Veep Season 1 Episode 6 Baseball

  • 2 days ago
Veep Season 1 Episode 6 Baseball


00:00The whole Chick-fil-A narrative is just, if I may sir, it's food nominal, it really is.
00:28With that construction outside, man, I was stuck in traffic for two hours.
00:32My bladder was like a fucking blimp.
00:36Should we maybe talk some more to the food manufacturing guys and the health advisors?
00:42Come on, man.
00:43Just some small talk, even tiny talk will do.
00:45Yeah, I know. I'm gonna do it.
00:49God, what a wasteful morning.
00:50Do you ever want me to confess?
00:52Don't rip out my fingernails.
00:54Just make me eat like a vegan for a fucking week.
00:56The VP looked like she's about ready to open up her vein.
00:59Are you okay? You seem to be phoning it in a little.
01:03You know what, Amy? I'm the VP. I never wanted to be.
01:07I'm talking salad wraps and body mass index to these idiots.
01:12You should really just go and...
01:14Yeah, I know. Feel my soul slide out of my ass.
01:17All right, here. Take that. I'm building up the energy right now.
01:21This smells like the inside of a taxi cab.
01:23Hi, guys.
01:27Not too much longer, we'll get the group shot taken and then you guys can get moving.
01:33What a productive morning.
01:35Can you envision selling some of these items at any of your stores, do you think?
01:41Wraps, maybe?
01:42Yeah, wraps.
01:43Grapes. I mean, grapes are always good, right?
01:44Grapes are... Hey, you can't beat grapes.
01:46Those yellow things look...
01:51Well, I'll tell you, it's all local and it's all organic.
01:55Oh, wow.
01:56Orgasmic's more like it, right?
01:58Oh, I'll have some of what you're having.
02:03Can you have a zoom on that thing?
02:05Oh, Ken, you know what? We don't have to have pictures taken here right now, okay?
02:10Oh, no, it's fine.
02:14You back to D.C. tonight, Gary?
02:16Yeah, I'm leaving a little bit earlier.
02:19My dad is having his birthday dinner.
02:22Uh, no, he, um...
02:25He has very, uh, little respect for my job.
02:29He actually much rather be worked here.
02:32In catering?
02:33Oh, a baseball stadium.
02:37A man's man, a shock!
02:39One of those guys.
02:41Wow, that's gotta be tough.
02:44Yeah, tell me about it.
02:47I meant for him.
02:50Okay, you know what, Ken? Not so close, okay?
02:53Nobody needs to know which of my eyebrow hairs needs to be plucked.
03:00What's going on with this group shot? What's the delay?
03:02It's not much longer, ma'am. Just keep smiling, turn that frown upside down.
03:12Do you see that he keeps touching me?
03:14Yeah, I've noticed.
03:15And his hands are really small, just feely, little, touchy, hot hands.
03:21Someone needs to tell him that he's working with the White House and not Penthouse.
03:24Hey, can I talk to you privately just for a second?
03:28Uh, the whole thing that you guys have done with Krispy Kreme is just, if I may...
03:34Food nominal, really.
03:35So, you know that I've been seeing Tetch, right?
03:39A while ago, a lot of wine was drunk and Springsteen was listened to.
03:45And things got a little bit out of hand.
03:49You stole a car?
03:51We had unprotected sex.
03:54And I think I might be pregnant.
03:58It's a possibility, Amy.
04:01I haven't reached menopause yet, you know? I'm not barren. I know it's unlikely.
04:06I could probably have unprotected sex with 30 men, one right after the other, and it would be totally fine.
04:13I mean, no, it wouldn't be totally fine. I mean, that would be a horrible thing.
04:17I'm not doubting your fertility, ma'am, but an unwed mother, one aneurysm away from the presidency?
04:24How do you think that plays?
04:27The bank's got one big storage area, and then there's 60 separate pockets within the area.
04:34That is a lot to remember, Gary.
04:35I know, I know.
04:36But can you do it without looking?
04:39Try me.
04:47Scented, unscented.
04:52Bam. Wow.
04:54Knock it.
04:55That is unbelievable.
04:56You know what?
04:57I hope I'm not pregnant, because fuck, if I am, I'm just finished, you know?
05:05Let's get moving.
05:08You know you'll have to keep it.
05:09I know.
05:11Unless we go on some sort of special vacation to Mexico and kill the doctor in the desert.
05:19Father now?
05:21What, are you kidding me?
05:22What am I, 15?
05:23I mean Ted.
05:24Oh, shit.
05:27I'm still working on that one.
05:30What are you shooting with?
05:31Oh, this is a 5D.
05:33Not a 1D?
05:36Why would I need a 1D to shoot this?
05:38I have a 1D.
05:40I mean, it's more expensive, but it's a really nice camera.
05:42You shoot a lot of sports?
05:44Moving action?
05:45You take hundreds of pictures of herons catching fish?
05:48Because otherwise you don't need a 1D.
05:51Right, but I have a 1D.
05:57Hey, will you do me a favor?
05:58Hey, will you do me a favor?
05:59Can you get me a real coffee instead of this fucking beige paint they're serving?
06:05Grande skinny latte, extra shot, and a dash of cinnamon?
06:10Can I get you something?
06:12This is what we're going to do.
06:14Feed us with the nutritionists, hang with the players, over to the school, then we pregnancy test you to fuck.
06:19Listen, will you get the tests on the way to the school, please?
06:23I'm heading there right now.
06:26This is in our little circle of two.
06:33Hey, Jonah.
06:34How's the weather up there in your asshole?
06:36Oh, that's cute, Mike.
06:38How's it going?
06:39Good, good.
06:40Just going over my notes for the press briefing.
06:43Hey, did you get those local business initiatives I sent over from the president?
06:48Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
06:49Looking at them right now.
06:51They're very helpful.
06:52Oh, good.
06:53I'm glad you're right on top of that.
06:54I can see you, Mike.
07:00This is awesome!
07:02You know what, Mike?
07:03One day you're going to wake up and you're going to find your lungs have turned to pastry.
07:08Gotta go, Jonah.
07:09Got incoming.
07:12What's up?
07:13Selena might be pregnant.
07:15What do we want to do?
07:17Is this for real?
07:19Because if it is, the best thing for her legacy is if she's assassinated before she starts showing.
07:24It's not definite.
07:25She still needs to take some tests.
07:28I guess I'll just add this to the press release.
07:30People can start taking bets.
07:32You know that this needs to be way under the lid.
07:36All good?
07:39It's going to knock the socks off of some seven-year-olds.
07:48Dad, I like beer.
07:50That was because I cut my lip trying to open the bottle.
07:52I just can't open it the way you do.
07:54Listen, the Veep and I are going to have our photo taken with the Orioles players.
07:59Yeah, I can get you one.
08:01Shit, yeah.
08:02Shit, yeah.
08:03Where the fuck is coffee?
08:07That whole stadium day was like a networking orgy for you, right?
08:11Oh, yeah.
08:12Yeah, yeah.
08:13Business card, bukkake.
08:16Yeah, you should get something while we're here.
08:18Razor blaze, a large amount of painkillers.
08:21Holy shit.
08:23Are you pregnant?
08:25Amy, come on.
08:27Career-wise, that's like joining Scientology or getting a fucking neck tattoo.
08:31Thanks for the support.
08:34So I guess you're going to be needing maternity leave.
08:37Might be the obvious choice for your replacement.
08:39It is literally your first thought.
08:42No, no, my first thought was, there goes your figure.
08:44But I didn't say that because I thought it would be upsetting.
08:47You know, if it's a boy, maybe I'll name him after you.
08:49Call him Fuckweasel.
08:52Ken, is this where I should be?
08:54Don't be too clustered.
08:55Yeah, don't be too clustered.
08:56Thank you, I got it.
08:58So if you could just move a little bit.
08:59Yeah, just...
09:00Yeah, a little bit, so we're not all on one side.
09:01Just so we're not all on one side, it's a little lopsided.
09:03Can you see everybody?
09:04Thank you, they heard me.
09:05Yes, how about one where we say, let's get moving.
09:10All right, how about another one?
09:11Another one where we say, awesome avocado.
09:15Awesome avocado.
09:18Yes, that was great.
09:19All right, thank you for your patience.
09:21Thank you so much for being here.
09:24Sure, yes.
09:27Construction hit a gas main.
09:28There's a serious leak.
09:29Everybody must stay in here until it's made safe.
09:32Sorry, because of the danger, we need everybody to stay in the room.
09:35We'll update you.
09:36Listen, but I can get out of here, right?
09:40Probably in about an hour.
09:42An hour?
09:43Yes, ma'am.
09:46We're so excited about the vice president's visit.
09:50Oh, we're very excited, too.
09:51Amy's practically having a baby about it.
09:53Isn't that right?
09:54Well, the children are waiting right this way.
09:56Hey, kids.
09:58Good afternoon.
09:59Good afternoon.
10:01My name is Dan, this is Amy,
10:03and we work for the vice president of the United States of America.
10:08Pretty cool, right?
10:11Yeah, my man right here.
10:12My dad works in the State Department.
10:15What position?
10:16Trade policy executive.
10:18So he knows Roger Ulfrich?
10:20Uh, I don't know.
10:22Are you networking with an eight-year-old?
10:26So, um, hold on one second, Chief.
10:32There's a gas leak.
10:33Someone is going to be delayed at least an hour.
10:35These kids are going to go berserk if they have to wait that long.
10:38We have to keep them entertained.
10:40Lion King DVD and two shots of Ritalin.
10:43You'll be such a great dad.
10:45That's how I was raised.
10:47All right, shall we, gentlemen?
10:49Sean, why don't we start with your question before you get the DTs
10:52and you can't write in your notebook?
10:54Can you, uh, brief on the new health initiative?
10:57You, it's poster boy Mikey.
10:59Actual, though, great question.
11:01You know, when we were on the campaign trail
11:03and we saw a woman with a very large boy
11:05and the vice president turned to me and said,
11:07I'd like to free that boy from the prison of obesity.
11:11Anybody else?
11:13Leon West, Washington Post.
11:16Source tells me that the VP shit-canned a Secret Service agent
11:20just for smiling at her.
11:22Can you give me a yes or no on that, please?
11:25Uh, I believe he was reassigned because it was cologne.
11:28It was Paco Ruban.
11:30I mean, this is not the 80s anymore, right?
11:32Nobody wears that stuff.
11:34Sean might. You'd probably rather drink it, though, right, Sean?
11:37That's necessary, thank you, yes.
11:39I'm a drunk, okay?
11:41Every which way but douche.
11:43Why don't you answer my question now?
11:46I believe you asked a boring question, Leon,
11:49and I gave a boring answer.
11:51That's like carbon offsetting.
11:54Mike, Mike, I wouldn't be smiling.
11:56You might lose your job.
11:58You understand my point?
12:00You don't find it repugnant
12:02that Selina Meyer let a Secret Service agent go for smiling?
12:05Repugnant? Yes.
12:07You're calling the vice president repugnant?
12:09That's a very emotive term, sir,
12:11and a little prissy, I might add.
12:14I spent a night in jail when I was 19 once.
12:16That was more fun than this.
12:18Well, if we get trapped here another minute,
12:20I'm gonna kill you and eat you
12:22and not eat another fucking falafel.
12:24Hey, Jimmy fucking Olsen, get lost
12:27before I shove that thing up your ass
12:29and give you another kind of red-eye to worry about.
12:33What is going on out there with those two, do you know?
12:36Yeah, he's all pissed off.
12:38They've been complaining all day about the event and the food.
12:42I overhear stuff as I move around, plus I can lip-read.
12:45You can lip-read? Yeah.
12:48Yes, I can tell what you're saying now.
12:52Could you lip-read earlier
12:54when I was talking about you to Amy?
12:58Oh, that's too bad. It was all good.
13:00Thank you. Oh, sir.
13:04Amy. Amy.
13:06God, that is a lot of snot.
13:08Hey, can I have my, uh, pen back?
13:11Mike, hi. Thank you.
13:13I just want to warn you.
13:15On top of everything else, smile story.
13:17Can I get the pen cap, too?
13:19This came with a pen cap.
13:21Amy, what the hell is going on over there?
13:23Are you listening? Yes, yes, story.
13:25What? The pen cap.
13:27Where was the pen in your mouth?
13:29Did you put it in your mouth?
13:31Okay, I just want to give you a heads-up, all right?
13:33It's out there. They're saying she's repugnant.
13:37Oh, my God.
13:41I have just had a phone call from Mike.
13:43He said that the press is saying
13:45you are pregnant.
13:47He's saying it's out.
13:49No, it can't be.
13:51What are you talking about? Nobody knows.
13:53He said that the League of the West
13:55said that you're pregnant.
13:57Holy fuck.
14:01Oh, I can't move my lips.
14:05Okay, I'm going because Gary's calling.
14:07Don't tell Gary.
14:09No, Amy, they're not going to let me through.
14:11I'm running out of time here.
14:13My dad needs a picture.
14:15Okay, I need you
14:17to get a pregnancy test
14:19for the veep.
14:21Oh, my.
14:23Oh, my God.
14:25That's kind of exciting.
14:27I can carry the baby around in a little swing
14:29or something like that.
14:31Oh, wait, this is bad because she's not married, right?
14:33Indeed, and this is strictly
14:37What kind of test do I get? Are there different kinds of tests?
14:39How do I break it down? What do I get?
14:41I've only got one, so you need to get as many as you can find, okay?
14:43We need to be sure, okay?
14:45We need to shock and awe this thing.
14:49Hey, so what's the intel on the baby?
14:53Copy that. Security clearance denied.
14:55Is Jonah the dad?
14:57Is that why
14:59you look like you want to drink a bottle of Drano?
15:01I don't blame you.
15:03That's going to be a long labor.
15:05Going to be pulling that kid out of you in shifts.
15:07Jonah? Yes, ma'am?
15:09We got to get rid of this whole prison-yard vibe feeling.
15:11We got to do something.
15:13Well, we have to stay within the stadium,
15:15but we could invite the guys down
15:17to meet the Orioles players.
15:19Okay, that's exactly what we're going to do.
15:21I forgot to
15:23find out something about the players.
15:25I don't know what to say to them. I can help you along.
15:27Oh, you know about baseball?
15:29I do, yeah. You can be my Gary?
15:31Yeah, I'll be the adult
15:33version of Gary. Okay.
15:35Jonah, can you see me?
15:37Uh, yeah. Give me their numbers. I'll go up that.
15:39Uh, hold on. Let me see.
15:41Uh, 34.
15:43Jake Arrieta. He's a starting pitcher.
15:45On his left
15:47is number 39, Tommy Hunter.
15:49He's a starting pitcher.
15:51Wait, he's a starting pitcher. Yes.
15:53The next gentleman, oh, that's Jim Palmer.
15:55Now, he's a Hall of Famer.
15:57That guy's a legend. He's a starting pitcher
15:59as well. You don't have multiple
16:01starting pitchers. There's one
16:03pitcher's mound. You see one mound
16:05or three mounds? I see one
16:07mound. That's how you play baseball.
16:09They don't pitch on the same day, but they are all
16:11starting pitchers. You don't have any idea what you're talking about.
16:13Talking idiot.
16:15Hello. Hi.
16:19Honored to meet you, ma'am. And you're Jake? Yes, ma'am.
16:21Oh, how nice.
16:23And you're the starting pitcher?
16:25One of them, yes, ma'am. Oh.
16:27Okay. Wonderful.
16:29And you must be Tommy.
16:31I am. I am.
16:33Are you a starting pitcher?
16:35I am. I am. I am.
16:39Dad. I'm still at the stadium.
16:41Yeah, yeah.
16:43I'm with the team.
16:45My players.
16:47I will get you that pick,
16:51Boom shakalaka.
16:53That's how they talk.
16:57Are these all the pregnancy
16:59tests you have?
17:01I think you got them all. Okay.
17:03I hope you get the result you're looking for.
17:05No, it's not for me.
17:09It's for my sister.
17:11I'm sorry? I just...
17:13Did you see that?
17:15See what?
17:19I just... Is there any other stuff
17:21I should get for my sister?
17:23Like maternity underwear?
17:25How long has she been pregnant?
17:27God, I don't know.
17:29I don't know anything about her private life.
17:31I do know, however, that the past few weeks
17:33she has been pretty
17:37I'd hold off on maternity underwear.
17:39Okay. Okay.
17:41Isn't this nice how the lettering works
17:43on these tops?
17:47Oh, brother.
17:49You know what? I've got the
17:51treasury secretary calling. Let me take this
17:53and I'm going to be right back. I'm so sorry.
17:55Pardon me. Hello?
17:57Hello? Ted? Hey.
17:59You're looking for a little afternoon delight?
18:01No. Listen to me for a second.
18:03I've got to tell you something.
18:05I might be pregnant.
18:07All right? I'm sorry to have to be so blunt about it, but
18:09I don't have a lot of time.
18:11Guys? Can I have five minutes?
18:15One second, please.
18:17Are you still there? That's impossible.
18:19No, it's not impossible.
18:21I'm not that old.
18:23Oh, my God.
18:25All right, you're over that bombshell? Because that bombshell
18:27just gave birth to a bigger bombshell.
18:29The press know
18:31about this.
18:33I know.
18:35So this is what we're going to do, all right?
18:37We're getting married.
18:39And the plan is that we got engaged
18:41like six weeks ago
18:43or something, all right? You proposed
18:45by giving me some sort
18:47of a ring
18:49in a heart-shaped
18:51fucking oyster thing or something.
18:53You know, the key is in the details,
18:55though, Ted, okay?
18:57Okay. Anyway, listen, you got to get
18:59me a ring. You got to go. You got to get
19:01a ring now.
19:03And it's going to have to be a big one.
19:05What size is your finger?
19:07I don't know how fucking big
19:09my finger is, Ted.
19:11Just be a man, stand up,
19:13get the fucking ring, all right?
19:17Are you fucking kidding me?
19:19Ma'am, I'm sorry.
19:21I couldn't help it
19:23over here. I just...
19:25You're getting married. I wanted to be the first one
19:27to offer my congratulations. Okay, Ken.
19:29Read my lips.
19:31Don't read my lips.
19:33You understand me? Yeah.
19:39Okay. You got it?
19:41I got it. Okay.
19:43Let's go. Let's go.
19:45Jim Palmer.
19:47Madam Vice President, nice to meet you.
19:49What a treat to have you.
19:53So, Jim, you are a Hall of Famer.
19:55They let me in there. Oh, yes.
19:57That is a wonderful thing to be
19:59in the Hall of Fame, for sure.
20:01For sure.
20:11It's time for the group photo, right?
20:13All right, great. Okay.
20:15Everyone say Orioles.
20:19Great. Okay, I guess we're done.
20:21We got the shot. Got it.
20:23Okay, everybody, thank you so much.
20:25God bless America.
20:27Okay, thank you.
20:33Uh, Veep has left the stadium.
20:35She's gonna be here in 20.
20:37Oh. One last push
20:39to keep these kids entertained.
20:41You know, I saw a guitar in there.
20:43You play the guitar, right?
20:45Not in this situation.
20:49My guitar is for seduction,
20:51not crowd control, all right?
20:53Granted, on a good night, it's one and the same, but still.
20:55No, we're finding you a guitar.
20:57That's what we're doing.
20:59Oh, isn't this cute?
21:01Look at you guys making juice.
21:03Leon? Go away. Why are you here?
21:05She means hello.
21:07I actually have a story
21:09I'd like to discuss with Veep.
21:11Is she here yet?
21:15No, of course not, because she hates punctuality
21:17almost as much as good governance.
21:19So what should we do, guys?
21:33No, I'm sorry, sir.
21:35We have no comment on that at the moment.
21:37Why would we need to ban smiling?
21:39It's not like something we have time for
21:41in the first place.
21:45Listen, Ted proposed to me
21:47about six to eight weeks ago, okay?
21:49Oh, congratulations, ma'am.
21:51No, no, no, he didn't really.
21:53We're just gonna pretend that he did.
21:55Okay, I assume he's in on this?
21:57So now what I need you to do is go to my calendar thing, please,
21:59and let's find a date where this would have happened.
22:01A Children of Courage Award.
22:03Would he have proposed then?
22:05Uh-uh, that's kids with alopecia,
22:07their mothers are on crack,
22:09that's a complete freak show.
22:11Ah, two months ago, you and Ted
22:13went to an ice hockey game and had dinner after.
22:15Perfect, yes.
22:17Okay, thank you very much.
22:19Sue, Sue, Sue, did the president call?
22:23No, yeah, okay, right.
22:25The A's and the E's are, like, your basics.
22:27That's, like, the roots of blues and stuff,
22:29but if you really get into some of the funkier stuff,
22:31that's the...
22:33It's the 7ths, it's the minor 7ths
22:35that give it that sort of autumn,
22:37that sort of gloom to it.
22:39I just love that.
22:41It's kind of moody,
22:43sort of sleepy,
22:45but I like it.
22:47It does well with the...
22:49You'll figure that out when you get older.
22:51So it's, uh...
22:53You having fun?
22:57Hear that?
22:59No fun.
23:01The vice president is here.
23:07Leanne West is here.
23:09Oh, great.
23:11Now all we need are my parents on Skype.
23:13Do you have the tests?
23:15I have one.
23:17Gary's coming with more.
23:19We're gonna have more tests than you have pee.
23:21You told Gary?
23:23So he could get the tests.
23:25Okay, well, fine.
23:27I'll just have Gary do the tests.
23:29How will that work?
23:31No, not with his pee, Amy.
23:35Wait a second.
23:37Ma'am, you're the one who's pregnant?
23:39I might be pregnant.
23:41So we're looking at a wedding.
23:43Or suicide. I haven't decided which.
23:45Look at these fantastic children!
23:47Madam Vice President.
23:51I am so sorry I'm late.
23:53I have never meant those words before.
23:55It's a pleasure to meet you.
23:57The children are waiting and ready for you.
23:59You know, I need to use the ladies' room very briefly, if I may.
24:01Of course.
24:03The staff restroom is right there.
24:07I'm also parched.
24:09And I'm wondering if I might have a cup of water?
24:11Of course.
24:13Maybe in a paper cup?
24:15This is all we have.
24:17Oh, well, this is okay.
24:19It's in a plastic clear...
24:21It should be fine.
24:23It'll be fine.
24:25Okay, cool it.
24:39Oh, good Lord!
24:45So what do you think?
24:47Is she really pregnant?
24:49How should I know?
24:51You're a woman.
24:53You think that as a woman
24:55I might sense some disturbance
24:57in the fucking lady matrix?
24:59Hey, Ken. How's it going?
25:03Hey, I missed that photo with the Orioles.
25:05Do you think you'd kind of do your magic
25:07and Photoshop me into it?
25:09Technically, yes.
25:11Ethically, no.
25:13I document. I don't invent.
25:15Do it yourself.
25:19You got hot hands.
25:21Have you seen him with the kids yet?
25:23Not yet.
25:25Awesome. Where is she?
25:29Okay. Holy shitballs, Liam West is here?
25:31Uh-huh. I thought you knew that.
25:33He's like gay porn. He's everywhere.
25:35Okay, okay. We only had three types of pregnancies.
25:37Hi, Gary. Okay, that's okay.
25:39We have plenty. She's in the bathroom right now.
25:41Why are we doing this now?
25:43Because you said that the pregnancy story's out there,
25:45so we need to make sure right now.
25:47Hi, Mike.
25:49You said that the pregnancy story's out there.
25:51Yes. On the phone, you said the press
25:53is saying that she's pregnant.
25:55I said she's repugnant.
25:57I said Selena's repugnant.
25:59What? Why am I repugnant?
26:03Leon said it
26:05in reference to you firing
26:07the Secret Service agent.
26:09The smile story? Yeah.
26:11Why is that story out there now, Mike?
26:13I don't know.
26:15Yeah, I don't know. Really?
26:17Ma'am, if we can just table this
26:19and then just knock off the kissing
26:21and then lower that.
26:23You know, I think we're ready.
26:25I'm very excited for the kids.
26:31Oh, Leon. I'm so pleased to be shaking
26:33your hand right at this moment.
26:35I'm just delighted. You met Ken?
26:37Let's get moving.
26:39Right this way.
26:41Well, I'm so sorry I was a little bit late,
26:43but I had to hang out with a
26:45bunch of boring grown-ups.
26:53Mrs. Saunders, I understand
26:55that the boys and girls
26:57have a song
26:59that they want to sing?
27:01Okay, kids, now after four.
27:03One, two, three, four.
27:05If you're happy
27:07and you know it, clap your hands.
27:09Hey, Dad.
27:11Just wait until you see the photo.
27:13It's awesome.
27:15You're right.
27:17I do do a proper man's job.
27:19I do.
27:21Oh, God.
27:23If you're happy and you know it,
27:25nod your head.
27:27If you're happy and you know it,
27:29nod your head.
27:31You're very, very pregnant.
27:33And you really want to show it.
27:35If you're happy and you know it,
27:37nod your head.
27:39If you're happy and you know it,
27:41shout hooray, hooray.
27:43If you're happy and you know it,
27:45shout hooray, hooray.
27:47If you're happy and you know it,
27:49and you really want to show it,
27:51if you're happy and you know it,
27:53shout hooray, hooray.
27:55Oh, wow.
27:57That was marvelous.
27:59Wasn't that great?
28:01Wasn't it great?
28:03Yes, what a good song.
28:05And we're going to have to go
28:07on to the next thing.
28:09All day.
28:11Okay, good job. Wonderful.
28:13Bye-bye, everybody.
28:17See you later.
28:23How about that, kids?
28:25Wait all day for that.