The Jeremy Kyle Show (23 Jan 2017)

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The Jeremy Kyle Show (23 Jan 2017)
00:00You are watching On Demand. Please do not try to vote or enter any competition or
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00:09On today's show, you're going out with Fiona?
00:15And you live next door to Jenny and Danny?
00:18What is the gripe between you and Danny?
00:19They ring the police on me, Jeremy, saying that I'm throwing stuff at the house when I'm not even at my house.
00:23So you're here today to say you're doing my edit?
00:25No, no, no, no. Where's Danny? Is he going to come and use with us?
00:38I've done a lie detector and he hasn't answered that one.
00:41That's my line. You sit there all day playing on your...
00:45It's what you call a do it.
00:47What do you do, you big shabby? Sit there and shout.
00:50Don't shout at me!
00:51I'll do exactly what I do. Why are you so awful to a boy I haven't finished who only wants a relationship with you?
00:58He just doesn't like your latest book. Why aren't you more of a father to him?
01:05If you're not my son, I'll just walk away from you. Why should I?
01:08I'm going to go with family.
01:10What's not mine?
01:32Thank you very much indeed. Good morning and a big, big welcome to the show.
01:34Now, my first guest today, Luke, says that his neighbours Jenny and Danny have made his life a living hell.
01:39Now, concentrate. Luke says Jenny and Danny constantly harass him and cause trouble.
01:43He says things came to a head recently when accusations started flying around about a fake Facebook profile.
01:51I'm going to struggle.
01:52Luke is here today to prove he had nothing to do with this and to confront his neighbours from hell.
01:56Luke is on The Jeremy Carl Show That Way.
02:06I'm going to start, as I only know how to. I'm completely... I've read this from dawn and I still have absolutely no idea.
02:12Let's make it really simple, right?
02:14It's all about a virtual world, isn't it? Yeah.
02:16Yeah, I don't even understand the real world.
02:18You're going out with Fiona? Yeah.
02:20You're 20, she's 19. You live next door to Jenny and Danny? Yeah.
02:24Danny's in the green room cos he doesn't want to be out here.
02:27Which is really annoying me, to be honest. I want to know why he ain't out here doing this test. I've done nothing wrong.
02:31So you live next door to each other?
02:33Not next door. We're a door on.
02:36Right. Almost next door to each other.
02:38You're neighbours? Yeah. From hell.
02:40Now, bear in mind... Shut up.
02:42Not actually neighbour. Oh, shut up, Jenny.
02:44No, why don't you tell the... Shut up!
02:46No, Luke! Shut your mouth. Just tell the... truth.
02:49Why don't you tell the truth?
02:51Where's your boyfriend, eh? Where's your boyfriend?
02:53Sat in green room, innit? Hiding.
02:55I'll tell you something. Who's here on show?
02:57Me. Where's your boyfriend?
03:01So, so what? Can you do me a favour and disappear?
03:03Disappear, lose the picture. Shut up.
03:05Shut up!
03:07Now, lose it!
03:13Please be quiet until you're allowed to speak.
03:15Her boyfriend, Danny, at the moment is refusing to come on the show.
03:18He's in the green room.
03:20Yes. Help me out.
03:22You live almost next door to this couple.
03:25Yeah. What is... What... What...
03:27What is wrong? Basically...
03:29Oh, God. Speak up.
03:31He walks around. He walks around naked.
03:33There is actually people that have seen it.
03:35He lets his dog... The dogs run wild.
03:37They let him run straight out of the house.
03:39He walks naked? He walks naked round his house.
03:41They don't even have curtains in the house.
03:45And the house is a mess, Jeremy.
03:48Why do you let his dog in your house?
03:50Shut up!
03:54I could...
03:56Right, OK. Anyway, he's naked and the dog's doing a lot of poo.
03:58Let's just cut to the profile thing,
04:00cos I don't, as you understand, in the virtual world,
04:02really understand what's going on.
04:04Now, there is this thing. I understand this.
04:06There's an Xbox party. I have no idea what that means,
04:09but basically people who, frankly, should be at work...
04:13..spend their entire times sat on their Xboxes
04:16with their headsets on,
04:18talking to other people.
04:20That's it.
04:22That's what he does. That isn't what I do, Jeremy.
04:24Well, how do you know that he does it if you're not doing it?
04:26Because I have actually been around...
04:28Tell me about this fake profile.
04:30He's accusing you because I am losing the will to live.
04:32This fake Facebook profile.
04:34I don't even know about Jeremy, I'll be honest.
04:36It got brought to my attention by Anne-Marie.
04:38Shut up!
04:40I don't even know who Anne-Marie is. We'll do her in a minute.
04:42What is the gripe between you and Danny who won't come on
04:44and keep looking over his hatbird who keeps opening her mouth?
04:46Why do they keep lying? Why do they keep lying?
04:48Lying about what? Ringing the police.
04:50They ring the police on me, Jeremy, saying that I'm throwing stuff
04:52at the house when I'm not even at my house.
04:54So you're here today to say you're doing my head in?
04:56Yeah, and to prove that, actually. Stop walking around naked,
04:58stop throwing dog poo, and what else?
05:00And to prove that I actually haven't done this fake Facebook.
05:02Done what? That I haven't set this fake Facebook.
05:04And just shut up! What does the fake profile say?
05:06I'm not too sure, Jeremy.
05:08I've only seen a few other stuff, a few other messages.
05:10All I'm aware of is apparently there's been a message sent,
05:13so I'm not saying that apparently they need to watch what they're saying.
05:16So people are making threats via this fake profile.
05:19It's upset people.
05:21Everybody's taking...
05:23Everybody's taking a position.
05:25You're here to do a lie detector test.
05:27And this is your neighbour, but she's not quite your neighbour, Jenny,
05:29and she's going out with Danny, who doesn't want to come on,
05:31and they leave two doors down and he walks around naked.
05:33Jenny's on the Jeremy Carr show.
05:35I haven't got a clue.
05:38If you don't look through our window...
05:41Where's your boyfriend?
05:43Where's your boyfriend, love? In hiding.
05:46Say no more.
05:48How would you know if you don't look through our windows?
05:50Do you mean I look through your windows?
05:52What are you trying to say? I've got a better life than you.
05:54How would you know, then, Luke, if we go around naked in our flat?
05:57What do you mean?
05:59Across the road, seen it.
06:01Oi, shut up! You're not making any sense.
06:03You're the neighbour from... Sit down!
06:05What the hell is this all about?
06:07This is about a fake Facebook account.
06:09I don't understand the real Facebook,
06:11so can somebody please, without shouting,
06:13what about Facebook, what?
06:17Mate, we've got on Xbox,
06:19which is worse as Facebook as we...
06:21I know you, hey?
06:23Cos I've seen it on...
06:25Oh, there's Facebook that you don't apparently have?
06:27I do have a Facebook. The emails you don't apparently have.
06:29I do have a Facebook.
06:31So you're sending messages, nasty messages, to him?
06:34Not him, cos I didn't know he...
06:36Apparently I'm sending them...
06:38Apparently I've been sending these. Have you?
06:40Messages? No, I haven't, Jeremy. Have you been sending messages?
06:42Not to him. They're not even a couple, Jeremy.
06:44I mean, one minute they're together,
06:46next minute they're off talking to other lads
06:48and going on sex chat sites.
06:50Then I've got Danny coming round nearly crying on my...
06:52Then I've got Danny nearly coming round crying on my...
06:54This has nothing to do with you.
06:56Pardon my language, Jeremy. No, it's absolutely fine.
06:58We can throw the occasion left in and we'll just bleep it out.
07:00Where is your boyfriend, eh?
07:02If he's not a liar, where is he?
07:04He's naked in the green room.
07:06He's naked in the green room, walking around.
07:08What about all the poo? What's that all about?
07:10Yeah, it's not us causing problems with Luke.
07:12Oh, so you're lying about...
07:14You're going to try and lie, saying that your dog's
07:16been running my house and poo all over my bed?
07:18And when I come round to ask...
07:20Can you get me a chair?
07:22Right, so, so far I've got a fake Facebook,
07:24a bloke who walks around showing his winky and a lot of dog poo.
07:26And your partner is called what?
07:28Fiona. Fiona's on the Jeremy Carl show.
07:30Let's find out now.
07:36Get the hell back off!
07:38Please, get the hell back off!
07:40Oi, oi!
07:42It's called the Jeremy Carl show.
07:44I'll decide who comes out. Shut up!
07:52Fiona, welcome to the show. Thank you.
07:54What is essentially going on?
07:56Well, someone's apparently made a fake Facebook account
07:58and I'm just getting the blame for it.
08:00And what does this fake Facebook account say?
08:02I don't know, I've not seen the messages.
08:06Are they the neighbours from Hell? Yeah.
08:08I don't understand why this...
08:10They're always causing trouble for us, calling the police.
08:12Why is this fake Facebook causing so much hassle?
08:14Because, obviously, whoever's made it,
08:16they've been arguing with someone, whoever it is, I don't know.
08:18There's always been problems. Why are you looking at me like that?
08:20Jeremy, can I just add to that?
08:22No, not at the moment. Who's Anne-Marie?
08:24This is meant to be her so-called mate
08:26that actually rang me up on the phone
08:28telling me about this fake Facebook account
08:30that I didn't even know about.
08:32Your mate?
08:34Oh, that's all Cubs, the party. Anne-Marie, I don't know who she is.
08:36She's on the Jeremy Carl show.
08:42Jesus Christ!
08:46Which one of them?
08:48I don't believe a thing.
08:50Is that you?
08:52Well, you will see then.
08:54No, no, no, no!
08:56No, no, no, no!
08:58No, no, no, no!
09:00Is he going to come into the...
09:04No, no, no, no!
09:06No, no, no, no!
09:08No, no, no, no!
09:10No, no, no, no!
09:16Oi, who are you?
09:18Oi, who are you?
09:20Get back in the audience.
09:22Get back in the audience, I'll have you thrown out.
09:24Get in the audience right now.
09:26Do the lie detector, you sicko.
09:28Sorry, sorry, hold on a second.
09:30You refused to come on. Why have you just walked out?
09:34To defend my girlfriend.
09:36So you're Danny?
09:38Yeah, so-called girlfriend.
09:40Do you walk through your house naked?
09:44Do you try to poo at people's windows?
09:46I don't do anything to his house.
09:48And who's that? Who are you?
09:50That's my girlfriend.
09:52Right, I'm going to go to an ad break.
09:54Can everybody sit down? You're who?
09:56Brilliant, stay there. And you're Danny.
10:02So we're going to hear your side after the break
10:04and what we're going to go to a break and think about is
10:06all of these people arguing about three things.
10:08A fake Facebook account,
10:10a man who shows his wiener in public
10:12and do they throw poo at each other?
10:14It's my life, Philip's goat.
10:16We'll be back after this.
10:18He said I could do with a good...
10:20Do you want to give him that?
10:22He can have it any time of me.
10:26Why are you all so angry about this?
10:28And why...
10:30Don't come towards me. Sit down.
10:36Have you been accused of cheating?
10:38Do you need to prove your innocence with a lie detector?
10:40If you're 18 or over
10:42and you want to be considered for the show,
10:44text the word TALK TODAY plus your name to 63334.
10:46Text costs 25p plus one standard rate message.
10:48You can call my team today.
10:50It's 09011.
10:52It's 123456.
10:54Calls cost 25p plus your network access charge.
10:56Or email TALKATITV.COM
10:58to get in touch with one of my team.
11:10Hello, welcome back. Before the break, lots of people...
11:12Anyway, Danny, you're back, but you weren't coming out.
11:14What's your side? What's going on?
11:16Why did you rush out?
11:18Come on, do the lie detector.
11:20Do the lie detector, Danny.
11:22I've been brought on this show,
11:24making myself look good,
11:26and it's you that's done it.
11:28Are you mad?
11:30Do the lie detector.
11:32Can I speak to him and try and understand?
11:34You live with her, near them.
11:36There's an accusation that somebody
11:38has set up a fake Facebook account
11:40and is slagging people off.
11:42I don't want to be on the stage.
11:44Then you run out. What's your side to this story, Danny?
11:46I don't know. What's going on with it?
11:48Nobody seems to!
11:50Don't do that at home.
11:52You don't do that when we start talking at home.
11:54Oh, I'm doing all this.
11:56No, he's not.
11:58Danny, that's fake.
12:00You're putting that on.
12:02Do you actually live with us?
12:06When we were on Skype together,
12:08he did not do that.
12:10When we were on Skype together,
12:12he did not do that.
12:14I'm a little bit confused.
12:16Danny said... Shut up!
12:18Danny, I never wanted to be...
12:20Be quiet.
12:22I don't even understand.
12:24You're both accusing each other
12:26of setting up something.
12:28Can I speak to him? I don't even know who you are.
12:30Well, I know that,
12:32but what have you got to do with it?
12:34Who's your brother?
12:38Who's John?
12:40Is John here?
12:44What do you mean, is he ill?
12:46He won't come on.
12:48Well, you weren't going to when you ran on.
12:50I half expect John to come down from the ceiling any minute.
12:52I've got a statement from John.
12:56someone has made a fake Facebook profile of me
12:58with the exact same name
13:00and even used a photo of me in my own bedroom.
13:02I changed it to Kermit the Frog.
13:06And they even copied that.
13:08They are sending abusive messages to my mate Jenny,
13:10pretending to be me.
13:12This set Jenny at first, she thought it was me
13:14until I told her I had no idea who it was.
13:16This has caused arguments between me and my sister Anne-Marie
13:18and it's causing me stress as I feel like someone
13:20has stolen my identity.
13:22Is that why he hasn't turned up, because he doesn't know who he is?
13:24I was good friends with Danny and Jenny
13:26through the Xbox party.
13:28Why don't you go to work?
13:30Get your head set off your head.
13:32I thought you two were on a yes, eh?
13:34I thought she walks around with crutches.
13:36I had a foot operation in February.
13:38A what?
13:40A foot operation.
13:42I had a foot operation in February
13:44and that's why I wore crutches.
13:48And he's accusing me.
13:50I'm 50-50 whether it was Danny or Luke
13:52because they keep blaming each other.
13:54I don't really care.
13:56I just want to find out who it is.
13:58He turned around to me and said
14:00I could do with a good f***.
14:02Jenny won't give him then.
14:06One minute you're with him,
14:08next minute you're going off to see the next man
14:10and he's coming round crying on my f***ing shoulder
14:12because you're going off meeting some f***
14:14that you met on f***ing Facebook.
14:16Why does everybody hate each other?
14:18Oh, that was a guy called John as well, wasn't it?
14:20Are you sure Danny didn't make that one up as well?
14:22Why does everybody hate each other?
14:25I'm sorry, but these fake wills that keep getting made up
14:27it's all in the name of John.
14:29Yeah, well I've gathered that.
14:31We've even had one with Gavin.
14:35That's bull, I don't believe you.
14:37Why are you all so angry about this?
14:39Why is it then that people...
14:41Don't come towards me, sit down.
14:43We have people...
14:45I've done a lie detector and he hasn't.
14:47That's what I want to know.
14:49Why am I getting made to laugh?
14:51He's not doing a lie detector
14:54Oh, my God.
14:56Jenny, if you don't shut up
14:58I'm going to have you thrown out.
15:00Danny, be quiet.
15:02Answer the question.
15:04To prove it wasn't you, because he's done one
15:06and your bird's done one,
15:08why haven't you done a lie detector?
15:10I think it's a waste of time. I know I didn't create it.
15:12Well, it doesn't look great.
15:14Well, I still came down here to do it.
15:16Everybody's going to think it's you, aren't they?
15:18You doughnut, if you don't actually do it.
15:20They don't have a better life.
15:23I don't quite know why we've done lie detectors.
15:25I don't quite know what we've done them about.
15:27Why am I going to want to stand outside your window?
15:29Why am I going to want to stand outside your window
15:31when your house stinks? Have you seen the state of it?
15:33Stop throwing poo at each other, that's what I'd say.
15:35You want to see the state of their house?
15:37I don't want to know. I don't want to go to their house.
15:39It smells like...
15:41My girlfriend wouldn't even step foot in your house
15:43because she didn't like the smell of it.
15:45If you hate it so much, why don't you damn well move?
15:47Yeah, and why do you keep coming round to ours
15:49borrowing cigarettes off me?
15:51Yeah, I do, do I?
15:53You can't give them back, can you?
15:55How can you borrow a cigarette?
15:57Exactly. You'd have to have one, wouldn't you?
15:59Sorry, I don't really come round to yours.
16:01It's you that comes round to mine asking if you can use my washer
16:03cos you haven't got one, cos you're boss.
16:05Tramps! Have you seen the state of you?
16:07We've actually got one! Yeah, really?
16:09Does it work? Yeah.
16:11We have got one. Go a life.
16:13Can I just...
16:15Can I just get back to this fake...
16:17We asked Luke, did you...
16:19Who's Luke? I'm only joking.
16:21Did you set up the fake Facebook account under John's name?
16:23Whoever John is, he said no. Why did you say no?
16:25Cos I was telling the truth. He was telling the truth.
16:27There you go!
16:29Sorry, gentlemen.
16:31We also...
16:33You know, in this sort of story, we have to check
16:35whether you were involved in it.
16:37So do you know for sure who set the fake Facebook account up
16:39under John's name?
16:41Luke said no. Luke, pass both questions.
16:43Give him a round of applause.
16:45Read that, read that.
16:49No, I haven't.
16:51So you've done...
16:53I'm still not sure why you're here.
16:55Well, I'm doing it, be quiet!
16:57Lucky you sat there twitching, cos you know you're lying.
16:59Why didn't you do one?
17:01Why did you do one and he didn't?
17:03I'm speaking to what I'm doing.
17:05I will pass and that will prove it.
17:07We asked Jenny, did you set the fake Facebook account
17:09up under John's name?
17:11Jenny said no. Why did you say no?
17:13Cos I'm telling the truth. She was telling the truth as well.
17:17Cos even if it was Danny, don't they?
17:19Tie your shoelaces better next time.
17:21If it was Danny, she might know it was Danny.
17:23And we asked her, do you know for sure who set that fake Facebook
17:25account up under John's name? She said no.
17:27Jenny was also telling the truth on both questions.
17:29I told you!
17:31Come on!
17:33What? What?
17:35What have you just done to me?
17:37I told you!
17:39Well, get your boyfriend to do one then.
17:41I told you!
17:43You're running off now, aren't you, Luke?
17:47I want you to prove it, Danny.
17:49Can I speak?
17:51Could I speak, please?
17:53It doesn't look great on you, does it?
17:55Why wouldn't you just do it?
17:57Cos I just find it a waste of time.
17:59Can you do me a favour, Luke?
18:01Oi, Luke! Get back out here, I need to ask you something else.
18:03Come here.
18:05Everybody talking to Luke.
18:11It doesn't look great on you, Danny, that you didn't do it.
18:13What was his accusation of sex?
18:15You say that he tried it on with you.
18:17I asked him to come round to help me move my TV cos Luke was out.
18:19Why would you do that for somebody you hate who smells of poo?
18:21Two friends of him at the time.
18:23Did he come round naked or fully dressed?
18:25Not fully dressed.
18:27I'm just asking cos he walked round with his wiener on.
18:29He helped me move the TV and then he asked me, he goes,
18:31Jenny's not giving me sex, I could do with a good...
18:33I went, well, I don't think I'm gonna...
18:35I told Luke.
18:37Did you say that?
18:39Yes, he did.
18:41Do a lie detector on it.
18:43Cos you know something, I actually just kicked off with Jenny,
18:45and do you know something, I actually thought about that,
18:47I actually feel sorry for her.
18:49She sat here, pulled in the middle of it,
18:51all because you're doing sick little sick stuff on your phone
18:53and you think you can get away with it.
18:57I should have had a little bit more time over you!
18:59Don't make threats.
19:01This is the most ridiculous infantile pile of trash
19:03I've ever had to deal with in 11 years.
19:05What an absolute...
19:07The lady just said in the audience,
19:09right, it's true.
19:11Actually, I'm not even going to offer you a bloody lie detector,
19:13I've never... It's a joke.
19:15You get on with your own lives.
19:17If you don't like people, put in on the one and ask them to come round.
19:19You're as dodgy as hell.
19:21The truth of the matter is, right,
19:23you could have done a lie detector about some fake Facebook account
19:25I don't even understand, but you didn't.
19:27It's all just drama, isn't it?
19:29Why don't you just get on with your own lives?
19:31Have you got nothing better to do? I haven't finished.
19:33Why don't you turn on the television
19:35that he helped you move
19:37and watch what's going on in the real world?
19:39Work out what's happening not just in this country,
19:41but everywhere else.
19:43People are suffering, people are starving,
19:45people are threatening people, there's terrorism everywhere.
19:47Why don't you have a look at that?
19:49Instead of moaning and bitching, why don't you get off your headsets
19:51and go and do something with your life?
19:53Cos it's a joke.
19:59I am done.
20:01Go and get...
20:03I was meant to be going to see my girlfriend's grandma today
20:05and all because of these two sick little...
20:07Where are you going now?
20:09Making me look a mug on TV.
20:11Right, that's it. I've never done this before.
20:13You can all just get lost. I've had it.
20:15You go that way, you go that way. Go.
20:19People must watch that and think,
20:21what is going on? There are real things in the world,
20:23not this infantile rubbish.
20:25After the break, another family feud and DNA results.
20:27I'm right back.
20:29You spent 19 years thinking he's your son.
20:31You know I'm not your son. I'm spitting image of you.
20:33You've accused him of nicking a wallet.
20:35He didn't do that. You've taken his inheritance.
20:37He hasn't got any money and now you're on television
20:39saying he's not my son.
20:41That never happened.
20:43When will you be going home?
20:45I'm not.
20:47After 19 years, if you're not my son,
20:49I'll just walk away from you.
20:51What is your life all to do with family?
20:53What's not mine?
21:03Thank you very much indeed. Welcome back.
21:05My next guest today, Paul, is convinced that his ex-partner,
21:07Dawn, cheated on him throughout their relationship.
21:09He says that over the years, Dawn has also told him,
21:11in the heat of an argument, their son isn't his.
21:13He says he can't stand living with the doubt any longer.
21:15He's here today for DNA results.
21:17He has been here before.
21:19Nice man. Paul's on the Jeremy Carl Show.
21:23Welcome back.
21:25It's also a clip of the last time you guys were on.
21:27I'll make it really very simple.
21:29You are currently with Bev. Yes.
21:31You used to be with Dawn. Yes.
21:33Jamie might or might not be your son.
21:35First show, your ex, Dawn,
21:37gives it large and says,
21:39he's a liar, I slept with him behind Bev's back.
21:41She was turning out to be a liar.
21:43So right was on your side.
21:45Then you came back because apparently Jamie,
21:47allegedly or not your son, was accused of stealing.
21:49What was he accused of stealing?
21:51A purse. From you?
21:53No, yeah, from Bev.
21:55Well, he was telling the truth. Yeah.
21:57This bloke, this boy, is your son.
21:59Why are we back here today for the third time?
22:01For a DNA test. Why?
22:03Because from Dawn's checkered past,
22:05she's been sleeping around,
22:07I don't think Jamie looks like me and stuff like that.
22:09But why is it, after 19 and a half years,
22:11you want a DNA now?
22:13I was about to ask that.
22:15Why have we been here twice before?
22:17Nearly 20 years old, why do you want one now?
22:19Dawn sent a message.
22:21No, don't look at me.
22:23That boy has spent 19 years thinking he's your son.
22:25You know I'm your son.
22:27I'm spitting image of you.
22:29Your mum sent a message to Bev on the Facebook.
22:31No, she hasn't.
22:33Oh, Facebook. She has.
22:35Carry on, I want to know...
22:37Has there always been a question mark for you?
22:39Why is it 19 and a half years?
22:41Then why didn't you raise it the last time you were here?
22:47See, they think it's your missus
22:49who rules the room.
22:51No, she doesn't.
22:53Because she wants him out of your life.
22:5519 years, you pretend to be his father.
22:57Watch this last time they're on the show.
22:59Take a look at this, guys.
23:01You think he's stolen your purse?
23:03I do.
23:05She's had her hair shaved just for the show, Jeremy.
23:07I do not think so, Jamie.
23:09I've had treatment.
23:11I've had chemotherapy.
23:13You disgust me, you!
23:17We asked Bev's purse.
23:19She said no. Why did you say no?
23:21Because I'm telling the truth.
23:23Of course he was telling the truth.
23:27All you do is shout. Shout, shout, shout.
23:29You tell me I shout. Shout, shout. Look at him.
23:31It's your son.
23:33About time you were a dad.
23:37Why at that exact moment when we were talking like that
23:39didn't you say, well, I can't really be a dad, Jeremy Carr,
23:41because I'm not sure he's my son?
23:43You see, the accusation from this lot is that yet again
23:45you, with her in your ear,
23:47are just coming out with any excuse.
23:49And shall I tell you why they think you've done that?
23:51Because they accuse you
23:53and her of nicking his inheritance
23:55and this is all a way
23:57of you detracting from what you've done.
24:01At what, 19 years and now suddenly he's not your son?
24:03It doesn't make sense.
24:05Well, she's had the ticker passed.
24:07The ticker passed 19 years ago.
24:09Why are you making the accusation today?
24:13Look at him.
24:15What do you think he's doing to him?
24:17You've accused him of nicking a wallet.
24:19He didn't do that.
24:21You've taken his inheritance.
24:23He hasn't got any money
24:25and now you're on television saying he's not my son.
24:27Well, she...
24:29I balanced it by saying that your ex
24:31and your mother, Dawn, came on this show
24:33making an accusation she'd slept with him
24:35and now he's back. Give him a round of applause.
24:45Tell him what it's like.
24:47Destroying my life,
24:51Well, your mum
24:53is destroying your life.
24:55Is that all you've got to say? He grew up with you, you idiot.
24:57You know I'm your son.
25:01Spit an image of you.
25:03Look at that picture of him growing up. Have a look.
25:05Is that your mum?
25:07Is that your mum?
25:09She did lie, though.
25:11She lied about sleeping with him
25:13so people are going to think that's dodgy.
25:15You said she has a past.
25:17Let's get Dawn on the Jeremy Carl show.
25:19Give her a round of applause.
25:27Why after 19 years, Paul?
25:29You've never denied him.
25:31After 18 years,
25:33a year and a half,
25:35you've just disowned him. Why?
25:37Your mother took your past, Dawn.
25:39You've never denied him.
25:41You've never ever denied him, Paul.
25:45I have not.
25:47Let's wait.
25:49The thing is, you look like
25:51you're just making another series of accusations
25:53because you
25:55want to be with her and you want to cut them off.
25:57That's what you think, isn't it?
25:59What's your relationship like with him?
26:01I hate that word, but carry on.
26:03It's fell through. I do want a relationship.
26:05Do you blame her?
26:07Yeah, I blame her. My dad's believing her.
26:09I basically think
26:11he's believing her.
26:13I do want a relationship.
26:15Do you think Bev is putting it in his head, Dawn?
26:17I don't know because
26:19he's been there. He saw his son
26:21every day for 18 years
26:23and now you've just let him go.
26:25A year and a half ago.
26:27Why would you only
26:29wait till now?
26:31Who has?
26:33Why did
26:35your sister come down to our house
26:37and start kicking off then?
26:39This isn't about that. It's about your potential son.
26:41Answer the question, Paul.
26:43Why after 19 years
26:45are you suddenly denying him? Because most of the world
26:47will think it's because of your new bird.
26:49Let's get Bev back on the Jeremy Carle show.
26:57I want you to be a prostitute.
26:59I want you to be a prostitute.
27:01Say that one more time.
27:03Why are you here, Bev?
27:05We're just fed up of the allegations, what's going off,
27:07saying, one minute
27:09Jamie's, like, coming to our house.
27:11No, no, let's cut to the chase.
27:13He's saying after 19 years
27:15he might not be his father. Yeah, because there's
27:17allegations that Dawn's sleeping around.
27:19Then why didn't you say that on the last two occasions?
27:21Are you sure this isn't you stirring the pot?
27:23No, because she's texting my mum
27:25on Facebook, telling me I'm not saying that Jamie's
27:27not his father. I don't know your mum!
27:29You do know my mum, you've met her in the past.
27:31I've never met your mum before in my life.
27:33I've never met your mum before in my life.
27:35He's got hold of your mother and said that Paul's not the dad.
27:37Have you got proof of that?
27:39My mum deleted all the messages because she was sending me nasty messages.
27:41I don't know your mum.
27:43Saying that she wanted a stamp on me grave.
27:45I've never met you before in my life.
27:47But you did lie before, didn't you?
27:49You lied about sleeping with him.
27:51I've got my data's wrong.
27:53Who are you?
27:55I'm a friend of Paul and Bev's.
27:57Who are you?
27:59I've got nothing to do with you.
28:01I don't even know you.
28:03I'm not swearing at you.
28:05It's nothing to do with you.
28:07I'm not swearing at you.
28:09I'm not swearing at anybody on last day.
28:11We're all here for Paul and Bev's support.
28:13Back off then.
28:15We're not doing anything.
28:17We're not doing anything.
28:19I say I want to see it.
28:21Hang on a second.
28:23No, I haven't won.
28:27Can I bring it back to something that we've talked about on the other shows as well?
28:29This inheritance.
28:31Can somebody, without interrupting, tell me what this money was?
28:33How much it was? Where it's gone?
28:35Between 7 and 12 grand.
28:37My nana and grandad were putting 10, 20 pounds a week.
28:39Where's the money gone?
28:41It was in a trustee account.
28:43I don't know.
28:45I should have got it at 18 but apparently my dad changed it to 21.
28:47On the last show he said it was with social.
28:49On the last two occasions it was social services.
28:51This young man thinks you're trying to get out of being his father
28:53because you two have scammed the money.
28:55I've been into social.
28:57Listen to this. Tell him.
28:59I've been into social with my mum and my sister.
29:01They don't know about it.
29:03I've been to the solicitors where he said where it was.
29:05With my mum and my sister.
29:07You spent it, haven't you?
29:09They don't know about it.
29:11They won't tell you.
29:13It's the same one with the cafe next door.
29:17You're my own solicitor
29:19and I have been advised to take you to the police
29:21to go to court.
29:23Don't give me this.
29:25Don't give me this.
29:27I'll tell you now.
29:29You've been into solicitors with me.
29:31Make sure you show up in court
29:33because I know you have spent it.
29:35Why haven't you been in?
29:37It's in the name of the social services.
29:39You don't like it.
29:41You're not supposed to
29:43to prove that you changed it.
29:45Does this all boil down to...
29:47You're never going to show me
29:49because your mother wants it.
29:53Sit down.
29:55Don't tell me what to do.
29:57You do not rule me.
29:59You do not tell me what to do.
30:01Sit down.
30:03You do not rule my life anymore.
30:05You don't dictate.
30:07You get your inheritance, right?
30:09At the end of the day, you said on the first show
30:11you'd disown me.
30:13Stop bringing me back on the internet.
30:19I want a relationship with my dad
30:21without you being there.
30:29Can I ask you something?
30:31All you do, you big sap,
30:33is sit there and shout.
30:35Don't shout at me.
30:37I'll do exactly what I want
30:39because that's it, tell him what to say now.
30:41Did you spend his inheritance?
30:45Why are you so awful to a boy I haven't finished
30:47who only wants a relationship with you?
30:49He just doesn't like your latest birth.
30:51Why aren't you more of a father to him?
30:57Even if he's for two hours a week
30:59with my dad,
31:01I don't want you there.
31:03All we hear is your voice.
31:05Be quiet.
31:07Why would you allow that to happen?
31:09I don't want contact with him.
31:11Then why do you keep telling him
31:13he's a thief?
31:15Don't raise your voice at me, mister.
31:17Jamie, when you're having fun with this bastard
31:19of a man,
31:21I'm coming to watch you go.
31:25If you don't want to speak to me,
31:27come across and say it to him.
31:29So, Paul, you'd be happy if he wasn't your son, then?
31:33But you brought him on national television
31:35to say your mothers had basically slept around
31:37for 19 long years.
31:39Why don't you do something about it before?
31:41What happens if you're not?
31:43What happens if he isn't your son?
31:45I'll just wash my hands and walk away from them all.
31:47Well, then you've been there all my life,
31:49so why would you wash your hands?
31:51After 19 years,
31:53you'd just walk away from me, yeah?
31:55What? After 19 years?
31:57If you're not my son, I'll just walk away from you?
31:59What has that got to do with family?
32:01What? It's not mine!
32:03How long have you been with Bev?
32:05Bev broke an knee the other week.
32:07Yeah, well, she's getting better.
32:09Oh, we're back there again now.
32:11She doesn't need the stick.
32:13It's not about her! It's about the DNA!
32:15Can you be quiet?
32:17You broke your leg the other week, didn't you?
32:19I broke a bone in my knee,
32:21and it's getting back to normal,
32:23cos I've been having chemotherapy on my knee.
32:25You what? Tom Fang?
32:27Cos the doctor said I didn't need one!
32:29Anyway, what's this got to do with it?
32:31It's about the DNA.
32:34Cos you keep making excuses,
32:36and you keep making accusations.
32:38And another thing, I'm going to do these DNA results.
32:40Hold on a second. After the break, I'll be right back.
32:42Don't go anywhere. OK, so we've got to do this.
32:44Come here.
32:46What would it mean if this guy wasn't dead?
32:51Since June 2013,
32:53have you had sexual intercourse with anyone other than Mickey?
32:55You said no. Why did you say no?
33:04Oh, what are you playing again, are you?
33:06You heard the news. The NTAs are back.
33:08Oh, the NTAs. Why don't you take a promo, Jez?
33:11Cos everybody will vote for you. No, they don't.
33:1312 years, 2,000 shows.
33:15I've been abused, I've been threatened, I've been ill.
33:17Everything's happened in my life. Nobody gives a damn about me.
33:19You're not in. Nobody's interested.
33:21I'm not... Oh, and there it is, isn't it?
33:23It's all about you.
33:25It's about Big Steve. Everybody Big Steve.
33:27Nobody gives a damn about Jezza anymore.
33:29But do you know what? I'm going to a dark room to lie down!
33:59Hello. Security guard on Jeremy Cowell's show.
34:03Very, very butch, very manly.
34:08Protect me for a change.
34:10You like the big man, do you? Oh, I love the big man.
34:21Good morning and welcome to my show.
34:34Welcome back.
34:36So, for the third time, you're on this show.
34:38Now, I don't care whether this is about your current partner
34:42and her control or lack of it or your ex.
34:44This is about a 19-year-old boy,
34:46and you've just said to him before we went to that break,
34:48if I'm not your dad, I'll wash my hands of you after 19 years.
34:51I have said... Listen, we've got to do this.
34:53Come here, come here. Come here.
34:55I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it, I'll do it.
34:57Listen, oi, there's nothing to that man.
35:01I hate what... Come here, come here, come here.
35:03Hey, come here, come here.
35:05Let's just do the results, OK?
35:07End of day, I want to prove that she has been nightclubbing
35:10like she's never been nightclubbing as well.
35:12Do you know what's happened on this story again and again?
35:15It's all lies of her. No, no, but...
35:17Come on, Tom, let's get things over with.
35:19No, no, I'm going to do it here. What? Can you shut him up?
35:22It says something about your lack of parental responsibility,
35:25that you're not here trying to look out for this boy
35:27who's probably a son.
35:30Mate, mate, come here. Excuse me, come here.
35:33Martin, you go back on stage for a minute.
35:35What would it mean if this guy wasn't your dad?
35:38Devastating, basically.
35:41Do you feel like you've lost him since you got with this woman?
35:44What is it? Why has it changed so much?
35:46I'll admit, she has bought me stuff.
35:49She has been nice to me, but since I've asked for my inheritance,
35:53he's just turned on her. You think...
35:55And I think it's her putting that into his head.
35:57You think they've spent that inheritance?
35:59Yeah, honestly, yeah.
36:03He is your dad.
36:05Don't touch him. Don't touch him.
36:08Don't touch him.
36:12For me to tell you?
36:15Right, I'll tell you what I'm going to do.
36:17I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do before he says a word.
36:20You're off and you're off. Go away. I want this to be...
36:2219 and a half years, I've been telling you all my life
36:26that you are my dad. He's your kid. Bye-bye.
36:28Is there anything about you that wants to apologise?
36:32Is there?
36:35Go and get him. Put your foot down.
36:37You do enough for your missus, it's your boy.
36:39Come on.
36:42You're going to have to stay out of my life, Dad.
36:46Don't listen to her lies.
36:48Mum, your mum is... Stop.
36:51Be quiet, be quiet. Get rid of her.
36:54I'm going to give you the best bit of advice I've ever given you.
36:57I don't care if you don't like it.
36:59Stop talking about your ex-wife, stop talking about your new life,
37:02your new missus, talk about your son.
37:04That is all you should talk about, your son.
37:07Nobody else.
37:10It's his mother.
37:12Whatever happened between you and her happened.
37:14He's your son. It's his mum.
37:16If you slag his mum off, that's no good.
37:19If you slag his new wife off, that's no good.
37:21This is about father and son, right?
37:23I'm not going to stand here any more,
37:25because you, with our help, with the team, are going to work on this.
37:28This is about you two.
37:30It's your boy. What do you want from your son?
37:34Well, then, make it happen, because you're the dad.
37:36What do you want?
37:37To get me inheritance, basically.
37:41And a relationship with my dad again, without her being there.
37:44I don't want to get my son slagged.
37:46Do, do, do. Where's the money?
37:49Right, well, shall I tell you what's going to happen?
37:51Without your missus, without your mother who did lie and whatever,
37:54you, as a father, should, at the first opportunity,
37:57we'll arrange it with Graham,
37:58take your son down to where you say this money is
38:00and sit there and have it explained to him so he knows the truth.
38:03Because the longer this goes on, the more accusations get thrown out.
38:06People don't believe it.
38:07You are his dad.
38:09Time to face up and do your bit for him.
38:11Yes or no?
38:13Yes or no?
38:14Not but.
38:15Shake your son's hand.
38:16We'll put this and make this happen.
38:17And I don't want to see you again, I promise you.
38:19Give him a round of applause.
38:23Right, it's a complicated story.
38:24We'll see with our team, sir, if we can get that family back on track.
38:27Now, you might just recognise my next guest today
38:29from a previous encounter.
38:31Take a look at this, my friends.
38:34How many times have you cheated on him, darling?
38:36I don't know.
38:37Did you go back and tell him every single time?
38:39No. I lied about it.
38:40Do you trust her?
38:42Truthfully, what?
38:43No, I don't.
38:44What happens if it is more than what you know about?
38:48What happens, Mickey?
38:49I'm walking away.
38:50Are you?
38:51I've got to.
38:52I've got to.
38:53I can't go on and ruin my life like this.
38:55Have you cheated with anybody else?
38:57He says if you have, he's going to walk.
38:59Give me those results, yeah?
39:02As well as having sex with an ex
39:04in the first year of her relationship with Mickey,
39:07Joanna also admitted having sex with the same man at Christmas
39:10two years ago.
39:11What do you know about that?
39:13I don't know about two years ago.
39:18In fact, I don't want to upset you, mate,
39:20but she failed every single question.
39:22Joanna, hold on, man!
39:24You cheated on him with somebody else, didn't you?
39:26Somebody else, man!
39:27Tell him the truth.
39:28Joanna, you're somebody else, man!
39:30Stop sleeping around!
39:31Well, stop sleeping around, then!
39:33Because you're killing his man!
39:35Make sure you don't do what a lot of people do,
39:37which is fall for the BS and go back, cos you're worth more than that.
39:40I gave you enough opportunities. Give him a round of applause.
39:45Now, believe this or not, Mickey stayed with Joanna
39:48and decided to give her one last chance to prove herself,
39:50so they're here back on this stage to find out if she's got any more secrets.
39:54And he says, he means it,
39:57the whole relationship depends on what he wants to ask her today.
40:02Mickey is back on The Jeremy Kyle Show.
40:04That way.
40:13Joanna, I really like you,
40:16but I want to go...
40:20She did a test on the whole relationship and failed.
40:26You said to us,
40:28it's hard, you love somebody, you want it to work.
40:31This is where I'm a little bit confused, but I'm getting old.
40:34We only really got serious in 2013.
40:39She's telling you the reason she failed on the whole relationship
40:44is cos she messed about at the beginning.
40:47But she says, and I quote,
40:49when we got serious, everything changed.
40:53You're telling my team, if she passes the lie detector from 2013...
40:572013, yeah.
40:58..that gives you some semblance of closure,
41:01that means that you can think, yeah.
41:05Do you think she's going to pass?
41:08You love her, don't you?
41:11You told my team everybody can say what they want,
41:14but the fact is I love her, I want a future with her,
41:17I want a family with her.
41:19My part is this, I know not the results.
41:22What if she has failed again?
41:24Are you just going to become one of those sad people that...
41:27Definitely not.
41:28Please don't take this the wrong way.
41:30I'm sort of paid to tell the truth, I get it,
41:32I get plenty of people who stay with people
41:34because they can't bear the thought of going anywhere else,
41:36but actually, surely, you come to a point where you go,
41:38I'm worth more than that.
41:40That's why I'm here, aren't I, dear? Yeah.
41:42Hope she passes for you, pal.
41:43Joanna's back on The Jeremy Carl Show.
41:58Am I right in what I just said, that, in fact,
42:03you're saying that the reason that you failed the lie detector last time,
42:07which you admit was right,
42:09was because you cheated at the beginning of the relationship?
42:14I did, yes.
42:15Can't hear you. I did.
42:172013 was a time when you both decided to get more serious.
42:21Why was that? How was that?
42:26I don't know exactly how it happened.
42:28I can't hear you. I don't know.
42:31Were you not Facebook official before 2013?
42:34I had nothing.
42:39Later on, I'll be Netflix and chilling.
42:44Well, I won't, will I, if I lie down, my back goes.
42:47On a serious note, you're saying,
42:50look, I did it once, I paid in so much...
42:55Well, in so many ways, he needs to trust me.
42:59I understand why he doesn't trust us,
43:01but obviously I want to put it to bed. It needs to stop.
43:04What do you want to say to him, sweetheart?
43:06That I do love you and I do want to be with you
43:08and I'm sorry for doing what I have done.
43:11I will pass the test 100%.
43:13He has to be a man and treat me like I deserve so we can finally marry.
43:16The sex is cold.
43:18You could get an electric blanket.
43:26You say that I won't, however, I've made a mistake,
43:29I've accepted that, but I will not and cannot
43:32allow this situation to carry on.
43:34I can't live like this anymore.
43:36You're going to pass? Yes. If she passes, have we got a future?
43:39Definitely. Yeah? That's what you both want.
43:41Let's nail this once and for all, shall we?
43:43You failed the first test on the whole relationship,
43:45but you pointed out that you cheated
43:47at the beginning of the relationship.
43:49You got serious.
43:51Facebook official.
43:54Did you like that, Graham?
43:56Facebook official. Yeah.
43:58Go with the kids, that was sick, that was.
44:02My kids said to me the other day, you're sick,
44:04and I went, no, I'm perfectly fine, what's the matter with you?
44:07Right, you OK? Yeah.
44:10Since June 2013, have you passionately kissed anyone other than Mickey?
44:14You said no, why did you say no?
44:17Blow me down, you failed the test again.
44:21Since June 2013, have you had sexual contact
44:24with anyone other than Mickey?
44:26You said no, it says you were lying, and since June 2013,
44:29have you had sexual intercourse with anyone other than Mickey?
44:32You're going to start crying again,
44:34cos he deserves a million times better than you.
44:36You failed every single question.
44:47I am not... I am not...
44:50I am not going back to her.
44:52I'm going to sit and talk to you.
44:54Look at me.
44:57Easy, easy for them to sit in there,
45:00and me to, like, in a really sort of black-and-white place.
45:03Well, well, I can't feel her twice, man, can she?
45:06And not Dino.
45:08It's not just that, mate, it's...
45:10I worry...
45:13Thank you very much, Jamie Cale, thank you very much.
45:18You need to go and look her in the face and say,
45:21I'm done. You need to go and look her in the face...
45:24Isn't your point, man? Yeah, there is, because you're a man,
45:27you're better, and you look her in the face,
45:29and somewhere down the line, you'll feel really empowered.
45:31Come and meet her.
45:33Yeah, but you need to look her and mean when you say, I'm done.
45:36You need to look at her and say,
45:38I'm not falling for your bullshit any more, do you understand that?
45:41I could have told you that. You're worth more than this.
45:44You going to tell me the test's wrong?
45:46Why do you want to do the test? From last Sunday, you're a liar.
45:49Last Sunday. It wasn't even last Sunday, though, was it?
45:52Yeah, I wrecked my brains. You wrecked your brains?!
45:55Not just your brains, I've got it in here, man, twice, man.
45:59Eye detector. Can you still see?
46:01Can't admit it. Come on.
46:03Since 2013, you've cheated on him, haven't you?
46:06Yeah. Come on.
46:08I've got it in here, man.
46:10You're going to have to tell us the truth now, aren't you?
46:13And do you know what I think about her?
46:15I think she thinks you're going to bend over and say it'll be all right.
46:18He's going, love. Tell him the truth.
46:21I'm telling you I'm gone, man.
46:23You've cheated on him, haven't you?
46:25I've spent all the pains of this life, man, I'm gone.
46:27It's so obvious that you've cheated. Come on, darling, tell him.
46:30Tell us the truth. Closure's about telling the truth, isn't it?
46:33Tell us the truth, Joanna.
46:35I don't understand how it has happened.
46:37I don't understand how it has happened.
46:39Because you're going to stand on your legs, obviously.
46:42This man's decent. He deserves you to tell him the truth.
46:45Your face says it all, something happened, didn't it?
46:48I've been there for a fricking century.
46:50From way from the beginning, I've taught you...
46:53Then tell him the truth, he deserves it.
46:55I don't deserve this. I don't buy this.
46:57I'm not saying you do. I don't buy this.
46:59So tell us.
47:01Tell us. I really can't think, I can't.
47:03You can't think? No.
47:06You're wasting your time. I hope you mean this.
47:08Because if somebody says to me in a week or a month he's back with her,
47:11you are worth more. I mean it, all right?
47:14You can be one.
47:16See you.
47:18Not even attempting to admit it or fight for you.
47:22Listen, Graham, go and have a word with this man.
47:24You deserve the truth. Listen, I really respect you coming back.
47:27I'm sorry you didn't get the answer you wanted.
47:29We'll look after you, all right?
47:31Listen, this is one of those low points in your life,
47:33and the only way is up. Do not fall for that any more.
47:35Leave me, Graham. Give him a round of applause, guys.
47:38Good luck to him. I'll let you know I'm out of time.
47:40If you want to be on the show, you'll need my help.
47:42Visit our website. The details are on the screen.
47:44To my guests, to this audience and to you four watching at home,
47:46you know who you are. I'll see you very soon.
47:48Take care. Bye-bye for now.
47:59You may be seeing a world's first here.
48:01I was thinking over my life, and I really wanted my life back.
48:04If we don't treat this, you will become anemic.
48:11From what he says, you could be dead in five years.
48:13Those screws rebuilt your face and saved your life.
48:17That's amazing.
48:19I didn't think there was anything anybody could do.
48:24Really good news. This can be sorted and this can be treated.
48:27Happy with that?
48:29Am I happy? Yeah.
48:31I love him. That was amazing.
48:34You're one of the bravest men I've ever met.
48:38I must have a stroke already. Yeah.
48:40We need to urgently refer you to a stroke team.