• il y a 3 mois
00:31Mr. Topsy-Turvy was a funny sort of fellow.
00:36Everything about him was either upside down or inside out, back to front.
00:43Topsy-Turvy, in fact.
00:46It was all very extraordinary.
00:50To give you some idea of how topsy-turvy Mr. Topsy-Turvy was, you ought to see his house.
00:56The front door is upside down to start with.
01:00And the curtains hang upside down at the windows.
01:04And just look at that chimney-pot.
01:08All very extraordinary.
01:11Inside is the same.
01:14Just look at that clock standing on Mr. Topsy-Turvy's mantelpiece.
01:19Isn't that the topsy-turviest clock you've ever seen?
01:22And just look at the way Mr. Topsy-Turvy reads a book.
01:26Not only does he read it upside down,
01:30but he starts to read it at the back page.
01:34And just look where Mr. Topsy-Turvy puts the stamp when he sends a letter to somebody.
01:40Have you ever seen anything like it?
01:44Now, this story is all about the time Mr. Topsy-Turvy came home.
01:49This story is all about the time Mr. Topsy-Turvy came to the town where you and I live.
01:58Nobody's quite sure how Mr. Topsy-Turvy got there, or where he came from.
02:05But he did arrive because somebody saw him getting off the train.
02:12The trouble was, he did it in a topsy-turvy way.
02:16Which really isn't all that surprising, is it?
02:32Mr. Topsy-Turvy went to a hotel to find a room to spend the night.
02:37The hotel manager tried not to smile when he saw Mr. Topsy-Turvy walk into his hotel
02:42carrying his suitcase upside down, and with his topsy-turvy hat on his head.
02:47Good afternoon, sir, he said. May I help you?
02:51Now, something you didn't know about Mr. Topsy-Turvy is the way he speaks.
02:57You see, he sometimes gets things off his chest,
03:01Good afternoon, said Mr. Topsy-Turvy to the hotel manager.
03:05I'd, er, I'd room a like.
03:09The manager scratched his head.
03:12You mean you'd like a room, he asked.
03:15Please, yes, replied Mr. Topsy-Turvy.
03:19Eventually, the hotel manager managed to work out a room for Mr. Topsy-Turvy.
03:24It was a very nice room.
03:26Then, Mr. Topsy-Turvy unpacked his suitcase, put on his pyjamas, and went to bed.
03:32He was rather tired after travelling from wherever he'd come from.
03:38The following day, Mr. Topsy-Turvy went round the town.
03:42He found a room for Mr. Topsy-Turvy.
03:45It was a very nice room.
03:48Mr. Topsy-Turvy went to bed.
03:50It was a very nice room.
03:53The following day, Mr. Topsy-Turvy went round the town.
03:58But what a fuss his going round the town caused.
04:02He took a taxi from the hotel.
04:05But so confused the taxi driver, trying to tell him where he wanted to go,
04:09the poor man drove straight into a traffic jam.
04:12Oh dear, said Mr. Topsy-Turvy.
04:15I am sorry, very.
04:18Then, he went into a big department store in the middle of the town.
04:23Walked up to one of the counters.
04:26I'd like a sock of pears, he said to the lady behind the counter.
04:31You mean a pair of socks, she smiled.
04:34And showed him a pair of bright red socks.
04:37Mr. Topsy-Turvy put them on his hands.
04:41Then he tried to leave.
04:43But being Mr. Topsy-Turvy, he tried to walk down the up escalator.
04:48And all the people who were going up the up escalator all fell over themselves.
04:54Oh, it was a terrible Topsy-Turvy jumble.
05:00That day, Mr. Topsy-Turvy did all sorts of Topsy-Turvy things.
05:14Then, he went to an art gallery.
05:17And insisted on hanging all the pictures upside down,
05:21so that he could look at them properly.
05:25And then, after Mr. Topsy-Turvy had been in the town for just one day,
05:30he disappeared.
05:33He disappeared.
05:36He disappeared.
05:39He disappeared.
05:42Nobody knew how he went, or where he went.
05:46But he certainly went, because he wasn't there anymore.
05:51The whole town breathed a sigh of relief.
05:55But, what the town discovered,
05:59even though Mr. Topsy-Turvy had left,
06:02was that everything was still Topsy-Turvy.
06:04Read all it about, shouted the newspaper sellers.
06:08Instead of shouting, read all about it.
06:13News is the here, said the television newsreader.
06:18Instead of saying, here is the news.
06:23Morning good, people started saying to each other when they met him.
06:28Do do you how, instead of, here is the news.
06:31Everybody was talking Topsy-Turvy.
06:37Now can you think of something to say that's Topsy-Turvy?
06:41Try on, go.
06:44I mean, go on, try.
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