these cookies are safe.
25:18I can't believe you're listening to this woman.
25:20What do you think you're doing?
25:30It's nice to walk here.
25:35Is it heavy?
25:36No, it's not.
25:40Your hands remind me of my husband's.
25:46Can we sit here for a minute?
25:49Yes, of course.
26:00You didn't have a lot of family.
26:04Since you were a child,
26:06you probably didn't get a lot of love either.
26:11Whenever I think of you,
26:13my heart warms up a little,
26:16because I know you're tender on the inside,
26:19and you love Sujin a lot.
26:21I'm very grateful and very proud of you.
26:24You're welcome.
26:26I know Sujin is a good girl,
26:28but she's immature for her age.
26:31I watch you and I've seen how you hug her
26:34and how much patience it takes.
26:37You made reservations at the hotel the last time
26:40and you made Sujin feel better, didn't you?
26:43If Sujin ever frustrates you and bothers you,
26:46you can tell me everything.
26:48We can go to the beach and have a delicious coffee.
26:52If life overwhelms you, just tell me.
26:57Don't hide your suffering
26:59or try to embrace everything by yourself.
27:02That's how a family should be.
27:07Yes, of course.
27:10Forgive me for taking up much of your time.
27:15No, it's okay.
27:16It's because you can't stand people talking bad about me.
27:20It's all because of my flaws.
27:23I'm the one who apologizes.
27:25Why are you apologizing?
27:27I'm the one who feels bad and apologizes.
27:30You're like a son to me.
27:32That's how I should feel.
27:34What mother would accept
27:36to be mistreated and insulted by her son?
27:39I'm sorry.
27:41Stop saying you're sorry.
27:44God, you're so kind and tender.
27:47From now on, I'll start calling you son.
27:51You can also call me mom.
27:55Okay, mom.
28:18Hey, you wrote a thesis.
28:20I only asked for a short summary.
28:22You said I should write what I remember.
28:24You have a good memory.
28:26Okay, the beginning.
28:28That would be your first encounter.
28:30After analyzing his character,
28:32being innocent or extroverted would be good.
28:34Which one do we use?
28:36That man likes the innocent type, yes.
28:39Are you sure?
28:40I've been with that man for 10 years.
28:42I'm sure.
28:43Men are all the same.
28:45I know we say the innocent type,
28:47but men like nice and submissive women.
28:50Hey, not me.
28:51I'm disobedient and I can't contain myself.
28:55What's that?
28:56Well, then I'll create an unforgettable first encounter
29:00using the innocent type as a motive.
29:03How will you do it?
29:04It will be an irresistible proposal,
29:05just like in The Godfather.
29:07You've seen a lot of movies.
29:09Good, out!
29:10Wow, you're loud.
29:12So, will you be able to create that?
29:15Of course, I write fast.
29:18Write what?
29:19We call it writing scenarios.
29:44Hurry up!
29:45It's this way.
29:48Herbal medicine.
29:58Have a good day.
30:00Come in.
30:01This way.
30:02Come on, let's go in.
30:03Yes, yes, yes.
30:11How strange.
30:16I detect both a weak constitution and an excess of functions.
30:24What is this?
30:25Oh, what's the problem?
30:27Is something wrong with my son?
30:29Isn't he your son-in-law?
30:30Sons-in-law are also like sons.
30:32How is he?
30:33Well, the thing is that his internal organs are perfectly healthy and well,
30:39but something is wrong here.
30:42It's like when old people are diagnosed with dementia.
30:47You're the one who has dementia.
30:49Didn't you take your medicine in the morning?
30:53You must be under a lot of stress these days.
30:57Of course.
30:58He's working like a slave.
31:01I guess if you're really very stressed,
31:05we'll do some acupuncture to calm you down.
31:08Then you can go.
31:09Well, I don't really like acupuncture.
31:12Do it if you have a minute.
31:13No, thank you.
31:14I'll take the medicine.
31:16Mother, I'll go out first, okay?
32:08This too.
32:21Mom, what is this?
32:24What thing?
32:25That's expensive.
32:29I told you not to waste your money.
32:31How did you find them?
32:45Since I'm the director today,
32:47could you call me director?
32:49I'll call you whenever we're alone.
32:54Then do whatever you want.
32:56Well, I think you wrote a good scenario.
32:59But will it work even if he's so in love?
33:03There's a difference between sympathy and love.
33:05Isn't that right?
33:06That's why you're a fan.
33:09You should study scenarios apart from makeup.
33:13An unforgettable first encounter is basic in a melodrama.
33:18Well, you print or dig into a character's weakness.
33:23That's why you're unforgettable to me.
33:27Does the same thing happen to you?
33:29I'm stupid, I forget.
33:31I like cute men even if they're stupid.
33:33Is that a compliment or an insult?
33:36Say it again.
33:37Forget it.
33:38Go on.
33:40A cute man even if he's stupid?
33:42But I'm smart and cute.
33:46Isn't that right, Jerim?
34:03Please, cry. You can't.
34:05Don't pressure me.
34:07But I'm not sad.
34:09How can I cry?
34:11Do I have to cry?
34:12Women's tears move men.
34:15They cloud decision-making.
34:17If you can't do something so simple, forget it.
34:21Is it so hard? Are you tired?
34:23No, I'm not. I'll try again.
34:26Can you do it?
34:27This is the last time.
34:28If you fail, I'll give up.
34:30Come on, focus and let's do it now.
34:33Very good.
34:34Yes, yes, just like that.
34:36You're a loser.
34:37You're sad.
34:39You feel desperate, don't you?
34:41Good, that's it.
34:42Keep those emotions.
34:44They're here.
34:45Those feelings are here.
34:46Come on.
34:51Come on, go on.
34:53Let it flow.
34:56Remember that you're a miserable person.
34:59Don't stop.
35:00Come on, more emotion.
35:04Oh, God.
35:05Your acting is terrible.
35:08How will you convince him of the divorce?
35:22That was good.
35:26Was it good?
35:27Of course, it was great.
35:29We're good.
35:30We're good.
35:41Well, let's make our stories coincide.
35:47Let's start.
35:48If I touch my nose?
35:50That's okonomiyaki.
35:53And if I touch my lips?
35:57If I massage my shoulders?
35:59Grilled fish.
36:00And if I wink?
36:02If I touch my stomach?
36:03Your stomach?
36:04What's that?
36:07You haven't changed at all.
36:10There are no customers today.
36:12Shall we have a drink?
36:14And if you shut up?
36:24I'll be with your aunt this weekend.
36:26I said I'd take you.
36:27I asked for a taxi.
36:29Make sure you take the expensive medicine.
36:31You heard her, right?
36:32Mom, I'll pick you up tomorrow at the hospital.
36:34It's not necessary.
36:35Just give her the medicine.
36:37You don't have to come with me.
36:39Please be careful.
36:46Do you know what kind of medicine that is?
36:48She really wants a grandchild.
36:50She still has hopes.
36:52Don't you feel bad for her?
36:55Have you seen my leather notebook?
36:58I don't know what you're talking about.
37:06Yes, tell me.
37:12Where is the hospital?
37:16A funeral home?
37:20Go ahead.
37:22It's in Bucheon.
37:25Of course, I'll go.
37:28See you later.
37:43It can't be.
37:57Will you stay here?
38:00I'll go home after dinner.
38:02Will you drink then?
38:04Yes, maybe.
38:07Do you have something to tell me?
38:10But don't drink and drive, okay?
38:12When did I drink and drive?
38:14Not yet.
38:15Leave your car there.
38:45I have an emergency.
38:47My husband is going to a funeral tonight.
38:49He'll be outside Bucheon.
38:51He won't stay out all night, so he'll ask for a driver.
38:55Call me as soon as possible.
39:04Straighten your back.
39:14Good, the last one.
39:18Why does it weigh so much?
39:23Why me for this movie?
39:25I've been hearing that you won't make it without me.
39:28Do you want to know why?
39:32Well then, let's have dinner.
39:34It'll take a while.
39:36Yes, of course.
39:38Can you give me a massage here?
39:42There's a problem.
39:53It tickles.
39:54It tickles? Really?
40:01You scared me.
40:02Do you have phlegm?
40:03It's the general manager.
40:04He sent me because you don't answer.
40:06Did he write to you?
40:07Yes, and if you don't answer, he'll call your boss.
40:13Urgent matter.
40:14We have an emergency today.
40:23Miss Choi, our general manager has an urgent matter.
40:27Let's have dinner another time.
40:29Okay, since it's going to be a long conversation, let's set a date.
40:34Choose a good date and let me know.
41:12Love Winds
