• last month


00:00:00I'm Dita Diwa, I'm 37 years old, and I'm from Tenerife.
00:00:05La banana es una fruta, que es de las Islas Canarias,
00:00:10de las Islas Canarias, de las Islas Canarias.
00:00:15La banana es una fruta, que es de las Islas Canarias,
00:00:20de las Islas Canarias.
00:00:25La banana es una fruta, que es de las Islas Canarias,
00:00:30la banana pa' comerla, hay que quitarle la piel, la piel.
00:00:35La primera canaria que viene sin plataformas, por fin.
00:00:39¿Quieres? ¿Quieres? Uy, si soy la primera, maricón.
00:00:43La primera, que grande.
00:00:45Mis puntos fuertes como drag es que soy muy elegante,
00:00:48pero también soy muy ordinaria, tengo comedia,
00:00:50soy una drag beauty, o sea, lo tengo todo.
00:00:56¿Pero esto qué es?
00:01:03Mira, mira, fuego, esto me va a quemar o algo.
00:01:06Soy Porca, icono de la libertad,
00:01:09y soplando esta vela hago mi sueño realidad.
00:01:12Soy Porca de Club Kid, tengo 39 años,
00:01:15soy de Valencia, y vivo en Madrid desde hace 15 años.
00:01:17Hola, nena. Hola, amor.
00:01:19Qué buena, me encanta gustarte.
00:01:22¿Cómo brillamos, por favor? Qué buena idea, tía.
00:01:25Definiría a Porca como una hipérbole,
00:01:28como una exageración, como una caricatura.
00:01:30Siempre lo exagero todo para crear alguna sensación,
00:01:32casi siempre risa, aunque a veces también puede ser
00:01:34un poquito de miedo o fantasía.
00:01:37Qué divina estás, me encanta muchísimo.
00:01:39Muchas gracias.
00:01:40Fruto del amor.
00:01:41Me encanta que estés en Nueva York, me encanta.
00:01:43Pues yo no he estado nunca, soy una impostora.
00:01:45Total, no te iba a decir ninguna falsa, maricón.
00:01:47¿Que el maricón no está en Nueva York
00:01:49y va desde toda libertad?
00:01:51¿Cómo se disfraza? No lo entiendo, tía.
00:01:53Me he pisado la cola y también la tela.
00:01:55Pero estás mona, tía, me gusta el outfit,
00:01:57es sencillito, pero mono.
00:01:58Sí, sí, sí.
00:01:59Me considero un superviviente nato, desde que nací.
00:02:02No tengo límites, no los he tenido en mi vida.
00:02:05O sea, no tengo límites para convertir a Porca en lo que sea.
00:02:09¿Quién es la bruja?
00:02:19Señoritas, la señora ya está aquí.
00:02:27Qué mona.
00:02:29Yo soy Shani Lazanta, tengo 25 años,
00:02:32una alocuencia abrasiva, histrionismo y diabetes.
00:02:36¿Cómo? ¡Qué tal, chicas!
00:02:39¡Ay, nenas!
00:02:40¡Qué maricón!
00:02:41¡Ay, qué me dio!
00:02:43¡Ay, que me han dado un bello!
00:02:44¡Ay, que me encanta!
00:02:45Pero qué señora, tía, sí.
00:02:46¿Qué tal, cariño?
00:02:47Pero es una señorita, mi niña.
00:02:48La señora no sé si había entrado,
00:02:50pero que ha entrado otro cuadro, pues sí.
00:02:52Porque la pobre, maricón, si por eso rasgué el bollo
00:02:54y las tetas que le llegan hasta aquí,
00:02:55que no están ni bien puestas, la pobre, de verdad.
00:02:57Pero bueno, todas las temporadas tiene que haber relleno,
00:02:59así que es normal, una menos.
00:03:00¿Cuántos años tienes, tía?
00:03:03Pues aparentas 17 y medio.
00:03:05Tengo 25, en realidad.
00:03:08No, claro, uno puede tener dos carreras,
00:03:1018 años, no ser que sea súper dotada, todavía eso no.
00:03:12Bueno, nadie sabe.
00:03:13Yo soy una drag transformista o artista.
00:03:15También soy actriz, cantante, canta ahora.
00:03:18Soy filóloga inglesa y lingüista.
00:03:20También soy muy elocuente,
00:03:21y me dan con una cuerda y no paro de hablar.
00:03:23¿Cuánto tiempo llevas en el drag?
00:03:24Cinco años.
00:03:25Ay, una bebé.
00:03:26Y con tan pocos años y ya aquí, no estás contenta.
00:03:28Bueno, cinco años da tiempo para hacerse dos carreras.
00:03:30¿Quiere hablar de las carreras?
00:03:31Porque ya lo ha dicho en dos ocasiones.
00:03:32No, yo no le voy a pedir esa pregunta.
00:03:34No, no, no importa, sí yo no importa.
00:03:36Yo definiría mi drag como flamenco slav,
00:03:38que quiere decir que soy, puedo ser moderna,
00:03:41puedo ser antigua, señora,
00:03:43o puedo enseñar mucho a pesar de ser la santa,
00:03:47pero siempre haciéndole homenaje al arraigo de mi etnia,
00:03:51de la gitana.
00:03:56¡Ay, qué palla, qué bicho!
00:03:58¡Ay, qué miedo!
00:03:59¡Ay, qué miedo!
00:04:01¿Pero eso qué es lo que es?
00:04:03Sí, tía, espera, espera, espera.
00:04:07¡Ándame Supreme!
00:04:08Espera, ¿qué te hace?
00:04:09Está haciendo un strip.
00:04:10¡Me encanta!
00:04:11A ver, a ver.
00:04:12¿Qué va a tener?
00:04:13¿Quién es?
00:04:14¿Quién es?
00:04:15A ver, a ver.
00:04:19Ya me ha quitado el mono de entrar en Drag Race.
00:04:24Soy Angelita la Perversa
00:04:26y soy la drag cómica de esta temporada.
00:04:29Vengo de Sevilla.
00:04:30Hola, nena.
00:04:31¿Qué tal?
00:04:32Hola, Angelita.
00:04:33¿Cómo estás?
00:04:34Ya pensé que me ibas a comer.
00:04:35Mi nombre viene de esa parte dualista que yo tengo.
00:04:38Sí, es verdad que yo de primeras doy una imagen
00:04:41que es como muy seria, muy austera,
00:04:43como que vas a pensar que soy muy mala, muy mala, muy mala,
00:04:46pero después también soy muy buena persona.
00:04:48Eso sí, tampoco te cueles conmigo,
00:04:50porque se defiende muy bien.
00:04:52¿Qué edad tenéis?
00:04:53Espera, espera, espera.
00:04:54¿Qué edad tenéis?
00:04:55Tú tienes que tener menos.
00:04:56¿Menos de cuánto?
00:04:57Menos de la que tenemos nosotras, por lo menos.
00:04:59¿Y tú qué nos lo has dicho, zorra?
00:05:00Tengo 44 años.
00:05:02¡Como la joven es!
00:05:03Al ser mayor, dices tú, tienes años de experiencia,
00:05:07pero es que las nuevas vienen pisando fuerte, ¿eh?
00:05:10Muy fuerte.
00:05:11No subestimo ni una.
00:05:16No, no, no, no, no.
00:05:20Un momento.
00:05:21Pensaba que Lecoco se iba a perder el evento.
00:05:25Soy Lecoco.
00:05:26Tengo 28 años y soy el labio de la noche madrileña.
00:05:35Mi drag se puede decir que es como la máxima expresión
00:05:38de lo que soy realmente.
00:05:39O sea, la gente espera que sea solo una cara muy guapa,
00:05:43que la tengo, y que vaya siempre muy divina,
00:05:45pero he venido a sorprender.
00:05:47¿Quién sabe?
00:05:48Puedo salir hasta de fea.
00:05:49No se sabe.
00:05:52Ya se conoce.
00:05:53¿Se conoce?
00:05:54No lo ve, maricón.
00:05:55Estoy viendo que se conocen muchas ya,
00:05:57ya estoy viendo que se conocen Cocó y La Puerca,
00:05:59y nos está gustando que se conozcan ya,
00:06:01porque aquí van a empezar a competir ya contra mí,
00:06:03y no, no.
00:06:04¿Y de qué se conocen tú y Puerca?
00:06:05Que me quiero enterar.
00:06:06Somos amigas de Madrid, afe.
00:06:07Ya, sácame de estas torras, por favor.
00:06:09Y tú no te preocupes.
00:06:10Te odio.
00:06:11Éramos amigas y ya me hiciste los cuernos.
00:06:13Mis puntos fuertes son lipsync de puta madre,
00:06:16una interpretación muy heavy,
00:06:18y tener más cara que espalda,
00:06:20que teniéndola no me ha ido mal.
00:06:22Podíamos quedarnos ya nosotras,
00:06:24pero que no me cambie ninguna más.
00:06:34Relájate, siéntate y ponte las gafas de sol,
00:06:38porque Mariana Stars ha llegado a eclipsar la competencia.
00:06:44Soy Mariana Stars y soy el huracán estelar venezolano,
00:06:48lleno de picante, de momentos, de frases, miradas.
00:06:52¡Vamos, Mariana!
00:06:57Mariana Stars.
00:06:59Bueno, tenía que entrar, supongo.
00:07:03Muy guapa, mucha tela, mucha flor, mucho brillo.
00:07:08A ver si hay algo detrás de eso.
00:07:10Te quiero ver bien porque tú eres un escándalo.
00:07:12Te encanta, te encanta.
00:07:13Tú eres Dios.
00:07:14Dile algo que no brillara tanto, que fuera discreto.
00:07:16Sí, como toda.
00:07:17Que se me viera.
00:07:19Mi drag es como una arepa rellena de glitter.
00:07:22Van a ver mucha elegancia, van a ver mucho glamour.
00:07:25No soy una elixir sacián, pero te doy drama,
00:07:27y te doy frases, y te doy momentos,
00:07:29y miro la cámara, y lloro, y me conmuevo,
00:07:31y te doy momentos así dramáticos de mucha felicidad.
00:07:39¡Pero bueno!
00:07:44El punk no ha muerto.
00:07:47¡Pero qué le pasa!
00:07:53Soy Kelly Pasa, y soy la Unexpected Drag.
00:07:56Conmigo no sabes nunca lo que puede pasar.
00:07:59Te encanta la rara del grupo.
00:08:00Oye, pero qué chula.
00:08:01Mis puntos fuertes en mi drag son la escenografía,
00:08:04que se me vaya la olla con una idea,
00:08:06y llevarla a cabo, y dejar al público así como...
00:08:10¿Qué pasa, zorras?
00:08:13¡Es aquí!
00:08:14Un momentito, vamos.
00:08:15Hola, ¿qué tal? ¿Qué tal, Iván?
00:08:17Tenerife, encantada, mi amor.
00:08:18Kelly Pasa.
00:08:19¿Qué pasa?
00:08:21Kelly Pasa.
00:08:22Kelly Pasa, no sé qué coño le pasa,
00:08:24pero de su entrada me ha llamado más la atención el perro que ella.
00:08:28Vamos a escondernos.
00:08:31No vayas a hablar, que a ti se te descubre hablando.
00:08:33Yo me quedo muy acarado.
00:08:34Yo no entiendo para qué nos estamos escondiendo,
00:08:36eso es una cosa muy antigua,
00:08:37pero como no quiero ser ya repelente,
00:08:39ni quitarme del grupo tan pronto,
00:08:41me acondé, pero vamos.
00:08:43¡Vamos, la chica! ¡Nos vamos!
00:08:45¡Nos regresa España!
00:08:47¡A tomar el power!
00:08:51Que colo con destrógenos, tía.
00:08:54Soy la niña del antro,
00:08:55y soy una persona súper joven y divertida
00:08:57de Castellón de la Plana,
00:08:58pero de Plana nada.
00:09:01¡Soy mi perro!
00:09:06Soy la niña...
00:09:07¿Qué tal, mamá?
00:09:08La niña del antro, perdón, ¿cómo te llamas tú?
00:09:09Angelita la perversa.
00:09:10¿Angelita la qué?
00:09:11La perversa.
00:09:12La perversa.
00:09:13Mi drag es la mezcla de lo cute y lo loco.
00:09:16Como muñeca de porcelana,
00:09:18pero de repente la metes en una casa del terror
00:09:20en la que están haciendo una rave
00:09:22unas chicas chulísimas puestas de MDMA
00:09:25disfrazadas de Monster High.
00:09:26Madre santa.
00:09:27Este que es el año del seprón.
00:09:28Yo solo digo una cosa,
00:09:29la que entra con animales nunca sale bien parada.
00:09:31Entra con un conejo que lo tuvo que comprar
00:09:33en la estación del AVE de Valencia
00:09:35antes de subirse al tren,
00:09:36porque ese conejo va a morir una piedra, le pego.
00:09:39¡Yo soy bailarina!
00:09:40¡Yo soy bailarina, guapa, rara, graciosa!
00:09:42¡Yo soy trans también!
00:09:44Igual eres como una navaja suiza.
00:09:46Odio tanto a la gente que grita,
00:09:48por favor, que no sea así todo el concurso, ¿eh?
00:09:51Porque me voy a morir.
00:09:53Si yo tuviera un millón,
00:09:55qué bien me lo iba a pasar,
00:09:57la vida que me iba a dar,
00:09:59si yo tuviera un millón.
00:10:02¡Me habéis pillado!
00:10:04Efectivamente soy yo,
00:10:06Cardassian mitad vampira mitad.
00:10:10Soy la Betty Boop valenciana,
00:10:12mira qué bien me sale.
00:10:14¡Visca Valencia!
00:10:21¡Qué fuerte!
00:10:23Soy Bansi, encantada.
00:10:25¿Cómo eres?
00:10:27Soy una reina vintage.
00:10:29Y a mí me gusta todo lo antiguo,
00:10:31sobre todo lo que es el siglo XX.
00:10:33Soy cupletista, vedette, artista de revista,
00:10:35prostituta todavía no,
00:10:37pero poco que queda.
00:10:39¿Cuánto tiempo llevas haciendo drag, cariño?
00:10:41Llevo tres añitos.
00:10:42¿Tres solo?
00:10:43Tres añitos haciendo drag.
00:10:44¿Y qué edad tienes?
00:10:45Si no es mal respeto preguntar.
00:10:46¿Qué mala costumbre.
00:10:47Pues hoy mismo tengo 30.
00:10:50¡Hoy es tu cumpleaños!
00:10:54A esta la cogieron porque es su cumpleaños,
00:10:56entonces dije, mira, a la pobre que entre hoy,
00:10:58la echamos mañana.
00:10:59De regalo también, por supuesto.
00:11:01Toma, para tu casa, cariño, para Valencia.
00:11:05¿Esto es la alarma?
00:11:06Sí, es la alarma, yes.
00:11:08¡Wow, baby!
00:11:13¡Soy prisionera de la fiesta!
00:11:16¡Hay un par de guapas en esta rave!
00:11:18¡Pero solo un rostro, cariño!
00:11:20Pues ahora ya sobras, cariño.
00:11:23Me llamo Chloe Vitu
00:11:24y soy el rostro de esta edición.
00:11:33Si yo me tuviera que definir,
00:11:34me definiría un poco así como una mezcla
00:11:36entre badia, lazo,
00:11:37y un estilo así como más urbano, de calle,
00:11:39un poco chony, pero elevado, ¿sabes?
00:11:41No el chony de antiguo, sino un chonismo nuevo,
00:11:43como más empoderado.
00:11:45Eso soy yo.
00:11:46¡Chloe Vitu!
00:11:47¡Quiero besarte las tetas!
00:11:48¡Ay, las tetas!
00:11:49¡Qué grandes! ¡Dios mío, el jimbo!
00:11:52Es que no se puede mirar a otro sitio.
00:11:54Oye, ¿son de piscolástico, verdad?
00:11:56Oye, pero si parecen de verdad.
00:11:58Me pasaría el día tocando sus tetas.
00:12:00Oye, ¿de dónde vienes, cariño? ¡Cuéntanos!
00:12:03Pues vengo de Barcelona.
00:12:04¡De Barcelona!
00:12:05¡Barça, Barça!
00:12:06De Barcelona.
00:12:07¡Qué guay!
00:12:08En esta temporada os voy a servir unos looks de escándalo.
00:12:11Os voy a servir el rostro, el cuerpo, las tetas.
00:12:14Os voy a servir todo, amor. Es que no estáis preparados.
00:12:26¡Qué mona, tía! ¡Qué mona!
00:12:28Sí, lleva pa' todas.
00:12:31Soy Miss Cristo y he venido a serviros vuestra última cena.
00:12:38Soy Miss Cristo, tengo 31 años y soy la diva del underground.
00:12:48La hija de puta está aquí.
00:12:50Creo que puede ser mi mayor rival.
00:12:52Encantada. Yo la niña.
00:12:54¿Qué es esto?
00:12:55Son botitos de serum para ponerme la cara así de divina amor.
00:12:59¿Qué ha dicho que es?
00:13:00No sé, no lo he entendido.
00:13:01¿Sabes español, cariño mío?
00:13:04Miss Cristo surge de mis 18 años cuando empecé a trabajar como drag queen.
00:13:09Hacía performas religiosas.
00:13:10Siempre he pensado que no hay mayor drag que la Virgen María, ¿sabes?
00:13:14O sea, esas capas llenas de oros, esas joyas.
00:13:18¿No te pesa, cariño?
00:13:19No. 62 kilos de vestido, pero no pesa.
00:13:23Mi drag es mi modo de supervivencia.
00:13:25Es como un traje de superheroína que me pongo cada vez que lo luzco.
00:13:29Y también es una manera de explorar todo este mundo de la moda,
00:13:33y eso que tanto me encanta.
00:13:34Falta la última, chicas.
00:13:36Falta una.
00:13:37Me encantaría.
00:13:38¿Te imaginas que el Marisa prisa?
00:13:40Me encantaría.
00:13:42Pica, pica, pica.
00:13:44¡Ay, mira alguien!
00:13:46Un brazo.
00:13:48Un socillo, ¿no?
00:13:49Un bañador.
00:13:52¿Habéis visto mi cola?
00:13:56Soy la Picachas.
00:13:58Y vengo para hacerme con todas.
00:14:03¿Os suena este bañador?
00:14:10Soy Meggie J Lo.
00:14:11Tengo 31 años.
00:14:12Y me conoceréis por verme en la 1, en la 2, en la 3, en el All-Star.
00:14:18Pero este año no.
00:14:19¿Dónde están mis Pokémon?
00:14:21No tengo ni puta idea de quién es esta mujer.
00:14:23Entra tirando un calzoncillo al suelo,
00:14:26y luego va vestida de Pikachu.
00:14:28Yo no entiendo nada.
00:14:29Lo que más ilusión me hace es volver a este taller.
00:14:31¿Cómo que volver?
00:14:32¿Por qué?
00:14:33Picachas, fuertota, bañador.
00:14:42Nenas, ¿el año que viene nos ciclamos?
00:14:44Y entramos en el Big Cruise.
00:14:46¿Qué pasa?
00:14:47¿Qué pasa?
00:14:48¿El año que viene nos ciclamos?
00:14:49Y entramos en el Big Cruise.
00:14:51El año que viene nos cambiamos todas.
00:14:52Ya, lo único que falta es que haga los baños en este programa,
00:14:55porque lo ha hecho de todo.
00:14:57Nos tienen que dar una subvención por tenerla, ¿no?
00:15:00¿Petirle las piernas?
00:15:02No, no puedes estar nerviosa.
00:15:03Te has estado aquí antes.
00:15:04Sí, no, pero no es lo mismo, amor.
00:15:05No tiene nada que ver.
00:15:06Meggie J Lo es explosiva, divertida y versátil.
00:15:10Soy una diva drag, una diva del pop.
00:15:12Me considero como una superestrella,
00:15:14pero con mucha fantasía.
00:15:17Yo creo que ya estamos todas, una, dos, tres, cuatro, doce.
00:15:22Aquí empieza la cuarta temporada de Drag Race España
00:15:25o los juegos de mi coño, porque aquí estoy yo
00:15:28y he venido a ganar y acabar con todas.
00:15:32Agárrate la mola, Marichacho.
00:15:38Cuatro esquinitas tiene mi taller
00:15:40y cuatro Big Cruise había aquí ayer.
00:15:43Pero ya, por fin, está lleno de reina.
00:15:47¿Qué ganas de gritar a los cuatro vientos?
00:15:49Arrancamos la cuarta temporada de Drag Race España.
00:15:54Yo creo que hay espacio para una reina más.
00:15:58Aunque sea pequeñita.
00:16:02¿Una reina más?
00:16:03No, ya va, ya va.
00:16:04¿Una reina más?
00:16:05¿Que va a entrar una más?
00:16:06Pues no, Supre, no hay espacio para más.
00:16:08Por favor, te lo pido, me va a dar un ataque al corazón.
00:16:11Hola, hola, hola.
00:16:17¿Qué tal?
00:16:18¿Cómo estáis?
00:16:21Bienvenidas oficialmente a la cuarta temporada de Drag Race España.
00:16:28Su premio es guapísimo, es ideal.
00:16:30Tiene un aura que es una maravilla.
00:16:33La ganadora se llevará un año de productos gratis de NYX Professional Makeup,
00:16:37la marca de maquillaje profesional que está a tope con nuestro colectivo,
00:16:40con la inclusión real y lo no normativo.
00:16:42Una corona y un cetro y 30.000 euros.
00:16:49Menudas tetas me voy a poner.
00:16:51La ganadora de cada capítulo se llevará 2.500 euros.
00:16:57¿Habéis venido preparadas?
00:17:00¡El pit crew!
00:17:03¡Qué pico!
00:17:06¡Ay, Camila!
00:17:08A mí el pit crew me la suda completamente.
00:17:10Yo lo que me estoy fillando es que están trayendo dulce.
00:17:13Y me quieren matar, ¿no?
00:17:15Os presento una de las novedades de esta temporada.
00:17:18¡El roscón de reinas!
00:17:20Todas conocéis este postre tan nuestro.
00:17:23Y por eso todas sabéis que en cada roscón hay escondidas un par de cositas.
00:17:27Una reina y un aba.
00:17:29Una fortuna y un castigo.
00:17:31De una en una podéis coger vuestro trocito.
00:17:35Y recordad, la que en la boca se encuentre una cosa un tanto dura,
00:17:40a lo peor es el aba y a lo mejor la figura.
00:17:44¿Qué coño es esto de un roscón ahora?
00:17:47Además no me gusta nada el roscón.
00:17:49Bien, bien, no pinta. Maquilladas como puertas.
00:17:51Muy vestida de vinilo.
00:17:53Un roscón no viene bien.
00:17:55A la de tres, empezáis a comerme.
00:17:58No sale ni la senta que tú puedes meter la uña.
00:18:00¿De acuerdo?
00:18:02¡Tres, dos, uno!
00:18:04¡A comer!
00:18:06No sabré si comerme el roscón o el paquete del pit crew.
00:18:10Yo estoy salida, acabo de entrar, de verdad.
00:18:12Pero es que mira ese paquete, qué delicioso.
00:18:17¡Ay, yo tengo algo!
00:18:19¡Para, para!
00:18:21¡Un momento, un momento!
00:18:23¡Para, para, para!
00:18:25No lo habráis todavía porque hemos llenado el roscón de paquetitos iguales.
00:18:29Pero, pero, pero, solo uno de ellos tiene a la reina de la suerte.
00:18:33Y vamos a ver quién tiene el aba.
00:18:35La tengo.
00:18:37¡Ahí está!
00:18:38Lecocó, siento comunicarte que estás gafada.
00:18:43Empezamos bien.
00:18:48Las once restantes tenéis un paquetito.
00:18:51Pero solo en uno de ellos se esconde la reina de la suerte.
00:18:55Y no lo podéis abrir ni delante de mí ni de vuestras compañeras.
00:19:02¿Qué será, qué será?
00:19:04Me encantan los regalitos.
00:19:06Solo quien tenga a la reina de la suerte puede saber que tiene ese gran poder.
00:19:11Porque esta temporada los Lip Sync serán a vida, muerte o suerte.
00:19:18Bueno, bueno, bueno, bueno. Sorpresita.
00:19:21Si una de vosotras tiene a la reina de la suerte y va al Lip Sync,
00:19:25tiene los diez primeros segundos de la canción para sacar la figurita y ejecutar su poder.
00:19:30Salvarse de hacer el Lip Sync y poner en su lugar a la tercera reina que estaba en el voto.
00:19:39Me encanta.
00:19:41Espero, maricón, que ya que es mi cumpleaños pueda conseguir la reina.
00:19:45Que además me viene muy bien porque yo con los Lip Syncs no sé cómo me pueden salir.
00:19:49Me vendría fantástico.
00:19:51A ver qué pasa.
00:19:53La que tenga a la reina de la suerte solo podrá ejecutar su poder una vez y hasta la semifinal.
00:19:57Si está tan confiada que cree que no lo necesita o nunca cae en redes peores
00:20:02y llega al final con su poder intacto, podrá canjearlo por 2.500 euritos.
00:20:08Guardad el paquete y lo protegéis, por favor, con vuestras vidas, ¿eh?
00:20:12Porque una de vosotras tiene en su mano una vida extra.
00:20:15Qué pena, Lecocolo, tú y yo, ¿no?
00:20:17Has visto.
00:20:19¿Me debes?
00:20:24Es de todas las deudas que tengo la más barata.
00:20:28Eso sí, como somos majas, te hemos traído una cosita para que intentes al menos espantar tu mala suerte.
00:20:39Un collar de perla, para mi office.
00:20:41Te vamos a poner el collar y lo vas a tener que llevar todo el día, ¿eh?
00:20:46¿Qué coño es esto?
00:20:48Y encima que la tengo que devolver 45 pavos, ni muerta.
00:20:50Pues os voy a dejar que os vayáis poniendo cómodas,
00:20:53que os instaléis, que deis la vuelta de reconocimiento, ¿eh?
00:20:56Y yo luego os veo.
00:20:58Que nos queda día por delante.
00:21:03¡Nos han dejado el picrua por él!
00:21:05¡Por Enrique!
00:21:07¡Eh, cuidado!
00:21:10Vamos a despelucarnos ya, ¿no, nenas?
00:21:14¡Vámonos, vámonos!
00:21:16Creo que ya es hora de quitarnos las peluques y vernos las caras de hombre.
00:21:18¡Soy un hombre!
00:21:20Bueno, ¿a Porca le puedo ver la cara por fin?
00:21:23Pues chica, te la misma cara.
00:21:29¿Alguna pierde más de tío que de tía?
00:21:32Ahora soy una lesbiana.
00:21:34¡Ahora es Justin Bieber!
00:21:36O sea, de repente he pasado de estar con un montón de guapas
00:21:40a rodearme de drogadictas, vagabundas y lesbianas.
00:21:46Mariana es la más lesbiana.
00:21:47¡Le acabo de beber una bola al Pikachu!
00:21:52¿Me has visto la Pokéball?
00:21:54¡Te he visto la Pokéball!
00:21:56Mucho guapo no hay. La Meggie tiene su rollo, pero Meggie es un gay.
00:21:59Yo no quiero un gay, yo quiero un maricón.
00:22:01Meggie es un gay de los pies a la cabeza.
00:22:03¿Tienes 23 años?
00:22:05¿En serio?
00:22:06Pues te voy a dar un consejo, diga.
00:22:09Que a mí cuando me lo quito todo soy el verdadero fetido, Adam.
00:22:12Pero está guay lo del poder, ¿eh?
00:22:14Es una puta mierda.
00:22:15No, está guay.
00:22:16Es una puta mierda tenerla.
00:22:18Todas las que estamos aquí, las 12, estamos deseando decir
00:22:21tengo la reina en el paquete.
00:22:23Que mal suena eso.
00:22:26Pienso que no debemos dudar tanto de nuestro talento para ser Lixin.
00:22:30Lo mismo, sois muy buenas y podéis guardar la reina.
00:22:33Y venderla, ¿tú la venderías?
00:22:35Yo la vendería.
00:22:37Ángel de mi guarda, dulce compañía,
00:22:39que este paquete tenga la reina de noche y de día.
00:22:50Venid pa' acá, venid pa' acá.
00:22:53¡Qué momento!
00:22:54¡Vamos a rezar!
00:22:56¡Otra vez, Suprem!
00:22:57Suprem, por favor, darnos un respiro, ¿no?
00:23:00¿Estáis ya preparadas para el primer maxi reto?
00:23:05Para empezar por todo lo alto y, sobre todo, para conoceros mejor,
00:23:09vamos a hacer una bol.
00:23:12¡A tope!
00:23:14Me cago en mi puta madre que la primera prueba es la de coser el puto bol.
00:23:18¿En serio?
00:23:19Para este viaje en el tiempo, deberéis presentar en un primer look un regreso al pasado,
00:23:24que nos permita saber quiénes sois y de dónde venís.
00:23:27Y después, un salto al futuro.
00:23:30¿Dónde y cómo os veis en 10 años? ¿En 20?
00:23:33¿Qué os parece?
00:23:34¿Os gusta la idea?
00:23:36¿Qué os parece?
00:23:37¿Qué os parece?
00:23:38¿Qué os parece?
00:23:39¿Os gusta la idea?
00:23:41Absolutamente perfecto.
00:23:42Pues me alegro porque, como no hay dos sin tres,
00:23:46la categoría de la tercera pasarela de nuestro viaje en el tiempo será
00:23:51mi segunda primera vez.
00:23:56No os preocupéis si no habéis traído esos looks, que imagino que no estarás en la maleta.
00:24:00Y lo tengo ya.
00:24:01Vamos a abrir para vosotras los grandes almacenes más exclusivos de nuestro país.
00:24:05La galería de las apañas.
00:24:16O sea, de ahí es donde tenemos que coger la mierda para hacernos el traje, ¿no?
00:24:19Mejorando la foto.
00:24:21De las apañas.
00:24:22Hay tanto que no las vamos a apañar.
00:24:30Hay que reversionar este cuadro.
00:24:32Mi primer look drag como Kelly pasa, porque yo antes me había travestido,
00:24:36pero no tenía nombre.
00:24:37Chica, esta camisa la tengo en la maleta.
00:24:42Pero que ya me la estoy llevando toda.
00:24:45Hay algunas que se están volviendo locas y otras que están paradas,
00:24:49así que no saben qué están haciendo, vaya.
00:24:52Pero es que me estoy poniendo nerviosa.
00:24:54A cocer, maricones, vámonos.
00:25:02Y hazle así.
00:25:05Para que quede recto.
00:25:07Aquí veo muchas que saben coser, ¿eh?
00:25:09Sí, esta sabe coser, cortar, ¿no?
00:25:12Yo la costura guay, en plan sé coser.
00:25:15No te voy a hacer un Petey Town, un Carmen Farala,
00:25:17pero te voy a hacer un niña del antro que es muchísimo más divertido.
00:25:21¿Qué he pensado?
00:25:22Para referenciar el sujetador negro, unos guantes negros con el look
00:25:25que le dan el toque bonito, pero el toque negro que tiene debajo.
00:25:28No quieres enseñar tiras de sujetador.
00:25:30Es sortera, tía.
00:25:31¿Y tú?
00:25:33Yo me entretengo cosiendo, me defiendo.
00:25:36Tampoco soy cochurera y la moda me importa lo que me importa...
00:25:39Por cierto, tú, lo que me importa es una nube que se pone en el cielo ahora mismo.
00:25:42No me importa en absoluto.
00:25:44Pero sé dónde estoy, entonces aquí estamos y algo habrá que hacer.
00:25:46Mi querido diario, primer día, una bol, reto de costura.
00:25:50Me quiero ir a mi casa.
00:25:51Es como...
00:25:52No digas eso.
00:25:53No, es broma.
00:25:54Que traes mala suerte.
00:25:55A ver, yo coso, pero no me gusta.
00:25:58Lo odio.
00:25:59Me da mucha ansiedad.
00:26:00No tengo paciencia y me pongo muy nerviosa.
00:26:03Hola, reinas.
00:26:04¿Qué tal?
00:26:05He venido a ver cómo lo lleváis.
00:26:08Las cosas.
00:26:09Fatal, fatal.
00:26:10No he venido sola, ¿eh?
00:26:11No he venido sola.
00:26:13¿Hay alguien que no puede esperar a conoceros?
00:26:30¿Qué momento más emocionante, Ana?
00:26:32Mi Ana, más buena.
00:26:33Hácele ver que está tan bien emocionada como nosotros.
00:26:35Ellos son el presente y el futuro del audiovisual.
00:26:38Tienen premios Ondas, Iris, Feroz,
00:26:41y no me extrañaría que dentro de nada, unos premios llevaran su nombre.
00:26:44¡Javier Calvo y Javier Ambroschi!
00:26:50¡Qué guay!
00:26:51¡Qué tal!
00:26:52¡Padre mío!
00:26:53Me encanta,
00:26:54I really wanted to meet Ana Locking and the Javis, how wonderful, let's see how we do, I'm sure it's going to be good.
00:27:00Come on, and now we're going to talk to you, and we'll start with the girl from the intro.
00:27:04They came without anything prepared, how good.
00:27:08This is the first look drag.
00:27:11We asked them to elevate it to the category of our runway.
00:27:15What you're wearing is a long braid.
00:27:18There's a good style there.
00:27:20I'm nervous to be with them.
00:27:22For me, the Javis are a reference in Spain.
00:27:26They've made a series that I think has changed the lives of many people in the collective.
00:27:32How have you planned to make it worthy of a first show?
00:27:36I'm going to take it to an angel, something like that.
00:27:39What takes you there, to that idea?
00:27:43Thanks to drag, I've met myself as a trans woman and as an artist who has finally found the place where it fits.
00:27:51It's beautiful, the idea of an angel who rescues you to become something better.
00:27:57For me, drag has transformed me.
00:28:00I went from being a super mundane person to suddenly discovering, not only personally, but artistically, everything that fills me.
00:28:10And literally, drag has saved my life.
00:28:12It's not Gloria Trevi.
00:28:14It's her first drag.
00:28:16This is strong.
00:28:17One of my first beauty contests.
00:28:19This is very strong.
00:28:20In Venezuela, drag is more like beauty contests.
00:28:23I'm not a contestant, I know how to spell.
00:28:25So I said to myself, you have to go win that contest and give it your all.
00:28:31Don't let them take you for a newbie.
00:28:33Besides, I've competed with them for a long time.
00:28:35They're very fun.
00:28:36And I said, well, fresh face, let's take advantage of that.
00:28:39How are we going to improve this look?
00:28:41We're going to make a dress in Greek style, right?
00:28:45We're going to keep the two strips in paillé.
00:28:47But now we're going to press them so that they have more support, more strength.
00:28:52You're going to have to spell a lot.
00:28:54I'm going to spell, I'm going to spell.
00:28:56I can't wait to see how this miss has evolved.
00:28:59We'll ask you about...
00:29:00And if she has lost her essence with so much drag.
00:29:02Well, look, I'm on an injection of belonging to the newsstand.
00:29:08Ask me for a spell, I'm a good witch, I'm going to give you a lot of potion.
00:29:12And I swear, they'll ask me.
00:29:15This is my aunt at the wedding.
00:29:18Wait, I want to see an expert in fashion looking at this look.
00:29:20Your aunt or your uncle?
00:29:24I'm going to start getting the charm of Iwa or Dubois, as many say.
00:29:27But it's Iwa, okay?
00:29:28I don't know anything about sewing.
00:29:30But what's the plan?
00:29:31I'm going to make a suit, I have a base and I'm going to use it.
00:29:34Let's see if I can iron it and make a suit.
00:29:36Show us something.
00:29:37Look, I have it ironed here, it's not like that.
00:29:39But at least give us an idea of whether we are facing a catastrophe.
00:29:41It doesn't look like a catastrophe.
00:29:42It doesn't look like a catastrophe.
00:29:44I'm going to make a Jessica Rabbit.
00:29:46I'm going to try to sell them a story.
00:29:48I'm going to link a little bit of what I have in the past, what I have in the future,
00:29:51and try to put it in the present.
00:29:52But I'm already telling you, I'm screwed.
00:29:54I haven't taken a fucking sewing machine in my life and I see that they are already ironing.
00:29:56And I hear sewing machines.
00:29:57Hi, we've been in here for an hour and they're already sewing.
00:30:00Shani, the saint.
00:30:01Does this look represent who you are?
00:30:03Still a little bit.
00:30:04The truth is, I'm going to raise it.
00:30:05As there it looks black.
00:30:07That was not consciousness.
00:30:08I put that because I was an architect.
00:30:10You have to put lingerie in the same tone.
00:30:13This is a black top with the sleeves, with the shoulders uncovered.
00:30:16But on top of that, the whole fit is based.
00:30:17Because of course, there it looked, but now I want it to be seen.
00:30:19That is, to take the defects and make them virtual.
00:30:21Because I already told you that I didn't do it on purpose.
00:30:23Well, sorry.
00:30:24That's cool.
00:30:25I'm not going to do it on purpose.
00:30:26That's cool.
00:30:27They like the idea that the bra, which I didn't want to be seen before,
00:30:30is now a fundamental part of the outfit.
00:30:32I don't know what's going to happen.
00:30:33I think I'm going to be saved.
00:30:36Although I wish they were in the top.
00:30:38Tell us.
00:30:39Let's see.
00:30:40The first drag.
00:30:41It's one of the first, and it also evokes a time ...
00:30:45It's like a black swan, right?
00:30:47It's a black swan.
00:30:48It's like the black swan, and it was like one of the nights at the beginning
00:30:52when I decided to go back to my past.
00:30:54I, in a time of the past, was a classical ballet dancer.
00:30:57And in the end it was also a way to keep dancing.
00:31:01And who is Christ?
00:31:02Because here we have seen the beginning.
00:31:04How has the evolution been?
00:31:05The evolution has been that I took off my mustache
00:31:07and started experimenting with something that I have always loved, which is fashion.
00:31:10And I started to elevate my looks to what fascinated me
00:31:13and what I dreamed of, which were the fashion editorials.
00:31:16Fashion for me is everything.
00:31:17It's a way out of my problems.
00:31:20From the age of 16, when I became interested in the world of fashion,
00:31:23until today, I have carried out all my fantasies in my head.
00:31:28This is strong.
00:31:29This is strong.
00:31:30There's a ball, hair on the arm, cowboy.
00:31:32Do you see yourself there?
00:31:34I wouldn't wear that look, but it's true that it makes me excited to interpret it.
00:31:38Where does this name come from?
00:31:39How did you come up with this?
00:31:41From the Kardashians.
00:31:43And then Bitu comes from Finland,
00:31:45because I was in Finland for two months
00:31:47and the first word I learned was Bitu, which means dick.
00:31:51Chloe, dick.
00:31:52And that's why I'm here, to serve a good dick, a good Bitu.
00:31:54You serve it, honey.
00:31:55Well, you're going to see a reggaeton or trap singer with the look.
00:31:59Well, trap, we'll leave it there.
00:32:02Rosalía Vibes.
00:32:03A little bit.
00:32:04Let's see, let's see, let's see.
00:32:05It's a dress that Mónica Naranjo wore in the video clip Double Corazón.
00:32:09The original.
00:32:10Yes, the original.
00:32:11I got it because they gave it to me.
00:32:12And tell us how you're going to raise it, or what you see it for,
00:32:15because raising one thing...
00:32:16Of course.
00:32:17We're talking about...
00:32:18It's like a sacrilege, isn't it?
00:32:19I wanted to be Naomi Smalls at the beginning.
00:32:21Me too.
00:32:22And I became Sara Montiel.
00:32:23Very good.
00:32:24It happens to all of us.
00:32:25So I want to take Sara there.
00:32:28I think the most important thing about this look is the cabaret.
00:32:31So I hope I can really give that suit, cabaret, show,
00:32:36varieties, and a lot of Sara Montiel.
00:32:38What's up with the girl?
00:32:39What's up with her?
00:32:40What's up with everything, girl?
00:32:41Let's see this.
00:32:42Well, look.
00:32:43How many years ago is this?
00:32:44Well, it's been a year and a half.
00:32:45And you've only been wearing it for a year and a half?
00:32:48You've been a transvestite your whole life.
00:32:50But in terms of drag, this was the first time I said,
00:32:52I'm going to get into drag.
00:32:53I've been a transvestite my whole life, but drag queen for a year and a half.
00:32:55How do you eat this?
00:32:56How do you eat this?
00:32:57When I was little, my sister used me as if I were her doll.
00:33:00It seems that your family environment has favored you a lot in that sense,
00:33:04that it has naturalized it a lot since you were little.
00:33:07A round of applause for them.
00:33:08Yes, of course.
00:33:10My mother and my sister super positively reinforced me,
00:33:13all my being, let's say, all my creativity.
00:33:15My mother bought me the doll, my sister disguised me.
00:33:18In my house, it was all positive reinforcement, well,
00:33:21except for the masculine part, right?
00:33:24A little more complicated, but hey,
00:33:26it wasn't as aggressive as what happened outside the house.
00:33:28Let's see what look you have prepared.
00:33:31Well, look, as you can see, this shirt is this one.
00:33:33Is it the same?
00:33:34It's the same.
00:33:36And you brought it by chance?
00:33:37Yes, I'm going to use this as a base, obviously I'm going to raise it,
00:33:39I'm going to give it another roll.
00:33:40It's like your talisman shirt, right?
00:33:43Look, it accompanies you and the challenge, you go and introduce it.
00:33:46The first day.
00:33:47How cool that from the first chapter we can meet the jury,
00:33:51that we can see it there by our side,
00:33:53talk to them, give impressions.
00:33:55I'm showing them my design.
00:33:57I think it's going well.
00:33:59How are you?
00:34:00You can't censor it.
00:34:03Of course, this is 90, 90, 90.
00:34:06The year 98.
00:34:07I got that from the movie Pretty Woman.
00:34:09In general, a lot of movie references, right?
00:34:11For the looks, for the styles.
00:34:13I have a couple of questions.
00:34:14The first one, are you going to keep the hair?
00:34:16It's the only thing that's the same as in that photo,
00:34:18but the same quality.
00:34:20It's horrible.
00:34:21Do you think you're going somewhere with that?
00:34:23Are you going to dare to put this on the runway of the first show?
00:34:27Maybe not, but maybe not.
00:34:29Maybe not.
00:34:30I had my doubts.
00:34:31I said, this shine is fire.
00:34:33It's the fire that happens when you light a lighter,
00:34:35and fire, and it flies.
00:34:36They told me to discard it, and I'm going to listen.
00:34:38That was the second casting of Drag Race.
00:34:41I joined Pit Crew because I introduced myself as a drag.
00:34:45Evidently, it wasn't my first time either.
00:34:47Very good.
00:34:48And what are you going to contribute to what we see here?
00:34:51Everything that has happened to me for three years now.
00:34:53But what?
00:34:54I'm a dad.
00:34:56Because I've been a dad.
00:34:57And how are we going to put it there?
00:34:59I want to take it from the young girl I was before,
00:35:01to what I am now.
00:35:02I'm a businesswoman, a housewife, and I'm taking it there.
00:35:06I feel the pressure to show that I have to be here because I'm worth it.
00:35:12No one has given me anything, no one has plugged me in here.
00:35:15I'm here because of my own talent.
00:35:17When were you here with this photo?
00:35:20I was just starting.
00:35:21It was all very crazy and very fun.
00:35:23I came from private parties, from doing other things.
00:35:26Other things, like singing?
00:35:27No, I did full striptease.
00:35:29At the beginning, undressing was a constant protest.
00:35:32Against certain things that had happened in my life.
00:35:35So it was like, what don't they want this?
00:35:38Well, I'm going to do this because I have to do it.
00:35:40Deep down, I wanted to do it, obviously.
00:35:42Otherwise, I wouldn't have done it.
00:35:43A total rebellion.
00:35:44Yes, totally.
00:35:45Against the system, against everything.
00:35:46But who is a general?
00:35:47He's a family man.
00:35:49Okay, okay.
00:35:50My father doesn't know what I do today.
00:35:52I don't have a relationship with my father,
00:35:54so he doesn't know that I'm doing this.
00:35:57So if someone wants to give him three Player Premium
00:35:59and make him freak out a little, well, make him freak out.
00:36:01I was very excited to see that photo.
00:36:03We already know why.
00:36:04It's a photo from the beginning.
00:36:05It was a mess of things.
00:36:06I saw myself compared to other teammates,
00:36:08who all looked great,
00:36:09doing a little more normative drag.
00:36:11And I was frustrated when I put on those things
00:36:13and said, where the hell are you going?
00:36:15But your instinct told you that you had to go the other way.
00:36:17I loved that feeling of having something to tell.
00:36:20That people felt intrigued, like,
00:36:22but what are you doing today?
00:36:23That was the question.
00:36:24Provoke something.
00:36:25My idea is to take that character,
00:36:26which I never want to forget,
00:36:27and which you'll see,
00:36:29and translate it into something a little more contemporary,
00:36:31something fashionable,
00:36:32but still keep reminding you.
00:36:33I don't know how this is going to turn out.
00:36:35It seems like I have clear ideas.
00:36:37Let's see what happens.
00:36:39See you tomorrow at La Pasarela.
00:36:41And know that we're not going to be alone,
00:36:43the four of us here.
00:36:45We're going to have a very special guest judge
00:36:47who's going to put the amour in the glamour.
00:36:50Boris Izaguirre will be with us.
00:36:55Hi, I'm Boris Izaguirre
00:36:57and I've come to inaugurate the fourth season
00:36:59of Drag Race Spain
00:37:00to make sure that no one hides their pen.
00:37:03My God, it's Boris Izaguirre!
00:37:05I can't wait to see him!
00:37:07And if he sees me,
00:37:08Boris Izaguirre will know who I am.
00:37:10I just got...
00:37:13Good luck.
00:37:14And don't...
00:37:15fuck up.
00:37:19Good luck!
00:37:20It was a pleasure.
00:37:21See you.
00:37:23Thank you for your generosity.
00:37:24A lot of talking, a lot of chatting, but honey,
00:37:26let's get to work because we have to get ready
00:37:28and it's going to be a very long night.
00:37:40Friends for life!
00:37:44A new day in the workshop
00:37:46and the magic begins!
00:37:48It's going to be strong today,
00:37:49because the day has come!
00:37:51Let's go, Amigas!
00:37:52It's too early, we haven't slept at all.
00:37:54I haven't slept at all,
00:37:55but nothing is nothing.
00:37:56We've all slept very well, Gladiador.
00:37:58Some of us have slept, but we haven't.
00:38:00We girls haven't slept.
00:38:01We just got in and one of us has to leave
00:38:03with the fucking ball, like...
00:38:05I haven't sat down yet
00:38:07to think that I'm here.
00:38:09How did you start in drag?
00:38:11I started out out of necessity.
00:38:13Because my house, suddenly,
00:38:16we had a very bad time,
00:38:18and my father passed away,
00:38:19so the only way to get a job,
00:38:21I mean, money, at home, was working.
00:38:23And I started working, working, working,
00:38:25and the first year was incredible for me.
00:38:27For me, drag saved my life
00:38:29because it came from a time
00:38:31when I had gone through a lot of bullying.
00:38:33It was quick money,
00:38:34and I solved the problem,
00:38:36and I decided to do it,
00:38:38against the wind and the tide.
00:38:39For example, I consider myself a transformist,
00:38:41more than...
00:38:42How did you start?
00:38:43I started in a award show
00:38:45invented by my friends and me.
00:38:47I already had my ideas of wanting to do it,
00:38:49of having seen Drag Race and such,
00:38:51and everything that surrounded me.
00:38:53But I started out there,
00:38:55and then it took me about two and a half years,
00:38:57I didn't have a job or anything,
00:38:59but it was known to me that I did it.
00:39:01Drag in Spain is well paid,
00:39:03depending on the person you are,
00:39:05where you've been, and such.
00:39:06They've paid me like this, like that.
00:39:08I've worked on very different things,
00:39:10because my family has always had financial problems,
00:39:12and now as well,
00:39:14because my father, well, we have a discharge order.
00:39:16But, well, it doesn't matter,
00:39:18because I've already gone through a lot in life,
00:39:20and such.
00:39:21So I'm used to...
00:39:23I constantly fall into different areas of my life,
00:39:25but then I know how to get up.
00:39:28There's one thing that I find very interesting,
00:39:30which is that I started,
00:39:32and then I was two years without doing it,
00:39:33but people knew it.
00:39:34Because there's one thing I always say,
00:39:36which is that one thing is to do drag,
00:39:38and another thing is to be drag.
00:39:40And there are people who are, and they carry it inside.
00:39:42I've been drag since I was little.
00:39:44I've always said that I don't do drag,
00:39:46that I'm drag,
00:39:47because drag is something that is carried inside,
00:39:49in the veins.
00:39:50And I've been drag since the day I was born.
00:39:53What happens is that when I got older,
00:39:55I discovered the form,
00:39:56but I already had the content.
00:39:57We're living a dream,
00:40:00which is the most important thing.
00:40:01Welcome to the main stage of Drag Race Spain!
00:40:08You don't know what I've missed.
00:40:10The lights, the spotlight, the cameras.
00:40:13But what I've missed the most is my jury.
00:40:20Javier Ambrosi.
00:40:22Tell me.
00:40:23Did you see a fourth season in our future?
00:40:26I've already said in all the media
00:40:27that I'm not going to do a fourth season.
00:40:30What do you mean?
00:40:31Of Paquita Salas.
00:40:32Oh, dear.
00:40:33Oh, what a scare.
00:40:34You were talking about Drag Race Spain.
00:40:35Of Drag Race Spain, of course, silly.
00:40:36As many as you want.
00:40:39Look, fingers.
00:40:40My dear Ana Locking.
00:40:42Oh, please, I'm so nervous, friend.
00:40:44Tell me, how was your first time in drag?
00:40:47My first time was with Cleopatra.
00:40:49I called her Cleo.
00:40:51We even had a great song.
00:40:53Cleo, you make me Locking.
00:40:56Well, I think I know that girl too.
00:40:58Come on.
00:40:59Javier Calvo.
00:41:00Hello, Supreme.
00:41:01Welcome back, dear.
00:41:02Is there anything you would change about your past?
00:41:05I wouldn't have met you before.
00:41:09And what better way to travel in time
00:41:12than to have with us a great representative
00:41:15of the past, the present and the future of our collective.
00:41:19Boris Izaguirre.
00:41:20Oh, how exciting, really.
00:41:22Welcome to Drag Race Spain, Boris.
00:41:24Well, welcome.
00:41:25I'm delighted to be here.
00:41:27How would Boris Izaguirre have been
00:41:29if Drag Race Spain had existed in your adolescence?
00:41:32How wonderful.
00:41:34I love it.
00:41:45Oh, please.
00:41:46What a fantasy.
00:41:49Today, on the runway of Drag Race Spain,
00:41:52we will travel through time to get to know our new queens.
00:41:56They will show us a memory of their past,
00:41:58a vision of their future
00:42:00and a recreation of their transvestite origin.
00:42:02Racers, start your engines
00:42:04and may the best drag queen win.
00:42:11The category is Back to the Past.
00:42:16Mariana Starrs.
00:42:17I travel to the past embodying Estefanía Fernández,
00:42:20Miss Universe 2009.
00:42:22When I told you to pick up the feathers,
00:42:24I meant something else.
00:42:26Pozo, I give you a little shoulder.
00:42:28Feathers between the shoulders.
00:42:31A rain of snow to give a magical fantasy at the moment.
00:42:36I have to stop that boa.
00:42:39Estefanía, you would be proud of this tribute.
00:42:44Orca, from Club Ki.
00:42:46I return to the past with a wonderful Sarawak suit,
00:42:49representing my land, my roots.
00:42:52Mr. Pyrotechnic, you can start the parade.
00:42:55I'm J-ing.
00:42:57Representing the Js of my land.
00:43:00Firm, proud.
00:43:02That's how models in the 90s paraded.
00:43:04Pass me the horse.
00:43:05I feel powerful, beautiful.
00:43:07This look represents me perfectly.
00:43:11Chloe Bitu.
00:43:13My return to the past is a look inspired by Narnia.
00:43:16It symbolizes the closet
00:43:18and symbolizes my feeling with Finland,
00:43:21which was where I began to discover my sexuality,
00:43:23my gender expression.
00:43:24With the hot Bitu.
00:43:26With that suit I feel sexy, safe.
00:43:28I feel very powerful, the queen of snows.
00:43:30You are freezing with me.
00:43:32Be careful, it's refreshing.
00:43:37Shani, the saint.
00:43:39I wear a tailcoat inspired by the flowers,
00:43:42which I took out in an act that my uncle Pepe taught me a lot.
00:43:45If you want me, go away.
00:43:47My uncle Pepe is the biggest asshole in my family
00:43:49and the one who opened the wedding.
00:43:51I didn't even have to leave the closet,
00:43:53and I think it was partly thanks to him.
00:43:55I think Lola is possessing me right now
00:43:57because she made me feel the colors,
00:43:59the shit she said too.
00:44:02Miss Cristo.
00:44:04My first look connects with a training
00:44:06that I had in the past as a classical ballet dancer.
00:44:09It represents my struggle, my rivalry with myself.
00:44:12The one who opens, swan.
00:44:14It's a bitter dialogue and it takes me to a gray past.
00:44:18Hey, the shoe is wonderful.
00:44:20That shoe was put in fashion by Celia Cruz in the 50s.
00:44:22Totally, yes, yes, yes.
00:44:24Thanks to this moment,
00:44:26I think I have something already in my list of pending things.
00:44:32Mary J. Lowe.
00:44:34Today on Pasarela I present to you
00:44:36Meggie Borras inspired by the typical box
00:44:38that we all know, that we have had since we were little,
00:44:40whoever liked a little bit of magic.
00:44:42The magician Popper.
00:44:44Always with a full mouth.
00:44:46Oh my God.
00:44:48I wear a jacket with a wonderful tail,
00:44:50with her bra, I play with her shoes,
00:44:52there is no lack of detail.
00:44:54And I spread illusion everywhere.
00:44:57Wait, let it go up, let it go up.
00:44:59But why are you lifting it?
00:45:03The girl from the club.
00:45:05Today on Pasarela I present the first look of Drag King
00:45:09that is shown in Drag Race Spain.
00:45:12And it's me taking communion.
00:45:16This look is awesome.
00:45:18I want it for my communion.
00:45:19The look is made with ribbons from my original communion suit.
00:45:25Yes, honey.
00:45:26Bravo, bravo, bravo.
00:45:27I'm removing a lot of things from my past
00:45:30and traumas that I thought I had overcome, but no.
00:45:33Right now is being one of the most beautiful
00:45:35and most sentimental moments I have lived in drag.
00:45:41In this first Pasarela I present a recreation
00:45:44of the first thing my mother sewed for me.
00:45:47A witch costume.
00:45:48Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
00:45:51A bad witch.
00:45:53I come with a super marked silhouette,
00:45:55but also super classic.
00:45:57I feel Veronica Lake.
00:45:59I feel beautiful.
00:46:01And showing a part of me that I don't usually show.
00:46:04The great journalist Paloma is laughing.
00:46:07Bravo, dear.
00:46:12Angelita La Perversa.
00:46:14My look from back to the past, I'm sorry, but it's a shame.
00:46:18I'm going with a golden robe,
00:46:20making reference to La Prohibida,
00:46:22which was one of my impacts and references at the beginning.
00:46:25Oh, please, what an expectation.
00:46:27But what a pig.
00:46:29I'm not very loaded, but I'm divine.
00:46:32But please, it's cultural, it's cultural.
00:46:35Are you giving it to me as a gift?
00:46:38To eat.
00:46:41Read, Coco.
00:46:42My look from back to the past is to open up on the channel
00:46:46and, above all, is to talk about the relationship with my father.
00:46:50One Christmas, my father, to fuck us,
00:46:53decided to take out the light meter
00:46:55and that we didn't have any light at home or hot water.
00:46:58My costume simulates the moment we live in,
00:47:01that having light makes us completely dark.
00:47:03What he didn't know is that, apart from cutting that light,
00:47:07he was cutting many ties.
00:47:09She's the light.
00:47:10She's the light.
00:47:11She's the light.
00:47:15Kelly Pasa.
00:47:16I have a look full of stuffed animals,
00:47:19built with the quilt from when I was little.
00:47:22And that suit was made by my mother,
00:47:24which is the best return to the past I could ever have.
00:47:28When I turn around,
00:47:29the ball, the bullying, the broken dolls
00:47:32also show a bit of the dark side.
00:47:35Because for me, especially in childhood, I was happy,
00:47:38I remember, and why not show it?
00:47:42Dita D'Ivoire.
00:47:43I go from a wonderful white cat with a lot of stone
00:47:47and suddenly, when I get to the catwalk, I turn around and...
00:47:51Oh, what a queen!
00:47:53Tonight, cats, girls.
00:47:55I have a cat frozen behind me.
00:47:58When I was little, I put my cat in the freezer.
00:48:01I was four years old, okay?
00:48:02Is it a cat or a canary?
00:48:04But it survived.
00:48:05And I want to tell you about this,
00:48:07I'm a son of a bitch.
00:48:13The category is Jump to the Future.
00:48:17Mariana Starrs.
00:48:19I jump to the future like a warrior
00:48:22against machismo, patriarchy and homophobia.
00:48:26Bravo, bravo!
00:48:29This is the future with Sunsoles Ónega.
00:48:31I come from sunsoles, giving a lot of face
00:48:34and acting like a policewoman of the future.
00:48:37I feel empowered, active, excited,
00:48:40mother of faggots against homophobia.
00:48:42Stop, stop, stop, stop homophobia.
00:48:47Porca from Club Ki.
00:48:49I travel to the future with this motomami skirt
00:48:51that mixes damascus and graphic fabric
00:48:53in this impossible silhouette.
00:48:55I eat the catwalk.
00:48:57And the step, little goat Bunchen, I love it.
00:48:59Oh, little goat.
00:49:00Little goat Bunchen.
00:49:01Little goat.
00:49:02Yes, yes, yes.
00:49:03I feel beautiful in the future.
00:49:04I feel powerful.
00:49:05I turn around and zass.
00:49:07Look at this faggot's ass.
00:49:12Chloe Bitu.
00:49:14I jump to the future and I visualize myself with a lot of tits.
00:49:17I come out with 13 tits.
00:49:18Because, darling,
00:49:1913 tits is more than 13 cartons.
00:49:22With how well Sabrina did with two,
00:49:23imagine this one.
00:49:24I have tits on my ass,
00:49:25I have tits on my shoulders,
00:49:26I have tits everywhere, darling.
00:49:27I have intergalactic mammon lips,
00:49:29I have glitter lips.
00:49:30You're both loving it, I know it.
00:49:32You know, we all know it.
00:49:33What's going on?
00:49:35I love this.
00:49:38Shani LaSanta.
00:49:40I wanted to think about my own death,
00:49:42which doesn't give me any kind of fear,
00:49:44because I'm very small.
00:49:45I'm very clear that with the chronic diseases I have,
00:49:47I'll die soon, I guess.
00:49:49And if not, I'll die late.
00:49:50I don't really care about dying.
00:49:55And I wear those wings that look like a phoenix.
00:49:57But I'm not born of anything.
00:49:58I'm just dead.
00:49:59And that's it.
00:50:00I'm as beautiful as I can be.
00:50:04Miss Cristo.
00:50:06In my leap into the future,
00:50:08I wanted to serve the world
00:50:10a very Martian dancer
00:50:12with a very fetishist aesthetic.
00:50:14Oh, please.
00:50:15The geriatric drag.
00:50:16How wonderful.
00:50:17It's a look that's all pain,
00:50:19but also, in all the pain,
00:50:22you always have to find a pleasure.
00:50:24And for me, it's a pleasure to be able to serve this look.
00:50:26This movie that I've made,
00:50:27I don't even know where I got it from.
00:50:30Maggie J. Lowe.
00:50:32And in my leap into the future,
00:50:34I'm wearing a suit that's two and a half meters high.
00:50:37I'm majestic, I'm incredible,
00:50:39gold everywhere.
00:50:42Oh, brava, please.
00:50:45I come from the queen of time.
00:50:47I unfold my wings to see time fly.
00:50:50It's a super-Isabella, Catholic, very high.
00:50:53I'm not very Catholic.
00:50:55La niña del antro.
00:50:57Today I bring you, after communion,
00:50:59to the bride.
00:51:00The bride doesn't get married, what a scandal.
00:51:03But be careful,
00:51:04my wish is not to get to the altar,
00:51:07because I'm the bride,
00:51:08but I'm also the groom.
00:51:13None, alas, single.
00:51:15I'm inviting you to the most important events
00:51:17of my life, darling.
00:51:19Come on, please.
00:51:21A flag for the bride.
00:51:23A new flag, a new country.
00:51:29I'm a super-beauty, galactic, transvestite of the future.
00:51:33I come from outer space,
00:51:35and I'm 90 years old.
00:51:37I come a bit like the good witch of the south.
00:51:38Also a bit like María Jiménez.
00:51:40I sit in my salsa.
00:51:42I have fun.
00:51:43I see myself.
00:51:44I see myself a lot.
00:51:45Beauty, the alien.
00:51:48Angelita, the perverse.
00:51:50The look of Back to the Future
00:51:52is to get directly into the movie
00:51:55of Metropolis by Fritz Lang.
00:51:57I come from the future to tell you that you're a whore.
00:51:59I'm a biomechanical transvestite,
00:52:01and I'm the woman of the future.
00:52:07I feel super-powerful,
00:52:09like a knight of the Zodiac,
00:52:11but in a feminine version.
00:52:12Super-powerful, like a knight of the Zodiac,
00:52:14but in a feminine version.
00:52:18Le Coco.
00:52:19The leap to the future is to take all that light
00:52:22that they tried to take from me,
00:52:24transform it into my dream,
00:52:25and build my own cabaret.
00:52:27The world-famous Coco.
00:52:29I'm super-handsome, with red hair, fire,
00:52:32which makes a contrast with the beautiful green,
00:52:34and above all, I have a huge tattoo on my head
00:52:37with an LED sign that says Cabaret Le Coco,
00:52:39because that cabaret is going to exist,
00:52:41and this is going to be my future.
00:52:45What's wrong with you?
00:52:47I look like a theatrical diva,
00:52:49with an impressive theater curtain, like a skirt.
00:52:53Theater, yours is pure theater.
00:52:57And suddenly I come forward, and...
00:53:04When the curtain opens,
00:53:05you see this theater full of surrealist eyes,
00:53:08and the back represents the loneliness of fame.
00:53:11That back is a whole show.
00:53:16Dita D'Igua.
00:53:17In the future, I bring you Dita D'Igua
00:53:19in the future, surrounded by cats,
00:53:21with their mouths open.
00:53:22And now I'm the crazy cat.
00:53:24King's wool.
00:53:28So we can play.
00:53:30I feel like a crazy person, really.
00:53:31I'm giving them a lot of acting,
00:53:33which is what they see here at Drag Race,
00:53:34and what I've come to win.
00:53:39The category is,
00:53:40My Second First Time.
00:53:44Mariana Starrs.
00:53:45My second first time,
00:53:46I return to the beauty contests,
00:53:48but already crowned,
00:53:49I wear the crown as a handbag,
00:53:51and then in the other band,
00:53:52my band of Miss Venezuela,
00:53:54I'm an exquisite queen.
00:53:57The real queen of shine.
00:53:59Those crowns up there.
00:54:00I give a look of a dangerous cat,
00:54:03Miss Empowered.
00:54:05Miss Empowered.
00:54:07I eat the catwalk and...
00:54:14Porca de Cluqui.
00:54:16In this second first time,
00:54:17I'm refined like the cat of the past.
00:54:19I still have that point,
00:54:20a little Rafael Acarra,
00:54:21a little disco.
00:54:23And the blue eyes, like the sky.
00:54:25Of course, since it's blonde.
00:54:26Teeth, teeth,
00:54:27what's wrong with them?
00:54:28I do my black tooth reveal,
00:54:30with my mouth like a piano.
00:54:31Let's go to places,
00:54:32many places.
00:54:33I go with my mini pig,
00:54:34hanging from my arm,
00:54:35who accompanies me
00:54:36and represents perfection.
00:54:40Chloe Bitu.
00:54:41For my second first time,
00:54:42I bring you a suit
00:54:43full, full, full of denims
00:54:45and rings.
00:54:46It's a three-piece,
00:54:47which seems to come from a glory hole
00:54:48with so many holes.
00:54:49She's no man's denim.
00:54:52Then a very short skirt,
00:54:54about to show you the boob,
00:54:55but I won't show you.
00:54:56Serving Bitu, darling.
00:54:58I feel very Cita Bellan,
00:54:59I mean, it's a scandal,
00:55:00with the wig, the makeup, everything.
00:55:02The energy.
00:55:03Yes, scream Cita.
00:55:07Sally LaSanta.
00:55:10To represent my second first time,
00:55:12on top of the black dress,
00:55:13I've put the lace
00:55:14and the skirt,
00:55:15I've made this piece of rag
00:55:16that lets you see my face.
00:55:17What's going on here?
00:55:19Not with me, huh?
00:55:20Yes, I have a sock
00:55:21that is being seen,
00:55:22but it was going to come out
00:55:23completely naked,
00:55:24but I raged with the knife.
00:55:26And I think it's not very pertinent
00:55:27that I come out bleeding
00:55:28on stage.
00:55:30I don't know if she wants to kiss us
00:55:31or kill us.
00:55:32It's sign language.
00:55:35Miss Cristo.
00:55:38I'm serving a great look
00:55:40of any girl you could find
00:55:42in one of the clubs I go to.
00:55:44She has a hairdresser inside,
00:55:46Because the hair is always important.
00:55:47It's always perfect.
00:55:48That giant dancer bow,
00:55:50but a sexier dancer,
00:55:52it reminds me of Pamela Anderson.
00:55:54When I left the cluster,
00:55:56my shoes fell off.
00:55:58My Louboutin shoes
00:55:59with those laces
00:56:00are a dream.
00:56:04Meggie J. Lowe.
00:56:06For my second and first time,
00:56:07I'm wearing a jacket suit,
00:56:09all in gold,
00:56:10like a good rich businesswoman.
00:56:12Women's weapons.
00:56:13To drive you crazy.
00:56:17And always the magic of my looks.
00:56:19I feel beautiful, divine, explosive,
00:56:23So I think this challenge
00:56:25is over.
00:56:26Or won.
00:56:29La Niña del Antro.
00:56:31I get to the catwalk
00:56:32with a blue rope
00:56:34that represents my past.
00:56:36And I leave it behind
00:56:37to look like a beautiful angel
00:56:40fallen from the sky.
00:56:41These are the cool protesters.
00:56:43I get to the center of the catwalk
00:56:44and I launch my message.
00:56:47Trans justice.
00:56:48Very good.
00:56:49Very good.
00:56:50Bravo, darling.
00:56:51And now I'm a warrior
00:56:53and I come to save the world
00:56:54from transphobia
00:56:56and everything bad that can happen
00:56:58to trans people.
00:57:00Let it happen.
00:57:06I step on the catwalk for the third time
00:57:08and I feel confident.
00:57:10I'm not going to lie to you,
00:57:11I feel beautiful.
00:57:14I've tried to give this look
00:57:16a lot of cabaret,
00:57:17a lot of fringe,
00:57:18and I feel...
00:57:20Monica Bellucci
00:57:21parading for Dolce & Gabbana.
00:57:23Of the Kardashians,
00:57:24she's the mommy.
00:57:28Angelita La Perversa.
00:57:31For my second first time,
00:57:33I wasn't going to take that wig with shine
00:57:35that looked like a red light bulb
00:57:36from Puticlub.
00:57:37Can you say Puticlub?
00:57:39I feel quite sexy
00:57:41walking down the catwalk
00:57:42with that tail on the side,
00:57:43giving the jury everything they want and more.
00:57:47A spell.
00:57:50Over there.
00:57:51Over there.
00:57:56I'm wearing a wonderful blue corset
00:57:58with a skirt with a lot of volume,
00:58:01but above all,
00:58:02if there's anything that connects me to the past,
00:58:03it's all the burnt bass.
00:58:05Because to this day,
00:58:06there are still traces of that light
00:58:07that they wanted to put out.
00:58:08Have you ever talked about me in a casting?
00:58:09Well, I'm on fire, come on.
00:58:11I feel beautiful,
00:58:12I feel divine
00:58:13walking like a fucking top model from the 90s
00:58:16and I'm very happy with the result.
00:58:18I mean, I'm divine, come on.
00:58:21What's going on?
00:58:23I come out with a strong, alternative look,
00:58:26fashion, punk,
00:58:28and I walk down the catwalk super strong.
00:58:31What's going on?
00:58:32What's going on?
00:58:33I show them all my power
00:58:35with that very long tail
00:58:36and I turn around
00:58:37and there's also a little surprise behind, honey.
00:58:40That's what's going on.
00:58:43With that piece of ball that I just scored,
00:58:45they're freaking out.
00:58:46They're freaking out in the jury.
00:58:49Zita D'Ivoire.
00:58:51For my second time in drag,
00:58:53I wanted to give them a cat,
00:58:55very flirtatious,
00:58:56very bitchy,
00:58:57very New York,
00:58:58very American.
00:59:00Olivia Valer.
00:59:02I'm taking out a bottle
00:59:03because I'm thirsty for milk.
00:59:06Pata, give me milk, please.
00:59:08Fill it up with milk.
00:59:09Please, how divine.
00:59:11I'm very happy with this look.
00:59:13It's Zita D'Ivoire,
00:59:14it's completely Zita D'Ivoire.
00:59:20thank you so much for letting us get to know you better.
00:59:22Congratulations to all of you
00:59:24and thank you so much for the effort.
00:59:25We know that it's very difficult
00:59:27to start the first week
00:59:28with a maxi-sewing challenge
00:59:29and I want you to keep in mind
00:59:31that the last runway
00:59:33is the one that's going to have more weight
00:59:34in the evaluation.
00:59:35And what has been very clear to the jury
00:59:37in this first gala
00:59:39is that we're going to have
00:59:40a very difficult season.
00:59:42Congratulations, really.
00:59:49When I say your name,
00:59:50please take a step forward.
01:00:12You're safe.
01:00:13Thank you very much, girls.
01:00:14You can leave the stage.
01:00:23you are the best
01:00:24and the worst of today's show.
01:00:26Let's hear what the jury has to say.
01:00:30you've brought to the ball
01:00:31a concept that seems simple
01:00:33but it's not.
01:00:34It's beauty.
01:00:36And you've been,
01:00:37since the past,
01:00:38the Venezuelan lady
01:00:40of Alta Alcurnia.
01:00:41And you've finished
01:00:42like you were born.
01:00:43You've finished with a look
01:00:45that's tremendously improved.
01:00:47You've done a very special reveal
01:00:49and you look absolutely beautiful.
01:00:52Thank you, Ana.
01:00:54how are you?
01:00:57I'm living a great moment in my life
01:01:00because I'm fulfilling a dream
01:01:03and having Boris here
01:01:06as an inspiration for my country.
01:01:09Thank you very much.
01:01:11Thank you very much, everyone.
01:01:13When a fourth season comes,
01:01:14you think,
01:01:15I'm not going to get emotional, right?
01:01:17But then when we're in front of you,
01:01:19your enthusiasm is contagious.
01:01:21And what you bring is that,
01:01:23the emotion,
01:01:24the desire to make it perfect.
01:01:26And the funny thing is
01:01:28that now you're shaking
01:01:29but when you came out,
01:01:30it was pure control.
01:01:32That means
01:01:33that it might be your moment.
01:01:35I'm looking forward to seeing the actress there
01:01:37because, of course,
01:01:38what I've seen today
01:01:39is absolutely spectacular.
01:01:41Shine, baby.
01:01:42Thank you very much.
01:01:44Everything you've done,
01:01:45the whole process of your performances
01:01:46in the bowl tonight,
01:01:48claiming the Miss and Miss Venezuela
01:01:50and all those things,
01:01:51have made us remember a lot,
01:01:53the Javis and me,
01:01:54how we met.
01:01:55The end-of-course work of the Javis
01:01:58was precisely a story of a Miss.
01:02:00They weren't the Javis yet,
01:02:02but they were the Javis.
01:02:03And I think that somehow
01:02:04that's what I want to convey to you.
01:02:06When they proposed to me
01:02:07to be a presenter in that contest,
01:02:09I obviously said yes.
01:02:11I had no idea
01:02:12that they were going to become the Javis.
01:02:13I even went ahead,
01:02:14I think, of themselves.
01:02:16And I think that's something
01:02:17you always have to keep in mind,
01:02:19which is never to lose
01:02:20the meaning of your intuition.
01:02:22Because intuition always ends up
01:02:23taking you to that place
01:02:24where you can't even imagine
01:02:26what you want to achieve.
01:02:27Boris, thank you.
01:02:28Thank you very much, Boris.
01:02:29You are incredible.
01:02:30And long live Miss Venezuela.
01:02:32Long live!
01:02:33Long live!
01:02:34We continue with Shani LaSanta.
01:02:36Shani, darling.
01:02:37You started with something
01:02:38that I think is super important for all of us,
01:02:41which are the references
01:02:42and the family references.
01:02:44It's very powerful
01:02:45how you came up with this dress.
01:02:47The only thing I've missed a little
01:02:49is a little magic in the dress.
01:02:52To wear who Shani LaSanta is
01:02:54in the dress itself as well.
01:02:56That third one
01:02:57has been what you told us in the workshop,
01:03:00but it also happens to me a little,
01:03:01the same as in the first look.
01:03:03You've missed your energy.
01:03:06Shani, I think you started
01:03:08with a lot of energy
01:03:10and it's been fading
01:03:11in the other two walkways.
01:03:13What happens in this look?
01:03:14What happens to me is that
01:03:15I saw you more comfortable in the photo.
01:03:17And then, apart from the fact
01:03:18that we are in a competition,
01:03:19you could see the demarcation of the average,
01:03:21a lot from here.
01:03:22And I think that's a little
01:03:23what has happened.
01:03:24You know what happens, Shani?
01:03:25That I see you
01:03:27and I know you're a star.
01:03:30And I know you have it inside.
01:03:33And I know there's a path ahead
01:03:35and that you're young,
01:03:37but I also see the path behind.
01:03:39This is a game that has its rules
01:03:42and today it was a sewing challenge.
01:03:44But the shine of the eyes
01:03:46is not sewn.
01:03:49Let's go with Miss Cristo.
01:03:50I think having a sense of fashion,
01:03:52more or less,
01:03:53anyone can have, right?
01:03:55But having an artistic coherence,
01:03:58having a narrative,
01:04:00bringing a story,
01:04:02telling it well
01:04:03and on the way
01:04:04talking about oneself
01:04:06is something that is within
01:04:07the reach of few people.
01:04:08And today you brought us yourself,
01:04:10with precision,
01:04:12and with mastery and art.
01:04:14It was amazing.
01:04:15I'm speechless.
01:04:19They were three absolutely wonderful looks
01:04:22and this is the first OVA
01:04:24of the fourth season.
01:04:27OVA, darling.
01:04:29La Niña del Antro.
01:04:30Let's go with you, my love.
01:04:31How are you?
01:04:35Oh, how cute, please.
01:04:39with the communion,
01:04:41you made me cry
01:04:44Oh, fuck.
01:04:46Because you didn't have to explain anything.
01:04:48You went out there
01:04:49and you told us a story
01:04:52with your art,
01:04:53with your emotion
01:04:54and with your experience
01:04:55without having to explain anything else.
01:04:57We understood it perfectly.
01:05:00The opposite of what happened
01:05:01is in this look
01:05:02because there were many things
01:05:04that were left in the middle.
01:05:06This challenge
01:05:07wasn't the best one.
01:05:09What you did in the first runway
01:05:11was worth it.
01:05:12So, thank you.
01:05:15you did a vindictive ball
01:05:17from start to finish.
01:05:18You started with a look
01:05:20that was absolutely exquisite.
01:05:22In a second look,
01:05:23there was maybe a reveal
01:05:25that hurt you a little.
01:05:27There was a nice suit underneath,
01:05:29but there was something
01:05:30that didn't fit very well.
01:05:32In the third look,
01:05:33for me,
01:05:34there were too many things.
01:05:35And what you were telling us
01:05:36was so powerful
01:05:37and so important
01:05:38that maybe it wouldn't have been necessary
01:05:40to go around so much.
01:05:43I can tell you,
01:05:44don't worry,
01:05:45I don't know if I'll be able to.
01:05:47One of the most painful things
01:05:49to judge here
01:05:50is having someone
01:05:52who is opening a channel in front of you
01:05:55and you have to judge the seam.
01:05:57Yes, yes.
01:05:59It's very difficult.
01:06:01When someone opens a channel,
01:06:03it's very complicated.
01:06:05And although maybe
01:06:06the night didn't go well technically,
01:06:09thank you very much
01:06:10for everything you have given us
01:06:12and everything you have told us.
01:06:15Thank you and sorry.
01:06:17Never, please, no.
01:06:19It's a game.
01:06:21That's very important for you to know.
01:06:23It's a game that has its rules
01:06:25and we're here playing.
01:06:27let's go with you, darling.
01:06:28What journey have you had
01:06:30more beautiful through your myths
01:06:32that have made your character?
01:06:35Because you don't do drag,
01:06:37you are drag.
01:06:38I have noticed that you have enjoyed
01:06:40the three walkways a lot.
01:06:42This last challenge was very difficult
01:06:44because you started with a suit
01:06:46of a great diva,
01:06:47who was Monica Naranjo.
01:06:49How to improve that?
01:06:50So you have been very smart,
01:06:51but I have told you,
01:06:52it's not about improving in this case,
01:06:54it's about taking it to my territory
01:06:56and it's about incorporating it
01:06:58to my own body,
01:06:59to my own silhouette
01:07:00and how I'm going to look like that.
01:07:03She has a cabaret,
01:07:04she has a coupletist,
01:07:05she has the fringe.
01:07:06I don't know how you have done it
01:07:08in such a short time.
01:07:09Me neither.
01:07:10My mother's spirit possessed me one night.
01:07:12Oh, your mother is wonderful.
01:07:14And another one that I'm going to tell you
01:07:15that also possessed you.
01:07:16I have seen a lot of Monica,
01:07:18who is a great queen of ours,
01:07:19but I have also seen a lot of Sara Montiel.
01:07:21How much did Sara risk for herself,
01:07:24for her profession,
01:07:25for her legacy
01:07:26and for all of us?
01:07:27And I think that all of that,
01:07:28in some way,
01:07:29you have captured it
01:07:31in your look,
01:07:32in your three looks today
01:07:33and in that kind of homage
01:07:35to the witch.
01:07:36You always have to remember
01:07:37that one of the most sexist
01:07:38and terrible things that exists
01:07:40is to call a woman a witch.
01:07:42But I think it's very good
01:07:43that from your fabulous universe
01:07:45as a drag,
01:07:46you want to give a turn
01:07:47and a fantastic nod
01:07:48to that word
01:07:49and that you include,
01:07:50within that word,
01:07:51a great sorceress
01:07:52like Sara Montiel.
01:07:55The most beautiful thing of all
01:07:56is that you have let us see you.
01:07:58And the challenge was to say,
01:07:59this is me.
01:08:00And that is to meet the challenge
01:08:01absolutely perfectly.
01:08:02Apart from that, great look.
01:08:04Hey, let's give her an OVA too.
01:08:06OVA, OVA, OVA.
01:08:10Let's go with Angelita La Perversa.
01:08:12Oh, Angelita, please.
01:08:14As we have enjoyed
01:08:15Ursula Andros
01:08:16being a James Bond girl,
01:08:18you sell very well
01:08:20what you want to sell on the runway.
01:08:22It shows on your boards.
01:08:24Third look.
01:08:25The third look.
01:08:26It has been a bit scarce.
01:08:29I had the illusion of seeing the look
01:08:31of Pretty Woman
01:08:33when she was a whore on the streets.
01:08:35That dress is much more iconic than this one.
01:08:38I agree with Ana.
01:08:39I really like the original look.
01:08:41I think that,
01:08:42seeing more skin in the original look,
01:08:44it is even more elegant.
01:08:46I think it is a matter of proportion.
01:08:48If the skirt was a little higher
01:08:50and the top a little shorter,
01:08:52it would change a lot.
01:08:54But it would be night and day.
01:08:56I would defend the third look.
01:08:58I want to defend you.
01:09:00You have taken my heart away.
01:09:03That moment of a James Bond girl
01:09:05with a lot of Barbara Rae
01:09:07made me think
01:09:08how different life would have been
01:09:10if James Bond had chosen Barbara Rae
01:09:12instead of another real character
01:09:14who chose her.
01:09:15And also the fact that,
01:09:16after Eugenia Silva,
01:09:18you have the second longest
01:09:20and most flexible neck in Spain.
01:09:22I will always give you credit for that.
01:09:24I am a giraffe.
01:09:25You are a wonderful giraffe.
01:09:28Queens, thank you all.
01:09:29Now the judges and I are going to decide.
01:09:31You can leave the stage.
01:09:41Well, girls, here we are.
01:09:44By the bell.
01:09:46I am shocked.
01:09:47You have been strong.
01:09:48When I started to say the names,
01:09:50I swear...
01:09:51We didn't look at each other.
01:09:52I looked at her and said,
01:09:53that's it, the top.
01:09:54The top.
01:09:55And then I listened to Dita
01:09:56and I said, the top and the bottom.
01:09:57The top and the bottom.
01:09:58No, honey, I am saved.
01:09:59You are winning, mami.
01:10:02Saved doesn't mean much to me.
01:10:03I guess there are people
01:10:04who will get the consolation prize.
01:10:06Not me.
01:10:07Who do you think is in the top
01:10:08and who do you think is in the bottom?
01:10:10I think, because of the way
01:10:12the story has been told,
01:10:13everything has been found,
01:10:14I think it's the girl.
01:10:15I think it's Bambi.
01:10:17With all my heart,
01:10:18I think the girl will be in the bottom.
01:10:20With all my heart.
01:10:21And I see a winner in Miss Cristo.
01:10:23I mean, in the bottom,
01:10:26Angelita, the girl,
01:10:29I don't know.
01:10:31No matter how much anger I get,
01:10:32I loved my little girl.
01:10:33The best friend.
01:10:34Oh, honey.
01:10:35Oli, Oli, Oli.
01:10:38What happened?
01:10:39I'm going to the bottom.
01:10:40After listening to the critics,
01:10:42I think I'm the one in the bottom.
01:10:44And I think Angelita should be with me,
01:10:46the pervert.
01:10:47So I think this is going to be the bottom.
01:10:49I mean, I think you've done very nice things
01:10:51and the only thing that has favored you
01:10:53from your runway
01:10:54has been the cut you've done in the dress
01:10:56that didn't favor you at the time.
01:10:57Not because I'm a bad girl.
01:10:58No, honey.
01:10:59But I think maybe
01:11:00you could have done that skirt better too.
01:11:03Well, I don't think it's time
01:11:05to tell Shani
01:11:07because it's the first episode.
01:11:09We come from a walkway
01:11:10in which we have all felt,
01:11:12in which we have all opened up
01:11:14and Shani has not separated
01:11:16from the sewing machine,
01:11:17just like none of us.
01:11:18I don't think it's time to tell her
01:11:20anything between us.
01:11:22Megit could close the gap.
01:11:24I don't care if they mess with me,
01:11:26but messing with my friends
01:11:28is something else.
01:11:29I mean, shut up.
01:11:31How about the rest, friends?
01:11:33Thank you for asking.
01:11:36Tell me, honey.
01:11:37I think we've all been told
01:11:38some logical and very objective evaluations.
01:11:41Based on what the challenge was,
01:11:43it has been very difficult for them to decide
01:11:45and it will continue to be
01:11:46because they have said it
01:11:47and they have pointed it out all the time
01:11:48because we all have a great level.
01:11:51But what have they told you, for example?
01:11:52So, for me, for example,
01:11:54they have given me an incredible evaluation.
01:11:57They have valued the thread of history a lot
01:11:59and you have a beautiful thread
01:12:01and you have been able to take advantage of it.
01:12:04I want to congratulate you.
01:12:05Tell us.
01:12:06Because I know it has cost you a lot.
01:12:08The look.
01:12:09It has cost me my life.
01:12:11Because this is the thing that they interrupt me
01:12:12when I'm going to talk.
01:12:13But also, I know it very well
01:12:16Let Angelita speak.
01:12:17No, I have nothing to say.
01:12:18I have all the evaluations very well
01:12:20and I'm going to vote.
01:12:21In short, keep talking.
01:12:23Well, nothing.
01:12:24If you don't want to talk.
01:12:26I don't want to talk.
01:12:27They don't let me talk.
01:12:28Sorry, we didn't let you talk, honey.
01:12:29What are you going to say?
01:12:30Cover your beard well, my girl,
01:12:31and stop talking about the others, honey.
01:12:33She's bad.
01:12:35She is one of the top.
01:12:36Who is the other top?
01:12:37Bumpy, tell us.
01:12:38I think Mariana is in the top,
01:12:39if I'm not mistaken.
01:12:41Well, I have tried to do my best
01:12:44with the time we've had
01:12:45and I've tried to tell my story,
01:12:47but I'm also proud of all my teammates.
01:12:51I think that since I'm so quiet,
01:12:54I'm being undervalued a little bit.
01:12:57No matter what happens,
01:12:58I'm very happy to have been with you.
01:13:01Well, you're going to have a baby soon.
01:13:02Well, let's see.
01:13:03Come on.
01:13:07Girls, girls, stop for a moment.
01:13:09The girl is crying.
01:13:10My heart is going to a thousand.
01:13:13I think I'm going to bottom.
01:13:15I wanted you to be proud of me.
01:13:17And well, if I'm going to lip sync,
01:13:19you'll be with the lip sync.
01:13:21I'm proud, I'm happy, really.
01:13:24I mean, I think the first runway
01:13:28that has been the one that you liked the most
01:13:30has been the one that has been the most down.
01:13:33Then the others,
01:13:34I knew they weren't going well at all.
01:13:36I felt so insecure
01:13:37that I started putting things in,
01:13:38and putting things in,
01:13:39and putting things in
01:13:40and they haven't played in my favor.
01:13:43The thing is, it's between the three of us.
01:13:45We've all worked hard.
01:13:46We've all worked hard one night,
01:13:48with our backs to the wall,
01:13:50with the seam,
01:13:51but the girl in the intro
01:13:55took it all.
01:13:56She took it all.
01:13:57And the bottom one,
01:13:58doesn't she want to buy the queen?
01:13:59That's what I was going to say.
01:14:00Hey, it's true, you can't.
01:14:01The person who has the bottom
01:14:02can't give it to a partner.
01:14:04It would be cool.
01:14:05I find it interesting
01:14:06that if you suddenly feel strong for lip sync,
01:14:08you can give it to a partner.
01:14:09And then put yourself in their place.
01:14:11You know, like,
01:14:12put yourself in the shoes of
01:14:14going to lip sync for a partner
01:14:16that you appreciate
01:14:17and you think you can save her from that.
01:14:19And you can save yourself too.
01:14:20I would.
01:14:22Welcome back, queens.
01:14:24The judges and I have deliberated
01:14:26and we have made a decision.
01:14:30Mariana Starrs,
01:14:31it has become clear to us
01:14:33that you are a miss,
01:14:34but it has become much clearer to us
01:14:36that you are not a plus.
01:14:40You are saved.
01:14:41You can go back with your partners.
01:14:48Miss Cristo,
01:14:50we have been moved by your past
01:14:52and you have a great future.
01:14:54And my dear,
01:14:55this has been a ball.
01:14:58you are the winner of today's show.
01:15:02Bravo, bravo, bravo!
01:15:04Miss Cristo,
01:15:05you take 2,500 euros.
01:15:08Bravo, bravo, bravo!
01:15:12Very strong.
01:15:13Winner of the first episode
01:15:14of the season 4 of Drag Race Spain.
01:15:17And also,
01:15:18Axel Hotels gives you a two-night stay
01:15:21at their new hotel, Axel Valencia.
01:15:25How cool!
01:15:28Miss Cristo,
01:15:29now you can go back with your partners.
01:15:31Thank you very much, really.
01:15:33Congratulations, my love.
01:15:34A lot of love.
01:15:36you are saved.
01:15:37You can go back with your partners.
01:15:46Miss Adelantro,
01:15:48your first message was so clear
01:15:51that the others got a little tangled up
01:15:53and so did we.
01:15:56Shani La Santa,
01:15:57we wanted you to step on this stage with force,
01:16:00but in your sewing look,
01:16:02you got a little lost in it.
01:16:04Angelita La Perversa,
01:16:06Bon's girl shot us in the heart,
01:16:08but your pretty woman didn't hit the bull's eye.
01:16:12But we're going to give you another chance,
01:16:15because, for now,
01:16:17you're saved.
01:16:22the queen of luck
01:16:23may be at stake.
01:16:26You can go back with your partners.
01:16:29I love you, good luck.
01:16:31I love you, good luck.
01:16:35Andy, queen.
01:16:37Queen, queen.
01:16:40Oh, my God.
01:16:41No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:16:43Shani La Santa,
01:16:45Miss Adelantro,
01:16:47I'm so sorry,
01:16:48but today you're facing elimination.
01:16:52Two queens are facing me.
01:16:57I remind you that if one of you
01:16:59has the queen of luck,
01:17:01you'll have ten seconds to show it
01:17:03and swap places with Angelita La Perversa.
01:17:11And now,
01:17:12help us decide
01:17:13who we'll call when it's midnight
01:17:15with this song by Ana Mena.
01:17:19This is your last chance to impress us
01:17:23and save you from elimination.
01:17:30I saw myself in the final with Shani,
01:17:32and I love her very much,
01:17:33but I know this lip-sync is mine.
01:17:35It's time to lip-sync
01:17:37to life
01:17:40or death.
01:17:44I'm completely nervous,
01:17:47but also motivated,
01:17:48and I'm going to give it my all
01:17:50to do a huge lip-sync
01:17:52with my sister.
01:17:53Let's go.
01:17:58Good luck.
01:18:00And don't fuck up.
01:18:23I would like to lose you again.
01:18:25I would like to go back.
01:18:27And another night,
01:18:28I'm going to lose myself in your arms.
01:18:30I love you like you love me.
01:18:32No one can do it like you and me.
01:18:36No one knows me like you do.
01:18:39I don't know
01:18:41who I love when it's midnight.
01:18:54I don't know who I love when it's midnight.
01:18:57Ana Mena,
01:18:58I only sleep to see you,
01:19:00to dream of you a little bit.
01:19:02How I miss your lips,
01:19:03and those beautiful eyes.
01:19:05How I love to see you.
01:19:07Don't tell me goodbye,
01:19:09don't tell me goodbye,
01:19:10if this was cool.
01:19:12I want to kiss you again,
01:19:13because you drive me crazy.
01:19:15The shirt you left me,
01:19:17I don't take it off.
01:19:19Give me a kiss again, baby,
01:19:20to make me beautiful.
01:19:22I want to go back to that summer,
01:19:24dancing like you and me.
01:19:27No one can do it like you and me.
01:19:30No one knows me like you do.
01:19:32I see Shani
01:19:33and the girl in the front giving it all.
01:19:35I'm enjoying the lifting like never before.
01:19:38I'm doing a little bit of barbell too,
01:19:40but I love it because they are fighting
01:19:42to stay here.
01:19:44I see Shani
01:19:45and the girl in the front giving it all.
01:19:47I'm doing a little bit of barbell too,
01:19:49but I love it because they are fighting
01:19:51to stay here.
01:19:53I'm doing a little bit of barbell too,
01:19:55but I love it because they are fighting
01:19:57to stay here.
01:19:59I'm doing a little bit of barbell too,
01:20:01but I love it because they are fighting
01:20:03to stay here.
01:20:05I'm doing a little bit of barbell too,
01:20:07but I love it because they are fighting
01:20:09to stay here.
01:20:17Bravo, girls!
01:20:22congratulations to both of you.
01:20:24I see what the judges have decided
01:20:26and I'll tell you right away.
01:20:39The girl in the front.
01:20:43Shanti, you stay.
01:21:01it only took you one episode
01:21:04to make us all fall in love.
01:21:06So, imagine
01:21:08what you can do with your whole life ahead of you.
01:21:11But now, I'm sorry, darling,
01:21:14you're leaving.
01:21:16Thank you very much for everything.
01:21:17And thank you to my partner,
01:21:18who are the best.
01:21:25This is
01:21:26the venue of Botticelli.
01:21:30Long live Betty, even if she loses.
01:21:33Nothing, there has been no luck.
01:21:38I absolutely expected to make the first effort.
01:21:44you look busted.
01:21:47I'm taking Drag Race.
01:21:48A lot of dissociation, more than normal.
01:21:51And I'm taking some wonderful partners.
01:21:53And a very good appraisal.
01:21:55Good things, in general.
01:22:00Okay, so...
01:22:04I can't wait to show a lot more.
01:22:06A lot more, of course.
01:22:08And this is over!
01:22:10Oh, darling!
01:22:12And this...
01:22:16And this is over!
01:22:19And this is over!
01:22:21And this is over!
01:22:31Who cares what I do?
01:22:33Who cares what I say?
01:22:36I am like this, and I will continue like this.
01:22:38And I will never change!
01:22:40Play the music!
