• 2 months ago
*Canada: Justin Trudeau resigns as pm, steps down as liberal party leader
*Israeli forces intensify attacks on Gaza
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00:00In Venezuela, Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello warns of ongoing far-right plans to generate
00:16violence and chaos in the country.
00:20Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Monday his plans to resign as leader of
00:25his Liberal Party after losing support in a pro-leadership crisis.
00:35And in Palestine, Israeli occupation forces further intensified their attacks on Gaza
01:12Venezuela's Interior Minister Diosdado Cabello made a statement on the attempts of the far-right
01:23to generate violence in the country.
01:25The senior official recalled violent acts that occurred in the day following the July
01:3028 presidential elections in which terrorist groups failed to attack public health facilities
01:35and educational centers, among other infrastructures.
01:38He also stressed that the plan of the external and internal ultra-right is to blame the Bolivarian
01:44government for the aggressions to create destabilizations.
01:48Also the sectoral vice president of Venezuela warned that the far-right is trying to seize
01:53power by violent means when it cannot achieve it through the electoral process.
02:03This violence is always planned with the same script, and what is the script first?
02:08First acts, sabotage of public services.
02:15And I must say that these mercenaries have declared it.
02:17What they came for, the task they came here for their telephone equipment has been found,
02:22in computers, photographs of different electrical installations, different oil installations,
02:32public services such as the subway, transport sector in this case.
02:38One morning the interior minister of Venezuela warns that the external right wing plans to
02:42promote acts of violence to them denounce alleged human rights violations.
02:50It's the same plan with some variations at the end of it all.
02:53They want the deaths, to blame them on the revolution.
02:59To accuse the Bolivarian revolution before the world, to accuse before the world the
03:04alleged violation of human rights.
03:10When they are the ones who promote the acts of violence, when they not only promote it,
03:14but they also hire and perpetrate the acts of violence.
03:19And also the defense minister, Vladimir Padrino Lopez, expressed that the Venezuelan people
03:25in perfect union with the military and police will fully defend their constitution and their
03:32country's sovereignty.
03:37We categorically and vehemently reject this ridiculous and foolish act of despicable politicking,
03:43which will not have the slightest effect on the robust patriotic and revolutionary conscience
03:48of the Bolivarian armed forces, which, in perfect popular military-police union, will
03:54fully defend the constitution and the laws of the nation, as well as its freedom, sovereignty
04:00and independence.
04:01The Venezuelan foreign ministry should communicate to announce the breaking of diplomatic relations
04:10with the Republic of Paraguay.
04:13The document assured that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela categorically rejects the statements
04:18of the President of Paraguay, Santiago Peña, who disregards international law and the principle
04:23of non-intervention of elegance into the failed practice reminiscent of the political
04:31fantasies of the defunct Lima group with its ridiculous adventures called Guaidó.
04:40In the statement, the ministry assured that these actions are a repetition of strategies
04:45without political, legal or social support, which have demonstrated their result in failure.
04:52It is regrettable that governments such as Paraguay continue to subordinate their foreign
04:57policy to the interests of foreign powers, promoting agendas aimed at undermining democratic
05:03principles and the will of the free peoples.
05:06In this context, the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela has decided, in full exercise of
05:11its sovereignty, to break diplomatic relations with the Republic of Paraguay and to proceed
05:15to the immediate withdrawal of its political personnel accredited in that country.
05:20The communiqué ends.
05:21The Bolivarian government reiterates its commitment to the defense of democracy, peace and self-determination
05:29of the peoples, essential principles of the United Nations, and reaffirms that no tricks
05:36orchestrated by international fascism will be able to bend the will of a people determined
05:41to build its own destiny.
05:49The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador approved for the 34th time in an extension of the exception
05:57regime to combat criminal groups remands.
06:00The measure went into effect on March 27, 2022, and since that day, according to the
06:05authorities, more than 83,900 captures have been reported.
06:11Government legislators, including the president of the body Ernesto Castro, have defended
06:16the application of the measure, assuring a reduction in the homicides rate.
06:21However, human rights organizations in the country, in addition to reporting the abuses
06:25of power protected by this regime, confirmed that 300 deaths of those deprived of liberty,
06:32many of whom were innocent.
06:38In Ecuador on Sunday night, the National Service of Integral Attention for Adults Deprived
06:44of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders informed that former Vice President Jorge Iglesias
06:50was returned to his cell after an assassination attempt.
06:54According to the authorities, all security protocols were activated before the remand
06:59was active.
07:00The response managed to stop incidents that were generated by other prisoners and that,
07:05in effect, put the life of the ex-vice president at risk.
07:09The organization points to incidents generated intentionally to destabilize order and peace
07:16and assured that Jorge Iglesias joined security guarantees, despite the measures granted by
07:21national and international bodies.
07:23The former vice president has been held in La Roca prison since Ecuadorian forces assaulted
07:28the Mexican embassy where he was in a cell on April 2024.
07:37On Sunday, the University of Havana celebrates its 297th anniversary, paying tribute to the
07:43distinguished figures and reflecting on their historical and current importance.
07:47The university director of the media, Nicao, highlighted the university's commitment
07:52to the history of the Cuban Revolution, in addition to its important contribution to
07:57politics, culture and science.
08:00Nicao reaffirms the commitment to dedication and excellence in addition to the construction
08:06of ideas that deserves to be transferred to the leaderships of the country to contribute
08:11to the Hamelin.
08:12The university institution, in addition to its educational work, also performs social,
08:18politics and defense activities in the country.
08:23We celebrate this anniversary with a university committed to its history and to the times
08:29in which our country lives, and this is essential to continue growing as a source of knowledge,
08:35as a space for debate, as an innovative university that promotes ideas that deserve to be transferred
08:41to the leadership of our country with the aim of doing things better, of being more
08:46efficient and more dynamic in the solution of our problems.
08:54The Bolivian people commemorate on Monday the struggle against Spanish imperialism in
08:58the face of the 200th anniversary of its independence boasted by Simón Bolívar.
09:03President Luis Arce led the main event from the capital city of Sucre, where he urged
09:08for national and regional unity in view of the changing international context, noting
09:14that the world is heading towards a multipolar fate.
09:17Arce recalled the resistance of the Bolivian people to the plundering of its natural resources
09:23and the exploitation of its inhabitants during the colonial era.
09:28Bolivia will celebrate on August 6th the proclamation of its independence after decades
09:34of colonial domination by the Kingdom of Spain.
09:38Let's take a very short break, but remember you can join us on our TikTok account at Celestudio
09:45English, where you'll be able to see news in different formats, news updates and more.
09:49Stay tuned for more news.
09:58Welcome back to From the South.
10:12Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced on Monday his plans to resign as leader of
10:16his Liberal Party after losing support of the Korean leadership crisis.
10:21During a new conference, Trudeau unveiled he had asked the president of the party to
10:26begin the process to select his next main figure through a nationwide competitive process,
10:31stressing it was time for a reset, adding Canada deserves a real choice in the next
10:38Calls for Trudeau to step down from his role have grown since December, when one of its
10:44chamber members, Finance Minister Cristiana Trillan, resigned after she put a ban against
10:52his proposals for more spending.
10:54Furthermore, recent opinion polls reveal the Liberal Party had lost public support, counting
11:01with only 16% of its population, its worst popularity figure in 157 years.
11:12Over the holidays, I've also had a chance to reflect and have had long talks with my
11:18family about our future.
11:20Throughout the course of my career, any success I have personally achieved has been because
11:26of their support and with their encouragement.
11:31Last night over dinner, I told my kids about the decision that I'm sharing with you today.
11:39I intend to resign as party leader, as prime minister, after the party selects its next
11:46leader through a robust, nationwide, competitive process.
11:52The Russian Defense Ministry confirmed on Monday morning that Southern troops have completely
11:57liberated one of the key cities in the Donbas.
12:01It is about the largest populated side of western Kuran-Kovo.
12:06During the first renaissance of the area, data estimates that Ukrainian forces have
12:13lost over 12,000 troops in the battlefield, that is 80% of their personnel, and about
12:203,000 units of various weapons and military equipment, including about three tanks and
12:26other armored vehicles.
12:28The defense office attaches importance to Kuran-Kovo as the area has become a powerful
12:35portfolio, an area with a developed network of land-branch firing points and software
12:43communication in the past 10 years.
12:50In France, Farmers' Blog highlighted the Saudi's interdiction of the policies implemented by
12:56Emmanuel Macron's government and the trade agreements with the European Union.
13:01Farmers mobilized factories in coordination with rural unions to close off traffic on
13:07highway number 10 near Paris.
13:09The Rural Coordination Union warned that in spite of the ban of products, they are demanding
13:15the reduction of bureaucracy, the payment of withheld European Union subsidies, support
13:23for young farmers, a reduction of state regulation of the sectors, and the suspension of free
13:30trade agreement with Mercosur.
13:32The Union itself also reported it will screen out the same action east of Paris.
13:38Let's take our last break, but before we invite you to visit our YouTube channel at Telezone
13:45English, where you'll be able to watch our interviews, updates, special broadcasts and
13:50Hit the subscribe button and activate the notification bell to stay up-to-date on the
13:53world's most recent events.
13:54One final short break, then go away.
14:00Welcome back.
14:20The Israeli occupation forces have fiercely intensified their attacks on Gaza, while Israel
14:25and Hamas resistance movements have been discussed as a possible truth.
14:30Authorities report on Monday morning a death in Shei Radav and numerous injuries in northern
14:37In addition, they informed people when missing after a bombing on a house nearby the Old
14:43Mary Mosque in Deir ez-Zor.
14:46Indeed, the genocidal forces have pushed the Palestinian death toll up to 250 from Thursday
14:53to Monday.
14:55Meanwhile, the resistance movements from northern Gaza fired missiles at Sderot, hitting to
15:02death at least three shelters in our eastern West Bank.
15:06Moreover, the Palestinian movements moaned a riot against a bus in which six Israeli
15:12shelters were injured.
15:20In this context, Israeli occupation forces shelled the Al-Brain refugee camp, where thousands
15:27of Gazans were taken and were sheltered.
15:31The attack targeted attendees, but a family that was completely wiped out.
15:38International humanitarian organizations continue to denounce the dire conditions a Palestinian
15:43endured in the coastal enclave for over 15 months of Israel's genocidal war.
15:50A strike hit and we rushed to check on the family members.
15:59We headed to the upper apartment but we did not find my brother Khaled.
16:05So we started searching for him under the rubble and we found him, his body, lying in
16:12our neighbor's house.
16:18They bombed the house of a police officer, a civilian, with his family and wiped them
16:22out from the civil registry.
16:24There is massive destruction here.
16:29Israel needs control over southern Syria after its troops monitored and seized 40 percent
16:36of the country's water.
16:38The Israeli troops continue their expulsions plans by controlling at least 13 military
16:44points in the governorates of Damascus, Quneitra, and western Daraa.
16:50At the same time, the Saudi forces have taken control of parts of the country's water
16:55reserves and fenced off these areas, preventing residents from accessing them, which could
17:01lead to a water crisis in the region.
17:04In this context, Syrian demand that Israeli armies move in freely in armored vehicles
17:09on the border with Lebanon after the seizure of power by terrorist groups.
17:17Local activists denounce alarming increase in sectarian violence in western Syria.
17:22Over 500 people have been arbitrarily arrested in the last three days.
17:27Precisely, the activists inform that the operations are carried out in Latakia and tortures in
17:34Homs governorate, and condemn that public security forces seem to act in accordance
17:41with the law, letting their paramilitary groups do the dirty work.
17:45In addition, they denounce the detention of Alawite Muslims under the subsequent humiliating
17:53treatment, as well as the harassment of ranking officers who are forced to flee.
17:59In this context, activists also condemn the killing of the sister and the aunt of local
18:05Ais Baha al-Yusuf by the new rulers, which happens while western governments reach agreements
18:12with the terrorists.
18:19A new attack on a gas station south of the capital of Sudan in the context of a conflict
18:24between the Sudanese army and the rapid support forces has left at least 10 people dead and
18:30three injured.
18:31The emergency room of the southern zone detailed that the injured were transferred to the Bashar
18:38At least five of them are in critical condition due to the first debris burns.
18:42Activists have stated that the area is very crowded as locals come to do their shopping.
18:49This is the third attack in less than a month.
18:58Local humanitarian organizations warn of the consequences of the new advance of the M23
19:03rebels in the Congolese province of North Kivu.
19:06The dangerous rebel march has generated a wave of massive displacements towards Goma,
19:12the provincial capital, which is already decently demanded.
19:17Currently, there are three camps with serious limitations of drinking water, food or basic
19:22medical services.
19:23Johnson's Ishar, a coordinator of the organization, mentions dynamic generation.
19:30He tells that in the city there are already two million international internal displaced
19:35people that could increase in the next hours until reaching five million.
19:39The situation has been qualified by the activists as a serious humanitarian scandal.
19:47We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
19:51on our website at telestudioenglish.net.
19:54You can also join us on our socials, we are on Facebook, Annex and on Instagram as well.
19:58For TELESTUDIO ENGLISH, I'm from the south, I'm Ana Marrero, thank you for watching.
