• last month


00:001, 2, 3, 4!
00:08The Truth About Old People
00:12No, I won't give up, Shin. The flyer said 30% off.
00:19We've been walking for 10 whole years.
00:21We have not. That new restaurant should be right around here.
00:25Are you sure you're not crazy?
00:27I saw the flyer. Though it was written by an awfully shaky hand.
00:31Let's ask this house.
00:37Don't bother those people! They're rich!
00:39Filthy rich, actually.
00:41We're not poor folks selling pencils or anything.
00:43We're just looking for a new place to have lunch.
00:46Don't eat my trash.
00:47Shin, stay right here.
00:49Oh no, I'm not a dumpster diver.
00:51I just heard there's a new restaurant here with great deals and exotic flavors.
00:55I don't have time for this. I'm bathing in gold.
00:59I rang this doorbell at least 10 times.
01:02Dammit, Shin.
01:05Retirement home?
01:08That sign's old.
01:10As are you. Have you noticed any restaurants walking by?
01:13You already saw my handmade flyers?
01:17I have a knack for sniffing out bargains.
01:19Well, I don't think I meant to put them up until next Thursday. I'm senile.
01:24Doesn't look much like a restaurant, huh?
01:26You're right. You sure you're ready?
01:29Sure. Just don't go through any doors I don't... open up first.
01:33Rock, paper, scissors! One, two, three!
01:37I win! That means I open doors and you count to your eights.
01:40Uh, one, two... wait, no.
01:44Shin, don't pick on...
01:46Wow, this looks great. You've even got fancy napkins.
01:51Why, thank you.
01:52This is where the old folks ate their jello and pills before we took over the lease.
01:59Holy crap! You've even got a patio, too!
02:02Yes, the residents love to massage their bedsores out here. It was sad to see them go.
02:07I'm sure they've all gone to a better place now.
02:10I guess.
02:11But you can't find me before I suffocate!
02:13Oh, no. Not that game again.
02:16No, please don't let him find my file. Or the gas canisters.
02:20Or the thirty pairs of different-sized orthopedic slippers.
02:24What'd you see?
02:25Well, it was pretty dark.
02:27You mean a lack of light, or dark as in macabre?
02:30That's what's fun about my show, Wordplay.
02:33Please don't tell my girlfriend you were in here or she'll make me do more bad things.
02:38That depends. Is this girl a hottie?
02:40You better not have blown our chances at a good meal, Shin.
02:43Thirty percent off!
02:45I'm sorry, stupid.
02:46Hey, Mom! That closet smells like Mr. Peebles! You know, dead!
02:50Shut up!
02:53Kids say the damnedest things.
02:55This table okay?
02:57Yeah, great.
02:59Do you mind being our guinea pigs?
03:01Not in the least. So if we hate the food, do we have to pay?
03:04Oh, I'm sure we'll work something out.
03:06Well, I already love the atmosphere.
03:08Yes, it's peaceful now.
03:10Between you and me, the place was a little more hectic 24 hours ago.
03:18Cute boy.
03:20What a find.
03:21Usually our family's a magnet for awful situations, but we finally struck gold.
03:26It's about time.
03:28I wonder if we get free breadsticks.
03:33Holy crap, this menu's in French!
03:35We won't know what we're eating.
03:37We haven't even cleaned the bathtub with a chainsaw yet.
03:40Sorry, Pumpkin Bear, I forgot.
03:42Out of all the old men in this dump, why the hell did I choose you?
03:46Do you remember if my name is Goku or Mary Jo?
03:49You're clearly a Mary Jo.
03:52Oh, you shouldn't be in here. You could get hurt, you know.
03:56So you really are his girlfriend, huh?
03:58I had hoped he had a hottie back here.
04:01Maybe a cute little dancer would entertain us while we ate, maybe show a little thigh.
04:06You don't want to make me angry.
04:07Shin, where did you go?
04:09Get him out of here.
04:13Please don't wake the beast.
04:15This would be more fun in a wheelchair. I'm sure you got one of those.
04:19I think this says dinner for two deals.
04:21We'll save money if we eat the same thing.
04:24You have awful taste, though. Better let me pick.
04:27Whatever, Shin. You can pick if you can handle this menu.
04:30Sure I can. Let's see, what's the French word for chocobee?
04:35It's a fancy-pants gourmet restaurant with exotic flavors.
04:38They don't serve junk food made from the defective bits of other junk food.
04:42Hmm, then something in the bastard line?
04:45Don't be dumb.
04:46Action bastard sells very good caviar.
04:52You trying to say la vie en sauvage? It means wild meat, I think.
04:56Ooh, sounds lavish. We'll take four.
04:59You still have to choose what body part.
05:01Ew, really?
05:03If you say the dong, we're leaving.
05:05You got wild eyeball?
05:07Eyeball soup.
05:08Is it good?
05:09Well, it's very fresh.
05:11Eyeballs? I didn't mean that exotic.
05:13Make them squishy.
05:15Actually, we boil them in a buttery broth, like lobster bisque, but with eyes.
05:19Just order one of the combos.
05:21Okay, don't crowd me, Mom.
05:24Wait, you're tricking me. What if these don't come with eyes?
05:28I'm sure that'd be a terrible mistake we talk about for the rest of our lives.
05:32But we'll just have to take that chance.
05:34All meals come with eyeball soup. We've got plenty.
05:37Son of a bitch.
05:39Then we'll take D as in dookie.
05:41Excellent choice, sir.
05:43She makes me say that.
05:48I don't even know what kind of animals they are.
05:54Chaos is not funny, Hema.
05:56Hey, look, Ma. New hands.
05:58Don't make me put you in a onesie.
06:01Stupid kids ruining my fancy time.
06:05You bumbling, incompetent fool.
06:07You let them pick the one combo with seafood.
06:09Seafood isn't what we're trying to get rid of now, is it?
06:12I just forgot.
06:13Go upstairs to Dorothy's Aquarium. Grab whatever's still moving.
06:17I should be worried, but it's too good a deal.
06:23It's not as gross as I thought.
06:26That old man's weird, though.
06:28Do banks even give business loans to senile people?
06:31Is everything okay?
06:36Tell me it is.
06:38Yeah. Hunky-dory.
06:40Good. I'm very nervous.
06:42Are these eyes looking inside my guts now?
06:45I'd love to see what they see.
06:55What animal part could this be?
06:58Looks sort of wrist-like.
07:00Wrinkly, too.
07:01Don't be weird. It's probably a goat or something.
07:04Goats have wrists, right?
07:06Wild octopus salad.
07:08Sweet. I hope it's still moving.
07:14Whoa, I think it was reaching for help.
07:16Oh, I'm so clumsy. Don't yell.
07:18At least it's not an eyeball.
07:22If it helps your self-esteem, your stumbling makes me laugh.
07:25I should have died, too.
07:27I'm kind of worried about that guy.
07:29Well, he's old, Shin.
07:31You'd be sad, too, if you peed yourself all the...
07:33Never mind.
07:36Don't tell me you feel bad.
07:38We don't have time for your guilt.
07:40All that blood.
07:41Would you rather we still be slaves in this home?
07:44Management was evil, but not the other residents.
07:46They just played Mahjong.
07:48They were witnesses, Dolt.
07:49Now, sack up and help me cook them.
07:52Oh, a lover's quarrel. Juicy.
07:57That boy's seen too much. We have to...
08:00My friend's burning!
08:03Okay, Mom, before you get mad,
08:05if we leave right now, we probably won't have to pay.
08:08My soul is stained with sin.
08:10What's he rambling about?
08:12Man, old people really are silly.
08:14I wanted to feel special for one lunch,
08:17but all I feel is nausea.
08:19Do that eyeball soup taste funny to you?
08:21Does your stomach hurt, too?
08:33Miss Polyamorous!
08:37We'll all get pregnant! It's a pact!
08:39What's the big secret?
08:44What? Is ultra-depraved nymphomaniac even a real term?
08:49And there's enough of you to form a support group?
08:52Well, sure. They meet every Tuesday at walk-and-rolls.
08:55So what's the problem?
08:56I'm just so nervous.
08:58Tonight would be my first meeting, and I don't know if I'm ready.
09:00I've never admitted I had a problem to strangers I haven't already violated.
09:04Well, you do have a problem.
09:05Didn't you put that homeschooled coach in a wheelchair?
09:08I'm not sure that was from what I did to him
09:10or the voodoo doll on my death wall, though.
09:14By the way, you've got to see the new photos on my wall.
09:16Chasing those ambulances really paid off.
09:18I am never going to your place.
09:20Mother told me it was my funniest work ever.
09:25What if these meetings change me too much?
09:27What if my sick addiction's the only thing that makes me interesting?
09:30I'm almost positive that's the case.
09:32But you've got to go through with this,
09:33no matter how boring, bland, homely, and absolutely forgettable you become.
09:37Do you know how much better my life would be
09:39if I weren't fearing your next binge?
09:41I could sleep soundly every night
09:43without even setting up the bear traps on my fire escape.
09:46It doesn't help when you bring up the good times.
09:48Then let me put it to you this way.
09:50Go or I'll kill you!
09:51Alrighty then, I can see your point.
09:53I'm an addict, therefore I should go to these meetings starting tonight.
09:57Or right after my menopause.
09:58I haven't fully decided that yet.
10:00This is an intervention.
10:03I hear you have some kind of overindulgence problem.
10:06We'll cure that.
10:07Meet me over at my blanket.
10:10She's like you.
10:11She's like you.
10:12There's no point in resisting her.
10:15Okay, well then, let's begin.
10:17Miss Polly's hooked on something,
10:19and her fate is in our hands.
10:21Guess she didn't hear everything.
10:23That's good.
10:27Just tell her what she means to you
10:28and why whatever she's doing is destroying our lives.
10:31Oh, okay.
10:32Like that MTV show.
10:33Sweetie, I love you,
10:35but your poor choices have totaled my car.
10:38I love you,
10:39but you burned our house down.
10:42I love us, but sometimes
10:44you make me feel like
10:46I don't know what we're talking about.
10:48My feelings are a mixed bag.
10:50If you're the troublemaker, where does that leave me?
10:53Shin, you can be my bad boy.
10:55You jerks aren't being serious.
10:57At the same time, that does seem like fun.
11:00I love you, but you
11:02swore that money was for my college.
11:04And I love you too, but
11:06when you tried to stab me thinking I was a hell snake,
11:08our blood stained the couch.
11:11Uh, okay.
11:12This has been great.
11:13I'm sure she's changed her ways
11:15and we can go back to doing anything but this.
11:19What's wrong with you?
11:20What if they make me quit the toys?
11:21The harnesses?
11:22What if I can only do missionary?
11:26Okay, maybe we should try to help her out for real.
11:29Look, this addiction's all in your head.
11:31Just tell yourself to quit and you'll quit.
11:33I know!
11:34Maybe instead you should gorge out on your addiction
11:36until you're totally repulsed by it.
11:38Like when I've been punching my bunny too much.
11:41I say,
11:42Bunny, this has to stop.
11:43It's all I think about.
11:44So I punch him till my knuckles bleed
11:46and then I don't do it again for like a day.
11:48But I don't get sick of it.
11:49I've gone 50 hours straight.
11:51Then this weekend you go 55.
11:53Must leave town.
11:54Um, Penny?
11:55Don't you think your advice could be a little reckless and insane?
11:58How so?
11:59I'm helping her quit.
12:01What if she's talking about drug use?
12:03You could make her OD
12:04with another politically exploitable crack epidemic.
12:07Oh, please.
12:08No one does crack anymore.
12:09Check into motel under false name.
12:11Lay low till sex binge blows over.
12:13Bring bear traps.
12:14So I guess you have a better way to help her, Georgie?
12:17Well, many folks get help with their addictions
12:19by turning to a higher power.
12:21Uh-huh, uh-huh.
12:22High power noses.
12:23That would make sense.
12:24Then they could snort more.
12:26I mean faith,
12:27not some dumb nose power.
12:30Nose power is not dumb.
12:31I'll make you believe.
12:33Sorry, boo.
12:34Wow, your head gets big.
12:35Would you boys focus?
12:37The way this intervention's going,
12:38by the time we've figured out how to kick Miss Polly's habit,
12:41I'll have tits.
12:42I want tits.
12:43Um, guys, the girls are talking about tits.
12:46Try it, Georgie.
12:47It's fun.
12:48Tits, tits, tits.
12:49Be decent.
12:50You're wrong.
12:51Boob are decent.
12:52I still tit-feed.
12:54Okay, let's try to reach Miss Polly a different way
12:57so we can wrap this up.
12:58We'll teach her all about her addiction
13:00using a smart visual metaphor.
13:04Give me a chance.
13:05Pardon our reaction, ma'am.
13:06We've just never seen you try to teach anyone before.
13:09You think she's turning a new leaf?
13:11I doubt it.
13:12Just listen.
13:13Say she's addicted to sticks,
13:15and she's used to having all of these all of the time.
13:17Uh, you're gonna need more sticks.
13:19And she terrorizes those around her and takes their sticks too,
13:21all because she can't be satisfied with the countless sticks she's had
13:24while some of us go a decade with no sticks at all.
13:26How hard is it to get a stick?
13:28They're free in the park.
13:30Does this person have some trait that drives sticks away?
13:32Like a stick magnet, but opposite.
13:34Is a stick mean...
13:35Shut it!
13:38I'll kill you all!
13:40I'm very desirable!
13:43That support group can't be any worse than this.
13:46Thanks, Polly.
13:47What a rousing personal story.
13:49Now, as is our custom,
13:51let's celebrate all the impulses we're not giving in to.
13:56We have not grubbed the waitress.
13:59I want to strip off my clothes,
14:01smear myself with food,
14:02and let the whole restaurant eat off me,
14:04but I won't!
14:07I want to put a bag on my head,
14:09spin in circles,
14:10then screw whoever I stumble into first,
14:12but I won't!
14:15I, uh, what I want, uh, it's severe.
14:17I shouldn't say I need it.
14:18It's definitely not missionary.
14:22Just say it.
14:23This is a safe place.
14:27Okay, I'm sorry. I'll just say it.
14:29I really want to, well,
14:31force you to rimjob sue me
14:33while I milk your prostate with a tuning fork,
14:35but I won't.
14:41Sharing is the first step.
14:42Now let's have a little talk
14:44about redirecting your, uh,
14:46oh, hold on.
14:47Hey, Thorne, it's me, from the seminar.
14:49Hey, I'm in town for the week.
14:51I thought I'd check out your chapter.
14:53Why do you guys meet at this restaurant?
14:55It's a giant crap hole.
14:56The owner is an addict, too.
14:57We get 5% off.
14:59Thorne runs our chapter.
15:00In Tokyo.
15:02Largest in the world.
15:03I'm a food sexaholic.
15:04I'm a paper bagger.
15:06Uh, I'm into straps, pain.
15:08This is all you got?
15:10We're a support group.
15:12Yeah, it's not a competition.
15:14Sure, we're a therapy family, blah, blah.
15:16I'm just saying my nymphos are more hardcore.
15:19How is that productive counseling?
15:22Listen to your sponsor.
15:23I know you're competitive,
15:24but you have nothing to prove to that guy.
15:26Food sex is not your friend.
15:27Everybody count to 12.
15:31I'm out.
15:32I'll escort you.
15:33You're not my hero anymore.
15:34You told us.
15:35These glasses correct your rage problem, right?
15:39Stop right there, Thorne!
15:42I'm not gonna let you screw with their heads that way!
15:44These people spend every day fighting their urges
15:46and feeling bad for how sick they are.
15:48And now some Tokyo hotshot yanks them the other way,
15:51making them feel bad for not being sick enough?
15:53They aren't your yo-yos, bitch!
15:56We'll fix this!
15:57We're gonna prove to you just how much help we need!
16:00These hot kinky mamas and I
16:01are going to the raunchiest motel in town,
16:03and in 30 minutes,
16:04you three pricks are gonna meet us there!
16:06You won't walk for days!
16:08Yes, madam.
16:09I'll do anything to anyone, whatever you say.
16:11Come on, ladies.
16:13Let's buy some lube.
16:14And some batteries.
16:19See you soon.
16:21She's so right.
16:22Screw self-control.
16:23I'll be chased when I'm dead.
16:26I love support groups!
16:33Are you gonna get that?
16:35It's just the group.
16:36Wanting more.
16:38Stop calling me!
16:40Please don't tell me you pulled an entire addiction support group
16:42off the wagon after one Tuesday night meeting.
16:45I admit it probably wasn't the most helpful group session,
16:47but it seemed to make sense at the time.
16:50So that one's still stickless, right?
16:52Shut your traction!
16:54Traction sucks.
17:03Earn nothing norking from home!
17:07Ah, working at home on a Sunday.
17:09Usually it just makes me more depressed,
17:11but today's different.
17:13Action bastard.
17:15I know I promised we'd see his movie,
17:17but I can't because of this promotion.
17:20Working Sundays isn't a promotion.
17:23You bent over for your boss.
17:25Shut up!
17:27This could be a good move for my career.
17:29Sure, there's not gonna be a raise,
17:31but I get to add weekend shift nork analyst
17:33to my email signature.
17:35I love to work on weekends.
17:37What the hell are you doing?
17:39An impression of you bending over for your boss.
17:41I don't have time for all this.
17:42I have to work.
17:43Well, daddy used to be all about the ass dance.
17:46What did I say about bothering your dad with your wiener?
17:49I'm getting him ready to see Action Bastard the motion feature.
17:52I can't take you today. I have to work.
17:54But it's his first time on the big screen
17:57since those lame 40s serials.
17:59I promise I'll take you next weekend to see it on IMAX.
18:02But I want to see it now, dad.
18:05It's supposed to be edgier than this show.
18:07It's PG-13. Bastard uses the C-word.
18:10I can't go.
18:11Will you make him leave
18:12and explain how important I am to Futaba?
18:15Sure, honey.
18:16Dad's the company pushover.
18:18And the family jerk-butt.
18:20And when I hear Bastard swear...
18:22I can't believe he's going to say the C-word.
18:24I wonder if it's the boy or the girl version.
18:27Sales of Futaba's nine-pronged fork or gnorc.
18:32Not now, Hima.
18:33I told your brother I can't play today
18:35and I wouldn't be a good father
18:36if I wasn't horrible to both of you equally.
18:40No, honey.
18:41Daddy's changing test results for the sharehold...
18:47Too much cuteness.
18:49Must fight urge to parent.
18:52I think you're a little too young to be playing beer pong.
19:00Oh, ping pong. Yeah, okay.
19:04Try hitting this.
19:14This is the day I learned to hate you.
19:17Time to buckle down
19:18and show him who's the best weekend shift gnorc analyst.
19:21Dad, I forgive you for lying!
19:23Uh-huh, just put it back when you're done.
19:28Test marketing the gnorc has shown...
19:31Prongs four through nine are not as popular as...
19:34I now recreate the Action Bastard trailer!
19:38I'm Bastard's long-lost twin brother, Angry Bastard!
19:42Hima, don't knock it down!
19:43You're not one of the movie's celebrity supervillains!
19:47You know, at first I was excited about them two...
19:49Stop bothering your dad
19:50and please clean up this mess!
19:52All this crap's filling the house!
19:55And it's filling the crapper!
19:57The gnorc...
19:58Get in here!
19:59Whoa, Mom, before you blame me,
20:01just remember you're often very stupid and wrong!
20:04I'll show you something wrong, Shin!
20:06Come here!
20:09I'm gonna bop your head off!
20:12I should've been a gay man.
20:14Damn it!
20:15That's just a very proud wolf!
20:18Oh, she's eating my brain!
20:20Angry Bastard, I need you!
20:22I need you!
20:28Please leave.
20:29Don't make me snap and kill you all.
20:32Goodbye, honey!
20:33Thanks for not murdering us, Dad!
20:38Well, better get back to work.
20:40What now?
20:44Dad, I really want to see the movie,
20:46but I'm having trouble fighting the urge.
20:48Urge for what, Shin?
20:49I'm not sure. How's work?
20:50It'd be going a lot better if you would stop interrupting me!
20:53I know you're bitter about your crappy life, wife, and job,
20:56but don't take it out on me.
20:57I'm not bitter.
20:58I'm the youngest middle middle manager
21:00slash weekend gnorc analyst at work.
21:03I have no choice.
21:05Straight to voicemail.
21:08No one's here.
21:09Perfect time for a loud dump.
21:11Go ahead, Bowels.
21:12Scream as loud as you want.
21:17Oh, yeah.
21:21That big brown boat did not want to submerge.
21:24Why is this so loose?
21:26Aw, damn it!
21:28At least I have this knob.
21:31Shin, I know this was you!
21:40Neighbor guy who takes pictures of Whitey licking himself?
21:45The one time I need my nosy neighbors.
21:48Wait, think, hero, think!
21:49Just do what PG-13 action bastard would do.
21:58Bastard plan B.
22:06Should've crapped out more pounds.
22:10Break time.
22:13Mitsy, Shin!
22:14Please hear my cries for help!
22:19Hear something?
22:20I think it's just some guy selling drugs.
22:24Somebody's calling.
22:25Where's the phone?
22:28Phone stealer.
22:34Yeah, we're on our way to see her right now.
22:36Mom, what's going on?
22:37Is Yonro coming?
22:38Can we see it in 3D?
22:40Well, good luck selling loot and thanks a lot for the tickets.
22:42Yes, we're seeing action bastard in 3D!
22:45So much for my big promotion.
22:47I'm literally stuck smelling my own farts when I could be working.
22:52Man, how the hell did this become my life?
22:56Who's calling?
22:57We're not home right now, which is weird, because we never go anywhere.
23:01Dad, I know you said not to call, but Yonro gave us the tickets.
23:04Shin, I'm here!
23:05We're going to do 3D at the Banana Rabbit Dome, and the street buzz is awesome!
23:08Someone said there's a scene where a Jackalus...
23:10Don't hang up!
23:11...Lollipop's face and you think it's going to hit Yonro?
23:13Shin, help!
23:14Who says it?
23:15Alright, gotta go.
23:16I might call you again when Bastard says his C-word.
23:20Don't leave your daddy!
23:23I'm no bastard!
23:26I'm a bitch!
23:33Ejacular Sword!
23:34It's so arousing.
23:37Hurry, jam it in the K-Pole before its essence explodes in your face!
23:41Here's your full release, Ejacular!
23:43You can do this, Hiro, you're a bastard!
23:45Bastard Fang!
23:48I thought you were a better sword handler!
23:50See it? See it?
23:51No one likes a cunt!
23:53I'm almost there!
23:55Did you hear him say the C-word, Mom? Did you hear him?
23:58And what about how they used the old footage of Marlon Brando to play Bastard's dead dad's ghost before they moved genre?
24:03You should thank Yonro. Send him some Hot Pockets or something.
24:05I hope Hiro gets better.
24:07Send him some Hot Pockets or something.
24:09I hope Hiro got his work done.
24:11Why is it dark inside?
24:16Let's go, Hiro!
24:21Yo, how was work?
24:24Screw the Gnorc.
24:37Late this morning, a storm was really rolling.
24:39Frogs and dogs were raining from the sky.
24:42Everything seems awkward to me.
24:44Nothing's just as it should be.
24:46If this keeps on, I'm sure I won't get by.
24:49But then I close my eyes and try to smile.
24:52I know things are bad and getting worse.
24:55But after all this, I can rest a while.
24:59And then I'll party, party.
25:01Party, party, join us, join us.
25:03Party, party, join us, join us.
25:04Party, party, join us, join us.
25:06Shake your day away and you can
25:08Party, party, join us, join us.
25:09Party, party, join us, join us.
25:11Party, party, join us, join us.
25:13Shake your blues away!
25:18Yo, we're getting vacation, mom!
25:21This party's shaking and it ain't just shaking here.
25:24I see that smile, you're grinning ear to ear.
25:27Sing this song, you should really sing it clear.
25:30Just sing along with us!
25:35Party, party, join us, join us.
25:36Party, party, join us, join us.
25:38Party, party, join us, join us.
25:39Shake your day away and you can
25:41Party, party!
25:46Brand old party it is.
25:47Party, party!
