• il y a 2 mois
00:00Confetti ? C'est pas la fin de l'année, hein ? Ah bien, peut-être que Dolores est en train de jouer ou quelque chose comme ça.
00:24Coucou cousin Koukla !
00:26En parlant de Dolores, elle est là !
00:28Dolores, je suis sur scène !
00:30Coucou cousin Koukla ! Comment vas-tu ?
00:32Non, non, je suis l'oncle Koukla.
00:34Ah, ton cousin c'est Oli.
00:36Oh, je ne comprends pas, j'ai tellement de voisins, je ne sais pas qui c'est qui.
00:44As-tu passé un bon moment ?
00:45Oh, j'ai passé un très bon moment.
00:47As-tu sorti avec cousin Oli ?
00:49Non, cousin Oli a été très occupé, je ne l'ai pas vu.
00:52J'ai sorti avec grand-mère Beulah.
00:54Non, non, tante Beulah.
00:56Tante Beulah. J'ai sorti avec tante Beulah.
00:59Et on s'est mis sur le boulot et on a eu... Qu'est-ce que tu regardes ?
01:03Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
01:05Qu'est-ce que ?
01:06Le gros...
01:07Prends le dragon wagon !
01:09Oh oui, c'est un des boutons de campagne de cousin Oli.
01:13Est-ce qu'il t'en a donné ?
01:14Eh bien, je l'ai trouvé et il m'a dit que je pouvais le porter.
01:18Oh, bien sûr, l'un de ses vieux.
01:21Est-ce que tu veux commencer le défilé, cousin Beulah ?
01:24Tante Beulah.
01:26Grand-père Beulah commence le défilé.
01:28Tu deviens plus vieux par le moment.
01:30Est-ce que tu voudrais commencer ?
01:32Oui, j'aimerais. Je n'ai jamais rencontré Kenneth.
01:35Son nom est Mr. Harrity.
01:40Salut, frère Ken !
01:52Nous sommes de nouveau ici.
01:54Nous sommes de nouveau ici.
01:55Nous sommes de nouveau ici.
01:57Nous sommes de nouveau ici.
01:59Nous sommes de nouveau ici.
02:01Nous sommes de nouveau ici !
02:07C'est bon, c'est bon.
02:12Il joue très bien.
02:14Oui, il le fait. Il le fait vraiment.
02:16J'aime lui. Je veux faire de la musique avec lui.
02:19Tout d'abord, c'est un peu tard. Je pense que c'est le moment pour Betty-Bye.
02:22Betty-Bye, Betty-Bye.
02:24Parlons de vieux, allons-y ?
02:27Je pense que c'est le moment de aller au lit.
02:29C'est mieux.
02:30Je suis un peu dormi,
02:32donc je pense que j'irai au lit après avoir lu le New York Times.
02:38Parfois, je ne les comprends pas.
02:40Je ne les comprends pas vraiment.
02:44Je suis là, Cecil Beal.
02:46Qu'est-ce qui s'est passé ?
02:50Quoi ?
02:57Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
02:59Bunting ?
03:00Non, je ne l'ai pas ordonné.
03:02Est-ce qu'il a été délivré ?
03:08Peut-être Fran ? Fran, mon amour !
03:10Oui ?
03:11As-tu ordonné un bunting ?
03:14Salut, comment vas-tu ?
03:17Ce bunting est venu, Cecil Beal a dit.
03:19Ce n'est pas pour moi.
03:20C'est la chose la plus étrange. J'ai trouvé du confetti ici aussi.
03:23Je ne sais pas d'où ça peut venir.
03:25Attends une minute.
03:27Quoi ?
03:31Prends ça, Cecil Beal.
03:33On verra qui c'est.
03:35Regarde ce que j'ai trouvé.
03:37J'étais contente de l'avoir trouvé car je l'utilise pour les fans.
03:41Prends le dragon wagon !
03:43Où as-tu trouvé ça ?
03:45Sur mon bureau.
03:46Pas vraiment mon bureau.
03:48Quelque chose d'extra.
03:49Une petite table où je mets mes choses.
03:52Fran ?
03:53Dolores était juste là et elle avait un gros bouton de campagne.
03:57Prends le dragon wagon !
03:59Oh, Cucla.
04:00C'est ce moment de l'année mais les campagnes ont commencé.
04:04Ce serait trop tard.
04:06Ce n'est jamais trop tard car tu sais...
04:09Qui ?
04:10Ou hum, comme le cas peut être.
04:14Tu ne penses pas...
04:15Je ne veux pas le penser mais je pense qu'il serait mieux de t'en demander.
04:19Fran, je ne pourrais pas passer une autre élection avec Ali.
04:22Je ne sais pas si je pourrais ou pas mais je ne pense pas que je le ferais.
04:26Ali ?
04:27Peux-tu venir ici un instant ?
04:33Ça me fait mal.
04:34Ça me fait mal aussi.
04:36Salut, Carol.
04:37Salut, Francis.
04:38Qu'est-ce qui est nouveau ?
04:41Je dis, qu'est-ce qui est nouveau ?
04:43Oh, rien.
04:44Différent ?
04:45Intéressant ?
04:46Qu'est-ce que tu parles ?
04:47Oh, Ali, hum...
04:49Ali, nous...
04:51Je peux venir ici un instant ?
04:53Viens ici un instant.
04:54Viens ici un instant, Fran.
04:56Est-ce que tu préviens d'aller dans n'importe quel bureau ?
05:00Hum ?
05:01Pour moi ?
05:02Être un candidat ?
05:04Non, pas dans ta vie.
05:05Merci Dieu.
05:06Merci Dieu pour ça.
05:08Attends une minute.
05:09Mais j'ai un autre plan.
05:11Oh, non, non, pas vraiment.
05:13Comme quoi, Ali ?
05:14Bien, écoute, c'est un plan intéressant.
05:16Et ça pourrait signifier quelque chose.
05:18Pas seulement un service patriote pour toi, et toi, et moi.
05:22Mais ça pourrait aussi faire un peu de boulot.
05:26Et c'est génial d'être patriote et faire un peu de boulot en même temps.
05:31Tu ne peux pas toujours faire ça, tu sais.
05:32Bien, comment cela fonctionnerait ?
05:34Bien, la chose est...
05:36Tu sais que aujourd'hui, dans les élections d'aujourd'hui,
05:40ça coûte beaucoup d'argent pour faire un bureau.
05:44Bien, je le sais.
05:45C'est sûr.
05:46Avec tout le financement et tout.
05:47Je devrais le dire.
05:48Est-ce que tu vas avoir un dîner de financement ?
05:50Non, non, ce n'est pas ça.
05:51C'est quelque chose de un peu différent,
05:53parce que je sens que pendant tous les ans que j'ai fait de nombreux bureaux,
05:58j'ai appris des choses.
06:00J'ai aussi acquis un grand nombre de matériaux de campagne.
06:05Maintenant, ce que j'ai pensé qu'on pourrait incorporer...
06:09Incorporer ?
06:10On va s'unir, les trois d'entre nous, en forme d'entreprise,
06:14et l'appeler l'Oliver J. Dragon Handy Dandy Lifetime All-Purpose Campaign Kit
06:19avec des fonctions d'expansion.
06:21Et... et... ou l'Oliver J. Dragon Little Jack Horner Electioneering Service.
06:26Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
06:27Little Jack Horner Electioneering ?
06:28Bien, c'est un moyen de...
06:31C'est un moyen d'électionerer et d'aller à l'office
06:34et de garder les doigts dans les pâtes.
06:37Est-ce que c'est intelligent ?
06:38Non, Francis.
06:39Ça a l'air un peu sombre pour moi.
06:41Non, non, ce n'est pas ça.
06:42Non, ce n'est pas ça, Francis.
06:44La chose est...
06:45Maintenant, dans les vieilles années, vous savez,
06:47les gens étaient capables d'aller sur le dos d'un train.
06:51Et ils sortaient dans le pays sur les arrêts d'appel.
06:54Vous savez, et ils arrêtaient dans ces petites villes.
06:56Et les appels !
06:57Non !
07:00Je sais.
07:01Ils parlaient de l'arrière du train.
07:03C'est vrai.
07:04Mais aujourd'hui, ça coûte tellement d'argent.
07:07Et la plupart du temps, c'est sur la télévision.
07:09Ils doivent rencontrer les gens.
07:11Ils doivent apprendre à s'adapter aux conférences de presse.
07:13Ils doivent être gentils à tout le monde.
07:16Ils doivent aller de l'un côté du pays à l'autre,
07:19ou de l'un côté du pays à l'autre,
07:20en fonction de ce qu'ils font, vous savez.
07:22Et ils doivent être capables de vraiment...
07:25Eh bien, ils doivent être capables de le faire à l'envers, vous savez.
07:27Eh bien, c'est vrai.
07:28C'est vraiment vrai.
07:29Maintenant, ce que je pensais,
07:31c'est que je pouvais donner quelques petits conseils.
07:34Prends ce kit ensemble.
07:36Tu veux dire comme un cours d'études à la maison ?
07:38Un peu.
07:39On peut le envoyer aux gens qui écrivent,
07:41qui pourraient avoir besoin de matériaux,
07:45des choses comme ça.
07:47Est-ce que tu penses que ça serait bien ?
07:48Eh bien, vas-y et fais-le, Ali.
07:49Non, mais j'ai besoin de toi.
07:51Et de toi, Kouklo.
07:52Pourquoi ?
07:54Parce que tu es mon petit ami.
07:56Et tu as tellement de cerveau.
07:58Et tu penses tellement merveilleusement sur tes pieds.
08:01Et toi, Frances, tu es tellement magnifique.
08:03Et tellement adepte à la phrase intelligente.
08:05Pourquoi il s'en va dans toutes ces choses
08:08et nous, on s'en va toujours ?
08:10Il m'a pris avec ce petit cerveau.
08:13Je ne pouvais pas le résister.
08:15Qu'est-ce que tu allais dire ?
08:16Eh bien, je vais juste dire, je ne sais pas...
08:18Pourquoi il ne peut pas faire une de ces choses seul ?
08:22C'est vrai.
08:23Je suis embarrassée, je le suis vraiment.
08:24Moi aussi.
08:25Maintenant, ici.
08:26Tout d'abord, par exemple.
08:28La première chose qu'un candidat fait,
08:31la première chose qu'il fait,
08:33c'est de tosser ton masque dans le cercle.
08:36quand tu tosses un masque dans le cercle,
08:38pourquoi ne pas tosser un masque dans le cercle
08:40qui a ton nom dessus ?
08:41C'est vrai ?
08:42C'est vrai ?
08:43C'est vrai.
08:45Allons tosser notre masque dans le cercle.
08:46Il y a deux petits masques ici.
08:47Allons les tosser.
08:50Ils ont touché les deux cercles.
08:51Très bien.
08:52C'est super.
08:54je sais que ça coûte un énorme prix
08:56pour l'advertissement et les signes.
08:58Et surtout si,
08:59comme dans mon cas,
09:00j'ai eu beaucoup de désappointements.
09:02Comme tu le sais,
09:03ça ne m'a pas arrêté pour le matin.
09:04Je sais.
09:05Non, ça ne t'a pas arrêté.
09:06Et donc,
09:07je pensais que c'était un truc très utile.
09:09Maintenant, reste là.
09:10Coucou, viens m'aider.
09:12Oh, un signe.
09:14Je vois.
09:17Tu vois ça ?
09:18Bien, oui.
09:19Tu veux dire que tu bloques ton nom et puis...
09:22Bien, je suppose que ça serait un signe.
09:24Oui, mais il y a d'autres choses aussi.
09:27Ne parle pas avec ta bouche pleine.
09:28Viens mon ami, il y a quelque chose de différent.
09:30Oh, d'accord.
09:31C'est ça.
09:32Tu vois, je bloque mon nom.
09:33Ça vient d'être l'un de mes noms.
09:34C'est ça.
09:35C'est le schéma que j'ai utilisé, les gars.
09:36C'est comme Alderman.
09:37Une fois, je suis allé pour Alderman.
09:38Mais ça n'a pas fonctionné.
09:39Donc, l'année suivante,
09:40je suis allé pour le maire.
09:42Tu sais comment les choses sont à Chicago.
09:46L'année suivante, je suis allé pour le gouverneur.
09:48Je n'ai pas fait ça.
09:52L'année suivante, je suis allé pour...
09:54Je n'ai pas fait ça du tout.
09:57Comment est-ce que ça s'est passé?
09:58Je ne sais pas.
09:59Il y a quelque chose de faux.
10:01Nous avons un espion ici.
10:03Je pense que de l'autre côté...
10:05Je suis désolé, je ne voulais pas...
10:06Il ne faut pas perdre son temps en public.
10:07C'est une bonne chose.
10:08Non, je devrais dire non.
10:09Ne fais jamais ça sur la télévision.
10:11Il y a seulement une fonction.
10:13Ça va avec le service général, n'est-ce pas?
10:17Une autre bonne fonction, je pense,
10:19c'est d'avoir une chanson de campagne.
10:21Est-ce que je peux les filer quelque part?
10:23Oui, s'il vous plaît.
10:24Une chanson de campagne.
10:25Et je pensais qu'il n'y avait rien de meilleur
10:28que la chanson que j'ai utilisée pendant tant d'années,
10:30Get on the Dragon Wagon.
10:32Et je pense que ce serait une bonne idée
10:34si on leur donnait un exemple.
10:35C'est juste un exemple, vous comprenez?
10:37Juste un exemple.
10:38Et vous aimeriez la chanter avec moi?
10:40Je ne me souviens pas.
10:41C'est ce genre de... Vous ne le savez pas?
10:43Je me souviens qu'il y avait une chanson comme ça,
10:45mais je ne me souviens pas de la chanson.
10:47C'est trop mauvais.
10:50Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire?
10:51On peut juste oublier ça.
10:53Non, on ne l'oubliera pas. J'ai la musique.
10:55C'est dans le kit.
10:56Je vois.
10:57C'est déjà là pour mettre vos propres mots.
10:59Mais essayons-le maintenant, allons-y?
11:01Ken, s'il vous plaît.
11:05Get on the Dragon Wagon
11:07And the way we'll ride
11:09With Mr. Dragon in the driver's seat
11:12Get on the Dragon Wagon
11:14And you'll be beside
11:16The friendly favorite from dragon retreat
11:19From the frozen north
11:21To the deepest sooth
11:23The man of the hour
11:25Is the man with the tooth
11:27Get on the Dragon Wagon
11:29With the man we want
11:31We mean the pride and joy of all Vermont
11:33We love you, Ollie
11:35Side by side
11:36We'll go on and on
11:38To victory with you this fall
11:42Good! Good!
11:44Good! Good!
11:45Find supporters and
11:46Consistency ones and since you are
11:48I don't think this will...
11:49This was your song, Ollie.
11:51It wouldn't work for anybody else.
11:53Well, you could change it.
11:55Just change, substitute some words.
11:56Like, uh...
11:57Like what?
11:58Well, like, uh...
12:00Get on the Reagan Wagon
12:02Well, I don't...
12:03That's not right.
12:05And Reagan.
12:06We'll get on the Reagan Wagon
12:08I don't think that either, Ollie.
12:10I just don't believe it.
12:11I just don't believe it.
12:12Well, Reagan, how about this
12:13Frozen North bit?
12:15To the deepest sooth
12:16The man of the hour
12:17Is the man with the tooth
12:20There are not many people
12:21With just one tooth.
12:22You're famous for that, you know.
12:24Well, uh...
12:25Deepest sooth
12:26Well, it rhymes with booth.
12:29Everybody's name has to be booth, then.
12:31Oh, no, no, no, no.
12:32You could say from the
12:33Frozen north to deepest sooth
12:35Pull the right lever
12:36In the voting booth
12:38That's pretty good.
12:39It's not bad, is it?
12:41I got another one, too.
12:42For instance, uh...
12:43Now, wait.
12:44Koukou, you sing it.
12:45From the frozen north
12:46To the deepest sooth
12:48Oh, that's ridiculous.
12:49Sing it.
12:51Ollie, that's just foolishness.
12:53Sing it!
12:55From the frozen north
12:57To the deepest sooth
12:59The man of the hour
13:00Is the man with the teeth
13:05You don't like that?
13:08But you gotta have
13:09A very broad smile.
13:12How are you gonna give your speeches
13:14And your press conferences
13:16Like that?
13:17Well, you just smile all the time.
13:20How can you resist it?
13:22See, everybody's laughing.
13:25Well, I...
13:26I could be the candidate.
13:27I could run on the smile ticket.
13:30Well, maybe you could.
13:33Well, maybe you could.
13:34I don't know.
13:35And you could...
13:36Their smiles will make you happy.
13:39Why don't you just take it off
13:40And get on?
13:45What's the matter?
13:47They're stuck.
13:49They did that once before.
13:54Don't look, friend.
13:55I won't.
13:56Pull hard.
13:57Why? I'm afraid.
13:58Don't pull hard.
13:59You should have put
14:00Some more stickum on.
14:01No, I didn't.
14:02I got a new dresser.
14:08That's much better.
14:10It's what?
14:11That's much better.
14:12It makes my lips very slack.
14:15It's hard to talk.
14:18Hi, friend.
14:23Oliver J. Dragon
14:24Running for president.
14:25No, come on.
14:26No, come on.
14:27That's not funny.
14:29Go on with your plan.
14:30Well, it just shows
14:31The flexibility of the kid.
14:32I think every kid
14:33Should have a set of those teeth.
14:34Don't you think?
14:35No, I don't.
14:36But then, that's all right.
14:37I'll take the music.
14:38File of music.
14:40I may go into the file.
14:41I never come out.
14:42Come on.
14:43This might need
14:44A little money for you.
14:45And certainly
14:46Would be a great service.
14:47Well, I suppose
14:48We could do it.
14:49Now, another thing.
14:50Now, you're going
14:51To go around...
14:52Now, this is not true, of course,
14:53For state elections
14:54And senators
14:55And things like that
14:56Because you wouldn't go around
14:58To all parts of the country.
14:59But this is something
15:00For the future to think of.
15:01In presidential elections,
15:03It's very important.
15:04I think, first of all,
15:06The candidate and his wife
15:08Should appear everywhere.
15:10And his little boy!
15:11I know it!
15:15Who's going to get to be the wife?
15:20Olly, I can't do that.
15:22Yes, you can.
15:23And, see, I want you
15:24To help me write
15:25A little script or something
15:26Because I think
15:27We've got to have
15:28A kind of a...
15:29Well, like a...
15:31Suggested remarks
15:32For candidates' wives
15:33For any and special occasions.
15:35Do you think you could do that?
15:37For instance...
15:38Well, go downstairs
15:39And bring up
15:40Some of those things.
15:41Well, like this?
15:43Now, for instance,
15:44Suppose I'm in the east
15:45And I would come...
15:46I'd be introduced
15:47And I'd say,
15:48How very nice to see you all.
15:51I'm so glad to meet you.
15:53And my dear, beloved wife
15:55Is here beside me
15:56And I'd like her to say
15:57A few words.
16:01That's fine.
16:02Just great.
16:03Kukla, try a few more.
16:05I can't get the doggone thing down.
16:08You broke my hat!
16:11How about this one?
16:12Oh, this is great!
16:13When you go to talk to the youth,
16:15This will really fix you up.
16:17Well, I will go on this trip
16:18If you don't care.
16:19I maybe wouldn't be married.
16:21I'd be too young to be married.
16:22Well, probably.
16:23Olly, you're not going to get
16:24Any votes that way
16:25Nor any help.
16:26I guess this wouldn't work.
16:27No, I don't think so.
16:28I was going to say,
16:29Groovy or cool...
16:31Right on or something like that.
16:33No, I don't think so.
16:34How about this one?
16:36Oh, great!
16:38Great, great, great.
16:42Well, how big is the Indian vote?
16:44Well, there's always Jane Fonda.
16:46Well, you're right about that.
16:48Now, I'm so glad
16:50That you're all here to greet me.
16:52And my wife
16:54Wants to say a few words to you.
16:56Beware of candidate
16:58Who speaks with forked tongue
17:00And does not buy wife a headpiece.
17:03How come you wound up with the big thing?
17:06I didn't think that...
17:07I don't think that would go in the book, Frances.
17:09I always thought you might say something like,
17:12All right, how?
17:13I would have said hug.
17:15How about this one?
17:17Oh, oh, oh, yeah.
17:19This is for going down south
17:21In the southwest
17:23And meeting some of the constituents.
17:25I'm so happy to be here
17:28With my friends and my neighbors here
17:31On the banks of my favorite river
17:33And near my favorite ranch.
17:35And I really want to tell you
17:37How happy I am
17:39And standing beside me, as you can see,
17:42Is my life partner.
17:45The little woman who has stayed with me
17:47Through thick and thin.
17:49And I'd like very much
17:51For her to say something.
17:52Mama, say something to the folks.
17:56Well, Papa and I
17:58Will be most grateful to you
18:00If you can see you're very clear
18:02To vote him in.
18:04It'll mean that we can provide Clyde
18:06With a chauffeur's job
18:08Driving him back and forth
18:10To the state house.
18:12And Mildred, that's Clyde's wife,
18:14Can be the secretary.
18:16And then perhaps Hazel
18:18Might get to be a page boy.
18:20That's their oldest son.
18:22And we'll appreciate anything
18:24You can do for us.
18:26Somehow, I don't think
18:28That's exactly right.
18:30But it's great, Mama.
18:32It's great.
18:34Well, anyway, that just gives you an idea, Fran,
18:36Of the kind of things.
18:38Well, the thing that puzzles me, Ollie,
18:40I mean, quite seriously,
18:42I think one of the most grueling aspects
18:44Of a candidate's life
18:46When he's electioneering
18:48Is that he has to go to the press
18:50And make questions and answers.
18:52Yes, how could you tell him about that?
18:54Every case is different.
18:56Cuckoo, come here, give me a hand.
18:58I want to get the bunting.
19:00Oh, this is what the bunting is for!
19:02Be careful now, Fran.
19:04Believe me, I'll be careful.
19:06I'll leave.
19:08Fran, where are you?
19:10I'm here.
19:12Don't go way too far.
19:14I won't.
19:16This little kit,
19:18This wonderful little kit
19:20Comes broken down
19:22And you can put it together
19:24Very simply with all the instructions
19:26For the bunting and the rosettes.
19:28It's really very nice.
19:30I think it's wise when you're going
19:32In different places to put up, say,
19:34This happens to be, I believe,
19:36The flag of Chicago.
19:38I'm not sure about this.
19:40This, I think, is the flag of Illinois.
19:42But it's good to put these flags up
19:44For questions.
19:46Will you be a reporter, Fran?
19:48With a pretend microphone?
19:50With a pretend microphone and everything.
19:52And you cuckoo.
19:54All right, I'll get the microphone here.
19:56Hi, I'm Miss Brian. I got one.
19:58Well, Mr. Dragon,
20:00We have an important question to ask you.
20:02Thank you. Fire away, son.
20:06Public trans...
20:08I'm speaking very fluidly.
20:10Public transportation
20:12Is breaking down everywhere
20:14In the big cities of the United States.
20:16Here in Chicago, the CTA prices are going up.
20:18There's been a great deal of controversy.
20:20I'd like to know
20:22How you stand
20:24On public transportation.
20:26Well, you see,
20:28There's this little strap up there.
20:30You just reach up
20:32And you hold... Come on!
20:34Next question, please.
20:36Yes, Mr. Candidate.
20:38What is your position
20:40On the tax situation?
20:42Well, if I am elected,
20:44I am going to see to it
20:46That taxes are lower.
20:48More of them, but lower.
20:50Next question.
20:52Mr. Candidate,
20:54Would you comment
20:56On your feelings about space?
20:58Oh, I'm all for it.
21:00More space for everybody.
21:02Next question.
21:04Now, wait a minute.
21:06There's just something I did want to ask you about.
21:08Now, suppose
21:10Somewhere along the line of a question like this
21:12You get a real zinger.
21:14Or you can see one coming.
21:16A real loaded, hot question.
21:18What is your advice to the candidates?
21:20Well, um,
21:22I'll show you.
21:24Now, you just give me one.
21:26What you think is a real loaded question.
21:28All righty.
21:30Mr. Candidate,
21:32In this morning's newspaper,
21:34You were quoted as saying
21:36Hit it!
21:38Hit it!
21:54Thank you, thank you.
21:56Just lower the signs just a bit.
21:58That's just great.
22:00How did you do that?
22:02It's very simple, Cuckoo. Would you like to see? This is what I call my spontaneous mass demonstration ovation.
22:10It must be very expensive.
22:13No, not at all. It's a two-man operation. Would you pull back just a little bit, please?
22:19You see how we do it?
22:22Oh, good boys. Just great. I'll give you your buttons right after the show tonight.
22:28Just great. See, they're youthful. They're youthful. They're working for my camp.
22:31I didn't think you were running. I don't know. I may change my mind.
22:34Olly, you doesn't change your mind.
22:36And Cuckoo, for a buck fifty more, you can get some confetti.
22:41That solves the mystery.
22:43OK, fellas, you can take that away. Thank you.
22:45What do you think, Fran?
22:48You have something, Olly. I don't know what, but you have something.
22:53You like that?
22:54Well, it really was a great idea.
22:56Don't stand there with that microphone.
22:58Oh, sorry. You know something? I was thinking, I've gone to all this trouble.
23:03What was it?
23:05Didn't want you to have that on you.
23:07What was it?
23:08That awful wig.
23:10Oh, it's that one of those hairs.
23:11Yeah, I know it.
23:12Sometimes they get in your nose and you tickle.
23:14Wouldn't that be terrible for a speech maker to have it get in his nose and make him tickle and he'd go...
23:22Francis, I was thinking, I've got those signs, and I've got the bunting, and I've got the buttons, and there are no dates on any of those things, and...
23:38And you have a whole company of people here who need you right here.
23:43You don't want me to run for an office?
23:45You can be chairman of the board and stay here.
23:48How would that be?
23:49You think that would work?
23:50Well, you'd make a fine chairman.
23:54You know, there's only one thing in the whole world that would make me even think, possibly, of ever running for an office.
24:02I think it's the only thing that ever inspired me, Francis.
24:04Really? What was that?
24:06Well, you know, in spite of the fact that you and Kukla get kind of hesitant and you kind of...
24:13Well, I know how you feel. You get almost embarrassed sometimes.
24:17But you're good sports, and you go along.
24:19You know, I suppose that kids, maybe, I mean, young people starting out in electioneering and so forth, I suppose they have doubts too, but...
24:30Well, they do.
24:31When a man has a girl to stand by his side in the...
24:35Okay, let's tell Fran how we feel about it.
24:39A fellow needs a girl to sit by his side at the end of a weary day.
24:49To sit by his side and listen to him talk and agree with the things he'll say.
24:59A fellow needs a girl to hold in his arms when the rest of his world goes wrong.
25:07To hold in his arms and know that she believes that her fellow is wise and strong.
25:17When things go right and his job's well done, he wants to share the prize he's won.
25:27If no one shares and no one cares, where's the fun of a job well done?
25:37Or a prize you've won?
25:43A fellow needs a home, his own kind of home.
25:50His own kind of home, but to make this dream come true.
25:58A fellow needs a girl, his own kind of girl.
26:06Am I the girl for you?
26:13My kind of girl is you.
26:43A fellow needs a girl to stand by him and encourage him.
26:48I bet you more than one candidate has won because of the charm and the wit and the intelligence of his wife.
26:56Well, we have a good team. It's a shame maybe we don't do something about it.
27:01Let's run you! Let's run you for Congress!
27:04Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:13Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:16Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:19Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:22Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:25Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:28Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:31Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:34Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:37Let's run Francis for Congress!
27:55Welcome back to the best of Kukla.
28:03Isn't that a pretty one?
28:04Oh, it's just gorgeous.
28:05Hey, wait till you see my false face.
28:06Stay right there.
28:09Should I close my eyes?
28:10Yeah, don't look yet.
28:11I won't look.
28:12I gotta get it all fixed up.
28:16Get over my nose.
28:19Tell me when.
28:23It's me.
28:24Oh, that's a beautiful one.
28:25Isn't it great?
28:26I wish I had one.
28:27There must be one around here somewhere.
28:28Listen, we're all going out for trick-or-treating tonight.
28:30Oh, of course we are.
28:32Now, Fran, I was just thinking about Ollie.
28:34He said he has a real frightening costume this year.
28:37And I thought maybe, you know, every time he has one,
28:40and we're never scared or anything.
28:42I know.
28:43And I thought maybe when he comes up with it and everything,
28:45that we should really be scared.
28:47Be scared, alright.
28:48Jump and holler and everything.
28:52Oh, here we are.
28:53I'm here, Ollie.
28:54I'm here, honey.
29:02What are you hollering over?
29:06Was your idea, Coakley?
29:09You tell him.
29:10My mother's calling me.
29:12I have to put Julie on the back porch.
29:16This whole place has gone suddenly star-craving mad.
29:20Julie, that's a pumpkin.
29:25What is it?
29:27What is it?
29:28Oh, I don't know.
29:30It's not for real, but it looks real.
29:32Oh, it really does.
29:33Isn't that terrible?
29:34It's a real spider or something.
29:36Oh, you're so cruel.
29:38Oh, you're so cruel.
29:39Oh, you're so cruel.
29:40Oh, you're so cruel.
29:41Oh, you're so cruel.
29:42Oh, you're so cruel.
29:43Oh, you're so cruel.
29:44Oh, you're so cruel.
29:45Oh, you're so cruel.
29:49It must be Fletcher.
29:50It must be real scary.
29:51Fletcher's saying boo.
29:55Oh, dear.
30:03I can't see.
30:04The eye holes have slipped.
30:06Oh, Fletcher, that's a wonderful costume.
30:09We have a new dresser backstage.
30:10Oh, you do?
30:11And he got me into the costume, but I can't see.
30:14The eye holes have slipped.
30:15Well, then just kind of stay close by.
30:17Just as well.
30:18If you saw what was next to you, you wouldn't like it.
30:20Oh, I should say.
30:29Oh, well, never mind.
30:30I'm just going out.
30:31I'm scared.
30:33I'm a ghost.
30:36He's a ghost.
30:37Oh, that's a crawly-looking thing.
30:38Friends, hold it just a second, will you?
30:39You know what I'm going to do?
30:40I'm going to go get Ollie.
30:41And then you can scare him.
30:43When I hear him come up, then I'll do it.
30:44All right.
30:50I don't see him.
30:59I didn't mean to do that.
31:04Oh, hi, Fletcher.
31:05It's a...
31:06It's a...
31:07It's a Christmas present for his mother.
31:10Oh, isn't that lovely?
31:12Just marvelous.
31:13She'll look beautiful in it.
31:15It is.
31:17It's a vase, Kukla.
31:20Oh, I thought it was a hat.
31:22You know, one of those...
31:24I can see now.
31:25It's a vase.
31:26Good heavens.
31:27Ah, just lovely.
31:28My gracious.
31:29I'm so proud of it.
31:30This makes me think that I really should be doing something about my Christmas list.
31:34So, if you'll excuse me, Fletcher...
31:36Oh, certainly.
31:39I noticed something down in here, Kukla.
31:41I don't see anything.
31:42There's something in there that seems to be...
31:44I hope it's not a crack.
31:47Let me see.
31:51You see anything now?
31:53No, I...
31:54I can't see anything at all.
31:56Can I get your flashlight or anything?
31:58No, I don't believe so.
31:59It's just...
32:00Wait a minute.
32:01If I can just reach it...
32:02No, wait a minute.
32:03I think I've got...
32:04There, I've got my hat.
32:05Oh, gracious sakes.
32:06It's nothing at all.
32:07Just a little tiny piece of that tinsel that fell in there.
32:09Oh, I'm glad of that, Fletcher.
32:10So, come on out and we'll...
32:12We'll get it wrapped up for your mother.
32:17Come on out, Fletcher.
32:19I'm trying to.
32:21What's the trouble?
32:23Kukla, I think I'm stuck.
32:27Wait a minute.
32:33Now, pull.
32:39No good, huh?
32:40No good.
32:46I was right the first time, it is a hat.
32:51Kukla, this is not funny.
32:52I'm stuck in here.
32:54Well, Fletcher, I...
32:55I don't know what to tell you to do.
32:57Let's see if we could...
32:59Maybe we could...
33:04You could maybe have your meal set in there.
33:07Kukla, do something.
33:08Don't just stand there.
33:09Well, let's see.
33:10Oh, wait a minute.
33:12How about...
33:14Here's a little baby powder.
33:15Let's try that.
33:19Now, pull.
33:21I'm pulling.
33:24Too bad.
33:25That works.
33:29You know, Fletcher, you did this once before.
33:32I did?
33:34There's only one solution that I can think of.
33:41Good evening, Kukla.
33:43Just hold still and keep your eyes closed.
33:51Wait, Kukla, please.
33:53It's my mother's face.
33:55Well, Fletcher, I don't know what else to do.
33:57You can stay in there for the rest of the show.
33:59Or until Christmas time.
34:00It's a long time.
34:02Kukla, get the oil can.
34:06Hold still.
34:07Maybe this will work.
34:09Maybe that or some butter or something.
34:11Now wait.
34:19How's that?
34:20I think it's coming.
34:28Oh, gracious sakes.
34:30Oh, Kukla, you really...
34:32Oh, I was...
34:33Oh, you wouldn't have used that hammer.
34:35Oh, I remember you did that time...
34:37That time...
34:38That wonderful face I got down in Washington.
34:40Oh, I'll never forget it.
34:42That terrible hammer and everything.
34:44Oh, that would be just awful the way you did...
34:58Fran! Fran!
35:00I found it! Look what I found!
35:02I was just down in the basement.
35:03Look what I found!
35:04Look what I found!
35:06I found pots and pans.
35:08And look what I found in here.
35:09Feel that. Feel that.
35:10Oh! Ice!
35:12You bet it's ice!
35:14Grade A jumbo ice.
35:16The best ice that a freezer can freeze.
35:19It's the best ice that you could possibly want
35:22for the kind of work that I'm doing.
35:24This is your ice?
35:27The pots and pans, the soup kettles down there,
35:29the frying pans, everything.
35:32Wait till you try the bathtub.
35:36That's for the larger ones.
35:37I'm just afraid to go into this any deeper.
35:40The larger ones what?
35:41The larger sculptures.
35:44What kind of sculptures?
35:46Ice sculptures!
35:48Oh, wait till you see...
35:49I'm entering the contest.
35:51The mayor's contest for the fine ice sculpture
35:53of the winter season.
35:56Oh, you're going to just love them.
35:58Oh, please.
36:00In the house?
36:02I don't know what we're going to do.
36:03Don't cry a little, Kukla.
36:05I just about ready to.
36:06We started out so beautifully today.
36:08Everybody's singing and happy.
36:10And all of a sudden, I come in,
36:11the place is cold,
36:13and the pots and pans are gone.
36:15And I honestly...
36:17But you'd be so proud of me.
36:19You'd be so proud.
36:21You see, I had to have the place cold
36:23because you can't work on ice sculpture
36:25in the heated room.
36:26That makes sense to both of you.
36:27Could you work outside?
36:33Would you ask Michelangelo to work outside?
36:36Well, I don't...
36:37Didn't he ever work outside?
36:39Yes, but not in the winter.
36:40He worked down in Italy where it was warm.
36:43And never in the winter, I'm sure.
36:45And he worked in marble besides.
36:47And my tooth would be blue and numb.
36:49You wouldn't want that, would you?
36:51No, but...
36:53We have to stay like this.
36:55When's the contest?
36:56The whole neighborhood is full of snow.
36:58Why couldn't you use that instead of...
37:01Snow is a different thing.
37:03Snow is child's play.
37:06Ice is for artists.
37:09I don't know.
37:10I just...
37:11Frances, please, before you judge,
37:13before the both of you judge,
37:15let me show you a little of my work.
37:19Go ahead.
37:20I suppose we could do that, couldn't we?
37:21Sure, sure.
37:22Come on, help me.
37:23Oh, you need help?
37:27What a day, what a day.
37:30Here, just help me.
37:33Qu'est-ce que c'est?
37:35Tu ne sais pas ce que c'est?
37:43Fletcher Rabbit, c'est ça!
37:44C'est plutôt bien, Ali!
37:47Franck, attends, tu vois ça?
38:01C'est trop bien!
38:02C'est vraiment incroyable!
38:04Comment vient t-il?
38:05Bloody hell.
38:06Bloody hell.
38:08Oh my Jesus, this is fantastic.
38:12It is?
38:13Yes, did you get rid of the rolling pin?
38:15I surely did.
38:16I got to bring something out.
38:17Listen, would you take off my muffler?
38:18And it's getting warm thank heavens.
38:21Oh wait till you see one of where he went.
38:24But you'll have to.
38:26He left something, yeah please.
38:28He left a surprise that you will not believe.
38:30Look, you know, we thought it was silly about me and everything, but look at this.
38:36Why, it's a self-sculpture.
38:40A self-sculpture, isn't it? Look, even to the tooth.
38:43I know it.
38:45It's just marvelous, look at that tooth.
38:46Why, that's remarkable.
38:51I beg your pardon, I couldn't have talked.
38:53Oh, no.
38:54This day has been strange enough.
38:55Oh, not at all.
38:59It's cool.
39:03Ali, is that you?
39:05I am.
39:06Ali, what's happening?
39:07Oh, for heaven's sake, what do we do?
39:09I don't know, he's frozen.
39:11He's inside.
39:13I don't know what to do.
39:15I'm no good at emergency.
39:16I told you I wouldn't be right.
39:17I can't watch that.
39:18Wait, wait, wait, here, here, here.
39:20I don't want to lose his hair dryer.
39:22Wait, wait, wait, here.
39:26You just gonna melt him?
39:28Oh, that isn't right either.
39:29It might just...
39:30Oh, that would be terrible.
39:31Wait a minute, maybe I can loosen it right around in here somewhere.
39:35Poor thing.
39:36Francis, what...
39:37I don't know what to do.
39:44Are you in there, baby?
39:47Oh, it's...
39:48This is really frozen.
39:49He's not...
39:50I'll help you, but I just can't...
39:51I can't do it.
39:52There, there, it is.
39:53Look, look, look.
39:54Oh, you poor little thing.
39:58What a shame.
39:59Fran, what do we do?
40:00I don't know.
40:01This is gonna take 40 years to do it this way.
40:03What about...
40:04No, but I mean he's all...
40:05He's all frozen and cold.
40:06Here, how about a hot tub?
40:09I got a big lump there.
40:12Fran, you better...
40:13We better find out what to do about...
40:15Here, I'll take...
40:16I'll take him down.
40:18Would you like a glass of cold water, dear?
40:20No, no, no.
40:23How about hot water?
40:24How could this have happened?
40:25I don't know.
40:26What do you do?
40:27What do you do?
40:29Find out what to do about frostbite.
40:32I can't...
40:34Olly, Olly, Olly.
40:35Here, get in here.
40:37Get in the bath tub.
40:38Is frostbite the same as chillblains?
40:40I don't know.
40:41You only get them on your feet, don't you?
40:42Wait a minute.
40:43I'll get another book.
40:46Francis, I'm gonna put him in a hot shower.
40:48Oh, yeah, do that.
40:49Wait, here.
40:50You want a towel?
40:52No, that's all right.
40:53Bring the...
40:54You can bring it if you want.
40:55He can put his feet in there.
40:56Get the book on the...
40:58I'll look for it.
40:59I don't want...
41:00We should...
41:01Olly, you're not just...
41:02Not just...
41:05Everything's gonna be all right.
41:06Everything's gonna be all...
41:07All right, Olly.
41:08Really, it is.
41:16What I'm doing this for...
41:21There's the last little piece.
41:23From it is.
41:24From thee.
41:26Where is it?
41:30What, dear?
41:31Frostbite, I found it.
41:32Just, I found it.
41:33Never mind.
41:34I'm all right.
41:35Well, it just tells what it is.
41:36You know what you've got, don't you?
41:37Well, wait a minute.
41:39Olly, just here.
41:43Would you like some hot soup, honey?
41:45If I could put my feet in it.
41:47Well, I'll get some.
41:48I'll get a big...
41:49I'll get a big bowl.
41:51Olly, how...
41:52How did it happen?
41:53Please, would you mind explaining how this all happened?
41:56Well, I was...
41:57I was...
41:59I went down, you know, down into the cellar...
42:03Where the windows were open and the doors were open.
42:06And then there was this lovely little thing that I made just for you.
42:10For me.
42:11It was a little heart that I made.
42:13A little heart.
42:14With an arrow.
42:15Oh, isn't that just beautiful?
42:16And I made it for you.
42:17And it was down in the freezer.
42:19And I reached down and...
42:20To get it.
42:21And the lid closed.
42:22Oh, no.
42:24Oh, what a...
42:25And I was all alone.
42:27And I couldn't get out.
42:28Isn't that awful?
42:33Where'd you go?
42:35I can't stand these hysterical scenes.
42:38I've had enough of the day.
42:40You feel better, honey?
42:41Nobody's gonna feel sorry for you if you feel so sorry for yourself.
42:45That did it!
42:46Olly, you're back!
42:47He's back.
42:48And it's just time for trick-or-treating.
42:50And let's go out just like we are, shall we?
42:52All right.
42:53All right, Ken!
42:54Oh, you start, don't you?
42:55Okay, I do.
43:07If you give us something nice, we'll be obliged to you
43:14If you turn us down, there is no telling what we'll do
43:17We'll soak your window panes and we'll make a lot of noise
43:21Don't forget it's Halloween and boys, we'll be boys
43:25What do we eat?
43:27When do we eat?
43:29Happy Halloween
43:30How about the trick-or-treat?
43:36I know you
43:37No, you don't!
43:38Yes, I do
43:39No, you don't!
43:40I would know you anywhere and think you're very nice
43:44I know you
43:46Yes, I do
43:47Have a lot of fun but let me give you some advice
43:51Don't soak my window panes and please don't make too much noise
43:55I want you to be happy but I don't like naughty boys
43:58But of the boys I have seen
44:02You're my favorite treat, have a happy Halloween
44:06Of the tricks we have seen
44:09You're the cutest trick
44:11Have a happy Halloween
