अंजनेयासन की विधि | Crescent Moon pose | Ashwa Sanchalanasana (Equestrian Pose) - VI

  • 6 months ago
#anjaneyasana #ashwasanchalanasana #crescentmoonpose
Añjaneyāsana, Crescent Moon Pose, or Ashwa Sanchalanasana, Equestrian Pose is a lunging back bending asana in modern yoga as exercise. It is sometimes included as one of the asanas in the Surya Namaskar sequence, though usually with arms down in that case.

"Crescent Moon Pose - Ashwa Sanchalanasana" By Varsha Iyer, Therapist & Healer (Yoga, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Sujok Therapy, Magnet Therapy & Water Therapy).

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