Clutch Cargo Season 1 Episode 40 Missing Mermaid Richard Cotting Hal Smith

  • avant-hier
00:30C'est quoi ça, Paddlefoot?
00:32Pourquoi il n'y a qu'une vieille bouteille qui a flotté sur la mer?
00:39On dirait qu'il y a quelque chose dedans!
00:42Il y a une note dedans!
00:44Pourquoi c'est un vêtement pour Clutch?
00:46Hé, Clutch! Oh, Clutch!
00:49Hé, Clutch! Regarde!
00:51Un message et une bouteille pour toi!
00:53Paddlefoot l'a trouvé!
00:55Oh, qu'est-ce que tu sais?
00:59C'est de l'ancien Typhoon Tim!
01:02Il a des problèmes!
01:03La note dit qu'il est resté au Red Lobster Inn!
01:06Comment il sait que tu as trouvé la note, Clutch?
01:08Cet ancien salt connaît les températures comme le dos de sa main!
01:11Il savait que ce message allait flotter directement à nos portes!
01:14Si cet ancien vêtement a besoin d'aide, il a vraiment des problèmes!
01:18Viens, Spinner!
01:23Oh, c'est le Typhoon Tim, Clutch!
01:25Je n'ai jamais entendu parler de lui!
01:27Tim et moi étions des navires, il y a longtemps!
01:30Il m'a sauvé la vie quand notre navire a tombé dans l'océan Sulu!
01:33Il a voyagé sur les sept océans cent fois, et il a vu tout!
01:37Oui, et le Typhoon Tim est rempli de nombreuses histoires étranges sur l'océan!
01:55Ahoye there, Clutch Cargo!
01:58Typhoon Tim! Why, you old barnacle! You're a sight for sore eyes!
02:03You too, Clutch, you look fit as a fiddler crab!
02:06Why, we haven't seen each other since we escaped from the witchy twitchy cannibals
02:10and battered that tiger shark together!
02:13Those were the days!
02:15Typhoon, I want you to meet my two buddies, Spinner and Paddlefoot!
02:19Well, Spinner and Paddlefoot, is it?
02:22Pleased to meet you, lads!
02:24How do you do, Mr. Typhoon? Clutch has told us a lot about you!
02:29We got your message, Typhoon!
02:31What's this trouble you mention?
02:33Trouble? Oh, that!
02:37Come inside, and I'll tell you all about it!
02:43Got to be careful! Spies! Spies everywhere!
02:48Spies? What kind of spies?
02:51Lion spies!
02:53Oh, they're after me!
02:55They pester me to death!
02:57They followed me! They beat me up!
02:59What are they after you for, Typhoon?
03:01It's not really me, it's Minnie they're after!
03:05Minnie who?
03:06Minnie! Minnie, the flower of the sea!
03:09Flower of the sea?
03:10Yes, Minnie!
03:12I can see her now, as she sits on the shoal
03:15and strums her harp to the soft ripple of the waves
03:19with her moonbeams shining in her hair!
03:22Playing her harp? Is she an angel?
03:25That she is, lad!
03:27That she is, with a beauty like a soft breeze on a tropical sea
03:32and her scales flashing like emeralds!
03:35Scales? Fish scales?
03:40What kind of woman is that?
03:42The most beautiful mermaid I ever saw!
03:45Mermaid? Why, they're only mythical creatures!
03:48That's what I thought, Clutch
03:50until I saw me first one!
03:54Has Tim Typhoon seen a real mermaid?
03:57Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode
04:00with Clutch Cargo!
04:10Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
04:14in another exciting adventure
04:16The Missing Mermaid!
04:18You remember last time, Clutch and company
04:20decided to help an old friend, Typhoon Tim, who was in trouble.
04:24Spies are after Typhoon's friend, Minnie the mermaid.
04:28Clutch skeptically tells him...
04:30Why, they're only mythical creatures!
04:32That's what I thought, until I saw me first one!
04:37Hmm, now about these spies...
04:39It's Shanghai Fagin and his crew of cutthroats.
04:42I let it slip one day about Minnie
04:44and they've been hounding me ever since to find out where she is.
04:47You mean they want to capture her, Mr. Typhoon?
04:50They want to put her in a big fish tank and sell tickets to see her.
04:53That would be the end of poor Minnie.
04:58How would they know how to find her?
05:00You didn't tell them, did you?
05:02Never, Clutch. I'd die first.
05:04But last night they broke into Miss Secret's sea chest
05:07and stole all my charts.
05:09One of those charts marked the route to her ocean home.
05:12I'm sure they're on their way to find her now.
05:15I fear for Minnie's very life.
05:18Wow! We've got to save Minnie!
05:21We've got to head them off, men.
05:23Come on. I know a boat we can use.
05:26I knew you'd help me, Clutch.
05:33Keep a sharp lookout for Shanghai's boat, mates.
05:36I wouldn't want him to follow us.
05:38But you said they stole your chart that was marked where Minnie lived.
05:41They did, Clutch.
05:42But it's an old chart and hard to read.
05:45It might slow them up trying to figure it out.
05:47I see what you mean, Typhoon.
05:49That's why I charted this old fishing boat.
05:52If we're spotted, they'll think we're just fishermen
05:54out on our daily run.
05:56We're entering Paradise Cove.
05:58And there's Emerald Grotto just ahead,
06:01where Minnie the mermaid lives.
06:03I don't see any sign of Shanghai.
06:06I hope he hasn't captured Minnie already.
06:08You'll go right down and have a look, Typhoon.
06:10Spinner, you and Paddlefoot take over
06:13while Typhoon and I slip into our diving gear.
06:15Okay, Clutch.
06:30Twitch, look.
06:32We got company.
06:34Now, who do you suppose that could be?
06:38I don't see nothing but a little boy and a dog.
06:42Maybe we'd better cruise over and have a closer look, eh, Twitchy?
07:00You take care of everything, Spinner.
07:02We'll be back as soon as possible.
07:04Don't worry, Clutch.
07:05We'll find Minnie all right.
07:19Ahoy there.
07:21Ahoy there, matey.
07:23You two the only ones aboard that tub?
07:26Yes, sir.
07:27Just Paddlefoot and me.
07:29What are you two up to, anyway?
07:31Oh, we're just fishing for Minnies.
07:35Well, now there, isn't that a coincidence?
07:38We're fishing for Minnies, too.
07:40Only this is a special kind of Minnie.
07:46And this kind of fishing takes a special kind of hook.
07:49Eh, Twitchy?
07:54And a special kind of bait.
07:57Because you see,
07:59mermaids are very fond of bonbons.
08:04Ha, ha, ha!
08:08Will Shanghai and Twitch really catch Minnie the Mermaid?
08:11Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode
08:14with Clutch Cargo.
08:24Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
08:27in another exciting adventure,
08:29The Missing Mermaid.
08:31You remember last time Clutch and company
08:33had started out with Typhoon
08:35to help save Minnie the Mermaid from capture.
08:38While Spinner and Paddlefoot watch the boat,
08:40Shanghai appears.
08:42Shanghai's idea is to put her into a sideshow.
08:45Mermaids are very fond of bonbons.
08:50Hey, Paddlefoot, that's Shanghai Fagot.
08:53We've got to warn Clutch and Typhoon.
08:55Lower that bait and start crawling.
08:57We've got some mermaid fishing to do.
09:02You watch the boat, Paddlefoot.
09:04I've got to go down and find Clutch.
09:10So long, Paddlefoot.
09:11Don't worry, I'll be right back.
09:22Where are you?
09:24Gee, I don't see him anywhere.
09:26Nothing ahead but that big forest of kelp.
09:30Shanghai's hooked.
09:31He's still crawling for Minnie the Mermaid.
09:33I've got to warn him Shanghai's here.
09:37I've got to warn Minnie.
09:40Minnie Mermaid!
09:45Minnie, where are you?
09:52Where does this Minnie Mermaid friend of yours live, anyway?
09:55She lives in an old mansion
09:58She lives in an old sunken ship
10:00just beyond that curtain of kelp.
10:02Let's hurry.
10:03I have a feeling she's in danger.
10:06Here we are, Clutch.
10:07And there's where Minnie lives.
10:09Looks awfully quiet.
10:12Oh, Minnie!
10:14Are you in there?
10:17No answer.
10:18I only hope Shanghai hasn't got here before us.
10:20I'll try the bell.
10:24Her door is unlocked.
10:27She always locks it.
10:35Oh, Minnie!
10:36Anybody home?
10:38It's me, your old friend Typhoon Tim.
10:47She's gone.
10:48Not a trace.
10:50We'd better find her.
10:51But fast.
10:52I only hope it isn't too late.
10:57Hey, there.
10:58Start feeding out the net, Twitch.
11:00We'll get us a mermaid yet.
11:16Oh, gee!
11:17I hope nothing's happened to them.
11:24We searched the kelp bed.
11:26She's not in there.
11:27Hey, hold it, Typhoon.
11:29I think I hear something.
11:31It's coming from behind that coral reef.
11:35It sounds like Spinner.
11:37What's he doing down here?
11:39He's in trouble.
11:42Somebody help me!
11:44Hang on, Spinner!
11:45We're coming!
11:46Something's got him.
11:47And it's carrying him off.
11:51We're trapped!
11:52This is Shanghai's net.
11:54He's up there fishing for Minnie.
11:57Pull me down!
11:58Pull me down!
12:04Spinner, Clutch and Typhoon all trapped underwater.
12:07How will they get free?
12:08Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
12:14Clutch Cargo with his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot
12:18in another exciting adventure, The Missing Mermaid.
12:22You remember last time Clutch and Typhoon had gone underwater to find Minnie the mermaid
12:27while Spinner and Paddlefoot watched the boat.
12:30Shanghai and Twitch appeared.
12:32Shanghai was really out to capture Minnie.
12:35When Spinner went underwater to warn Clutch,
12:38he was captured by an octopus.
12:40At the same time, Clutch and Typhoon were caught in Shanghai's net.
12:48What's that?
12:50There's something in the net, you say?
12:52Well, don't just stand there twitching.
12:54Let's haul it up.
12:55Hey, Spinner!
12:56Where are you?
12:57Help us!
13:00Help, Clutch!
13:02Help me!
13:03Put me down, you big bully!
13:06Why, Octavius!
13:08Where have you been, you naughty octopus?
13:10What have you got there?
13:28Why, it's a little boy.
13:30Put him down before you scare him.
13:32Why, he's a friendly octopus.
13:34I thought I was a goner.
13:36Octavius is just like a big puppy dog.
13:39He's always bringing me things.
13:41Say, you must be Minnie the Mermaid.
13:44My name's Spinner.
13:46How'd you know?
13:47Typhoon Tim and Clutch and I have been looking all over for you.
13:50Typhoon Tim, did you say?
13:53He and Clutch are down there looking for you now.
13:55I better go tell him I found you.
13:57Octavius, you go with Spinner and see that he doesn't get lost.
14:03Shanghai's hauling us up.
14:04I feel like a trapped mackerel.
14:10Bye, George.
14:12Some catch, eh, Twitch?
14:14Yeah, we must have netted a dozen mermaids.
14:19Oh, Clutch, we're in luck.
14:20Here comes Lawrence.
14:23Lawrence who?
14:24Lawrence the Lobster, one of Minnie's friends.
14:27Why, he's... he's gonna...
14:30He cut us loose!
14:32Hooray for Lawrence, he saved us!
14:34Thanks, Lawrence.
14:52What happened?
14:53What happened, Twitch?
14:56Something cut our line.
14:58Well, we'll just put another bonbon on the hook and then start crawling again.
15:07Shanghai didn't get us, but we're still caught in this confounded mackerel net of his.
15:12Poor Spinner.
15:13I wonder what happened to him.
15:15And Minnie.
15:16If we don't find her soon, Shanghai is sure to catch her.
15:20Notre matériel a l'air de sortir.
15:27Hey, Twitch, regarde.
15:28On a de la chance.
15:29Il y a une mermaide.
15:31Allez, on l'a eu cette fois.
15:33Elle s'était cachée sur ce bâtiment.
15:35Pas du tout qu'on ne l'ait pas attachée.
15:38Ferme le moteur et tire-la juste derrière elle.
15:41Et je vais l'enlever dans ce net.
15:48Où es-tu, Clutch?
15:50C'est inutile, Typhoon.
15:52On ne va jamais s'en sortir sans l'aide.
16:05Pauvre Minnie, capturée par Shanghai et Twitch.
16:08Est-ce que Clutch et Typhoon sont en sécurité?
16:10N'hésitez pas à vous abonner pour l'épisode suivant avec Clutch Cargo.
16:21Clutch Cargo avec ses amis Spinner et Paddlefoot
16:25dans une autre aventure excitante,
16:27La Mermaide Oubliée.
16:29Vous vous souvenez, la dernière fois, Clutch et Typhoon
16:31ont été attirés dans un net, détruits par Shanghai,
16:33tandis que Spinner a été détruit par un énorme octopus
16:36qui s'appelait Octavius.
16:38En même temps, Shanghai et son aide,
16:40capturent Minnie et sont prêts à commencer avec elle.
16:45Une belle petite beauté, n'est-ce pas, Twitch?
16:51Il y a beaucoup de feu aussi.
16:53Tiens, aide-moi à le tenir, Twitch.
16:55Oh, mon dieu.
16:58Ça va se brûler dans la matinée.
17:00Allons-y, mettons-le dans le tank et c'est parti.
17:07Salut, Typhoon.
17:08Regarde, ici vient Spinner,
17:10et il est en train de courir sur un octopus.
17:13C'est là, Octavius.
17:14Nous sommes arrivés juste en temps.
17:17Oui, je le reconnais,
17:19c'est un poêle de Minnie.
17:21Clutch, Mr. Typhoon.
17:23J'ai hâte de te voir.
17:25J'ai trouvé Minnie.
17:26Bien joué, Spinner.
17:27Comment as-tu réussi à nous sortir de cette chose?
17:29C'est mon ami Octavius l'octopus.
17:31Il a beaucoup de mains.
17:33Il peut le faire.
17:34Vite, Octavius,
17:35ramène-nous à Minnie.
17:41Elle est...
17:42Elle est partie.
17:44Mon dieu.
17:45Je l'ai laissée ici sur ces rochers il y a quelques minutes.
17:48Shanghai doit l'avoir.
17:50Tu as raison.
17:51Ils l'ont.
17:52Ils l'ont dans un gros tank de poissons.
17:54Mon dieu.
17:55N'est-ce pas une belle, Clutch?
17:57Il va payer beaucoup pour la voir.
18:01Vite, monte sur Octavius.
18:03Il va le retrouver.
18:04Hey, il est parti.
18:05Octavius est parti.
18:07Nous ne serons jamais capables d'aller assez vite dans ces vêtements pour le retrouver.
18:10Assez vite, mon ami.
18:12Je sais comment l'attraper, mon amour.
18:14Vite, suivez-moi.
18:16Minnie aime la course.
18:18Elle garde toujours sa table remplie de ponoponies.
18:21Des voitures.
18:23Regarde les voitures de la mer.
18:25Préparez-vous, les gars, et allons-y.
18:37Ils ont leurs cheveux faits avec un bonbon frais.
18:40Regarde, Clutch,
18:41ils essayent d'attraper une autre mermaide.
18:43Je vois.
18:44Lorsque je passerai par cette couche,
18:46j'aurai une surprise pour eux.
18:49Et nous passons par une couche profonde et épaisse.
18:53C'est le pays des mermaides si vous l'avez jamais vu.
18:57Regarde, Clutch.
18:58Oh, hé, vous avez un goût.
19:00Peut-être que c'est une autre mermaide.
19:02Avec deux d'eux, nous ferons deux fois autant de dégâts.
19:09Oh, qu'est-ce que c'est?
19:10Je suis le roi Neptune.
19:12Le règne de l'océan.
19:14Vous avez invadis mon domaine sans ma permission.
19:18Je suis venu vous libérer, Minnie, la mermaide.
19:21Oh, non, vous ne l'êtes pas.
19:23Personne ne peut m'envoyer cette mermaide.
19:26Le roi Neptune ou le vieux Neptune.
19:28Je vais vous faire un coup d'envoi, monsieur.
19:35Bien joué, Octavius.
19:37Vous l'avez fait juste en temps.
19:39Tu vas bien, Minnie.
19:40Nous sommes venus te libérer.
19:41Désolé, nous n'arrivions pas plus tôt.
19:43Nous verrons que ces deux hommes ne vous tromperont plus.
19:46Tu as raison.
19:47La commission des jeux de pêche veut que ces deux oiseaux soient questionnés.
19:50Et avec un octopus si gentil qu'Octavius pour vous protéger,
19:54nous savons que vous êtes en bonne main.
19:56Merci, tout le monde.
19:57Je sais que je peux toujours compter sur vous, Typhoon.
20:00Vous aussi, Clutch et Spinner.
20:02Si il y a plus de problèmes.
20:04Et ainsi termine la histoire de Clutch Cargo et ses amis Spinner et Paddlefoot
20:09et de la Merveilleuse Merveilleuse.
20:11N'hésitez pas à vous abonner pour la prochaine aventure excitante
20:14avec Clutch Cargo.
