Clutch Cargo Season 1 Episode 26 Space Station Richard Cotting Hal Smith M

  • avant-hier
00:31Un point plus élevé que le prochain chien le plus proche.
00:33Il a donc été sélectionné pour faire un voyage dans l'espace et revenir.
00:40Paddlefoot a passé le test difficile avec des couleurs volantes.
00:43Par exemple, même dans le test de pression des boutons corrects, son score était de 100%.
00:49Et dans le test final, assis dans la grotte, où il a dû déterminer quelle porte donnait la récompense,
00:54Paddlefoot est allé directement vers l'objectif, démonstrant un incroyable sens du chien.
00:59Le voyage dans l'espace est prévu pour demain matin.
01:02Nous serons là, n'est-ce pas, Paddlefoot?
01:04Oui! Oui!
01:06Avec quelques ajustements de dernière minute, Paddlefoot est placé dans la grotte d'un énorme vaisseau.
01:12Tous les instruments sont en ordre de travail. Je ne vois pas comment nous pouvons faire erreur.
01:17En plus, avec les enregistrements de votre voix qui donne Paddle pour l'enregistreur d'instructions,
01:21il ne peut pas faire erreur.
01:23C'était une bonne idée, professeur. Paddlefoot fera ce qu'il veut.
01:27Mon assistante, Docteur Hogan-Ryler, sera en charge de jouer les enregistrements par contrôle réel.
01:33Tous les tests préliminaires sont complétés. L'opération Aardvark commence bientôt.
01:38Collie, ça ne sera pas long maintenant.
01:40Prenez ce micro-son, spinneur, et dites au Paddlefoot.
01:44Nous serons fiers de vous, Paddlefoot, et soyez sûr d'obtenir les instructions.
01:48Nous serons là, à l'arrivée.
01:51Au revoir!
01:58Perfect take-off! Now we go into my rocket tracking laboratory.
02:05The rocket is now 300 miles above Earth. It will be outside the Earth's atmosphere in 7 minutes.
02:11Now, Paddlefoot, be calm. The first stage is about to drop off.
02:16When I say go, push the red button at the right.
02:20Get ready, go!
02:24Everything is going according to plan.
02:27Paddlefoot will be in orbit any minute now, circling the Earth at 18,000 miles an hour.
02:36Here is an important announcement.
02:38The nosecone carrying the intrepid space dog, Paddlefoot, is now in orbit.
02:43He will soon be in orbit.
02:46Here is an important announcement.
02:48The nosecone carrying the intrepid space dog, Paddlefoot, is now in orbit.
02:52He will circle the Earth once every hour.
02:55And here is the last picture taken of this heroic dog before he boarded his spaceship.
03:00Golly, isn't he brave, Clutch?
03:06There he goes, a thousand miles overhead.
03:09We will receive reports from other tracking stations as he makes the orbit.
03:20Tracking station Y?
03:23What is that?
03:25You don't?
03:26Oh, my!
03:28What is it, Professor?
03:30Something wrong?
03:31Is Paddlefoot...
03:32The signal was loud and clear.
03:35Then suddenly the signal stopped.
03:37Then that means Paddlefoot's...
03:39I am afraid so. Paddlefoot is lost.
03:44Is Paddlefoot really lost?
03:46Will they find him?
03:48Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
03:53Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, Space Station.
04:01You remember last time Paddlefoot had won the space tests for dogs.
04:05He had started a trip into space in return after orbiting only once.
04:10The signal was loud and clear.
04:13Then suddenly the signal stopped.
04:16Then that means Paddlefoot is lost.
04:20But Clutch, we've got to find him.
04:22Poor Paddlefoot, way out there in outer space, all alone.
04:26We'll find him, Spinner.
04:28Professor Knockwurst, do you have any more rockets available?
04:31Many of them, Clutch. We always have a few spares ready to go.
04:35Good. Spinner and I are ready to blast off immediately.
04:38I'll be waiting for you.
04:40I'll be waiting for you.
04:42I'll be waiting for you.
04:44I'll be waiting for you.
04:46Spinner and I are ready to blast off immediately.
04:49Spinner and you, what about me and my assistant?
04:53You mean you want to go too?
04:55You bet. But first we have to build a space station so we can have a place to refuel our rocket for searching.
05:03But Professor, that will take months to build.
05:06Nonsense, I have invented a rocket that can be torn down then put together again to make a complete space station.
05:14Come over to the window. I will show you my invention.
05:18The middle rocket is for passengers. The other two carry fuel and equipment.
05:23Incredible, Professor. Why didn't someone think of that before?
05:27Who knows?
05:28Can we start now?
05:30All we must do is blow up the giant balloon that raises the rockets to their starting point and then off we go.
05:37The giant balloon is inflated, the rockets attached and the rescue party is aboard and ready.
05:43Get set. Steady now. Cut ropes.
05:51We're off. Now we can only find Paddlefoot.
05:54Here is a news flash. Clutch Cargo and Spinner with Professor Knockwurst and Dr. Hoganweiler have just taken off on their search for the intrepid space dog Paddlefoot.
06:04We are picking up speed. Soon we will blast off.
06:07All three rockets are controlled by the buttons and dials in this rocket.
06:12Professor, you have a marvelous brain.
06:15I know it. Now we are ready to blast off.
06:19But Professor, that balloon is right in front of us. How?
06:23You watch, Spinner. Now I will fire up the rockets.
06:34Oui. Right through the balloon.
06:37According to my calculations, we're just about ready to stop.
06:40You are right, Clutch. We have arrived.
06:43Hey, there's nothing here but space. How are you going to build a station way up here?
06:48Simple, Spinner. Don't you remember? Out here in space, nothing weighs anything. There's no gravity pull, so we float the space station.
06:58Okay, Professor. I've cut the rocket motors.
07:01Good. Now our speed is gone, we stop. We are now floating free.
07:06Now I push a button and the two outside rockets open up and form a space station.
07:13Now look out the window and you will see our space platform.
07:17Golly, and we can land our rocket right on it for fuel.
07:20Next, we set our rocket down and so to work.
07:24There are a few bolts to tighten.
07:28Okay, if I get out, Clutch?
07:30Okay, Spinner. As soon as I've checked your space helmet.
07:33Oui, Clutch. Let's go floating like a bubble.
07:38Clutch and Professor Knotwurst work steadily, tightening bolts.
07:43There. That's the last one.
07:46Clutch, help! Help! I'm drifting away! Help, Clutch! Save me!
07:54Can Clutch save Spinner as he drifts from the space station?
07:58Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
08:13Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, Space Station.
08:21Last time, Clutch and company with Professor Knotwurst and Dr. Hogenweiler set out in space with a new type of rocket
08:28to set up a space station and search for Paddlefoot.
08:31They had arrived when...
08:33Clutch, help! Help! I'm drifting away! Help, Clutch! Save me!
08:40Help, Clutch! I'm floating away!
08:44Steady, Spinner. I'll get you.
08:46Clutch, you can never get him without this portable space propellant.
08:51Just push the little hand button and compressed air pushes you along. It recharges itself.
08:57That's great. I'll try. Here goes.
09:00Oh, Clutch, Clutch!
09:02Hurry, Clutch!
09:03I'm coming!
09:10Got you, boy.
09:12Thank goodness. How is this here?
09:17Ah, Spinner. Glad you are back.
09:20Now that we've got the space station up, let's start our search for Paddlefoot.
09:25You and Spinner take the rocket ship and look around.
09:28The planet Mars is not very far. That's it right over there.
09:33Golly, let's get started, Clutch.
09:36If anyone can find Paddlefoot, you can.
09:40After a short briefing, Clutch and Spinner head for Mars.
09:44Professor Knockworth says we must pass through a very dense asteroid belt on our way to Mars.
09:49What is an asteroid belt?
09:51Floating rocks. Some very big, some small.
09:55There were once a planet that exploded.
09:57Now they float in space in a ring or belt around the planet Mars.
10:01The professor has invented a safety device for flying through the asteroids.
10:05You better get ready to use it, Clutch. Look!
10:09The professor's device works. Here goes.
10:13Look, Clutch. Listen to him hit.
10:16That's quite an asteroid shower.
10:19Yeah. I think we're out of it now.
10:22Listen. No more rocks.
10:27It won't be long now, Spinner. We're almost there.
10:30Golly, I hope we find Paddlefoot.
10:33We've arrived, Spinner.
10:35I think we'll make a few passes to see if anyone lives on Mars.
10:52Clutch, I saw something shining just as we passed over.
10:56Maybe it's Paddlefoot's nose cone.
10:59Could be, Spinner. We'll turn around and land.
11:02Here goes.
11:06Space Helmet, okay?
11:08Sure thing, Clutch.
11:14That's what I saw shining.
11:16It's a rocket nose cone, all right.
11:18If Paddlefoot's there, I hope he's all right.
11:21Sorry, Spinner. That's that Paddlefoot's nose cone.
11:24And a good thing, too. Look how it smashed.
11:27Golly, I'll say.
11:29Well, I'm kind of glad Paddlefoot isn't here.
11:32Well, I'm kind of glad Paddlefoot isn't here.
11:35This planet Mars is deserted, all right.
11:38Not a single living thing in sight.
11:41Uh-oh. Maybe not.
11:43But what's that rising out of the ground?
11:46What nature of person lives on Mars?
11:49Are Clutch and Spinner in danger?
11:51Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
12:03Clutch Cargo and his pals Spinner and Paddlefoot in another exciting adventure, Space Station.
12:11Last time, Clutch and Spinner left the Space Station to search for Paddlefoot.
12:15On Mars, they found a nose cone from a crashed rocket, but no Paddlefoot.
12:20As they started to leave...
12:31I feel as though something is watching me.
12:34Yeah, I feel it, too.
12:37That's silly. There's no living thing here.
12:41We're the first humans to find this out.
12:44I'm afraid we've had no luck in finding Paddlefoot.
12:47I think we'd better get back to see how Professor Knockwurst is making out at the Space Station.
12:51Golly, Clutch, this doesn't mean we're giving up the search, does it?
12:56But there's only one more planet that's close enough to reach from the Space Station, and that's Venus.
13:01Venus? Golly! You mean maybe we can go there, too?
13:06As long as we're this close to it, and if the Professor advises it, we'll go.
13:11Gee, thanks. We just gotta find Paddlefoot.
13:15Now to get the rocket started. You ready?
13:17Ready, Clutch.
13:22The starter's dead.
13:25I'm sure the atomic battery's all right, but there's no reaction.
13:29Well, what about the wires?
13:31I'm going to check them now.
13:35Don't see anything wrong with these wires.
13:38I'll check the other side. Maybe it's over there.
13:43Believe it or not, Spinner, it was a wire.
13:46It came loose probably when we came through that asteroid shower.
13:49Anyway, it's fixed.
13:51Hurry, Clutch. It's too scary here.
13:54We'll try again.
14:09Clutch and Spinner arrive at the Space Station without mishap.
14:13Ah, welcome back, my friends. Did you have a nice trip?
14:17And did you find Paddlefoot?
14:19It was quite a trip, but we didn't find Paddlefoot.
14:23We came back to refuel.
14:25Ah, yes. That's all right, you know.
14:27Fill her up with the best you've got, Professor.
14:30We'd like to fly to Venus and look for Paddlefoot there.
14:33Your tank is filled. I'll check when windshield cleaned.
14:37I hope you find Paddlefoot this time.
14:39Thanks, folks.
14:41Spinner's already in the rocket.
14:43Poor kid. Sure hope we find his dog.
14:46Good luck.
14:48Are we going now, Clutch?
14:50You bet, Spinner.
15:01Clutch pushes the rocket throttle full on as they head for Venus.
15:05There she is, Spinner.
15:07Venus. We're coming in.
15:10What's all that green stuff?
15:12Some kind of mist.
15:14And it's getting thicker the closer we get in.
15:17I'd say it is. It really looks like green pea soup.
15:21We'll have to go on special sonar radar or we might crash into the planet.
15:26By golly, we're heading in on something that's made of metal.
15:30Hear that beep?
15:31Yeah, Clutch, but I still can't see anything.
15:34I hate to say this, Spinner, but I think we'd better turn back.
15:38It's just getting too bad.
15:40But Clutch!
15:42I know how you feel, Spinner, but...
15:44Hey, Clutch, listen!
15:47Hear that? It's Paddlefoot! Paddlefoot, he's alive!
15:52It's the signal from his nose cone!
15:54He's down there somewhere!
15:56Is it possible that they've found Paddlefoot?
15:59Be sure to tune in for the next exciting episode with Clutch Cargo.
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