• last year
paranormal, fenómenos paranormales, actividad paranormal, investigaciones paranormales, fantasmas, espíritus, casas embrujadas, eventos inexplicables, apariciones, cazafantasmas, experiencias paranormales, lo sobrenatural, misterios sin resolver, vida después de la muerte, fenómenos sobrenaturales, evidencia paranormal, avistamientos de fantasmas, fenómenos inexplicables, entidades paranormales, sucesos extraños
00:00Based on eyewitness accounts, some names have been changed to protect the identity of those involved.
00:08In this world, evil reigns.
00:11Among darkness and in the most unsuspecting places.
00:16These are true accounts of innocent people and unimaginable facts.
00:22And what's his name?
00:25When Jan Foster faces the imaginary friend of his son, his life experiences a radical turn.
00:32He uses the power of ancient rituals, hoping to find the necessary strength to save his son.
00:39And expel the demon determined to postpone it.
00:52Between the world we see and the things we fear, there are doors.
00:59When they open, nightmares come true.
01:14The west of Kentucky is a place full of mysticism, with its dark caves and tortuous rivers.
01:25Some believe that for centuries, spirits have wandered through this territory,
01:31lurking among the shadows, waiting to take over new souls.
01:44Jan Foster knows every highway, road and roadway in the west of Kentucky.
01:52He works as a transporter for a national courier company.
01:57He knows all the routes.
02:08Dale, Jan's husband, is a contractor for the North American Postal Service.
02:14Both work hard to provide a comfortable life for their children.
02:18Cody, the 5-year-old, and Pamela, a 16-year-old.
02:24During the day, a babysitter stays by Cody's side.
02:27But when Jan and Dale return from work, the babysitter leaves.
02:33I have to talk to you.
02:35One night, the babysitter waits for Jan to talk to her in private.
02:40I'm not one to judge, but Cody is saying very ugly things.
02:44And what did he say?
02:46I don't even dare to repeat it.
02:48I was shocked.
02:50I assure you that we don't use that language at home.
02:51To protect their privacy, Jan Foster and her family have agreed to tell us their story,
02:57as long as they remain anonymous.
02:59These were unspeakable words.
03:02He threatened her, he defied her, he screamed at her.
03:06I did reassure her that he did not use that type of language at home,
03:10nor did he get around to anyone else.
03:13We had no idea where he learned those insults.
03:17And that's not all.
03:19There's more?
03:21In a strange way.
04:10Maybe, maybe.
04:14Cody's babysitter suspects she has an imaginary friend.
04:21Cody, it's time to go.
04:24I'm very worried about him.
04:26Okay, I'll talk to him.
04:28I promise I will.
04:30Do it, please.
04:32Okay, thank you.
04:34Have a good night.
04:36We'll see you tomorrow.
04:38We should have seen the alarm at that time.
04:47Well, I'm going to cover you.
04:48Your teddy bear to keep you company.
04:54So tell me about your friend.
04:56What's his name?
04:58The man.
05:00The man, that's it?
05:02He doesn't have a proper name, like John or George.
05:05No, his name is man.
05:07And that's it.
05:09Don't forget your prayers, honey.
05:12Before you go to sleep, pray for me.
05:14Pray for me.
05:16Almost everybody has had an imaginary friend in their childhood.
05:21There were no other kids around his age, so he was basically a loner.
06:15What's wrong, honey?
06:17I'm scared.
06:19Come with me.
06:21She said she heard scratching noises, like someone scratching the walls with their nails.
06:27It's okay.
06:29Do you want to sleep in my bed?
06:44The next morning, John was exhausted.
07:45It's time for you to get ready.
08:05Firefighters, to the rescue!
08:09No, I want to stay here, playing with my fire truck.
08:13I overheard him having a conversation with his imaginary friend in his room.
08:19It was something like, do you want to play?
08:22No, I don't want to play with that.
08:25No, let's not do that.
08:27He was hearing something and responding to it.
08:33Cody, who are you playing with?
08:36I'm playing with the man.
08:38Well, say goodbye to your little friend and come get dressed.
08:43I don't want to!
08:45Cody, come get dressed right now.
08:55Cody, listen to your mother.
08:57Pick up that clothes from the floor and get dressed, or I'm going to get very serious, young man.
09:03His friend was becoming something everyday.
09:08Thank you, mom.
09:12Well, Cody has an imaginary friend.
09:17Well, that's normal. What's his name?
09:24How long have you been there, Cody?
09:26Listen, sit down and have breakfast. Have some cereals.
09:31I'm not hungry! I want to play with the man!
09:34I thought that these mischievous kidnaps were normal.
09:38We tried to correct it with words, but it didn't work.
09:41Cody, listen to me. Have some cereals.
09:44No! No!
09:46Cody, sit down and have some cereals.
09:53I really felt like we needed to get the whole story about this imaginary friend.
10:04Hey, Cody, tell us more about your friend.
10:08How old is he?
10:10Six years old.
10:12They say that the man has brown hair, brown eyes and pale skin.
10:18Where did he come from, Cody?
10:20We asked him where he came from.
10:24And he replied, from the other side of the park, where the lake is deeper.
10:31Did something bad happen to the man, Cody?
10:40He said that a stranger took him away from his mom and he did terrible things to her.
10:46He cried and cried and he cried and he called his mom, but his mom never found him.
10:54And he never saw his mom again.
10:57He was crying and crying.
10:58The story is horrible.
11:01They didn't find his body.
11:03The worst nightmare of a father.
11:06Jan and Dale want to understand what he is trying to tell them.
11:12Is the dead man, Cody?
11:19Dale and Jan Foster are worried.
11:22Jan believes that her son has become a friend of a murdered child.
11:26But Dale is not so sure.
11:29It didn't seem to me that anything bad was happening.
11:32I just thought I was going through a time of change.
11:36Only a phase of change is happening.
11:39I thought it was something that I had heard out there and I was repeating it.
11:44I didn't believe in those things.
11:46I just didn't believe.
11:48I don't think there's anything to worry about.
11:50Well, I do.
11:52There are too many clues.
11:53The idea that the ghost of this child was actually making his home with my son filled me with terror.
12:04Jan is determined to find out the truth.
12:09How many years have you been looking?
12:11I searched the local hemorrhage to see if there had been child murders in the last 30 or 40 years.
12:20But we didn't find anything in that sense.
12:24I had the feeling that Cody had told us the truth.
12:30That it was a little boy.
12:32But in a corner of my mind, I had my doubts.
12:36Because we were not finding any evidence to support this fact.
12:44I have a sister, her name is Pamela.
12:47She's very nice, but she's too old to play with toys.
12:51Cody, do you want me to read you a story?
12:56He didn't want us to tell him stories.
12:59He didn't want to watch TV.
13:01He stopped interacting with the rest of the family.
13:04What do you like?
13:06The man became his best friend.
13:10I was angry.
13:13I like dinosaurs.
13:15We couldn't understand what was taking over Cody's soul.
13:19And it was changing him so drastically.
13:32Jan is willing to do anything to get her son back.
13:46Thank you for coming.
13:48I'm glad you're here.
13:50Come in.
13:54He's called an old friend.
13:56An Indian-American shaman who is a healer.
13:59With the hope that he can guide her.
14:02Dale is skeptical about the shaman.
14:06But he wants to support his wife.
14:09He's been talking a lot.
14:11He's been talking a lot, yes.
14:14I was worried because I knew something had really scared her.
14:18I knew that she was upset.
14:21I've seen similar things in our culture.
14:24In children even younger than Cody.
14:26I told him about the incidents that were taking place at home.
14:30And how they were escalating.
14:32How distant Cody was.
14:34His language, his behavior.
14:36And the imaginary friend who was possessing him.
14:42I think his son has invited this young specter into his house.
14:47Then she explains that the only way to get rid of him
14:52is to cancel the invitation through prayer.
14:55So we must disinvite him.
14:59And he must be firm when he does it.
15:01She recommends him to use a traditional ritual of the American Indians.
15:05He did not want to carry out the ritual personally.
15:08He said that the owner of the house had to do it.
15:11So what do we have to do?
15:14He instructed us to burn dried artemisa.
15:18And aromatic herbs.
15:20Extending them around the four corners of the house.
15:23It must burn all over the house.
15:25The shaman also recommends to Jan
15:27to apply olive oil to all the entrances of the house
15:30and pray for her son.
15:33The next morning,
15:35Jan waits for everyone to go to work.
15:38She trusts and prays for the ritual to work.
15:51Was I worthy enough of God
15:54to hear my prayers?
15:57My strongest plea
16:00is to help me purify this house and this property.
16:05I doubt myself
16:08that God will protect our windows.
16:10I doubted that I would achieve it.
16:12And I was afraid to think
16:15what would happen next
16:17if it did not work.
16:22I beg you,
16:24grant this oil the power to protect our thresholds.
16:28My house, keep it safe.
16:31Air, fire, wind.
16:34May this flame protect us from this child.
16:36Protect us from the evil spirit of this child
16:39that tries to enter our home.
16:49Miraculously, the blessing seems to work.
16:52What do you think of this rat?
16:54A fat rat, right?
16:56The imaginary friend was over.
17:00Cody became more sociable.
17:03He was better responding to family needs.
17:06For three months, everything went well.
17:21Calling 911.
17:23Firefighters to the rescue.
17:25He is not fully recovered.
17:27But the situation was quite calm.
17:30So I felt that the ceremony had been useful.
17:34I'm going to the rescue.
17:36Cody was sitting in the lobby,
17:39playing with various toys,
17:41imitating noises with his little cars and trucks.
17:44I was folding the laundry.
17:46911! 911!
17:48And then, all of a sudden, out of the blue,
17:54he started talking to the man again.
18:00I could not breathe.
18:01I was paralyzed.
18:05He kept talking for a while,
18:08and then he got very, very quiet.
18:45He had something in his hand.
18:48It was a photograph.
18:50And I said, where did you get this?
18:52I reached down to grab it.
18:54Give it back to me! It's mine!
18:56He became hysterical.
18:58Give it back to me! It's mine!
19:00Calm down, honey.
19:02Honey, it's okay.
19:04It's okay, it's okay.
19:06It's okay.
19:08It's okay.
19:10It looked like an old polaroid photo,
19:12maybe from the late 50s or early 60s.
19:16There was an elderly woman,
19:19like a grandmother,
19:21and then there was a little boy next to her.
19:23Cody, who is the boy in this photo?
19:26Who is the boy in the photo, Cody?
19:28I don't know.
19:30Cody, where did you get this photo?
19:33The man gave it to me.
19:35Dear God.
19:40For almost three months, the house was quiet.
19:45Well, Cody, here's your snack,
19:48your sandwich and your jelly.
19:50Here, take the napkin.
19:52Take it, you forget sometimes.
19:54What have you done, Cody?
19:56I don't want your disgusting food!
20:03Cody Foster, you beat him this time, young man.
20:07The man told me I don't have to listen to you anymore.
20:10I'm leaving, I'm leaving right now!
20:16Then all the alarms went off.
20:19This being was telling my son,
20:21what to do now.
20:24Please, don't go.
20:26I'm sorry, I can't keep working here.
20:28I need specialized help for that boy.
20:30Please, I'll talk to him, but don't go.
20:33Wait, please!
20:34Jan try acting nice to her family.
20:48I was the one who carried most of her bad behavior,
20:52but I was trying to disguise and use the common sense.
20:55First of all, I tried to be nice to my family.
20:57the worst part of his misbehavior, but I was trying to hide and use the common sense.
21:03First of all, I was trying to be a mother, to keep the family together, and I trusted
21:07that this would pass sooner or later.
21:09Cody, are you hungry?
21:22There was no love, no hugging, no goodnight kisses.
21:44Jan feared that something more sinister could be controlling her son.
21:50At this point, my son was like a stranger, and I didn't know how to handle this situation.
21:58By that time, I had to start leaving him with a distant cousin of mine while we worked.
22:04Well, Cody, remember, don't take the man with you, do you understand me, son?
22:10Leave the man at home.
22:14How are you?
22:15Hi, miss!
22:16Are you going to say hi?
22:17Do you remember your cousin Callie, Cody?
22:19How are you, Cody?
22:20I'm fine, thank you.
22:21You don't know how much.
22:22Don't worry, we're going to have a great time.
22:23Everything will be fine.
22:25Do you want to come in?
22:26I'll show you the toys.
22:27If you need anything, call me.
22:29Don't worry.
22:30Call me.
22:31Have a good day.
22:35Let's go, guys.
22:47Jan, do you have a call?
22:59While Jan is working, she receives an urgent call.
23:02Jan speaking.
23:03It's about her cousin.
23:04It doesn't matter.
23:05What's going on?
23:06She ran over Vlad.
23:07She ran over Vlad.
23:08She ran over Vlad.
23:09She ran over Vlad.
23:10She ran over Vlad.
23:11She ran over Vlad.
23:12She ran over Vlad.
23:13She ran over Vlad.
23:14She ran over Vlad.
23:15She ran over Vlad.
23:16She ran over Vlad.
23:20She ran over Vlad.
23:21She ran over Vlad.
23:23What did you do?
23:24What did you do?
23:25We only killed one.
23:27Let her go.
23:28Let her go.
23:29Diane, let her go.
23:30Let her go.
23:31Break his neck!
23:32I won't have it anymore.
23:33Okay, okay, okay.
23:35I have to go.
23:36It's an urgent family matter.
23:37I'll call you.
23:38What is going on?
23:39What does he have?
23:40What is going on here?
23:41I don't know.
23:42My daughter's scared to death.
23:43It's a serious problem.
23:44I don't know, my daughter is terrified, she's terrified
23:52At first she thought that she was imitating voices
23:58But she realized that this other voice was deeper
24:08Mom! Mom!
24:15She was terrified, totally terrified
24:20Toys floating in the air! What's wrong with your son?
24:24She said that she was afraid of him
24:27I can't imagine
24:29And that her daughter didn't want to play with Cody anymore
24:31Cody, why did you take the man to Tammy's house? I told you not to do it, why did you do it?
24:47Jan doesn't know what to do
24:51She must find someone to take care of Cody
24:54Because she can't afford to lose her job
25:01Hello, my name is Jan Foster, I have a son, Cody, I wanted to know if you have any seats left in the nursery
25:18You do?
25:20Great, can we start tomorrow?
25:24Great, thank you, we'll see you at 7 in the morning, thank you, bye
25:41Cody, listen to me, tomorrow I'm taking you to a new nursery, and this time you can't take the man with you
25:49I repeatedly warned you not to take the man to the new nursery, to leave him at home, do you understand me?
25:57Cody accepts and keeps her promise
26:01But at night, when she returns, the man is waiting for her
26:08Cody, dinner is ready
26:20Cody begins to destroy her toys
26:23Cody, why are you cutting up your bear?
26:26The man says it's fun
26:28No, it's not good to destroy toys, son, come on, come to dinner, leave those scissors, and don't break your toys again
26:38For Dale, the incident is unpleasant, but it doesn't seem to bother him
26:44For Dale, the incident is unpleasant, but it doesn't seem to bother him
26:53He was cutting his plush
26:57You know, if he had done something similar before
26:59Cody was cutting his plush
27:01He was sitting on the floor, he had the scissors, and he was cutting his plush bears
27:05And he told me that the man liked it
27:08This is very violent
27:10What do you think we should do?
27:11Give me my plush
27:22Cody, what the hell are you doing?
27:24What happened?
27:26Cody's bad behavior reaches its peak
27:29I came and I was sitting on her
27:31Sitting? Cody!
27:33Cody, have you tried to hurt the cat?
27:36The man told me it's fun
27:38Cody, I don't want you to hurt the cat ever again, do you hear me?
27:45His behavior became impossible, it was simply horrible
27:49And even though he tried to keep calm, I was on the verge of a nervous breakdown
27:54I've had to give up, I don't know what's happening to him, I don't know why he did this
28:00Dale just tried to kill the cat
28:03I know, and I've run out of patience with him
28:05I couldn't think calmly anymore
28:08We had to openly admit that this boy had a problem
28:13He's not my son
28:15Jan is afraid of what Cody might do
28:27Cody, I've asked you many times to help mom clean your room
28:31You're already big enough to help me in certain tasks, young man
28:35I have a lot of work in this house, and at least I could pick up your clothes and put away your toys, you would help me a lot
28:41One morning while Jan is cleaning, she finds that everything in Cody's closet is wet
28:51Cody, did you pee in the closet?
28:53I discovered that he had peed on his toys, in the trunk of his toys and on his clothes
29:00The man thinks it's okay
29:03Well, it's not okay Cody, you pee in the bathroom, not in the closet
29:13The man has told me that I don't have to listen to you anymore
29:17Despite everything Jan has experienced, Cody's answer leaves her frozen
29:22I don't have to listen to you anymore, I don't want to do anything you tell me
29:27Because the man has told me that it's not necessary
29:31Cody, Cody, what are you doing?
29:34Cody, stop it!
29:36Stop it Cody, I'm mom, stop it!
29:41I was starting to fear for my own son
29:48Everything started to happen very fast, he behaved badly, he peed everywhere, he tried to kill the cat
30:05Finally, Cody starts to get tired of the man
30:12What are you doing little one?
30:16He told me, my bed is shaking
30:20My bed is shaking
30:22Mom, I need you
30:24At that moment, I saw the boy I had not seen for a year
30:28He was trying to get close to me
30:32He was holding me for so long
30:39Are you with me?
30:41From that moment I understood that the man was not with him anymore
30:47I was ready to face this being
30:55I waited until he fell asleep in my arms
31:00Then I got out of bed
31:03I stood in front of the door of his room
31:08God, please, give me strength to bear this
31:22I wanted to know what was going through the boy
31:26I wanted to know what was going through the boy
31:35I wanted to put myself in his place, in Cody's place
31:39I wanted to see if the man could somehow communicate with me
32:09Come little one
32:25His body was growing into this entity
32:37He started laughing in a demonic way
32:45This suddenly I understood everything
32:50This was the man
32:53No, help!
32:59Jan, honey, what's wrong? What happened?
33:03Why did you scream? God, what's going on?
33:07What's wrong, honey?
33:11Are you okay?
33:17I'm fine, it will pass
33:20I tried to calm my family down as best I could
33:24I told them to go back to bed
33:27I'm fine
33:42Cody put his little hand on mine
33:45And he squeezed it to give me confidence
33:49And he was looking at me as if to say, see mommy, it wasn't me
33:58I saw the man
34:03Now I understand everything
34:13And we held each other by the hand for a long time
34:18And I felt at that moment that with the great love that was between us
34:23The man was unable to intervene
34:32Later that night, while his family was resting
34:37Jan prayed for advice
34:39God Almighty, please, protect us
34:43Don't abandon us, God
34:55I had understood all the truth around the man
35:00Please, give me back my little one
35:04Please, give me back my little one
35:09I knew I had to do something to protect my family
35:20I was freaked out, but another part of me, the adrenaline started
35:26I knew I had to face this, I knew I had to do something to protect my family
35:30I knew I had to do something to protect my family and Cody
35:34And to prevent this entity from taking even more of him
35:38God, tell me what I have to do
35:42Jan plans to take her family far away from there
35:46But deep inside, she knows it's not the solution
35:50The man is capable of following Cody anywhere
35:54Let's see, today you have animator practice, right?
36:01I was waiting for everyone to go to work or school
36:05And I put myself to it
36:08Cody in the nursery, behave yourself today
36:12Make your mom proud of you
36:16Everything will be fine, little one
36:19I promise
36:20I promise
36:22Come on, I promise
36:47Hi Shaman, it's Jan
36:50I need help, I want this thing to leave my house
36:54I understand, did you do what I told you?
36:57I need help
36:59I've seen him
37:01Yeah, he's Cody's playmate, but he's not a kid
37:05He's a man, a demon, and he's huge
37:08I told him, I don't think we're dealing with a boy's spectrum
37:12This time it's something far more demonic
37:16He, in turn, told me that now he understood
37:19Why the first purification ritual we did in the house didn't work
37:24We weren't specific enough
37:26Yes, I understand
37:28We thought we were dealing with a child's spectrum
37:31That's why we asked him to leave our house
37:33Yes, I agree
37:35It must start with Cody's room
37:37The shaman tells him that he must bless the house again
37:40Only this time, he will have to focus on freeing his home from the evil spectrum
37:46I want this thing to leave my house
37:48After the first failed attempt, Jan is not sure if she can do it alone
37:53Thank you, goodbye
37:55I'm just a mom, in the spiritual aspect, I'm a believer
38:00But I'm afraid I'm not a priest, I'm not a shaman
38:03I'm just a mom, and I'm fighting for my family
38:09The shaman recommends Jan to be very firm in his prayers
38:16He must not show even the slightest doubt
38:20I got the olive oil, the artemisa, and the aromatic herbs
38:26I started purifying the four corners of our property
38:30In the back of my mind, I was thinking, am I going to be attacked?
38:41The Lord is my shepherd
38:43I was in constant prayer
38:46And I felt that as I went along doing the blessing
38:50And the house was cleansing
38:53I became stronger, I became braver
38:57I became so confident in myself
39:00I became so confident in myself
39:03I became so confident in myself
39:05I became so confident in myself
39:08I became so confident in myself
39:11I became so confident in myself
39:14I became so confident in myself
39:17The Lord will set me free of my sins and make me worthy of his love
39:21He will grant me the strength, the courage and the guidance in his hands
39:25To free my home from this entity called man
39:28I started to feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
39:52I finished the outside and went to the main door.
39:56It was very cold inside, I could feel a presence.
40:26It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
40:54It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
41:22It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
41:48It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
42:16It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
42:40It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
43:08It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
43:18It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
43:28It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
43:38It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
43:48It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
44:10It was very cold inside, I could feel the essence of peace that I so longed for.
