A Dozen Pictures of Salvation

  • 3 months ago
00:00:00The title of the sermon today is A Dozen Pictures of Salvation, A Dozen Pictures of Salvation.
00:00:10So some people talk about the Old Testament as a different time, and it was a different
00:00:20We know that when the New Testament starts you see Jesus, but for people to talk about
00:00:24a different salvation in the Old Testament just means they don't understand who God
00:00:30They don't understand the Bible.
00:00:31God didn't change.
00:00:32He says, I am God.
00:00:33I change not.
00:00:34So I've got a dozen places, and you don't have to go far in the Bible to find these.
00:00:40First we're going to go to Genesis 1 and 1 to represent pictures of salvation.
00:00:51People talk about this dispensationalism, which means that God changes his salvation
00:00:58throughout the ages, and it's just not true, folks.
00:01:02It's just a lie out of the pit of hell.
00:01:04It just doesn't make any sense.
00:01:06It's a twisting of scripture.
00:01:09Number one point, God created heaven.
00:01:11Look at Genesis 1 and 1.
00:01:13In the beginning, God created the heaven, not plural, and the earth.
00:01:21The King James Bible is always right.
00:01:25The New Bible version says that God created the heavens.
00:01:28Well, he did create the heavens, but there's three heavens.
00:01:32You have the first heaven, which is where you see the sky, you see the birds.
00:01:37That's the first heaven.
00:01:38The second heaven is what we would call outer space, and the third heaven would be where
00:01:44when we die, when we believe on Jesus, where we end up at, where the angels and God and
00:01:49Jesus are living at now.
00:01:50To prove that, go to 2 Corinthians 12.
00:01:562 Corinthians 12.
00:02:04If you want to keep your finger on Genesis, we're going to go right back to Genesis.
00:02:12God created heaven.
00:02:16Look at Genesis 12, verse 1.
00:02:18I'm sorry, 2 Corinthians 12, verse 1.
00:02:24In 2 Corinthians 12, it says,
00:02:25It is not expedient for me, doubtless, to glory.
00:02:28I will come to visions and revelations of the Lord.
00:02:31I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years, whether in the body I cannot tell, or whether
00:02:38out of the body I cannot tell.
00:02:40God knoweth.
00:02:41So, he doesn't know if he's having a vision or what exactly has happened.
00:02:47He's talking about himself.
00:02:49Such an one caught up to the third heaven.
00:02:52And I knew such a man, whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell.
00:02:57God knoweth how that he was caught up into paradise and heard unspeakable words, which
00:03:04is not lawful for a man to utter.
00:03:08So, he's clearly telling us that he's having some kind of, what people would say, an outer
00:03:15body experience where he's in a vision and he's in heaven.
00:03:20And he's calling it the third heaven.
00:03:22Go to John 14.
00:03:38John 14.
00:03:45God created heaven.
00:03:49That's the first point.
00:03:50Look at John 14, verse 6.
00:03:52Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life.
00:03:56No man cometh unto the Father but by me.
00:03:59So, he's clearly telling us the only way you can get to that place called heaven is through
00:04:05Jesus Christ because the Father is in heaven.
00:04:08That's point number one.
00:04:10Point number two, go back to Genesis 2.
00:04:15Genesis 2.
00:04:23Genesis 2, verse 1.
00:04:25Thus the heavens and the earth were finished and all the host of them.
00:04:30And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh
00:04:39day from all his work which he had made.
00:04:43And God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it because that in it he had rested from all
00:04:51his work which God created and made.
00:04:56Go to, keep your finger there in Genesis because we're coming back.
00:05:00Go to Exodus 20.
00:05:03Exodus 20.
00:05:08You know, you have these people sometimes like you got the seventh day Adventist.
00:05:12They want you to put an emphasis on the Sabbath and say, hey, you've got to not do anything
00:05:18on the Sabbath.
00:05:19And all these things, you've got the Jehovah's false witness.
00:05:23They want to put the emphasis on God's name and that his name is this.
00:05:29But it's a different God than what we believe in the Bible.
00:05:33And they put these focuses on these little small things.
00:05:36But look at verse 8 of Exodus 20.
00:05:41Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy.
00:05:44Six days shall thou labor and do all thy work.
00:05:48So the Bible is teaching us in six days we should do our work.
00:05:51But the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God.
00:05:55In it thou shalt not do any work.
00:05:58Thou nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy
00:06:07stranger that is within the gates.
00:06:09For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that is in them, and rested
00:06:16the seventh day.
00:06:18Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it.
00:06:23So the Bible is explaining to us in Genesis 2 and Exodus 20 that what God created everything
00:06:32in six days and rested on the Sabbath.
00:06:36What a funny thing is is you have these people that say yeah on Sunday I'm going to hallow
00:06:42the Sabbath.
00:06:43Not the Sabbath.
00:06:45Because that's the first day of the week.
00:06:48That should be on Saturday.
00:06:50But you know we're not going to do that because you know the Bible says that we don't have
00:06:54Go to Hebrews 4.
00:06:56Keep your finger in Genesis we'll come right back.
00:06:59You notice we don't have to go very far in the Bible to see pictures of salvation.
00:07:04Hebrews 4.
00:07:09Hebrews 4 verse 3 and we're going to go over this some on Wednesday.
00:07:14For we which have believed do enter into rest as he said as I have sworn in my wrath that
00:07:20they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of
00:07:26the world.
00:07:27So the Bible is going back to Genesis talking about that when God finished his work he rested
00:07:33on the seventh day.
00:07:35For he spake in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise and God did rest the seventh
00:07:42day from all his works.
00:07:45And in this place again if they shall enter into my rest seeing therefore it remains that
00:07:51some must enter therein and they too whom it was first preached entered not in because
00:07:57of unbelief.
00:07:59Again he limited limited a certain day saying in David today after so long a time it is
00:08:07said today if you were here his voice harden not your heart for Jesus had given them rest
00:08:13then he would have not afterward has spoken of another day.
00:08:17Therefore remain it therefore a rest to the people of God for he that is entered into
00:08:24his rest he also has ceased from his own works as God did from his.
00:08:31So the Bible is clear when you are ceasing from your work from salvation you're trying
00:08:37to not worry about repenting of your sins to be saved coming to church doing all these
00:08:43things then when you have rested from your work then that is where you realize that God
00:08:50is salvation.
00:08:52That's what the Bible is teaching and it's giving us an example of when God rested from
00:08:57his works that was rest.
00:08:59So rest equals salvation.
00:09:02And why is it rest?
00:09:05Well it's described that way because I'm not sitting here trying to think what do I have
00:09:10to do to be saved?
00:09:11Do I have to go out and do some nice things for people?
00:09:14Do I need to get baptized?
00:09:16Do I need to join a church?
00:09:18Do I need to be circumcised?
00:09:20What do I need to do?
00:09:21All I have to do is just put my trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
00:09:25That's all I have to do.
00:09:27Number three is you can't cover your sins.
00:09:30Go back to Genesis.
00:09:31Genesis 3.
00:09:33You can't cover your sins.
00:09:37A dozen pictures of salvation.
00:09:39That's the title of the sermon.
00:09:41Look at Genesis 3 verse 1.
00:09:45Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field, which the Lord God had made.
00:09:50And he said unto the woman, Yea, God said you shall not eat of every tree of the garden.
00:09:56And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden,
00:10:02but of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God has said you shall
00:10:07not eat of it.
00:10:09Neither shall you touch it lest you die.
00:10:14So this is the way Satan works.
00:10:17This is the way Satan works is that he tells you just enough truth.
00:10:22Enough truth.
00:10:23And what does the Bible say?
00:10:25That Satan says hey, you shall, I'm sorry, he's just telling them we should not touch
00:10:33it or we will die.
00:10:34Look at what Satan says in verse 4.
00:10:36And the serpent said unto the woman, You shall not surely die.
00:10:41For God does know that in the day that you eat thereof, then your eyes shall be open
00:10:47and you shall be as God's, little g, knowing good and evil.
00:10:51So Satan is kind of right about that.
00:10:54Because they didn't die.
00:10:55As soon as they eat it, they did not physically die.
00:10:58But what did they do?
00:10:59They spiritually died.
00:11:01They knew sin.
00:11:02See, before this time, and we don't know what time frame it was from the time that
00:11:07God created Adam, when Jesus breathed into a ball of clay and made Adam and then took
00:11:14a bone, a rib bone out of Adam to make Eve his help meat.
00:11:18We don't know what the time frame from then to where Satan comes in and tempts them.
00:11:22We don't know what that time frame is.
00:11:24But I tell you, there's no sin.
00:11:27There's no sin until this time.
00:11:30So they were spiritually saved until this happened.
00:11:37Again, the Bible doesn't tell us how long it was.
00:11:39But what I want you to see is, number one, Satan uses just a little bit of truth to make that lie.
00:11:47It's always a lie.
00:11:48But what you got to understand, if it's not 100% truth, it's a lie.
00:11:54If there's just a little bit of a lie and a truth, it's not truth.
00:11:59The truth has to be complete.
00:12:00It has to be whole.
00:12:02But he is right.
00:12:05He is wrong.
00:12:06So it's not the truth.
00:12:08And that's what they did.
00:12:09And when the woman saw the tree was good for food, and it was pleasant to the eyes, and
00:12:13a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave
00:12:19also unto her husband with her, and he did eat.
00:12:24So Adam and Eve ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
00:12:29And the eyes of them were both open.
00:12:33And they knew that they were naked, and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves
00:12:40So once they had this knowledge, they realized they were naked.
00:12:45And what did they do?
00:12:46They tried to cover up their sin.
00:12:48They took fig leaves and tried to make clothes with the fig leaves.
00:12:53And look at verse 8.
00:12:54And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and
00:12:59Adam and his wife hid themselves.
00:13:03Because they're ashamed.
00:13:04They knew they did wrong.
00:13:05From the presence of the Lord God amongst the trees of the garden.
00:13:09Well, God called unto Adam and said to him, Where art thou?
00:13:13Now, you really don't think that he knows where Adam is.
00:13:16Yeah, he does.
00:13:17But that's just part of what he's saying.
00:13:19And he said, I heard the voice in the garden and was afraid because I was naked and hid
00:13:26And he said, Who told thee that thou was naked?
00:13:28Hast thou eaten of the tree wherever I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat?
00:13:33Now, don't you think God already knew that they had already done that?
00:13:36And the man said, The woman whom thou gaveest to be with me, she gave me of the tree and
00:13:43I did eat.
00:13:44And the Lord God said unto the woman, Why is this that thou hast done?
00:13:47And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me and I did eat.
00:13:50So the next thing I want you to see is that Adam said, The woman told me to do it.
00:13:54And the woman says, The serpent told me to do it.
00:13:56Nobody is taking responsibility.
00:13:58And the Lord God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above
00:14:02all cattle and above every beast of the field.
00:14:05And upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of your life.
00:14:10So according to this, apparently the serpent was not crawling on his belly eating dust
00:14:15before all this.
00:14:16God cursed that animal.
00:14:20Go down to verse 21.
00:14:25Look at verse 21.
00:14:27And unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coats of skin and clothed them.
00:14:36So God was not happy with them trying to cover their own sins with the fig leaves.
00:14:42So what did he do?
00:14:43He killed an animal.
00:14:45Maybe it was a lamb.
00:14:46I believe it was a lamb.
00:14:48And he takes his coats of skin to make them covered up.
00:14:53That's what he did.
00:14:57Go to Genesis 4.
00:14:58The next one is Cain and Abel.
00:15:00Cain and Abel.
00:15:02Genesis 4 verse 1.
00:15:04And Adam knew his Eve, his wife, and she conceived.
00:15:09Now the Bible is talking about knowing something.
00:15:12A man knowing a woman is talking about the physical relationship that a husband and wife are having.
00:15:19And that's what it's saying.
00:15:20She conceived.
00:15:21In the moment that he knew his wife, she conceived and bared Cain and said,
00:15:25I have gotten a man from the Lord.
00:15:27And she again bared his brother Abel.
00:15:30And Abel was a keeper of sheep.
00:15:32But Cain was a tiller of the ground.
00:15:35So what we see is that Abel is a shepherd.
00:15:38He's taking care of the animals.
00:15:39And Cain is a farmer.
00:15:42He's taking care.
00:15:43He's making crops.
00:15:44He's tilling the ground.
00:15:46And in the process of time, it came to pass that Cain brought out of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.
00:15:54And Abel, he also brought of the firstling of his flocks of the fat thereof.
00:16:00And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering.
00:16:05So what we see, Cain is trying to create his own offering by going out there planting seeds,
00:16:13making them grow, watering them, doing whatever he has to to make them grow.
00:16:17And then he brings his offering, which is the fruit of the ground, whatever the plants are.
00:16:24And he tries to give it to God.
00:16:25And what does God do?
00:16:26I want it.
00:16:28I want it.
00:16:29So obviously before this happened, Cain and Abel and Adam and Eve knew that God did not want them to work for their offering.
00:16:41So all the way back to here, for the first people on this earth, they knew.
00:16:47The Bible doesn't tell us that they knew, but obviously they knew.
00:16:51But Cain, and to his offering, he had no respect.
00:16:55Cain was very wroth.
00:16:57It means he was mad and his countenance failed.
00:16:59What did Abel know and Cain didn't?
00:17:03I'm here to tell you, both of them knew.
00:17:06Abel just decided to do what was right and Cain did not.
00:17:10And when Cain tried to do that, then he got mad.
00:17:13And let's see what happened.
00:17:15The Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth?
00:17:18And why is thy countenance fallen?
00:17:20If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted?
00:17:23And if thou doest not well, sin lies at the door.
00:17:27And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
00:17:32Cain talked with Abel and his brother.
00:17:35And it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel, his brother, and slew him.
00:17:42And the Lord said unto Cain, Where is Abel thy brother?
00:17:46And he said, I know not. Am I my brother's keeper?
00:17:49And he said, What hast thou done?
00:17:51The voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground.
00:17:55So Cain was so mad at his brother Abel that he goes out there and kills him.
00:18:00And he, you know, I mean really, I mean there's four people on earth.
00:18:04You got Adam, Eve, Cain, and Abel.
00:18:06That's the only people on earth.
00:18:08And he thinks he's going to hide from God, but he did not.
00:18:14Go to John 1.
00:18:16Keep your fingers in Genesis, we're coming right back.
00:18:22John 1.
00:18:29Look at John 1 verse.
00:18:40John 1 verse 35.
00:18:47This is when John the Baptist is on the scene and he's baptizing a bunch of people and he sees Jesus.
00:18:54Look at verse 35.
00:19:06So before anything, before the foundation of the earth,
00:19:09Jesus knew that he was going to be the lamb slain from the foundation of the earth.
00:19:14And that's why God accepted Abel's offering the first thing out of flock all the way back in Genesis 4.
00:19:21And he did not accept Cain.
00:19:23Cain was an example of works, salvation, working your way on into heaven.
00:19:29But Abel was an example of God providing.
00:19:35Number 5 is the ark.
00:19:37Go to Genesis 6.
00:19:40Genesis 6.
00:19:45Genesis 6 verse 5.
00:19:47And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
00:19:58And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth and it grieved him at his heart.
00:20:05The Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth, both man and beast and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air for it repented me that I have made them.
00:20:18So I want you to understand people get this haughty attitude.
00:20:23Just remember, God created everything.
00:20:26And this is an example.
00:20:28I created everything is what God's saying.
00:20:31And I can destroy everything.
00:20:33And he did it one time with the water.
00:20:35And the next time he's going to do it with fire.
00:20:37And we need to understand that we don't need to have this haughty attitude of look at me.
00:20:42And and, you know, who is God?
00:20:44And then why did he do this?
00:20:46Because we need to understand that God created everything and he can destroy everything.
00:20:54But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
00:20:57And these are the generations of Noah.
00:20:59Noah was a just man and perfect.
00:21:02Does that mean he's sinless?
00:21:04Means he's complete in his generations.
00:21:06And Noah walked with God.
00:21:08So the only man that God could find on this earth was Noah.
00:21:13That was being just being righteous and got that found grace in God's eyes.
00:21:19What is grace is something we get that we don't deserve.
00:21:22And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth.
00:21:25And the earth was also corrupt before God.
00:21:28And the earth was filled with violence.
00:21:30And God looked upon the earth and behold, it was corrupt.
00:21:33For all flesh had corrupted his way, his way, not not our way upon the earth.
00:21:41And God said to Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me.
00:21:45For the earth is filled with violence through them.
00:21:48And behold, I will destroy them with the earth.
00:21:55Go down to Genesis 7.
00:21:59Genesis 7.
00:22:02So we know what happened, right?
00:22:05Just to give you, we don't have time to go through the whole thing.
00:22:08But we know that Adam, I'm sorry, Noah took all his family.
00:22:13And he, for 120 years, he sat there and built this big old boat.
00:22:17A big old ark that was so big that it held all the animals.
00:22:22It held seven of the clean animals and two, one of each kind of the unclean animals.
00:22:31That's dinosaurs too, people.
00:22:33We talked about that last week.
00:22:35That's lions, that's bears, that's any animal you can think of out there.
00:22:40That's what he did.
00:22:42And you have these atheists out there saying, oh really, there's this many species of dog in the world.
00:22:49You know, you got from a wolf to a coyote to a chihuahua.
00:22:54How did all those animals fix?
00:22:56How about one dog and one dog?
00:22:59Did you ever think about that?
00:23:00I mean, just a dog.
00:23:02And then all these other species come from it.
00:23:05When it says, if you read the Bible, it says they're kind.
00:23:09And if you understand anything about science, that you have a kind and a species.
00:23:17And the kind is just dog, cat.
00:23:21These are different kinds.
00:23:23But you may have 50 different species of a cat.
00:23:26I don't know how many species.
00:23:27There's probably more than that.
00:23:29You have all these different kinds where different animals are in different locations.
00:23:35Some cats have no hair.
00:23:37Some cats have a lot of hair.
00:23:38Some cats have medium hair.
00:23:40You know, I don't want to get into all that.
00:23:42But that's what we need to understand is of their kind.
00:23:46Not all these others.
00:23:47But that's just atheists.
00:23:48They just like to doubt the Bible.
00:23:51But he takes all these animals in there.
00:23:54And his family.
00:23:56And he waits.
00:23:58And then it rains.
00:23:5940 days, 40 nights.
00:24:01And guess what?
00:24:02It never rained before.
00:24:03Look at Genesis 7, 11.
00:24:06In the 600th year of Noah's life, in the second month, the 17th day of the month,
00:24:13the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up,
00:24:18and the windows of heaven were opened.
00:24:21And the rain was upon the earth 40 days and 40 nights.
00:24:25And the selfsame day entered Noah and Shem and Ham and Japheth and the sons of Noah
00:24:30and Noah's wife and the three wives of his sons with them into the ark.
00:24:35They and every beast after his kind and all the cattle after their kind
00:24:41and every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind
00:24:46and every fowl after his kind, every bird of every sort.
00:24:50And they went into Noah and to the ark, two and two of all flesh, wherein is the breath of life.
00:24:58And they that went in, went in male and female of flesh, as God had commanded him.
00:25:03And the Lord shut him in.
00:25:07So who closed the door?
00:25:09The Lord shut the door of this big ark.
00:25:12Because you sit there and think, and you've probably seen these pictures of the ark,
00:25:16of what people think it looks like.
00:25:18I mean folks, it's got to have a big door.
00:25:21I mean it's got to have a humongous door, a heavy door.
00:25:24So I don't see Noah and Shem, Ham and Japheth lifting that thing up and closing them.
00:25:30God closed it.
00:25:32God closed the door.
00:25:35Go to 1 Peter 3.
00:25:36Keep your finger in Genesis.
00:25:451 Peter chapter 3.
00:25:571 Peter 3 verse 16.
00:25:58Now if you go out there and do a bunch of things against the law or whatever,
00:26:26and you suffer for that, that's your problem.
00:26:30It's better for us to suffer in God's eyes if we're doing right.
00:26:34If they're lying about us and saying, hey you did this, you did that,
00:26:38and they're lying about us, if we suffer for that, we'll be rewarded for that.
00:26:42For Christ also has once suffered.
00:26:44So he's trying to bring you around saying, look, don't feel so bad about yourself for suffering
00:26:51because Christ suffered for your sins, for my sins, for the world's sins.
00:26:57The judge for the unjust.
00:26:59That he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh, but quickened by the Spirit.
00:27:05By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison, which sometime were disobedient,
00:27:11when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah, while the ark was a preparing,
00:27:18wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.
00:27:23The like figure.
00:27:25So the figure of them being saved by water has nothing to do with being baptized.
00:27:31And we'll see that in a minute.
00:27:33Wherein to even baptism does also save us.
00:27:36So you'll get the different cults of Christianity that'll say, yeah, say you gotta be baptized and this proves that.
00:27:45But look at the parentheses.
00:27:47Not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, not putting away the filth of the flesh,
00:27:53but the answer of God and a good conscience toward God by the erection of Jesus Christ.
00:27:59So the picture, the like figure of us being baptized is not us getting a bath.
00:28:05It's not the saying, hey, that baptism washes away all your sins.
00:28:10But it's a picture of when you die, just like when Jesus died on the cross and he rose again.
00:28:16That's a picture of salvation is when you go in the water and you come up a new creature.
00:28:21That's us partaking in the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus Christ.
00:28:27That's the figure.
00:28:29That's the picture.
00:28:30That's the example of us being baptized.
00:28:33Again, nobody has to be baptized to go to heaven.
00:28:38Nobody has to be baptized to go to heaven.
00:28:41All you have to do is believe on Christ.
00:28:43But what it's saying is, is that the picture of us being baptized is just like people coming,
00:28:52the death, burial, resurrection of Jesus Christ taking part in that.
00:28:56Well, the same thing is that these eight souls were saved from the water of destruction.
00:29:03And who did that?
00:29:05God did.
00:29:06He closed the door.
00:29:07He opened the door later on.
00:29:09That's the picture of salvation.
00:29:11One door, one way in, one way out.
00:29:13Jesus said, on the way, the truth and the life.
00:29:15And nobody comes to the Father but through me.
00:29:17And through him is that one door.
00:29:20Go back to Genesis.
00:29:23Genesis 10.
00:29:24Number six is the Tower of Babel.
00:29:27Tower of Babel.
00:29:32So how is that a picture of salvation?
00:29:37Look at Genesis 10.32.
00:29:40These are the families of the sons of Noah.
00:29:42So right after the flood, we're going in chronological order here,
00:29:46after the generations and their nations.
00:29:49And by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood.
00:29:53Look at verse 11, chapter 11.1.
00:29:56And the whole earth was one language and of one speech.
00:30:00And it came to pass as they journeyed from the east,
00:30:03and they found a plain in the land of Shinar.
00:30:06And they dwelt there, and they said one to another,
00:30:09Go to, let us make brick, and burn them thoroughly.
00:30:13And they had brick for stone and slime for mortar.
00:30:17And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower
00:30:22whose top may reach unto heaven.
00:30:26So they're saying, hey, let's build us a tower so tall
00:30:29that it would go up to heaven.
00:30:31Pretty silly, isn't it?
00:30:32Well, it's so silly that, you know, if you think you can repent of your sins,
00:30:35or you can make your own way to heaven, that's silly too.
00:30:38To God, it makes no sense.
00:30:41Just like to us, it makes no sense for somebody to build a tower
00:30:44so tall that it would go up to heaven.
00:30:46Well, it makes no sense to God that you can make your own way to heaven as well.
00:30:51And let us make us a name that lest we be scattered abroad
00:30:54upon the face of the earth.
00:30:56And the Lord came down to see the city and the tower
00:30:59which the children of the men built it.
00:31:02And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one.
00:31:06And they have one language.
00:31:10And this they begin to do.
00:31:12And now nothing will be restrained from them
00:31:15which they have imagined to do.
00:31:17So obviously, God does not want us to be one language.
00:31:23But guess what?
00:31:24Antichrist does.
00:31:25He wants us to have one religion,
00:31:28one world government,
00:31:30one this, one that.
00:31:31But you know what?
00:31:32God does not.
00:31:33Because He did not.
00:31:35He scattered them.
00:31:36Look at verse 7.
00:31:37Go to let us.
00:31:39Who's us?
00:31:41God's the one person, right?
00:31:42I mean, who's us?
00:31:44Does he not understand?
00:31:45It's the Trinity, folks.
00:31:47Go let us.
00:31:48God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
00:31:50That's the us there.
00:31:52And there confound their language
00:31:56that they may not understand one another's speech.
00:32:00So the Lord scattered them abroad
00:32:02from thence upon the face of all the earth.
00:32:04And they left off to build the city.
00:32:07There's a name of it called Babel
00:32:09because the Lord did there confound the language
00:32:12of all the earth.
00:32:14And from thence did the Lord scatter them abroad
00:32:17upon the face of the earth.
00:32:18And when somebody babbles, what?
00:32:19You don't understand what they're saying?
00:32:22Something like that.
00:32:25So what's interesting to me is
00:32:27why is this story in here?
00:32:30Why is this story in here?
00:32:32I mean, you've got Noah.
00:32:34And then the next thing in verse 10
00:32:36you're talking about Shem.
00:32:38And you're going through a genealogy
00:32:42of where it comes from Shem to Abram.
00:32:46So why is this story in here?
00:32:48God just wants to understand,
00:32:49hey, don't work for your own salvation.
00:32:51You can't do it.
00:32:54That's number six, the Tower of Babel.
00:32:56Number seven, you're in Genesis.
00:32:58Go to Genesis 12.1.
00:33:00So now we go through this genealogy
00:33:02of who these people are
00:33:04and we get to Abram
00:33:06which his name's later going to be changed to Abraham.
00:33:09Number seven is Abraham believed God.
00:33:12Look at Genesis 12.1.
00:33:14Now the Lord said unto Abram,
00:33:16Abram, get thee out of thy country
00:33:18and from thy kindred
00:33:20and from thy father's house
00:33:22into a land that I will show thee.
00:33:24And I will make thee a great nation.
00:33:26And I will bless thee
00:33:28and make thy name great.
00:33:30And thou shalt be a blessing.
00:33:32And I will curse them that bless thee.
00:33:34I mean, I will bless thee that bless them.
00:33:37Bless them that bless thee.
00:33:39And I will curse him that curses thee.
00:33:41And in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
00:33:45And I've told you before, this is
00:33:47the verses that all preachers like to say
00:33:51that if you bless Israel over there
00:33:53God will bless you.
00:33:55Not true.
00:33:56Look at verse eight.
00:33:57And he removed from thence
00:33:59unto a mountain of the east of Bethel
00:34:01and pitched his tent there in Bethel
00:34:03on the west, and Haon on the east.
00:34:05And there he builded an altar in the Lord
00:34:08and he did what?
00:34:09Called upon the name of the Lord.
00:34:12Go to
00:34:15Genesis 15.
00:34:19Genesis 15, verse six.
00:34:22And he, Abram,
00:34:25believed in the Lord
00:34:27and he counted it to him for righteousness.
00:34:31So why is Abraham saved?
00:34:33Is it because he's this great guy we read in the Bible?
00:34:37No, it's because he believed God
00:34:40and it was counted for him for righteousness.
00:34:42Keep your finger on Genesis and look at Romans 10.
00:34:47Romans 10.
00:34:59Look at Romans 10, verse nine.
00:35:03That if thou
00:35:05shalt confess
00:35:07with thy mouth the Lord Jesus.
00:35:09Not that Jesus is Lord.
00:35:10That's the new Bible version.
00:35:11That's the screwed up version.
00:35:13All you have to confess with your mouth
00:35:15to the Lord Jesus
00:35:17and shalt believe in thine heart
00:35:19that God raised him from the dead.
00:35:21So what is it saying?
00:35:23All you have to do is believe that Jesus was raised from the dead
00:35:26to death, burial, and resurrection.
00:35:28Thou shalt be saved.
00:35:31For with the heart man believeth in the righteousness.
00:35:33And with the mouth confession is made in salvation.
00:35:36For the scripture saith,
00:35:37Whosoever believeth on him
00:35:39shall not be ashamed.
00:35:41For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek.
00:35:43For the same Lord over all is rich
00:35:46and all that is called upon him.
00:35:48For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord
00:35:51shall be saved.
00:35:52Just like it says with Abraham.
00:35:55He called upon the name of the Lord to be saved.
00:35:57What do you have to do?
00:35:58You have to believe that Jesus is who he says he is.
00:36:02Not just believing in God.
00:36:04That's not enough, folks.
00:36:05You've got to believe that Jesus died, was buried,
00:36:08and rose three days later for your sins.
00:36:10And that your trust in that is the only way to heaven.
00:36:13And when you believe that,
00:36:15and you call upon the name of the Lord,
00:36:16and you tell him,
00:36:17I believe that you are he.
00:36:19I believe that you are the Savior.
00:36:21I believe that you died for all mankind.
00:36:24And when you tell him that,
00:36:26you shall be saved.
00:36:27It's pretty simple.
00:36:28That's what Abraham did.
00:36:30Go back to Genesis.
00:36:32Number eight is attempted sacrifice of Abel.
00:36:37I'm sorry, Isaac.
00:36:38I'm getting this confused.
00:36:40Genesis 22.
00:36:43So we read in the Bible
00:36:44and we see all these great things that Abraham did.
00:36:47But the only reason today
00:36:49that you will see Abraham in heaven
00:36:51is why?
00:36:52Because he believed God
00:36:54and it was counted for him for righteousness.
00:37:01Number eight.
00:37:02The attempted sacrifice of Isaac.
00:37:04Look at Genesis 22.
00:37:06Verse one.
00:37:08And it came to pass
00:37:09after these things that God did tempt
00:37:12or test Abraham.
00:37:15Sent him.
00:37:17And he said, behold, here am I.
00:37:18And he said, take thy son,
00:37:20thy only son.
00:37:22Now why did he put that in there?
00:37:24Because he had Isaac
00:37:25and he had Ishmael.
00:37:27But God did not consider Ishmael to be his son
00:37:30because it was not from his wife.
00:37:32So that's why he said his only son.
00:37:35So that should let us believe
00:37:37that if it's some kind of
00:37:39something outside of marriage,
00:37:41God does not consider that
00:37:43just like Isaac is considered to be his only son.
00:37:46Abraham messed it up
00:37:47when he tried to go with Hagar
00:37:54because he messed up the whole only son thing.
00:37:57But God still considered Isaac
00:37:59to be his only son.
00:38:01Which I love us and give thee into the land of Moriah
00:38:04and offer him there for a burnt offering.
00:38:07So he's saying, hey your only son,
00:38:09go there and kill him.
00:38:15Which I will tell thee of.
00:38:17And Abraham rose up early in the morning
00:38:19and saddled his ass
00:38:20and took of his young men with him
00:38:22and Isaac his son
00:38:23and clad the wood for the burnt offering
00:38:25and rose up and went into the place
00:38:27of which God had told him.
00:38:29And on the third day,
00:38:31that's interesting,
00:38:32on the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes
00:38:34and saw a place afar.
00:38:36And Abraham said unto his young men,
00:38:38Abide ye here with the ass
00:38:41and the lad will go up yonder and worship
00:38:44and come again to you.
00:38:46So what is he saying?
00:38:48Look at the last part.
00:38:49Don't glaze over this folks.
00:38:51He's saying me and the little boy Isaac
00:38:53we're going to come up there
00:38:54and he's coming right back down.
00:38:57Now think about this for a minute.
00:38:59If somebody is sacrificing a child
00:39:04and I know that sounds weird
00:39:05but that's what we're talking about here folks.
00:39:07He's sacrificing his own son.
00:39:10He's got to kill him.
00:39:12But he's literally telling these other men,
00:39:14hey he's coming back down the mountain with me.
00:39:17Why is that?
00:39:18Let's keep reading.
00:39:19And Abraham took the wood of the burnt offering
00:39:21and laid it upon Isaac his son
00:39:23and took the fire in his hand and a knife
00:39:25and they both went of them together.
00:39:27And Isaac spake unto Abraham his father
00:39:30and said my father he said
00:39:32here am I my son.
00:39:33And he said behold the fire and the wood
00:39:35but where is the lamb for the burnt offering?
00:39:37So Isaac smart enough to realize
00:39:39hey there's nothing here.
00:39:42Where's the lamb?
00:39:44Look at the next verse.
00:39:45And Abraham said my son
00:39:48God will provide himself a lamb
00:39:53for a burnt offering.
00:39:55So they went both of them together.
00:39:57So Abraham's telling Isaac this
00:39:58but he's not sure.
00:40:00He's not really sure.
00:40:01Let's keep reading.
00:40:02And there came to the place
00:40:03which God had told him of
00:40:04and Abraham built an altar there
00:40:06and laid the wood in order
00:40:07and bound Isaac his son
00:40:09and laid him on the altar upon the wood.
00:40:12Folks that's pretty hard to do.
00:40:14I mean the faith of Abraham is so great
00:40:17but that's not why he's in heaven.
00:40:19He's in heaven because he believed God
00:40:21and he counted it for righteousness.
00:40:23And Abraham stretched forth his hand
00:40:26and took the knife to slay his son.
00:40:28And the angel of the Lord came unto him
00:40:30out of heaven and said Abraham Abraham
00:40:33and he said here am I.
00:40:34And he said lay not thine hand upon the lad
00:40:38neither do anything unto him.
00:40:42For now I know that thou fearest God
00:40:45seeing thou hath not withheld thy son
00:40:47thine only son from me.
00:40:49And Abraham lifted up his eyes and looked
00:40:51and behold behind him a ram.
00:40:53What's a ram?
00:40:54A male lamb.
00:40:59Caught in a thicket.
00:41:00What's the point of the thicket?
00:41:01Well Jesus had a crown of thorns on his head didn't he?
00:41:04That's a thicket.
00:41:06And Abraham went and took the ram
00:41:08and offered him up for a burnt offering
00:41:10instead of his son
00:41:11and Abraham called the name of this place
00:41:13Jehovah Jireh
00:41:15as it is said to this day
00:41:16in the mount of the Lord
00:41:17it shall be seen.
00:41:21And the angel of the Lord called upon Abraham
00:41:24out of heaven the second time and said
00:41:26by myself have I sworn
00:41:28said the Lord before
00:41:29because thou has done this thing
00:41:31and has not withheld thy son
00:41:34thine only son.
00:41:37That in thou I will bless thee
00:41:39and in multiplying I will multiply thy seed
00:41:42as the stars of the heaven
00:41:43and the sand as with the seashore
00:41:45and thy seed shall possess the gates of his enemies
00:41:49and in thy seed
00:41:50shall all the nations of the earth be blessed.
00:41:53Thou hast obeyed my voice.
00:41:58Excuse me.
00:41:59Go to Hebrews 11.
00:42:03Keep your finger on Genesis.
00:42:05Hebrews 11.
00:42:15Hebrews 11 verse 17.
00:42:18This is called the faith chapter.
00:42:20The whole chapter of Hebrews 11 is about faith.
00:42:24Hebrews 11 verse 17
00:42:26By faith Abraham when he was tried
00:42:29we just saw that's when he was tested
00:42:31offered up Isaac
00:42:33and he that had received the promises
00:42:35offered up his only begotten son
00:42:40of whom it was said
00:42:41that in Isaac shall thou seed be called
00:42:44accounting that God was able to raise him up
00:42:48even from the dead
00:42:50from whence he had received him in a figure.
00:42:54So the whole time Abraham's thinking
00:42:57I am going to sacrifice my only son here
00:43:00but God's going to raise him up.
00:43:03The whole time.
00:43:04That's how much faith he had.
00:43:05That's why he was not worried
00:43:07about taking his son up there.
00:43:09That's why he's saying
00:43:10God's going to provide a lamb my son
00:43:14but you know what?
00:43:15He's thinking the whole time
00:43:16if he doesn't
00:43:17I mean he was ready with a knife to stab him.
00:43:20He had him tied up
00:43:21and he believed that even if he stabbed him
00:43:24and caused him to die
00:43:26that God was going to have him raised up
00:43:29that moment
00:43:30because he told the people
00:43:31we're coming back down the mountain.
00:43:34That's a lot of faith folks.
00:43:36But that's a picture of salvation.
00:43:39That God's going to provide the lamb
00:43:41and he did.
00:43:42His name was Jesus Christ.
00:43:43That we don't have to do anything for our salvation.
00:43:45All we have to do is put our faith
00:43:47in the lamb of God
00:43:49and believe that he's our salvation.
00:43:52Just like Abraham believed
00:43:53that God was going to provide a lamb
00:43:55and he did.
00:43:58Number 9.
00:44:00Go to Exodus 1.
00:44:06Number 9 is being in bondage for 400 years.
00:44:09If you understand the story
00:44:11that you have Isaac
00:44:13and then you have Jacob
00:44:14and then they go to Egypt
00:44:17and they do all these things in Egypt
00:44:19and they live in Egypt
00:44:21because Joseph is the second in charge in Egypt
00:44:26right under Pharaoh.
00:44:28And when they do that
00:44:29there's a big family in the land
00:44:30they live there in Egypt
00:44:32and then after that Pharaoh dies
00:44:34and another Pharaoh comes in
00:44:35they make the Hebrew children
00:44:38to be slaves in bondage
00:44:40for over 400 years.
00:44:42Look at Exodus 1.8.
00:44:46Now there arose up a new king over Egypt
00:44:49which knew not Joseph.
00:44:51So Joseph knew the original Pharaoh
00:44:55but he didn't know this one.
00:44:58And he said unto his people
00:45:00Behold the people of the children of Israel
00:45:02are more and mightier than we.
00:45:04Come on let us deal wisely with them
00:45:08lest they multiply
00:45:09and it comes to pass
00:45:10that when they falleth out of any war
00:45:13they join also unto our enemies
00:45:16and fight against us
00:45:17and so get them out of the land.
00:45:20Therefore they did set over them taskmasters
00:45:24which we would call slave masters
00:45:27to afflict them with their burdens
00:45:29and they built for Pharaoh
00:45:30treasure cities
00:45:32Pithom and Ramses.
00:45:35But the more they afflicted them
00:45:37the more they multiplied and grew
00:45:39and their greed because of the children of Israel
00:45:41and the Egyptians made the children of Israel
00:45:44to serve with rigor
00:45:46and they made their lives bitter
00:45:48with hard bondage
00:45:49in mortar and in brick
00:45:51and all the manner of service in the field
00:45:53all their service where they made them serve
00:45:56was with rigor.
00:45:58So the Bible is teaching us here
00:46:00that what did they do?
00:46:01They were in bondage.
00:46:02They were doing the things.
00:46:05And plenty of times in the Bible
00:46:07God reminds them
00:46:09I'm the one that drew you out of bondage.
00:46:12I'm the one that brought you out of Egypt.
00:46:14Let's just look at some of those.
00:46:15Look at Leviticus 11.
00:46:18Look at Leviticus 11.
00:46:32Leviticus 11 verse 45
00:46:35For I'm the Lord that bringeth you
00:46:37out of the land of Egypt
00:46:39to be your God
00:46:40you shall therefore be holy
00:46:42for I am holy.
00:46:44Leviticus 19
00:46:47Leviticus 19
00:46:58Leviticus 19 verse 36
00:47:01Just balances, just weights
00:47:03a just ephaph
00:47:05and a just hen
00:47:07shall ye have.
00:47:08I am the Lord your God
00:47:09which brought you out of the land of Egypt.
00:47:11Go to Leviticus 22
00:47:17Leviticus 22
00:47:19verse 31
00:47:20Therefore shall ye keep my commandments
00:47:22and do them.
00:47:24I am the Lord
00:47:25neither shall ye profane my holy name
00:47:28but I will be hallowed among the children of Israel.
00:47:31I am the Lord which hallowed you
00:47:33that brought you out of the land of Egypt
00:47:35to be your God.
00:47:36I am the Lord.
00:47:37Go to Leviticus 25
00:47:42Leviticus 25 verse 38
00:47:49Leviticus 25 verse 38
00:47:52I am the Lord your God
00:47:54which brought you forth
00:47:55out of the land of Egypt
00:47:56to give you the land of Canaan
00:47:58and to be your God.
00:48:00Now go to John 8
00:48:02So several places we see
00:48:04constantly God saying
00:48:06I'm the one that brought you out of bondage.
00:48:08You would not
00:48:09you would still be in bondage
00:48:10if it wasn't for me.
00:48:11And He constantly reminds them
00:48:13that it's all because of Him.
00:48:17And guess what?
00:48:19it's all because of Him.
00:48:21Look at John 8 verse 23
00:48:27Look at John 8 verse 23
00:48:29And He said unto them
00:48:30You are from beneath
00:48:31I am from above.
00:48:32We are of this world
00:48:34You are of this world
00:48:35I am not of this world.
00:48:36I said therefore unto you
00:48:38that you shall die in your sins
00:48:40if you believe not that I am He.
00:48:42You shall die in your sins.
00:48:44Then they said unto Him
00:48:46Who art thou?
00:48:47Who art thou?
00:48:48And Jesus said unto them
00:48:51Even the same that I said unto you
00:48:53from the beginning
00:48:54I have many things to say
00:48:55in the judge of you
00:48:57but He that sent me is true.
00:48:59And I speak to the world
00:49:01those things which I have heard of Him.
00:49:03They understood not
00:49:04that He spake
00:49:05to them of the Father.
00:49:07And He said
00:49:08Then said Jesus unto them
00:49:09When ye have lifted up
00:49:10the Son of Man
00:49:12then shall ye know
00:49:13that I am He
00:49:14and that I do nothing of myself
00:49:16but as my Father has taught me
00:49:18I speak these things.
00:49:20And He sent me
00:49:21and He has sent
00:49:23He has sent me
00:49:24is with
00:49:25with me.
00:49:27The Father has not left me alone.
00:49:29For I do always those things
00:49:30that please Him.
00:49:31As He has paid these words
00:49:32many believed on Him.
00:49:34Then said Jesus
00:49:35to those Jews
00:49:37to those Jews
00:49:38who believed on Him
00:49:40If ye continue in my word
00:49:42then ye
00:49:43are my disciples indeed.
00:49:45So the ones that believed on Him
00:49:47He is telling them
00:49:48If you believe
00:49:49you shall
00:49:50and you shall know the truth
00:49:51and the truth
00:49:52shall make you free.
00:49:54They answered Him
00:49:55We be Abraham's seed
00:49:56and we are not in bondage
00:49:57to any man
00:49:58thou sayest
00:50:00ye shall be made free.
00:50:01He is saying
00:50:02Why are you saying we should be free?
00:50:03We are not in bondage.
00:50:04We are of Abraham's seed.
00:50:06Were they?
00:50:08They believed they were
00:50:09spiritually of Abraham's seed
00:50:10but they are talking about physical.
00:50:12Jesus answered them
00:50:13Verily, verily, I say unto you
00:50:14Whosoever committeth sin
00:50:16is a servant of sin.
00:50:19So what I am trying to show you is
00:50:21that just like God
00:50:23pulled them out of bondage
00:50:24that were in bondage
00:50:25for 400 years
00:50:26If you are in the middle of sin
00:50:28then you are the servant of sin.
00:50:31You are in bondage of sin.
00:50:33And the servant abideth
00:50:34not in the house forever
00:50:35but his son abideth forever.
00:50:37And his son therefore
00:50:38shall make you free.
00:50:39You shall be freed indeed.
00:50:40I know that you are Abraham's seed.
00:50:42He is talking about physically.
00:50:43But you seek to kill me
00:50:44because my word
00:50:45has no place in you.
00:50:47I speak that I have seen
00:50:48with my father
00:50:49and you do that
00:50:50which you have seen
00:50:51with your father.
00:50:53So he is telling them
00:50:54there is a different father.
00:50:55You got a different father than me.
00:50:56Mine is God the father.
00:50:57Who is he talking about?
00:50:58Then they answered and said to him
00:51:01Abraham is our father.
00:51:02Jesus said unto them
00:51:04if you were Abraham's children
00:51:06you would do the works of Abraham.
00:51:08But now you seek to kill me
00:51:10a man that has told you the truth
00:51:12which I have heard of God.
00:51:14This did not Abraham.
00:51:17You do the deeds of your father.
00:51:19And they said to him
00:51:20we be not born of fornication.
00:51:21We have one father even God.
00:51:23Jesus said unto them
00:51:24this is out of Jesus' own mouth folks
00:51:27If God were your father
00:51:32you would love me
00:51:33for I proceeded out of forth
00:51:35and came from God
00:51:36neither came out of myself
00:51:38but he sent me
00:51:39why do you not understand my speech
00:51:41even because you cannot hear my word
00:51:44ye are of your father the devil
00:51:48and unless your father is with you
00:51:50you will do.
00:51:51He was a murderer from the beginning
00:51:52and I bow not unto truth
00:51:54because there is no truth in him
00:51:55when he speaketh a lie
00:51:57he speaketh of his own
00:51:59for he is a liar
00:52:00and the father of it.
00:52:02So the Bible is clear.
00:52:03Jesus is telling them
00:52:04if, if, if, if God were your father
00:52:08you would be trying to kill me.
00:52:11That just shows you
00:52:12to prove to you
00:52:14those people over there
00:52:15that call themselves
00:52:16God's chosen people
00:52:18Jews, Israel
00:52:19whatever you want to call them
00:52:20I know this is illegal
00:52:21in the United States
00:52:22to say this
00:52:23but they are the ones
00:52:24that crucified Jesus
00:52:25and they crucified Jesus
00:52:26because they hated him
00:52:27because they hate God the father.
00:52:29They love the devil.
00:52:31That's what are killing
00:52:32all these people folks.
00:52:33That's what are killing
00:52:34mass destruction
00:52:36and they keep killing
00:52:37babies and children.
00:52:39Folks that's not war.
00:52:42That's extinction.
00:52:43That has nothing to do with war.
00:52:45No baby can fight you.
00:52:47This baby sitting here
00:52:48cannot fight me.
00:52:50No child can fight.
00:52:53That's the silliness of the world.
00:52:56That's number nine.
00:52:58Number ten
00:52:59Go to Genesis 12
00:53:01I'm sorry Exodus 12
00:53:05Blood on the door post
00:53:07Exodus 12
00:53:21Exodus 12
00:53:23If you know the story
00:53:25they go through all these plagues
00:53:27Moses does
00:53:29and at the end of the plague
00:53:30the final plague is what?
00:53:32The angel of God
00:53:34is going to kill the firstborn
00:53:36of every cattle
00:53:39and person
00:53:40and guess what?
00:53:41Pharaoh only has one son.
00:53:45Look at Exodus 12 verse 1
00:53:57Speaking unto all the congregation of Israel
00:53:59saying in the tenth day of this month
00:54:01they shall take to them
00:54:03every man a lamb
00:54:05according to the house of their fathers
00:54:07a lamb for an house
00:54:09if the household be too little for the lamb
00:54:11let him and his neighbor next unto his house
00:54:13take it according to the number of the souls
00:54:15every man according to his eating
00:54:17shall make your count for the lamb
00:54:19your lamb
00:54:21shall be without blemish
00:54:23a male of the first year
00:54:25you shall take it out from the sheep
00:54:27or from the goats
00:54:29you shall keep it until the fourteenth day
00:54:31of the same month
00:54:33and the whole assembly of the congregation of Israel
00:54:35shall kill it in the evening
00:54:37and they shall take of the blood
00:54:39and strike it on the two side posts
00:54:41and the upper door post of the houses
00:54:43wherein they shall eat it
00:54:45and they shall eat the flesh in the night
00:54:47roast with fire
00:54:49and unleavened bread with the bitter herbs
00:54:51shall eat it
00:54:53nor sodden
00:54:55means boiled
00:54:57at any time with water
00:54:59but roast with fire
00:55:01his heads with legs
00:55:03and the pertinence thereof
00:55:05and he shall not let none of it remain
00:55:07until the morning
00:55:09that which he remaineth until the evening
00:55:11he shall burn with fire
00:55:13and thus shall ye eat it
00:55:15with your loin skirted
00:55:17your shoes on your feet
00:55:19and your staff in your hand
00:55:21I am the Lord
00:55:23and the blood shall be to you
00:55:25for a token
00:55:27upon the houses wherein you are
00:55:29and when I see the blood
00:55:31I will pass over you
00:55:33and the plague shall not be upon you
00:55:35to destroy you
00:55:37I will smite the land of Egypt
00:55:39So what is he talking about?
00:55:41Well, you got a door post
00:55:43you got a door post
00:55:45you got a door post
00:55:47you got a door post
00:55:49you got a door post
00:55:51this is a door
00:55:53and he's saying
00:55:55take the blood of the lamb
00:55:57that you have slain
00:55:59and you put it on the side post
00:56:01and the top
00:56:03and that means
00:56:05when the angel comes by
00:56:07to destroy the firstborn
00:56:09of the household, he's gonna pass over
00:56:11that's what the Passover means
00:56:13and if you look at that, what does that mean?
00:56:15Wow, that makes a cross, that's pretty interesting
00:56:19and that's the picture
00:56:21of salvation, that if you don't have the
00:56:23blood of Jesus Christ on the blood
00:56:25post of your heart, you're gonna
00:56:27die in your sins
00:56:29the blood is the only thing that can
00:56:31cover your sins
00:56:33and that's the picture of salvation
00:56:35number 11, go to numbers
00:56:3721, look and live
00:56:41I think this story
00:56:43is pretty interesting because
00:56:47the Bible you'll notice that
00:56:49snakes just aren't
00:56:51God's favorite creatures, snakes and
00:56:55the way he talks about dogs
00:56:57is not good
00:56:59God created dogs, God created serpents or snakes
00:57:01but look at verse
00:57:03look at numbers 21
00:57:05verse 5, look and live
00:57:07that's number 11
00:57:11numbers 21 verse 5
00:57:13and if you
00:57:15notice every time the people
00:57:17that were led
00:57:19out of Egypt, they start
00:57:21murmuring against God
00:57:23and speaking against God
00:57:25he punishes them, every single time
00:57:27this is one of them
00:57:29and the people speak against God and against
00:57:31Moses, wherefore have you brought
00:57:33us out of Egypt to die in the wilderness
00:57:35there is no bread
00:57:37neither any water
00:57:39and our soul loatheth
00:57:41this light bread
00:57:43and the Lord sent fiery serpents
00:57:45among the people
00:57:47and they bit the people
00:57:49and much people of Israel died
00:57:51so just to show them who God is
00:57:53he sent fiery serpents
00:57:55what does that mean? I don't know what that means
00:57:57does that mean the serpents are actually on fire?
00:57:59if the only person who can do it is God
00:58:01I don't know if he's talking about that
00:58:03or serpents who
00:58:05their venom burned them, I don't know
00:58:07the Bible doesn't tell us that
00:58:09the people died, therefore the people
00:58:11came to Moses and said, we have sinned
00:58:13for we have spoken against the Lord
00:58:15and against thee
00:58:17praying to the Lord that
00:58:19he take away the serpent from us
00:58:21and Moses prayed for the people
00:58:23and what did he do? The Lord said to Moses
00:58:25make thee a fiery serpent
00:58:27and set it upon a pole
00:58:29and it shall come to pass that everyone
00:58:31that is bitten, when he looketh
00:58:33upon it, shall live
00:58:35and Moses made a serpent of brass
00:58:37and put it upon a pole
00:58:39and it came to pass that if a serpent had
00:58:41bitten any man, when he beheld
00:58:43the serpent of brass, he lived
00:58:45so what does he do?
00:58:47Moses takes a pole
00:58:49and he puts a serpent on it
00:58:51and when they looked at
00:58:53that serpent, they lived
00:58:55they didn't die
00:58:57from the fiery serpents that bit them
00:58:59now I think this is interesting
00:59:01because sometimes if you see
00:59:03an ambulance go by, you'll see
00:59:05what? You'll see a medical symbol
00:59:07you'll see a pole or a cross
00:59:09and what has it? A serpent
00:59:11this is where this comes from
00:59:13keep your finger there
00:59:15and go to John 3
00:59:19so what is
00:59:21the idea behind this?
00:59:23I've told you everything, nothing in
00:59:25the Bible is by
00:59:27coincidence, hey that sounds
00:59:29like a great story, well let's see why
00:59:31that is
00:59:33John 3
00:59:35verse 12
00:59:37now this is when Jesus is talking to
00:59:39Nicodemus and I believe Nicodemus was
00:59:41saved, I believe he got saved later
00:59:45but he's supposed to be this
00:59:47big time guy that
00:59:49knows all the things about God
00:59:51what Jesus tells him differently, look at John 3
00:59:55for I have told you early things and you believe
00:59:57not, for how shall you believe
00:59:59it if I tell you of heavenly things
01:00:01and no man hath ascended up to heaven
01:00:03but he that came down from heaven
01:00:05even the son of man which is in heaven
01:00:07he's saying nobody has come up
01:00:09and down from heaven except me
01:00:11and as Moses lifted up the serpent
01:00:13in the wilderness even so
01:00:15must the son of man be lifted up
01:00:17so he's telling him
01:00:19the same way that Moses
01:00:21picks up the serpent and
01:00:23shows his staff with the serpent
01:00:25on it, this
01:00:27picture made out of brass
01:00:29he's telling them
01:00:31that's how I'm going to be lifted up
01:00:33now whosoever believeth in him
01:00:35should not perish
01:00:37but have eternal life
01:00:39means that it can't ever end
01:00:41for God so loved the world
01:00:43that he gave his only begotten son
01:00:45which is Jesus that whosoever believeth in him
01:00:47should not perish but have
01:00:49everlasting life
01:00:51for God sent not his son into the world
01:00:53to condemn the world but that the world
01:00:55through him might be saved
01:00:57he that believeth on him is not condemned
01:00:59but he that believeth not
01:01:01is condemned already because he hath
01:01:03not believed
01:01:05in the name of the only begotten son of God
01:01:07so Jesus did not come here
01:01:09to condemn the world he didn't have to
01:01:11he already condemned
01:01:13he didn't have to
01:01:15go to John 6
01:01:19so Jesus is saying
01:01:21just like Moses lifted up the serpent
01:01:23in the wilderness
01:01:25so shall the son of man be lifted up
01:01:27what is he talking about look at John 6
01:01:31no man can come to me
01:01:33except the father
01:01:35which sent me
01:01:37draw him and I will raise him up at the last day
01:01:39now people use this verse
01:01:41to say yeah see
01:01:43come to church you know you can't
01:01:45go soul winning nothing like that
01:01:47people aren't going to get saved the father has to
01:01:49draw you there has to be this music
01:01:51playing you got to feel this in your
01:01:53heart you got to have some kind of special feeling
01:01:55to be saved wrong folks
01:01:57go to John 12
01:01:59this is a twisting of scripture
01:02:01no music
01:02:03people get
01:02:05saved without music all the time
01:02:07there's no drawing there's no
01:02:11look at John 12
01:02:1332 and if I
01:02:15thought this Jesus I'll be lifted up from
01:02:17earth will draw all
01:02:19men unto me
01:02:21this he said signifying
01:02:23what death he should die he's saying if I
01:02:25should be lifted up what on the cross
01:02:27my question was Jesus
01:02:29lifted up on the cross the answer is yes
01:02:31guess what he draws all men
01:02:35the fact that he did that
01:02:37go back to numbers
01:02:39number 14
01:02:41that was number 11
01:02:43look and live last one is
01:02:45believe and enter into the promised
01:02:47land number 14
01:02:49we talked about
01:02:51this a little bit on Wednesday
01:02:53we're going to make a full circle
01:02:57number 14
01:02:59verse 26
01:03:01the Lord
01:03:03speaking to Moses in the air and saying
01:03:05how long shall I bear with this evil
01:03:07congregation which murmur
01:03:09against me again guess what
01:03:11complaining against God and Moses
01:03:13and guess what he's getting mad at him
01:03:15he's fixing to punish him
01:03:17heard the murmurings of the children of Israel
01:03:19which they murmur against
01:03:21me saying unto them as truly
01:03:23as I live say the Lord as ye have
01:03:25spoken in my ears so will I
01:03:27do to you your carcasses
01:03:29now folks you can't have a carcass
01:03:31unless you're dead
01:03:33shall fall in this wilderness and
01:03:35all that were numbered of you according
01:03:37to your whole number from 20 years and
01:03:39upward so anybody that's
01:03:4120 years old 20 years old and
01:03:43older which have
01:03:45murmured against me doubtless
01:03:47you shall not come into
01:03:49the land concerning which I swear to
01:03:51make you dwell therein save Caleb
01:03:53the son of Jephunneh
01:03:55and Joshua the son of none
01:03:57but your little ones which you said
01:03:59shall be your prey
01:04:01them will I bring in
01:04:03and they shall know the land which you have despised
01:04:05but as for you
01:04:07your carcasses that shall fall
01:04:09in this wilderness and your children
01:04:11shall wander in the wilderness 40 years
01:04:13and shall bear your whoredoms
01:04:15until your carcasses
01:04:17be wasted in the wilderness
01:04:19after number of the days
01:04:21in which you search the land even 40
01:04:23days each day for
01:04:25a year shall you bear
01:04:27your iniquities even 40 years
01:04:29and you shall know
01:04:31my breach of
01:04:35I the Lord have said
01:04:37I will surely do it unto all
01:04:39this evil congregation that are gathered
01:04:41together against me in this
01:04:43wilderness shall they be consumed
01:04:45and there they
01:04:47shall die and the men
01:04:49which Moses sent to search the land who returned
01:04:51who made all the congregation murmur
01:04:53against him by bringing up a
01:04:55slander upon the land even
01:04:57those men that did bring him up
01:04:59the evil report upon the land died
01:05:01by the plague before the
01:05:03Lord but Joshua the son of none
01:05:05and Caleb the son of Jephunneh
01:05:07which were
01:05:09the men that were to search the
01:05:11land still live so it's pretty
01:05:13simple you talk against God
01:05:15and said ah we can't do this
01:05:17these people are too big these people are too strong
01:05:19God can't help us through this
01:05:21they died 20 years and older
01:05:23the kids that they were worried
01:05:25about the kids the small children
01:05:27that they're going to be a prey
01:05:29that if we take them over there
01:05:31they're going to make them slaves they're going to do whatever
01:05:33they're going to do all these wicked things
01:05:35they're the ones that went in
01:05:37and I want you to
01:05:39notice in verse 34
01:05:41every single day
01:05:43that they sin
01:05:45they got a year punishment
01:05:47that's what God worked folks
01:05:49God's a loving God but that's
01:05:51maybe how we get our punishment
01:05:53a year of whatever
01:05:55I'm not God
01:05:57for a day of your
01:05:59sins that's what the Bible
01:06:01is saying that's what they had
01:06:03go over to Joshua 1
01:06:05Joshua 1
01:06:07they believed and entered into the promised land
01:06:09let's see what happened
01:06:11so if you know the story
01:06:13Moses was a great man
01:06:15he was a man of God
01:06:17we talked several times how
01:06:19God spoke face to face with
01:06:21Moses as you would a friend
01:06:23that's how close God was
01:06:25with Moses the Lord spoke
01:06:27face to face with him
01:06:29he didn't speak to him in dreams or dark sayings
01:06:31it was clear what he told him
01:06:33which nobody else had that opportunity
01:06:35at this time
01:06:37but at the end
01:06:39God blamed
01:06:41Moses because of
01:06:43everything that happened and guess what
01:06:45God did not
01:06:47he allowed Moses to see the promised land
01:06:49from afar off but he died
01:06:51on that mountain never got to see it
01:06:53never got to step foot in it but Joshua
01:06:55did look at Joshua 1
01:06:57verse 10
01:06:59Joshua 1 verse 10 then Joshua
01:07:01commanded the officers of the people saying
01:07:03pass through the host and command the people
01:07:05saying prepare your victuals
01:07:07for within three days
01:07:09you shall pass over this Jordan
01:07:11to go in to possess
01:07:13the land which the Lord your God
01:07:15giveth you to possess it
01:07:17and the Reubenites and the Gadites and half the tribe
01:07:19of Manassas faked Joshua
01:07:21saying remember the word which
01:07:23Moses the servant of the Lord commanded you
01:07:25saying the Lord your God
01:07:27has given you rest
01:07:29has given you this land
01:07:31your wives your little ones and your cattle
01:07:33shall remain in the land which Moses gave you
01:07:35on this side
01:07:39you shall pass before your brethren
01:07:41armed all the mighty men of
01:07:43valor and help them until the Lord
01:07:45hath given your brethren rest
01:07:47as he hath given you
01:07:49and they also have possessed the land
01:07:51which the Lord your God giveth for them
01:07:53then you shall return to the land
01:07:55of your possession and enjoy it which Moses
01:07:57the Lord's servant
01:07:59gave you on this side
01:08:01Jordan toward the sun rising
01:08:03so the whole point
01:08:05is when you believe
01:08:07and you enter in his rest
01:08:09of what he's doing
01:08:11you don't have to sit there and think
01:08:13alright what do I have to do for salvation
01:08:15guess what
01:08:17that's when you're going to the promised land
01:08:19last place Hebrews 11
01:08:21Hebrews 11
01:08:23Hebrews 11
01:08:25so I think I've given you a dozen
01:08:27reasons and we didn't go very far
01:08:29in the Bible
01:08:31we got to Joshua
01:08:35there's a whole lot more books in the Bible
01:08:37in the Old Testament
01:08:39so look at Hebrews 11
01:08:41verse 1
01:08:43this is a fake chapter again
01:08:45now faith is a substance of things hoped for
01:08:47the evidence of things not seen
01:08:49people try to tell you
01:08:51prove God to me
01:08:53you can't do it folks
01:08:55there's no scientific
01:08:57there's no
01:08:59scientific way for you to
01:09:01prove God is faith
01:09:03that's why atheists
01:09:05they just don't get it folks
01:09:07you got to have the faith
01:09:09for by it the elders
01:09:11obtained a good report
01:09:13we just talked about some of those elders
01:09:15through faith we understand that the world
01:09:17were framed by the
01:09:19word of God
01:09:21oh that's Jesus
01:09:23so that things
01:09:25which are seen were not made of things
01:09:27which do appear
01:09:29by faith Abel we talked about him
01:09:31offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice
01:09:33than Cain
01:09:35by which he obtained witness
01:09:37that he was righteous
01:09:39God testifying of his gifts
01:09:41and by it being
01:09:43dead yet speaketh
01:09:45by faith
01:09:47Enoch was translated
01:09:49that he should not see death
01:09:51and was not found
01:09:53because God had translated him
01:09:55for before his translation
01:09:57he had this testimony that he
01:09:59pleased God but without
01:10:01faith means that
01:10:03you have no faith
01:10:05it is impossible to please him
01:10:07and that's what the whole chapter
01:10:09chapter 11 is about is that
01:10:11these people please God
01:10:13because of their faith
01:10:15faith is what something you can't touch
01:10:17you can't feel you can't say well
01:10:19logically speaking
01:10:21that's not faith
01:10:23it's not logically speaking
01:10:25most people
01:10:27will tell you well logically speaking you got to be
01:10:29a good person to go to heaven not logical
01:10:31maybe logical
01:10:33in man's mind
01:10:35but this faith
01:10:37for he that
01:10:39cometh to God must believe that
01:10:41he is
01:10:43and that he is a rewarder of them
01:10:45that diligently seek him what does that mean
01:10:47that when you come to God
01:10:49you've got to believe that he is who
01:10:51he says he is you've got to believe that
01:10:53he's a savior of the world
01:10:55believe that God is the one that
01:10:57saved you
01:10:59and that the belief in him alone means
01:11:01he will reward you
01:11:03one day with eternal life
01:11:05that's the rewarder of the things
01:11:07he's talking about
01:11:09that believing that
01:11:11you've got to believe those things folks
01:11:13it's not just believing that God existed
01:11:15let's bow our heads and have a word of prayer
01:11:19dear lord we just thank you for your
01:11:21word God we just thank you that it's so true
01:11:23that a dozen reasons
01:11:25in the bible
01:11:27we didn't have to go very far to show
01:11:29that salvation
01:11:31is by belief