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00:00What's up guys, today I'm going to be talking about what to expect when you're buying a used phone, where to get them from, talking about software updates, resale value, also the questions to ask and what you're looking for to get the best deal, how to go about shopping for a used phone.
00:17So it could be an older flagship, mid-range, budget phone, whatever.
00:21Alright, so let's go ahead and dive into where do you want to get these phones from.
00:27Typically, I get phones from Amazon or Ebay. Those are my go-to places that are very efficient. Very big companies, very efficient.
00:39You can also get phones from a site called Swappa. Now, I've never actually bought from there, but a lot of my subscribers have and they highly recommend it.
00:49And also, it's just really good to just check out different sites. So you see, we have the Note20 Ultra here.
00:55And one of the things I like to look for is Ebay Certified Refurbished. So you'll see a little check mark right there. That's typically what I like to buy from if I'm just trying to do something quick.
01:07Or you can actually just bid on phones as well too if it's from an individual seller.
01:11Now, there are questions you're going to have to ask the seller that I think is important because a lot of sellers, they don't put out the IMEI.
01:21So I'll tell you guys what that is and how to check for that, but you want to ask for that.
01:26But one of the things I like to do is look on Amazon, look on Ebay, and just look at the prices.
01:34So we see Note20 Ultra here is trending on Amazon. It looks like $379, $383.
01:41And I typically like to tell you guys to buy unlocked phones. I don't like buying locked phones if I can avoid it unless it's a really good price.
01:50I don't like being locked to certain carriers, right?
01:53And also, I think updates hit faster to unlocked phones.
01:58So you can see on Amazon right now, Note20 Ultra is a little bit more expensive, but we can get a certified Note20 Ultra.
02:06Certified from Ebay. Seller has 96%. That's also very important.
02:11So look at the seller's ratings and look at how many ratings as well too. Very important.
02:16And what I like about buying refurbished phones is that these phones are inspected, right?
02:22So basically just to give you a rundown.
02:25The products are repaired, reconditioned to 100% functionality by vetted sellers or the manufacturers.
02:32So that's what I like about this. They are inspected. They run diagnostic tests on them, make sure everything works.
02:39Typically refurbished phones, from what I understand, is they get sent back.
02:43So they could be cracked, have a cracked back or a bad motherboard or something went out, bad battery, whatever.
02:50And they replace the battery or replace whatever broke in the phone and then they sell it.
02:56So that's basically how you can think about it.
02:58So every product goes through extensive testing to make sure it meets the highest standard per condition.
03:04And then you'll see based on each category.
03:07So if a phone is good, you might see some minor cosmetic, like some scratches.
03:13You know, a little bit of scratches probably on the edge or something like that.
03:16That's a good condition, but everything is, you know, it's fairly good condition.
03:19It's like basically like, you know, used, right?
03:23If a phone is very good, that means the owner took very good condition of it.
03:26You won't see, you'll probably see some light scratches maybe, right?
03:30But it looks like very good condition.
03:32Excellent would be like, you know, the S21 Ultra I bought.
03:36You know, you could probably tell somebody probably had it in a case, was very careful with the phone.
03:41And, you know, it just almost looks pretty much brand new, right?
03:45So that's how I like to buy phones.
03:47I like to buy them from, you know, eBay refurbished because it's faster.
03:51You know, the phone isn't expected.
03:54Also, Amazon's version of that would be Amazon Renew.
03:58You'll see that Renew right here.
04:01So that's what I like to do.
04:03And like I said, go to each different site, you know, go to eBay, go to Swappa and price check.
04:08You know, make sure you're getting a really good deal and pay attention to the seller.
04:12Pay attention to the ratings.
04:14And also, like I said, you know, just look for the best price.
04:18Like I said, bidding on phones, you know, that can be a little bit time consuming.
04:23But that's also something you can do to get a really good deal as well too.
04:27Alright guys, so the next thing I want to talk about is for guys who like to buy from individual sellers.
04:34Like for instance, it would be me like if I was trying to sell this Galaxy phone, right?
04:39The first thing I would do before I buy a phone is I would ask the seller for the IMEI.
04:44And I would check it to make sure it's not blacklisted.
04:47I like to go to this site, IMEIcheck.net.
04:50You can put it in there. It's free.
04:52And it'll go ahead and let you know.
04:54So basically, the reason why you're doing that is because sellers can and this does happen.
05:00So let's say I bought my Galaxy locked on AT&T.
05:04And let's say I didn't make the payments, right?
05:07So what will happen is the phone will get blacklisted because I didn't make the payments.
05:12And what will happen is people will try to make some money.
05:15So they'll just sell it on eBay.
05:17And if you don't ask for the number, they could sell it to you.
05:20And you'll be stuck with a phone that can't be activated.
05:23Basically, it doesn't work.
05:25So you definitely want to avoid that because then you're going to have to return it and all that stuff.
05:30And it's just going to be a waste of time, right?
05:32So ask for that number. Make sure it's clean.
05:34And you'll be good to go.
05:36All right, so the next thing is, and this is just something I like to do.
05:39Even with a refurbished phone, individual seller phone, I like to run the phone diagnostics.
05:45With Samsung, it's built right into the Samsung's members application.
05:49So if you don't have it, you can get it from the Samsung store.
05:52But you just come over to the support tab, phone diagnostics.
05:55And then it'll go ahead and test everything in the phone to make sure it's working.
05:59I like to do this because it'll save you some headache just in case you find out something's not working.
06:04And I would just make sure you test out all the buttons and stuff like that as well too.
06:09And yeah, but basically, I just run this with every new phone I get to make sure that I'm not getting, you know, I'm not getting a messed up phone, right?
06:18Because it's going to be annoying because you're going to have to, you know, you're going to have to take it, send it back.
06:24With iPhone, same thing. You run the phone doctor app.
06:27So that's free in the app store.
06:29And it'll go ahead and you can go ahead and run that application.
06:32They have a ton of them. You don't have to just use this one.
06:35You can just type in phone diagnostics in the app store and it'll pop up.
06:40Phone diagnostics.
06:46And you can see there's a ton of applications.
06:48This is a pretty good one as well too that'll test out everything as well.
06:52So I would do that for iPhone as well too.
06:55Guys, I noticed from a lot of people who are not very tech savvy, they get kind of confused about updates.
07:01For iPhone and Android.
07:03So I'm going to start with iPhone because it's a little bit more simple.
07:06Typically, iPhones have around six years of software updates, right?
07:12So I'll give you guys an example.
07:14The iPhone 8 Plus is going to get iOS 17, which I was shocked by.
07:21But if you go to a site called GSM Arena and you type up your phone, so you can see iOS 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16.
07:30So it's looking like that's five years, right? Or that's five updates, right?
07:34And then it's looking like it's going to get iOS 17.
07:37And I personally don't see the iPhone 8 Plus getting iOS 18 because typically they stop at like six years.
07:46So even if I do iPhone, and I'll show you guys why I think that.
07:51And I could be wrong.
07:54iPhone 6 Plus, right?
07:55So this one started at iOS 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15.
08:01That's six years.
08:02It got iOS 15.7 and then it stopped.
08:05So that's basically what you can expect when you buy an iPhone.
08:08So look your iPhone up.
08:10Look at the initial OS update that it launched with.
08:15And then you just add six to it and then you'll know how many updates you'll get.
08:19Now, again, this is Apple.
08:20So I don't know.
08:21It could get more updates.
08:23I don't know, right?
08:24But that's like what I'm going with from what I'm seeing from Apple.
08:28So Android is a little bit more complicated for the average person to understand.
08:35So basically, I want to start off with just Samsung phones because Samsung phones are most popular, especially.
08:41And it's a little confusing, right?
08:44So if you have a Samsung phone that launched or if you have an S21 phone, like a flagship phone and up, right,
08:53you get the longest updates out of all Android phones.
08:55You get four years of OS updates and five years of security patches.
08:59So basically, if your S22 launched with Android 10, let's say Android 10 to make it simple, then you know you'll get Android 14, right?
09:10And you go to the GSM Arena, look that up and you'll see.
09:14But it looks like the policy is only for the S21 series and up.
09:19So that's that.
09:21Typically, an Android phone, let's say like the Pixel 6 Pro, typically an Android phone will have three years of major OS updates and security patches after that.
09:33Now, the thing where people get confused is that a security patch is not a major OS update, guys.
09:38It's exactly what it sounds like.
09:40It's just a security patch.
09:42They're just patching holes in the system, right?
09:45So, you know, I know a lot of people, they're like, oh, my phone only gets three years of updates.
09:51So that's why I say if you really care about having the latest version of software, you probably will be better off getting an older iPhone since you do get the full update.
10:02So, yeah.
10:04So take that into consideration.
10:06So this is something that I was asked to mention.
10:08And basically, he was trying to tell me that iPhones retain value more in the used marketplace than Androids.
10:18And that's pretty much true.
10:20So if you're somebody, if you really like to buy used phones and you like to, you know, use them and then sell them and put the money towards getting a newer phone or whatever you want to do.
10:31Yes, iPhones do retain their value.
10:33So just to give you an example of that, we'll type in S22 Ultra.
10:42And we can get a S22 Ultra for.
10:47Yeah, we don't want that.
10:49Excuse me, B-.
10:50We definitely don't want that.
10:51We want it in good condition, eBay refurbished, right?
10:53So a good condition S22 Ultra would be $639.
10:58And let's look at the iPhone 13 Pro Max.
11:08So iPhone 13 Pro Max, you can see eBay certified $802.
11:14And I'm not sure, I can't remember, but I think the S22 launched at $1,200.
11:19iPhone 13 Pro Max, it had to have launched at maybe $1,100, right?
11:30Let's actually find out.
11:32I can't remember off the top of my head.
11:33I don't think it was $1,200 though.
11:35Okay, yeah, so it did launch at $1,000.
11:41Yeah, so it was, it was $1,100.
11:43So the iPhone, you can see retained its value over the S22 Ultra.
11:49So yeah, that is one thing that you need to know.
11:52iPhones do retain better value in the used smartphone market for sure.
11:58And lastly, when you're choosing between iPhone and Android or whatever,
12:04the biggest difference is obviously the operating systems.
12:08You can think of Android as a more open operating system.
12:11And then you can think of the iPhone as a more closed operating system.
12:15To me, you just have more features on Android.
12:18It's just a more flexible operating system to sort of make the phone how you want it to be.
12:24And sort of, you can just do more on the phone, in my opinion.
12:27It's not as close as iOS.
12:29And then iOS, obviously, if you have like your family,
12:32FaceTime and the iMessage chats and all that good stuff, that's really great for that.
12:39And then, like I said, you get longer software updates.
12:42And also with Android, you just get more variety as well too.
12:45So I can still get a phone with a headphone jack.
12:48I can still get a phone with SD card support.
12:50I can get a dual screen phone.
12:52I can get a folding phone, flip phone.
12:54There's just, you know, limitless options with Android, right?
12:59So take that into consideration.
13:01And yeah, so hopefully this video was helpful.
13:04I was trying to not make it too confusing.
13:07But let me know what you guys think.
