islamic motivation story

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Discover the power of Islamic motivation and transform your life!

In this inspiring video, we delve into the core principles of Islam that fuel motivation and drive. Learn how the teachings of the Quran, the wisdom of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), and the Five Pillars of Islam guide believers toward a life of purpose, discipline, and righteousness.
00:00The word basir comes from the word ba-sa-ra and it literally means to see or to have sight.
00:10There is a difference between the words basar, sight and basira, insight, which comes from
00:18the same root word.
00:20Sight literally means the ability to see outwardly.
00:24Insight means the ability to see and understand inwardly.
00:28With sight we use our eyes, we judge things on what we see outwardly, but seeing is shortsighted,
00:37we only can see what is happening right now in front of our eyes.
00:42Insight on the other hand is sight of the heart or inner vision.
00:46With insight you see people and other things beyond what you see with your eyes.
00:52For example, you see the world with your eyes outwardly.
00:56You see the moon, the trees, the mountains and so on.
01:00But with insight you see that there must have been a creator to create something so amazing
01:06and complex, even though you cannot see the creator with your eyes.
01:11A person may have sight, insight, both or neither.
01:15For example, a blind person does not have eyesight but may have insight, deep understanding.
01:22Or a person may have eyesight but has no insight, no deep understanding.
01:28Allah is called al basir, He sees everything.
01:32He has complete insight and is aware of everything, whether visible or hidden without the use
01:38of any tools or eyes.
01:40Nothing can ever be concealed from His vision.
01:44He sees all things even if it's as small as an atom.
01:48He sees a dark ant carrying dark food in its dark mouth on a dark night.
01:53However, we are limited in seeing.
01:56We see a wall but can't see behind it.
01:59We can only see a certain distance so we use telescopes.
02:03We can't see tiny things so we use a microscope.
02:07We see what is in front of us but not behind us.
02:10Our eyes sometimes get deceived by illusions and get confused.
02:17Allah sees everything.
02:19Nothing is hidden from Allah.
02:21Allah can see everyone and everything at the same time without any limitations.
02:27He even sees the blood in our veins.
02:29Allah sees what you hide inside your heart or in your mind.
02:34He sees our actions whether good or bad.
02:37He sees when we worship Him and sees how we worship Him and He has clear insight of
02:43How should we live by this name?
02:47Have basira, insight.
02:50The Holy Quran says,
02:52Say, O Messenger, this is my path.
02:55I and whoever follows me invite others to the religion of Allah based on correct insight.
03:03This verse is telling us that each and every one of us that follows the Prophet and wishes
03:08to call people towards Allah must do it with basira, with insight, knowledge and awareness
03:14and not blindly or through ignorance.
03:17Imam Ali has said,
03:21Eyesight is useless if the insight goes blind.
03:26Watch your deeds.
03:27Do you watch what you are doing when your parents are not around?
03:31Do you work harder when your teacher is watching you?
03:35Why do people slow down when they see a police car or a speed camera?
03:40We should truly believe Allah Al-Basir is watching us all day and night and in that
03:46way we would carefully watch our deeds all the time.