The Goof Gas Mystery Starring Rocky & Bullwinkle

  • il y a 18 heures
00:00Aucheur de jets dans l'océan ouvert, un jet de gris et un bruit chouette...
00:11J'ai eu une bouche, un bruit et un grand avance, et encore une fois vous saurez que c'est le moment pour les aventures de Rocky et de Bullwinkle.
00:20Et des amis !
00:22et des amis.
00:24Starring that supersonic speedster
00:26Rocket J. Squirrel
00:28with his pal Bullwinkle the Moose
00:30and a host of others.
00:36Hurry Bullwinkle, the show's about to start.
00:38I'm coming as fast as I can.
00:42Wave to the people.
00:46Now what are you doing?
00:48Signing autographs.
00:50This is John Smith.
00:52But your name is Bullwinkle.
00:54I know, but that's hard to spell.
01:02We're going to have a lot of fun.
01:04Come on and join us.
01:06Sure, there's always room for one more.
01:08See you later.
01:38Well, are you gentlemen members of the faculty?
01:42We're the freshman class.
01:44A squared, B primed,
01:46X plus Y.
01:48Upsilon, Omicron, and a Theta Pi.
01:50Contemplate, celebrate,
01:52cogitate too.
01:54Double Dome, Double Dome, we love you.
01:56Felicitations, felicitations,
02:00Yes, Double Dome is a shining jewel
02:02in the crown of American scientific wisdom.
02:04So you can imagine the consternation
02:06and dismay that prevailed when one day...
02:08I say, Armbruster,
02:10what's the formula for the isopyridine
02:12derivative of benzene?
02:14Don't ask me, I'm busy playing with my piece of string.
02:18are you making sport of me?
02:20Oh no, I'm making a cat's cradle.
02:22Hotchkiss, I think Armbruster
02:24has flipped his scholastic wig.
02:26He certainly has.
02:28This is how you make a cat's cradle.
02:30Yes, two of the smartest
02:32geniuses at Double Dome were now utterly stupid.
02:34That wasn't the end either,
02:36for next day at a super-secret missile base
02:38not far away...
02:40I think you'll find the inertial guidance
02:42cam requires a beryllium alloy,
02:44gentlemen. Beryllium? Beryllium.
02:48What is it, doctor? I can't spell beryllium.
02:50Oh, that's B-E-R-Y-L-L-I-U-M.
02:52Yes, but how do you make the B?
02:54Soon, panic reigned
02:56in the highest circles of the scientific community.
02:58And at a top-level meeting in Washington, D.C.,
03:00an ace investigator was put on the job.
03:02Inspector, somebody, somewhere
03:04is draining off America's brain power.
03:06Do you think you can solve the case?
03:08It's Charles' play, professor.
03:10Well, what did you find out?
03:12I found out that you can use a magnifying glass
03:14to give people a hot foot.
03:18Yes, the detective was now as dumb
03:20as the scientist. It seemed that the smarter
03:22the investigator, the dumber he became.
03:24That's it, gentlemen. We must start from the opposite
03:26direction. We have to
03:28find a sleuth with no brain to affect.
03:30We need the services of the greatest
03:32numbskull in America.
03:34And that's... No.
03:36You're getting ahead of the story.
03:38Well, the great hunt was on.
03:40Government files were ransacked for the names
03:42and records of every clodpole, dimbobe, and schnook
03:44in the country. Finally, the choice was made.
03:46Gentlemen, upon this one nitwit
03:48rests the fate of our entire nation.
03:50And his name?
03:52Bo Winkle Moose,
03:54Frostbite Falls, Minnesota.
03:56No. Now.
03:58You called?
04:00Yeah, here's a letter for you, Bo Winkle.
04:04Why so happy? You don't even know what's in the letter yet.
04:06I know, but look at that stamp. A genuine picture of Lincoln
04:08with a beard.
04:10You must be crazy about Lincoln.
04:12No, I'm crazy about beards.
04:14What does the letter say?
04:16It's from Washington.
04:18Washington? You suppose he heard I was a Lincoln fan?
04:20Bo Winkle.
04:22I'd be a Washington fan too if he had a beard.
04:24And Washington needs all the fans it can get this year.
04:26We have to go to Washington. Washington, D.C.
04:28Oh, then let's.
04:30But it wasn't that easy, for at that moment
04:32a mysterious figure lobbed a live hand grenade
04:34at Bo Winkle.
04:36Oh, hey, cut it out. You want to hurt somebody?
04:38Apparently so, and we'll find out
04:40who next time in the Brain Drainers
04:42or Malice in Wonderland.
04:48Well, last time you remember,
04:50some of the top scientific minds in the country
04:52reverted to being morons who couldn't
04:54add two and two.
04:56The smartest investigators in the world were called on
04:58to solve the problem, but they too wound up
05:00as complete stoops. In desperation,
05:02the government called on Bo Winkle Moose.
05:04They figured I had nothing to lose.
05:06But it looked as if Bo Winkle might not even get started,
05:08for in our last episode, somebody had just
05:10tossed a live hand grenade at him.
05:12Well, I'll be doggied, it's a pineapple.
05:14Throw it away, Bo Winkle.
05:16Might as well. It isn't even ripe. Hard as a rock.
05:20Whoa! Maybe it was riper than I thought.
05:22Oh, boy. Come on, we'd better get started
05:24before something else happens.
05:26Meanwhile, on the site of the explosion,
05:28the smoke was just clearing.
05:30Boris, Boris Badenov, where are you?
05:32I'm up in a tree.
05:34Boris, did you get blown up
05:36by your own grenade again?
05:38No, I'm up here robbing birds' nests.
05:40But why?
05:42It keeps me off the streets, that's why.
05:44About ten feet off.
05:46Oh, we're not starting out this story
05:48very well, darling.
05:50Oh, one little setback.
05:52Nothing. Moose will never reach
05:54Washington, Natasha.
05:56I'm going to use strategy on him.
05:58You mean strategy, darling.
06:00No, strategy.
06:02I'm going to strategy rope across the door
06:04and fasten the end to trigger of the shotgun.
06:06And when Moose comes out the door,
06:08what is it? Strategy.
06:10You said it.
06:12But Boris was wrong again,
06:14for when Bo Winkle came out,
06:16he didn't just trip over the rope,
06:18it was a good thing you fell, Bo Winkle.
06:20That thing went off right over your head.
06:22Let's look on the bright side, Rock.
06:24It missed. Not quite.
06:26And so in a little while, Rocky and Bo Winkle
06:28were on a train headed for Washington.
06:30Gee, I'm worried, Bo Winkle.
06:32The rating of the show down again?
06:34No. That's odd.
06:36There have already been two attempts on your life.
06:38Yeah, but don't worry, we'll be renewed.
06:40I'm not talking about the Bo Winkle show.
06:42You better, we can use the publicity.
06:44I'm talking about somebody back there trying to get rid of you.
06:46Oh, that. Well, they already missed me twice.
06:48Yeah, but you know the old saying.
06:50You mean, everything comes to him who waits?
06:52No, I mean the third time's the charm.
06:54There's another one, too.
06:56If at first you don't succeed, try, try again.
06:58For just ahead of the train,
07:00Boris was approaching the tracks with a long crowbar.
07:02Boris, to get Moose and Squirrel,
07:04you would wreck a whole train.
07:06You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs, poopsie.
07:09And Boris started to pry up one of the rails.
07:12As fate would have it,
07:14this particular railroad was powered by electricity.
07:16And when Boris's crowbar touched the third rail...
07:21Hey, Rocky!
07:23A feller just went by who was all lit up.
07:25We must be next to the club car.
07:29And so our heroes traveled across the country unscathed,
07:32as Boris continued to light up the landscape.
07:34Well, darling, you failed three times in one episode.
07:37I know, it's a new course record.
07:39You look pretty stupid, darling.
07:41On the contrary, Natasha, I never looked brighter.
07:44Meanwhile, our heroes' train was pulling to a halt.
07:46So, this is Washington.
07:48No, it's McKeesport PA.
07:50I know, I'm just practicing.
07:52Thank goodness this trip will be over soon.
07:54Little did our friends know that high above them
07:56flew a mysterious black airplane,
07:58which at that moment dropped its nose
08:00and plummeted down directly at their railroad car.
08:02Well, who's in that plane?
08:04And will it really smash into the train?
08:06And if so, will our heroes escape?
08:08And if they do...
08:10Don't worry, it's going to hit us before the episode ends.
08:12Oh, oh yes.
08:13Remember, next time episode, the deadheads are feeling zero.
08:19Well, when we left our story last time,
08:21things were in terrible shape.
08:23Some of the nation's smartest geniuses
08:25were turning into complete idiots.
08:26Professor, the public would like to know
08:28what is your theory of ion imbalance in solid-state particles?
08:31Don't bother me now.
08:32I'm watching the reruns of Pete and Gladys.
08:34But Professor, that's the commercial that's on now.
08:36Yes, I know. That's the part I like best.
08:39Within a period of weeks,
08:40America's intelligence level sank 14 points,
08:43the lowest level since three itty-fishies.
08:46In Washington, there was near panic.
08:48Dr. Fleagle, we must have a meeting
08:50of the nation's remaining eggheads.
08:52Will you attend and act as chairman?
08:54I can't.
08:55Why not?
08:56Mama won't let me cross the street.
08:58In desperation, the government sent for Bullwinkle J. Moose.
09:01And his pal, Rocky.
09:03Oh, yes, of course.
09:04Meanwhile, a few miles behind them...
09:06Boris, darling, they got away.
09:08I think maybe I've been working too hard, Natasha.
09:10I need a vacation.
09:12What was that?
09:13What was what? What was that?
09:15I heard you, Barinov.
09:16Boris, that voice, where is it coming from?
09:18My two-way wrist television.
09:20A two-way wrist television?
09:22I'll show that dick, Tracy.
09:25Not so amazing. Everybody has one.
09:27A two-way television?
09:28A two-way wrist.
09:30So, you want a vacation, eh, Barinov?
09:32Boris, that... that is the voice of fearless leader.
09:36You were expecting maybe Alan Font?
09:38I may be able to arrange a permanent vacation for you, Barinov.
09:41Just kidding, fearless leader, old buddy boy baby doll, you know me.
09:45Unfortunately, yes.
09:47That's funny. Funny.
09:50It wasn't supposed to be.
09:52Now that you have failed on your own, you will put into effect Plan X.
09:56Plan X?
09:58Oh, no. No. No, no, no, no.
10:00It's an order.
10:02Plan X it is.
10:04Signing off.
10:05Auf Wiedersehen.
10:06You said it.
10:07You know, Natasha, fearless leader is a lying, cheating, double-crossing, vicious, no-good killer.
10:13But someday he'll go too far.
10:16Meanwhile, as our heroes pause briefly at McKeesport PA,
10:19a mysterious airplane flew above their train, then suddenly plunged directly at their railroad car.
10:24But we call that plane. It's gonna hit us.
10:26Just because we took the train?
10:28But at that moment, the plane dropped a large cylindrical object and zoomed upward.
10:33Land O'Lakes, now what?
10:34That must be a bomb.
10:36This is the end, Bo Winkle.
10:38According to my watch, we still got a minute and five seconds.
10:40And so it seemed.
10:41For a parachute suddenly popped up from the object, and as it floated down, our heroes heard a familiar voice.
10:46Avast and belay, pipe the quartermaster and loft the dinghy.
10:51Bo Winkle, that's Captain Peach Fuzz.
10:53He sure looks different.
10:54No, he's inside that escape pod.
10:57And it was true.
10:58Outstep backwards, of course, Captain Peter Wrongway Peach Fuzz.
11:02Sparky, Bo Winkle, where are you?
11:04Right behind you, Captain.
11:06Oh, don't ever sneak up on me like that.
11:09How come this sudden visit, Captain?
11:11Yeah, and why the pod?
11:13Too many starches, I guess.
11:15Oh, the pod! Well, I just had to see you.
11:18About what?
11:19Well, it's all in this memo.
11:20What memo?
11:21Oh, wouldn't you know it? I must have left the memo with the pilot.
11:24Oh, boy.
11:25No, that can't be. I was the pilot.
11:27You were?
11:28Yes. I wonder what happened to the plane after I bailed out.
11:31Hey, I think I know.
11:34It traveled in a big loop.
11:36And right now, it's coming down on our head.
11:38Yes, sir. There it comes now.
11:41No, and... Oh, good heavens.
11:43Well, don't miss our next episode, Free to Go, or Crash on Delivery.
11:50While on their way to Washington, our heroes were stopped by Captain Wrongway Peach Fuzz,
11:54who had just misplaced his jet plane.
11:57Misplaced nothing. There it is, coming right at us.
11:59Hey, that's right, Bullwinkle.
12:00Yeah, but...
12:01Sure is.
12:02Yeah, but...
12:03You got a pretty sharp eye there, fella.
12:04Yeah, but...
12:05He's right, Bullwinkle.
12:06Will you for the cry-eyes stop agreeing with me and move over?
12:10Boy, you fellers almost agreeable yourselves under a tombstone.
12:14But you were right, Bullwinkle.
12:16You sure were.
12:17Yes, sir.
12:23Certainly slowed the old show up, didn't we?
12:25And, Captain, you were just about to tell us why you wanted to see us.
12:29Well, let me see if I can find the memo.
12:31Ah, here it is.
12:33Why are you tearing it up, Captain?
12:35It's secret, Rocky.
12:37But you tore it up before you read it.
12:39I know. It's top secret.
12:40Oh, say it is. Now we'll never even know who it was from.
12:43Sure we will.
12:45It was from me.
12:46Then why write a memo?
12:47Well, what's the use of knowing a secret if you can't tell somebody?
12:50But you sent the memo to yourself.
12:52I know. It's a secret.
12:54If we come by this station again, I'd like to get off.
12:57Anyway, the memo said you're supposed to come with me to McKeesport PA for a special job.
13:03So let's go. I got a map right here.
13:05But, Captain...
13:06We'll pick up native bearers outside of Scranton.
13:09There's a friendly farmer near Gettysburg who'll let us stay the night.
13:11He should. We paid his rent for eight years.
13:13But, Captain...
13:14Then onward toward Wilkesbury and...
13:18This is McKeesport PA.
13:20It is?
13:21Look at the sign on the station.
13:23Hmm. I could have sworn I was landing in Schenatolis.
13:26But why should the government want us to go to McKeesport PA?
13:30Probably because it's situated at the confluence of the Monongahela and Yonge-Yogaini rivers.
13:34Yeah, but what's that got to do with anything?
13:36Nothing. I just like the names.
13:38Monongahela, Yonge-Yogaini...
13:42But as they walked toward the center of town, the good captain did start to tell why they were there.
13:47As you remember, the country was facing intellectual ruin
13:50because its brainiest eggheads and double-domes were reverting to being stupid quadpoles and adalpates.
13:56For instance, at a Florida missile base...
13:58Ready for launching?
13:59Five, four, three, two...
14:02Go on, Professor.
14:03I forgot what comes after two.
14:05You forgot?
14:06Well, it's hard counting backwards.
14:08But, Professor, what about the launch?
14:10My mama packed it in the brown paper bag.
14:13And in the kindergarten class?
14:15Now, Johnny, what is this?
14:18Good. Suzy, what is this?
14:21Good. Now, Dr. Smallhausen, what is this?
14:26Don't tell me. Could it be maybe a goldfish?
14:29As a result of this strange malady, U.S. brain power was lagging badly.
14:33Hartford University had to cancel its commencement
14:36when it found that the chancellor had signed all the diplomas with an X.
14:40But, sir, why with an X?
14:42It's prettier than a Z.
14:44But what's all this got to do with us being in McKeesport, PA?
14:48Well, I'll tell you, Rocky, it's...
14:51It's time for ding-dong school.
14:54And the captain dashed into a nearby television sales room,
14:57plunked himself down before a set and refused to budge.
15:00But, Winkle, it's happened to Captain Peach Fuzz.
15:03Whatever it is, he's got it.
15:05You mean he's had it?
15:06Apparently so.
15:07Well, does this mean that the boys are stranded permanently in McKeesport, PA?
15:11What a way to die.
15:13It should be clearer next time.
15:14In McKeesport on the prod are the Pennsylvania Poker.
15:21Well, in our last episode,
15:22Captain Peach Fuzz was about to explain to our heroes
15:24just why they were in McKeesport, PA when suddenly...
15:27It's time for ding-dong school.
15:29It's no reason for being in McKeesport, PA.
15:31But, Winkle, you don't understand.
15:33Captain Peach Fuzz has suddenly turned stupid.
15:35That wasn't a turn, more of a slight veer.
15:38Nevertheless, the captain plunked himself down in front of a TV set and couldn't be budged.
15:42Oh, we still don't know why we're here.
15:44Why are any of us here?
15:45Well, I think there's plenty dirty work afoot around here.
15:48Yeah, must be the coal dust.
15:50Yeah, come look at these footprints.
15:52Sure enough, a mysterious set of footprints led away from the point
15:54where the good captain had succumbed to a case of the galloping dumbs.
15:57Let's follow him, Bo Winkle.
15:59Because the good guys always follow footprints to find the bad guys.
16:02If I was a bad guy, I'd walk on my hands.
16:04Oh, come on.
16:05And the plucky squirrel whipped out a large magnifying glass
16:07and began to trace the mysterious prints.
16:09Little did he know that they had been made by his old nemesis, Boris Baranov,
16:12who at that moment lay in wait with a strange-looking object beside him.
16:15I resent that, darling.
16:17Not you, Nateshi. He means the gas gun.
16:20So that's what that object was, a gas gun.
16:22See, Boris, you told him.
16:24Who cares? We got it made now.
16:26What's this all about?
16:27I thought you'd never ask.
16:28Come with me.
16:29Now we go through the magic of the four second cross dissolved to the little country of Pozzolvania.
16:35Little but mean.
16:36Gentlemen, we must find a way to make the name of Pozzolvania feared and hated throughout the world.
16:41You said it, fearless leader.
16:43But why?
16:44Why? Look at it this way.
16:45Does Pozzolvania have any raw materials?
16:48Do we make things?
16:50Do we have any art or culture?
16:52What is the only thing we got plenty of?
16:57We have more mean per square inch than other countries have in a square mile.
17:00And so?
17:01So we got to export mean to every other country.
17:04But to do that?
17:05Yes, Pozzolvania will declare war on everybody.
17:09But anybody could beat us.
17:10Yes, besides being mean, we're all cowards.
17:13Tut tut, gentlemen.
17:14Here is the genius of my plan.
17:17Not yet, Gerhard.
17:18I tell you when.
17:19We'll declare war on everybody, but we won't tell anybody.
17:24Now, Gerhard.
17:26Now, everybody.
17:28And so Pozzolvania set to work to develop a secret weapon to end all secret weapons.
17:34How about this death ray machine, fellows leader?
17:36Let's see it.
17:38You idiot.
17:39It doesn't even faze them.
17:40Thank goodness.
17:42I mean, thank badness.
17:44Eventually, though, the ultimate weapon was discovered.
17:47Yes, gentlemen.
17:48I call it goof gas.
17:49Goof gas?
17:51One whiff, you're completely stupid.
17:55Let's test it.
17:56Gerhard, take a sniff.
18:00Smells good.
18:01Now, Gerhard.
18:02Do you think I'm the handsomest, kindest man in Pozzolvania?
18:05Of course not.
18:06You're a mean, ugly schnook.
18:07Put that man under arrest.
18:09And poor Gerhard was hauled off to solitary confinement.
18:12My boy, your goof gas is a success.
18:14Gerhard turned into a complete idiot.
18:16But his answer was right, fearless leader.
18:19You are a mean, ugly schnook.
18:21Of course.
18:22But nobody but an idiot would tell me so.
18:25Well then, what country do we turn into nitwits first?
18:29Let's pick an easy one.
18:30Les Etats-Unis.
18:32Arrêtez-vous, arrêtez-vous.
18:33On ne peut pas continuer comme ça.
18:34Pourquoi pas, Bernard?
18:35C'est trop cruel et dégueulasse.
18:37C'est inhumain.
18:39C'est cher.
18:40Pas même ça.
18:41Alors quoi?
18:42C'est la fin de l'épisode.
18:43Et c'est comme ça.
18:44Mais on va révéler le reste du plan de Fienlich la prochaine fois
18:46dans Hairbrain Boris or the Dumb Bunny.
18:52Eh bien, la dernière fois, nous avons découvert pourquoi il y a eu
18:54telle une épidémie de stupérité dans les Etats-Unis.
18:57Et il semble que la Pourte-Sylvainie, ce pauvre pays d'ouïe,
19:00nous a attaqué avec une arme secrète appelée le gout de gaz.
19:03C'est vrai.
19:04Un gout?
19:05Tu es un gout?
19:07Depuis plusieurs épisodes, Boris Baranov a tiré du gout de gaz
19:09à l'Amerique's leading smart-alex and whisky.
19:12Et donc, mesdames et messieurs, j'ai dévisé une nouvelle force
19:14compulsive pour lancer nos missiles.
19:16Oui, oui.
19:17Qu'est-ce que c'est?
19:19C'est une bande en papier.
19:23Mesdames et messieurs, pour ma première
19:25baritone solo cette soirée,
19:27j'aimerais chanter une de mes arias préférées
19:30de La Lassiera d'Amour.
19:45Oh, Boris, c'est terrible.
19:47C'est les horreurs de la guerre, Natasha.
19:49Mais maintenant, à ce moment-là,
19:50nos héros sont en train d'attraper Boris.
19:52De cette façon, Bouwinkle.
19:54C'est vrai, Bouwinkle?
19:55Je ne me souviens pas que Boris
19:56était vraiment en train d'attraper eux.
19:58Alors, lorsque nos héros ont tourné le coin...
20:01Prends ça, mousse et squattel.
20:03Hey, ça sent bien.
20:05Regarde, Rock, ce gars nous a envoyé du parfum.
20:07Parfum? Rien. Je sais ce que c'est.
20:10Ah-ah, la réponse au plot.
20:12Et en plus, je sais qui le fait.
20:14Prie, dis tout.
20:15Je sais d'où j'ai entendu cette voix avant.
20:18Wowie, je vais prendre des notes.
20:20Le vilain de toute cette série est nommé...
20:22Oui, oui.
20:23Putain, j'ai oublié.
20:26Tu as oublié?
20:27Oublié quoi?
20:28Tu as dit que tu avais oublié quelque chose.
20:30Putain, non, j'ai même oublié ce que j'avais oublié.
20:33Eh bien, tu n'auras plus besoin de l'ancien notebook.
20:36Et comment vas-tu, étranger?
20:38Étranger? Oh, mes étoiles et filles.
20:41Boris, une seconde plus
20:42et Squirrel aurait dit ton nom.
20:44Oui, c'est décevant, Natasha.
20:47J'aurais pu utiliser l'advertisement.
20:48Pourquoi n'a pas Goof Gas affecté Mousse?
20:50Parce que Goof Gas affecte le cerveau.
20:53Pas de cerveau, pas d'effet.
20:54C'était vrai.
20:55La stupidité de Bullwinkle lui a fait
20:57être l'unique créature vivante immuable à Goof Gas.
20:59C'est très bien.
21:01Je n'ai plus personne pour me nourrir d'une ligne de rue.
21:03Dis-moi des lapins, George.
21:06Tu vois ce que je veux dire?
21:07Eh bien, Natasha, nous avons arrêté nos deux corps occupés et froid.
21:10Maintenant, à la partie la plus difficile de l'Inde.
21:13Et c'est?
21:14Nous allons prendre Washington.
21:15Chérie, ce n'est pas difficile.
21:18Regarde le headline.
21:19Boston prend Washington 72.
21:21Personne ne peut prendre Washington.
21:23Attends jusqu'à l'année prochaine.
21:24Allez, Natasha.
21:25Et les deux villains se sont mis en route pour la capitale de notre nation.
21:27Quelques jours plus tard, ils étaient dans la galerie des visiteurs congressionnels
21:30en écoutant les discours.
21:32Monsieur le président, je suis contre toute aide étrangère,
21:35en particulier les endroits comme Hawaii et Alaska.
21:39Je demande qu'on augmente les taxes pour tout le monde en dessous de 67.
21:43Quel âge avez-vous?
21:45Nous devons sortir le gouvernement du gouvernement.
21:48Eh bien, allons-y, Natasha.
21:51Tu ne vas pas les écraser avec du gaz fou?
21:53C'est trop tard.
21:54Quelqu'un nous l'a fait.
21:55Alors, où est-ce qu'on va?
21:56Il va y avoir une grande surprise.
21:58Une surprise, en effet.
21:59Car les deux vilains se sont mis en route pour...
22:01Je disais qu'il allait y avoir une surprise.
22:04Ils se sont mis en route pour...
22:08Alors, où allons-nous?
22:11Je ne sais pas.
22:15En tout cas, soyez avec nous la prochaine fois pour...
22:18En tout cas, soyez avec nous la prochaine fois pour...
22:23Enfin, nous avons découvert pourquoi des scientifiques américains, des professeurs et d'autres gens intelligents
22:27ont été attaqués avec le cas de la galopine.
22:29C'était tout à faute d'un mauvais petit homme d'un mauvais petit pays.
22:33Dites le nom.
22:35Pas ce nom, l'autre nom.
22:38Boris Baranov.
22:40Oui, armé avec une arme qui a tiré des nuages d'une substance étrange appelée le gaz fou,
22:44Boris a diminué l'IQ de la nation dans un instant.
22:47Si vous arrêtez de jouer avec cette mère, je vais dire à votre père le médecin.
22:51Mais c'est mon père le médecin.
22:54Encore une fois dans notre dernier épisode, Boris a même réussi à tirer sur Rocky et Bullwinkle.
22:59L'effet sur Rocky a été immédiat.
23:01Dis-moi de la galopine, George.
23:03Mais l'effet sur Bullwinkle a été négligeable.
23:05Ça ne m'a pas fait mal non plus.
23:08Bientôt après ça, les deux villains sont allés au sud vers la capitale de la nation,
23:11mais ont trouvé leur gaz fou inutile.
23:13Mr. Chairman, I propose we set up a 28 million dollar committee
23:17to find out why the government is spending so much money.
23:20Boris, what he said, you think he's already had some goof gas?
23:24Natasha, what he said, that is goof gas.
23:27And so the two no good nicks headed further south
23:29toward one of the country's most strategic areas.
23:31Welcome to Cape Carnivorous.
23:34All spies must register with security officer.
23:37Come on.
23:38We're not going to register.
23:39Who's going to spy?
23:41We're just going to sabotage.
23:43Halt! Who goes there?
23:46Hey, sonny!
23:47It's sure nice to see you on the job there.
23:50Here's my pass.
23:51But I don't think...
23:55Now stand aside, young man.
23:57Yes, sir, Mr. President.
23:59And the goofy guard allowed Boris and Natasha to enter the top secret missile base.
24:04Be with us next time.
24:05Now, just a minute.
24:06This isn't the end.
24:07No, but it won't be long now.
24:10Oh, good heavens.
24:11Meanwhile, back in McKeesport, PA.
24:13Rocky, Rocky, baby, speak to me.
24:15Sure, who are you?
24:16Who am I? Who am I?
24:18Oh, you're wondering, too?
24:19I'm your pal, your good, ever so best friend.
24:22My best friend?
24:23Yeah, now speak to me.
24:25Hello, Mom.
24:28A squirrel's best friend is his mother.
24:30Boy, I never thought I'd wind up as the smart one on this show.
24:33Well, everybody ready to start to work?
24:36Yes, it was Captain Peter Peachfuzz.
24:38You're back to normal.
24:39Yes, I haven't been there in years, either.
24:42All those ivy-covered halls.
24:45At normal, of course.
24:47Waxahatchee normal, my old alma mater.
24:49I mean, you don't have the galloping domes anymore.
24:52Oh, those.
24:53No, I recovered in about two days, Bullwinkle.
24:56Two days?
24:57Then that means in a little while, Rocky will be back to normal.
25:00I didn't know he was an alumnus.
25:02He's not, he's a squirrel.
25:03And sure enough, at that moment, our little hero shook his head and said...
25:07Hey, I'm back to normal.
25:17Hey, what's with Captain Peachfuzz?
25:19He's back to normal, too.
25:29But what happened?
25:30We know what happened, so let's see what Boris and Natasha are up to.
25:34We're up to about 75 feet from home plate.
25:37Good heavens, those two miserable loafers are sneaking up on one of our missile launch control centers.
25:42What else? You expect us to sneak down?
25:45Well, we'll find out just what devilment they have in mind next time in 5-4-3-2-1,
25:49or the Quick Launch Counter.
25:54Well, last time, Boris and Natasha had managed to smuggle their goof gas gun onto one of our secret missile bases.
25:59Oh, is there no way they can be stopped?
26:01Only if this show is canceled, buddy.
26:03In that case, go ahead.
26:05This way, Natasha.
26:06Where to, Boris?
26:07To the main control center.
26:09Halt! Who's there?
26:12What is it you wanted, young man?
26:14Conductor, could you let me off at Mashola Parkway?
26:17Boris, he's as dumb as they go.
26:19And they're going any minute.
26:20And, oh dear, inside the control center, a gaggle of America's Jet Age whiz kids
26:25had prepared the greatest series of blast-offs of American missiles.
26:29And suddenly, the door swung open.
26:31Boris emptied the entire remainder of his goof gas in the close quarters of the control room.
26:36The result, of course, was chaos.
26:38Some scientists began playing ball.
26:40One, two, three, oh leary, four, five, six, oh leary.
26:43Others gathered stupidly in front of the control panel.
26:46Yeah, look at the pretty light.
26:48Maybe we can make them spell something.
26:50How about General Lejeune is a dope?
26:52Oh, Werner, you're such a clown.
26:55And the scientists began to flip the switches to try to spell words on the light panel.
26:59As a result, the United States made one of the strangest multiple launches ever recorded.
27:05Unfortunately, they all had one thing in common.
27:07They were all headed for parts of the United States itself.
27:10Boo-Winkle, we have to change the course of these missiles.
27:13A good idea.
27:14Some plucky fellow's got to shift them off course.
27:16True, true.
27:17Boo-Winkle, will you, for heaven's sake, ask me how we're going to do it?
27:21Oh, of course. But, gee, Rock, how are we going to do it?
27:24Boy, try to be a modest hero in this program.
27:27Okay, okay. How?
27:28I fly up to those missiles and direct them somewhere else.
27:31It'll never work.
27:33What makes you say so, Captain?
27:35Oh, I'm just helping to build up suspense.
27:37Ready, Boo-Winkle?
27:38Ready, Rock.
27:39Then hurry!
27:42And the plucky squirrel hurtled up, up, and up.
27:44Faster and faster he went until he began to trail a thin black plume behind him.
27:48Oh, he's small. Small?
27:50Yes, he was going so fast that the friction of air was beginning to singe his fur.
27:54But that didn't stop our boy.
27:58Approaching the first missile, he shoved his nose violently to one side.
28:01Then he did the same with another, and still another,
28:03until he had redirected every missile out over the ocean.
28:06Then down he plunged, getting hotter and hotter.
28:09Heavens to Eliza, he's a little fuzzy-cum.
28:12Fortunately, when the now almost hairless Rocky returned to Earth,
28:14Boo-Winkle was waiting with a tub of water.
28:17Meanwhile, Boris was already in touch with the dictator of Pennsylvania.
28:21You should have seen those crazy missiles, Chief.
28:24All directions at once.
28:26And where are they all aimed now, Barinov?
28:28Where are they all aimed now? Who knows?
28:30Who knows? I'll tell you who knows.
28:36I know.
28:37Boris, all those missiles landed right on Pennsylvania.
28:41Well, time for a little vacation, Natasha.
28:44How about the South Pole?
28:46You know, Boris, this makes us look pretty stupid.
28:49But there's one way you could look smarter, Natasha.
28:52How's that, Dolly?
28:53Shut up, you mouth!
28:55And back in Frostbite Falls...
28:56Gunny sacks, Rock. You've been appointed a official astronaut.
29:00That's astronaut.
29:01Funny you're my way.
29:02Oh, it was nothing that any patriotic flying squirrel wouldn't have done.
29:06Rocky, there's only one word to describe a hero like you.
29:09And that is?
29:12Be with us next time for the further adventures of Rocky the Bold Flying Squirrel and his pal Bullwinkle.
29:21Hey, that's me!
