VeggieTales Moe and the Big Exit (Widescreen)

  • avant-hier
00:00Hi kids, welcome to VeggieTales. I'm Bob the Tomato.
00:04And I'm Larry the Cucumber.
00:06And we're here to answer your questions.
00:09Hey Bob, you remember the Ballad of Little Joe?
00:12Uh, yeah.
00:14Wasn't that a great show?
00:16Well, sure Larry, it was terrific.
00:18You just gotta love westerns, don't ya?
00:20Well, you don't have to, I suppose, but I do enjoy a good western every now and then.
00:26Great! Today's letter is from Wesley Thomas of Carlsbad, New Mexico.
00:31Wesley writes, Dear Bob and Larry, can you do a sequel to the Ballad of Little Joe?
00:37Your friend, Wesley.
00:39Larry, that's a nice letter, but we answer letters for kids who are having moral and ethical dilemmas.
00:46Ethel who?
00:48You know, kids who have questions about what's right and wrong.
00:51Who want to know what the right thing to do is.
00:54Exactly. So to Wesley I say, a sequel to Little Joe is the right thing to do.
01:00But, does the letter say anything about having problems listening to his parents or losing interest in school?
01:07No, but now that you mention it, I did get this one from Mr. Sammy Tidwell of Brentwood, Tennessee.
01:13Dear Bob and Larry, don't miss this exciting opportunity to take advantage of our low interest rates.
01:20Who's screening your mail?
01:22I don't know.
01:23Look, Larry, I'm sure a sequel to the Ballad of Little Joe would be nice, but, well, listen here.
01:30Dear Bob and Larry, I fight with my brother a lot.
01:33In church this week I learned that I'm supposed to be loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, gentle, and self-controlled.
01:42I know God wants me to be all that to my brother, but I don't think I'm strong enough.
01:47What do I do?
01:48Your friend, Elise.
01:51You see, Larry, that's the kind of letter we answer on the show.
01:56Wait a minute. I've got the perfect story for Elise.
02:00You do?
02:01Yep. It's the story of Moe and the Big Exit.
02:04Moe and the Big Exit?
02:06Or as the Indians called it, The Lone Stranger.
02:09Either way, it's Little Joe Part 2. Roll film!
02:22In the grape-painted desert a long time ago
02:26Twixt the feet of the Rockies and the Bighorn Plateau
02:30Lived a man of great calling, a man of great skill
02:35In the city of Dodgeball they sing of him still
02:41Oh, Lone Stranger
02:45Your mask hides your face
02:47Who you are we can't say
02:50Oh, Lone Stranger
02:53They sing hi ho sliver hey wade
02:58To tell the story of the Lone Stranger, you gotta start with the first big hero of Dodgeball City.
03:05That'd be Little Joe.
03:07Now, Little Joe was what you might call a visionary.
03:12But his dreams ticked off his brothers who sold him off to a group of desperadoes.
03:17Oh dear.
03:19And after traveling in a ziggy-zaggy line
03:22He ended up in Dodgeball City
03:24Where his hard work and scrupulous character
03:27Landed him in the pokey.
03:30But with God's help, he got the mayor out of a bind
03:33By figuring out that hard times were on the way.
03:36The mayor granted him a reprieve and a job in emergency management.
03:41Little Joe organized the town, gathered up seven years
03:45Worked the grub and saved the day.
03:48He also saved his own family.
03:50He forgave his brothers for selling him off
03:53And set them all up with nice lives right there in Dodgeball.
03:58But times changed.
04:01Well, after Little Joe and his brothers passed
04:04Their descendants multiplied like prairie dogs
04:07Till the new mayor and the people of the town
04:10Started to worry that they'd be overrun.
04:13So they set taskmasters over the sons of Little Joe
04:17To afflict them with heavy burdens and keep them down.
04:24They set them to digging with shovels and picks
04:29And drove them to building with boulders and bricks
04:33Till tired and battered they fell to their knees
04:38And cried to the heavens,
04:43Oh, lone stranger
04:47Your mask hides your face
04:49Who you are, we can't say
04:52Oh, lone stranger
04:56We sing hi-ho, slither away
05:01Oh, lone stranger
05:05We work like the dickens but don't get no pay
05:10Oh, lone stranger
05:15Please come take us away
05:19We really don't want to stay
05:24I've had a really bad day
05:28Singing hi-ho, slither away
05:34Oh, lone stranger
05:39We sing hi-ho, slither away
05:45Oh, lone stranger
05:49We work like the dickens but don't get no pay
05:54Oh, lone stranger
05:59We sing hi-ho, slither away
06:03Oh, lone stranger
06:08We work like the dickens but don't get no pay
06:13Oh, lone stranger
06:18We sing hi-ho, slither away
06:23Oh, lone stranger
06:28I'm not sure I am.
06:30Gather up all the baby boys and send them up the river.
06:37Up the river?
06:39Up the river.
06:49Now the mayor thought his plan was awfully clever.
06:53But God had his eye on one special boy he was going to use to turn this whole mess around.
07:15What in the world?
07:24Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh.
07:34Now I've been told when you pan for gold out west of Illinois
07:39It ain't rare to find a bear but not a baby boy.
07:43I think I'll name ya Nugget.
07:45And if you do, one thing is true, if to kindness you are prone
07:50You line your pack with bubble wrap and take that baby home.
07:55I know. What about Moe?
07:57It's Indian for looking for gold and finding a baby.
08:01Singing hi-yi yippee-ki-yo, she picked him up and named him Moe.
08:05Singing hi-yi yippee-ki-yo, she took that baby home.
08:09She named that baby Moe.
08:15Sincerely yours, Mayor Nezza.
08:17Okay, read that back to me.
08:19Hmm, da-da-da-dash-dash.
08:22Oh, hi, sweetheart. Any luck today?
08:24I found a baby!
08:26Oh, that's nice.
08:29Oh, little Moe began to grow but not as strong as others.
08:34Couldn't hold a cup or measure up to his big zucchini brothers.
08:41To compensate, little Moe got great at working on his draw.
08:46He'd knock you flat if you're standing at the wrong end of that ball.
08:53Singing hi-yi yippee-ki-yo, look out for that mighty throw.
08:58Singing hi-yi yippee-ki-yo, man that boy can throw.
09:02The boy that we call Moe.
09:06In his defense, it made good sense but made his mother nervous.
09:11To take those skills and pay his bills through a life in public service.
09:16He joined the Corps of Badge Wars, Zucchini's four companions.
09:21With Mom's consent, soon off he went to guard over the canyons.
09:26Singing hi-yi yippee-ki-yo, standing high and low.
09:31Singing hi-yi yippee-ki-yo, standing high and looking low.
09:35Singing hi-yo, the boy can throw, that's our brother Moe.
09:39Singing hi-yi yippee-ki-yo, standing high and looking low.
09:44Singing hi-yi yippee-ki-yo, he's not that big we know.
09:48But man that boy can throw.
09:50The boy that we call Moe.
10:12Here, let me help you.
10:14I don't need your help.
10:16I was just trying to...
10:17Well, it's too late for that, isn't it?
10:19Must be nice growing up pampered in the mayor's house.
10:22Instead out here breaking your back along with the rest of your kin.
10:26How did you know...
10:27Your sister told a few friends.
10:29They told a few friends and I reckon everybody knows by now.
10:33They do?
10:34Besides, you're the spitting image of little Joe himself.
10:38Of course he'd be spitting if he saw you wearing that badge.
10:44Everything okay here, Moe?
10:47Yeah, everything's fine.
10:50Sure it's fine when the mayor's your granddaddy.
10:53We all know your rightful place is down there.
10:56He giving you a hard time?
10:58Yeah, what if I am?
11:00Don't talk back to me.
11:04It's okay, Bill.
11:05No, it's not okay.
11:09No one talks back to me.
11:12Especially a lowlife descendant of little Joe.
11:16Leave him alone, Bill.
11:17Looks like you need a little lesson in respecting your superiors.
11:24Leave him alone, Bill.
11:29That's enough.
11:38Yeah, right.
11:51He was gonna hurt Charlie.
11:53I was helping you.
11:56If the mayor finds out I'm a goner.
11:58Come on, guys.
11:59We're family.
12:00You gotta hide me.
12:01Or what?
12:02You're going to whack us too?
12:05What's going on here?
12:30Si vous le trouvez, amenez-le à moi.
12:33Cette fois, je vais le voir moi-même.
12:35Il va sur la rivière.
12:38Il n'y avait pas grand-chose à faire pour Moe,
12:40mais il allait vers les montagnes.
12:42Il a fait quelques pas pour garder le maire et sa gang
12:45à l'abri, et à la fin,
12:48Moe est arrivé dans les rochers, où il était en sécurité.
12:56Eh bien, sauf pour les poissons.
13:01C'est la chose des montagnes.
13:04Elles ont des poissons.
13:07Après avoir perdu le poisson, il...
13:11Le poisson est toujours là.
13:37Chambre, chambre sur la rivière
13:41Où les poissons et les cantaloupes jouent
13:50Où il n'est rarement entendu
13:54Un mot décevant
13:57Et le ciel n'est pas pleine de pluie
14:03Mais malheureusement pour Moe,
14:05les poissons ne sont pas les seuls qui vivent dans les montagnes.
14:11Viens, Zippy!
14:13As-tu faim, mon garçon?
14:22Oh, wow, Zippy!
14:25C'est plus lourd que la dernière fois.
14:37Oh, je suis terriblement désolée!
14:39C'est pas grave!
14:44Oh, tu m'as étonnée!
14:47Oh, Moe, tu es un grand boisson d'eau!
14:50Oh, pas si grand.
14:52Tu devrais voir mes frères.
14:54Oh, tu as laissé ton masque.
14:58Joli buffalo.
15:01Qu'est-ce que tu faisais au fond de la grotte?
15:07Pas encore.
15:11Je suis fatigué de courir,
15:13et je ne retourne pas dans cette grotte!
15:18D'accord, Béar,
15:20Trouve-en un autre pour courir!
15:37Je vais m'occuper de ça.
15:39Wow, c'était une chose incroyablement courageuse de faire.
15:43Tu penses que si?
15:47Je m'appelle Sally, et ça, c'est Zippy.
15:51Salut, Sally et Zippy.
15:53Heureuse de vous rencontrer.
15:55Je m'appelle Moe.
15:58Quand les larches font un tweet,
15:59un tweet-le-dee-le-dee,
16:00et les oiseaux disent coo,
16:02un coo-dee-oo-dee-oo,
16:03et le soleil se pose haut
16:04dans le ciel de Rocky Mountain,
16:08tu sais qu'il doit y avoir de l'amour.
16:10Tu devrais être faim.
16:12Est-ce que tu voudrais nous rejoindre pour dîner?
16:14C'est très gentil de te demander ça.
16:17J'aimerais bien.
16:18Certains matchs sont faits dans des fabriques de phosphore,
16:21et d'autres sont faits dans le ciel.
16:25De toute façon,
16:26tout commence avec un peu de chimie.
16:30Quand les larches font un tweet,
16:32un tweet-le-dee-le-dee,
16:33et les oiseaux disent coo,
16:35un coo-dee-oo-dee-oo,
16:36et le soleil se pose haut
16:37dans le ciel de Rocky Mountain,
16:41tu sais qu'il doit y avoir de l'amour.
16:43Sally et ses amis étaient très reconnaissants
16:46à Mou pour l'avoir sauvée de cet oiseau.
16:48Et Mou était très reconnaissant pour se sentir apprécié.
16:52Et avec toute cette cordialité et la gentillesse,
16:55ils n'étaient pas loin d'être tous reconnaissants
16:58pour d'autres choses.
17:02Oui, Mou et Sally se sont engagés
17:04et ont commencé une famille.
17:06Quand les larches font un tweet,
17:08un tweet-le-dee-le-dee,
17:09et les oiseaux disent coo,
17:11un coo-dee-oo-dee-oo,
17:12et les oiseaux se posent haut
17:14dans le ciel de Rocky Mountain,
17:17tu sais qu'il doit y avoir de l'amour.
17:20Mou a pris une vie domestique
17:22comme de la pâte à un biscuit.
17:24Sont partis les jours du jardin du canyon
17:26et de la balle de dodge pour une femme.
17:29Plus jamais, Mou n'arrivait plus
17:30à traverser un jardin avec une balle de dodge,
17:33ni à essayer.
17:35Il était content de s'occuper de sa famille
17:38et de s'amuser.
17:41Oh thank the Lord above
17:46You know it must be love
17:55Come on, boy, let's go for a walk.
18:00Did you remember Sliver?
18:02Yep, never leave home without it.
18:04Mou named his walking stick Sliver.
18:07On account it was a sliver of wood
18:09he had built off that tree the day he met Sally.
18:12He never went anywhere without it,
18:14what with the bears and all.
18:17Now with most stories,
18:19this could be what you might call a happy ending.
18:22Look at that.
18:23He's even walking off into the sunset
18:25with his buffalo.
18:27But this is different for most stories,
18:30and I expect it's just getting started.
18:37Who's there?
18:39All right, bear, I've got Sliver.
18:42I suggest you stay away.
18:50Mou had never seen a burning tumbleweed before.
18:54This tumbleweed was not only on fire,
18:57it seemed to have a mind of its own.
19:01Now if this were just an ordinary burning
19:04and talking tumbleweed,
19:06the story should have just ended with the sunset.
19:09But God himself was using this tumbleweed
19:12to speak to Mou.
19:14God told Mou he had a job for him to do.
19:19Who, me?
19:22God told him that he had heard the cries
19:25of Little Joe's family,
19:26and that he was sending Mou to go to the mayor
19:29and demand he let them leave Dodgeball City.
19:33But who am I to go to the mayor?
19:35Look at me, I'm puny.
19:37I used to be pretty good with a dodgeball,
19:39but I put that behind me.
19:41God told Mou that he would help him,
19:43that he would be Mou's strength.
19:45But what if the people don't believe me
19:48when I tell them it's you who sent me?
19:50Tell them I am who I am, God said.
19:55Tell them I am has sent me to you.
19:58Okay, got it.
20:00I am has sent me to you.
20:02But, okay, what if, you know,
20:04they're still like, yeah, right.
20:07This? Oh, this is sliver.
20:10It's my walking stick and berry pellet.
20:13Throw it on the ground? Okay.
20:32God told Mou to pick up the snake.
20:35That's a rattlesnake? Highly venomous?
20:43Okay, God, I think I can do this.
20:46But can I ask a favor?
20:49I've got this thing about public speaking.
20:52Really, it terrifies me.
20:54What? Imagine everyone in their underwear?
20:57Yeah, tried it, didn't work.
21:00Scared the willies out of me.
21:03God told Mou he'd help him,
21:06that he would be Mou's strength.
21:10God told Mou he'd have someone
21:12waiting for him outside of Dodgeball City
21:15to help him out with his public speaking, too.
21:19So Mou went back to tell his family
21:22he needed to go on a business trip.
21:24God's business.
21:26Come on, Zippy.
21:28Thanks for the new outfit, Sally.
21:30You're welcome, Mou. You're gonna need it.
21:33It'd be best if the mayor doesn't recognize you.
21:35He'll have you sent up the river.
21:37Oh, I almost forgot.
21:44You be careful now.
21:47I'm gonna miss you, Sally.
21:49Gherkin, you listen to your ma now, you hear?
21:52Goodbye, Mou.
21:54Now you go do what God says.
21:57You're a good woman, Sally.
21:59All right, Zippy, let's go.
22:05Hi-ho, sliver!
22:09Bye, boys.
22:11Bye, Zippy, and don't forget to take care of each other.
22:14Say hi to the mayor for me.
22:39You good at public speaking?
22:44You ever have to use the
22:46imagine everyone in their underwear trick?
22:58How did you know my name?
23:00I'm Aaron, your brother.
23:02What are you talking about? You're not a zucchini.
23:05Wait a minute.
23:07You're my brother-brother.
23:09That's right. I was adopted.
23:11Plus, your wanted poster is still up all over town.
23:14Anyone within 100 miles of here knows your name.
23:17You'd better keep that mask on.
23:19I didn't recognize you with the mask, which is good.
23:22The mayor still has it in for you.
23:24Mou told Aaron everything God had sent him to say
23:27and about all the miraculous signs
23:30he had commanded him to perform.
23:44So, I do the talking,
23:47you do the thing with the stick,
23:49God does the rest, and we all go free?
23:54All right.
23:56Well, I won't have to sell rubber tomahawks
24:01Not unless you want to.
24:03I'm in!
24:08Don't you get bored out here?
24:10Oh, dreadfully.
24:12But it beats working in the canyon.
24:14You know, my sensitive skin, it just...
24:16it doesn't hold up.
24:21Looky there!
24:25Who is that?
24:34I've never seen him before.
24:36Isn't that the rubber tomahawk guy?
24:39Who is that masked man?
24:41He must be a stranger.
24:58I'm sorry, I had to...
25:04Wait a minute.
25:06You're that worker who sells souvenirs
25:08outside of town, aren't you?
25:10Isn't that boring?
25:12Eh, beats the canyon.
25:14Who's this stranger?
25:16Did he come with you or did he come alone?
25:19Ah, uh, yes.
25:21He's the, uh, he's the lone...
25:24the lone stranger.
25:26The lone stranger, eh?
25:28You know how to talk, stranger?
25:30Ah, he's a bit shy.
25:33He prefers to have me speak for him.
25:36You forget to buy a backbone
25:38with that new cowboy hat, stranger?
25:40Well, what do you want?
25:42I don't have all day.
25:44Ahem, this is what the Lord God says.
25:47Let my people go!
25:49What's that?
25:51Let us go. Set us free. We want to leave.
25:53No more digging and stacking
25:55rubber tomahawks. Adios, amigo.
25:57Let you go?
25:59God said so.
26:01Yeah, well, we'll just see
26:03what the mayor has to say about...
26:05Oh, sorry.
26:07What is it?
26:09He's only hauling 20 wheelbarrows an hour.
26:11I'm old!
26:1330's the minimum.
26:15I can't do 30. I'm 80.
26:1730's the minimum.
26:19Oh, you drive 30 at my age, you ungrateful...
26:21That's enough! You heard the God.
26:23I can't do 30?
26:25It's up the river.
26:27No! Please!
26:29Take him away.
26:31Hold this.
26:33But... but... the plan!
26:41Nobody draws a dodgeball
26:43in the mayor's office
26:45but me.
26:47You want me to let you go, eh?
26:49Well, how's this?
26:5160 wheelbarrows an hour.
26:53And that goes for everyone.
26:55And you're gonna dig without shovels or picks to boot.
26:57How we gonna do that?
26:59You figure it out.
27:01And you, you can go back
27:03and tell your people you just made their lives
27:05even more miserable.
27:07Now get back to work!
27:11Needless to say,
27:13Moe and Aaron's first meeting
27:15with the mayor did not go well.
27:17And not only did they
27:19not get their request granted,
27:21but the mayor more than
27:23doubled the workload for everyone.
27:25And in case you're wondering,
27:27the children of little Joe
27:29were none too appreciative.
27:33that mouse guy's name is
27:35the Lone Stranger.
27:37He's the one
27:39to thank for this?
27:41He's the biggest goofball to come around here
27:43since that Moe guy.
27:45Remember him?
27:47He was a piece of work.
27:53Let's go home, Zippy.
27:55I'm just making it worse.
27:57I don't know what I was thinking.
27:59What are you doing?
28:01You can't leave now.
28:03But have you seen what I've done?
28:05You're better off without me.
28:07That's true.
28:09But that's the whole point.
28:11When you just rely on yourself,
28:13on your own strength.
28:15I do the talking,
28:17you do the thing with the stick,
28:19and God does the rest.
28:21That was the plan, remember?
28:23God's plan.
28:25Well, I guess I did kind of blow it in there.
28:27Kind of?
28:29And if I'm not mistaken,
28:31that's not the only time you've gotten yourself
28:33into trouble with a dodgeball.
28:35But that was a long time ago,
28:37and only because I was trying to help.
28:39All your life, you wanted to be strong.
28:41But what God has called you to do here
28:43is far beyond your own strength.
28:47So I can't do this on my own.
28:49I can only do this
28:51if I let God do this.
28:57When the earth was born
28:59Who lit the light in the dark?
29:03God did.
29:05That's right!
29:07When the rain came down
29:09Who drew the plans for an ark?
29:11God did.
29:15And in case you ever wondered
29:17When old Dave turned a hundred
29:19Who took the reins
29:21And gave him diapers to change?
29:23God did.
29:25Exactly! And when the...
29:27All right, all right, I get your point.
29:29It isn't my strength that's going to help my people.
29:31It's God's.
29:33And since God called me to do this,
29:35He'll supply the strength I need.
29:37I'm going to stick to the plan!
29:39So, Moe and Aaron headed back to Dodgeball City
29:41to follow God's plan.
29:43I've got two more verses.
29:45Now y'all sit tight
29:47to see how things turn out.
29:53And now it's time for Silly Songs with Larry.
29:55The part of the...
29:57Check it, B.O. Dude.
29:59Yo, me and the boys had an idea
30:01about another way to tell this Moe story.
30:03Right, boys?
30:07Let's go!
31:57Uh, no.
31:59Let's stick with the Western.
32:31Qu'est-ce que ça veut dire ?
32:33Si vous ne libérez pas les travailleurs, vous aurez des conséquences dires.
32:39Excusez-moi ?
32:44Allons-y !
33:17C'est le plus désolé des oiseaux que j'ai jamais vu. Tu ne pouvais pas faire mieux que ça?
33:27J'étais sur le point!
33:29Grand délire! Alors tu es mieux aux oiseaux! Je ne laisse toujours personne partir!
33:37Revenez à votre sac de souvenirs et prenez What's-His-Name avec vous avant que je perde ma patience!
33:49Alors, qu'est-ce qu'il y a d'autre?
33:54Dans l'ancien Ouest, prendre une douche était une occasion spéciale. Et pour le maire, cette occasion venait tous les matins.
34:03Mais la douche du maire allait devenir sourde.
34:08Et le reste de sa semaine.
34:11Bonsoir, maire!
34:13Vous deux encore! N'ai-je pas te dit...
34:16Dieu m'a envoyé pour que tu laisses partir mes gens!
34:21Les dieux!
34:25Allez, Hobbes!
34:41Qu'est-ce que c'est?
34:42C'est du jus de tomate!
34:46Alors, la rivière s'est tournée rouge. Et le maire n'a pas écouté.
34:58Laissez-moi partir mes gens!
35:01La douche!
35:03Allez, Hobbes! La douche!
35:06Au revoir!
35:08Au revoir!
35:22Ah! Les chiens de la rivière!
35:24Et les chiens de la rivière s'éloignaient. Et ils ne s'éloignaient toujours pas.
35:37Laissez-moi partir mes gens!
35:42Allez, Hobbes! La douche!
35:45Et les chiens de la rivière s'éloignaient. Et le maire n'a pas écouté.
35:59Allez, Hobbes! La douche!
36:01Laissez-moi partir mes gens!
36:04Et les chiens de la rivière s'éloignaient. Et ils ne s'éloignaient toujours pas.
36:14Allez, Hobbes! La douche!
36:16Et les chiens de la rivière s'éloignaient. Dans chaque dimension.
36:26Allez, Hobbes! La douche!
36:32La douche!
36:34Et le vent s'est passé. Et ils ne s'éloignaient pas.
36:47Oh, la rivière s'est rejustée. Le maire n'a pas écouté.
36:49Les chiens de la rivière s'éloignaient. Il n'est jamais encore écouté.
36:51Les aquellos du sud de la plainte arrivent. Le maire n'écoute pas.
36:53Le chien vit dans la falls et il n'y a toujours pas peur.
36:55Les chaises intérieures échaute dans chaque dimension.
36:58Le vent s'est passé, et ils n'ont pas tourné d'avion.
37:01et Moe n'arrivait pas à le faire.
37:08Oh! Qu'est-ce qu'il pouvait faire?
37:16Moe et Aaron avaient fait tout ce qu'ils pouvaient,
37:19mais le maire n'arrêtait toujours pas.
37:22Donc, une autre plage
37:24était visitée sur Dog's Ball City,
37:28la plage la plus triste du monde.
37:34C'était terrible,
37:36mais le maire l'avait fait tout seul.
37:40Dieu a demandé aux enfants de Moe
37:43d'envoyer un signe pour qu'ils soient en sécurité,
37:46mais pour le reste de Dog's Ball City,
37:49tous les enfants ont été emportés par la plage.
37:58Moe, le maire aimerait nous voir.
38:17Partez, tous.
38:19Sortez de Dog's Ball City.
38:28Et le Seigneur s'est mis devant eux,
38:30jour après jour, dans un pilier de nuages,
38:32pour les guider.
38:35Ils y sont.
38:37Bien joué.
38:39On va devoir déterminer
38:41qui va faire tout le travail maintenant.
38:44Qui était cet homme en masque?
38:48Je ne sais pas.
38:50Je ne sais pas.
38:52Je ne sais pas.
38:54Qui est cet homme en masque?
38:59C'est Moe.
39:01Le seul étranger.
39:03C'est Moe.
39:04Il s'est enlevé sa masque.
39:06Donnez-moi ça.
39:13Réunissez la posse.
39:15J'ai un score à résoudre.
39:19La Valle de la Mort.
39:23Dieu veut qu'on passe par la Valle de la Mort?
39:26On ne peut pas faire ça.
39:28On va se cuisiner.
39:37Peut-être qu'on peut juste aller
39:39et se retrouver avec la nuque de l'autre côté.
39:41Je ne sais pas si...
39:43Pas maintenant.
39:44Combien de temps
39:45peut-on mettre sur votre buffalo?
39:47Est-ce qu'il y a un problème?
39:50Est-ce qu'on a un...
39:55C'est le maire.
39:56Et il a une posse.
40:02Merci beaucoup, Moe.
40:03On ne devrait jamais avoir quitté la Valle de la Mort.
40:07On serait mieux offert
40:08de servir le maire
40:09que de mourir dans le désert.
40:12Peut-être que je peux aller
40:13et demander au maire
40:14de prendre soin de nous.
40:15Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un
40:16qui a apporté des boules de dodge?
40:17Aaron, le plan, vous vous souvenez?
40:20Je fais le truc avec la bouteille.
40:28Hi-ho, Sliver!
40:31Au revoir!
40:50Regarde en haut!
40:53Qu'est-ce que c'est?
40:54Qu'est-ce qui se passe?
40:57Il pleut!
41:10Ils pleuvent.
41:33Je ne te laisserai pas s'en sortir encore.
41:36Allez, les bottes!
42:10C'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est
42:40bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est
42:46bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon, c'est bon
43:42Oh, you did it, Moe !
43:44Nah, God did.
43:46I just followed the plan.
43:48Oh, lone stranger
43:52Your mask hides your face
43:54Who you are, we can't say
43:57Oh, lone stranger
44:01We sing hi-ho, sliver away
44:05It's time for a manna buffet
44:09We sing hi-ho, sliver away
44:18Hi-ho away
44:27Wow, Larry, you were right.
44:29That was the perfect story for Elise.
44:31See, I told you.
44:33What a great story about God's strength
44:35and following his directions.
44:37Encore ?
44:39Tu sais, la force de Dieu,
44:41le but de l'histoire.
44:43Oh, oui, mais
44:45j'avais pensé au problème de la lutte avec le frère.
44:47Elise a un problème de lutte avec son frère,
44:49comme Moe,
44:51sauf que son frère a lutté avec lui.
44:53Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire ?
44:55Tout ce qu'Elise a besoin, c'est un gros pied.
44:57Encore ?
44:59Oui, il devrait la laisser seule,
45:01n'est-ce pas ?
45:03Larry, ce n'est absolument pas le but !
45:07C'est l'heure de parler de ce que nous avons appris aujourd'hui.
45:09Et donc, ce que nous avons appris
45:11s'applique à notre vie d'aujourd'hui
45:13et Dieu a beaucoup à dire
45:15dans son livre.
45:17Si le pied ne fonctionne pas,
45:19une balle de dodge peut.
45:23Tu vois, nous savons que la parole de Dieu
45:25est pour tout le monde
45:27et maintenant que notre chanson est terminée,
45:29nous allons regarder.
45:31Larry, c'était la bonne histoire pour Elise
45:33parce que c'était sur la force de Dieu
45:36Quand Mo a fait ses choses de son propre moyen,
45:38il a juste fait les choses pire.
45:40Pour libérer son peuple,
45:42Mo a dû se relier à Dieu et suivre son plan.
45:46Oui, et il y a ça aussi.
45:48Voyons voir
45:50si Cordie a une verse pour nous aujourd'hui.
45:52Le Seigneur est ma force
45:54et mon épaule.
45:56Mon cœur a confiance en lui
45:58et je suis aidé.
46:00Psalme 28, 7a
46:02Donc, nous pouvons appeler à Dieu
46:04pour nous aider
46:06et suivre ses directions
46:08quand nous savons qu'on ne peut pas le faire
46:10tout seul, comme Mo.
46:14Alors, Elise, tu as raison.
46:16Tu n'es pas fort suffisamment
46:18pour faire tout ce que Dieu t'a demandé.
46:20Si tu laisses Dieu être ta force
46:22et suivre ses directions,
46:24tu seras étonné de ce qu'il peut faire
46:26grâce à toi.
46:28Et Wesley,
46:30tu as demandé un secret à petit Joe
46:32et bien, tu l'as reçu.
46:34Deux pour un.
46:36Comment ça?
46:38Tu sais, la histoire de Mo m'a souvenu
46:40beaucoup de la histoire de Moses dans la Bible.
46:42Ah oui, maintenant que tu l'as mentionné.
46:44Mais c'était un peu différent.
46:46Dans un sens ouestern.
46:48Bien, c'est tout pour aujourd'hui.
46:50Rappelez-vous que Dieu t'a fait spéciale
46:52et qu'il vous aime beaucoup.
46:54Au revoir!
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