Rolie Polie Olie Rolie Polie Olie S05 E010 Blind as a Bot Beauty and the Bot Olie’s Bot-ler

  • il y a 5 mois


00:00Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
00:30Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
01:00Qu'est-ce que tu achètes, maman?
01:02On va acheter des chaussures pour Zoom.
01:04Des chaussures rouges, maman?
01:06Toutes les couleurs que tu aimes, ma chérie.
01:09Chaussures pour la pluie! Chaussures pour la pluie! Chaussures pour la pluie!
01:27Pourquoi tu souris, papa?
01:30J'y pensais. Ta mère a l'air aussi jeune que le jour où je l'ai rencontrée.
01:34Tu l'as l'air aussi, toi?
01:36Je ne sais pas, Oli. Je n'y ai jamais pensé.
01:45Je ne suis pas un bon garçon. Je n'ai pas l'air aussi jeune que je l'ai l'habitude.
01:51Peut-être que si j'essayais...
01:55Super, on roule des donuts!
01:57C'est un peu trop jeune.
02:01J'ai l'air comme Gizmo.
02:03Et un Gizmo dans la famille, c'est assez.
02:05Merci beaucoup.
02:12Aïe! Je crois que tu as raison, papa.
02:14J'avoue que ça allait même passer par la porte.
02:18Un nouveau coutume n'est pas la réponse, j'ai peur.
02:21Je sais.
02:23Bien, ça a fonctionné. J'ai l'air déjà plus jeune.
02:27Papa! Arrête! Tu as oublié tes vêtements!
02:32Oh, je ne les ai pas oubliés, Oli. Je les ai enlevés. Pour le bien.
02:39Ouh, les vêtements! Tu penses que c'est une bonne idée, papa?
02:43Tu as raison. J'ai enlevé mes vêtements pendant dix ans.
02:47Wow! Mais tu n'en as pas besoin pour voir?
02:51Pas de problème. Si je n'utilise pas mes vêtements, mon œil est balancé.
02:55Je pense que je me vois mieux déjà, Oli.
02:58Tu es en colère, mon fils?
03:02Je suis bien, papa. Mais tu devrais vraiment les porter.
03:05Pas de problème. Je dois continuer mon jour.
03:07Mets-les dans ma chambre, Oli.
03:15Allons, Spot. On va s'assurer que papa ne se mette pas en difficulté.
03:20Qu'est-ce que tu fais, papa?
03:22J'ai pensé vérifier la météo sur la télé, mais je n'arrive pas à trouver le volume.
03:27Il me semble qu'il y a du nez dans le précédent.
03:30Pas pour cette fois de l'année.
03:32Pourquoi la télé? Tu es aussi froid que l'eau.
03:35Il vaut mieux que j'achète mon outil pour voir ce qui te dégoûte.
03:38Allô? Allô?
03:41C'est étrange, personne.
03:44Je serai dans le garage si tu as besoin de moi, Oli.
03:49Oups. J'ai perdu le pas.
03:52Mais je suis désolée, maman.
03:54Je suis désolée, Oli.
03:56Tu ne peux pas être désolée.
03:59Tu ne peux pas être désolée.
04:02Tu ne peux pas être désolée.
04:05Whoops! Missed a step there!
04:15Hmm... This is no place for Spongebob!
04:20Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
04:22Nailed it!
04:30Now that... is one bouncy ball!
04:35Uh... You okay, Dad?
04:42Could you give me a hand there, Ollie?
04:46No problem! I wanted to wax the lawn first thing!
04:53Follow that polisher!
05:06Gee whiz, Spot!
05:08Oh! I...
05:10Remember the backyard being so bumpy before?
05:15Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
05:20I think that's enough lawn polishing for... now.
05:27Ah! These inflatable chairs sure are swell!
05:30A siesta on the old poly patio is just the ticket!
05:35Jumpin' Jupiters! What are we gonna do, Spot?
05:39Mamma Mo, come on!
05:46And Dad thought he looked too old with his glasses,
05:49and he bounced super high on the trampoline,
05:51and he landed on...
05:53Daddy Ride Blimpie!
05:56Oh, boy!
05:58Everyone in the coopies!
06:00I'll alert Pappy and we'll hit that...
06:33Pappy? What's all the commotion about?
06:36Oh, well, you're on my fishing porch,
06:39and ten miles above Foleyville, you silly butt!
06:43Now, how did you tricksters get me up here?
06:53Well, Pappy, thanks for the ride and homie.
06:56Sure was fun!
06:58Gee, Pappy, you sound like you're coming down with a cold, too!
07:01Doggone it, Percy!
07:03You pumped enough ice cream out of old Precious
07:05to cool down half of Foleyville!
07:08Looks like someone needs a new...
07:10I mean, an old point of view!
07:19Not only can you see better,
07:21but you look so darn handsome, too!
07:24Now I remember why I wear these babies.
07:30Gee, Whirlikers! Ice cream, anybody?
07:35You betcha, Olé!
07:37Now, where'd he go?
07:49Okay, everyone, here are your parts for the class play.
07:53Beauty and the Beast Bot.
07:57Gee, Whirlikers, I'm gonna be the Beast Bot!
08:00I'm gonna be the Castle Guard!
08:03I'm gonna be Beauty!
08:05Thousand Blocks, you and Polly sure have a lot of lines to learn, Olé!
08:10Yep, it's gonna be a lot of work,
08:12but I'll give it my best roly-poly try!
08:15Me, too! This is gonna be such fun!
08:19Ha! My job is gonna be the most fun.
08:22I get to build props and stuff.
08:25I don't have to memorize any dopey lines.
08:30Don't listen to Screwy. This is gonna be great!
08:39I can't wait to play the Beast!
08:41Being the Guard is gonna be totally cubular!
08:47Uh, Olé?
08:49Are you really sure you wanna play the Beast Bot?
08:52You betcha! I get to growl and snarl and hold hands with Beauty.
08:58And tell her I love you.
09:00Whoa! Where does it say that?
09:03Oh, no! That's... that's... yucky!
09:09What am I gonna do, Billy?
09:11Well, you're gonna have to get married first, I guess.
09:16Sure. If you say I love you to a girl and hold her hand, you gotta marry her.
09:22I think it's the law.
09:25If I say those lines, all the kids will tease me forever.
09:29Can I be your bestest bot at the wedding?
09:32I'm not getting married, Billy.
09:35Well, if it isn't Polly and Bevel.
09:37Ah, nuts and bolts. Screw you.
09:40Are you guys practicing your lines? Do you need any help rehearsing?
09:44Oh, screwy. That's really nice, but...
09:47Jeepers, Olé! Do you wanna hold my hand and tell me you love me or something?
09:55Hey, where are you and Polly-poo going for your honeymoon?
10:06Howdy, Olé!
10:07Howdy, Pappy.
10:11What's got you in the downy dumps?
10:13I got the lead part in the class play.
10:17That sounds pretty exciting.
10:20I was excited, Pappy, until...
10:25Ah, you gotta hold Beauty's hand and say, I love you, huh?
10:31Thing to remember is, it's not you saying it, Olé.
10:34It's not? Who is it?
10:37It's the Beast Bot.
10:39But, Pappy, I play the Beast Bot.
10:42Exactly. You play him.
10:45Why, you're just pretending to be the Beast Bot.
10:48Look, Olé, the Beast Bot is one of the heroes of the play.
10:52Heroes have to be brave and fearless.
10:56Haven't you ever dreamed of being a hero, Olé?
11:02Arr! Hand over my treasure, pirate screwbeard!
11:06Never! Arr!
11:08Give up, Captain Olé!
11:14Arr! The treasure's mine once again!
11:17Captain Olé, you're my hero.
11:20And I love you. Wanna hold hands, huh? Wanna?
11:26I win! Arr! Arr! Arr! Arr! Arr!
11:30Olé? Olé?
11:32Oh, come on in, Polly.
11:34Thank you, Pappy.
11:36Hi, Olé. Did you finish reading the script?
11:39Hum, yeah. It's kind of yucky.
11:43It says we have to hold hands and say,
11:46I love you.
11:48You don't want to do it either?
11:50No way! Everyone will laugh at us.
11:53Look, it'll take a big chunk of courage
11:56to stand up in front of people and say those lines,
11:59but I think you're just the butts for the job.
12:03You do?
12:05I've never seen you two shy away from a challenge yet.
12:08What do you say?
12:10I say...
12:12Ready to read, Beauty?
12:14You betcha, Mr. Beastbot!
12:18Now there's a couple of real heroes.
12:29Are you nervous, Olé?
12:31Um, uh, a little.
12:33Hey, you look swell, Belly.
12:35Thanks, Olé. You too.
12:38Except that keeps happening.
12:41Gee, you look great too, Polly. Thanks.
12:44Hey, Olé, aren't you supposed to hold her hand
12:48when you say stuff like that?
12:50It's not funny, screwy.
12:53Yeah, why don't you go tighten a bolt or something?
12:57Oh, yeah? Well, just wait,
12:59because every bot will be laughing
13:01at you two lovebirds soon enough.
13:03Time to take your places. We're about to start.
13:06Is everybody ready?
13:08Oh, I sure am, Miss Triangle.
13:11Thanks, Olé.
13:13Don't worry. You guys are gonna be great.
13:16On balance in blocks!
13:22Oh, no! Here comes the Beastbot!
13:27Why aren't you at your post?
13:29Ah! The Beastbot! Help!
13:33It's a very nice place you have here, Mr. Beastbot.
13:46At first I was scared of you,
13:48but now I see that deep down,
13:50you're the nicest person I know.
13:53I feel the same way about you, Beauty.
13:56Well, I just wanted to say...
13:59I love you!
14:09We did it!
14:11That was totally cubular!
14:13If it's that easy to get people to cheer,
14:16next time I'm gonna be the star.
14:19Maybe you should be the star now, screwy.
14:27Well, you guys got the biggest cheer,
14:30but I got the biggest laugh.
14:42Okie-dokie, Dad. That ought to do it.
14:45We built the first-ever voice-activated milk-and-cookies-serving bottler.
14:49It's got everything all right.
14:51Two super-strong mechanical arms,
14:53a nifty serving tray,
14:55and a handy-dandy microphone to give it instructions.
14:58Well, Ollie, it was all your idea.
15:01Thanks, Dad. It's gonna be the best show-and-tell project ever.
15:04Howdy, Ollie.
15:06Is that your voice-server activate...
15:09I mean the cookies-and-milk-corator...
15:11Um, what is it again?
15:13Maybe we'll just call it Bottler for short.
15:17So, how does it work?
15:19Come on, I'll show you.
15:22Mom, Zoey, ready for your afternoon snack?
15:25Ready and waiting, Ollie.
15:30Bottler, bring some milk-and-cookies to Mom and Zoey, please.
15:35Bring milk and cookies.
15:39Excuse me, sir.
15:43Pardon me, ma'am.
15:45It certainly is very polite.
15:48Excuse me, ma'am.
15:50It certainly is very polite.
15:52Please, thank you.
15:58Thank you.
16:00Thank you.
16:01Excuse me.
16:02Thank you.
16:04Wow, what a nifty invention.
16:07And now that you're done, sweetie,
16:09you've got time to pick up all your toys in the yard
16:11while we take Zoey over to visit Binky.
16:14Okey-dokey, Mom.
16:16Pick up the toys, Ollie.
16:20Wouldn't it be great if Bottler could pick up toys, too?
16:25It could, if we tell it to.
16:31Bottler, pick up the toys, please.
16:34Pick up toys.
16:36Pick up toys.
16:39Pick up toys.
16:41Wow, our very own toy picker-upper.
16:45Excuse me, sir.
16:48Pardon me, ma'am.
16:52Pick up toys.
17:00Spot, old buddy, are you okey-dokey?
17:04I don't think he likes Bottler very much.
17:08Pick up toys.
17:10Thank you.
17:11Pick up toys.
17:14Bottler wasn't supposed to do that.
17:16We did tell it to pick up the toys, Ollie.
17:19Yeah, but we didn't mean all in one trip.
17:22Bottler, stop!
17:32Maybe we have to be clear with our instructions.
17:39pick up all the toys one by one
17:42and put them in my bedroom, please.
17:44Pick up all toys one by one
17:47and put in bedroom.
17:49Pick up toys.
17:50Pick up all toys.
17:52Hey, Bottler's throwing the toys into my room.
17:55We did tell it to put them there, Ollie.
17:57And that is the fastest way.
18:01carry all the toys inside housey
18:04and put them in my bedroom closet, please.
18:07Carry all toys and put in closet.
18:11Carry all toys.
18:14Put in closet.
18:20Excuse me, sir. Pardon me, ma'am.
18:23Looks like Bottler got the message.
18:25While Bottler tidies up,
18:27what do you say we go rest our bolts, Billy?
18:35I wonder how our super-duper toy picker-upper's doing.
18:41Hey, where'd all Zoe's toys go?
18:44Bottler must have picked them up, too.
18:46Thank you.
18:51And all the toys in my room!
18:54Oh, no!
18:58Well, we did tell it to put all the toys in your closet.
19:07Okey-dokey, Billy.
19:08This time we gotta be super-duper clear with our instructions.
19:12We'll tell Bottler exactly what to pick up,
19:14exactly where to put it,
19:16and exactly when to stop.
19:19Bottler, pick up the toys in the backyard one by one, please.
19:24Bring them inside housey and put them in my bedroom.
19:28When the backyard is completely empty, then stop.
19:32Pick up toys in backyard.
19:35When backyard is completely empty, stop.
19:38Now it's working!
19:44Sure is neat having Bottler do our work for us, huh?
19:48I wonder what other chores we can get it to do.
19:53Pick up toys in backyard.
19:57When backyard is empty, stop.
20:01What's Bottler doing now?
20:04When backyard is empty, stop.
20:07Excuse me, sir.
20:09Oh, no!
20:10I told Bottler not to stop till the backyard was completely empty!
20:16Bottler, come back!
20:18Excuse me.
20:20When backyard is empty, stop.
20:22Bottler, stop!
20:29What do we do now, Ollie?
20:32Prends ma mère et papa, je suppose.
20:34Prends ma mère et papa.
20:37Attends, Bottler!
20:38Nous les prendrons nous-mêmes!
20:45C'est un gros bâton de bâton, hein?
20:48Alors, le bottler l'a fait, hein?
20:52Non, maman.
20:53Nous l'avons fait.
20:54Si nous n'avions pas essayé de prendre le bottler pour faire tout notre travail pour nous...
20:58Rien n'aurait pu se passer.
21:00Il n'est pas trop tard pour arrêter vos brouhaha, les garçons.
21:03Laissez les arbres à nous, les garçons.
21:05Le reste du nettoyage, c'est à vous.
21:09Eh bien, après vous avez dit au bottler de nous mettre en bas, Ollie...
21:15Désolé, père.
21:17Bottler, mettes-maman et père en bas, s'il te plait.
21:21Mets-maman et père en bas.
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