Merlin's Cave - The White Dog

  • avant-hier
00:00Once upon a time, there lived an old man who had retired to a farm alone after many long and happy years, working for the railroad as an engineer.
00:11And even though he now lived quite far from the nearest tracks, he would still dream of those joyous days of the past as an engineer on the biggest and most powerful steam locomotive in the land.
00:30But now, about all the company the old man had were his two hunting dogs and a cute little puppy named Whitey.
00:47Whitey wasn't very white, just a patch in his forehead, but that spot was so unusual, he just had to be called Whitey.
00:59That Whitey was always up to something. He had more energy than three other dogs and he was always looking for someone to play with, but the other farm animals just ignored him.
01:15Why won't they play with me?
01:20But it was then that it happened.
01:26It was an old mother wolf come to steal a chicken or duck from the coop.
01:31The mother wolf had grown quite old and she was no longer fast enough to catch any wild birds or animals, so her only choice to feed her pups was to steal from the farm.
02:12She won't get away this time. Now just a little more to the right.
02:21Whitey hadn't really meant to spoil the shot, it's just that he was so excited by all the commotion that he couldn't help it.
02:33Meanwhile, the old mother wolf had to hang her head in shame as she went back to her den without any food for the pups again.
02:41No food again? Hey mom, we're getting tired of nothing but these old bones and scraps.
02:59Even at night, Whitey was always getting into trouble. He loved to sneak into the sheep's pen and roll around in the hay.
03:09But tonight, Whitey wasn't the only one out and looking for trouble. Once more, that old mother wolf had come around, hoping for a chance to catch something to eat.
03:23Oh boy, oh boy!
03:40The mother wolf ran and she ran until she had at last lost the farm dogs. She could hardly wait to get back to the den and show the pups her catch.
03:51Well, what do you think of your old mother now? Not bad, huh?
03:57Hi. Yikes! A dog!
04:01That's right. The mother wolf had mistaken Whitey for one of the lambs.
04:09Where do you think you are, Philip?
04:13I don't believe it.
04:15Impossible. You said it.
04:19Hey, how'd you guys like to play with me, huh?
04:21No way.
04:23Forget it.
04:25Gee, no one ever wants to play with me. We never have any fun at all.
04:35Well, maybe just this once.
04:38Yeah, we'll play with you.
04:39Sure, why not?
04:41Gee, fellas, do you really mean it, huh?
04:44Whitey and the pups played and played. They had a wonderful time. But the mother wolf was exhausted and discouraged.
04:51She would have to bring home some food soon or they would surely starve. She lay down to get some much needed rest.
04:59And the mother wolf was exhausted and discouraged. She laid down to get some much needed rest. She lay down to get some much needed rest.
05:05Hey, Mom, how about breakfast?
05:07Yeah, we're hungry. How about some eggs?
05:10Oh, you must be kidding. Why don't you eat the pup?
05:20Hey, Mom, we can't eat this pup. He's our friend.
05:24What was that? A dog and a wolf?
05:27Sure. He's our buddy now, so don't forget to bring something for him to eat, too.
05:31Now I have to feed him, too?
05:34I like bacon with my eggs.
05:36Huh? Oh.
05:40All right, you win. I just hope none of my friends see this. Why, I'd be the laughingstock of the forest. Imagine me fixing breakfast for a dog.
05:49And with that, the old mother wolf set out once more to try and find some food.
05:58The pups soon tired of playing in the den, so Whitey invited them to go exploring.
06:03But the wolf pups had been warned by their mother to stay inside.
06:07Yet curiosity got the better of them, and they timidly picked out for their first look at the outside world.
06:13Never had they seen so many interesting things.
06:17Come on!
06:28Hey, what's that over there, huh?
06:30Why, that's breakfast!
06:33Whitey didn't see any breakfast. To him it was just a rabbit.
06:37But to his wolf pup friends, nothing could have looked more delicious.
06:58Hey, Whitey, we got him!
07:00Whitey didn't realize what he had done. He thought they were only playing with the rabbit.
07:05He didn't know that life in the wild was so different.
07:08Why, at home, he never had to catch his own food.
07:12The old engineer never let any of his animals go hungry.
07:15At last, Whitey realized that life in the wild was not for him.
07:19He had to find his own food.
07:22I'd better go home.
07:36Whitey, look at the wolf! She's got one of our chickens!
07:39Get her now, boys!
07:42Uh-oh! There was no place for her to run.
07:45You've stolen your last chicken from me, wolf!
08:12There's nothing worse on a farm than a chicken-stealing wolf!
08:24Whitey, where have you been? What are you doing with that wolf?
08:27Look out now!
08:31Whitey, what's the matter with you? Have you gone crazy?
08:34Now, get out of the way!
08:37The old engineer couldn't very well just let the wolf go.
08:41He knew she'd be back, and in no time at all, she'd have all his chickens.
08:45He'd be ruined.
08:48I'm sorry, Whitey, but I've got to put a stop to this.
08:55I can't do it.
08:59When the old engineer saw how much Whitey liked the old wolf,
09:03he just couldn't make himself shoot.
09:07Come on, boys, I think it's time we went home.
09:12Let's go!
09:16I know you're hungry, but you really shouldn't have stolen the chicken.
09:20Look, you'll never learn. I'm a wolf, and wolves eat chickens.
09:24That's the way things are, understand?
09:29Hey, wait for me!
09:43Okay, take your old chicken and go back to where you belong.
09:46But I only...
09:49It's for the best. And thank you.
09:53And from that day on,
09:55the old mother wolf never bothered those chickens again.
10:01I'm sorry, Whitey, but I've got to put a stop to this.
10:05I know you're hungry, but you really shouldn't have stolen the chicken.
10:09Look, you'll never learn. I'm a wolf, and wolves eat chickens.
10:13That's the way things are, understand?
10:16And from that day on, the old mother wolf never bothered those chickens again.
