Veep Season 2 Episode 1 Midterms

  • 2 days ago
Veep Season 2 Episode 1 Midterms


00:00North Dakota. We can do this together. There is no I in freedom. Freedom is not me-dom.
00:28It's we-dom. I visited a dance studio in Hartford, Connecticut. When I was there, I met a brave
00:40firefighter in a wheelchair. Back then, we didn't know what HIV positive was, which meant
00:48he had to lose his kidney. He shook my hand and he said, you don't remember me, but I am your
00:58grandpa. The next governor of Ohio, Roger Furlong. I fluffed him, now go fuck him. All the ladies in
01:14the house, say free! Free! All the men in the house, say dom! Dom! Thank you! Thank you! Wow, this is amazing.
01:24It's like a happy Nuremberg. I know. Well, where'd the Red Sea go? That lady just parted it. Hey, POTUS
01:30needs to know about this, because Meyer's on fire. We just lost the Florida 3rd, 5th, and 6th. Great, so much
01:37for the retired mobster vote. Florida. Gonna break it off at Jacksonville and roll it to Cuba. Sir? The West Coast exit
01:45polls were looking bad. What about New England? Uh, worse than the JPAC's worst projections, sir. Are you
01:51getting ready to dump a bucket of pig's blood on my head? Uh, no, no, sir. Thank you. Thank you, sir.
02:00Dale, I'm so sorry. What are we gonna do without you in the Senate? Oh, they... Yeah. Yeah, you lost, Dale.
02:17And, actually, I was told that you'd been told. Right. Sounds like you're in a public place there, Dale, so you
02:26gotta... you gotta breathe deep. Hang in there, buddy. I gotta go. Oh, we just lost New Hampshire first. Okay, great.
02:34Everybody hates us. You know what? I'm beginning to hate us. I mean, this is POTUS' fault, because, guys, I killed it
02:41at every campaign visit, right? Yeah, you did. My girlfriend said you were a rock star. There was a lot of love for you
02:47on the campaign trail. Yeah, a lot of love. No, not for you, Marjorie. In fact, that's probably why you lost New Jersey
02:52fifth. Goodbye. You know what? This is time for POTUS to start honoring his ticket promises to me. I want my regular
03:00one-on-one meetings. I want more responsibilities in infrastructure and education reform. I want an expanded role
03:06in deficit reduction talks. I want a Cartier fucking dildo. Oh, whoops. Aim, are you listening? Uh, yes, my mom just
03:15called. My dad may have had a stroke. Oh, my God, Aimie, I'm so sorry. Is he speaking? Well, he told my mom he felt worse
03:25that time he ate gay jabberaw fish shit. Oh, Aimie, that's a great sign, because that's a very complex sentence.
03:33Unless he's slurring his words. So, um, do you need to go and be with him? No, my mom said he was asking for me, but that's...
03:42my sister's there. Oh, good. Seriously, if you walked in, can you imagine how stressed out he might be? Like, what are you
03:49doing here? Isn't it time that you be with Aviv? It's the freakin' midterms, and isn't she gonna take this opportunity to
03:56expand her role in the White House or, you know, whatever he might say? But if you need to go, Aimie, you should go. No.
04:01I'm good. I'm here. All right, good. So you got what I said before? Yes, Cartier dildo. Huh? Uh, I was thinking about my dad,
04:08but I am not now. You know what? Dana's dad had a knee operation, and it was... Oh, my God, Gary, stop going on about your
04:13girlfriend. Really? Am I that bad? Yeah. This is you, Gary. Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana, Dana. Okay, okay, okay, okay, Sue,
04:20thank you. All right, item number one, job share. We are going co-POTUS, right? Apparently, POTUS chief of staff's telling everyone
04:28to write their will. The mood over there is gonna be pretty grim. Yeah. Like Jonestown. Oh, you know what I want? I want that lipstick
04:36that my stylist recommended. Ooh, my Amy Sunburst. Yeah, so when it hits 2 a.m., my eyes will say Holocaust, my mouth will say
04:44Carnival. Does anyone have anything on Ohio? Or why this fucking Internet is sketchier than our economic forecasts? Oh, that's because
04:55your laptop is still running on Windows 2000, you shit. Okay, this just in from JSTAT Central. We got the 7th and 9th in Utah down.
05:03Team Joe's gonna have that stat wash, okay? You come to me. Have some nachos and numbers, huh? Tonight is gonna be a plane crash
05:10shoving a train wreck onto a crowded highway. Is this gonna hit the Dow? Maybe I should have bought stock. What, you got money
05:18problems? Not money problems, money challenges. Is that for real? Minnesota, Danny Chung just increased his margin.
05:28Wanna bet how long it takes Chung to mention his war record? No. Come on, 100 bucks says he drops it in the first 5 seconds.
05:35And I intend to serve you the way I served the American people overseas when they needed me. Oh, ka-chung, ka-ching. Pay up. Yeah.
05:46I need something positive, okay? Something to boost morale. We're ahead on voter turnout in Lake County, Indiana. What? That's it?
05:56That and the big quake hasn't yet hit San Francisco. Okay. Hello, everyone. Madam Vice President. Well, I have some good news.
06:08Hey, we're ahead on voter turnout in Lake County, Indiana. J-Dog out. I'm sorry, Madam Vice President, you were saying?
06:18I was saying exactly that, so. That'll take the edge off this cornhole. Everyone, please, be seated. Keep up the good work, okay? Hey, Ben. Ben?
06:32Did you borrow Selena's Miami Sunburst sale? No. Oh, my God. Mike, your phone's ringing. Could you get it, please? It's the morning shows.
06:43She's not doing them. This is Mike McClintock's phone. He's asking me to put you on hold. If I do not return, then you've got your answer.
06:50Am I disturbing your downtime, Mike? Give me a break. I'm on eBay. Is this it? Nope. It's a rape alarm. I don't think she's ever gonna need that.
06:58I mean, she's not ugly, but she's got a lot of security. Communications is your job, Mike. I'm in a financial hole, okay? I bought something I shouldn't have, and I can't get rid of it.
07:07What did you buy? A boat. Is that a euphemism? No, it's a boat. It's a leaky fucking boat, and no one's bidding on it.
07:15Do not yell at me, Mike. I did not force you to buy a boat. I have a cracked keel. I have to dry dock it. There's a bilge, which I don't even know where the fucking bilge is.
07:23Hey, stop talking about boats, please. Can someone please help me out for a second? One second. Okay. Hmm. What is the solution to your problem, Gary?
07:30Oh, use another lipstick. Okay. Wow, that was easy. What is the solution to my problem? I sell a kidney? You know what? You know what? Coral blush. That's gonna look the same. Coral blush.
07:41Stay over there. Ben? Ben? What are you doing in here? Getting away from the bad news. Just trying to, you know, realign myself.
07:55You know what I'd like? I'd like to be cryogenically suspended. Yeah. And then be woken up in the future? No, never wake up. Just stay suspended.
08:08Are you drunk? No, I'm just depressed. All right, look, I got a plan. I'm gonna take more of a leadership role on as vice president starting tonight, and I need your advice as to how to set that in motion.
08:28Ask Kent. Kent Davison? Yeah, he's back. Senior strategist. No. Yeah. Do you know what his strategy was two years ago? Do you remember that? He had me hang with my ex-husband like we were this normal, loving family. He made us go river rafting together.
08:44Catherine got Giardia, and I had to listen to Andrew bang that skank on the riverbank all night. I said to Kent, can you make me feel good about this somehow? And you know what he does? He points to a graph. He is cold. Yeah, he's got ice in his semen. Right.
09:03When's he coming back? Oh, he's back. What? He's already squirreled away in an air vent somewhere with his fucking statistics. Where? Where's his office? Well, you know that portrait with the guy who looks like a fat wolverine? It's just one door on the left from there. Wait, wait, wait. What? You know what's gonna happen to me tomorrow? No.
09:25My good friend POTUS, my Gamakai brother, is gonna summon me to his office. He's gonna show me a sword, and he's gonna tell me to take the sword and slide it down my throat until it comes out my ass. Ben, one day we are gonna laugh about this.
09:43One final item. Although the vice president appreciates your offer of stale pastries and pleasant conversation, she will not be doing the morning shows tomorrow. Is she deserting a sinking ship, Mike?
09:59I just had a crack about my boat. Really funny. You guys are hilarious. Put your boat on eBay. Thank you. Can you put a sinking ship on eBay? Thank you. I'll give it anything. I've been around the block, honey. You haven't seen the lipstick laying around, have you? Oh, yeah, it's in the office next to your Klonopin and feminine itch powder. I swear to God. I can guess who's back. Not for long yet. You can trust me and the people of Ohio. I think there's gonna be quite a few surprises tonight.
10:27Isn't that the catchphrase of the world's creepiest babysitter? Speaking of creepy, Kent Davison is back. Kent Davison? The Pol Pot of Pie Treads. Wow, that guy is ruthless. Total inspiration. Hey. Hey, I know you think my stat guys are bullshit, but we got early exits on Ohio Gubernatorial, and they are not good for you, Mr. Egan.
10:51Shit, shut up. Dan Egan's office. Hello, Dan. I've got Congressman Furlong for you. Yes, sir. Wipe that thing off before you hand it to me. Here you go. Hey there, pretty boy. You know what they call guys like you in prison? Sweet meat. I have no plan to go to prison, Congressman. Holy shit, is that him?
11:15Nobody plans on going to prison, dipshit. That's just the way it works out sometimes. I can tell you this. If I lose this election tonight and I'm back on that Congressional Oversight Committee, your ass is toast, because I don't like the way your boss runs things over there, and you are a mighty soft target. If I have to come after you, Dan, I can promise you something. You're gonna have to be prepared to be gay for this day, because you're going down.
11:38Chin up, buddy. You'll be fine. Mouth open. Fat Wolverine. Oh, Kent. Madam Vice President. Look at you. You're all back. I see they took out the sink and the toilet, made it a little roomier for you. I can punch through the wall and tap POTUS on the shoulder.
12:04And what would you be tapping him on the shoulder about specifically, do you figure? Repositioning. I'm so glad to hear you say that. We are on the same page, my friend, both in terms of the party and, of course, in terms of myself.
12:19Am I supposed to ask a question now? Oh, sure. If you want, fire away.
12:26And what would that question be? Well, that question might be, what do you think is the best reposition to take?
12:34And what would the answer to that question be? And the answer to that question would be standing right in front of you.
12:47The answer would be a certain someone, shall we say, whose skills were not adequately tapped.
12:55That's some question. So, um, we're good.
13:00We're good. Great. I'm so glad that we had this chance to connect. I really am.
13:05I don't think I was actually very clear before. No. My uncle used to have this saying. He used to say to me, honey, if you're not at the table, you're probably on the menu. And Kent, I will not be eaten.
13:32Why would anyone want to eat you? You do know that I am not running for office right now. I am, in fact, the vice president.
13:40I wouldn't dispute your title. I question your role. It would be great if you would stand up when the vice president enters the room.
13:47Lord. Oh, Lord. There you go. Oh, at ease, Ken. I'm just looking for my mug. Yeah, I love this baby.
13:56It holds about nine cups worth. Oh, wow. Yeah, it's the only thing I'd save if this building were on fire.
14:01OK. Um, this is such a silly conversation that we're having. I'm going to go talk to the president.
14:06He went to bed. He's in bed. So it makes you the live wire, huh?
14:12She can't get out. Won't get out. Everyone, POTUS has gone to bed.
14:17So let's make sure we make his dreams come true tonight by fighting until that last bullet.
14:22Why don't you take the first bullet and put it through your brain?
14:27Yes, sir. I'm going to have more of a role in this administration.
14:34Well, I just crunched the numbers. I know you're the numbers cruncher right now.
14:39They taste pretty bland. Well, salt and pepper him.
14:47Marianne, listen very closely. You have as much chance of getting the vice president on your show as you have of getting your husband to leave that cheerleader.
14:57Yes, Marianne, we're all aware of that. Goodbye. Touch and go. Is that what they said?
15:02No, it's a classic. There's a mounting on it for a harpoon gun. Well, Richard, if you hear me say no, that means no. No.
15:09You good slapping down those hacks? I really do enjoy it. It's kind of like dumping on my ex-boyfriends at once.
15:15You know, you got a lot of exes, huh? Hey, dumpling, it's Gary. I'm sorry I missed you.
15:23It's just I can't find her lipstick. And I thought maybe it fell out of the Leviathan at home or something. You might have seen it.
15:29OK, folks, Kent Davison is back. Yeah. So, number one, what are we going to do about it?
15:36Number two, why am I telling you this news? And number three, would you please hang up the phone?
15:41Because I'm the fucking vice president of the United States and I have something to say. I'm going.
15:46So now we got to figure out a way to get Kent on board with this whole co-potal thing.
15:51You can't reason with him. It'd be like explaining Supertramp to a Komodo dragon.
15:55I don't know what those words mean. Mike, are you in the middle of some sort of aneurysm?
16:01Let's just wind back a sec, OK? Yes. You think Kent Davison is a bad thing?
16:06OK. All right. I have a very strong feeling that Kent is going to get in between me and POTUS like some sort of thick rubber condom.
16:18And I have got to have unprotected access to the Oval Office.
16:24Well, Amy, you run the campaign trail with him. Yeah. How do we pop him?
16:29Well, I guess. What?
16:34Hey, what? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You have to go and see your dad.
16:38This is the midterms. Amy, it's the fucking midterms. Go. Thank you.
16:47It's the fucking midterms. Unbelievable. OK, everybody, it's official.
16:52OK, we have lost the house. So put everything on the wagons and shoot the dogs because we have just lost the fucking house.
17:01What he just said. Yes. What? What? I think this is it. I think this is our time to strike. Yeah.
17:08OK, here's the plan. I'm going to go pee pee and then we're going to neutralize Kent.
17:14Very good. Yeah. Yeah.
17:17Hey, Mike, give me a hug. Uncle Ben's on his way out.
17:24Who's that, Ralph Lauren? Uh, for men. Boy, that's a good scent.
17:33Congressman. Hey, Brokeback Egan. Excuse me. Could you get that fucking thing out from under my nose?
17:39OK. I just want to offer my my sincere condolences on the loss of your gubernatorial race.
17:46Screw you and the face you wrote in on, Dan. Oh, and on the loss of your committee chairmanship, sir.
17:51You know, now that we now that we lost the house, we just lost the house and you're crowing.
17:56You're actually pleased about this. Why? Because, well, we lost the house.
17:59That's bad, obviously. But now this gets me off your case and that's OK.
18:03Are you OK? Couldn't put that better myself, sir.
18:07Are you eating my pizza? No, sir. Because you said that.
18:12No, I said don't wave it in my face. I didn't say eat it. It's still good. Eat it. Eat it all right now.
18:20Got here as soon as I could. I'm just really glad you could fit your father into your busy schedule.
18:24She means hi, honey.
18:27Uh. Why is this heart monitor not on? I'm fine. I don't know if it was a stroke or not.
18:36OK. You said dad was dying. Well, I'm so sorry to disappoint you, Amy.
18:44All the shouting certainly isn't helping anything. Yeah. Stop shouting, Sophie.
18:47Oh, my God, Amy, you work for the vice president. Sound like it's Google.
18:51Dan. Yeah. My peepee is done. Yes, ma'am. Let's go crack Kent.
18:57OK, J-Dog update. Oh, my God, it's fucking Big Bird. Let's go through here.
19:06Sorry to disturb. I know what you're doing, but I will leave you to it.
19:09Madam Vice President, I see you found my crib. This is team Jonah.
19:14This is my hot stat three piece, my data Nirvana. Madam Vice President, it is such an honor to meet you.
19:19Thank you so much. I really appreciate all the work you're doing on this terribly depressing evening.
19:26Actually, not terrible for you. Your campaign visits always lead to a bump for the candidate.
19:31What? You've been a consistent integer.
19:34I'm not really sure I remember what an integer is, per se.
19:38You're great news. You even ace POTUS. You're like Neo.
19:42Wow. What's a Neo? It's from the Matrix. Everything he does is awesome.
19:47In the first movie, the sequel sucked. Guys, we agreed to let the Matrix debate lie.
19:52Jesus, I can feel my virginity growing back in here.
19:54So, you're saying that all of these numbers are good for me? They're great for you.
19:59That is outstanding. Um, could you collate this for me very quickly? Signed, sealed, delivered.
20:09Okay. Meet me in cancel.
20:13Oh, Ken Davidson? He's in the Oval Office with POTUS.
20:17Uh, POTUS is awake?
20:19Yeah, last I heard.
20:20Okay. I will be in the Oval Office. I will be expecting that material. Thank you very much.
20:25So, what format do you want to send? Excel? Pie charts?
20:30Just like in English.
20:33Is that a racist joke?
20:36Yeah. Come on, come on, come on, come on. Amy, Amy, Amy. Oh, thank God.
20:42Listen, Amy. Something has happened to the Vice President. I know your dad is dying, and I'm really, really sorry, Amy.
20:49But I think Dana took Selena's lipstick. It's the one thing Selena asked for, and I don't have it, and it's ruining her night.
20:56Fine. Keep your bra on. I'll swing by your place and pick it up.
20:58Thank you. Listen, I got two options that I can offer to her as a stopgap.
21:03Back soon, Daddy. Hope your boss at CVS is okay with you taking time off.
21:09Well, I said that last word. That's why you're single. Guys hate that.
21:11You have three kids by two different guys. Maybe your last word should have been no.
21:27Where's the President?
21:31Well, should you be in here?
21:32People need to think he's in here, leading.
21:36But he's not.
21:37He is, according to the rumor I put out.
21:40Well, I'm not in here. But since I am here, I thought maybe we could agree that at any joint meetings that you and I have with the President, I will be first in and I will be last out.
21:57Fine. But as Senior Strategist, I'll already be in the room.
22:01Are you suggesting that a Senior Strategist is a higher position than a Vice President?
22:08Well, it depends on the Vice President.
22:09Yeah? Well, this one is me, and I'm fucking great. And you're not an elected representative.
22:15You're only an elected representative by default. The American people voted for him.
22:19And him chose me. Okay? I'm gonna be in the room first. I'm gonna be in the room last.
22:26You think this is a negotiation? What leverage do you think that you have?
22:30Oh, I have leverage. I got a big bag of leverage coming my way. So, Vice President, President. Bam.
22:39Come on. You are the Vice President. By definition, you should be at half the height of the President.
22:45You wanna see where you are?
22:47Hi, kid. How's it going? Thank you so much for bringing us a memo on aggregates.
22:52Now, why don't you just go and fuck yourself and your own asshole. What the fuck do you want?
22:56Mitt, we have that data requested.
22:58Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Come.
23:00Is there a TV on in here?
23:01No. Come in. You might wanna sit down for this.
23:05It's okay. I'm all right.
23:06Okay. Hit it.
23:08When it comes to successful campaign visits, ma'am, you have a lead over POTUS of 0.9%.
23:17But that's not even a percentage.
23:24Well, if we round it up, we can make it one.
23:27I couldn't find that.
23:28Sir, she has strong utility in key demographics. Working mothers, Hispanic voters.
23:34She gives us traction in swing votes. She's a useful tool.
23:37Oh, no, no, no, no. I'm not gonna be used as a prop again, my friend.
23:41I will never forget on election night how you put my ex-husband up on that stage.
23:47And it was my night tent.
23:49It was the healing image for America.
23:51Oh, the way that you used Catherine to make it look as if we were all coming together.
23:56Don't you tell me to calm down.
23:58I saw that photo that you had in your office with the words glue written across her forehead.
24:04Better if I said something had to be done.
24:06Fuck that lipstick.
24:12Ken, are you okay? I'm so sorry.
24:15Are you high?
24:16No, no, she's not. No, that was my fault.
24:19Um, what's going on?
24:26Just been with the president. He's asked me to stay on.
24:32My eye hurts.
24:36Don't say shit all over the carpet.
24:38Oh, shit.
24:41If you have some white wine vinegar, that'll get it right out.
24:45White wine vinegar.
24:47You take your eyebrows and you get out.
24:52Hey, ma'am, I got some wipes. I got a lot of wipes.
24:54Look right here. It's over here, too.
24:56No, no, no, no, no. You're tracking it. You're tracking it. You're tracking it.
24:59It's on the bottom of your shoe.
25:00Wait, did I put this one down? Is this clean?
25:02Wait, just answer that.
25:04Yes. Oh, my God.
25:06Okay, get it off my shoe.
25:08Just give me the shoe.
25:10Thank you. You should not be in here. We need to go.
25:13We'll do a little hop. Ready? One, two. There we go.
25:16Yeah, you gotta clean it off.
25:18It's a lot. It's a lot.
25:19You can do it, though.
25:20He's okay. He's okay.
25:31Dana, hi. Have you got the lipstick?
25:33I feel like my lips have touched the Veeps. It's quite a thrill. It's a little disrespectful.
25:37Oh, hey, Amy, let's not start off on the wrong foot, okay?
25:41I'm a big part of Gary's life now.
25:43And you're welcome to him.
25:45Amy, I think we both know that any woman who's met him but didn't get to keep him
25:51is gonna see me as the enemy.
25:53Well, I'm sorry, but you missed your chance.
26:02Oh, my God. I got the lipstick out.
26:05What? What are you doing?
26:06Nobody's gonna know about that.
26:08Sue did the president call?
26:10Um, ma'am, he did, actually.
26:13Madam Vice President?
26:15Uh, POTUS has noticed your .9%, and he's giving you an enhanced role in foreign policy.
26:22What? Really?
26:23So, Kim Jong-whatever is swinging his nuclear dick again.
26:27Uh, the Russians have planted their flag on a Norwegian pile of pelican shit.
26:31Can you just send that to me in an email or something?
26:34You gotta sit down with Suncom in two hours.
26:37Some U.S. backpackers tried to smoke a doobie with the wrong dudes,
26:40and they have been kidnapped in Uzbekistan.
26:42Uzbekistan is between Turkmenistan and, I could give a fuck-istan.
26:46There's a map on page 376.
26:52Uh, I'm so sorry about before.
26:55Although, God, you made a funny noise.
26:57Wish I could get that as my ringtone.
26:59How's this for a funny noise, ma'am?
27:01POTUS wants you to do the morning shows.
27:05You will be the face of our failure.
27:07No, no, Kent, I can't do that. I'm, I'm exhaustipated.
27:10You're booked for 27 interviews.
27:14Better put on some lipstick.
27:17We lost the battle, but we ate cattle.
27:19Two-year time, bitches.
27:21Oh, God.
27:22Okay, I got coffee, I got ginseng, I got protein bars.
27:26You want some of those?
27:29I do that stuff that junkies use, you know?
27:32When it takes a cop, like, 15 bullets to put him down.
27:39We have three minutes to the interviews, ma'am.
27:42Hey, I got this on for your dresser.
27:44Do you want to wear this pen?
27:51There's a horse coming out of my head.
27:55What are you talking about?
27:57There's a horse.
27:58Oh, my God.
28:02I don't know why I'm catching these things.
28:05Hey, got your lipstick.
28:06I don't want the fucking lipstick.
28:07She doesn't want the fucking lipstick, Amy.
28:10This color's better.
28:13The White House wants to make sure that they are kept out of the Veep's incident,
28:17so we want the lipstick throwing to have taken place here and not at the Oval Office.
28:21It was an accident, okay?
28:23Much like when Bigfoot got your ma pregnant, resulting in you...
28:26Is there something I need to be in on here?
28:28I was, uh, I was talking about my boat.
28:31Please, Mike.
28:32You're talking about a fucking boat?
28:35I'm about to enter a national ass-kicking contest with no legs and a massive ass.
28:42It's not that big, ma'am.
28:46I think your ass is perfect.
28:48Good morning, Oklahoma City.
28:50Thank you so much.
28:54Want to play mid-term cliché bingo?
28:56First phrase she uses, I already got a wake-up call.
28:59Not at all. I wouldn't say it's all bad news.
29:02Frank, no, I wouldn't say it was a shellacking.
29:04It's not a disaster.
29:06I mean, not for me-me-mean.
29:09Not for me-mean.
29:10Excuse me.
29:13Well, we've been up all night.
29:15Well, we've been up all night.
29:16The American people have said this is a wake-up call.
29:24Oh, my God, I look so old.
29:28What is that reaction?
29:30Smile with your eyes if you can.
29:33And your nose, if you can.
29:35With my nose? How does you do that?
29:39Remember to thank somebody, okay?
29:41Oh, God, don't make it religious, but, you know, thank, like, farmers.
29:44They love that shit.
29:45Plurality? Is that what you said?
29:48Pull up.
29:49Yeah, look at that.
29:53It's not good, you know what I mean?
29:54Kind of a fish face.
29:57Yes. Yes, indeed.
29:59Well, there's been a plurality of views.
30:02Well, there isn't an economic Santa Claus.
30:05And don't I wish that there were.
30:08Well, we are the United States of America because we are united.
30:13And we are states.
30:15And we are of America.
30:18Oh, well, it was my pleasure. Thank you.
30:25Great job, ma'am.
30:26You're done. You're done. You're done.
30:28Get this out of my ear.