The Apprentice (US) S06E04 - Drive-Thru Duel 2007.01.28

  • 4 days ago
The Apprentice is the "ultimate job interview" for those competing in an elimination competition for a one-year, US$250,000 contract to run one of real estate magnate Donald Trump's companies.


00:00previously on the apprentice it's just it's not worth it to me to go through
00:04this it really isn't so you're quitting I would like to resign from doesn't make
00:10you a quitter it doesn't make you a loser I've never done it and anybody
00:13you've done it now I have done it now and I may never do it again Michelle I
00:17accept the resignation thank you very much I will see you three later thank
00:24we are in shock I mean I'm really angry
00:40hello hi this is Andy calling from mr. Trump's office hello Andy
00:44Michelle quit mr. Trump feels no one else in her team deserves to be fired
00:47mr. Trump has canceled the boardroom
01:18keep deadlines in mind and in order which Syria did a great job at the last
01:26task and then I guess the last thing that I want to say before we play games
01:30is that everybody has feelings we're all human and we just want to maintain the
01:34strong team group that we have I think that our team definitely has spirit I
01:39think we have a lot of reserved people on our team it's just a different than
01:43the other team spirit team arrow is boisterous they're vocal they're loud
01:49therefore their spirit is conveyed in a totally different way than ours is
01:57what is a cheese doodle a cheese doodle you gotta be kidding me you never heard
02:02of a cheese doodle you never heard of a cheese doodle
02:08or the herd of cheese in New York we call them cheese doodles I can't see
02:15just a reminder to just be respectful of people and their feelings that you know
02:19when it gets to be late at night we're all on edge and it's hard hello hello
02:28hello this is Donald Trump who am I speaking with this is Marissa this is
02:32Aaron hello Marissa how are you good how are you
02:35how you doing Aaron doing very well doing the night routine around the fire
02:39okay I'm not sure whether or not you've heard but Michelle has quit it's not a
02:43good thing I hate quitters she's gone and that's the way it is
02:47arrows been decimated so I want somebody from kinetic to step up and see if you
02:53can help out that team that is just really pathetic and go help ask your
02:58Syria genetic who do you want to give up mr. Trump I'm trying to get a consensus
03:02at this time they're talking they're arguing about right now you're having to
03:06pick somebody to come over
03:15who are we willing to give up he wants to know now yes I'll go to the other
03:22team if no one if no one else will I mean you're the project manager so I'll
03:28go to I don't want to break this team up but it's inevitable and Amy and I mr.
03:35Trump would be willing to go over and work with arrow Syria are you going to
03:39Syria Syria Amy and I so Aaron those are three choices out there mr. Trump we
03:46want Syria okay tell Syria to go over and join
03:50arrow right now now at 9 a.m. tomorrow I want you to meet me at the Hollywood
03:59Overlook on Mulholland Drive I've got a lot of meetings tomorrow but I'm gonna
04:05stop by very quickly to give you the next task have a good night thank you
04:09mr. Trump okay good guys listen when he comes in you embrace him with a huge hug
04:18yes he's gonna be here right now
04:26all right keep doing what you're doing guys all right just keep doing what
04:30you're doing just keep doing what you're doing
04:35there he is up to this point I really knew very little about Syria I could
04:41tell just by his body language that he had a very calm demeanor somebody who's
04:44very level-headed we have all type a very energetic very personable and
04:50friendly people on our team and we just needed someone to balance that out
05:14watch the beer bottle next to you now that I'm here I'm looking forward very
05:23much to working with you guys I'm sure we're gonna do like some awesome stuff
05:25and the biggest change that this team needs to make to right the ship is
05:28discipline I think what I can bring to them is is some structure I've worked in
05:31a number of things from small size entrepreneurial ventures which I've
05:34started to you know mid-sized companies to the largest of fortune 50 companies
05:38and I think what I can see is the structure that's needed and bring it
05:41well let them know everything that I think they should be doing I was
05:44thinking about this this morning and all the scenarios that could have
05:46happened I put this a 5% chance that I would come over here alone but if I did
05:49I wrote some rules and I wanted to just share with you guys that might be
05:52helpful like one it was openness and I wrote completely trusting and it's
05:55really unabashed reassurance that someone has your back at all times and
05:59there's no kind of oh let let James screw that up because if he does it's
06:03all on him to is like it's just have like a clear structure like a chain of
06:06command delegate the change clearly on the three is it's pretty simple and it
06:11sounds hokey but it's always be better it's just I wrote speed rules and speed
06:14kills I just wrote never it's just funny it's obviously you guys know this just
06:21never stop like never stop thinking never stop challenging each other never
06:24stop like never stop anything just keep going this is how I just I don't want to
06:28do something that's annoying
07:13give me a nickel brother
07:15and you will die
07:17money can drive some people
07:19out of their mind
07:21no good
07:23no good
07:27money money money money
07:31be a fire
07:41how's business this has been terrific and not only are we doing well in
07:49California but we're expanding across the country that's what I hear good
07:55and pull over right here
08:11good morning welcome to week 4 of your 14 week job interview standing on my
08:19right is a great champion my apprentice Sean he went through hell just like
08:24you're going through hell although he never was forced to live in a tent okay
08:30we're standing on the Hollywood Overlook just off Mulholland Drive now you hear
08:36behind me automobiles this is Los Angeles we have automobiles on top of
08:42automobiles people do business in their automobile they do everything in their
08:47automobile things some things I can't even mention what they do you don't want
08:50to hear it but they also eat in their automobile drive-thru restaurants have
08:57turned out to be a tremendous business I'm standing next to two executives from
09:03a company called El Pollo Loco have you heard of them everybody's heard of them
09:08that's very good your name please I'm Steve Carly president and CEO I'm Karen
09:14Eden senior vice president and chief marketing officer Steve Karen and Sean
09:19will be my eyes and ears Steve tell them what the task is well I'll tell you
09:23Donald El Pollo Loco is as you know the nation's leader in authentic flame
09:27chicken now your task today is to create promote and sell a new version of our
09:34signature item the original Pollo Bowl and the team that sells the most of the
09:39new version of their Pollo Bowl wins very simple Heidi and Aaron you are the
09:44project managers you'll remain project manager until your team loses Sean will
09:50be joining me in the boardroom where someone from the losing team will be
09:54fired good luck thank you mr. Trump
10:07and that has too much cheese sauce now I put a lot on it I just think we maybe
10:12let me change it go with corn I love vegetables chicken and tortillas all
10:17right and I say we give them a generous amount of tortilla chips on it okay
10:21thank you sir Wow guys that is our creation brand new we finally came up
10:27with the chicken tortilla ball I love this this tastes delicious and it just
10:31hit you know it had good crunch and it had all the ingredients to make it
10:35original mmm it's good huh oh that is fantastic
10:40this is delicious it's delicious it's delicious it really is Christine
10:53actually came up with the winning idea incorporating mango pineapple into a
10:57standard Pollo Bowl we should actually start superimposing the fruit on the
11:03bowl sure Derek and Morris are with our graphic designer designing all the
11:07graphics all the marketing and promotional material all the things
11:10that we need to market this new ball we need to get the name hammered down like
11:16within the next five to ten minutes yep I agree I think we should be the
11:18paradise Pollo Bowl I think paradise is great yeah I think it's good ultimate
11:22original paradise bravado tooth you know be brave fruit and spice we need a
11:28catchy slogan yeah we need to listen to me I will I get it I get but you got it
11:32you got to deal with the all-mighty and powerful Heidi and clan hi it's Marissa
11:38hi Marissa it's Heidi we just came up with paradise Pollo Bowl well I'll tell
11:43you my opinion only because I don't think it's original and I feel like I've
11:46seen paradise bowl before if you wanted to add a little spice we could say you
11:51know bravado bowl and kind of get into where we're fruit and spice meat or
11:55where they dare to be different I would definitely say no to that
11:57your executive decision paradise Pollo Bowl thanks bye okay
12:10hello this is Heidi Heidi it's Marissa hi Marissa just an idea to throw out
12:15there I was thinking renting huge chicken costumes to be on the two major
12:19intersections within a mile radius you know something like that to be kind of
12:23original putting someone in a chicken costume out on the street is not gonna
12:26be a good idea hello this is Heidi Heidi something to think of we were
12:35really behind bravado and Derek came up with some really catchy slogans dealing
12:39with that we wanted to bounce that off of you guys so that we could kind of
12:42keep the brainstorming going on our end I think Marissa has no idea how abrasive
12:47she can come off and she focuses on the stupid things that don't matter in this
12:51task it doesn't matter what we call this bowl it's just how well are we gonna get
12:54the word out that we have this brand new bowl I think you've told Heidi like
12:58three times now that bravado bravado bravado right and they don't respond to
13:03it I just feel we owe it to the team to be more creative than that which is why
13:06I suggested chickens because I thought draw attention to the restaurant today
13:10has been aggravating to say the least I think I have really great creative ideas
13:15and I feel like I my ideas are just being suffocated by the group at this
13:19point I can't just sit back and go with the status quo because I'm afraid of
13:22pissing them off I will dissent when I think something's wrong
13:28hi this is Marissa hi Marissa it's Heidi really quickly I'm gonna be quite honest
13:33with you I think we need to go with bravado
13:47I'm telling you that looks so delicious who's not gonna want to buy that is it
13:51showtime or what we are going from out of house to penthouse is that right
13:56bring it in guys one two three to create that atmosphere of a special event we
14:06got five dozen balloons scattered all over the store and signage was creating
14:12a buy now party type of atmosphere that was just gonna grab attention our signage
14:17popped come on in I'm waiting for you
14:26are you today fine thank you this is a special day we have a new bowl it's out
14:30and where it's on sale for the first day is a grand opening this would be a great
14:33thing to have for lunch would you like to take one to go okay thank you ma'am
14:37so you would like a chicken tortilla bowl okay great that's it okay your
14:42total is 540 can you please come around we've got the special the chicken
14:46tortilla bowl it's 540 Aaron we should have bulk sales trying to be made until
14:50the lunch hour yeah I'm down there in person I'm talking and smiling yeah and
14:53I'm like come on guys they'll they will buy that means go now I'm going I'm
14:56going now I sent Frank and Tim out with the sole responsibility of getting bulk
15:03sales the lunch rush was coming and I knew that we were gonna have to be full
15:08manpower to run the show so this was an incredible risk selling two of my best
15:12guys out in the field to drum up a business that's not guaranteed
15:33I'll just take your chicken quesadilla okay we have a feature menu item it's
15:38our paradise coil bowl and has rice a roasted corn blend our chicken breast
15:42mango pineapple salsa would you like to try it okay so Heidi tell me how's it
15:47going it's fabulous it's going great we've got the computers down the cash
15:51registers we prepped everything so we don't have to take any time away from
15:55what we're doing because there's only specific tasks and there's only so many
15:59of us Marissa and Derek are doing samples out at the drive-thru so they
16:02can taste it before they order we're ready and very best of luck I'll check
16:07with you later hi how are you guys doing we are running a special promotion today
16:13on the paradise coil ball it's fabulous we have these here for you to try I
16:17wanted two chickens on two very busy intersections within two blocks of the
16:22restaurant but instead we've got Derek and I was samples speaking to everyone
16:25who walks in or is through the drive-thru I am trying to carry the
16:29marketing aspect of this and really kind of worrying what if we don't pull it off
16:32and what if we don't pull our weight if you like it today it's only opportunity
16:35to get it
16:42chicken tostada I'm not sure I see that on the menu here so this is the medium
16:46small medium large just one second sir it's coming right up okay we've got
16:52orders we're about to lose if we don't hurry this up that's a bad thing we need
16:55to run an efficiency in order to actually sell this okay can you pull
16:59around sir I promise I'll take care of this right away and I the odds of Tim
17:01and Frank bringing somebody back in a bulk order or probably you know one in
17:04five one in ten I don't know if those are the kind of odds that you
17:07necessarily want to bet on to really win a task
17:13Frank we need a Packer we need Frank Syria we need a big deal okay Syria was
17:20telling me to bring back Frank and Tim and I know he's from the conservative
17:23side that's that's what he does but I knew that we were not gonna win this
17:28task simply on conversions this is brand-new this baby is good let me tell
17:32you I knew this was an incredible risk but I said look no risk no reward
17:45hey guys you got a thing going on El Pollo Loco uh-huh we're selling these
17:49new bowls we created it's a promotional event for businesses love to just bring
17:53you guys all lunch today I just get like a tally of who'd be
17:57interested in one of these bowls you guys what you guys like one how about
18:01you two you guys like one raise your hand if you'd like a chicken bowl one
18:05two three four five are there more you in the last seven eight nine ten eleven
18:10twelve yeah please pick up where are you guys we're bringing a guy back right
18:21now who's buying 22 make 22 right now this is a done deal right it's a done
18:26deal awesome you guys are awesome great job
18:28that bulk sale was absolutely huge it was one of those moments when we're
18:33just thinking is this too good to be true 22 bowls is gotta be gotta set some
18:38kind of record
18:41very good job good job dogs
19:10take your hats off your inside take them off how do you think your teams did
19:17Aaron how do you think you did I think we did very well and you feel you won I
19:21do absolutely I don't know about that Heidi they've been losing a lot haven't
19:25they huh yes they have what do you think this team is a team full of hard
19:29workers and I'm very honored to work with each and every one of them and I
19:33can tell you arrow one thing I know about you you want to get into the
19:35mansion you've had enough of the outdoor tent so badly said right Frank is that
19:39right all right let me ask my man Sean how did kinetic do kinetic created an
19:46El Pollo Bowl called the Paradise Pollo Bowl they did however had a limited
19:51marketing strategy and I do feel that they could have pushed the bowl a little
19:54bit harder at the point of sale kinetic managed to earn three hundred and
19:58thirteen dollars and fifty four cents okay how did arrow do okay arrow created
20:03an El Pollo Bowl called the chicken tortilla bowl now they showed enormous
20:07spirit in both running the restaurant and they did sell their hearts out and
20:11they in fact managed to sell 22 bowls to one customer
20:14Arrow managed to earn four hundred and eighty eight dollars
20:28Arrow and Aaron congratulations thank you it really was a long struggle for
20:34you guys and I think whatever Surya did he probably had a positive impact so
20:37maybe he's your very talented charm or maybe he's your lucky charm at four
20:42your reward you will be taken to Malibu where you will be hearing one of the
20:48great singers of the world Andrea Bocelli perform a concert live for you
20:56on the beach he's a great talent with perhaps the most beautiful voice of
21:02anybody I've ever heard after the concert you'll be given a fireworks
21:07display by pyro spectaculars by Sousa so you'll really have a great evening
21:13now Aaron because your team won you'll continue to be the project manager and
21:17perhaps most importantly you'll be sitting with me on my right and you'll
21:22be helping Sean and I make a decision as to who gets fired from kinetic kinetic
21:27you know what this means this means you're gonna take off your fancy suit
21:30you're gonna live in a tent until you win again well Heidi I'm sorry to see
21:33this I'm a little surprised I got used to you winning all the time but you'll
21:37be back in the boardroom and somebody will be fired
21:50congratulations guys we've won this test it's been four weeks of hell and tonight
21:56we will take over the mansion it feels amazing right now I feel reborn again
22:02very very very emotional well there's nothing like a little humble pie to make
22:10you get back on your game you know the odds are in their favor right now three
22:14in a row
22:18have fun guys thank you very much it's not that bad out there I'll float around
22:26in that pool and you know we'll have conversations
22:32so where do we put everything? I don't know. Wait let me help you.
22:36This is for like Trumps.
22:45Now we know what we're fighting for.
22:51To win after all the losses, to be able to go in the mansion for Mr. Trump to see that we are capable of working for him.
22:59Maybe it'll sink in in the morning and I don't have a bat cake and it's not freezing outside and I take a warm shower.
23:05I really think it's gonna slowly sink in. Wow, did we deserve that?
23:13Filthy pigs. I've never seen anything like it. I mean this is, I think we should just throw it out.
23:19We should throw it over the fence.
23:21You know my respect for the other team has gone down so much.
23:25We could not believe the disgusting state that that place was in.
23:30It was just filth, not mess you know, filth.
23:34You're gonna make everybody in Jamaica so proud, clean.
23:37Listen to me man, people may be poor but they're clean. Disgusting.
23:42Put it this way, I'm not gonna shed one tear just because we've been, you know, we've been moved.
23:47Because I still view it as being very temporary. Disgusting.
23:56Andrea Bocelli is, if not the most famous musician in the entire world, one of them.
24:02Walking down, seeing him behind the keys playing the music, it was a moment to just absorb.
24:09I know that you are the winner and I'm happy for you but it's also for me.
24:14Kiss me, kiss me a lot.
24:20As if it was the last time tonight.
24:27Kiss me, kiss me a lot.
24:33As if it was the last time tonight.
24:40As if it was the last time tonight.
24:46Every Sunday at dinner, I pop in one of Bocelli's CDs. It's just like a family thing.
24:51My mom makes pasta, meatballs, the family's over.
24:54My mother loves, everyone loves him. I was actually here with him.
24:58This is, this is, I can't wait to tell my mother to tell you, to be honest with you.
25:02She's not gonna believe it.
25:04Beautiful. Thank you.
25:06Really beautiful.
25:08Piensa que tal vez mañana yo ya estaré lejos, muy lejos de ti.
25:17Perderte después.
25:29Beautiful. Really beautiful.
25:33Thank you so much, we really appreciate it.
25:35It was a big pleasure.
25:36That was amazing.
25:37You were just serenaded by one of the most beautiful voices in the world.
25:40In the world, in the world.
25:43This is what happens when you win.
25:45Well, yeah, it's a nice change.
25:53This is really disgusting.
25:55I haven't been this excited for dinner, I'm so hungry.
26:04Oh boy, thank you very much. Beautiful.
26:18Hey, Tim's gonna play a little song, guys.
26:20Oh, he's good.
26:23A lot of things just don't impress me.
26:25Tim was, like, awesome on the piano.
26:27Tim was actually, I mean, very, very impressive.
26:29Tim's definitely not gonna be single anymore after this.
26:33I think we better move fast.
26:36I think Tim's a good-looking guy.
26:38And everybody's saying that there's a connection there.
26:41Yeah, yeah, Tim's cute, like, yeah, Tim's a nice guy, like...
26:45But I don't know what's going on.
26:47Tim, you better get ready to make a big toast, buddy.
26:49What do we drink it to, what do we drink it to?
26:51To the team.
26:52To the team.
26:53To the great team.
26:54Oh, oh, wow.
26:56To top the night off, we have this beautiful fireworks show.
27:03When's the last time you had fireworks for you?
27:05We're talking about a show where they're so big
27:08that they look like they're actually touching us.
27:10How do you like this, huh?
27:11It's amazing.
27:14It's more than just a task and a reward.
27:17It's even more than just working for Mr. Trump.
27:20It's about passion for life.
27:23And that's really what our team's about.
27:26Thank you, Mr. Trump.
27:28We better not lose one more chance, that's all I'm saying.
27:43My problem is, is that I have to call someone into the boardroom.
27:47And I thought about bringing one cashier in
27:50and one marketing person in.
27:52Because Sean's point was point of sale and marketing.
27:56I mean, that's the only way you can look at it, right?
27:58I mean, what would you do if you were me?
28:00Yeah, it's a hard one.
28:01Here's my only point on the point of sale,
28:03and obviously someone that's a cashier is speaking as a cashier.
28:06When Sean was there, he did not see us in the drive-thru doing anything
28:09because we had no business.
28:11I don't think I could have done anything different.
28:13Amy, I don't doubt that you or you or Jen
28:16could have done anything different, okay?
28:19It's the worst place to be in.
28:21So what do I do?
28:22I mean, what do you think we could have done better?
28:24That's why I asked.
28:25What could we have done better?
28:26Chicken soup.
28:28You really think that?
28:29I'm totally kidding, no.
28:30I'm just lying there because I had to deal with that all day long.
28:33Chicken soup, chicken soup, chicken soup, chicken soup.
28:35Move on, move on, move on.
28:38For me, we're here, ultimately, to run a business.
28:43The only person on this team that I feel like I have to manage
28:47is Marissa.
28:49For us to continue to go forward and to have the strongest team
28:52so that we all have the best chance to get there,
28:54unfortunately, I think it needs to be her.
28:57We'd do ourselves a disservice if we didn't go about it
29:00being the strongest team.
29:01I would expect us to be out here for the rest of the time.
29:20Who did you think, on a losing team, did a bad job?
29:23Well, this whole thing came down to marketing,
29:25and I believe you've got to hold the people on Kinetic
29:27that did the marketing responsible for the outcome.
29:30I appreciate that very much.
29:31It really helps.
29:32Thank you both very much.
29:33It's been a great honor.
29:39Good evening.
29:40Mr. Trim's ready for you in the boardroom.
29:43Good evening.
29:44Mr. Trim's ready for you in the boardroom.
29:47Good evening.
30:11Who came up with the Paradise Puyo Bowl?
30:13Whose idea was that?
30:15That was mine.
30:16What did you think of your ultimate concoction?
30:19I thought it was fabulous.
30:20It was fabulous, except you lost, right?
30:22We did lose.
30:23I guess it wasn't so fabulous.
30:24But I'm not sure that it was based on taste.
30:25Do you think the bowl appealed to everybody?
30:27Fruit and meat, I'm not sure, but that's not to say that...
30:30So you had fruit and you had essentially chicken?
30:34I don't like that.
30:35See, I wouldn't be one that liked that.
30:37So, Aaron, how did you win?
30:39We won based on price and based on quantity.
30:41That's good.
30:42Hey, they did a good job, right?
30:43That team also did a very, very good job at selling.
30:46People walking in wanted to get their usual lunch,
30:48and they convinced them to buy the bowl.
30:50Jennifer, Christine, Amy, you didn't do that.
30:53You didn't push it hard enough.
30:54Sean, when you were in the store, we were not busy at all.
30:57But, Amy, you weren't pushing it at the register.
30:59Mr. Trump, I told 99% of the customers that went through that drive-through
31:03about that bowl, and I asked them a second time if they wanted it.
31:06Okay, Jennifer, what hurt you?
31:08I think we were a little bit weak in the marketing.
31:10Who was in charge of marketing?
31:12Marissa said that she was going to head up our advertising efforts.
31:15Actually, to be clear, Mr. Trump,
31:17I had a great idea thinking outside the box,
31:19a big idea that ultimately was shot down very early on.
31:22I wanted two huge chickens on the intersections
31:24within less than a one to two block radius.
31:26Who shot it down?
31:28The remaining team.
31:29Here's the thing.
31:30The other team, they created such a spectacle
31:32that it was clear that there was something different going on that day.
31:37There was balloons.
31:39It was like a festival.
31:40And you know what?
31:41It blew up all the way around the block.
31:42Mr. Trump, that's what I wanted.
31:43Because it looked like there was something going on.
31:45So, Sean, you're saying much, much better marketing.
31:48They just attracted people.
31:49This is what I wanted.
31:50People wanted to know what was going on.
31:52Your restaurant looked like any other normal day.
31:54I tried to implement this.
31:55So, Marissa?
31:56I suggested the chickens within the first five minutes,
31:57and I basically shot down with that.
31:58Who shot you down?
31:59They all shot me down.
32:00They said that they didn't think it would maintain
32:02or uphold the integrity of the restaurant,
32:04but the name of the restaurant is El Pollo Loco, the Crazy Chicken.
32:07I wanted two chickens there,
32:08so they shot down my big idea, my grandiose idea.
32:11And you think your idea would have been much better?
32:13I think it would have been excellent.
32:16Muna, what do you say?
32:17Marissa is a very, very intelligent, very savvy, sweet as pie.
32:21But the downside is that she does need to improve on her listening.
32:26She has interrupted you and Sean several times,
32:28and I think that she also needs to work on coping better
32:31when things don't go her way.
32:32But she's also got a great spirit.
32:34And I concede, Mr. Trump.
32:35Wait. Stop.
32:36I'm defending you.
32:37I know.
32:38Now you are interrupting, come to think of it.
32:40Go ahead.
32:41We are a group.
32:42It's not a one-man show.
32:43And once, you know...
32:44And you don't think she's a team player?
32:46She could be better at it.
32:47Mr. Trump, I'm going to vocalize my opposition when I think it's important.
32:50And I have felt a little bit like I'm, you know,
32:54when I say something, it's being dismissed or they don't want to...
32:56That's not true.
32:57It's not true.
32:58Mr. Trump, we have...
32:59And I am a team player, Mr. Trump.
33:00Okay, Erin.
33:01I got behind this team...
33:02Marissa, shut up.
33:03Erin, what do you think?
33:04What do you think?
33:05I think Marissa has a leg to stand on here, guys.
33:07I don't think that we lost because we didn't have a chicken in front of our restaurant.
33:10Mr. Trump, I felt like I had no more...
33:12I no longer had a forum for which to express things.
33:14That is not true.
33:15They shot down the chicken idea.
33:16I had loved it.
33:17And then here we go again.
33:19Derek had a great idea naming it the bravado bowl.
33:20Amy, Amy, Amy.
33:21And they shot that down as well.
33:25Yes, sir.
33:26Who's the weakest member of your team?
33:28The weakest member of our team, Mr. Trump, is Marissa.
33:32It seems that you have to go back and tell her things or check on her.
33:35No, you do not.
33:36Marissa is difficult to lead.
33:37She has great ideas.
33:38She has great ideas, but we all have great ideas.
33:39We all have great ideas.
33:40It was called two chickens.
33:41We sometimes have to let it go.
33:42Two chickens was a great idea and you shot it down.
33:43When the team says, makes a decision, you can't a day later be fighting over the decision.
33:44You have to fight for things that you believe in.
33:45You can't always be with the status quo.
33:46I appreciate the conviction, but it's a distraction when we're trying to complete tasks.
33:47It's not a distraction.
33:48It wasn't a distraction when we won last week.
33:49Marissa, wait.
33:50I have sat behind and done anything and everything that is told to me.
33:51So, Marissa, who do you think I should fire?
33:52Mr. Trump, I'm...
33:53No, no, no, no.
33:54Who do you think I should fire?
33:55Just tell me.
33:56I think you should fire Amy because I think Amy probably was the weakest link here.
33:57Marissa, my task was to do sales at the drive-thru.
33:58Amy, he asked me a question.
33:59That was my responsibility.
34:00You got to say your piece.
34:01Sales at the drive-thru.
34:02You got to say and answer your question.
34:03I answered my question.
34:04I'm talking and this is exactly what we're talking about, Marissa.
34:05You're screaming.
34:06You don't have to scream.
34:07You don't have to scream.
34:08You don't have to scream.
34:09You don't have to scream.
34:10You don't have to scream.
34:11You don't have to scream.
34:12You don't have to scream.
34:13You don't have to scream.
34:14You don't have to scream.
34:15You don't have to scream.
34:16You don't have to scream.
34:17You don't have to scream.
34:18You don't have to scream.
34:19You don't have to scream.
34:20You don't have to scream.
34:21You don't have to scream.
34:22You don't have to scream.
34:23You don't have to scream.
34:24You don't have to scream.
34:25You don't have to scream.
34:26You don't have to scream.
34:27You don't have to scream.
34:28You don't have to scream.
34:29You don't have to scream.
34:30You don't have to scream.
34:31You don't have to scream.
34:32You don't have to scream.
34:33You don't have to scream.
34:34You don't have to scream.
34:35You don't have to scream.
34:37Christine, who do you feel?
34:38It's Marissa.
34:39She has had to be almost babysat.
34:42Mr. Trump, this is just, they've collaborated this today.
34:44No, we have not collaborated this.
34:45Yes, they have.
34:46Yes, they have.
34:47It's an absolute ambush.
34:48We did not collaborate.
34:49Okay, stop.
34:50All right, Heidi, I'm going to ask you to bring two people back into the boardroom.
34:56One of the three, including yourself, will be fired.
35:00Who are they?
35:01Marissa and Amy.
35:02All right.
35:04All right, Muna, Jennifer, Christine, Derek, Angela, go back to your tent.
35:12Enjoy your tent.
35:14Amy, Marissa, and Heidi, I'll see you back in the boardroom in a few minutes.
35:34Sean, what do you think of this whole situation?
35:43I like Marissa's spirit.
35:44I think she's a strong person.
35:47I like her passion in here, but it's hard.
35:50But everybody's against her.
35:52I don't know what to tell you.
35:53Aaron, what do you think?
35:54I'm a sales guy, so it comes down to sales conversions for me.
35:57But whose fault was it?
35:59I can't tell from Heidi who was in charge of the sales acquisition.
36:01Well, we're going to find out.
36:02Andy, bring him in.
36:05Mr. Trump's ready for you back in the boardroom.
36:20So, Heidi, what am I going to do?
36:21It's a very tough one.
36:22Everyone's against Marissa, but I like her spirit.
36:25Sean was telling me he loves her spirit.
36:27You're here.
36:28You've done great.
36:29And, you know, I'd hate to have you go, but maybe you have to go
36:32because you were the project manager on a losing team.
36:34I think, first of all, I've taken the team to two wins as well.
36:38I agree.
36:39You've done a very good job, but you lost.
36:41Why didn't you bring Amy back?
36:43I brought Amy back because she was in the drive-thru.
36:46She was doing sales.
36:47And she was in charge of sales?
36:49She was not in charge of sales.
36:50I wish I could have brought back all three cash register workers, but...
36:53But why Amy?
36:54Well, first of all, Marissa said she would fire Amy.
36:57So I found that interesting.
36:58May I make a comment about the sales?
37:00My responsibility was drive-thru sales.
37:02I was selling my heart out.
37:03There's no question about it.
37:04Amy is a great salesperson.
37:06Excuse me.
37:07She's a great salesperson.
37:08In the meantime, this guy won, and you lost.
37:10Yeah, 36% more than you guys.
37:11So there's obviously something wrong with the sales.
37:13Aaron, Aaron, will you say something, Aaron?
37:15What the hell's wrong with you?
37:17What really happened here is that I thought big.
37:19I had great ideas with the chickens.
37:21Just two chickens.
37:22I did, though, and you're laughing.
37:23I'm laughing because you can't let it go.
37:25I shouldn't have you back here.
37:26Absolutely, you should be back.
37:28You know what, you can't really say that, Marissa,
37:30because every single person said you should be back here.
37:33Every single person.
37:34Mr. Trump, and it's astonishing to me...
37:35There wasn't one person other than you, and you chose Amy,
37:38that felt that you should not be back here.
37:40It's astonishing to me, Mr. Trump.
37:41What's astonishing?
37:42Especially in light of the things I've contributed.
37:44Some of them have been winning.
37:45Marissa, you think that...
37:46Excuse me.
37:47Are you ready?
37:48Every single person thought that you should be back here.
37:52And you're sitting there saying,
37:53I can't believe I'm back here.
37:55I shouldn't be back here.
37:56I shouldn't be back here.
37:57But, Marissa, you were in charge of marketing.
37:59And I sold.
38:00Marissa, you were in charge of marketing.
38:03I cannot reconcile the fact that you only came up with one idea.
38:07I mean, we're talking about the one idea.
38:08You keep bringing up the chicken, the chicken.
38:09I wanted a chicken.
38:10It wasn't...
38:11Mr. Trump, once they shot the chicken out,
38:12it was like my hands were tied.
38:13But the fact is you came up with one idea.
38:14I came up with more than one idea.
38:16Everybody on this team said,
38:18Mr. Trump, I would fire Marissa.
38:21And I have to listen to them.
38:22Marissa, you're fired.
38:51It wasn't easy, I must tell you.
38:52That was tough.
38:53And I liked her.
38:54She had a lot of spirit.
38:55There was no other choice at the end of the day.
38:56I think so.
38:57Every single person on the team wanted her out.
39:00I think I had no choice.
39:21Congratulations to tonight's $10,000 Get Rich With Trump winner.
39:46I definitely think we would have won
39:47if they would have listened to me.
39:49The El Pollo Loco restaurant has a mascot chicken.
39:54If the chickens were there, coupled with Derek and I
39:57and our aggressive street marketing campaign,
40:00we would have won.
40:01So, unfortunately, that's the thing I'm most heartbroken about.
