Al-Quran para number 22 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #1

  • 2 days ago
Al-Quran para number 22 full English translation recited by Qari Bilal Muaz #1
The Majestic Recitation of Surah Al-Hajj
Translation Voice Syed Abul A'la Maududi
Tilawat Voice:Qari e Quran Muhammad Bilal muaaz as shaikh noorain
Lyrics: Holy Quran Al-Quran para number 22
Video Editing::Muhammad Ramzan Jani check 19 MB
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Al-Quran para number 22
Juz 22 (Para 22) - Quran with English Translation || Surah Al-Hijab Arabic and English
#Juz1 #Para1 #surahalbaqarah
#Juz1 #Para1 #QuranRecitation #SurahAlFatihah #SurahAlBaqarah


00:00We never sent a warner to any town, but its wealthy rulers,
00:28said, We disbelieve in the message you've brought.
00:34They always said, We have more wealth and children than you have,
00:49and we shall not be chastised.
00:52Say, My Lord gives abundance to whomsoever He pleases,
01:11O Prophet, say to them, My Lord grants provision abundantly to whomsoever He pleases,
01:19and straightens it for whomsoever He pleases.
01:24But most people do not know this.
01:27And your wealth and your children bring you near to Us,
01:40except those who believe and do righteous deeds.
01:46It is not your riches nor your children that make you near station to Us,
02:08except for him who has faith and acts righteously.
02:12It is they who will receive double the recompense for their deeds.
02:17They shall live in lofty mansions in perfect peace.
02:21As for those who work against Our signs so as to frustrate them,
02:39they shall be arraigned into the chastisement.
02:43Say, My Lord gives abundance to whomsoever He pleases,
02:52and straightens it for whomsoever He pleases.
02:54And you have not spent anything,
03:02and you have not spent anything,
03:08and you have not spent anything,
03:10and you have not spent anything,
03:12and you have not spent anything,
03:14and you have not spent anything,
03:16and you have not spent anything,
03:18and you have not spent anything,
03:20and you have not spent anything,
03:22and you have not spent anything,
03:24and you have not spent anything,
03:26and you have not spent anything,
03:29And on the day when He will muster them all,
03:31and will ask the angels,
03:33Are they the ones who worshipped you?
03:35And on the day when He will muster them all,
03:37and will ask the angels,
03:39Are they the ones who worshipped you?
03:41And on the day when He will muster them all,
03:43and will ask the angels,
03:45Are they the ones who worshipped you?
03:47And on the day when He will muster them all,
03:49and will ask the angels,
03:51Are they the ones who worshipped you?
03:53And on the day when He will muster them all,
03:55and will ask the angels,
03:57Are they the ones who worshipped you?
04:17They will reply,
04:19Glory to you,
04:21you are our protector,
04:23not they.
04:25used to worship the jinn. Most of them believe in them.
04:30Today none of you has the power to benefit the jinn.
04:53Today none of you has the power to benefit or harm another.
04:57And we shall say to the evildoers,
05:00taste now the chastisement of the fire,
05:03which you used to deny, calling it a lie.
05:22And those who disbelieved will say to the truth when it comes to them,
05:46that this is nothing but manifest sorcery.
06:16This is nothing but plain sorcery.
06:19And We have not given them any books to study,
06:30nor have We sent to them any warner before you.
06:42Whereas We gave them no books that they could study,
06:47nor send to them any warner before you.
07:08Those who went before them also denounced Allah's messengers as liars.
07:14They have not attained even a tenth of what We had given them.
07:19But when they rejected My messengers, calling them liars,
07:23how terrible was My chastisement.
07:27Say, I only admonish you with one thing,
07:34that you stand before Allah as two or as one,
07:39then reflect.
07:42Your companion is not a jinn.
07:48He is only a warner to you.
07:52Say to them, O Prophet, I give you but one counsel.
08:03Stand up for heaven's sake singly and in pairs,
08:07and then think what is it in your companion,
08:11to wit Muhammad, that could be deemed as madness.
08:15He is nothing but a warner,
08:18warning you before the coming of a grievous chastisement.
08:40Say to them, whatever recompense I might ask of you,
08:44it shall be yours.
08:46My recompense is with Allah,
08:49and He is a witness over everything.
09:06Say to them, My Lord holds down the truth upon Me.
09:11He knows fully all that lies beyond the range of perception.
09:27Say, the truth has come,
09:30and falsehood can neither originate nor recreate anything.
09:42Say, if I go astray, then the hurt of straying will come only upon Me.
09:48But if I am rightly guided,
09:51that is only because of the revelation that My Lord makes to me.
09:57Say, if I go astray, then the hurt of straying will come only upon Me.
10:04But if I am rightly guided,
10:06that is only because of the revelation that My Lord makes to me.
10:11He is all-hearing, ever nigh.
10:27If you could only see when the unbelievers will go about in a state of terror.
10:33They will have no escape,
10:35and will be seized from a place near at hand.
10:39And they will say, We believe in it,
10:44but whence can they attain it from so far off a place?
11:03And they had disbelieved in it before,
11:07and indulged in conjectures from far away.
11:16They disbelieved in it before,
11:19and indulged in conjectures from far away.
11:23And they had disbelieved in it before,
11:26and indulged in conjectures from far away.
11:30And they had disbelieved in it before,
11:34and indulged in conjectures from far away.
11:42A barrier will be placed between them and what they desire,
11:47as was done with the likes of them before.
11:50Surely, they were in a disquieting doubt.
11:59In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
12:29All praise be to Allah, the fashioner of the heavens and earth,
12:34who appointed angels as His message bearers,
12:38having two, three, four wings.
12:41He adds to His creation whatever He pleases.
12:45Verily, Allah has power over everything.
13:00Whatever mercy Allah accords to people,
13:04none can withhold.
13:06And whatever He withholds,
13:09no other will be able to release after Him.
13:13He is Most Mighty, Most Wise.
13:29O people, remember Allah's favor upon you.
13:38Is there any Creator other than Allah,
13:41who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?
13:46There is no god but He,
13:50so why do you deviate?
14:00O Prophet,
14:02do you believe in Allah,
14:04who is the creator of the heavens and the earth?
14:08Is there any creator other than Allah,
14:12who provides for you from the heavens and the earth?
14:16There is no god but He,
14:19so why do you deviate?
14:29There is nothing novel in it.
14:31If they cry lies to you,
14:33messengers before you were also cried lies to.
14:37To Allah shall all matters be sent back.
15:00O people,
15:04assuredly Allah's promise is true.
15:08So let the life of the world not delude you,
15:11and let not the deluder delude you concerning Allah.
15:30Surely, Satan is an enemy to you,
15:34therefore do take him as an enemy.
15:37He calls his followers to his way,
15:40so that they may be among the inmates of the fire.
15:59A severe chastisement lies in store for those that disbelieve,
16:11but there is pardon and a great reward for those that believe and work righteous deeds.
16:18Is it then that he to whom the evil of his deeds has been sent as a punishment,
16:23and he sees it as a good thing?
16:26Verily, Allah sends astray whom He wills,
16:31and guides whom He wills.
16:35So let not your soul go to them in regret.
16:41Verily, Allah knows best what they do.
17:11O Prophet, let not your life go to waste sorrowing over them.
17:17Allah is well aware of all that they do.
17:42It is Allah who sends forth winds,
17:46which then set the clouds in motion,
17:49which we drive to some dead land,
17:52giving a fresh life to earth after it had become dead.
17:56Such will be the resurrection of the dead.
18:11A severe chastisement lies in store for those that disbelieve,
18:16but there is pardon and a great reward for those that believe and work righteous deeds.
18:24He who seeks glory, let him know that all glory belongs to Allah alone.
18:38To him do good words go up, and righteous action uplifts them.
18:44But those who contrive evil deeds,
18:47a severe punishment lies in store for them,
18:50and their contriving will come to naught.
19:09And follow not except His knowledge.
19:13And there is not a man of age, nor is he short of his age, except in his record.
19:26Verily, that is easy for Allah.
19:32Allah created you from dust,
19:35then from a drop of sperm,
19:37then He made you into pairs.
19:39No female conceives nor delivers a child,
19:43except with His knowledge.
19:45None is given a long life,
19:48nor is any diminished in his life,
19:51but it is written in a book.
19:54Surely, that is quite easy for Allah.
19:58And the two seas are not equal.
20:01This is a sweet drink,
20:05the other is a bitter drink,
20:09and this is a bitter salt.
20:13And of each you eat a soft meat,
20:19and you take out a garment,
20:23and you wear it.
20:26And you see the ships in which there are ships,
20:29that you may seek of His bounty,
20:32and that you may be grateful.
20:37The two masses of water are not alike.
20:40The one is sweet,
20:42say it's thirst,
20:44and is pleasant to drink from,
20:46while the other is salt,
20:48bitter on the tongue.
20:50Yet from both you eat fresh meat,
20:53and extract from it ornaments that you wear,
20:56and you see ships cruising through it,
20:59that you may seek of His bounty,
21:02and be thankful to Him.
21:04يُولِجُ اللَّيْلَ فِي النَّهَارِ وَيُولِجُ النَّهَارَ فِي اللَّيْلِ وَسَخَّرَ الشَّمْسَ وَالْقَمَرَ كُلُّهُ يَجْرِي لِأَجَلٍ مُسَمَّانِ
21:21ذَلِكُمُ اللَّهُ رَبُّكُمْ لَهُ الْمُلْكُ وَالَّذِينَ تَدُعُونَ مِنْ قِطْمِيرٍ
21:37He causes the night to phase into the day,
21:40and the day into the night,
21:43and He has subjected the sun and the moon,
21:47each running its course to an appointed term.
21:51That is Allah, your Lord.
21:54To Him belongs the kingdom,
21:56but those whom you call upon apart from Allah,
22:00possess not so much as the skin of a date stone.
22:17If you call upon them, they cannot hear your prayer,
22:30and if they hear it, they cannot answer it.
22:34On the Day of Resurrection,
22:36they will disown you for associating others with Allah and His divinity.
22:42No one can inform you of the truth save the All-Aware.
22:47يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ أَوْتُمُ الْفُقَرَاءُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ هُوَ الْغَمِجُ الْحَمِيدُ
23:01O people, it is you who stand in need of Allah.
23:06As for Allah, He is self-sufficient,
23:10immensely praiseworthy.
23:13إِن يَشَأْ يُنهِبُكُمْ وَيَأْتِبِ خَلْقٍ جَدِيدٍ
23:22If He wishes, He can remove you and put in your place a new creation.
23:28وَمَا ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ بِعَزِيزٍ
23:35That surely is not difficult for Allah.
23:38وَلَا تَزِرُ وَازِرَةٌ وِزْرَ أُخْرَى
23:43وَإِن تَدْعُ مُثْقَلَةٌ إِلَى حِمْلِهَا
23:48لَا يُحْمَلْ مِنْهُ شَيْءٌ وَلَوْ كَانَ ذَا قُرْبًا
23:54إِنَّمَا تُنْدِعُ الَّذِينَ يَخْشَوْنَ رَبَّهُمْ بِالْغَيْبِ وَأَقَامُوا صَلَاةً
24:05وَمَن تَزَكَّى فَإِنَّمَا يَتَزَكَّى لِنَفْسِهِ وَإِلَى اللَّهِ الْمَصْغِيرِ
24:17No one can bear another's burden.
24:20If a heavily laden one should call another to carry his load,
24:24none of it shall be carried by the other,
24:27even though he be a ne'er of kin.
24:30O Prophet, you can warn only those who fear their Lord
24:35without seeing Him and establish prayer.
24:39Whoever purifies himself does so to his own good.
24:44To Allah is the final return.
24:55The blind and the seeing are not alike.
25:01No darkness and light.
25:09No cool shade and torrid heat.
25:31Nor are the living and the dead alike.
25:35Allah makes to hear whomsoever He wishes.
25:39But you, O Prophet, cannot cause to hear those who are in their graves.
25:51You are no more than a warner.
26:01We have sent you with the truth to proclaim good news and to warn.
26:07Never has there been a nation but a warner came to it.
26:15And if they deny you, those among you who have believed have denied you.
26:21Never has there been a nation but a warner came to it.
26:45If they give the lie to you now,
26:47those that went before them also gave the lie to their messengers
26:52when they came to them with clear proofs, with scriptures,
27:00and with the illuminating book.
27:12Then I seized those who denied the truth
27:16and how terrible was my punishment.
27:47Do you not see that Allah sent down water from the sky
27:52with which we brought forth fruits of diverse hues?
27:57In the mountains there are white and red of diverse hues and pitchy black.
28:16MashaAllah min ibadihi al-ulama.
28:21Inna Allaha azizun ghafoor.
28:27And human beings too, and beasts and cattle,
28:31diverse are their hues.
28:34From among His servants, it is only those who know that fear Allah.
28:40Verily, Allah is Most Mighty, Most Forgiving.
28:46Inna allatheena yatloona kithaba Allahi wa-aqaamu as-salaatu wa-anfaqu min maa razaqnaahum
28:57min maa razaqnaahum sirran wa-a'laaniyatan yarjuna tijaratan lan taboor.
29:11Surely those who recite the Book of Allah
29:14and establish prayer
29:16and spend privately and publicly out of what we have provided them
29:21look forward to a trade that shall suffer no loss.
29:26illi yuwafiyahum ujoorahum wa yazeedahum min faulihim
29:33innahu ghafoorun shakoor.
29:40A trade in which they have invested their all.
29:43So that Allah may pay them their wages in full
29:47and may add to them out of His bounty.
29:51He is Most Forgiving, Most Appreciative.
29:55walladhi awhayna ilayka minal kitabi huwal haqqu musaddiqan lima bayna yadayhi
30:06innallaha bi'ibadihi la khabeerun baseer.
30:16O Prophet, the book we have revealed to you is the truth
30:20confirming the books that came before it.
30:24Verily, Allah is well aware of His servants
30:28and sees everything.
30:31thumma awrathna al-kitaaballatheena isqafaynaa min ibaadinaa
30:38faminhum ghwalimun linafsih
30:42waminhum muqtasid
30:45waminhum sabiqun bilkhayrati biiznillah
30:53dhalika huwal faqnul kabeer
30:59When we bequeathed the book to those of our servants
31:03that we chose
31:05now some of them wronged themselves
31:08and some followed the medium course
31:11and some by Allah's leave
31:13why with each other in acts of goodness
31:17that is the great bounty.
31:19jannatu adni yadkhuluna haa yuhallauna feehaa
31:27min asabira min dhahab
31:30min dhahabin wa lu'lu'aa
31:34wa libasuhum feehaa harir
31:40They shall enter the everlasting gardens
31:44shall be adorned with bracelets of gold
31:47and with pearls
31:49and the apparel therein shall be silk
31:52wa qaalu alhamdulillahi allathee
31:56adhhaba annal hazan
31:59inna rabbanaa laghafoorun shakoor
32:07They will say all praise be to Allah
32:11who has taken away all sorrow from us
32:14Surely our Lord is most forgiving
32:18most appreciative
32:20allathee ahlanaa dhaara almuqaabati min faghlihi
32:26laa yamasunaa feehaa naqabun
32:29wa laa yamasunaa feehaa lughub
32:36The Lord who out of His bounty has made us dwell
32:40in an abode
32:41wherein no toil nor fatigue affects us
32:47wa allatheena kafaroo lahum naaru jahannama
32:52laa yuqwaa alayhim fayamootu
32:57wa laa yukhaffafu anhum min athabiha
33:02kathalika najzi kulla kafoor
33:09As for those who disbelieved
33:12the fire of hell awaits them
33:15Today they shall not be finished off and die
33:18nor will the torment of hell be lightened for them
33:22Thus do we require every thankless being
33:27wahum yastarikhoon feehaa
33:30rabbanaa akhrijnaa na'mal salihan
33:35ghayra allathee kunnaa na'mal
33:40laam nu'ammirukum maa yatadhakaru feehi
33:45man tadhakar
33:50wajaa'akumun natheer
33:55fadhookoo famaa lilzaalimeena min naseer
34:03They will cry out in hell and say
34:06Our Lord let us out so that we may act righteously
34:11different from what we did before
34:14They will be told
34:16Did we not grant you an age long enough for anyone to take heed
34:20if he had wanted to take heed
34:23Besides there came a warner to you
34:26So have a taste of the torment now
34:29None may come to the help of the wrongdoers
34:33Innallaha a'alimu ghaybi assamawati wal ardi
34:39innahu a'alimun bithati assudoor
34:46Surely Allah knows the unseen in the heavens and the earth
34:51He even knows the secrets hidden in people's breasts
34:56Huwa allathee ja'alakum khala'ifa fil ardi
35:01faman kafara fa'alayhi kufrooh
35:05wala yazeedul kafireena kufroohum
35:09inda rabbihim illa maqtaan
35:13wala yazeedul kafireena kufroohum
35:17illa khasaraan
35:21It is He who made you vicegerents in the earth
35:25So whoever disbelieves will bear the burden of his unbelief
35:30The unbeliever's unbelief adds nothing but Allah's wrath against them
35:36The unbeliever's unbelief adds nothing but their own loss
35:42Qul araytum shuraka'akumu allatheena tad'uuna min dooni Allah
35:52Aroonee maa thaa khalaqoo minal ardi am lahum shirkoon fi assamawati
36:01Am aataynaahum kitaaban fahum alaa bajjinatin hum min
36:09Bal in ya'idoo alzaalimoona ba'wuhum ba'wan illa ghurooraan
36:19Say to them, O Prophet, have you ever seen those of your associates
36:24upon whom you call apart from Allah?
36:27Show me what have they created in the earth?
36:31Or do they have any partnership with Allah in the heavens?
36:35Or have we given them a book
36:37so that they have a clear proof for associating others with Allah in His divinity?
36:43Nay, what these wrongdoers promise each other is nothing but delusion
36:50Innallaha yumsiku assamawati wal arwa an tazoolan
36:57wa la inzaalataa in amsakahuma min ahadin min ba'di
37:06innahu kaana haliman ghafooran
37:13Surely, Allah holds the heavens and the earth, lest they should be displaced there
37:20For if they were displaced, none would be able to hold them after Him
37:25Surely, He is most forbearing, most forgiving
37:32wa aqsamu billahi jahda aimanihim la in jaahahum nadheerun layakoonun ahdaa min ihdaal umam
37:46falamma jaahahum nadheerun ma zaadahum illa nufooraan
37:57Swearing by Allah their strongest oaths,
38:00they claimed that if a warner came to them,
38:03they would be better guided than any other people
38:07But when a warner did come to them,
38:10his coming only increased their aversion to the truth
38:14istikbaran fil arwi wa makrasayyi
38:19wa la yahyiqul makrusayyi illa bi ahlihi
38:24fahalyan ghuroon illa sunnatal awaleen
38:31falan tajidal sunnatillahi tabdeelaan
38:38walan tajidal sunnatillahi tahweelaan
38:45They began to wax even more proud on earth
38:50and contrived evil designs
38:53although the contriving of
39:24evil designs only overtakes their authors
39:28are they waiting then for anything except
39:31what happened to the nations before them
39:34you shall not find any change in the way of Allah
39:38and you shall not find anything that can ever alter the way of Allah
39:44awalam yaseeru fil arwi fayanghuru
39:49kayfa kana aqibatu allatheena min qablihim
39:54wakanu ashadda minhum quwa
40:01wama kana Allah liyu'jizahu min shay'in
40:07fil samawati wala fil arwi
40:10innahu kana aliman qadeeran
40:17have they not journeyed in the earth
40:20to behold the end of those who went before them
40:24though they were stronger than them in might
40:28nothing in the heavens nor on earth can frustrate him in the least
40:33he is all-knowing, all-powerful
40:38walaw yu'akhiru Allah un-nasa bima kasabu ma taraki ala wahriha min daabatin
40:54walaki yu'akhiruhum ila ajalin musamman
41:03fa idha ja'a ajaluhum fa inna Allaha kana bi'ibadihi basira
41:17if Allah were to take people to task for their deeds
41:21he would not leave any living creature on earth
41:25but he grants them respite to an appointed time
41:29when the appointed time comes to an end
41:32surely Allah fully observes his servants
41:43in the name of Allah, the most merciful, the most compassionate
41:58wal quran al hakeem
42:04by the wise Quran
42:06innaka lamina almursaleen
42:13you are truly among the messengers
42:16ala siratin mustaqeem
42:22on a straight way
42:24tanzila al aziz al raheem
42:30and this Quran is a revelation from the most mighty
42:35the most compassionate
42:37litunzira qawman ma unzira aba'uhum fahum ghafilun
42:49so that you may warn a people
42:52whose ancestors were not warned before
42:55wherefore they are heedless
42:57laqad haqqal qawlu ala aksarihim fahum la yu'minun
43:07surely most of them merit the decree of chastisement
43:12so they do not believe
43:14inna ja'ala fee a'naaqihim aghlaalan fahiya ilal alqaani fahum muqmahoon
43:28we have put fetters around their necks
43:31which reach up to their chins
43:33so that they are standing with their heads upright
43:38wa ja'ala min bayni aydihim saddan wa min khalfihim saddan
43:46fa aghshaynaahum fahum la yubusiroon
43:53and we have put a barrier before them
43:56and a barrier behind them
43:58and have covered them up
44:00so they are unable to see
44:03wa sawaa'un alayhim a'anzartahum am lam tunziruhum la yu'minun
44:16it is all the same for them
44:18whether you warn them or do not warn them
44:21for they shall not believe
44:24innama tunziru man ittaba'a dhikra wa khashiyar rahmana bilghayb
44:34fabashiruhu bimaghfiratin wa ajrin kareem
44:42you can warn only him who follows the admonition
44:46and fears the merciful lord without seeing him
44:51give such a one good tidings of forgiveness
44:54and a generous reward
44:57innaa nahnu nuhyiil mawtaa
45:01wa naktubu maa qaddamu wa aathaarahum
45:05wa kulla shay'in ahsaynaahu fee imaamin mubeen
45:14we shall surely raise the dead to life
45:17and we record what they did
45:20and the traces of their deeds that they have left behind
45:24we have encompassed that in a clear book
45:28wawrib lahum mathalan ashaabal quryati idh jaa'a hal mursaloon
45:40recite to them as a case in point
45:43the story of the people of the town
45:45when the messengers came to them
45:48idh arsalaa ilayhim uthnayn fa kallabuhumaa fa azzaznaa bithalithin fa qaloo innaa ilaykum mursaloon
46:08we sent to them two messengers
46:11and they rejected both of them as liars
46:15then we strengthened them with a third messenger
46:19they said we have been sent to you as messengers
46:23the people of the town said
46:45you are only human beings like ourselves
46:49and the merciful lord has revealed nothing
46:52you are simply lying
46:55qaloo rabbunaa ya'lamu innaa ilaykum lamursaloon
47:06the messenger said
47:08our lord knows that we have indeed been sent to you
47:12wa maa alaynaa illal balaagul mubeen
47:20and our duty is no more than to clearly convey the message
47:26qaloo innaa tatayyarnaa bikum la illam tantahoo la narjumannakum
47:36wala yamasannakum minnaa azabun aleem
47:44the people of the town said
47:46we believe you are an evil omen for us
47:49if you do not desist we will stone you
47:52or you will receive a grievous chastisement from us
47:56qaloo tayirkum maakum ahin thukkirthum
48:04bal antum qawmun musrifoon
48:11the messengers replied
48:13your evil omen is with you
48:16are you saying this because you were asked to take heed
48:20the truth is that you are a people
48:23who have exceeded all bounds
48:26wajaa min aqsal madinati rajulun yas'aam
48:34wala yaa qawmi ittabi'ul mursaleen
48:41in the meantime a man came running from the far end of the town
48:45saying my people follow the messengers
48:49ittabi'oo man laa yas'alukum ajran wahum muhtadoon
48:59follow those who do not ask any recompense from you
49:03and are rightly guided
