01:00And look, I got my quantum physics homework, a day early!
01:03I'd say I'd finally hit my stride.
01:05But Lloyd, I thought we were a team.
01:06I figured you and me'd be scrubs together for a long time to come.
01:09We're still a team, buddy.
01:10It's just, instead of a team of two scrubs,
01:12we'll be a team of one scrub and a guy who's got it all together.
01:15Yep, the way things are going, there's pretty much nothing I can't handle.
01:19Hey, 7th grade, it's time for the first fall dance!
01:22The dance?
01:23The dance will be held in the gym, duh, next Saturday night.
01:26Please wear something phosphorescent green as the theme for the evening is
01:29Romance Under the Waves of Ocean Planet EO7.
01:32I came up with that one.
01:37Yes, brainy kid has a question or whatever.
01:39Must we attend?
01:41Look, it's not like mandatory.
01:42If you have some twisted desire to be an outcast
01:44and have everybody in school laugh and point at you for the next three years,
01:47well, just don't come.
01:49Jill, yes?
01:50Do we have to bring a date?
01:51Um, like, see answer above?
01:55Thanks for listening!
01:567th grade spirit!
01:58I am so shracked.
02:02Stupid lousy dance!
02:04One minute I'm king of the world,
02:06the next I'm worrying about dances and girls,
02:08and dancing with girls,
02:09which is what you have to do with those things.
02:11You're looking at this all wrong, Lloyd.
02:13It's gonna be sweet!
02:14Imagine all the kids to make fun of,
02:16the finger foods to throw,
02:17the DJ to heckle.
02:18This could be the best night of our young lives!
02:20I don't know, Eddie.
02:21You heard Brittany.
02:22If we don't bring dates, there's gonna be laughing and pointing.
02:25If we do bring dates,
02:26well, that means having to get dates!
02:27It's like we're derfed if we do,
02:29derfed if we don't!
02:30Heads up, Lloyd!
02:32Oh, man, that one's gone.
02:34Well, go get it, Lloyd!
02:35I'm not gonna get it, you get it!
02:36Oh, no!
02:37You know the rules.
02:38The Miss Err always fetches the ball.
02:40Okay, I'm going.
02:43Stupid lousy dance.
02:44Who needs this kind of pressure?
02:46Find a date, dress up,
02:47flop around the gym like a thin bat with its head cut off.
02:52Some friend,
02:53making me climb all the way up here.
02:54Eddie's just lazy.
02:55I agree.
02:57I said, I agree.
02:58Your friend's throw was way off.
02:59Oh, uh, um...
03:00He should have been the one to come get the ball,
03:02but I'm glad it was you.
03:03You, you, me?
03:05My name's Cindy.
03:06What's yours?
03:07My name's Lloyd.
03:08Uh, what's yours?
03:09Uh, Cindy, remember?
03:12Oh, yeah.
03:12Do you go to Luna Vista?
03:13I don't know.
03:14Do I?
03:15I mean, yeah, I do.
03:16I sure do.
03:18Me too.
03:18I started this week.
03:19We just...
03:20Come on, already!
03:20I got homework to do!
03:21Oh, I gotta go.
03:23I'll see you around?
03:24You will?
03:25I mean, yeah!
03:25See ya!
03:30Get my ball, you doofus!
03:33Lloyd, what were you doing up there?
03:37Talking to girl.
03:38Uh, real girl?
03:39Real pretty girl.
03:41And she spoke back to you?
03:43Whoa, that's heavy.
03:44So, I, uh, suppose you asked her to the big fancy dance, huh?
03:52Now listen up, you evolutionary mishaps.
03:54Because every word I'm about to say will be on the test.
03:57And I'm only gonna say it once.
03:59Now, sporknuts are exactly two times five...
04:00I have made the hugest mistake of my entire life.
04:04There it was.
04:04My golden opportunity.
04:06I could have been a guy with a date to the dance.
04:08I could have been back on top!
04:09Hey, she was a girl.
04:10Your brain freaked out.
04:11It's understandable.
04:11I'm having trouble breathing just hearing about it, Lloyd.
04:14Thanks, guys.
04:15But the fact is, I blew it.
04:16I'm never gonna get another chance like that again.
04:19Is one of you Lloyd somebody?
04:21Er, that's me!
04:22Someone over there handed me, like, a note to give to you.
04:25From Cindy somebody.
04:26Thanks, Britney!
04:29A note from Cindy!
04:32Uh, Lloyd, what does Cindy say in the note?
04:35Yes, Mr. Nebulon!
04:37I'm sure we'd all love to hear what's in your little note.
04:39Wouldn't we, class?
04:42Uh, uh, uh...
04:43Why, thank you, Lloyd!
04:45I would love a mint!
04:47Mm, mm!
04:48Most refreshing!
04:51If I gave a hoot about your budding little social lives,
04:53I'd be furious right now.
04:55But, as it is, we've got a test to review for.
04:58As I was saying...
04:59Kurt, that was some kind of brave.
05:06I can't believe this!
05:07My very first note from a girl,
05:08and it's eaten by one of my friends!
05:10Hey, better swallowed by Kurt than read out loud for the whole class.
05:12Don't worry, guys.
05:13My stomach isn't just for digesting food.
05:15It's also my special hiding place!
05:17Oh, just taste it!
05:21One note for Lloyd!
05:22Kurt, you rock so hard!
05:24Okay, okay, Kurt rocks!
05:25Just play the note before something else happens!
05:27Good idea!
05:30Hi, Lloyd! It's me, Cindy!
05:31I'm sitting here in quantum physics class,
05:33and boy, is this stuff hard!
05:34Hey, Lloyd, aren't you actually passing that class?
05:36And as if school wasn't hard enough,
05:38now I hear there's a dance coming up!
05:39Yikes! So soon?
05:40What's up with that?
05:41Yeah, yeah, wrap it up already!
05:42Femme Cyborg's handing out the quiz!
05:44Gotta go! Bye, Lloyd!
05:45She seems nice!
05:47Could she be any more obvious about that dance?
05:49Yes, Lloyd, it would seem an invitation to the dance
05:51is the desired response to her missive.
05:53I guess you got your second chance after all, Lloyd!
06:01Go ahead and die, Lloyd! You can do it!
06:03Yeah, you're right!
06:07Wrong button, boy! You hung up!
06:09I can't do it, station!
06:10I mean, what if I forget how to talk,
06:11and nothing comes out of my mouth except drool?
06:14Once the young lady answers,
06:15your gentlemanly instincts will kick in,
06:17and you'll handle yourself with aplomb!
06:18Yeah, yeah! Aplomb!
06:20Okay, here goes!
06:25I'm sorry, my boy, but you leave me no choice!
06:27Station, no!
06:28Please, hold on, we're over!
06:29I'm not ready to d-
06:31Uh, Nebulon residence?
06:32Who's calling, please?
06:33Um, Lloyd?
06:34Didn't you call me?
06:35Oh, yeah, I guess I did.
06:39What do you want?
06:40Ha ha! Uh, well, uh...
06:41Aplomb, Lloyd! Aplomb!
06:42Well, I was just wondering,
06:44uh, you wouldn't want to go to that, um,
06:46dance thingy at school or anything, would you?
06:48With you?
06:48That'd be really neat!
06:49Thanks, Lloyd!
06:50Really? Wow!
06:51That's great, Cindy!
06:52Yeah, real great!
06:54I'm going to my first dance
06:55with a kid who hasn't been able to spit out
06:57one coherent sentence since I met him!
06:58Uh, Cindy, on the phone, it sort of looks like...
07:00I mean, am I wrong, or do you have two hints?
07:03Yeah, didn't you know?
07:04I mean, that's not gonna be a problem, is it?
07:07It better not be, weasel!
07:08Ha ha! No, that's fine, really!
07:10Just checking is all.
07:11My video phone is a little fuzzy.
07:13Great! Bye, Lloyd!
07:14I'm really looking forward to the dance!
07:16I'm not-
07:18Well, Cindy certainly seems nice.
07:20And... not so nice.
07:48I'm gonna stick around to eat, and maybe even dance!
07:50Well then, I guess I'll be laughing at all three of you suckers!
07:53That is, assuming Cindy told Lloyd yes.
07:55There he is now! Let's query him!
07:57Lloyd! Lloyd! Did you ask her? Did you ask her?
07:59Oh, oh yeah, I asked her.
08:01Well, she said she'd go with me.
08:03Oh, Lloyd!
08:04Way to go, Lloyd!
08:05Thanks, guys.
08:06What's with the long face?
08:07I thought this was your big chance and all.
08:08It was! It is! It's just...
08:10I kind of found something out about Cindy last night.
08:13Oh! She's not married, is she?
08:15No, it's just that she's...
08:17Well, she's got two heads.
08:19Sorry to use the vernacular, Lloyd, but... so?
08:21Yeah, Lloyd, I know plenty of two-headed kids!
08:24Yeah, I know. I guess that's not really the problem.
08:26See, it's just that-
08:27Well, lookie here!
08:29We finally get to meet the great Lloyd Nebulon in the flesh!
08:32Hi, Lloyd!
08:33Haha! Hi, Cindy!
08:34Um, these are my pals, Kurt, Eddie, and Douglas.
08:37I thought you were a loser, Nebulon,
08:39but that was before I got a look at your friends!
08:41I mean, what planet is this guy from?
08:43And this one's hilarious!
08:44When I first saw him, I thought Jumbo here got gum on his shoe.
08:47That seems a tad uncalled for.
08:48Uh, you know what's funny, Cindy?
08:50Uh, we were just talking about you.
08:51Something nice, I hope?
08:52Sure, nothing but nice.
08:54Please, this mindless small talk is gonna make me spew.
08:56Lloyd, I wanted to thank you again, in person, for asking me to the dance.
09:00It's nice to feel like I belong so soon after moving here.
09:02Hey, what can I say? I'm a nice guy!
09:04Yeah, and not at all full of yourself.
09:06Hey, you got a little something on your shirt.
09:08Gotcha! Haha! What a sucker!
09:10Hi there!
09:11Move it, Melvin! You don't own the hallway!
09:13Lloyd, you cannot take that girl to the dance!
09:16She's really nice, but horrible!
09:19Yeah, but nice first, right? I mean, that one head's really sweet!
09:22Snap out of it! The other head's evil!
09:24You really think she's that bad?
09:25The mean head made me wanna cry!
09:27Lloyd, as your lifelong friend, I say to you, dump her!
09:30Get her on the phone and ditch the date as fast as you can!
09:36I can't believe I'm doing this!
09:38Well then, I suggest you doubt!
09:40Station, cut it out!
09:41I'm sorry, Lloyd, but it's decidedly ungentlemanly to back out of a social commitment.
09:44Why, the young lady won't even have time to get another date!
09:46Hey, she's got two heads! She can take herself!
09:48Besides, I can't go to a dance with a girl who abhates me!
09:52And you should have heard how rude she was to my friends!
09:54Rudeness is no excuse for being rude!
09:56Get out of this station!
09:58No matter what you say, I'm cancelling that date!
10:00Don't do it, Lloyd! It's...
10:02Why, hello there!
10:03Lloyd, I was just thinking about you!
10:05Haha! Um, I was just, uh, thinking about you too!
10:08Um, nice sandwich!
10:10Huh? Oh yeah, my other head's been yelling a bunch and that always makes me hungry!
10:15Oh, well, I was just, uh, going to ask...
10:18That is to tell you that I...
10:19That I...
10:20That you're really looking forward to the dance?
10:21Me too! I mean, I get to go with the sweetest, cutest, nicest boy in school!
10:25Oh, hey! Wow, yeah, that's just what I was gonna say!
10:28Well, I-I mean, not the boy part!
10:31Well, I better get off the phone.
10:33I gotta get back to my quantum physics homework.
10:34It is so hard!
10:36Really? I'm actually way ahead in QP!
10:38Wow, Lloyd! You're not just cute, you're really smart too!
10:41Well, it took me a little while to get into it, but then something just... clicked.
10:46Wow, maybe you could, you know, tutor me sometime?
10:50I'd like to click too.
10:55So, I guess I'll see you Saturday?
10:58Yeah! Eddie's dad is driving us over to the school in our squad car!
11:01Neat! See you then!
11:02And wear something besides that little striped shirt for once, huh?
11:35Well, as I recall, if a 7th grade girl picks on a boy, it means she likes him.
11:39You don't know Cindy's other head.
11:40Well, then why not pay a little more attention to that side of Cindy tonight?
11:43Turn on the old Nebulon charm!
11:45You don't know me either.
11:46Hmm, this tie just isn't working. I'll get your clip on.
11:49Lloyd, my boy, handling gals is a piece of cake.
11:51Don't listen to your grandpa, Lloyd! He's full of bad advice!
11:54Not this time, Nora! I agree with you!
11:57Your mom's right, Lloyd! Charm the gal!
11:59What good's that gonna do?
12:00When you charm them, it's easier to change them!
12:03Excuse me, sir, but conventional wisdom holds that trying to change a person really doesn't work.
12:07Oui! I was in the Imperial Galactic Army and they changed me from a fresh-faced lad to a mindless killing machine!
12:13So, you're saying if I'm real nice to Cindy's mean head, it might change her?
12:17Bingo! It can't fail!
12:20Oh, there's our ride, Lloyd!
12:21What? This contraption's going to the dance?
12:23I volunteer to chaperone!
12:25Let's go, station! I've got one nasty noggin to change!
12:29Just as soon as Mom brings me my clip on!
13:03Wow, Missy, t'es géniale !
13:06J'ai utilisé un Smythe Cornish Open pour confondre mon adversaire,
13:09éviscérant-lui avec des moves de Swift79 et clencher le titre de galactique 3D.
13:13Wow, Charmaine, t'es géniale !
13:16J'ai oublié Zerograv Wrestling pour ça !
13:18T'as regardé Zerograv Wrestling ? J'adore cette show !
13:21Hey, on a des choses en commun ! On va vraiment l'attraper !
13:24Quoi ? T'aimes le wrestling ? C'est tellement... violent !
13:26Eh bien, c'est un peu violent, mais d'une bonne façon ! J'ai raison ?
13:31Et voilà, Station, la première danse de l'automne.
13:34Seulement, sans de la vraie danse.
13:36Ah, c'est typique. Si ça reste comme ça pour trop longtemps,
13:39j'aurai dû briser les yeux avec ma danse de gator.
13:41Moi-même, j'ai des cheveux violents.
13:44T'as un peu de mal au nez ?
13:46Hein ? Oh non, je me débrouille !
13:48J'aime cette chanson !
13:49Moi aussi ! Carbon21 est un fan génial !
13:51T'aimes Carbon21 ? Ils sont mes favoris !
13:53Eh bien, je ne peux pas le supporter !
13:55Oh, en fait, j'étais juste en train de faire tout ça pour qu'ils soient mes favoris.
13:58T'étais ?
13:59Non, non !
14:00Alors tu n'étais pas ?
14:01Bien sûr que je... n'étais...
14:03et... je... je...
14:06Bonne chanson !
14:08Comment va le vieux charme de Lébulon, mon garçon ?
14:10C'est pas bon !
14:11C'est impossible de prendre une conversation avec le tourbillon sans embêter quelqu'un !
14:14Demandez à la fille de danser !
14:16Personne ne doit discuter pendant qu'elle est occupée danser !
14:18Eh bien, rien ne peut être aussi mauvais que ça !
14:20Oui, tu veux... je veux dire...
14:22Tu veux... je ne sais pas... danser ou quelque chose ?
14:24J'aimerais bien, non ?
14:26Très bien ! C'est parti !
14:29Bonne chance, Lloyd !
14:30Tu vas l'avoir !
14:43T'es bien, Lloyd !
14:44Oui ! Bien à me faire fatiguer !
14:46Désolée, danser !
14:47J'arrive plus vite !
14:48J'arrive plus vite !
14:55Bonne chanson, hein ?
14:56Il devrait y en avoir une prochaine, à tout moment !
15:03Oh mon Dieu ! C'est trop lent, n'est-ce pas ?
15:09Je savais que tu plaisantais quand il était temps de danser lentement !
15:11Tu n'as pas un téléphone romantique dans ton corps gris !
15:14Est-ce vrai ?
15:15Miss Cindy, je peux faire cette danse ?
15:17Mon frère, regarde mes pieds, je suis devenu attaché à eux au cours des années !
15:28Désolée !
15:29Danser beaucoup ?
15:30Être poli ?
15:31Comment ça ?
15:32Je pensais que tu m'avais entendu !
15:33Tu n'as jamais laissé tomber !
15:34J'ai essayé d'être gentil !
15:35J'ai pensé que tu allais tenter de me faire mal !
15:36Hey, c'est ma première danse !
15:37Envoie-moi !
15:38Si il y a des dégâts permanents, tu peux compter sur ça, mon pote !
15:40Tu sais, depuis que je t'ai rencontré, tu n'as rien fait que de rude et obnoxieux à moi !
15:43Eh bien, tu n'es pas un prix non plus, hot shot !
15:45Il n'y a pas de raison d'être fier de ça !
15:47Lloyd, je n'ai jamais vu ce côté de toi !
15:49Tu devrais t'habituer à ça !
15:50Tu as laissé ton malin tête me pousser toute la nuit !
15:52Pourquoi ne pas la faire s'enfuir ?
15:56Excusez-moi ?
15:57J'ai pensé que je pouvais te changer, mais c'est inutile !
15:59Je devrais juste t'avoir jeté sur le téléphone quand j'avais la chance !
16:02Allais me jeter ?
16:03Oui, mais j'ai été déçu !
16:05Trop mal, parce que te ramener à cette danse, c'était la pire erreur que j'ai jamais faite !
16:08Oh, tu es un salaud !
16:11Les filles, revenez !
16:13Notre danse est détruite !
16:21Je savais que Lloyd était un salaud, mais je ne savais pas qu'il était un sale salaud !
16:25Peut-être qu'il était un salaud ! Il est très drôle !
16:28Oh, calmez-vous !
16:32Cette danse de salaud ! J'aimerais bien rester chez moi !
16:35Tu vas bien ?
16:36Oui, je vais bien, c'est juste...
16:38Je devrais t'avoir écouté, Eddy ! Je devrais n'avoir jamais demandé à cette fille de faire la danse !
16:41Elle a été un problème depuis le moment où je l'ai rencontrée !
16:43Oh, elle n'est pas si mauvaise...
16:45Qu'est-ce que tu parles ? Tu l'as appelé un monstre !
16:48Tu m'as dit qu'il fallait la jeter !
16:49Oui, mais tu sais, il y a toujours deux côtés à chaque histoire !
16:52Quoi ? Je ne peux pas croire que tu parles comme ça ! Cette fille est une menace !
16:55Elle est...
16:56Je n'ai jamais vu un salaud de deux visages !
16:58Je veux dire, un visage est tout sympa et amiable,
17:00puis un instant plus tard, l'autre a cassé ta tête !
17:02Tu vois ? Ils m'ont même accordé !
17:04Pas de blague ! Je veux dire, j'ai rencontré beaucoup de salauds de deux visages dans ma vie,
17:06mais celui-là, c'est un salaud !
17:07Un salaud ?
17:08Oui, je me demande pourquoi Cindy s'est accordé avec lui pour la danse en premier lieu !
17:12Ils m'ont parlé ?
17:14Eh bien, si la chaussure te plaît !
17:16Tu es d'accord avec ces gars ? Tu penses que je suis un salaud de deux visages ?
17:18Eh bien, parfois ! Comme l'autre jour, quand tu as mangé mes frites françaises sans m'en demander,
17:21ou quand tu as mis ce signe KICK ME sur le dos de Douglas !
17:23C'est drôle, mais franchement, c'est l'acte d'un salaud !
17:25Eh bien, si tu penses que je suis un salaud, alors pourquoi tu m'accordes ?
17:27Parce que tu es de deux visages, et j'aime l'autre visage !
17:29Je veux dire, tout le monde a deux visages, et ton autre visage, c'est bien !
17:32Le truc, c'est que si tu aimes quelqu'un, tu dois, je ne sais pas, prendre pour qui ils sont !
17:35Tu sais, accepter les deux visages !
17:37Je n'y ai jamais pensé !
17:39Maintenant, dans le cas de cette fille Cindy, bien sûr, elle peut être assez deux visages,
17:42mais elle t'aime évidemment,
17:44alors si tu l'aimes encore, peut-être que tu dois accepter les deux visages aussi !
17:47Eh bien, qui dit que je l'aime ?
17:49Eh bien, c'est un salaud !
17:51Tu sais, Cindy, nous, les filles, nous avons totalement l'abilité
17:53de s'assurer que Lloyd ne reçoit jamais un autre rendez-vous à Luna Vista !
17:56Je ne sais pas, Brittany, ça semble juste un peu trop violent !
17:59Je ne pense pas que c'est assez violent !
18:02Les filles, je me demande si Cindy et moi pouvons avoir quelques instants seules ?
18:06Tu veux que je lui frappe, Cindy ?
18:08Merci, les filles, je vais m'en aller d'ici !
18:12Salut !
18:13Oui ?
18:14Je ne sais pas, je ne sais pas, je ne sais pas, je ne sais pas, je ne sais pas, je ne sais pas !
18:20Ecoute, Cindy, tout ce que je t'ai dit sur le toit de la danse, je suis désolée, une partie de moi a juste commencé à crier !
18:26C'était vraiment dégueulasse !
18:28Vraiment dégueulasse ! Et en public, tu es vraiment un salaud !
18:31Ok, c'est bon, j'admets, parfois je suis vraiment un salaud !
18:34Le fait est que tu es un peu un salaud pour moi aussi !
18:37Tu sais, il a un point !
18:39Alors j'ai deux côtés et tu as deux côtés, et tu sais quoi ? Je peux accepter ça, parce que, eh bien, je t'aime !
18:46Je t'aime !
18:47Alors ici je suis, à l'intérieur de la danse que j'ai détruite, prêt à repartir, et maintenant la question est, es-tu prêt à repartir aussi ?
18:54Eh bien...
18:55Tu veux danser ?
18:56Je pensais que tu n'allais jamais me demander !
19:09On dirait que Lloyd et Cindy se sont réunis, Douglas ! Maintenant je peux danser de nouveau !
19:14Salut ! Tu veux danser ?
19:16Half girl, half zebra ?
19:19Qu'est-ce que c'est ?
19:25Au revoir !
19:26Désolé !