paranormal, fenómenos paranormales, actividad paranormal, investigaciones paranormales, fantasmas, espíritus, casas embrujadas, eventos inexplicables, apariciones, cazafantasmas, experiencias paranormales, lo sobrenatural, misterios sin resolver, vida después de la muerte, fenómenos sobrenaturales, evidencia paranormal, avistamientos de fantasmas, fenómenos inexplicables, entidades paranormales, sucesos extraños
Short filmTranscript
00:00We've never been in an installation like this.
00:03We have to face someone who was mysteriously murdered.
00:07Leave them upstairs.
00:08I noticed someone was watching me. I ran as fast as I could.
00:12Who killed you?
00:16When I entered the room, I just wanted to hurry up and breathe.
00:18I have a feeling that the watchman knew something that someone didn't want him to know.
00:23It's like you're in his lair, in his territory.
00:26I really regret the dark theme.
00:29They're attracting us here.
00:32What was that?
00:33Oh my God!
00:34I heard something.
00:36My name is Dakota Layden.
00:38I'm taking my sister and my two best friends on a trip to explore the most beloved abandoned places in the United States.
00:46Oh my God!
00:49No, no!
00:52Come on, come on, come on!
00:53I panicked.
00:54I'm trying to figure out how terror affects our relationship with the paranormal.
00:59Each night we split up to sleep alone.
01:03The trick is, only one of us knows where we're going.
01:10Horror destination.
01:17565 kilometers to Defiance, Ohio.
01:25Defiance, Ohio.
01:37Our last destination was twice as difficult.
01:39And I know the team is still a little bit down.
01:42That is the plan.
01:44I'm still in control and heading to our next location.
01:49Right now we are in the state of Indian chestnut.
01:52We are going to a small town called Defiance in northwest Ohio.
01:56We are going to a vacant school.
02:01We have never spent the night in this type of a location.
02:04This will be especially interesting for us,
02:07as we spent most of our school years together.
02:10While it was a fun, wild, awesome, incredible time,
02:13we all could not wait for that bell to ring for us to get out.
02:17I feel that in this terrifying school,
02:19exactly the same thing is going to happen.
02:22The story of the school is full of tragedies
02:25that date back to the late 18th century.
02:28There was a scandal that rocked the community.
02:31Some say it may be tied to a mysterious murder.
02:34A dark entity has also been seen on the lookout,
02:37which is also called the Observer.
02:39I'd say this next location certainly gives a new meaning
02:42to the term school spirit.
02:48So, how do you feel after these two amazing nights in Crescent?
02:52I feel like I've been hit twice in the back.
02:55Spending two nights in one place is really exhausting.
02:59I'm glad we left.
03:01I couldn't stand a third night there.
03:03I'm physically exhausted.
03:05I think we got what we wanted.
03:07What you wanted.
03:08The two nights have shown to be more active.
03:11Not to mention that it's been the biggest place in Ohio.
03:14Yeah, I'm sorry to do this to you.
03:17This is about the darkness.
03:19This is about the journey.
03:21All that being said, I'm still in control.
03:24And the next thing is going to be interesting.
03:27Is there any kind of hint?
03:30Come on.
03:31A little hint.
03:32A little hint.
03:33A little hint of nothing.
03:34Honestly, we've never been in a place like this.
03:36A church?
03:37A bar?
03:38I'll tell you.
03:41Hold on.
03:42This is a novelty.
03:45Say it.
03:46We are going to a haunted institute.
03:51Why is it so annoying?
03:52I've spent too much time at the institute.
03:57You ended up like a year ago.
03:58I'm more afraid of my memories of the institute than an abandoned institute.
04:01Do you remember when you got an A in film class?
04:04Yeah, yeah, yeah.
04:05Well, you didn't even get an A in film.
04:08You know what's really funny?
04:10I picked that class after you, and at the end of the year, we did a project.
04:15Dakota did it for me, and I got an A, but he got a low A.
04:19That class had nothing to do with film.
04:22I don't understand how I got a low A.
04:25It's true.
04:26When I think of the institute, I think of sports.
04:29They were very important to me at that time.
04:31Tanner, did you practice any sports?
04:32Yeah, I played soccer.
04:33There was nothing better than going to soccer games, guys.
04:37They were the best moments of all.
04:39What did you do, Wal?
04:40I played soccer and basketball, but then I quit and started working and making money.
04:44I like money more than sports.
04:47This destination is going to be the closest to us, because we've all been to the institute.
04:51I had my assistant in school, and it was a horrible run.
04:55I spent most of my time at the institute being a movie freak.
04:59I always got in the notes, because I talked a lot.
05:03And distracted everyone.
05:06Do you guys know who you're sitting with right now?
05:08Chelsea was the queen of the dance.
05:10We're in the presence of royalty.
05:12Yeah, we're in the presence of royalty right now.
05:15I spent my life in the director's office.
05:17So you're saying you guys were a bunch of liars, and I was a good girl.
05:21And look at us now.
05:22We're still the same.
05:24This shows that you don't have to try so hard.
05:27Normally, I would think twice before going back to the institute.
05:30I wonder why I would be so delighted.
05:32But they say, from what I've heard, it's on another level.
05:35It's very bizarre.
05:37Anyway, before we get there,
05:39we're going to make a stop to stay true to the theme of getting into the dark.
05:44I want you to do me a favor.
05:46No bandages.
05:48Come on.
05:49It's disgusting.
05:51Come on, man.
05:54Alex, put on the bandage.
05:56Come on.
05:57What soft hands.
05:58I'm so pissed right now.
05:59Come on, get down.
06:00No looking.
06:02I've brought you here for something fun.
06:06Fun and complex.
06:07I don't think we're getting anywhere tonight.
06:09So I do say that we'll always be friends, no matter what happens to us.
06:13On the count of three, you take off your bandage.
06:16One, two, three.
06:21Oh, that's good!
06:22That's the mystery box!
06:24Come on.
06:25Come on!
06:26This is it.
06:27On our last road trip, Chelsea made us all put our hands in the mystery box.
06:31and in this box, we play creatures by animals and animals.
06:36I hate it.
06:37I know what you're scared of.
06:39If there's a snake, Poto.
06:41I knew it! It's a snake! I'm not coming back!
06:43It's not a snake.
06:44It's not a snake.
06:46What are you doing?
06:48Oh my God, there's two!
06:50There's five!
06:51Five snakes? I'm going to kill you!
06:54Today, Chelsea is going to be the only one doing it.
06:58Come on, Chelsea. Come on, Chelsea.
07:02Your turn.
07:03You can do it.
07:04You can't use my ideas against me.
07:06That's what we're here for.
07:07Stop smiling. This is not cool.
07:10It's not cool at all.
07:11Ready, Chelsea? Your first box of mystery.
07:15This is disgusting.
07:17It's moving! It's moving! It's moving!
07:19It's been me! I've hit the bench.
07:22It's going to be a long day.
07:24She's put her hand two centimetres in.
07:26Seriously, this is harder than I thought it would be.
07:28Yeah, remember?
07:29Yeah, every time.
07:30Come on, Chelsea. You can do it.
07:31Am I close?
07:32No, you're not even halfway.
07:33Get up to here.
07:34Yeah, you're almost there.
07:36Am I close? Am I close?
07:37You're not quite there yet.
07:39She's touched it!
07:40It was...
07:41What do you think it was?
07:42No idea.
07:44It's just a little hedgehog.
07:46It's good for morale.
07:47Sometimes we think too much.
07:49It hasn't been a scary start.
07:52Let's do the next one.
07:54Oh my God.
07:55It's moving a lot.
07:56It's moving a lot of movement.
07:58It's a strong animal.
07:59It's harder. It's much harder.
08:01It's not going to hurt me, is it?
08:02No, I don't think so.
08:03I don't think so. I don't know.
08:05Maybe it's the worst, guys.
08:06A good effort, and you've got it.
08:08Come on. Yeah, perfect.
08:09To me, to me, to me.
08:13What was it?
08:14What is it?
08:15A trap.
08:21Remember, Chelsea, how close we've always been.
08:24A lot.
08:25I know this one's going to be bad because no one's saying anything.
08:29No, it's fine.
08:30No, it's a rabbit.
08:31I can't do it.
08:32It's looking at me.
08:33I can tell.
08:34You can.
08:35Towards me.
08:36It's on the other side.
08:37It's got its head away.
08:38It's got its arm all the way in.
08:39I know.
08:40You're doing great.
08:41All the way down.
08:42All the way down.
08:44It's a snake!
08:50It's bigger than the one I made you touch.
08:52You don't like snakes?
08:55It's raining.
08:56We've got to go.
08:57Okay, let's go.
08:59You know what?
09:00I'm going to tell Mom.
09:09We're going to a park to read the envelope.
09:12Well, I know you already know we're going to an institute, but trust me, it's going to be the most interesting thing for us.
09:26Let's open it.
09:31Old Defiance High School?
09:33Old Defiance?
09:47It's located right in the middle of the city.
09:50The first thing you see down the main street is Old Defiance.
09:54Standing for over a hundred years, this three-story building has shaped the lives of thousands of students.
10:02I was in seventh and eighth grade.
10:04The school keeps the energy of the fights, of the first kisses, of the breakups.
10:10However, the school was not the first building to be built on the ground.
10:15In the middle of the 19th century, the city founded an institute.
10:19The institution ran without incident until 1891, when a scandal shook the city of Defiance to its core.
10:28Janitor John Moll was a warlike man who was arrested for helping a teacher take a 12-year-old student to the basement of the school.
10:37Moll held him tight while the teacher beat the child mercilessly, bleeding him.
10:44It's repulsive.
10:46He was accused of hitting the boys, the students, in the basement.
10:50The two were handed over to the police.
10:54Moll was so angered by the arrest that he lodged his own suit against the principal.
11:00After that, he caught the principal and other teachers in a classroom doing inappropriate things.
11:09After a long investigation, Butler and the teachers in question were acquitted of all the charges.
11:15But that did not stop the repercussions for the watchdog, Moll.
11:17After that, they found John Moll beaten to death, lying on the train tracks with his legs amputated.
11:25The train tracks are not more than 100 meters behind the school.
11:29I think they put him there, but not by his own will.
11:34Yes, it's one of the most scandalous things that has happened in Defiance.
11:37They never found the culprit, and that's why I think he has some unfinished business.
11:41The truth about what happened that fateful night on the train tracks is still unknown to this day.
11:48It's a very peculiar story, yeah.
11:51It sounds like there's a lot of crazy stuff going on inside the school walls.
11:55Unfortunately, the tragedy at the school did not end there.
12:00In 1902, two young football stars collided head first in the field.
12:05Due to the poor protection of their leather helmets, both boys died bleeding.
12:11The boy from the rival school suffered a skull fracture to the eye and died from the injury.
12:19In 1918, a modernized building was built on the same foundations,
12:25but the new building did not keep the bad luck from entering through its doors.
12:29In 1921, the best student of a class drowned while swimming in Lake Powell in the vicinity.
12:37And just eight years later, a third-year student drowned in a nearby river when he fell off his raft.
12:44Since it closed in 2018, few people have dared to venture inside the building,
12:50but the few who have done so firmly believe that there are many spirits
12:54who decided to stay long after the last bell rang.
13:00Ever since I've been here, there's been a lot of activity.
13:03I think the school is lovely.
13:05The most active areas include the second floor, where many of the classrooms and the library are located.
13:13We've heard noises that sound like puppets crawling on the wooden floor.
13:19It's scary that they're so strong to move something like that or throw something to get our attention.
13:27There are numerous shadowy figures that come out and enter the classrooms at full speed.
13:33There's a tall man, two or two and a half meters tall, walking down the hallways and following you.
13:37He's trying to get you out of the classrooms because he doesn't want you in them.
13:41The gymnasium, a separate building that you can access through the basement.
13:46The gymnasium is huge and it's very dark at night.
13:51In seventh grade, a day after gymnastics, I forgot my wallet in the locker room.
13:56And as soon as I got outside, the beauty of my arms shimmered and I felt like something was watching me.
14:02I ran as fast as I could.
14:06Well, yes, a pretty creepy place. Thanks for bringing us.
14:10On the third floor, there are more classrooms and the study room.
14:13You can hear loud beatings and lockers slamming shut all of a sudden.
14:18You feel very vulnerable up there in the hallway.
14:21And I don't know if he was trying to get into my head or play mind games with me.
14:26The area with the most intense energy is room 312.
14:31You can hear the psychophony of a woman screaming,
14:35Get out! Get out of here!
14:37as well as references to a fire.
14:42My chest hurt and I felt like I had a reflux, but it was hot and I felt like I couldn't breathe.
14:47And when I entered the room, I was very dizzy. I just wanted to hurry up and breathe.
14:52The basement.
14:54This is where Janet Duvall brought a student down to be punished.
15:00The basement is another level of creepy.
15:04It's like you're going into his lair, into his domain.
15:08If you go into the basement, it's better to watch your back if you can.
15:13Maul is a very angry and hostile entity.
15:17He gets even more upset when he's asked about his death.
15:21I don't like going to the basement alone.
15:23We asked how that person had died and he said,
15:26Let me show you. My nape hair got on my head.
15:29When you're in the basement, he goes after you and tells you his story.
15:33Screw that! No!
15:35Are we going to face something that wants to hurt us?
15:38We've never dealt with a spirit like that before.
15:42So whoever ends up sleeping alone in the basement is screwed.
15:5818 kilometers to the destination.
16:01Well, guys, tonight is the night.
16:04We're on our way to Fallon's school.
16:07How are you feeling?
16:09I'm actually pretty excited. It's going to be interesting.
16:13And we're going to have to deal with someone who was mysteriously murdered there.
16:16If we think of a watchman, he's someone who has access to all the facilities.
16:20What if he was murdered in the basement and then he was thrown onto the train tracks?
16:24Yeah, that could have been the location where he died.
16:27It's getting dark and we're on our way to spend the night at a lovely school for the first time in our lives.
16:34It's something else. I have no idea what's going to happen tonight.
16:37We're already very close.
16:39I've never liked coming to school.
16:42Not once.
16:48That's awful.
16:50This place is huge.
16:52Fallon's High School.
16:54The class is already here.
16:58Wow, that's intimidating.
17:00Oh, my God!
17:02Well, guys, this is not what I was expecting.
17:05There's negative energy everywhere.
17:08Welcome to school.
17:11This is scary. It's all covered in dust.
17:14Lockers and papers everywhere.
17:16What the hell?
17:18Just a little test to see if we're tense.
17:25We've already set up the equipment room on the first floor.
17:29I think we should start in the basement.
17:32Are we going straight to the basement?
17:34Yeah, I knew you were going to say that.
17:36I don't think we should.
17:39Guiano is a fearless leader.
17:45It's scary.
17:49It's like a dungeon.
17:50The basement is where the M.O.L.E. guard lived.
17:54And where he supposedly mistreated a student.
17:58When they asked him how he died,
18:01someone said, I'm going to show you.
18:04I'm going to have the Ovidus down here all the time.
18:07If the M.O.L.E. guard is here,
18:09he will be able to choose word for word and talk to us.
18:13All right, Chels, do you want to take the Ovidus while we're here?
18:16Here you go.
18:21This is very creepy.
18:24M.O.L.E. guard,
18:26can you talk to us through this device?
18:31Where would he stay?
18:33He has a room down here.
18:36It's a mess, but it's said he lived here.
18:39It's a mess, but it's said he lived here.
18:49There's a floor up there.
18:56He said here?
18:58He said here.
18:59Okay, he's here.
19:01He just told us he's here.
19:03A lot of people say you're a bad guy.
19:05Would you like to tell us something?
19:09Are you as bad as people say?
19:12Or did the director try to inculpate you?
19:23Who killed you?
19:29He said Professor?
19:30Come on, seriously?
19:31He said Professor!
19:33You asked him who killed him, and he said Professor.
19:36That makes me have a different idea of what happened.
19:39I don't think I've ever heard Lobilus say Professor.
19:42I have the feeling that the guard knew something that someone didn't want him to know.
19:47Maybe he saw too much.
19:49Maybe he knew too much.
19:51Every story has two versions.
19:53Maybe the guard wasn't the bad guy to start with.
19:56Did a professor do this to you?
19:59What was that?
20:01Dude, I think it came from upstairs.
20:03Let's go over there.
20:05What the...
20:08The stairs are up here.
20:11Dude, that was a really strong blow.
20:14I don't know if it was a blow to the head.
20:16What the...?
20:18Dude, it was a really strong blow.
20:20I don't know if it was a blow to the head.
20:22What the fuck?
20:23Dude, I think it was a blow to the head.
20:25Dude, it was a really strong blow.
20:26It was a very strong blow.
20:28If he came from here, can you repeat it?
20:39Okay, he came from upstairs.
20:43It sounded like a knock on the door.
20:45It sounded like a knock on the door.
20:46Dude, it was a knock on the door.
20:50Oh my God.
20:53This is where our equipment room is.
20:55I mean, it's impossible to know what it was.
20:59Oh, here's an open one.
21:00Let's test it.
21:04Yeah, that's not how I heard it.
21:14It may not have been a knock on the door.
21:16It may have just been a knock on the door.
21:19It's the same noise.
21:21It had to come from one of these,
21:23to have that noise go down so well.
21:26I just don't like that he threw us out of the basement
21:29after getting such good responses.
21:32I mean, it's said that he doesn't like to talk about his death.
21:35Or we've had such good responses
21:38that someone else didn't want us to hear them.
21:42Watchdog Moll, were you up here
21:44or was it someone else or someone else?
21:47Are you trying to read us out of the basement?
21:53Go back.
21:57You guys, it just said go back.
21:59It just said go back?
22:00Like, go back down to the basement?
22:03Why would it release us to go back down?
22:07Why would it release us to go back down?
22:17Do you hear that?
22:18Yeah, what is it?
22:19Where is it coming from?
22:20Where is it coming from?
22:21Is it coming from the basement?
22:37What is it?
22:39What is it?
22:44It was like metal.
22:45A bell.
22:46Yeah, metal.
22:50It came from just around the corner.
22:56What could it have been?
22:59It was like a bell.
23:00It sounded like keys.
23:02A bell of keys.
23:05Could it be the watcher?
23:06The watchers have a key ring
23:08that they can open all the doors of the school.
23:11That's exactly what it sounded like.
23:13A key ring that hits your hip when you walk.
23:20What is that?
23:24What is that?
23:26Like, clearly he's trying to get our attention.
23:29It looks like the watcher is following us around the school.
23:33But it doesn't want to do anything when we're around.
23:36It just does it when we're not around.
23:40It really feels like there's activity everywhere we're not.
23:45I don't want it to happen again.
23:47I don't want it to happen on a floor where we're not.
23:50So I've got a camera in the basement,
23:53on the first floor and on the third floor.
23:56Each one has a REM pod in front,
23:58which is a device that captures electromagnetic energy.
24:01If something goes past it or gets close to it, it will beep.
24:05It's like setting up a trap.
24:07We have a camera everywhere we're not.
24:10Right now, we're going to the second floor to explore.
24:17Oh, it's so chilling.
24:24Is there anyone out there?
24:27We came here to talk to you, to hear from you.
24:32It looks like they left yesterday,
24:35even though the building looks like it's been cut down.
24:39It's more abandoned than it should be,
24:41considering it's been empty since 2018.
24:44This really has it all.
24:46There's still drawings of all the students on the wall.
24:49There's still chairs and desks everywhere.
24:51Look at how many books.
24:54I would just be horrified to have to go to class
24:58knowing that they've murdered the janitor.
25:01It's sinister.
25:06Happy first day of class.
25:14The fans are working.
25:16Come on.
25:17I guess there's electricity.
25:20My God, a paper plane.
25:22Come on.
25:23It's not very good.
25:24It's not good.
25:30Just imagine all these hallways full of students.
25:34Telling a lie is like seeing a ghost.
25:37It can come back to haunt you.
25:55If you hear my voice,
25:57come and touch the red light on the floor.
25:59It'll beep and make noise so we know you're here.
26:12Without the team knowing,
26:14the following images were recorded in the basement.
26:23I think we're now in room 312,
26:25where almost all of the paranormal activity is concentrated.
26:29This should be the last room on the left.
26:32Here we are.
26:38What exactly happened here?
26:40I don't know.
26:41I don't know.
26:42I don't know.
26:43I don't know.
26:44I don't know.
26:45I don't know.
26:46I don't know.
26:47I don't know.
26:48I don't know.
26:49I don't know.
26:50I don't know.
26:51What exactly happened here?
26:53This is where a psychophony was captured,
26:56get out of here.
26:57It's also where there have been psychophonies
26:59related to a fire and fires for some reason.
27:02Chelsea, are you still on the Ovilus?
27:04I do.
27:05I think we should turn it on and do some tests.
27:07All right.
27:08I'm turning on the Ovilus.
27:11Is there anyone here?
27:13Could you use the device that Chelsea has in her hand
27:16to talk to us and choose one word at a time?
27:21Could you explain why people have heard voices
27:24talking about fires and burning?
27:32Why are you in this room?
27:39What do you know about the conflict
27:41between the vigilante, the supervisor, and the teachers?
27:45If you're not going to talk to us through the device,
27:48could you go out the hallway
27:50and touch the red light that's on the floor?
27:53It's called a REM pod.
27:57If you're looking at us, could you turn on the REM pod?
28:14Can you do something to let us know that we're not alone?
28:25Can you touch the REM pod that's on the hallway
28:27if you want us to leave?
28:39If we're talking to the vigilante,
28:41can you activate the red light in the hallway?
28:49He said, observe, right when you said that.
28:51There's a red light in the hallway.
28:53Can you touch it?
28:58Observe and rewind.
29:00What does that mean?
29:02That we should check our footage.
29:05Yeah, that's what I thought when I heard it.
29:07We have a camera on each floor right now.
29:09We're going to have to check a lot of footage.
29:11We won't know if a camera has captured anything
29:14until the trip is over.
29:19Apart from observing and rewinding,
29:22there's nothing.
29:23No REM pod has been activated on this floor.
29:26Nothing has happened.
29:27We haven't heard any noise or anything all night.
29:30It's almost as if whatever is here is trying to keep the distance.
29:35It doesn't really want to be close to us.
29:37Well, it is almost time to go to bed.
29:40Is it time already?
29:44Let's assemble all the cameras we've set up in the building
29:48and start getting ready to sleep alone.
29:58Hold on.
30:00There's a light on.
30:02Dude, what?
30:04Yo, you guys.
30:05What is going on over there?
30:06The light in the basement is on.
30:09There's a light in the basement that's been turned on?
30:18What the fuck?
30:20All the lights in here are on.
30:24The camera is still on.
30:25So it had to be recorded.
30:27It's still on?
30:29It's still recording.
30:31Okay, good.
30:32I don't know how to turn it off.
30:34Is there a switch around here?
30:38This isn't it.
30:42It doesn't even work.
30:43That doesn't do anything.
30:44There's another one.
30:47This one turns those on.
30:49But they were off.
30:50There's got to be a switch somewhere that turns these lights on.
30:56Are you kidding me?
31:00Does that work?
31:05Someone had to go up there and turn that light on.
31:09Well, the bad thing is that the camera is pointing in the opposite direction.
31:13Yeah, that's true.
31:14Oh my God.
31:15I feel bad for whoever has to sleep here.
31:18It's going to be the worst.
31:22Anyway, the lights in the basement have been turned on.
31:25It's unfortunate that this has happened because it's time for us to separate and sleep alone.
31:32We have all agreed on the four most terrifying places to sleep.
31:36First, we have the gym, which is in a separate building.
31:41And we haven't spent any time there at all tonight.
31:45And then we have the third floor.
31:48After that, we have the second floor.
31:51And last, and probably the worst, the basement.
31:57Those are going to be our four places to sleep.
31:59Tanner is going to write them down on a piece of paper and then we'll pick one and that's where we'll spend the rest of the night.
32:05I think that Tanner should be first.
32:08Yeah, come on.
32:10Because you already have the bag.
32:12That's my mission.
32:14Please, basement.
32:15Please, basement.
32:21Second floor.
32:23This is not the worst, but not the worst.
32:27All right.
32:28I'll go next.
32:29I'll draw now.
32:30I'll draw now.
32:31I'll draw next.
32:32Yeah, I'll take it off.
32:33I'll take it off.
32:34All right.
32:35You're brave.
32:37Let's see.
32:43I got the damn basement!
32:47I never had a good time at the insti.
32:52Stop it.
32:54Pringada, you.
32:56Quit messing with me.
32:57You're bullying me.
32:59It tastes bad.
33:00It tastes bad to you, Al?
33:01They're making fun of me.
33:02Have you noticed that I haven't said anything?
33:04Thanks, Al.
33:06Points for me.
33:07Points for Alex.
33:08All right, Alex.
33:09Do you want to draw now?
33:10God, why?
33:16I got the gym.
33:17We'll see how it goes.
33:18We'll see how it goes.
33:19It could be horrible or it could be the best.
33:22What does that mean, Chels?
33:24I got the third floor.
33:25All right, Chelsy.
33:26The highest position.
33:27In a war, it's better to be on high ground.
33:30But in a Ghostbuster, it's better to be on the outside.
33:33At least it's the furthest from you.
33:35At least we'll be far away.
33:36We won't have to face each other.
33:38I love it.
33:39I'm glad I didn't get the basement, but you did, Dakota.
33:43Thanks, Chels.
33:44I'm glad I made you touch all those animals and reptiles yesterday.
33:48When I went to the institute, I could fall asleep very easily.
33:52I don't think I'm asleep too much.
33:55It might be the first time I'm wide awake and very attentive.
34:00What you're about to see happened in the course of the next three hours.
34:07I hate this.
34:08I hate this.
34:09I hate this.
34:10I hate this.
34:11I hate this.
34:12I hate this.
34:13I hate this.
34:14I hate this.
34:15I hate this.
34:17I really regret removing all the flashlights so you can see what I see.
34:24I know it might look very bright, but this is what I see with my eyes without night vision.
34:29I can't see anything right now.
34:35Jennifer Moll, if you can hear me, I'm asking you very kindly.
34:39I don't want to see you or hear you.
34:43I am right outside of room 312.
34:46The psychophonies that were captured here were saying,
34:49burn, fire, and get out of here.
34:53And none of that relates to the school.
34:56So I'm going to turn on the ovilus, and I will sleep with this component of the team tonight.
35:06Twenty-five minutes have passed.
35:08Twenty-five minutes have passed.
35:19Oh my God!
35:21It just said, burn.
35:23I can't believe it.
35:25It is incredible.
35:28That goes totally with the stories that other people have told us here.
35:34Like, so strong.
35:41What does that mean?
35:43What the hell does that mean?
35:49I've been down here for a while now, and it's disgusting.
35:54I can't stop noticing that I hear things.
35:58It's all over the place.
36:14definitely hearing something.
36:22What the fuck?
36:25Okay, I am definitely hearing voices.
36:46What is that?
36:54Tanner, I'm hearing music in the gym.
36:57Are you serious?
36:59Yeah, man, under the gym.
37:01I'm hearing it really loud.
37:07Do you want to come running here and help me find out what the hell that is?
37:11Okay, okay.
37:12I'm on my way.
37:19So, you're hearing music?
37:20I can hear music in some place.
37:23It's like there's a radio down here, and it's turned on.
37:41Dude, this is like a horror movie.
37:51It's like there's a radio frequency right now.
37:56Dude, there it is.
37:57How is it on?
37:58Dude, the radio is on.
38:06Why is it still playing?
38:08It's off.
38:10Dude, it's coming from the hallway.
38:12There's another one here.
38:17Dude, what's going on?
38:20Dude, this is like...
38:26Oh, I don't like this noise.
38:27How do I turn it off?
38:34It's still playing!
38:35What the hell is going on?
38:37It's jumping from radio to radio.
38:40Dude, we're not being pulled in here.
38:43Watch out, watch out.
38:47How did they get on?
39:01The only thing I've picked up is the watcher.
39:04This looks like a workshop.
39:06This looks like a workshop.
39:07What the fuck?
39:09I can't wait to get out of here.
39:11Yeah, let's leave.
39:15Let's take the walkie and finish this night.
39:17This has been very disconcerting.
39:19Yeah, I've got my walkie.
39:20I'll be here if you need me again.
39:41Oh, God!
39:44Oh, shit!
39:45I've heard the keys!
39:48I just heard the keys tinkering again.
39:52Same thing we heard before, but louder.
40:07Oh, God!
40:10Holy shit!
40:12I was hearing more clearly than the water.
40:14They were keys.
40:18Something is down here.
40:20I don't like it.
40:22I came close to this door.
40:26Or right here.
40:41Oh, God!
40:43I've explored the whole freaking basement.
40:46I haven't seen anything.
40:48I don't want to be down here anymore.
40:56I think I'm going to finish this.
40:58I'm going to get out of here.
40:59I'm going.
41:07I'm tired.
41:08You're tired?
41:09Dude, I'm tired.
41:12Yo, Chels.
41:13I can hear you.
41:14I'm coming down.
41:16Hey, Alex.
41:17I'm Dakota.
41:18I'm tired.
41:20Thank God, dude.
41:21Because I'm also fucking scared here.
41:25I'm glad we're all in agreement.
41:27Let's get out of here.
41:39I think this has been much stronger than I expected.
41:42Last night was an impossible mission.
41:45The activity we've experienced hasn't been in front of us.
41:49It's always been in the room next door or downstairs or behind us.
41:53We had something there that was going through all of the facilities.
41:58You could hear it observing us from behind.
42:01And it wasn't just watching us.
42:03It was playing with us all night.
42:06We heard a ringtone of a key game.
42:08It was playing as if it were the security guard and it were his skeleton keys.
42:12The Ovilus has given us the answer, Professor.
42:15Which begs the question, did the Professor kill him?
42:18Was he murdered in that location or was he left there after he was murdered in the school?
42:26I'm so regretting the theme of darkness now.
42:30Taking away our flashlights has been a horrible idea.
42:33The next stop is Destino de Tanner.
42:35We never know what crazy experiments they have in mind.
42:38That's so sad because now I'm not in control and I'm getting nervous.
42:42Tanner is unpredictable.
42:44You never know what to expect.
42:47I have found a place that no one has ever heard of.
42:50It has no history and the records have been erased.
42:53This place is so dark that if we get separated, the danger is very real.
43:00690 kilometers later.
43:03Can you tell us who you are and who we are facing?
43:08Something is moving.
43:09Something is moving in the hallway.
43:32To be continued.