Captain America E001

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00Musique du film
00:10Musique du film
00:14Bruits d'explosions
00:23America was at war and across the country anybody who could make it to the draft board under his own steam was healthy enough to be in uniform.
00:30And at a secret meeting in Washington, a strange experiment was about to begin.
00:34How are you coming with Operation Rebirth, General?
00:38Everything is ready, sir. As soon as the chemical is perfected, we move.
00:42The chemical is perfected, gentlemen!
00:45Doctor Anderson!
00:46Then the time has come at last.
00:48Well, there's nothing more to be said. I wish you Godspeed.
00:53Moments later, a speeding car reaches a grocery shop half hidden in the shadows.
00:59And the two generals, now in civilian clothes, are led into the shop by an intelligence agent.
01:05I believe you're expecting us.
01:06I expect nobody. Identify yourselves to my satisfaction or die.
01:10I commend your caution, Agent R. The watchword is, Rebirth shall occur this night.
01:16Say no more. You will follow me. Nothing must distract us from the great experiment.
01:22Take your places, gentlemen. We have 30 seconds before Doctor Hurston begins.
01:26At last, I can divest myself of this disguise.
01:29It has taken us months to find the perfect 4F specimen.
01:33If we should fail, our volunteer will be dead within minutes.
01:36But if we succeed, he will be the first of an army such as the world has never known.
01:41I am ready. Bring in the volunteer.
01:44Enter Steve Rogers. Too puny to be accepted by the army, but willing to risk death for his country in the greatest experiment of all.
01:53I drink quickly before the chemical loses its potency.
01:57Good luck, my boy.
01:59I've committed the formula to memory so enemy agents can never steal it.
02:02Look, he's changing right before our eyes.
02:07Everything is spinning.
02:12Hang on. Must... must hang on.
02:16It's working. Don't give up, son. You must survive this crisis.
02:21Suddenly it is over and America has a new champion born in an hour of need.
02:27It is a success. We have won. Soon there will be a million like...
02:31Never. You and your accursed experiment shall die within this room. Down with democracy. Down with freedom.
02:40Doctor Hurston.
02:42Take cover, Rogers. I'll stop that murderer.
02:45No. It's my job. It's what I was created to do.
02:50He's right. This is his first test.
02:55Stop, you fool. You're running into the electrical omnivore.
02:59Stay away. You'll never get me.
03:06Doctor Hurston is dead and his formula died with him, so there can be no more like me.
03:12But I will champion the fight for freedom and justice wherever tyranny reigns.
03:19In the critical days that follow, Steve Rogers blazes into action like a red-flagged, unclean rocket.
03:23And while a grateful nation ponders Captain America's true identity,
03:27the valiant defender conceals it behind the uniform of a newly inducted army private.
03:31You bumbling meathead. Is that the only position you know?
03:36Parade rest.
03:39Oh, not on my foot, you idiot.
03:43Did I do something wrong, Sarge?
03:45You clumsy knucklehead. I'm gonna make you think you were born on KP.
03:52And the Sarge stomps off, unaware the bumbling GI is secretly concerned about enemy saboteurs.
04:15While back at the post, Bucky Barnes, the camp's teenage mascot, exclaims...
04:20Boy, wouldn't it be great to have a guy like him around here?
04:24Rogers hides his double life successfully until one night...
04:29I hate to barge in on you this way, Steve, but may I...
04:32It's you! You're Captain America?
04:36I was careless. I should have checked the tent entrance. But now, what am I gonna do with you?
04:42Gosh, Cap, there's only one thing you can do.
04:46Now that I know your secret, let me be your partner.
04:49Looks like I've got no choice.
04:51Luckily, you've got what it takes, lad, so put it there, partner.
04:58After months of intensive training, Bucky is given his first uniform and his first challenge as Captain America's partner,
05:04as a new fighting team is born.
05:07Sometime later, off a remote stretch of the coast, a forbidding silhouette appears.
05:11My suspicions were right. That's an enemy sub offshore.
05:16Holy cow, Cap! Look! Over there!
05:19And so Captain America and Bucky prepare to meet their first deadly challenge together.
05:26Cap, how do we tackle so many of them?
05:29Numbers don't matter. Take your cue from me and remember what I taught you.
05:35I'll stop him with this machine gun!
05:37Bucky! Others rushing you from behind!
05:41What's obliged, Cap? Insolent shrines?
05:47We wouldn't want you boys stubbing your toes on our foreign shore.
05:51And now we'll send a greeting to that enemy sub from the American people.
05:55Just help me angle their raft so the tide will take it in the right direction.
06:00It was mighty nice of you to return the explosives, Cap.
06:03Look, it's going to hit!
06:05Very perceptive, Bucky. I suggest we return to shore.
06:12I'm proud of you, little one. We'll be a team for as long as the free world needs us.
06:18Enemy agents wore many faces, and at the Midtown Theater, a new act was creating a sensation.
06:24There'll be a short wait for seats.
06:28There must be absolute silence as I put the mysterious Omar into a trance.
06:35Now to begin.
06:38Omar, you are my slave.
06:42I, Sando, am your master.
06:47You are the master, Sando.
06:52Therefore, I order you to project your thoughts upon this crystal ball.
06:58For you have the power to reveal the future.
07:03Project, Omar.
07:09Slowly, unbelievably, a column of U.S. Army tanks appear within the crystal ball.
07:14An instant later...
07:17The next day at Fort Lehigh...
07:19I don't get it, Steve. How could Omar know that tank would blow up?
07:23I don't know, but I'm requesting a pass for tonight. How about taking in a show?
07:27Hey, you two! Major Corey needs two drivers tonight.
07:31What he don't know is, by putting you behind the wheel, the enemy don't need no saboteur.
07:37Later that evening...
07:38Well, good night, boys.
07:39But Major, you're involved in an important Army project. Maybe we'd better stick around.
07:44Nonsense. You're dismissed.
07:48And while Major Corey relaxes in the comfort of his study,
07:51Steve Rogers and Bucky set out for an interesting evening at the theater.
07:56Gosh, Steve, the Major ought to realize he's a prime target for enemy agents.
08:01True, but right now, we've got to catch that new act.
08:04Hmm, I've got an idea, Bucky.
08:06Hold on, follow me.
08:07I've got news for you, Cap.
08:09The balcony seats are in the other direction.
08:11That's why we're going this way.
08:13I want to see Sando and Omar at close range.
08:15Look, here they are.
08:17Mr. Sando, people are wondering how you...
08:19Absolutely no interviews. That is final.
08:22That girl reporter is slipping into their dressing room.
08:24Looks like she beat us to the punch, Steve.
08:27What now?
08:28This, Mr. Barnes.
08:29Just what I hoped you'd say, Mr. Rogers.
08:32Let's go, lad.
08:37While on the stage below.
08:38Ah, you are thinking of the bridge which links Camp Cosgrove with the mainland.
08:48I thought so. They act as a phony.
08:50Omar's thoughts are really pictures,
08:52projected onto the crystal ball by their accomplice up here.
08:55Come on, Bucky.
08:56Look above us. It's Captain America and Bucky.
09:01I'll go after Omar while you tangle with Sando.
09:06How dare you break up my act?
09:08Hold on, Sando.
09:09I want some explanation about your so-called act.
09:12You will pay for this with your lives.
09:16A girl's voice.
09:18She must be in deadly danger.
09:21Cap, look out. It's a trap.
09:24Come in, masked man.
09:25We figured you'd charge in here if you heard the dame scream.
09:29They said they'd shoot the girl if I didn't surrender to them.
09:32Stop struggling, lady.
09:34We don't like girl reporters.
09:35Oh, I'm not a reporter.
09:37I'm a special agent.
09:38Thanks for telling us.
09:39We always like to know who we're going to finish off for Sando.
09:43We can drop that Sando act now.
09:46I am Colonel Prance,
09:47and I take my orders from the Red Skull himself.
09:51Meanwhile, in the quiet of his study,
09:52Major Corey relaxes with his pipe and book,
09:55unaware of the sinister presence drawing closer.
10:00Good evening, Major Corey.
10:03Who in blazes are you?
10:05I am the Red Skull,
10:07and you made a fatal mistake by leaving your window open.
10:11It's too late to use that gun, Major.
10:15This gas will take away your memory for months,
10:18and by then, we will have triumphed.
10:23At that moment, backstage of the theater,
10:26I warned you, you would pay with your lives.
10:29Give us the word, Colonel, and Captain America dies.
10:33It'll take more than a word.
10:34Let's move, Bucky.
10:39Nice going, young man,
10:41but don't sell the female species short.
10:45Keep firing. They're unarmed.
10:47We'll get them yet.
10:49You're right, Colonel.
10:51You're right, Colonel.
10:52And I'll start with the female.
10:55Cap, look out!
10:56There's something zeroing in on you.
11:04He's lowered his shield.
11:05Now you'll die, Captain America.
11:08Got it, Cap.
11:13Score one for our side, eh, Cap?
11:16Now they know that free men can play rough too.
11:19We've fought side by side,
11:21but we don't even know your name.
11:22Till we meet again, you may know me as Agent 13.
11:26Some evening, eh, Cap?
11:28I have a feeling it's not yet over.
11:30Suppose we check out Major Corey before we head back to camp.
11:34But they find the quiet study of Major Corey is not so quiet now.
11:39Sir, the Major, will he be all right?
11:43He'll live,
11:44but his project will have to be shelved until he recovers his memory.
11:49Hide your uniform and get ready for action, Bucky.
11:51The Major's assailant may still be around.
11:55Let's separate and keep your eyes open.
11:57Bucky is the first to come upon signs of sinister activity,
12:01and following the suspects to their lair,
12:03witnesses more than he bargained for.
12:06A spy.
12:07The Red Skull will want to talk to him.
12:10Well, well.
12:12We've netted a valuable fish.
12:15You fool!
12:18Don't open that door!
12:22The Red Skull is so easily caught.
12:25He's getting away.
12:26I should have guessed he'd have an escape route.
12:28This wall is solid steel.
12:30Our opponent is no amateur.
12:32In case you're interested, Cap,
12:34our opponent's title is The Red Skull.
12:37Captain America, bah!
12:39He will not interfere with my plans.
12:43Nothing can stop The Red Skull.
12:47Quelques jours plus tard, à l'aéroport de l'armée...
12:49C'est bon, les gars.
12:51Ici vient le Général Curtis.
12:53Les gars, c'est Mr. Maxon de Maxon Aircraft Corporation.
12:56Il est là pour regarder personnellement
12:58l'avion gigantesque de l'armée testée.
13:01Et le bombardier s'en va.
13:05Le bombardier est en feu.
13:12Il descend.
13:16Il descend.
13:27Je n'y crois pas.
13:35Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé?
13:36Notre plus valable avion est perdu.
13:41Cette nuit au camp...
13:46Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé, Steve?
13:47Je ne sais pas.
13:48Mais vous devriez avoir vu le regard sur le visage de Maxon
13:50comme s'il l'attendait à l'accident.
13:53Je pense que Captain America va visiter le Général Curtis.
13:56Mais à la maison du Général.
13:58On est trop tard. Il a été blessé.
14:02Le Red Skull.
14:04Et le gardien de la maison du Général.
14:06Vous encore.
14:07Et le chien en veste.
14:10C'est la dernière fois que vous interviendrez
14:13avec les plans du Red Skull.
14:15Je n'irais pas sur ça.
14:21qu'avez-vous fait avec un vrai Mr. Maxon?
14:24Un chien américain?
14:26Il était sur l'avion.
14:28Mes hommes vous ont tous fous.
14:31Et quand le Général Curtis a été susceptible,
14:33vous avez essayé de le tuer.
14:39Attention, Bucky.
14:40Je t'entends, Cap.
14:43Grâce à son torpedo,
14:44le Red Skull a fait une bonne sortie.
14:46Mais il a laissé quelque chose derrière.
14:48Et je vous donnerai trois guesses
14:50de qui était le prochain sur sa parade.
14:53C'est tout ici.
14:55Ils ont attrapé l'imposteur qui a passé comme Maxon.
14:57Mais il n'y a pas de trace du Red Skull.
15:01C'est tout ce que un chien américain comme toi doit faire?
15:04J'ai envie d'éliminer ces espèces.
15:06Oui, monsieur.
15:07Et arrête de respirer quand je te parle.
15:09Tu es le plus grand chien américain de cette...
15:17Je me demande combien l'ennemi lui paye
15:20pour être de notre côté.
