• 2 months ago
00:00And what I notice when I look at this group, and we'll focus on the Niners right now,
00:04is that they've lost their swagger. And I really want to find a way for these groups to get it
00:11back. And here's what I mean by that in terms of the 49ers. Brock Purdy said something earlier
00:16today that we'll play for you in a little bit. It's very important for you to hear. It's
00:20fascinating. And he talked about a potential contract extension, and his message was,
00:26let's do this soon. You can call that arrogant if you want. I call it leadership. I call it smart.
00:34It's an admission that the last two summers have been mishandled, and you can't do this anymore.
00:40The 49ers, known very, very well around the league for being a front office that is under control
00:47and smart and builds contracts in their favor, have been getting whipped in the summer.
00:55And they have been cowering to their players. And I get why. You're so close to a Super Bowl.
01:02You're so desperate to get over the top that you just don't want to upset the apple cart.
01:06So when Nick Bosa says, no, no, no, 31 is great. Let's do 33. Let's do 34. When Brandon Ayuk says,
01:15oh, how about 27? No, I'm on Roger's side. Let's do 30. And what the Niners have done
01:22is a double down of dumb, which is to not only cower and give the players everything they want,
01:27but let's wait and make it painful in the process, distracting everybody,
01:32putting a black cloud over all of this. And here you go. The 49er front office needs to get their
01:39damn swag back. Retake control of how, not just what you're giving, but how you're going about it.
01:48And please, please don't do that again this off season. And yes, it starts with Brock Purdy,
01:53but there are many, many others. Please do not let the players dictate what's going on here
02:00because of your desperation to get over the top and win a Super Bowl. And I think that this is
02:06obviously the easiest and also the most difficult one to do because it's easy. They want the player
02:13wants to be here. So all the fans who want to do other things and Donald and cousins and draft
02:20picks and whatever else you want to do, they don't want to do that. And the player doesn't
02:24want to leave. So they're going to sign him so we can put aside that part of it, I believe,
02:29until we hear something to the contrary from the team. So then it comes down to when and how much.
02:34And the fact that Brock Purdy is saying this, like, let's get let's get this done early as
02:40opposed to late, tells me that he might be willing to take less than he might be able to get if he
02:46waited until August. Do you read it that way? I read it. I don't read it that way. I read it to
02:50this way where he realizes how important it is for him to have another offseason with his team,
02:55young receivers. And I'm looking at the the calendar for the year. The league year starts
03:00March 12th. And if you have a returning head coach, then you can start offseason workouts in
03:06April, April 21st. So what I hear Brock say is by April 21st, when we can resume offseason work
03:14activities with each other, I want to be signed. I want to be taken care of. And for me, it's not
03:20that he's going to take a huge, huge discount, but I do think that he's willing to get it done
03:27without a lot of back and forth and a lot of acrimony. Well, let's let's let everybody hear
03:31exactly what he had to say. This is from NBC Sports Bay Area. His locker room availability
03:37today as guys are cleaning everything out. This is what he said as far as the speed of the
03:42negotiations. And I want to obviously get it done. If that's an opportunity to be able to get that
03:48done quick, that'd be great. Just so we can get back to phase one, get after it with the receivers
03:52and our team and, you know, just continue to grow because, man, we all got to grow together.
03:58We got to come close and learn and be the best versions of ourselves as fast as we can. And
04:03phase one is my mind of OTAs coming back, getting all the guys back. And let's roll. Let's get after
04:09this offseason together. But with that being said, everybody's timing is a little different and
04:12stuff. But, you know, for me, at the end of the day, I want to win. I want to win for this
04:16organization and everybody here. I'm not I'm not the kind of guy that wants to have any kind of
04:21drama associated with anything. I'm here for this organization, for my teammates in the locker room.
04:26And, you know, I want to be very professional about it. We play professional football for our
04:30living. And and, you know, I want to keep the main thing, the main thing and not get distracted by
04:35all the chaos that can go on within it. But I want to just be clean about it and respectable and,
04:40you know, get something done and get back to work. OK, I love that. And he says the key word
04:44for me, which is drama. More on that in a sec. But there's one more to hear from Brock Purdy.
04:49He was asked if he listens to Willard and Dibbs. It was not exactly like that. He was asked if
04:55he's heard the debate about his contract and what he's worth. Obviously, just based off of
05:01how this year has gone, that's been conversations and the talking points and things like that. But
05:07I mean, if you take a step back and realize what has been done the last couple of years,
05:11you know, if we're talking about me and my story, like being drafted last and then and then coming
05:16in and helping the team win and reach some some pretty big heights, you know, that's something
05:20that I can I can fall back and look on and be like, OK, that's what I've done. And obviously
05:24not just by myself. I've had a great supporting cast and everything, and I'm very thankful for
05:28that. This year was tough. But like I said, I really do believe that this all happened and I
05:33can grow so much from it and continue to grow into the quarterback that I want to be. And,
05:39you know, I just turned 25 years old. I feel like there's a lot a lot of areas and improvement that
05:46I can have within my game and I know I can get to. And so I'm confident in that. So we'll see
05:50what happens. Everybody has their own opinion and that's OK. But for me, I know who I am and
05:55what my purpose in life is and what I can do. I think he's nailing this. Yeah, he's absolutely
05:59nailing this. And for those of you who question leadership on the forty niners, two things. One,
06:04George Kittle actually said today, I really, really believe Brock took huge steps this year
06:08in terms of leadership in this locker room. And that's something that only they can speak to.
06:13That's number one. But number two, I think you're hearing evidence of it right now.
06:17He is absolutely right. Forty niners. You want to know what you suffered from this year? Your
06:22drama queens. Yeah, that's what you suffered from this year. Some of it out of your control.
06:26Ricky Pearsall, Charverius Ward, a lot of it, Williams, Williams, a lot of it in your control.
06:32The other part of Trent Williams or McAfee, you can and I, you know, Samuel just going after the
06:38holder. Thank you. And Snapper and talking on podcasts about it all day long, like stop the
06:44drama. The only drama I see with the Detroit Lions is that their head coach is kind of a crazy,
06:50crazy man. Other than that, I don't really see any drama. Yeah, they're all on the same page
06:55because all they're trying to do is win football games. That's what you suffered from. And Brock
06:59to me, that's what he's saying is let's do this summer without drama so that we can go back to
07:05being about football. And what he was saying that I heard in the first cut you played is I want to
07:10get this done early because I want to be there to lead OTAs. I want to get on the same page as my
07:15receivers and I want to get this thing fixed as soon as possible. So for me, and he also talked
07:21about the drama and not making this a real drawn out thing. I think that it's going to be a
07:27situation where the agent and the team have a number, they have a ballpark, they have a construct,
07:33they have parameters. And when they can, it just gets done and it gets done. And maybe it's not
07:39absolutely every dollar he could get, but at 25, that's okay. If he could hold out and really
07:46sweat them and get 58 million a year average annual or sign early for 55 average annual,
07:54I think he'd rather sign for 55 in March as opposed to sweat it out till August and get 58.
07:59First of all, again, the average annual, I know you're using that as a ballpark way to describe
08:04I wanted to hear. And now I think you just did what you mean by Brock will,
08:11will not sort of squeeze for every dollar, because I do think there are probably people
08:15listening to us that go, when you hear that, they'll be like, right. Brock will take 40.
08:20Like I, and I wonder what you, how you would define that. I'm with you. I don't think Brock
08:26is going to sign up to make this be drawn out or an angry negotiation or P like, I don't think that,
08:36but I don't think he's walking in here being like, well, take whatever you got.
08:40I mean, Brock, whether you agree, disagree, whether you like him, whether you don't,
08:45he come, he will command a lot in this conversation. Probably 50 and at least 50. Let's
08:53just put it at 50. And I agree with you at least that I'm looking at the average annual right now
08:58of quarterbacks. And you look at Derek Carr making 37.5. Uh, you've got Kirk cousins making 45
09:06and Aaron Rogers making 37.5. You look at Jordan love and he's making 55. And you know,
09:14that was a contract that was signed this year. Trevor Lawrence 55 this year to, uh, he's making
09:1953 golf, 53, Justin Herbert, 52 and a half. So even if you put it at 50, if you give him five
09:28years, 60, right. And I mean, Burroughs 55. And if you put it at five years and two 50,
09:34and you gave him 110 fully guaranteed at signing, he probably signs that in March for 50 million a
09:41year and 110 guaranteed. I will predict this, right? I don't think this is I'm with you.
09:46Like, I don't think this is going to be dramatic. I think it happens before April 1st. And that's
09:54actually what I'm more interested in right now. I don't care about the number. We can absolutely
09:59have a conversation. If you think that the Niners should move on from Brock, I don't think that they
10:04agree with you. I think that this is going to be quick. I think that this is going to be somewhat
10:09painless because I also think that these sides understand the situation that they're in, but
10:15that's sort of what my thought is today is I hope that the Niners, I hope Parag Marate
10:21sound exactly like Brock sounds. Understand the value of not making this a story this off season
10:31for so many reasons, for the obvious of you just don't want to be the team that does holdouts every
10:37year, ruin OTAs, ruin camp, all the things that have happened the last two years already. But
10:43understand that Brock Purdy is already a lightning rod. He's already one of the lead discussions on
10:50all the debate shows for three months running. And all of the broadcasters who are lined up to,
10:55I wouldn't pay him this, and I wouldn't pay him that, the longer this goes, the louder that gets.
11:03If we get to July and this thing isn't done, well, here comes everybody on every network
11:10to scream and yell about Brock Purdy, the 49ers, and who should do what, and I would like to raise
11:16my hand and say I don't want to be a part of this. Please save the drama for your mama.
11:27Get it the hell off of this team. They were overwhelmed by it this year. It was a lot of
11:33things, but that was certainly part of it. And I look at other factors such as the schedule,
11:38and we mentioned it in the crossover. They had five games against teams who turned out to be
11:43really good, 11 or more wins. They had five of those games. They had more of a rest differential
11:50in terms of a negative than any other team in the last 20 years. So you had a tough schedule,
11:55you had a rest deficit a lot of times, I believe six times, five times you played teams coming off
12:01the bye, and you had an injuries. And I do think coaching wise and execution wise, attention to
12:07detail, you were sloppy. And so you were mentioning off the top the one thing that you are taking
12:13away. For me, the big takeaway this year is sloppy. You were sloppy in the offseason with your
12:18contracts. You were sloppy all year with your special teams. Your defense was kind of sloppy
12:25in terms of stopping the run. Your fourth quarter performance was downright embarrassing. You got
12:31run out of the building in fourth quarters in almost every game. Yesterday was kind of an
12:36encapsulation sensation of the whole year. You outscored 21 nothing by Arizona in the fourth
12:43quarter. So your red zone offensive defense were poor, your special teams were embarrassing,
12:48and you committed way too many penalties. My takeaway from this year, you were sloppy
12:53across the board. Lucky in the city. Hi, Lucky. Thanks for calling Withered and Debs. What's
12:57going on? Hey, how you guys doing this afternoon? I don't know. I'm disappointed
13:06but I have to tell you guys, I surprised my wife and took her to the Niners Detroit
13:13game because she's a Detroit fan. It was good for her. You know, she was excited her first
13:19ever football game and I was happy to do that. But I was kind of encouraged at what I've seen
13:25from the team that night. That night they showed me something even without all our players.
13:31But here this week, it's a complete crap show. So I don't know. I hope Kyle does something as
13:38far as getting the right players that we need. And this is something that I hope we get back
13:43to in our run game. How come we stopped running inside off, you know, inside runs? What happened
13:49to those? That's what we would get. We were gouging people to as well. Why are we just
13:54focusing on sweep runs and all that? Go back up the gut like we used to. Come on, Kyle.
14:00Well, lucky. Here's how I'd answer that. Just my guest. Thank you for the call and I hope you had
14:03fun at the Lions game. We were out there too. I thought that was actually in some ways you
14:08could argue that was a great night for 49er fans because it was awesome. It was fun. There was a
14:14lot of scoring and for those of you who want the draft pick like you didn't upset that it was the
14:21last fantasy football game of the year and there were what 68 points in the game. So a lot of
14:27people had a lot of things going on. So anyway, that in a way was a whole lot of fun as far as
14:32the inside runs and the X's and O's of what the Niners are doing. I think that their center was
14:37really bad and I think that they ended up on running back five or running back six and that's
14:43going to change the way that you call plays. Go to that Lions game. He threw the ball like three
14:48quarters of the time and people were like, what's going on here? And I'm guessing, just guessing,
14:53he's like, well, that's where we can attack this Lions defense. That's very
14:57banged up and he was largely right, especially in the first half. As far as yesterday, to me,
15:04that's a throwaway. Just me, don't take anything from yesterday when he said, boy, yesterday it
15:11was a total crap show again. I mean, Garendo gets carried off. You have a backup quarterback in
15:17like half the players. You have a lot of your starting defense out there. That to me is
15:21something you can take away. And your special teams, again, got absolutely clowned by a fake
15:27punt. We knew that though. Yesterday in the NFL, there were about four games where I think you
15:32could take something from. The rest were just throwaways. Total throwaways. I look at the
15:36defense and you did play a lot of your defensive starters and your defense did not look good yet
15:42again. So I'm not going to take that as the final nail in the coffin, but I do think that it was
15:47indicative of a bigger issue. To Lucky's point about running the ball, if you look at pro football
15:53focus numbers or you watch the tape and you mentioned the center who was not very good all
15:58year, Jake Brendel and your left guard, whether it was Aaron Banks or Ben Barch when he came in,
16:04neither of your left guards who came in were very good. Your right guard was great, Dominic Poony,
16:10and you're excited about that. Your right tackle was not very good. Your left tackle's a Hall of
16:14Famer and he missed almost half the year. So your offensive line, due to injury and
16:19ineffectiveness, was not very good. And that's why you couldn't do what Kyle loves, which is run the
16:25ball 30 times and run it in, run it out, and all the rest of it. And that's why I look at this year
16:31and going into next year, that's the biggest issue because Kyle Shanahan's teams, as we talked about
16:37with Steve Kerr, a team not built to come from behind, this team is not built to come from behind.
16:43So you've got to fix that to where you can run the ball again and get leads again.
16:47I don't disagree, but I'm going to twist your statement a little bit. It's not the biggest
16:53issue for the team, it's the biggest issue for the offense, but the offense is not the biggest
16:56issue for the team. And I understand that they were poor in the red zone. I think that not enough
17:01is given. We get annoyed when the team has to kick a field goal, but here's what annoys me anymore.
17:08Make it. Make it.
17:10What, the field goal?
17:11Make the field goal.
17:12Kicking is hard.
17:13It's not for other teams. So we go, oh, that's a red zone failure. We had to kick a field goal. No,
17:20the bigger failure is when you get zero. And so that was a huge part of the final story of the
17:2649er offense. They moved the ball at will. They had a hard time in the red zone. They had a hard
17:33time in the fourth quarter when you're behind, and they had a hard time getting three when it
17:37was sitting there for him. And those things all need work, but those are big, big deal.
17:43And why I believe that we spend too much time when we look at a failed season going, well,
17:51Shanahan and Purdy and Purdy and Shanahan. Watch how much better those guys look when the other
17:58parts of the team look better. Their defense sucked. I mean, sucked. And their special teams
18:06does not even deserve a plane ticket to the games. That's why the Niners were horrible.
18:12If you really want to hang reason number one and number two, and that's not in any way,
18:18some sort of an excuse for Kyle. Do you want to know the way I look at it? Kyle Shanahan
18:23had shades of Farhan Zaidi this year. And here's what I mean by that. One of the problems with
18:30possibly he would look at what mattered to him and he'd go, Ooh, there's the walk rate.
18:37I love the walk rate. And, and, and, and, um, I love a guy that's got pop.
18:43And so what do you end up doing? You sign jock Peterson twice. Now, what do you get?
18:49You'll get some home runs into the bay. You'll get some walks. You'll get people playing cards
18:54in the middle of games. And you'll get people who think the whole game is a joke.
19:00You're not going to have that anymore with Buster Posey, because he's more focused on the whole
19:06picture of the athlete that is joining the team. And I think Kyle Shanahan sometimes is guilty of
19:12the same. Kyle is a play caller. So Kyle looks at the plays we can call. And when someone asks him
19:21about special teams, he's like, well, that's somebody should take care of that. It's kind
19:26of the way Farhan looked at outfield defense. And the same thing happened. It's embarrassing
19:32when a fly ball is hit to medium, deep outfield and someone's looking at it and they can't catch
19:37it. Same thing. 42 yard field goal. We need this for the win. Whoops. Whoops. We just hooked it
19:44into the crowd. That's more about the punting for me, you know, punting and punt defense field goals
19:50and kick returns and kick return defense. You gotta pay attention to everything is my point.
19:56Well, you got to pay attention to your defense, which was 31st in football in red zone defense.
20:01Only Dallas was worse in the red zone defensively. So this is where and I said it to you about six
20:08or eight weeks ago. Maybe you need to look at the coaching staff and decide to do things
20:12a little bit differently. I know yesterday he didn't call the plays and he had the younger
20:18Kubiak actually calling plays, which I know is a temporary thing. And you give him a chance to do
20:23it and get experience. But if you're Kyle Shanahan, you look at the year and maybe you start to
20:27allocate other responsibilities to other people because this is not working. Well, if that means
20:32more attention paid to all parts of the football game, then I'm with you. I don't I don't know,
20:39necessarily. I don't even know if that's realistic. I don't think Kyle Shanahan is ever going to not
20:44call the plays as long as he is the head coach for the 49ers. But and I don't know how it all
20:50works in terms of how his time gets spread thin. But whatever the case may be, you got to pay more
20:57attention to these special teams. You got to stop acting like, oh, they've got a coach. They can
21:02figure it out. Something needs to change because it has become a characteristic of Kyle Shanahan
21:07teams through the years. And this was the poster season for bad. And and it killed their year.
21:14Their offense was not great. They were not buttoned up, but they were good enough.
21:19They were good enough. They win enough games. They go to the playoffs this year, in my opinion,
21:26if the defense was possible and if the special teams was NFL worthy.
21:30But those two things were not the case.