The Apprentice (US) S06E06 - Travel Sweepstakes Smackdown 2007.02.18

  • 3 days ago
The Apprentice is the "ultimate job interview" for those competing in an elimination competition for a one-year, US$250,000 contract to run one of real estate magnate Donald Trump's companies.


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:03You know what the big problem was that I saw?
00:06There was lack of traffic. You know why there was lack of traffic?
00:08Because there was no signage outside saying something's going on today.
00:11Who's responsible for that? You or Surya?
00:13Surya was my go-to guy in marketing.
00:15He's marketing by profession. You're saying I'm sales by profession.
00:18I should have been more active in sales.
00:20Then the same thing should transcend to Surya.
00:22It's absurd.
00:25Aaron got attacked a little more than I thought he would.
00:27Well, it's your good thing. Aaron should be more than Aaron.
00:29He should have been so attacked.
00:30Who did you say should get fired?
00:31You got us to wait.
00:32I said Surya.
00:33The four of us were in charge of sales.
00:34He should have manned his own station.
00:36Well, the next PM has to delegate him to marketing.
00:38No, the next PM should be Surya if he comes back.
00:42If he's such a great salesman, step up.
00:45Be the PM. Go ahead.
00:48Yes, Mr. Trump.
00:49You were weak on sales, and sadly, you were really weak in the boardroom.
00:54Last week, I was looking for your guidance.
00:56I saw a very quiet guy that didn't want to speak,
00:59that didn't want to impart his knowledge to me if he had any knowledge,
01:02and I just didn't see the leadership.
01:04In addition, I didn't see the leadership for this task.
01:08Aaron, you're fired.
01:13Thank you. Thank you all very much.
01:17Mr. Trump, can I say one thing?
01:18Just go.
01:19I'm going to step up.
01:20You just made it by the skin of your ass anyway.
01:27Out of every action, there's a reaction.
01:30Are we winning this next task? Are we winning this next task?
01:34I hate the boardroom. I'm done with the boardroom.
01:37Surya, Surya's back.
01:39So Surya and Nicole, so Aaron got fired.
01:41He said I was in charge of marketing, and that never happened.
01:43That's the only thing I'm upset about.
01:45You lied.
01:46Yes, that's the only thing I could possibly be upset about.
01:48Nothing else. None of you guys, nothing.
01:50Just don't lie.
01:52It's the only thing we all said.
01:53We all have our integrity.
01:54We all have jobs to go back to.
01:55We have reputations.
01:56Don't lie.
01:58When Surya and Nicole returned, Surya's eyes were like here.
02:02I mean, his eyes were popping out of his head.
02:05His veins were all over the place.
02:06He was just like, you know, his hair was extra, you know,
02:09he was like electric.
02:10He was just, he was really fired up.
02:13I have no problem, no problem taking charge.
02:15He was not lying.
02:16I won't take it personally.
02:17Don't take it lightly. He was not lying.
02:19Just so.
02:20Just so.
02:22I couldn't decide if he wanted to like punch someone or cry or kick the wall,
02:25but he was really fired up.
02:27And, you know, my first thought was,
02:29I have to deal with this energy that's just annoying.
02:32I think after what happened in there, I need to be project manager of this task.
02:35I think that you will be fantastic.
02:38You're going to be such a huge part of the win tomorrow.
02:40There is nothing, nothing I love more than to be the underdog.
02:45And right now I feel like that.
02:46I feel like the cards are all stacked against me.
02:47The odds are against me.
02:48Each of you can show so much leadership if you own your area.
02:51And that's what I want to do tomorrow.
02:53You guys are freaking brilliant.
02:55I'm going to be project manager with the team after a lot of dissension.
02:58Less than 12 hours later,
02:59I'm going to have to go out there and I'm going to have to lead this team.
03:01I've got to do incredibly well.
03:02And only then does it matter.
03:04Until then, I've got to prove myself in a big way.
03:06I want to go out there now and I want to sleep for four days until we win.
03:09I have no idea how much.
03:11I will just, I'll bleed for this team if I have to.
03:13I'll do anything for this team.
03:15We will win.
03:17We will win.
03:47We will win.
03:49We will win.
03:51We will win.
03:53We will win.
03:55We will win.
03:57We will win.
03:59We will win.
04:01We will win.
04:03We will win.
04:05We will win.
04:07We will win.
04:09We will win.
04:11We will win.
04:13We will win.
04:15I love them all.
04:19No good. No good.
04:21Money. Money, money, money, money.
05:09Good morning.
05:10Good morning, Mr. Trump.
05:12Welcome to week six of your 14-week job interview.
05:16Amy, since you were the winning project manager last week,
05:19you will continue to lead your team this week.
05:22Okay, as you notice, we're standing on an airport
05:25and we're standing right next to my plane.
05:27I'm traveling out of town on business today.
05:30I'll be back later on tonight.
05:32Today, you're going to be working with a big name in travel, Priceline. is an internet-based travel service
05:40that offers leisure airline tickets, hotel rooms, rental cars,
05:45vacation packages, and cruises.
05:48These are two top executives with Priceline.
05:51Your name, please.
05:53I'm Chris Soder, executive vice president of travel services for Priceline.
05:56Brett Keller, chief marketing officer of Priceline.
05:59They'll be my eyes and ears on this task.
06:02And, Chris, what is the task?
06:04For your next task, you'll be promoting Priceline
06:06at an L.A. cultural phenomenon, the shopping mall.
06:10There, you'll get customers to sign up for a Priceline
06:13name-your-own-price hotels sweepstakes.
06:16The team that generates the most signups for the Priceline sweepstakes wins.
06:20All right, you're going to have a winning team
06:23and you're going to have a losing team.
06:25The reward we have this time is unbelievable,
06:27so you better fight really hard for Priceline.
06:30And losers, again, I'll see you in the boardroom.
06:33Somebody will be fired. Go ahead. Good luck.
06:35Thank you. Good luck, fellas.
06:52Can you please take us to the mall?
06:54Angela, I'd like to put you in charge of marketing in the store itself.
06:58Muna, I'd like to put you in charge of tasks,
07:00so that would be keeping timelines
07:02and also assisting Angela with the marketing.
07:05There was disappointment from some of the members of the team
07:07of my management, who dialed the last task.
07:09And I'm a person that, if I feel that I learned something
07:12and I can do better, then I'm going to say,
07:14you know what, I will improve on this and I'll do a great job.
07:16Muna's doing all the tasks,
07:19but is she also doing creative with Derek?
07:22She's in two places at one time.
07:24I don't know how this split is going to work.
07:26Either maybe I get put on creative or technical stuff.
07:30Amy was delegating tasks without thinking through them,
07:33which required people to be in two places at one time.
07:36And then delegating people like me something to do for the morning
07:39and nothing to do for the rest of the task.
07:41When I'm done meeting with the executives and we call up the sweepstakes,
07:43what am I doing? Because I have nothing to do.
07:45Very true.
07:46Morale drops a little bit in the sense of,
07:48oh my God, here we go again.
07:50We're going to have to manage ourselves
07:51and make sure that we've got everything covered
07:53because Amy's just not getting it.
08:01Hi, my name's Deepa Patel. I'm the general manager.
08:04Welcome to Westfield main place. Come on in.
08:13Our food court's over there.
08:15We actually have public restrooms over there as well.
08:27To the right, guys.
08:29The rest of our team started brainstorming about what we're going to do
08:31for marketing, promotions.
08:33Jen and I broke away from the rest of our group
08:35and met up with Deepa, who's our mall contact,
08:37and she gave us a tour throughout the entire mall.
08:39The purpose of it was to find out where we want to put our kiosk.
08:42What's the ethnic makeup most of your clientele looks like?
08:45About 50% Hispanic.
08:56So the thought was, we had a thing on the wall that says,
08:5810 o'clock, 10-10, 10-20, 10-30, 10-40, every 10 minutes.
09:01The raffle comes out, we say, okay, so-and-so wins.
09:03They start cheering in front of everyone.
09:05As soon as I thought of this idea to have the incremental sweepstakes,
09:08everyone was immediately sold.
09:10Our plan was to draw a new winner every 20 minutes,
09:14which creates huge incentives to sign up.
09:16We're going to have a small PA system set up over there.
09:19I'll be able to address the people. I think that's a great idea.
09:21Frank, I don't think I need you right now thinking about the video.
09:24I want you thinking outside the box for the external marketing.
09:27So the question is, how do we bring people into the store, okay?
09:30And so what you're going to first do is answer it with a couple of sentences.
09:32That's your strategy, okay?
09:34Previously, what this team has done is you're full of big-picture, big-idea thinkers,
09:38and everybody's thought about everything.
09:40Now people are going to have their scope of responsibility,
09:42brainstorm on that, take that, present it to the whole group.
09:45If people have suggestions, great.
09:46Everybody is not thinking about everything anymore.
09:49Put one person in front of each store right where they enter and exit the store.
09:53Frank, can you make one suggestion?
09:56Can you leave with the strategy why you thought that?
09:59I'm going to read my thing.
10:00Can you leave with that and then get into the execution of exactly what the story is?
10:04You want to hear my execution?
10:05No, the strategy first.
10:07Our strategy is what? We're giving away free trips.
10:09Some people just have that spark inside them that motivates you, and some people don't.
10:14And that's the truth, and I just don't feel Syria has that.
10:18For kiosk, choose a location, so look around, choose it.
10:22Kiosk decor and materials, whatever that looks like,
10:25and then our appearance, uniforms, et cetera.
10:27And then final logistics of setting up.
10:29Logistics and operational efficiency will be.
10:31At one point, Frank handed me a napkin with a picture of,
10:36it looked like a mad scientist with the hair everywhere,
10:38and it said Syria.
10:39It was very funny.
10:41I think we're going to start this right now.
10:42First, give me your strategy.
10:46Syria begs to be kind of the subject of a little bit of humor here and there.
10:50He's got the hair.
10:51You know, he really ain't all about certain things,
10:53and he just takes himself very seriously.
10:55Are you all right, Frankie?
10:57I don't know, she's just cracking up at you, and you're tearing paper up.
11:00So I'm like, is everything all right?
11:06All right, all right, all right, all right.
11:12Yeah, lace them through.
11:13We'll hold it about right here.
11:15How's that?
11:16Yeah, yeah, hold it, hold it, hold it.
11:17So our task this week is to design a sweepstakes for,
11:22and the team that has the most people sign up wins.
11:25Do you have forms that they're going to fill out or entry forms?
11:27Do you want me to walk you through the process?
11:28Sure, that would be great.
11:29Okay, so basically what happens is when you get up to the computer,
11:33there's a 30-second tutorial that goes over,
11:37kind of a little mini-advertisement for Priceline.
11:39And then we just, from there, go on.
11:41Once that's complete, a screen pops up where you can enter your name,
11:45phone number, e-mail address to sign up for the sweepstakes.
11:48These are our rules for our sweepstakes.
11:50They don't have to be posted.
11:51They just have to be here on the table throughout the day.
11:54Our concept right now is to raffle off every half hour
11:57$1,000 vouchers to be used on
12:01Jen was in charge of the design of the kiosk,
12:03and she decided to pick a highland tropical theme.
12:06So we got some really fun straw hats.
12:08We got some really loud Hawaiian shirts that look like we're going to a bad party.
12:11And we got some really neat tropical things and grass skirts to decorate our kiosk.
12:15I got to be honest.
12:16I don't love the little pink blow-up on top of the thing.
12:18What do you think?
12:19It's unprofessional.
12:20Yeah, I think so, too.
12:26Hey, Jen.
12:28The booth looks really awesome,
12:29but I just feel like this looks, like, not uniform
12:31because everything looks so professionally done with the signs.
12:33Like, if we could take a team vote on it, is that okay?
12:36If you think it looks really bad, we can take away the octopus, but...
12:39I don't think it looks really bad.
12:40I just think that everything looks really professional with the signs.
12:42And we do have really cute decorations, and this, to me, just...
12:45I mean, although it's island, it just doesn't fit, so...
12:47Amy gave the team absolutely zero direction during the task
12:50and made zero decisions,
12:52up until one time she decided she didn't like a little 12-inch octopus
12:55that was sitting on the kiosk.
12:56We'll just talk about it.
13:00I said if you want the team to vote on it, we'll do that,
13:02but I'm telling you I don't like it.
13:04When Amy tries to look like she has authority and like she's being tough,
13:07she just ends up looking bossy and dumb.
13:09How can you respect a project manager
13:11whose only assertion the entire time has been over a stupid pink octopus?
13:18Good morning, sir.
13:19Hey, how's it going, sir?
13:20We're giving away free vacation packages, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
13:24In this task, we wanted to make sure that all bases were covered,
13:27so we created flyers, and we went to different coffee houses,
13:30we went to restaurants, and we went to grocery stores
13:33because we wanted to get the awareness out there. is giving away a free vacation package.
13:39In addition to that, the mall had all of these different ads-based signs
13:42where you could literally have a commercial that's playing all the time.
13:45A chance to win a free vacation package.
13:47The next drawing's in 15 minutes, folks.
13:49It's the Name Your Own Price Hotel Sweepstakes.
13:52I'm telling you, I'm a lucky guy, and one of you are going to win.
13:55You can go to Florida, Miami, New York.
13:57You choose your vacation, right?
13:59Here it is. It's being advertised everywhere.
14:01Come on. We'll go sign up. Come on. Come on, girls.
14:03I need one on each arm. That's the only way I do it.
14:05I am just a selling machine. The bottom line is this.
14:08I'm getting the people over there. I'm selling them.
14:10I feel very strong about it.
14:12Where's my PM? I have no idea.
14:14Has he resigned? I don't know what the hell's going on.
14:16All I know is that Frankie Suits is on fire.
14:19Can I get back to what I'm doing?
14:21Come on. We got a hot date right here with Frankie.
14:23Did we get 10 rewards, or was it just 9?
14:26We have to ask Surya. Tell them to hold on.
14:28Where is Surya?
14:29I don't know, but I mean...
14:30It was really important for Surya, as a project manager,
14:33to be at the kiosk when it's running
14:35because there's a lot of things that could go wrong,
14:38and Surya was nowhere to be found.
14:40He was out in the corner doing his own thing.
14:42God knows what he was doing.
14:47How's it going, Tony?
14:48How's it going?
14:49Just trying to sell.
14:51Winning or losing at this point really comes down to salesmanship,
14:53and I feel really good about my ability to sell this.
14:56How are you guys doing?
14:57We're getting away vacation.
14:58Okay. Have a good day.
14:59We're asking people for 40 seconds of their time
15:02to win an $1,100 vacation.
15:04There's never been anything easier to sell.
15:06Hi. Okay. Have a good day.
15:08There's no catch. You don't have to buy anything.
15:10Okay. Enjoy your day. Absolutely. is giving away free vacation for two
15:14every 20 minutes today until 1 p.m.
15:20Okay, so the next drawing's in 15 minutes,
15:22and that's every half hour.
15:29You guys hear about vacation day today., we're giving away free vacation.
15:33Free vacation.
15:34In the next three hours, $10,000.
15:36Oh, yeah?
15:38Heidi and I are just sort of walking around the mall
15:41and generating buzz.
15:43We're giving away $1,000 in the next 25 minutes
15:46for free vacation anywhere in the world.
15:49In the next 20 minutes, we're giving away $1,000 vacation,
15:52and all you have to do is put your name in the hat.
15:55So if you sign up in five minutes,
15:57the chances are pretty good right now
15:59$1,000 from Priceline.
16:03I kind of wonder if they can speak English.
16:06There were times when we came across individuals
16:08that only spoke Spanish.
16:10We're giving away $1,000.
16:12So one.
16:13Mucho dinero.
16:15Mucho dinero.
16:16You can tell definitely who doesn't understand.
16:20We started thinking, uh-oh.
16:22We may be in trouble here.
16:26Good job.
16:27You guys excited?
16:28You think you're going to win?
16:29Bueno. Si, si, si.
16:30We were finding that a lot of those customers
16:32did not understand English.
16:34Unfortunately, the entrance page is not in Spanish,
16:36so we had to walk them through it,
16:37and that took a little extra time.
16:39If you want to be entered to win the $1,000,
16:41we have a line forming over here.
16:43Just stand in line.
16:44We'll give you free tickets for hot dogs.
16:48Okay, and go right there.
16:50Once the task actually began,
16:51I did notice that there was a large
16:53Spanish-speaking population within the mall.
16:55Thankfully, we had Derek and Muno,
16:56who helped with the Spanish a little bit.
17:03I think this is going to be a very close one again,
17:05and it's going to come down to, ultimately,
17:07a little bit of luck and just who did the best job
17:09and who had the most passion to go out and sell.
17:11Wendy Lee.
17:12Wendy Lee.
17:14One last spin.
17:16One last spin.
17:17One by your hand.
17:20Thank you, everybody.
17:21Thank you, Priceline.
17:35Did you see any really strong players on the team?
17:38Actually, Derek was probably, in this task,
17:40the most energetic during the task itself.
17:43Muno's enthusiasm was great.
17:46When I got down to the booth itself, though,
17:48it was a little underwhelming.
17:50So, Brett, what did you think of your team?
17:52Well, I thought that AeroCorp focused
17:54very aggressively on the sweepstakes.
17:56A few folks stood out.
17:57I think Frank stood out in terms of his...
17:59That's being pretty good.
18:00That's being pretty good.
18:01Thank you very much.
18:02Priceline's a great company, and good luck.
18:06Good luck, guys.
18:07Thank you, Chris.
18:08Thank you, Derek.
18:39You all know Don, my son.
18:42He's working with me.
18:43He's doing a really outstanding job,
18:45and he'll be working with me on this particular event.
18:51What do you think you did?
18:52In a word, amazing.
18:53You think so?
18:55It's going to be very strange if your team loses
18:58how you'll all say Syria was a horrible leader.
19:01It's the way life is, isn't it, huh?
19:05All right.
19:06Kinetic, what did you all think of Amy as the leader?
19:12Does anyone think she wasn't a good team leader
19:14or not a very effective team leader?
19:19Anybody have anything to say?
19:21All right.
19:22Well, let's start.
19:23Don, how did Kinetic do?
19:25Well, I got the results from Priceline,
19:27and Kinetic signed up 326 people for their sweepstakes.
19:32How did Aero do?
19:34Well, Aero signed up 359 people.
19:45So, Aero, you win.
19:46Syria, congratulations.
19:48I guess you were a good team leader.
19:49Very good.
19:50Mr. Trump, I thought you had the wrong impression of me,
19:52and nothing drove me as hard as that.
19:53I wanted to show you what I could do, sir.
19:55Well, Syria, very good.
19:57Thank you, sir.
19:58Great win, and a fairly decisive win.
20:01Aero, for your reward,
20:03two of the best surfers in the world,
20:05Pat O'Connell and Lisa Anderson,
20:08will give you private surfing lessons
20:10on Santa Monica Beach.
20:12Then afterwards, you'll have brunch
20:14at one of Southern California's
20:16absolutely best restaurants, Gladstone's.
20:19You'll have a terrific, terrific time.
20:22Now, Syria, because you're team one,
20:25you'll continue to be the project manager,
20:27but most importantly,
20:29you'll join Don and I in the boardroom,
20:31and you'll help us make a decision
20:33as to who should be fired.
20:36Yes, sir.
20:37I'm disappointed in you.
20:38I am as well.
20:39The sad part is you have to move back into the tents.
20:42It's not nice, but life is a bitch.
20:45Kinetic, I'll see you back in the boardroom.
20:47Somebody will be fired.
21:03I don't like to lose,
21:05so I don't like to lose my house.
21:07The bathroom situation outside is not pleasant.
21:10I'll put it in your bag right here.
21:12The cooking situation is extremely limited.
21:16You know, after six weeks of people living outside,
21:19it's just pretty filthy and probably unhealthy,
21:21so I'd much prefer to be back in my mansion.
21:24Anybody like their steak medium?
21:26Frankie's barbecuing.
21:40Dude, dude, where's my board?
21:42Hi, guys.
21:43Come on in.
21:44You know, we have stuff for all you guys to change into.
21:47Guys, your stuff is here.
21:49Ladies is on the...
21:50Our reward was to head to Santa Monica Beach
21:52and have professional surf lessons
21:54from two world champion surfers, Pat and Lisa.
21:58I look like a real professional surfer over here.
22:02I'm from Chicago,
22:03so I know absolutely nothing about surfing,
22:05but I was so excited about this reward
22:08because surfing is one of those things
22:10that I never would have done on my own
22:12because I never would have known how to do it.
22:14What you're going to do is you're going to jump up like this.
22:17Everyone's going to stand up and ride waves today,
22:19no matter what.
22:20You guys feeling it?
22:21I want to surf. Come on, let's go.
22:26Tim, we're going surfing.
22:35That's cool.
22:42That's for an adult swimmer.
22:54These are a little bit bigger now than they were before.
22:57That's bigger than three feet.
23:26I was trying to be really risky,
23:27and I kept going up further and further to hit better waves,
23:30and then at one point a wave came over,
23:32and I kind of went under,
23:33and the second that I stood up,
23:35I had no idea what happened,
23:37but my right foot killed.
23:39I mean, I could not put any pressure on it.
23:41Oh, man.
23:42I thought maybe I could shake it off and it would be fine,
23:44but all this, everything that's going on right now,
23:46like, uh-oh, like, what did I do?
23:48Take her in the van, guys.
23:49Let's get you into the van, sweetie.
23:50Get her to the doctor's.
23:52All right.
23:53Tim, are you going to take care of her?
23:55You got this, Timothy.
23:56She'll be just fine.
23:58Oh, he's going to, now he's waiting.
24:00He's going to make a big move.
24:01He's going to make a big move now.
24:03Tim, you can fully take advantage of her now.
24:05So Nicole at that point needs to go to the doctor
24:08to get her ankle checked out,
24:09and the rest of the team heads to Gladstones
24:12for the rest of the reward.
24:13I decide to accompany Nicole to the doctor's office
24:15so she doesn't have to go there by herself.
24:18Does that hurt?
24:19Ah, that's where it hurts.
24:21Just a touch like that.
24:23That's painful?
24:25Back here?
24:27It doesn't even look like that much to me
24:29because a lot of people will swell up,
24:30so I have a feeling perhaps maybe you got stung,
24:33which makes me think that's maybe a jellyfish.
24:37I'll say it's a jellyfish or something,
24:40but it seems like maybe that could be one of the possibilities.
24:44All right, so we're going to have to go downstairs.
24:46Basically, Dr. Leeds told me that I was stung by a jellyfish.
24:51I've never even seen a jellyfish.
24:53How did I get stung by one?
24:55Can I ask you something?
24:56Most people think it's stung by a jellyfish
24:58because they keep surfing.
25:00In this town, probably.
25:12Guys, it's been six weeks of family,
25:16six weeks of competition,
25:18and we're missing our two key players.
25:21Nevertheless, I love you guys.
25:23It's been a lot of fun,
25:25and let's keep our victories going.
25:28Living in the mansion, guys.
25:30When I took on the leadership of this team,
25:31I realized very clearly that I was an underdog.
25:33You know what?
25:34The odds were stacked against me,
25:35and so it's a great feeling to have let ArrowCorp
25:37out of the backyard and into the mansion.
25:39I hope I've earned the respect of my teammates.
25:41Surya, that's very impressive that you went in the water.
25:43How old are you?
25:45Frankie, it's very demeaning of you to say that.
25:47How old are you?
25:48Surya believes that he actually did a pretty good job on this task.
25:52He thinks just because we won,
25:54he was responsible for that
25:56because of the title of project manager.
25:58I'm sorry.
25:59The five of us stepped up,
26:01made things happen, and got this win.
26:03Surya was lucky, lucky to be part of this.
26:21That was amazing.
26:22Let's go in the hot tub.
26:26No, I'm seriously going to sleep.
26:28I'll catch up with you guys in the morning.
26:30Are you kidding me?
26:32I sit next to Nicole in the pool, and everyone leaves.
26:35Everyone immediately gets up and leaves.
26:37All right, we're five years old.
26:40At the same time,
26:42it wasn't the worst thing in the world.
26:54I'm trying to sell me.
26:55I'm not selling you.
26:56Maybe I'm selling you.
26:58I already lost you.
27:01I would rank Tim up there pretty high
27:03for consolation while I was in pain.
27:05A, the fact that he was there for me.
27:07I mean, that's really cool.
27:08And any time I was ready to walk,
27:10he's like, don't worry, I have your bags.
27:12Okay, let me help you walk.
27:13Tim's just so cute, isn't he?
27:28Every natural instinct tells me,
27:30don't think about this too hard.
27:31If you have something good going with someone, go with it.
27:37At the same time,
27:38every warning bell in my head is like,
27:39what are you doing, you idiot?
27:42What are you doing, you idiot?
27:43Why are you doing this here?
27:45You need to be so focused,
27:46you can't have any distractions.
27:47Like, what the hell am I doing?
27:49But, I mean, I think that's life.
27:50I think that you can't have things happen
27:53exactly when you want them to
27:54and not happen when you want them not to.
27:56I don't know.
27:59I don't know.
28:02Throughout the entire process,
28:03there was always something going on
28:05between me and Tim.
28:06And after six weeks of poor Tim
28:09and his persistence,
28:11Tim and I finally kissed.
28:29What makes me the most sad
28:31and stressed about everything
28:33is that somebody has to go home,
28:36no matter who it is.
28:37I don't want to sit here and bash Jen
28:39because I don't think that it's right,
28:41but the fact that Jen knew
28:43that the demographic was at least 50%,
28:47and she ultimately made the decision
28:50that nothing was going to be done
28:52to address that,
28:53I have to say, you know,
28:54I hold Jen responsible for that.
28:56In my mind,
28:57I know I did a great job on this task.
29:00I delegated well.
29:01I made sure we stuck to timelines.
29:03I managed the team
29:04in the way that they asked to be managed.
29:06You know, Jen, I will bring back,
29:08and I believe Jen knows that,
29:10and I will tell her that.
29:11This team truly let me down on this task.
29:14No one really offered suggestion.
29:16No one really offered creative energy,
29:18and there was a lot of eye-rolling
29:21and finger-pointing
29:22from members of this team,
29:24specifically from Jen.
29:26You know, I like you, Jen.
29:28I think you're smart.
29:29On a personal level,
29:30I think you're so much fun,
29:31and I think you're great,
29:32but on this task,
29:33I think that you have some responsibility,
29:35and I just wanted you to know.
29:36I just want you to know
29:37that if this is going to be placed
29:38to me like Jen missed out
29:39on some Spanish-language boat,
29:40you can't put it on me
29:41that Jen just didn't tell me
29:43because that's simply
29:44not my responsibility.
29:45I know I'm an easy target for Amy.
29:47She's going to try to bring me
29:48in the boardroom
29:49and put this all on me.
29:50I think that would be
29:51a big mistake for Amy.
29:52We'll see what happens
29:53when we get in there,
29:54but I like you,
29:55and I just wanted
29:56to be fair with you.
29:58Thanks for letting me know.
29:59I think that every single thing
30:00that she's done along the way,
30:01I can specifically cite
30:02how it was a disaster,
30:03and I am not going down
30:04without a fight.
30:06electronic music plays
30:36Mr. Chum's waiting
30:47in the boardroom.
30:49electronic music plays
31:07electronic music plays
31:20Amy, what went wrong?
31:21What happened?
31:23Mr. Trump, there was
31:24a Spanish-speaking population
31:26at the mall that we didn't
31:27take into account for,
31:29and not only did we not capture
31:30some of that audience in the mall
31:32because of communication problems,
31:35but it also slowed down
31:36the efficiency of our line
31:37at the very end.
31:38Why didn't you get somebody
31:39that could communicate?
31:40Does anybody speak Spanish?
31:41Derek and Muna
31:42both speak Spanish.
31:43Where did that affect
31:44the process?
31:45Was that in the video,
31:46or was that at the point
31:47of conversion?
31:48It really affected
31:49the point of conversion.
31:50We didn't have enough people
31:51there who spoke Spanish.
31:52I think the Spanish thing
31:53is a red herring.
31:54I think it ultimately boils down
31:55to the management style
31:56of our leader,
31:57but to assume that we knew
31:58that there was a 50% Spanish...
31:59Well, what do you think
32:00of the management style
32:01of your leader?
32:02Was she a good leader
32:03or was she a bad leader?
32:04I think she's an excellent
32:05hard worker.
32:06For me, I liked it
32:07as a hands-off approach,
32:08but I think a lot of people
32:09wanted her to be more
32:10aggressive with us
32:11and to sort of say,
32:12you know, we were spoiled
32:13by Heidi.
32:14She's at a high bar with us.
32:15Who was the better
32:16project manager?
32:17Honestly, I have to say Heidi.
32:18Okay, Angela,
32:19what do you think of that?
32:20I think that Amy
32:21had problems delegating
32:23and then following through
32:24with the delegation.
32:25I would love to have Amy
32:26on sales and on certain
32:27specific areas on my team.
32:29I think she's tremendous,
32:30but as far as leading,
32:31I was just confused
32:33What do you think, Christine?
32:34I would agree.
32:35Heidi was a better
32:36project manager.
32:37I think, unfortunately,
32:38Amy had a little
32:39difficulty delegating
32:40and if the Spanish-speaking
32:42population had any effect
32:43on our loss,
32:44it was because of the amount
32:46of time people had to spend
32:47at the individual terminals.
32:49And Derek and Muna
32:50stepped up huge
32:51to use the Spanish
32:52that they had to do it,
32:53but had we been able
32:54to go out and hire
32:55a couple of people?
32:56Well, why didn't you do that?
32:57And who's responsible
32:58for not hiring somebody
32:59that really understood
33:00the language?
33:01Why didn't you
33:02respond to that?
33:03Why didn't you hire somebody?
33:04I was not aware of the
33:05Spanish demographic
33:06that was shared.
33:07I was meeting with...
33:08All you have to do
33:09is look around in all fairness.
33:10Maybe it's not
33:11politically correct,
33:12but if you have people
33:13that only speak Spanish,
33:14you have to do something
33:15about it, Amy, right?
33:16I did not spend
33:17a lot of time
33:18inside the mall itself
33:19and the time that I did spend...
33:20Yeah, I would disagree.
33:21Let me finish talking.
33:22I let you guys
33:23make your points
33:24and I would like to be able
33:25to make mine.
33:26Muna, why are you
33:27rolling your eyes?
33:28Why are you rolling your eyes?
33:29No, I'm shaking my head, sir,
33:30because Amy is very caring,
33:31but, I mean, that...
33:32That's usually
33:33the kiss of death, right?
33:34She's very caring, but...
33:35No, I still did not
33:36get to finish my point,
33:38Okay, well, wait.
33:39Before you finish your point,
33:40why are you rolling your eyes?
33:41Because, sir,
33:42just as you said,
33:43you just needed to walk
33:44through the food court alone
33:45to see that there were
33:46so many Hispanic people there.
33:48Mr. Trump,
33:49I was not there
33:50when this whole conversation
33:51of the Spanish-speaking
33:52population took place.
33:53Amy, you were there
33:54in the middle of the mall
33:55and you saw
33:56the Hispanic population.
33:57Let me talk about this.
33:58But they told you.
33:59They specifically told you
34:00and Jen,
34:01and I asked,
34:02what did they tell you?
34:03And let me speak to that.
34:04You never asked
34:05something about the...
34:06Ask Derek.
34:07Ask Derek.
34:08I asked you specifically.
34:09You never asked me.
34:10I asked you specifically, Jen.
34:11It's a standard sales...
34:12Hold it, hold it, hold it.
34:13Go ahead, Derek.
34:14She never asked us, no.
34:15Now you're just trying
34:16to bury me,
34:17and it's really sad.
34:18Derek, you weren't even there
34:19when I asked Jen.
34:20Okay, but the question is,
34:21did you ask...
34:22You didn't ask me.
34:23You said that I never asked
34:24and I asked Jen.
34:25Derek, are you trying
34:26to bury her?
34:27No, I'm not trying
34:28to bury her.
34:29With respect to what?
34:30The demographic issue?
34:32But guys, I still don't get it.
34:33Why would I not take that
34:34into account?
34:35How do you not bring it up to her
34:36even if she doesn't ask?
34:37And maybe it is her responsibility
34:38to ask,
34:39but if you know this
34:40and this is a key piece
34:41of information,
34:42how do you not convey it
34:43to your project manager?
34:44Can I say this?
34:45I mean, that sounds like
34:46really dumb.
34:47Mr. Trump,
34:48this very astute, bright team
34:49that sits in front of me...
34:50You don't like your team
34:51very much, do you?
34:52I feel on this task,
34:53I'm really disappointed
34:54in this team.
34:55No, no, but you don't like them.
34:56The way you just said that
34:57is different.
35:00I'd like you to pick
35:01two people
35:02to come back
35:03into the boardroom.
35:04The rest are going
35:05to their beautiful tents
35:06overlooking Los Angeles
35:07with the leaky roofs
35:08and the wet ground
35:09and hopefully they'll be winning
35:10and they'll be moving back
35:11into the mansion soon, right?
35:13I'd like you to choose
35:14two people to come back
35:15into the boardroom
35:16with you in a little while.
35:18Who are they?
35:19I'm going to bring back
35:20Derek and Jen.
35:21All right, okay.
35:22Everyone else,
35:23go back to your tent.
35:53So Don, what do you think?
35:54I think they missed
35:55a couple key things.
35:56I think both Derek
35:57and Jennifer knew
35:58about the demographic
35:59and they didn't bring it
36:00to their PM.
36:01That's a big mistake.
36:02What do you think, sir?
36:03It's a big miss
36:04to not know about the fact
36:05that, you know,
36:06it's a very Hispanic demographic.
36:07So maybe it could be
36:08indicative of her style as well
36:09that they didn't feel
36:10comfortable telling her.
36:11I think we need
36:12to tease that out.
36:13Andy, bring them in.
36:16It's time to go back in.
36:37Why, Derek,
36:38does everybody seem
36:39to be so against Amy
36:41as a project manager?
36:43We went through 2 tasks
36:44with an absent project manager.
36:46She just could not step up
36:47and be assertive enough.
36:48Derek, it's difficult
36:49to lead without full information.
36:51You and Jennifer both knew
36:53about the demographic
36:54and you didn't bring it
36:55to your project manager.
36:56If I can say something...
36:57No, let me finish.
36:58Someone specifically told
36:59both of you about this
37:00and you didn't bring it up to her.
37:01Now you say,
37:02she should have figured it out
37:03by walking through the mall.
37:04She should have done this.
37:05But you guys didn't bring it up to her.
37:06Why not?
37:07I asked that question
37:08out of curiosity.
37:09She said,
37:10the Hispanic population
37:11is 50% here at this mall.
37:12Did you tell her?
37:13I looked around.
37:14No, it's the obvious.
37:15Maybe you knew it
37:16if it was specifically told by you
37:17by management.
37:18You should have conveyed
37:19that to your leader.
37:20Why didn't you convey that?
37:21To me, it's obvious.
37:22Mr. Trump, also,
37:23she's assuming that
37:24because you're Latina...
37:25Do you think it's obvious?
37:26Wait, because you're Latina...
37:27Was it obvious to you?
37:28I don't think it was obvious
37:29but admittedly,
37:30I wasn't really paying attention
37:31to who was walking
37:32through the mall.
37:33But shouldn't you have
37:34been paying attention?
37:35I was very into my book
37:36and I was working.
37:37Isn't it all about
37:38who's walking through the mall?
37:39It is about who's walking
37:40through the mall
37:41and that's why I went
37:42to my marketing team
37:43who got that information
37:44Do you not consider
37:45that to be important?
37:46It is important, Mr. Trump.
37:47Whether they're Spanish
37:48or Greek
37:49or this
37:50or that,
37:51everything's important.
37:52When I ask the question
37:53of my marketing team
37:54of what the demographic is
37:55and what they found out
37:56and they don't give me
37:57that information,
37:58I'm going to assume
37:59that it's a non-issue.
38:00If you got their notice
38:01it was a problem,
38:02why not be flexible enough
38:03to say,
38:04hey, let's see if we can
38:05hire someone
38:06with half the money
38:07So Amy, tell me,
38:08why should I fire Jennifer?
38:09You should fire Jennifer
38:10because she had this information
38:11I specifically asked her for
38:12and she didn't give it to me.
38:14we're going around
38:15Jennifer, what do you say about that?
38:16First of all,
38:17she never specifically asked me.
38:18She can scream
38:19because she's blue in the face
38:20and it didn't happen.
38:21Second of all,
38:22if she walked in this room right now
38:23and was doing a task
38:24where she needed to market
38:25something to us,
38:26would she need to ask me
38:27how many people in this room
38:28are Caucasian?
38:29She was in the mall all day
38:30and if it became a problem,
38:31let's say I didn't tell her
38:32I was this crazy person
38:33who withholds information,
38:34when she got there,
38:35why wouldn't she just say,
38:36oh look,
38:37now we're realizing
38:38it's a problem,
38:39let's hire somebody.
38:40We had the money,
38:41we had the capabilities,
38:42she could have done that
38:43at any point.
38:44She could have talked to
38:45someone that spoke Spanish.
38:46You have to say though
38:47that she's not 100% wrong on that,
38:48don't you think so?
38:49Mr. Trump,
38:50the second reason I would...
38:51I mean,
38:52you knew who was in the mall.
38:53You look around,
38:54you know who's in the mall.
38:55They speak Spanish,
38:56it's wonderful.
38:57We had two Spanish-speaking people
38:58on our team
38:59but I did not know
39:00the percentage of the demographic
39:01being that it was that high.
39:03I did notice that there were
39:04Latino people in the mall,
39:05there's no question about it.
39:06I don't know if they spoke Spanish.
39:08why do you have to have
39:09somebody tell you
39:10there are Latino people
39:11in the mall?
39:12I saw that there were Latino people
39:13in the mall.
39:14It doesn't mean that they don't speak English.
39:15But you said you asked her
39:16and she refused to tell you.
39:18You were the project manager
39:20of a project that lost,
39:21is that correct?
39:22It was a project that lost.
39:23You have a team
39:24that came against you like crazy.
39:26They were against you
39:27no matter how you cut it,
39:28they were against you.
39:30Even Angela,
39:31who's very strong,
39:33Who's very tough,
39:36She's sort of the opposite of you.
39:38But she wants to say
39:39nice things about you
39:40and she goes out of her way
39:41to say nice things.
39:42But it's always that big but
39:43at the end.
39:44And you know what the but is?
39:45It's leadership.
39:47It's all about leadership.
39:48And you didn't have
39:50the proper leadership.
39:51Maybe you can be a good leader someday
39:53but right now,
39:54you're not a leader.
39:55Amy, you're fired.
40:05Please, go.
40:26Too many things against her.
40:29Do you agree with it?
40:30It was tough.
40:31I think we really probably
40:32had no choice on that one.
40:33I think it was pretty cut and dry.
40:40Oh, she's pissed.
41:11The people that are involved
41:13in this interview process
41:14will do whatever it takes.
41:16They'll lie, cheat, steal,
41:17stab people in the back
41:19just so they themselves
41:20can get ahead.
41:21Quite frankly,
41:22I almost believe
41:23that we could have won this task
41:24had I just ran the whole thing myself.
41:26Just told the whole
41:27god damn team
41:28to go take a break
41:29and sit in the frickin' mansion
41:31and I'll just go hire
41:32my own people and managers
41:33and I'll do whatever it takes
41:34to get the job done.
41:35I don't know.
41:36I don't know.
41:37I don't know.
41:38I don't know.
41:39I'll just hire my own people
41:40and manage it myself
41:41because they certainly
41:42weren't doing anything
41:43to help me out.
41:44I guess they didn't care
41:45about losing this task.
41:46On a personal level,
41:47they wanted me buried
41:48and that's really unfortunate.
41:52Sunday in two weeks,
41:54The Apprentice LA
41:55moves to its new time,
41:5710-9 Central.
41:58And with all the tension...
42:00I will crush him.
42:01...and drama...
42:02I'm not gonna go down
42:03without a fight.
42:04...two words...
42:06...only two words
42:08You're fired.
42:11How stupid can you be?
42:21You have to promise before God
42:23that you will never do
42:24anything like this again.
42:31Now, an all-new Crossing Jordan.
