Yo Yogi!-Ep-09

  • il y a 2 semaines
00:00Yo yo yo, yo Yogi yo
00:04Yo Yogi's here with all of the old crew
00:06C'est mi hub
00:09A yo yogi yo
00:11Stickin' his nose in everyone's business
00:15Lookin' for trouble, that's what his job is
00:21Yo Yogi yo
00:23From Jellystone Park to Jellystone Mall
00:26Yo Yogi yo
00:29Yo Yogi's havin' a ball
00:31He's a kickin' machine, he's makin' new problems
00:35A teenage bear's gonna resolve them
00:40Yo Yogi yo
00:42Give him a call and he will be there
00:44Yo Yogi yo
00:46He's smarter than the average bear
00:48Yo Yogi yo
00:50After pickin' eggplants, he's eatin' all day
00:53Yo Yogi yo
00:55Yo Yogi
00:57Yo Yogi yo
01:28In my abstinence
01:30Fear not, oh fearful father
01:32I shall do my best for you, Dad
01:34And the Jellystone Mall
01:36With liberty and justice for all
01:40How can I argue with that
01:42After all, how many fathers can say
01:44They've got their very own Pledge of Allegiance
01:47Okay, Yogi, you get the business
01:53He's gonna get the business, alright
01:56Taking care of business isn't so tough
01:58In fact, it's kind of fun
02:00Hello, hello, hello
02:02The name's Cheatham, Howie Cheatham
02:04Money manager extraordinaire
02:06I'm here to see Diamond Doggy Daddy
02:08On a matter of utmost urgency
02:10Um, my dad's away on business
02:13And I'm in charge
02:15Well, it's a good thing I got to you in time
02:17Take a look at this
02:19As you can see, this mall is in terrible financial trouble
02:21It is?
02:22Your fiscal yield is overdrawn
02:25And you've cut your fiduciary capital outlay
02:27Which caused a third quarter drop in total sales volume
02:29Creating a decline in your beneficiary statement
02:31What does that mean?
02:33It means you're broke
02:35What will your old dad think?
02:37There's only one thing to do, my boy
02:39Let me take care of everything
02:41Just sign this
02:43And you'll never have to worry about the mall again
02:47Come on, boy, time is money
02:49Well, I guess your old dollar-depositing dad would approve
02:52Now you'll never have to worry about the mall again
02:58Because I'm the new owner
03:00You're kidding
03:02When it comes to money, boy
03:04I never kid
03:08One for me, one for me
03:10And one for me
03:14You sure you can eat all that, Yogi?
03:16Hey, bitty bear dive buddy
03:18My motto is
03:20Send the witches a day, keep my hunger away
03:26The shame of it all
03:28I lost something near and dear
03:30To my proud payday
03:32No problemo, amigo
03:34You lose and we find
03:36Now what did you lose, little Yogi?
03:38I lost...
03:40The mall
03:42Good gracious
03:44I do not get it
03:46How could you lose something as big as the mall?
03:49Me, Howie Cheetham
03:51I'm the new owner of Jellystone Mall
03:53It's right here, in black and blue, kiddo
03:55And things are gonna change around here
03:59Isn't there some way we can help Yogi get the little old mall back?
04:03Well, I'm a reasonable guy
04:05I'll tell you what I'm gonna do
04:07Yogi can buy back the whole mall of wax
04:11Really? And for true?
04:13Sure! For double the amount it's worth
04:16And being the sport that I am
04:18I'll give you 24 hours to do it
04:20You better hurry
04:22Heavens to hangouts
04:24We've got to save the mall
04:26Yogi, there's no need to frown
04:28Cause we won't let you down
04:30Oh no, memento
04:32I got it, I got it already
04:34I hope it's not catching
04:36We can raise baskets full of bucks
04:38Mucho de mula even
04:40What'd y'all have in mind, Snake?
04:42A mullathon
04:44All right
04:46Gosh, dear old friends
04:48Whatever would I do without you
04:50Lose the mall
04:54Greetings, salutations
04:56And all that hello type jazzeroonie
04:58Welcome to the first annual Jellystone Mallathon
05:02All we have to raise is a measly 400 million bucks
05:04It's up to you folks
05:06Mall or nothing
05:08Operators are standing by
05:10Sitting by even
05:13Fools, they'll never make it
05:15But just to make sure
05:17I've got my bag of dirty tricks to help out
05:19And first up
05:21And down
05:23Is that skateboarding bear cub, Burbo
05:27This calls for a smack trick
05:42Something about that guy smells fishy
05:44And it's not just his aftershave
05:46Well, I'm gonna get that mall contract back, Jack
05:50Arrgh, philanthropic friends
05:52What say we check you on Tote Board?
05:54They can practically hear those coins a-clinking
05:56Those bucks a-bouncing
05:58They're dropping even
06:00I declare
06:02Only 27 cents
06:04Gosh, I'm sorry
06:06That 27 cents was all I had
06:08You sure this will work, Yogi?
06:10Yogi, my friend
06:12Do not despair
06:14Because I am grabbier than the average bear
06:16Those chumps can hardly make spare change
06:23You little thief
06:25If I catch you even looking at my property again
06:28You are arrested
06:30Looks like I'm really out of business now
06:32Sheesh, that guy's got a lot of gall
06:34If he thinks I'm gonna give up on you
06:36And the mall
06:38Yahoo, cowpugs
06:40And cowpinches even
06:42Hitch up your saddlebags far
06:44Quickdraw McGraw
06:48Howdy, folks
06:50Let me show you all
06:52I'm the fastest lasso in the West
06:55I said I was fast
06:57Not accurate
07:03Let's see how that corny cowboy
07:05Does under pressure
07:07Like the pressure of a one-ton anvil
07:09On his head
07:11Get along, little doggie
07:22Looks like I caught me a big doggie
07:54No surprise
08:12For the hair-raising showstopper, pelvis
08:14Mayhaps this next act
08:16Will catch your fancy
08:18Here's the juggling jocularity
08:20Of Squidly Diddly
08:23I'm not giving up yet
08:25Here you go, legs
08:27Have a ball
08:31I'm running out of hands
08:33And that's not easy
08:35For a squid
08:37Alas, look
08:39He's juggling everything
08:41But the kitchen sink
08:47That bubblehead slays me
08:57All alone?
08:59This is my chance
09:01Allow me to have this little dance
09:03That's it, bear
09:05You're a ruined brood
09:07Excuse me, pardon me
09:09Excuse me, I'm sure
09:11When I'm in distress
09:13I take the Yogi Bear Express
09:19Give me back my briefcase
09:30Stop that felonious punk
09:32Moll, sweet Moll
09:34I'm glad to be back
09:38Out of my way, chump
09:44What in the moll is going on here?
09:49The moll is mine
09:51Oh yeah?
09:53You stole it
09:55You tricked Oggy into signing a contract
09:57Oggy, my boy
09:59Did you sign a contract
10:01In my abstinence?
10:03Yeah, and I've got it right here
10:05All you have is a lot of phony baloney
10:11I've got the contract, bro
10:13Easy come, easy go, go, go
10:15Ho, ho, ho
10:17I've got plenty more copies
10:20No one cheats Cheatum
10:22Now hold on there
10:24I recognize you
10:26You're the crooked crook that sold me that no-good gold watch mine
10:28In the desert
10:30And he's the same chiseler who chiseled me
10:32With that so-called spaghetti farm
10:34In the swamps
10:36And he's the fraudulent fellow
10:38Who filched me out of my family fortune
10:40Now, now, fellas
10:42I'm sure there's a reasonable explanation
10:44There sure is
10:46You're a crook
10:49Okay, you want your dumb ball
10:53Get him
11:02Your cheating days are over, Cheatum
11:10I'm ready to take my punishment like a dog
11:12Oh, forgiving father figure
11:14I hope you learned a lesson today
11:16Sorry, son of mine
11:18But even though you almost lost them all
11:20You more than made up for it
11:22With free publicity
11:24And in return
11:26I'm giving you all carte blanche
11:28At the food court
11:30I do not know what blanche means
11:32But the carte part goes right to my heart
11:34Especially if it's a shopping cart
11:36Filled with picnic-type goodies
11:48This new attraction is sure to bring in
11:50An avalanche of business
11:52Old frosty father
11:54My sentimental's exactly nippy nipper of mine
12:08Me first
12:10Look out
12:24I've got a feeling that ski season is going to be short this year, Pop
12:28And so will our profits, my son, my son
12:34This hairy problem could definitely freeze our assets
12:40Yeah, hi
12:42Nothing like a little fishing to start the day
12:45Good catch, Yogi
12:47I'll say
12:49Why fish for fishies
12:51When you can snatch a submarine
12:54And speaking of subs
12:56You're sunk, Yogi
12:58Officer Smith, sir
13:00What an unexpected pleasure
13:04We got a dire predicament on our hands
13:06What's the buzz, cuz?
13:08You look like you've seen a ghost-type ghost
13:10We did
13:12At the top of Mount What's-the-Matterhorn
13:15And furry and a hundred feet tall
13:17And he had razor-sharp teeth
13:19Down to his toenails
13:21It must be the abdominal snow dude already
13:23The abdominal what?
13:25Snow dude, dude
13:27He's a legendary beast
13:29Of the polar nether regions to wit
13:31That mangy monstrosity
13:33Is one bad-for-business beast
13:35Now no one wants to ski
13:37On my mountain
13:39And with nobody going up
13:41Profits will go down
13:44I'm afraid of heights
13:46But Officer Smith
13:48This bear's just barely off the ground
13:50I'm not kidding, Yogi
13:52I'm terribly afraid
13:54Of heights
13:56Of heights
13:58Of heights
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20:16Officer Smith man
20:18Let's hit the surf
20:22While I'm sliding
20:24I'm slipping
20:28Ah, gotcha
20:30Officer Smith sir
20:32What are you doing up here
20:34Keeping you out of trouble
20:36As usual
20:38Yo, Officer Smith
20:40Yo, yo, yo
21:10Lion sex
21:12Are y'all alright
21:14I'll be just fine
21:16As soon as Officer Smith lets go
21:18Man, now that's what I call
21:20Making a mountain out of a molehill
21:22My mole, my beautiful mole
21:24Is catastrophically
21:28Not necessarily
21:30You're all cool-headed dad
21:32I have an idea
21:40The shop and skis scream
21:42Well, you were right promotion-minded son of mine
21:44It's a regular
21:46Winter wonderland
21:48And your profit margin's pretty good too
21:50Congratulations kids
21:52You certainly iced that ice man
21:54And the way you ran up
21:56That mountain
22:00Well, I hate to admit it sir
22:02But I couldn't have done it without yo
22:06Where is he
22:08Ah, here's one icy place
22:10Ready for my face
22:14Well, you can't blame a bear for trying