The Apprentice (US) S06E10 - Girls On Rollerskates 2007.03.25

  • 2 days ago
The Apprentice is the "ultimate job interview" for those competing in an elimination competition for a one-year, US$250,000 contract to run one of real estate magnate Donald Trump's companies.


00:00Previously on The Apprentice.
00:05Ugh, it's disgusting, filth.
00:07Here we go again.
00:09Kinetic's poor performance on their task
00:11forced them to return to the backyard to live in tents.
00:15Gives us something to do, pick up their f***ing mess.
00:21When the question was asked, you said that Christine was stronger,
00:25but yet you just nodded your head
00:28when Moona said you take her back on any particular task.
00:32No, it wasn't on any particular task.
00:34It's irrelevant. Moona asked you a question.
00:36Who would you take? Who would you want?
00:38And you said you'd take Christine.
00:40Moona, that was not a great question for you to ask.
00:42You lost this task. You did a bad job.
00:45I have to say, Moona, you're fired.
00:54Back to the camp.
00:57I always wanted to be in the final two or three of Kinetic.
01:00I didn't think that it would happen the way that it's happened,
01:03that Arrow would basically shoot its point into us
01:07and completely disintegrate our team.
01:09I have a headache. I'm running a leave.
01:11Angela, Bureau, get rid of your headache.
01:13Bureau? Yeah.
01:15It's not a good feeling, but I'm back in camp,
01:17and I'm happy because I'm still in this process.
01:19Here's to Kinetic Corporation.
01:21Here's to what's left of Kinetic.
01:27I love you, but I don't drink beer.
01:29You don't have a drink list.
01:31Only because it's the two of you.
01:33With three Musketeers, you've got to have one, right?
01:35I'm so excited that Frank and Tim are on my team
01:38because we are the strongest three people
01:40in this entire interview process,
01:42and I just know that we can work together very well,
01:45the three of us, and keep winning.
01:47I really do like you. I love you the best.
01:50So fun.
01:52That would be an insane competition,
01:54because, like, I could totally look at you,
01:56Frank, and be like, Frank, you're going down, man,
01:58you know, and you'd be like, bitch, you're going down,
02:00you know, like, we would totally trash-talk each other,
02:02but with respect, you know what I mean?
02:04Of course.
02:06Like, we all know we'd be joking.
02:14Hello, this is James with AeroCorp.
02:16Hello, James, how you doing?
02:18I'm doing great, Mr. Trump.
02:20Look, James, Kinetic has been decimated,
02:22which I'm sure makes you very happy,
02:24but we have to take one of your folks
02:26and put them over to Kinetic.
02:28Okay, you want me to take somebody
02:30and put them on the Kinetic?
02:32Can you handle that for me?
02:34Yeah, we can handle that for you, Mr. Trump.
02:36When do you need that decision by?
02:38Go ahead, do it now.
02:40Well, I'm going to ask for a volunteer if that's okay.
02:42Go ahead.
02:44And if not, okay, guys, we need a decision now.
02:46Anyone volunteer?
02:48Nobody volunteers?
02:50Okay, I want it done.
02:52Somebody from Aero goes to Kinetic.
02:54You take care of it, okay?
02:56All right, I'll take care of it.
02:58Okay, I want it done.
03:00Okay, thank you, bye-bye.
03:02Okay, it has to go now.
03:04Somebody has to go, and he said he was very adamant.
03:06Get it done now. Did you guys hear him?
03:08If there's no volunteers, he told me to just pick one.
03:10And I'm just going to be totally open here, okay?
03:12I'm not going to send Frankie
03:14because I need him for his hands.
03:16I need him.
03:18I need him because I need her organization.
03:20She has something that I don't have.
03:22I have to send one of you guys
03:24because both of you are very creative,
03:26and it blends together, and I'm creative,
03:28but I can't lose these hands.
03:32I'm going to have to choose Nikki.
03:38I'm sorry.
03:40I'm sorry.
03:48Sorry, guys.
03:58It was definitely a difficult decision
04:00to separate Tim and Nicole,
04:02and ultimately,
04:04I think it was the right decision
04:06because I've got to think about the business
04:08before I think about people's feelings.
04:10That's just how it is.
04:12In life, you can't please everybody.
04:14In business, you certainly can't please everybody,
04:16and I had to take care of my team
04:18first before I thought about Tim and Nicole.
04:22Do you want a long-time temp with her?
04:24I'll give you that long time.
04:42Long time.
04:48Listen to me.
04:50You're the last person standing over there
04:52and still going to be with Nicole.
04:54This entire process has been for me
04:56defined by being with Nicole.
04:58This process is so stressful and so hard,
05:00and just to have someone
05:02who you really love spending time with is awesome,
05:04and most people don't have that,
05:07We can talk through the hedge.
05:09I know. Don't you worry.
05:11Don't try to kiss me through the bushes now.
05:16I'm so sorry.
05:18I don't want to hear about it.
05:20Bad things happen. It stinks, you know what?
05:22A lot of bad things have happened to me in my life.
05:24Every time, I stand up, and I stand up stronger.
05:26I think I was a very strong player on this team,
05:28and I guarantee
05:30you think I was a strong player on this team,
05:32I'm going to not only remain a strong player,
05:34but I'm going to step up.
05:36For James to send me over to Kinetic,
05:38I have every reason in the world
05:42I would lose an arm
05:44to win the next task.
05:46I think it was personal.
05:48That's my opinion. I do.
05:50It's because you, me, and Tim are all alike.
05:52Who did you tell...
05:54Why did we win the last task?
05:56You and Tim won the thing for us. I'll say it all day long.
06:00It's not because of talent. It's skill set.
06:02James must think I'm weak
06:04at some point, and I want to win
06:06and just prove to James
06:08you made the biggest mistake you've ever made in your entire life.
06:10Just watch.
06:12And James, you'll be fired on the next one
06:14for sending me over because you made a dumb mistake.
06:28You're fired.
06:32You're fired.
06:56Wow, hi.
06:58This place is very cool.
07:02Come on, follow me.
07:08This is beautiful.
07:14You can sit down.
07:20Good morning.
07:22Welcome to week 10
07:24of your 14-week job interview.
07:28since you were the winning project manager,
07:30you will continue to be
07:32the project manager. Okay.
07:34Now, last night was a little bit of a
07:36tough night, but I see you've
07:38chosen Nicole, or you've given up Nicole.
07:40What was it? James.
07:42Ultimately, Mr. Trump, it was a very, very
07:44tough decision. Our team wanted to
07:46stay together, but at the end of the day,
07:48we sent Nicole over.
07:50It's nothing against Nicole. She's a talented person.
07:52Why did you send her? Did you send her, or did
07:54Nicole, did you want to go?
07:56I did not want to leave. So they didn't like you.
07:58They thought you were the weakest member of the team.
08:00That's the way I interpret it, so that's why I'm really ready
08:02to step up. So, Tim, how do you feel
08:04about losing Nicole? I'd say it's
08:06not ideal. And how do you feel about
08:08losing Tim?
08:12Not ideal, Mr. Trump.
08:14Okay, well, that's interesting.
08:16Now, we're standing in the
08:20Grauman's Chinese Theater.
08:22People come from all over the world
08:24to look at the movie stars'
08:26footprints outside. They
08:28should put my footprints outside.
08:30I'm a bigger star than anybody.
08:32I have the number one
08:34show on television.
08:36So, it's a spectacular
08:38place, and it has to do with
08:40movies. What are we going to be doing
08:42with movies? You're going to
08:44be working with the largest
08:46movie studio
08:48theme park anywhere in the world.
08:50It's called Universal Studios
08:52Hollywood. They're the
08:54entertainment capital of L.A.
08:56Eight million people
08:58come to Universal every
09:00year. They're big,
09:02they're dynamic, they make
09:04amazing movies, and
09:06they happen to have a spectacular
09:08theme park. Spectacular.
09:10I've been there many times.
09:12It's great. Ivanka,
09:14what is their task? Well, for your
09:16next task, you'll be working
09:18for Universal Studios Hollywood
09:20to sell passes using a new
09:22technology called AdWalker.
09:24The team that makes the most money
09:26using this AdWalker system
09:28to sell Universal Studios Hollywood
09:30passes wins.
09:32That's very good. Now, my daughter Ivanka
09:34will be with you. She'll
09:36be my eyes and ears. So,
09:38the team that makes the most money
09:40for Universal through passes,
09:42et cetera, et cetera, wins. The losers,
09:44I'll see you in the boardroom, somebody
09:46will be fired. Good luck.
09:48Have fun. Do a good job.
09:50It's going to be exciting.
10:18All right.
10:20As soon as we received our task, we headed off
10:22to our war room at Universal Studios
10:24Hollywood and started
10:26really just brainstorming our strategy
10:28for the entire task. Christine, would you mind
10:30running timelines today? Not a problem.
10:32Perfect. This task is definitely
10:34an opportunity for me to say,
10:36Mr. Trump, I can be a leader too. It's just
10:38I need my opportunity and
10:40put me in charge of this team. I'll lead them to victory.
10:42We thought about doing flyers
10:44and same thing with the signs. We're just concerned with
10:46generating business for the other team.
10:48The thing is we have to figure out a way to distinguish
10:52We want people who are already coming to the park
10:54but they haven't bought their ticket yet. That's perfect.
10:56Those people, we don't have to sell them on the park.
10:58They're already sold in the park. I think we have a kiosk
11:00and place it on the corner.
11:02I think a kiosk makes it look real
11:04as opposed to two people selling you something.
11:06This looks like it's sponsored by Universal.
11:08Yellow tent lemonade stand type thing.
11:10It just gives us credibility.
11:12Our whole strategy is to create a station
11:14that people can visibly see.
11:16There's a huge advantage to that because
11:18as people are coming in, they're going to see something
11:20that says discount prices
11:22and they're going to be drawn to it.
11:24They're going to come to us instead of us having to go to
11:26every person, which is going to save us a lot of time.
11:28Angela, this is perfect for Ang.
11:30What are we doing?
11:32We need to differentiate, right?
11:34Yeah, yeah.
11:36We need to be different than Arrow, right?
11:38Yeah, we do.
11:40I know Arrow's plan of attack tomorrow to a T.
11:42They're thinking signs.
11:44They're thinking big setup.
11:46We want to be cute. We're four cute crows, right?
11:50Angela, what about roller skates?
11:54We're wearing roller skates.
11:56How funny would that be, honestly?
11:58I would do it.
12:00I've totally been on her feet.
12:02I think the roller skates will be a great idea
12:04because Arrow will not be able to move around
12:06so if we make ourselves mobilized,
12:08Kinetic can go where we need to go
12:10when we need to go there
12:12and I don't think that Arrow will be able to do the same.
12:14Yeah, do you carry roller skates?
12:20Everyone get in Frank's bed.
12:22I'm meeting in Frank's bed.
12:24This is the way we figured this, right?
12:26So let's all understand our plan.
12:28The task is two groups are going to sell
12:30in the same theme park.
12:32It means it's all-out war.
12:34We're on the same turf.
12:36It's never been on any other task.
12:38We're on the same turf, ever.
12:40If you put four members of Team Kinetic
12:42and four members of Arrow Corp
12:44selling to the same customer base,
12:46it could get ugly.
12:48Here's what it comes down to.
12:50Can you beat Heidi? Can you beat Nicole?
12:52Can I beat Angela?
12:54And can she beat Christine?
12:56You think Nikki is not ready to go camp?
12:58Let's be straight here.
13:00Nikki's going, I want to win, I want to win.
13:02That girl is getting them all riled up
13:04and she's saying they're going to sell this
13:06I hate not having Nicole on the team.
13:08Of course she's crossed my mind all day.
13:10And I just miss being with her, undoubtedly.
13:12That said, it also gives me extra incentive
13:14because she's so competitive
13:16and we're competitive with each other
13:18and I can just see her giving me
13:20an immense amount of crap if we lose
13:22and laughing in my face
13:24and I want to beat her. I want to beat her bad right now.
13:26I'm all about fighting dirty tomorrow.
13:28I am.
13:30This is going to be good.
13:32The one thing we care about is winning.
13:34I really don't.
13:36I really don't.
13:42It makes me a little bit nervous
13:44that they're not here.
13:46Either they're stupid or crazy
13:48or they've got something really good.
13:50Too late to change our mind now.
13:52Let's just do our thing.
13:56Right here or on that other side?
13:58Probably right here as they walk up.
14:00Our task was to sell
14:02as many Universal Studio annual passes
14:04as possible
14:06using AdWalker.
14:08That's a unit that actually allows
14:10multimedia video to be shown
14:12to the consumer.
14:14Every package we're selling and single products
14:16are already in there.
14:18What's really cool about it is you can actually put in the credit card,
14:20swipe it, and actually take the order
14:22right there and the transaction goes through.
14:24How is that? Is that comfortable for you?
14:26I feel like Robocop.
14:28I'm really sure if this comes down to one-on-one sales,
14:30Aron's going to kick some ass.
14:32I mean, come on, look at us.
14:34We're strong, we're confident.
14:36We're the A-team and we're coming for you, Kinetic.
14:38You're out.
14:42Look at that.
14:44And if you just want a regular pass...
14:46Wow, look at this.
14:54What's up now?
14:56I am fully willing
14:58to flaunt everything we have
15:00to use sex.
15:02Sex sells.
15:04There's four attractive women on this team.
15:06In my opinion, we would actually be idiots
15:08and Mr. Trump should fire us
15:10if we didn't use our assets.
15:12I can give you both for only $89.95.
15:14Yeah, I'll give you both.
15:18Yeah, I'll get it.
15:20All right, let's do it.
15:26Can I try this?
15:40I buy a pass from the girl in the short skirt
15:42on rollerblades over me.
15:44What we need to do is use our tables
15:46because we don't have an advantage otherwise.
15:48We need to use our tables to form a line
15:50and people will just walk into the line
15:52without thinking about it.
16:04Total price is $809.55.
16:14Salesmanship is about
16:16grabbing, being proactive.
16:18It's about getting every single customer
16:20that you can.
16:32They're just a little slimy.
16:34They're like the slimy salespeople you want to stay away from
16:36at the used car sales lot.
16:44They're at the front.
16:46Oh, they have a better promotion?
16:48No, we have a better promotion.
16:50Tim came up and said,
16:52she's lying to you, prices are cheaper over there.
16:54Why come over and lie?
16:56Come over and say, buy from me, don't buy from her.
16:58But don't come up and lie. That's just tacky.
17:00Tim came up and interrupted me so rudely
17:02the guy said, if that guy was such a jerk,
17:04I would buy from you right now.
17:06So tell Tim thank you for my $1,000 deal.
17:08Hey, Tim!
17:14Not really well, actually.
17:16What's the dynamic been like
17:18having to operate in such
17:20close proximity to your competition?
17:22I'm actually disappointed
17:24in the other team.
17:26They've been kind of low-balling it,
17:28trying to take customers away from us.
17:30If they're allowed to do that, then that's fine,
17:32but we're certainly not breaking the rules.
17:34Ladies and gentlemen, I just found out
17:36that we have less than 15 minutes
17:38until the promotion ends.
17:40I'll take it as $269.85.
17:42I've been talking to them for an hour,
17:44so we'll just see what price you have.
17:46Single admission with front-of-the-line pass.
17:48It's $89.95.
17:50If you want, we can bring you up right here.
17:52No, you have to buy it from me, not him.
17:54They're trying to steal you away from me now.
17:56We have free waters for you guys if you like.
17:58It's an all-out war.
18:00Eight people are on the same playing field.
18:02The bottom line is the best team's gonna win.
18:04If you care about the other team, you're going down.
18:06If you're worried about taking another sale
18:08from the other team, you're going down.
18:10We'll give you cash or credit.
18:12This is ridiculous.
18:14Arrow will do whatever it takes,
18:16whether it's stealing people or being ruthless.
18:18They have no shame.
18:20We're gonna win today.
18:22I'm gonna smash their faces in dirt.
18:24Do you need any more?
18:26No, I'm good.
18:40Let's go.
19:06James, how do you think you did?
19:08I think my team did excellent.
19:10Stephanie, Frank, and Tim contributed so much.
19:12And you feel you won?
19:14I definitely feel that we won.
19:16Angela, what do you think?
19:18Mr. Trump, I've been a part
19:20of many great teams in my life,
19:22and I can honestly say...
19:24That's true. Gold medal teams.
19:26Get gold medal teams, and this team
19:28is one of the strongest teams I've ever been a part of.
19:30I was shocked that they jettisoned Nicole.
19:32I was shocked.
19:34I agree.
19:36I hope you win,
19:38so you can do your little numbering on Nicole, okay?
19:40We know you're rooting for them.
19:42No, no, I'm not rooting for them.
19:44Listen to Tim.
19:46All right, let's get down to it. You want to hear?
19:48Because I want to hear.
19:50Ivanka, how did Kinetic do?
19:52Well, it really was an all-out sales war.
19:54Kinetic put on rollerblades
19:56and basically skated around and hit the pavement
19:58and made a total of $24,440.37.
20:04Sounds like a lot of money.
20:06It's a lot of money.
20:08Okay, let me ask you this, then.
20:10How did Arrow do, Ivanka?
20:12Arrow actually didn't use any gimmicks.
20:14They just sort of hit the pavement,
20:16worked extremely hard,
20:18and they earned $31,366.65.
20:20That's a huge loss.
20:22That's not like a little loss.
20:24That's not tight.
20:26What is going on here?
20:28We are hard-working salespeople.
20:30Mr. Trump, I think it's time
20:32for you to leave.
20:34I'm going to have to do that.
20:36I'm sorry, Heidi.
20:38I'm starting to think that these are the stars
20:40and you're not.
20:42Ivanka, why do you think that Arrow won again?
20:44Do you have any idea?
20:46I think you were a little bit more competitive,
20:48a little bit more ruthless.
20:50But you know what?
20:52There's a difference between that
20:54and not representing Universal well.
20:58You guys, why would this be a qualitative task
21:00and not a qualitative task about sales?
21:02That's the bottom line, right?
21:04I didn't lie once today.
21:06I didn't lie once.
21:08Well, I think there was nothing illegal or moral
21:10about being overly aggressive
21:12and trying to take somebody else's customers
21:14because that happens in business all the time.
21:16It always will.
21:18You want to hold a certain line,
21:20but it sounds to me like it was just hard-nosed business.
21:22That's all it was.
21:24And it sounds to me also like they did a very good job.
21:26Well, Arrow, congratulations on your win.
21:28You're going to live in a mansion which is much nicer
21:30than the tents that Kinetic will go back to.
21:32And, James, most importantly,
21:34you're going to be sitting here with me
21:36and will be judging and help me judge
21:38and help Ivanka judge who's going to be fired.
21:40Now, Arrow,
21:42after working on tasks all over Los Angeles,
21:44tomorrow morning you'll get into a helicopter
21:46provided by HeliNet Aviation Services,
21:48one of the best helicopter charter services anywhere.
21:50You're going to see this great city by air.
21:52You're going to see this great city by air.
21:54You're going to see this great city by air.
21:56You're going to see this great city by air.
22:00As far as Kinetic is concerned,
22:02sadly, you'll be here again
22:04and somebody will be fired.
22:06electronic music plays
22:24I hated going back to camp.
22:26I was so ready to move back into the mansion,
22:28and just sitting there,
22:30I was in so much shock,
22:32I could barely even talk.
22:34I loved Arrow.
22:36I mean, there was no part of me
22:38that didn't want to be on Arrow,
22:40and I was hurt when Tim didn't stand up
22:42when I was being sent over.
22:44That hurt more than anything is hurt
22:46in this entire process.
22:58Nicole being picked to leave the team,
23:00it was the hardest thing so far in this entire process,
23:02because every time, what am I going to do?
23:04And I think there's been an understanding
23:06with me and Nicole this entire time
23:08that she and I will get through this no matter what,
23:10we're stronger than this whole thing,
23:12and that we might have to deal with this at some point.
23:14That's just a fact.
23:16I've been very aware of the danger
23:18and very aware of the potential
23:20very upsetting complications
23:22that I've created for myself.
23:24Where's Nikki?
23:26Sister, come over here, come on.
23:28Your boyfriend can't live without you.
23:32I didn't care what James said.
23:34That's not what hurt.
23:36I didn't think Coinflip would have let me go.
23:38You wanted us to say something.
23:42What would you do, Coinflip?
23:44What's the better way to do it?
23:46I mean, if I go volunteer to go over,
23:48I'm doing exactly what you hate,
23:50which is just being incredibly disloyal.
23:52She just wanted you to defend her.
23:54And to make it known out loud.
23:56I don't think I should have the team spirit
23:58to make James' decision. I really do.
24:00What are we going to say? Frank should go? Steph should go?
24:02Well, that means you just sold her out, then.
24:04Tim was mad
24:06when I told him that I was upset.
24:08And I think Tim interpreted it as that
24:10I wanted Tim to say,
24:12don't send Nicole, I'll go.
24:14That's not what I was saying.
24:16I wanted Tim to say,
24:18we need Nicole on this team, don't send Nicole.
24:20The fact that Tim didn't get it,
24:22really, that kind of made me mad.
24:24I just think it's selfish
24:26to have opinions on other people.
24:28It happened. Get over it.
24:30Obviously, I wanted her back more than anything in the world.
24:32But just to do what she just did?
24:34That's just...
24:36no good.
24:38Nothing horrible is happening.
24:40Just move the other team.
24:42You don't say, f*** this team.
24:44I'm keeping her here.
24:46You just don't do that.
24:48She wouldn't do that. I wouldn't do that.
24:50She wouldn't want me to do that.
24:52I wouldn't want her to do that.
24:54I will never understand women.
25:08Hello, all.
25:10Congratulations. The weather's perfect.
25:12We're going to have a lot of fun.
25:14Let's go.
25:16Our reward was to
25:18hop into a private helicopter.
25:20It wasn't just any helicopter.
25:22This is like one of the world's
25:24largest helicopters.
25:26Are we off the ground right now?
25:30And Mr. Trump personally mapped out a course of Los Angeles
25:32that he wanted us to see.
25:34He wanted us to see how great life can be.
25:36All right, folks. Here we go.
25:38How awesome is this?
25:42Oh, my God.
25:44How awesome is this?
25:46Oh, my God.
25:48What is that there?
25:50That's Griffith Observatory, guys.
25:52That's Griffith Observatory.
25:58Absolutely gorgeous.
26:08Wow, this is so cool.
26:10How beautiful is it?
26:14This has been the sweetest victory for our team because we are down to four.
26:16Between Tim and James and Frank and I,
26:18we feel like we really are a family.
26:20And we feel like this victory was so well-deserved
26:22because we not only beat Kinetic,
26:24we annihilated them.
26:26And Mr. Trump is finally sitting up and taking notice
26:28and saying, okay, you know, maybe I should be
26:30looking at you guys. You guys are pretty outstanding, too.
26:32So, good. You know, it's time for him
26:34to realize that it's not all about Kinetic.
26:36That's awesome.
26:38Yeah, it is. Make you speechless.
26:40I love it.
26:42Oh, the lifestyle of Mr. Trump.
26:44Definitely the rich and famous.
26:46It's an amazing feeling.
26:48Dodger Stadium at 10 o'clock low.
26:50This is just getting better and better.
26:52This whole experience is amazing.
26:54Last week, I'm in a jet. This week, I'm in a helicopter.
26:56What's next?
26:58See the Hollywood sign out there?
27:08Hey, I just wanted to let you know.
27:10You're taking me in?
27:12No, I think I'm going to take Nicole in.
27:14Based on?
27:16It was a large amount of money.
27:18So, the concept was flawed.
27:20And I just think we got off track
27:22because Nicole had all this energy, you know?
27:26And James had the opportunity to pick
27:28who he thought was the weakest player.
27:30So, technically, she was the weakest player
27:32on their team.
27:34I'm least loyal, probably, to Nicole
27:36on this team because I don't know Nicole.
27:38Do you have any other?
27:40No, I mean, and I would be happy to support that.
27:42I've been able to see Heidi and Christine
27:44throughout this entire process.
27:46And I definitely think they're both
27:48great business people.
27:50I don't know that about Nicole.
27:58Wake up.
28:06You were mad last night.
28:08I was angry. I don't want to talk to you. Come here.
28:10I don't regret getting involved with Nicole.
28:12I don't. If I did, I wouldn't have done it
28:14in the first place. This whole time, I know this is so stupid.
28:16I'm aware of how dumb
28:18it is.
28:20And I'm still
28:22involved. And I'd like to preserve
28:24what I have with Nicole.
28:26I don't know if I can do it. I'm going to try.
28:28We'll see.
28:30So, you still feel the same way you did last night?
28:32Alright, well, I don't want to argue
28:34with you about it because, obviously,
28:36you feel that way, you do.
28:38I'd like to put...
28:40I would love to put it behind us because
28:42it's just...
28:44I can't...
28:46What a shame it would be for this to come between us. That's all.
28:48In my mind right now,
28:50me and Tim's day has definitely passed.
28:52My mind isn't even there.
28:54I don't even want to talk about what happened
28:56about me being sent to Kinetic.
28:58I'm going into the boardroom tonight. I was sent to Kinetic.
29:00That's it. It happened. We did a task.
29:02I thought we did a great job.
29:04Tim, I don't want to talk to you.
29:08Come on, you know it's not Heidi.
29:10You know Christine's supposed to be a strong player, no?
29:14That's an easy target.
29:16Like I told you, I'm going in there with a clean slate
29:18except for the person that came up with the role-sitting idea.
29:20That's a horrible idea, so I'm going after that idea.
29:22Tonight, I face a very, very
29:24interesting situation.
29:26I'm going into the boardroom, sitting next to Mr. Trump
29:28to help him to fire somebody on Team Kinetic.
29:32it's very hard to be objective
29:34because I like Nicole and she was on our team
29:36from the beginning.
29:38Trump says, crush your enemy in his books.
29:40That's what he speaks about.
29:42Eliminate the competition.
29:44Who cares about your personal feelings?
29:46No offense, Tim, but I like Nikki,
29:48but we're not here to develop personal relationships.
29:50We can do that after the show.
29:52We're here to beat out each other for a job with Mr. Trump.
29:54I agree with both of your
29:56philosophies and thoughts. I agree with it.
29:58Okay, a hundred percent, all day long.
30:00I mean, come on.
30:02Where's he going?
30:04Look, look, look.
30:06Come on.
30:08Come on, you believe this?
30:10What's going on?
30:12It's a good idea.
30:14It's a good idea.
30:18How do you feel about this?
30:20I don't know what he's doing.
30:22You don't know what he's doing? How do you feel about this?
30:24I don't know what he's doing.
30:26Look at the mark he's coming back in with.
30:28What did you tell Nikki?
30:30I just told her good luck. That's it.
30:32Tim is very wet behind the ears.
30:34Let me tell you something.
30:36We're here for an interview process.
30:38I'm a grown man. I'm trying to work for Mr. Trump.
30:40This kid's jumping around the kitchen
30:42about a girl he met two weeks ago.
30:44And, you know, he doesn't want to see her get fired.
30:46She's on the other team.
30:48What the hell is going on? This is bulls**t.
30:50Are you kidding me?
30:52I'm asking a simple question. If Nicole came up with that idea, would you still go after her?
30:54I didn't know Nicole came up with that idea.
30:56I'm being rational. I wouldn't because I wouldn't like to see her go.
30:58Okay? I'd like to see her stay around.
31:00You know, the kid fell in love in a week with some girl.
31:02And how do I know what he's up to?
31:04If he wants to blow this whole competition,
31:06you know, this whole process,
31:08who knows what they're up to?
31:10I understand that that's not
31:12in the same spirit of things you're saying,
31:14and I realize that I'm being biased.
31:16Are you kidding me?
31:30Good evening. Mr. Term's ready in the boardroom.
32:32you went to Harvard,
32:34you won gold medals in the Olympics,
32:36and you keep losing.
32:38What's your problem?
32:40Looking at the numbers,
32:42we lost by $7,000.
32:44You lost by 23%.
32:46That's a huge loss.
32:48You know, sometimes when you lose and it's tight,
32:50it's a little bit hard for me to do this.
32:52But you got clobbered.
32:54We did get clobbered.
32:56So why did you get beaten so badly?
32:58I believe we lost by such a significant number
33:00because our selling concept
33:02was completely flawed.
33:04So whose fault is that?
33:06Nicole came to us with some very,
33:08very, you know, I thought pertinent information
33:10that would ultimately give us
33:12that insider scoop.
33:14Are you blaming Nicole for the loss?
33:16I am at this point.
33:18What do you think of that, Nicole?
33:20I thought that I brought great ideas,
33:22everything that was said that really helped this team
33:24with things that I brought to the table.
33:26I said what Arrow would be doing,
33:28and I was dead on what Arrow would be doing.
33:30I said they will have a huge setup.
33:32They're going to have signage.
33:34Everything I said Arrow would do, they did.
33:36I think that the problem lies in that
33:38we were chasing customers,
33:40and James' team was set in one position.
33:42So customers were actually coming to them.
33:44So when you say your idea was flawed,
33:46whose fault is it? Is that why you lost?
33:50Whose fault is it?
33:52I believe it's Nicole's, and she had great energy
33:54and that ultimately led us in a different path.
33:56Do you think it's your fault, Nicole?
33:58I absolutely don't think it's my fault.
34:00Do you think you lost because of you?
34:02No, you can ask James how I sell.
34:04Then why did James send you over here?
34:06Why did you send Nicole over?
34:08I sent Nicole over because on our team
34:10we have three other people that are so strong
34:12that it was a coin toss.
34:14Better than Nicole?
34:16Are they better than Nicole?
34:18That's why I made the decision, Mr. Trump.
34:20Let me ask you this. Is Tim in love with you?
34:22I don't know. I'm here for one reason.
34:24Are you in love with him?
34:26Mr. Trump.
34:28Tell me. I'm curious.
34:30Tim's a great guy. I do have to say,
34:32Tim came up to me at the hedge today and some of the things
34:34that he said to me was like...
34:36Because Tim was always the person I was able to talk to.
34:40How are you going to do this to me, Mr. Trump?
34:42I'm just curious.
34:44Think how I must feel.
34:46He's got a great future.
34:48He's got a nice Harvard education.
34:50He is so smitten he can't even breathe.
34:52Is that true or not?
34:54He is so smitten with you, Nicole.
34:56And yet he allowed you to be thrown off the team.
34:58You know what I don't like?
35:00I don't like somebody that is with somebody
35:02but won't defend that person.
35:04I really mean it.
35:06If he really fought for you, I think that would be great.
35:08And if he lost, that's okay.
35:10But he never fought for you.
35:12Drop him like a dog. Make him suffer. Make him cry.
35:14Because that's the way.
35:16He wasn't very loyal, in my opinion.
35:18And I mean that, too.
35:20What do you think of Angela as a leader?
35:22I don't think that there was leadership.
35:24So you're saying she's not a good leader?
35:26She didn't lead.
35:28I didn't have to micromanage this team.
35:30We have such strong people.
35:32And I think you're a very strong person.
35:34I really believe in your energy.
35:36It was great, and your enthusiasm.
35:38But the problem with that is that it directed this team
35:40that way, into roller skates,
35:42into trying to basically pull customers into us,
35:44whereas Errol was located in one specific position.
35:46Well, they created a presence, essentially.
35:48And it created a sense of legitimacy.
35:50You saw a kiosk.
35:52You saw people standing behind it.
35:54You guys were on rollerblades.
35:56I don't know if I'd want to buy from you.
35:58And I think the sales strategy was a little bit unusual.
36:00I have to agree with Ivanka.
36:02I was watching a little bit, because you came into our little circle,
36:04and your sales method, or sales pitch, was pretty weak.
36:06I thought it just wasn't strong at all.
36:08I certainly wouldn't have bought from you.
36:10Okay, Angela.
36:12You went crazy against James,
36:14because you thought what they did was very immoral.
36:16And you said it was immoral.
36:18It was immoral.
36:20Do you think that's why you lost?
36:22Partially. It doesn't make up $7,000.
36:24What do you think of that, James?
36:26You know what? I think it comes down to excuses.
36:28These are complete excuses to say that's why you lost.
36:30$7,000 is huge.
36:32That is a huge number,
36:34and you don't lose on that.
36:36I didn't say that's why we lost, James.
36:38I said the reason we lost was concept.
36:40Why did you lose? Concept.
36:42I commend what you did.
36:44You set up a nice booth.
36:46I commend, too. He won, and he won big.
36:48And there was nothing immoral about what he did.
36:50They were just better business people.
36:52Christine, is Angela a good leader or not?
36:54I'm so sold on Angela.
36:56I love her background.
36:58I love champions, and she's a champion.
37:00Is she a leader?
37:02Is she more of a team player than a leader?
37:04It depends on the kind of leader you want.
37:06Is Angela a leader?
37:08Angela is not a leader.
37:10That's Brooklyn.
37:12It comes out every once in a while.
37:16Is Angela a leader?
37:18Angela is a great team player,
37:20and if you want a vocal,
37:22micromanaged leader,
37:24then I say no.
37:26She does a good job of keeping...
37:28Do you think you're a leader?
37:30Yes, I think I'm a leader.
37:32Heidi, if you were me, who would you fire?
37:34Again, you're doing this to me.
37:36I have to do it to you, Heidi.
37:38I was the project manager and oversaw the operation,
37:40and if the operation was flawed,
37:42then Angela should have caught that flaw.
37:44The operation was flawed.
37:46It was.
37:48Nicole, if you were me, who would you fire?
37:50Angela, sir.
37:54Christine, if you were me, who would you fire?
37:56Only because I think she is the project manager
37:58and there's really no one else to blame
38:00for the whole thing.
38:02It would be Angela.
38:04My star, my Olympian.
38:06You try when you win the Olympics,
38:08and then I have to fire you? It's terrible.
38:10You think this is easy for me?
38:12How do I fire an Olympian?
38:14You can't, Mr. Trump.
38:16You need a person who can work for you.
38:18I'm a little scapegoat here.
38:20Angela, the problem is you were the project manager,
38:22and everybody's telling me
38:24it has to be Angela.
38:26I don't care what everybody tells me, either.
38:28You're the boss, Mr. Trump.
38:30I'm the boss. I don't care what people tell me.
38:32I listen to what they say.
38:34I would like you to make a stronger case for yourself, then.
38:36Would you make a stronger case, please?
38:38I'm trying to keep you, Angela.
38:40Do you understand that?
38:42As a great American, I'm trying to keep you.
38:44I feel guilty about firing you.
38:46You can't fire me, Mr. Trump.
38:48Would you make a stronger case?
38:50Everyone here, I think, agrees
38:52that we worked flawlessly together.
38:54We agreed on every single concept.
38:56Our entire group agreed on the concept.
38:58But the concept was flawed,
39:00and you were the project manager.
39:02You got killed. You didn't lose. You got killed.
39:04If that were a hockey game, it would be 7-0.
39:06You got killed.
39:08We went in the wrong direction, because I believe I was...
39:10But if you're the project manager, and you went in the wrong direction,
39:12it's sort of your fault.
39:14You're the project manager.
39:16So I have to take the fall, because...
39:18Yeah, sort of. Don't you think?
39:20My teammates catch the fact that we're going the wrong way.
39:22Well, maybe they wanted to rely
39:24on their leader to lead them.
39:26Angela, you're not giving him a reason
39:28to fire anyone else other than you.
39:30You're killing me. I can't fire her.
39:32I can't fire her.
39:34I can't fire her.
39:36So I'll take the blame on this one.
39:38You have to. Angela, you're fired.
39:48It's okay, Mr. Trump.
39:50And I think you're really, really terrific.
39:52But you will not become the apprentice.
39:54I really appreciate everything.
39:58Mr. Trump, can you do me a big favor?
40:00What are you going to talk about?
40:02Why are you so stupid to talk?
40:04I know it's stupid, but it's not related to this.
40:06It's related to Tim, which I know you love to hear about.
40:08Tell me about Tim.
40:10I think you should give Tim the opportunity to come to Kinetic,
40:12because I would really like to see his answer.
40:14Go. Thank you.
40:22I think Angela's great, but she lost.
40:24She didn't give us a compelling reason
40:26to fire anyone else, either.
41:18As an Olympic gold medallist,
41:20a silver or bronze medallist,
41:22it always hurts to lose.
41:24and tonight I didn't win but I learned so much on this process and when you
41:30lose you actually learn more about yourself and I won a gold medal but I
41:35actually learned more and grew more when I won a silver and when I won a bronze
41:39so I'm okay the fact that I lost tonight I just will take from it and hopefully
