• last month


00:00One! Two! Three! Ha!
00:08The Real Housewives of Cusco Bay
00:12That bright yellow thing hurts my eyes
00:15Mm-hmm. That's the sun
00:18I'm so glad I forgot to pay the cable bill
00:21Outside is even better than I remembered
00:23So, Mom, what do you say we go down to the endangered animal park?
00:26I hear it's full of Grade A foxes
00:29They're endangered?
00:30That's not really what I meant
00:32But the main reason we should go is it's a lot of fun for babies
00:36Now that they've got the leopard cage secured
00:39Since you're being such a good big brother
00:41Let's go to that animal park as a form of positive reinforcement
00:45I've heard that method works
00:46But you've never done anything positive for me to reinforce
00:49I thought it'd be fun to shake things up
00:51This could finally be the public outing that doesn't end in shame or disaster
00:56Doubt it!
00:59I love it!
01:06Who cares if the animals are gone?
01:08The statues are pretty and they don't smell
01:11Okay, that was faster than usual
01:15Be patient. The ice comes out in the second half
01:18That's very cute, but we don't have any spare change
01:20I'd settle for a very firm hug
01:22Oh, I so would, little guy
01:24But I'm not wearing a bra today
01:26Of course!
01:27Those would be the grade-A foxes he was all excited about
01:30I should have known he didn't give a hoot about preserving wildlife
01:34Still, this is my chance to make some friends who don't live in the TV
01:38Afternoon, ladies!
01:39Honeys, this is my sister Hema and my much older mom
01:42Oh, I love those pants
01:44Just kidding!
01:45Hope she isn't bothering you, girls
01:47I mean, ladies
01:48He's Toads, darling
01:51Oh, I think little Hematomas made a new friend, haven't you?
01:54That's not her name, but it's fine
01:56Mom, let me introduce babes Monami, Maria and Karen
02:00Wow, those are some pretty hip names
02:03So let's see
02:04You must be Monami
02:05And you two must be Maria and Karen?
02:09Well, that certainly is a trendy name for a boy
02:11Actually, I'm Karen and this is Clark Richard
02:15Yeah, I'm Maria and this is my Beckett
02:18And my name's Monami and this is my son, Rene Charles
02:22I like that those names aren't the least bit pretentious
02:25Some of these baby names today are so ridiculous, not classy like Rene Charles
02:30I didn't catch your name
02:32My name's Mitzi
02:33You're old
02:34Who's old? Me?
02:36No, we're probably about the same age
02:38God, Mitzi, you really are the worst liar
02:42Dad says mom's so old she'll stop having her lady time soon
02:45and then she can't use it as an excuse
02:47Your father is way older than I am
02:49and you're not exactly a spring chicken either, you know
02:52I eat paste, I got plenty of time
02:55Well, I'm not embarrassed to be in my late 20s
02:5730 is the new 20, I guess
03:00OMG, you're 30?
03:02Whoa, wait a minute
03:03How old are you?
03:04The big 2-0
03:06I'm afraid to ask
03:07I'm almost 19
03:10Yeah, I'm a teen mom
03:11though I do kind of wish that I had waited until my life was over like you did
03:15You're like an old wise lady
03:18I guess that's a compliment
03:20Oh, mom's life was over long before dad put me in a bed
03:24Do you want your life to be over right now?
03:33What made me think I could run with that crowd?
03:35Though 10 and in one case 11 years isn't that big of an age gap
03:39You're right, it's not a big gap
03:41Why are you being so nice?
03:43Well, I had a joke planned but now I feel sorry for you
03:46The Le Bonjour face cream lady said my skin was very porous
03:49And you bought it
03:51Well, who asked you?
03:53I don't look a day over 20
03:56Damn, I'm gonna need more powder
04:00Don't worry so much, mom, you look younger already
04:03You really think so?
04:05I may have mixed up young and albino
04:08Go away, the only thing missing from Minty 2.0 is a new haircut
04:12Sure that and a new firm butt
04:14Your dad will be as excited as when I bought new underwear last election year
04:18I think my snack time has been overlooked
04:20If you're old enough to make fun of your mom, you're old enough to feed yourself
04:23I'll show you I can't feed myself
04:32Texting is totes the bomb
04:34I love texting and wearing low-rise jeans
04:37This isn't working
04:39Up so soon?
04:41I thought I put two hours worth of Benadryl in your bottle
04:45There's nothing to be afraid of, Uma
04:48Oh, you don't recognize your mother because of this awesome new hairdo
04:52Scared and terrified was just the sort of reaction I was going for
04:56Oh no
04:58Isn't Action Bastard on?
05:00And you're just jealous because next time we go to the park, all the attention's gonna be on me
05:05I wish I had some money so I could buy new clothes
05:08Oh wait, now where did I put those jeans from before I married your father and stopped caring?
05:13You two weren't always married
05:15It's true, I had a life before dad and a size 2 waist
05:18Here they are
05:19Ah, the slutty memories are all rushing back
05:22I've missed you, Jordash
05:28These fit before I squeezed two watermelons out of them
05:32These fit before I squeezed two watermelons out of me
05:35There we go
05:37Think skinny thoughts
05:40Are those my baby clothes from when you wanted a girl?
05:43Why didn't I skip breakfast the last three years?
05:47Zippers up, almost there
05:50There are some things a son should never see
05:52Just button
06:07I did it!
06:09I'm very scared for that button
06:13These pants are very old, I guess the thread was worn out
06:23Going out looking this age inappropriate is pretty nerve-wracking
06:26You got nothing to be embarrassed about
06:29I, on the other hand, have a lot to be embarrassed about
06:32I hope those girls don't think I look weird
06:35Then maybe you should try not dressing like a bag lady
06:38Don't push me!
06:42Can you walk further back?
06:44No I can't, I might need to duck behind you at a moment's notice
06:48My therapist told me to stop hating other women, but she's such a bitch
06:52Oh, Chica, you are one hot mess today, you know that?
06:57I passed my first challenge
06:59Those old bitches didn't even give me the knowing middle-aged woman head nod
07:03You're just jealous
07:09Mitz, you look so gorg!
07:11Yeah, what she said!
07:12You think?
07:13You're so hot I wanna choke you
07:15Do you mean that?
07:16What she said!
07:17That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me!
07:20It's time to be honest with her
07:22And then you can redirect all your haughty attention back to me
07:25What do you mean, be honest with her?
07:27Hey, Shin, don't you think your mom looks super slammin' like this?
07:30Congrats, girl, you almost look as young as us, but not quite
07:33Do you guys think that there's any way I could pass for 20 again?
07:36Okay, that is totes pussy
07:39Ladies, I think we need a Facebook pic
07:43The kid who sold me this said it could do stuff like that
07:46You sure you don't want me to jump in?
07:48Take the picture
07:49New profile pic!
07:53Don't I look totes slammin'?
07:54You do look like totes slammin'
07:56Can you believe that a young hottie who looks like this is married to an old coot like you?
08:03Shin, do you think you can get used to people asking if I'm your big sister?
08:10When are you gonna change back into your normal clothes?
08:13I'm really starting to like these pants
08:15Now that they've stopped cutting off my circulation
08:17It's really very exciting for me to have a normal heartbeat and feel my toes again
08:24I really wish you guys would be more supportive
08:36True Twilight Diaries Part 1
08:41Are you ready?
08:46So we've been watching True Blood on HBO with Yanro and I decided to write my own episode
08:51The vampire chased a businessman through the bayou
08:54That's cute, Shin
08:56Mom, don't laugh
09:00The man held up a wooden stake hoping to find the courage to stab the fang who drained all the bar's hottie waitresses
09:07But Mitsula glamored him and he lost his nerve
09:10That's very good
09:11True Blood's PG, right?
09:13There's more horror
09:16Well, let's hear it
09:17Mitsula returned but Shin didn't invite her in so the sunrise fried her
09:20At least now she's not fat
09:22I should thank you
09:24No mom, I'm not one of the undead
09:27Can't you just write a nice story about a princess maybe?
09:31I'll write one about an evil old witch
09:34I'm done
09:37What? You're taking a rich man from New Orleans scheme?
09:40Don't you think it's a little soon after Rex's violent death to date?
09:45But you promised you'd watch Shin this weekend
09:47Well, take him with you. I need this, Nanako
09:58I'm wearing my crotchless action bastard tighties
10:01Sure I can bring him
10:02He cut up his tighties again
10:05So what's the deal with this creepy rich dude?
10:08Is this guy gonna knock you up?
10:10Oh yeah, maybe those two have eggplanting party
10:13Eggplant party?
10:14Oh cool, Dan bought a keg and it's imported, classy
10:18Ladies, I'm afraid I cannot have children, only children of the night
10:22You're weird, what are you drawing? It looks like Nanako
10:25Tis not her, tis my sweet cookie
10:28I think I'm starting my period, so much for banging a rich dude
10:31This talk of a bleeding flower makes me hunger
10:34Sir, we're out of true blood
10:36What I mean is we're out of True Blue, the 1986 Madonna album that we like to give to coeds we meet on our travels
10:42Say boy, will you let Mr. Compton suck your neck?
10:44Sounds like stranger danger
10:46Sir, I'm afraid the boy is playing hard to get and I'm becoming quite worried about your health
10:50It's been many days now since your last feeding
10:53Do not fret, Renfield, for I'm able to abstain for the duration of this donkiness car ride
10:58I shall sup on her cherry patch by the eve
11:01How romantic
11:02Hold on guys
11:06Must focus on my illustrated broad glove
11:09Master, take my wrist sock
11:11No, never, I always put the drawing of my beloved cookie above my own needs
11:19Looks dead
11:21Will, do you want some ginger ale?
11:23Do not move cookie, I mean Nanako
11:26The copper scented vapors emanating from betwixt your parted legs give me much energy
11:30They need the chains
11:32Yeah, I gotta go switch out my tampon anyway
11:35If I could just suck a sanitation pad
11:40This Will's a weirdo
11:42But he's so rich, Shen
11:44No, no, no, what are you doing?
11:46Those are silver chains and if you affix them wrongly I could, I mean our carriage could, could die
11:52Alright, fine, put them on yourself then
11:55I cannot, for I have an allergy to silver
11:57Please just do it properly so we can reach the safety of your cabin dwelling before my sunscreen wears off
12:02Oh, it's so bright
12:04I miss Rex
12:06I've been watching you
12:08The silver, the wrist sucking, all the weird talk about cookies
12:12Boy, just what are you insinuating?
12:14Mr. Will Compton, you are a vampire
12:17Why, that is a lie, boy
12:18Now hold still while I glamour you
12:20Sorry, I'm glamour proof
12:22I am not a vampire
12:24Okay guys, the shuttle is ready now
12:27Here we are
12:28We used to stay here for Rex's snowboard tourneys, before his grisly death
12:33Yeah, it is perfect place for the kinky
12:36And bringing back my cookie
12:38Hold up, fanger, there's no way I'm inviting you inside
12:41You besmirch me
12:43Many thanks for invite me and Miss Nonico
12:46Rex had old-fashioned manners too sometimes, like when he would ask before groping me
12:51Yes, he was a treat
12:53Your calendar, master, so that you may find the precise moment to you-know-what
12:57Hold your powder, boy
12:58I wanna do bad things with you
13:02Wanna do bad things with you
13:06Oh Shen, do you wanna hop in the tub and get wet?
13:10Ah, booby cleaning!
13:12Have fun
13:14Wow, it feels like frozen steak
13:17It's mostly just rhino hormone
13:21Such romantic night it is
13:23The tub, your muscles, we're like two girls in a prison
13:27Help me, the warden's a lesbian
13:30You are funny
13:32Watch this
13:33Let me out, warden, so I can sit on your face
13:37Your anger made you poop in the tub a little bit
13:40Well, that was interesting
13:45She's alone
13:46Wait if the fam comes
13:48Better keep an eye on things
13:50And by things I mean her booty
13:52I must squeeze her
13:54I must squeeze her
13:59It's Shen
14:00Oh, I love you so bad
14:03Snuggle me?
14:07Now marry me, hold your crotchie up to my face
14:10I don't know about that first part, but I'm down with the second
14:18Nanako, no! Is that garlic?
14:21Is this another weird allergy of yours or something?
14:24If it gets in my gullet it will pain me
14:26And keep me from entering your flower mound
14:29I hate to be so brusque, my dear
14:31But I demand that you remove the garlic from my portions at once
14:34Or else I fear our love shall perish forever
14:37That's enough, bloodsucker
14:39Don't deny it, you're clearly a vampire
14:42That's enough, boy
14:43You have no reason for such conjecture
14:46I said no garlic!
14:49I'll replace my garlic with carrot
14:52And please remove any mirrors from your bedroom, I'm self-conscious
14:59Sorry about the finger, weirdo
15:01But at least you got nine more
15:04The food smells tasty
15:05Thank you, Shen
15:06Thanks for nothing
15:07I plan to dip this finger into some cookie dough tonight
15:12Okay, I know I saw that finger hit the floor
15:15No, no, that was just a piece of bloody carrot
15:18That explains what you saw
15:19It's not because I re-grew it using the dark powers of evil
15:22For that's crazy
15:23In fact, that's the last straw
15:25Now why don't you and this large Prussian go outside to frolic
15:29And find a real monster to cut
15:31And leave me alone!
15:32Dude, I can't ignore the fact that you re-grew your finger
15:35That would be inhuman
15:38I command you to leave this dwelling at once
15:40I have no choice but to obey, my lord
15:43Hold on
15:44You really will?
15:45My glamourin' finally worked
15:47I can end this boy's pestering imposition
15:49Oh, wait!
15:51You are mocking me!
15:53Will's not a vampire, he's just rich
15:56Shen, say you're sorry to him, okay?
15:59Well, at least he hangs his head in shame
16:03I know I saw some floor finger
16:06Sir, are you sure this is all worth it just for a girl?
16:09Not just any girl, the reincarnation of my ancient love
16:12Now, please, keep it down
16:13You know I could make you forget her, master
16:15Just like that time we stayed in Venice
16:17That was one night
16:18Mmm, this is delish, dear
16:20I'm glad you kept the garlic in mind
16:22Anything for my little Shen-chan
16:24Do you hear that, Compton? She's all about me
16:27Oh, the little Romeo wants a fight
16:30No, enough!
16:32Now, now, Shen
16:33Just eat your garlic and green peppers, too
16:38The garlic is blood in my face!
16:40Redfield, help!
16:41How could you give me green peppers?
16:43Your mom asked me to feed you veggies
16:44Suck me, master, suck!
16:50Here's more!
16:51He's so cute
16:53He finally stopped screaming in terror
16:55I hope he dreams of candy and puppy dog
17:00Vampire's garlic, the garlic melting his face
17:07The injuries I sustained from that meddlesome boy's garlic spit
17:10Prevented me from seducing Nanako last night
17:13I must complete my calculations
17:14To see how much longer I have to replace her soul
17:17With that of my sweet cookies
17:19You don't have to turn her, master
17:21Redfield, sometimes you are so obvious
17:24Damn him
17:25You want my lips on your maypole
17:26Rather than her cotton patch
17:27But ours was not love
17:29But, sir, I still haven't seen much evidence
17:31That she feels any connection to you
17:33Then I must make her!
17:35She's dating you because you're rich
17:36She only falls in love with famous athletes
17:40Yes, like Rex
17:41How I enjoy dining on his extremities
17:44I should apply my sunscreen
17:47But you still haven't fed yet, master
17:48I'll sip your spout when I return
17:53Vampires, what a dream
17:56Wait, it was real!
17:57I must protect Nanako before she's bitten by the fanger
18:06Sweetie poo, has the vamp bitten you, Nanako?
18:09Why am I scared?
18:11I think I was pretty nice to Compton
18:13This is delish, dear
18:14I'm glad you kept the garlic in mind
18:16Do you hear that, Compton?
18:18She's all about me
18:19Now, now, Shin
18:20Just eat your garlic and green peppers too
18:22Yeah, I probably shouldn't have dissed a vampire
18:24And then spit garlic right in his face
18:27Think, Shin
18:28What would that true blood chick do in this situation?
18:31Get in bed with someone
18:36Oh, Nanako
18:41Don't jump in, don't jump in, don't jump in, don't jump in!
18:44I shall woo her in the same manner Rex did when he still possessed a faint
18:52Master, did some wood break off and pierce your chest?
18:55Or worse, it looks like one of the cabin's overly luxurious silver doorknobs has weakened you
19:00My inside balls
19:01Has anyone seen Nanako?
19:04I wonder how rich Will is
19:06I would so bone him for good shoes
19:11Oh, Cookie
19:12Oh, Cookie, yes
19:15I want your vertical smile on my face
19:17So that we may share lust lip to lip
19:21Oh, where has my sweet Cookie gone?
19:23It was a dream
19:24This obsession with an old love is ruining you, Master
19:27You haven't been feeding on me
19:29You sleep at night
19:30When will it end?
19:31Oh, shut it
19:32How will I seduce her with athleticism
19:35When I cannot amble down a foyer without risking concussion?
19:38I've always found your clumsiness sexy, Master
19:40Just saying
19:41I'd hoped her paramours' blood in my veins would help me more than this
19:47Well, you hate silver like true blood vampires
19:49You want to reincarnate a chick like Dracula
19:52And I thought you were bisexual like Enrice vampires
19:55Not now, Renfield
19:56I must finish my calculations
19:59For Cookie's soul to possess her
20:01I must make Nautico fall in love with me, then bite her
20:04All before the last sundown of the 49th lunar year since Cookie's death
20:08Carry the seven, move the decimal
20:10Oh, my
20:11I have only till sundown today
20:13Caution for wasting my chances
20:15Your true love is right here
20:18Tennis balls!
20:26He's gone
20:27Damn him for knowing that because of my youth at Wimbledon
20:30I have an obsessive need to shag balls
20:32And damn me for forgetting that Will can transform into a man-bat creature
20:35Like a Fright Night vampire
20:37Please come back
20:39Come back to me, Will
20:40The girl's not worth it
20:42I have the worst taste in the undead
20:47Watch out
20:49Coming through
20:58That kid's pretty good
20:59Think he's got any weed?
21:04Borns a way of life for me, Nautico
21:06Hey, Shin
21:08Here I come
21:10She's even hot in snow pants
21:14Next time, land on me, Nautico
21:23She doesn't look hot in snow pants
21:26Witnessing me bored down this mountain in Rex Jackrock's clothing
21:29Will make Nautico fall in love with me for sure
21:33Thankfully, I peeled these clothes off his body
21:38You can't go up there dressed like Rex
21:40You'll soil this mountain's memory of a great snowboarder
21:43The only soil that I will cause will be a cookie's bloomers
21:46My period finally stopped
21:48I hope Will's up for boinking later
21:52Did Rex ever tell you his last request?
21:55He said he wanted us to Eiffel Tower you
21:57Oh, I'm fine, guys
21:59Come on, Nautico
22:01It's a way to honor him
22:03His dying wish
22:05I don't...
22:06There's a high chance these guys are lying to me
22:09Honey Nautico
22:11Hi, honey
22:12How's my favorite boyfriend doing?
22:14Pretend I'm your girlfriend
22:16I'll do more than pretend
22:18You sausage blocker
22:20Hey, yo, these guys are talking about sausages
22:29Rex, we never approve of your relationship
22:31Well, now that they're gone, we can get back to my boobie squeezing
22:35Chen, you're such a gentleman
22:37That is brunch
22:38I've waited seven score and five human years for this chance
22:42If I turn Nautico after today, she'll just be some loathsome modern woman for eternity
22:48But, perhaps, if I can conquer this hill and impress her by sundown
22:53Her neck will welcome my fangs
22:55Her flower mound will perspire in lust and my beloved cookies shall be...
23:06I have never bowed it upon the snow
23:09Draining Rex's blood had better pay off
23:12Vampire Will!
23:17No, I'm not ready
23:23He's already dead, he'll be fine
23:30Dude, is that Rex Jackrock?
23:32Ghosts are, like, real
23:38But the sun, too much sun
23:43Ladies and gentlemen, who is an incredible newcomer
23:46And why is he wearing Rex Jackrock's old clothes?
23:51Who cares? His moves are simply inhuman
23:53He clearly has the blood of a champion in him
23:58I pray that Nautico just saw that athletic feat
24:02Our winners win a full day of press
24:04Please handcuff him to the autograph table until sundown
24:07I haven't seen him all day, I wanted to bang
24:11Hold on, Will
24:12Gone forever
24:16Banger! Killer job, Will
24:19Sorry I didn't see you win your trophy
24:21I lost my true prize
24:23I told him that silly plan would backfire
24:27And now he's gonna lose me, too
24:39Woke up late this morning, a storm was really rolling
24:42Frogs and dogs were raining from the sky
24:45Everything seems awkward to me, nothing's just as it should be
24:48If this keeps on, I'm sure I won't get by
24:52But then I close my eyes and try to smile
24:55I know things are bad and getting worse
24:58But after all this, I can rest a while
25:02And then I'll party, party
25:04Party, party, join us, join us
25:05Party, party, join us, join us
25:07Party, party, join us, join us
25:08Shake your day away and you can
25:10Party, party, join us, join us
25:12Party, party, join us, join us
25:13Party, party, join us, join us
25:14Party, party, join us, join us
25:15Shake your blues away
25:20Yo, we're getting vacation, mom
25:23This body's shaking and it ain't just shaking here
25:26I see that smile, you're grinning ear to ear
25:29Sing this song and you should really sing it clear
25:32Just sing along with us
25:37Party, party, join us, join us
25:39Party, party, join us, join us
25:40Party, party, join us, join us
25:42Party, party, join us, join us
25:43Shake your day away and you can
25:44Party, party
25:45Oh, I'm bad for truth
25:48Brand old party it is
25:50Party, party
25:51Hey, hey, hey, hey
