• 2 days ago


00:00Have my witness right here. Oh, yeah. Yeah, step up. Let me hear your witness. Who are you? I'm Gina. Gina. What Gina Ito?
00:08How do you know her? My brother is dating her and
00:12Your brother's dating her, huh?
00:14Through the another genius through the times
00:17Through the times that she was she moved out of her mother's house and was living with me for a while
00:21What was she living with you for? I'm to get back on her feet
00:25What was she dating your brother at the time? Uh-huh
00:28What do you want to tell me about these threats madam you have anything to tell me firsthand for threats
00:32Yeah, he has called. He said you better watch your back. Um, I will get you
00:36Okay, I don't do what circumstance did he say that to you?
00:39He called up called up for what for no reason harassing. He called it for no
00:45Living in your house. Yes, she was sit down
00:50Listen mr. Sandoval
00:53When you had sexual relations with this lady, did you use protection? No, I didn't dumb
00:59I know very dumb
01:02You almost deserve what you get if you don't use protection
01:06You know
01:07What you got was a story that you had a child, but you could have gotten was a lot worse. That's correct, right?
01:12Yes, and I think she's as
01:17Manipulative as can be
01:19Because she
01:20Let you see the baby that she stopped you from seeing the baby. She found the new boyfriend
01:24She moved out of a mother's house a mother probably was fed up with us
01:29She moved into the sister's house of the boyfriend
01:32sounds to me as if
01:34Your baby's gonna need a lot of luck
01:39Baby's got a father who's off someplace else. We don't know he is right now
01:42We're in the third relationship that I know about him
01:45The one who's in the in the wind who maybe is the father and this new boyfriend
01:51So, what are you suing for sir, I'm suing for loss of wages from when I left in February up until present time now
01:59Listen the cost that it took me to relocate from my mother's house to move down there to be near this child
02:05You're suing her for a lot of money. He won $5,000 in damages
02:10And I don't think that there's probably any way that you're gonna get $5,000
02:14but I think she certainly has to pay you for every bit of out-of-pocket expenses that you have plus something for punitive damages because I
02:21think that she
02:24Caused you a great deal of heartache. Yes, she did you're shaking your head. No
02:29I'm just
02:31Huh? I just don't understand why you don't believe why that I didn't tell him that why don't I believe it?
02:37It's not logical
02:39You used him for the first few months until you found somebody else and when you found somebody else
02:44That's her brother
02:45Then you decided to cut him off and when you decided to cut him off because you were too busy
02:49with another social event in your life, then he started to call and
02:54He wanted to see the baby. You were cutting him off. So he was forced at that point to go to the family court
03:00To establish his parental rights and establish visitation that all sounds very very logical and what you're saying
03:07It does not sound logical. And if it doesn't sound logical to me, it didn't happen. The truth of the matter is mr. Sandoval
03:16It was a good thing that she stopped you from seeing the baby
03:20Because you could have gone on for five years. That's correct been paying all kinds of child support
03:28allowed to further bond with this baby and
03:32You would never have known that she wasn't your she could have you could have gone on for 20 years and all of a sudden
03:37You needed a blood transfusion. You take her blood and they say to you
03:39Sorry, this baby that you've loved for 20 years really isn't yours. That's so as painful as it is right now to you
03:47It's almost only five months worth of pain at your age and taught you a very good lesson you want to fool around
03:54Cover up judgment in this case is for the plaintiff in the amount of $2,000. That's all
03:59You may step out
