• last year
paranormal, fenómenos paranormales, actividad paranormal, investigaciones paranormales, fantasmas, espíritus, casas embrujadas, eventos inexplicables, apariciones, cazafantasmas, experiencias paranormales, lo sobrenatural, misterios sin resolver, vida después de la muerte, fenómenos sobrenaturales, evidencia paranormal, avistamientos de fantasmas, fenómenos inexplicables, entidades paranormales, sucesos extraños
00:00The events reported in this program are based on eyewitness accounts.
00:08In this world, evil lurks.
00:12Among the darkest shadows and in the most common places.
00:17These are true accounts of innocent people and unimaginable facts.
00:23When Arnie Johnson and Debbie Glatzel move to their new home,
00:27the family is trapped in a demonic nightmare.
00:31I bless this place in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
00:35They try to escape, but the hidden forces cling to them,
00:39submerging them in a violent whirlwind of pure evil.
00:43I order you in the name of Jesus Christ.
00:45No! No!
00:52Between the world we see and the things we fear,
00:56there are doors.
00:59When they open, the nightmares become reality.
01:16In the river valleys of the west of Connecticut,
01:20there are historical villages dating back to the beginning of the 18th century.
01:26Here, gothic churches and deteriorated cemeteries are still preserved,
01:31monuments to the faith in the existence of an infinite goodness.
01:36However, under this landscape lurks the deepest evil.
01:51Arnie Johnson and Debbie Glatzel have decided to leave the big city behind
01:56and rent a country house.
01:59Arnie works for a forestry company and Debbie is a dog breeder.
02:05We're here.
02:07David, Debbie's younger brother, has come to help them.
02:10What do you think of our house? It's great!
02:12They've invested almost all of their savings to move here,
02:16but they're sure that their new life is worth it.
02:20I was excited about it.
02:23You can imagine how it was, to be able to camp,
02:26to have a playground for the kids instead of the asphalt.
02:29I thought it was a change for the better.
02:33It was the house of my dreams.
02:36I thought we could have a wonderful life there.
02:39Do you have the keys?
02:41What did you say?
02:43Do you have the keys?
02:45Of course, of course, I have the keys.
02:54David was the Benjamin of the family.
03:03He always had a smile on his face,
03:05a smile on his lips, willing to lend a hand if you needed help.
03:11David, could you go to the main bedroom?
03:14Of course.
03:16He was an extraordinary boy.
03:18I'm going to clean the windows, OK?
03:21OK, I'm going to the car to bring more boxes.
03:26We have a problem in the bedroom.
03:28What problem?
03:30Come and have a look.
03:35David found out that the previous tenants had left their bed in the main bedroom.
03:42When the bed was there, I couldn't put the furniture in our bedroom.
03:46It made me very angry.
03:48I'll tell the landlord to take it out of there.
03:50If not, I'll sweep the surroundings.
04:28What happened to you?
04:30He pushed me.
04:33No one else but us in the house.
04:35Come on, I'll show you.
04:37No, I can't go in there again.
04:39I told him, come on, David, I have things to do.
04:42If you don't want to help us, tell us.
04:45Hey, I have to clean the house.
04:47If you want to stay out playing, it's OK.
04:53What's wrong with him?
04:55I have no idea.
04:57I noticed that David was outside, but I didn't give him too much importance.
05:00I thought he would be bored.
05:04David stays out the rest of the day.
05:07He is too scared to even approach the house.
05:11Let's go.
05:34That night, they return to Brookfield, where Debbie's family lives,
05:38and where they stay until they move to the new house.
05:41How many things do you have?
05:43Her mother, Judy Glatzel, assures them that they can stay with her all the time they need.
05:47I don't know what to do.
05:49I don't know what to do.
05:51I don't know what to do.
05:53I don't know what to do.
05:55I don't know what to do.
05:57I don't know what to do.
05:59I don't know what to do.
06:01I don't know what to do.
06:04What's the matter, Cielo?
06:06I keep seeing the old man.
06:08What old man?
06:10David thinks that an old man has pushed him into our house.
06:13It's true! I've seen it for real!
06:16He's talking to me right now.
06:18You can really hear him?
06:28He's right there.
06:30I can see him.
06:33If you can see him, what is he doing?
06:36There's a frightened old man.
06:39He's calling at the door.
06:45Alright, that's enough.
06:47You're making a fool of yourself.
06:49Don't go there!
06:51David, Arnie and I are going to live there.
06:54We've already advanced two months of rent.
06:56He says that if you go back, he's going to hurt you.
06:59Yes, of course.
07:00Old man, if you don't want us to live there, show us a sign.
07:07Do you see it?
07:09Nothing. It's all in your head.
07:19Come on, go to the bed.
07:27I was very frightened.
07:29I was very frightened.
07:37Arnie, David is right.
07:39This house is haunted.
07:41Now we had the proof and we started to think about it.
07:44Well, maybe there's something true in all this old man.
07:48Listen, we've spent our savings.
07:50David and Arnie are afraid that there's something strange in the house.
07:54But they decide to move anyway.
07:55They've already advanced two months of rent.
07:58And Arnie has invited his mother to live with them.
08:01Everything's going to be fine.
08:03I wasn't willing to let him ruin our lives.
08:09The next morning, Arnie and David return to the house to continue with the cleaning.
08:26The next morning, Arnie and David return to the house to continue with the cleaning.
08:40When I saw the scratches in the doors,
08:44I started to think that maybe there's something true in all this story.
08:49For me, that was enough proof.
08:51It's better to leave the house.
08:55I agree.
08:57Let's take the things out.
09:19But while they take their things out, Arnie's mother arrives.
09:24We're not staying at the house, mom.
09:26What? I just left my apartment.
09:28She's mad at me and Arnie.
09:30How could you do this to me?
09:32Leave me on the street like that.
09:34Ghosts don't exist.
09:36I'm sorry, mom, but we're not staying at the house.
09:39I was scared.
09:41I didn't want to stay there.
09:43Then leave me the keys.
09:45And I tried to explain to her what had happened.
09:47Just leave me the keys, please.
09:49She didn't believe me.
09:53Don't tell me battles, she said.
09:58Arnie's mother decides to stay at the house despite her son's pleas.
10:09We had a little discussion about that.
10:12Something perfectly understandable.
10:15She thought we left her on the street.
10:18He's coming for me. He's coming for me.
10:21Arnie, something's happening to him.
10:25He's coming for me. I can see him.
10:28He's coming for me. He wants to catch me.
10:30He's coming for me. I can see him.
10:33Who's coming for you, little one?
10:35Is it the old man?
10:37Today he's turned into a beast.
10:40He said he saw me floating over the tree tops.
10:43He wants to hurt me.
10:45I can see him.
10:47Calm down, David. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you.
10:50He's furious with me because I told you about him.
10:53Everything's going to be fine.
10:57The fear he showed was unbearable.
11:01There was a serious problem.
11:04And I believed him.
11:06We told David, don't worry.
11:08You're safe with us.
11:10The next day, the family goes on a field trip.
11:14David seems to have recovered.
11:16Judy, Arnie and Debbie trust that the incident has been overcome.
11:25Come on!
11:26Hey, pass it to me!
11:29Is that how football is?
11:31It was a very pleasant day.
11:35Until one day...
11:38Until we return to Brookfield.
11:53Come on, David. Get in.
11:56No, I can't.
11:58Why not?
11:59He's in our house.
12:07I'm going to find him.
13:07I'm going to find him.
13:37Come on.
13:52All right, let's go inside.
13:54There's no one in there.
13:56No, I can't go in there.
14:00David, go in there.
14:03I told him we'd protect him.
14:06The family will protect you.
14:08We'll do whatever it takes for you.
14:11But he's always there.
14:14Don't think about that now, honey.
14:16All right?
14:18Try to calm down.
14:19No, he's still there.
14:21Arnie just confirmed that there's no one.
14:24There's nothing to worry about.
14:26Try to sleep.
14:27All right, now get some rest.
14:32All right.
14:46I want your soul.
14:52I want your soul.
14:56I want your soul.
14:59I want your soul.
15:03Oh, my God.
15:11What's wrong, David?
15:12He's going to hit me!
15:15No one's going to hit you.
15:21We noticed that he was breathing, and he was floating away on the floor.
15:26He says he's going to take my soul!
15:28David, no one's going to take your soul.
15:30We'll protect you.
15:34The most exciting thing was seeing what David was enduring,
15:38and not being able to avoid it.
15:43It was terrifying.
15:51We saw him hit him.
15:53Debbie and Judy tell their parish priest about David's problems.
15:56His skin is red, where he's been hit.
15:59He's had bruises.
16:00Something's attacked him.
16:05He cried out for help, but we couldn't do anything.
16:09Please help us, Father.
16:13There's no such thing as a diabolical possession.
16:18The priest tells them that before the church was established,
16:21an investigation was needed.
16:24He can use holy water.
16:27He advises the family to light candles and use holy water as protection.
16:33And pray for everything they know.
16:38Our Father, who art in heaven,
16:40hallowed be thy name.
16:42Thy kingdom come,
16:44thy will be done,
16:46on earth as it is in heaven.
16:48Give us this day our daily bread,
16:50and forgive us our trespasses,
16:52as we forgive those who trespass against us.
16:54And lead us not into temptation,
16:56but deliver us from evil.
17:06I'm going to call the priest.
17:12We felt desperate.
17:14We tried to protect him,
17:16and he kept getting hit.
17:20The holy candles just seemed to make things worse.
17:26We have a problem.
17:32I bless this place in the name of the Father,
17:34the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
17:36The next day, the parish tries to purify the house of all evil.
17:42I bless this house in the name of the Father,
17:44the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
17:46In the name of Jesus Christ,
17:48I command you to go,
17:50and return to the place where you came from,
17:52and go with God.
17:54I command you to go,
17:56and return to the place where you came from,
17:58in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
18:12I bless you in the name of the Father,
18:14the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
18:16I bless you in the name of the Father,
18:18the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
18:28After blessing the house,
18:30we feel much better.
18:32We felt like we were protected.
18:36I'm sorry to have to tell you this,
18:38but the parish admits that the blessing may not be enough.
18:42I will consult two experts.
18:44I will consult two experts.
18:48May God bless you and protect you.
19:08Ed and Lorraine Warren have investigated hundreds of cases,
19:12including the horror of Amityville.
19:16Ed is world-famous as an expert in religious demonology.
19:18Ed is world-famous as an expert in religious demonology.
19:20Ed is world-famous as an expert in religious demonology.
19:22And Lorraine is clairvoyant.
19:24And Lorraine is clairvoyant.
19:28She called us and told us about this case,
19:30about the strange things that were happening.
19:32about the strange things that were happening.
19:36When do you want us to go?
19:40There are very strange things happening,
19:42and I'm convinced it could be a possession case.
19:44and I'm convinced it could be a possession case.
19:46And so she said, I'd like you to take a look.
19:48And so she said, I'd like you to take a look.
19:50So I asked her, Father, do you want us to go tonight?
19:52Yes, I would. I think it's pretty urgent.
19:54Yes, I would. I think it's pretty urgent.
20:04Ed and Lorraine Warren go to the Glatzel house
20:06Ed and Lorraine Warren go to the Glatzel house
20:08to evaluate David's case.
20:14Hi, I'm Lorraine. We spoke a while ago.
20:16Thank you for offering us your help.
20:18This is my daughter, Debbie.
20:20When I first met Ed and Lorraine,
20:22I said, thank God there's someone willing to help us.
20:24I said, thank God there's someone willing to help us.
20:26They'll tell us what's going on.
20:28They'll tell us what we're facing.
20:38David, there was a tremendous tension in that house.
20:40You could almost cut yourself with a knife.
20:42David, they've arrived to help us.
20:46I know who you are.
20:54And when he lifted his head up,
20:56it wasn't David.
20:58And to see that was really intimidating.
21:00And when he lifted his head up,
21:02it wasn't David.
21:04We were looking at a creature inside that child's body.
21:22Tonight I tripped on the stairs.
21:25How do you know?
21:28The Beast told me.
21:34First of all, I'd like to ask the relatives a few questions.
21:38Then I'll come back and we'll talk.
21:43He was constantly informed through a psychic capacity of a higher level.
21:51But it wasn't something that came from the good.
21:55Lorraine didn't want to tell us exactly what we had.
22:00I had the feeling that he knew.
22:03But he didn't want to scare us more than we already were.
22:07What else has David done that is supernatural?
22:11He told us that we'd find animal scratches on the door of the rented house.
22:20And we've witnessed that something invisible has attacked David.
22:24It looked like it was going to hit him.
22:26The testimony of the family can be essential to ask the church for authorization for an exorcism.
22:33As if it were real.
22:35You have to prove without a shadow of a doubt that what is happening to this boy is not a psychological problem.
22:44I'd like to ask the Beast a few questions.
22:49Is he a ghost?
22:54Are you a demon?
23:00Does he have psychic powers?
23:03Does he have supernatural powers?
23:06Does he have supernatural powers?
23:09Does he have psychic powers?
23:12Does he have special powers?
23:16He could throw you out the window right now.
23:20Well, if he has those powers, why don't you hit him on the table or on the walls?
23:32He's laughing at you.
23:35He can't give you orders.
23:38He can't?
23:42He can't.
23:44He can.
24:10What if we move to another state?
24:12David has said that he lives in the country house.
24:15He would follow us.
24:17He explained to us that it would be of no use, because wherever we went, he would follow us.
24:22That's the difference between a haunted house and a possessed person.
24:26In the case of human possession, these entities travel with them.
24:30Well, then what can we do?
24:33Ed and Lorraine tell them that the church must intervene to free David.
24:38Are you talking about exorcism?
24:39Yes, there is no more.
24:41Ed explains to them that the church could take several months to grant their consent to a formal exorcism.
24:47But the Warrens trust to be able to organize a minor exorcism in a few weeks.
24:53She said that he was the evil one.
24:56The beast of all beasts.
24:59We were very afraid for the family.
25:01I remember that Ed talked to them and told them that every time this entity attacked, his son was not always in the way.
25:09And make sure to close the bedroom doors well.
25:21Alarmed by the evil that has invaded their lives, Arnie and Debbie return to the country house to try to rescue Arnie's mother.
25:32I was very worried about my mother because this was the place where it all came from.
25:45What do you want?
25:47I told her she had to leave there.
25:50It's not safe.
25:52I have no place to go. I stay and I'm done.
25:55She didn't even want to hear about leaving.
25:58Well, and now I'm going with the tractor.
26:02He has to become a butcher.
26:08Look at that.
26:10For a few days, David remains free of demonic possessions.
26:27Come on.
26:49David is not here. Now I command.
26:58Tell him to stop hurting me.
27:09Stop messing with the boy. Do you hear me? If you want to hurt someone, mess with me.
27:14Arnie, don't do it.
27:16I challenged him to face me.
27:28I'm sorry.
27:42A few days later, David seems to have recovered.
27:46Arnie goes out to do a couple of errands.
27:58The car's engine broke down.
28:11Suddenly, a dark figure appears out of nowhere.
28:19He raised an arm and pointed to the tree.
28:22And all of a sudden, the vehicle went off.
28:26He couldn't control it.
28:42Ed and Lorraine suggest that Arnie and David talk to an exorcist.
28:48I looked down and there was a demon.
28:53What did he look like?
28:55He looked just like the devil.
28:58And I tell him, I've never been so scared in my life.
29:03Why do you think that happened?
29:06I think it was because I challenged the devil to attack me instead of the boy.
29:16His intention was good.
29:18The priest told him that he had acted wrong.
29:21I knew he did it on purpose, but it was the worst thing he could have done.
29:26He shouldn't have challenged the devil to attack him.
29:35This crucifix is blessed.
29:37I want you to wear it at all times to protect yourself.
29:41Be careful, you two.
29:43I'm going to start preparing a minor exorcism ritual.
29:47Thank you, Father.
29:49Thank you, Father.
30:14I know who gave you that.
30:16David looked at the crucifix.
30:18He saw that Arnie was wearing it around his neck.
30:21And he said he knew where it was and who gave it to him.
30:25He even mentioned the names.
30:28Don't forget anything.
30:34Somehow, it came out of Arnie's neck without anyone touching it.
30:41It was thrown through the room.
30:58He went back to the well.
31:03What well?
31:05The one that's behind the farmhouse.
31:10There isn't one well, David.
31:12Yes, there is.
31:15That's where our world comes from.
31:17If David is right, Arnie must rescue his mother from the house.
31:25Will you give me the holy water?
31:47The house is deserted.
32:18Why don't you look in the rooms?
32:20I'll look in the back.
32:26Arnie fears that his mother is so terrified by the demon
32:30that she left without telling him anything.
32:36I went to the back of the house
32:38to see if there was the well that David mentioned.
33:17I saw Arnie.
33:19He was standing.
33:23The eyes were like a well without a bottom.
33:26They attracted me.
33:28And I remember that I was paralyzed there,
33:31staring at his eyes.
33:38I remember that I was paralyzed there,
33:41staring at his eyes.
33:47I remember that I was paralyzed there,
33:50staring at his eyes.
34:06Are you okay?
34:39What happened?
34:42I went to the back of the house to see if there was the well
34:45and I suffered a demonic possession.
34:49The next thing I remember is that I was inside the house.
34:55I don't remember anything that happened in that space of time,
35:01in that moment.
35:24Thank you, Mom.
35:26Lorraine Warren visits the family to see how they are.
35:30David feels much better since a couple of days ago.
35:33I'm glad.
35:35Yes, he almost looks the same as always.
35:37When these things happen,
35:39they're so terrifying.
35:42We told them they could call us.
35:45Whenever they needed us.
35:48You never know when our presence may be necessary.
35:52And we kept telling them to protect themselves,
35:55especially the parents.
35:57The sooner they came, the better.
35:59It was like an instant remedy.
36:01The worst thing that was happening was the mother.
36:03At any moment, she could suffer a new episode.
36:06Lorraine recommends that the family be patient
36:09and assures them that she will do everything possible to speed up the exorcism.
36:54What happened?
36:56He was possessed, but it wasn't David.
36:58Everything will be fine.
37:00He had a knife in his hand and he attacked Arnie.
37:06I don't blame David.
37:08It really wasn't him.
37:10He wouldn't even think of doing something like that.
37:13An action of that kind was unthinkable in him.
37:16David reveals that the beast has summoned more demons to possess him.
37:22They're tormenting me all.
37:28They attack him all together, demanding that he give them his soul.
37:37He was scared.
37:39We all protected him as best we could.
37:42I was very worried.
37:44I was very afraid to fight something you can't see.
37:51Five weeks after the first signs of possession,
37:54the priests bless the house as a prelude to the minor exorcism.
38:01In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:06In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:11In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:16In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:21In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:26In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:31In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:36In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:41In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
38:50In the name of Jesus Christ, I order you to get out of here and return to where you came from.
39:03Lord have mercy on us.
39:07Everybody have mercy.
39:09Lord have mercy! Lord have mercy!
39:16Supreme glorious prince of the heavenly army, Archangel Saint Michael, defend us in the battle.
39:23Contemplate the saint transfigured in an angel of light.
39:26United in the church, we will face the troops of the Ismaelite spirit.
39:30Get away from us, you evil invincible.
39:39We are the people of God who fight against the tricks of the evil spirits.
39:43The victory will be ours.
39:51Holy Mother Church, Holy Mother Church,
39:54bless in the name of our Lord and God Jesus Christ,
39:57those who pursue the house of God.
40:00The exorcism is prolonged for hours.
40:22God the Father commands you, God the Son commands you, God the Holy Spirit commands you.
40:31We had to hold it together so that they could continue with the ritual.
40:35All impure spirit, all satanic power, all incursion.
40:38Every time they did the sign of the cross, the beast screamed and howled.
40:44Be a verbal adversary.
40:46The majesty of Christ and the eternal word of God incarnate commands you.
41:01He's not breathing.
41:03Let him go.
41:06God the Father commands you, God the Son commands you, God the Holy Spirit commands you.
41:13God the Father commands you, God the Son commands you, God the Holy Spirit commands you.
41:19They're killing him.
41:21Breathe, little one.
41:26Let's try the dance.
41:28Come on, baby, come on.
41:32Come on, come on.
41:34God the Son commands you, God the Holy Spirit commands you.
41:39The majesty of Christ through the eternal word of God and the spilled blood commands you.
41:49Bring that chair.
42:01One of the demons has been exorcised.
42:04The bad guys are still there.
42:07But there are others.
42:14When you are involved in this battle, you can't stop.
42:21The exorcism continues and the priest expels the demons one by one.
42:27And every devilic legion, we abominate you through the living Son of God.
42:37Through the Holy Spirit.
42:44Through the true God.
42:47Through the Holy God.
42:50I command you, leave this child.
43:08Finally, David is free.
43:19Good, take it.
43:21What do you think?
43:23David recovers completely and retakes the normal life of a 12-year-old boy.
43:28This horrible episode has united Debbie and Arnie even more.
43:33We won!
43:35Our love has strengthened.
43:38I mean, he was willing to give his own life.
43:41He was willing to sacrifice himself to save my brother.
43:45I hope the rest of the people open their minds and realize that these things really exist.
43:54To this day, Arnie Johnson and Debbie Glatzel are convinced that their old country house is still possessed by the demons.
44:04That they are lurking in the darkness.
44:08Waiting for a new victim to devour.
44:13To be continued...
44:43To be continued...
