مسلسل وتبقى ليلة الحلقة 119 مترجمة

  • le mois dernier
مسلسل وتبقى ليلة الحلقة 119 مترجمة
00:00C'est la première fois que j'ai vu un garçon dans ma vie.
00:10Regarde-moi ça !
00:11C'est mignon, n'est-ce pas ?
00:14Mais comment sais-tu qu'il va devenir un garçon ?
00:16C'est juste un enfant.
00:17Ça n'a pas d'importance.
00:18Il peut porter n'importe quoi.
00:20Par exemple,
00:21si c'était un garçon,
00:22ce serait un froc.
00:23Comme toi.
00:26Et si c'était une fille,
00:27elle serait heureuse.
00:28Comme moi.
00:31C'est mignon, n'est-ce pas ?
00:32Très mignon.
00:36Dis-moi quelque chose.
00:37Oui ?
00:38Comment tu te sens
00:39lors de la pregnance ?
00:40Je veux dire,
00:41de porter une vie à l'intérieur ?
00:45Waouh !
00:47Personne ne m'a demandé ça avant.
00:51Tu sais, Vian,
00:53on ne voit pas le bébé.
00:55On se sent le bébé.
00:58Et quand je dors la nuit,
00:59et que le bébé joue du caca,
01:01je lui dis avec amour,
01:04« bébé,
01:05laisse maman dormir. »
01:07Et tu ne crois pas à la magie.
01:09Il arrête de jouer du caca.
01:12Quoi ?
01:13Il t'écoute ?
01:15Bien sûr.
01:16Keith l'accorde à la guitare
01:17toutes les nuits.
01:18Et le bébé danse aussi.
01:25Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
01:27Tu veux de l'eau ?
01:28Ça me semble inutile.
01:34Je vais appeler Keith.
01:41Son numéro est inutile.
01:43Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
01:46Rien ne va pas.
01:47Je vais t'emmener à l'hôpital.
01:49Non !
01:50Je vais t'appeler.
01:53Tout va bien.
01:54Je suis là.
01:58Son téléphone s'éteint.
01:59Attends, je vais l'appeler encore.
02:06Il m'a envoyé un message.
02:07Il m'a envoyé un message.
02:10« Madame, dans le secteur C d'urgence,
02:12je vais t'appeler après 30 minutes. »
02:17Tu as mal au ventre.
02:19Je n'ai pas mal au ventre.
02:21J'ai mal au poitrine.
02:22J'ai mal au ventre.
02:27Un instant.
02:44Bonjour, Kata.
02:45Je suis désolé de t'appeler si tard.
02:47J'ai besoin de ton aide.
02:49Oui, dis-moi.
02:50En fait, tu te souviens de Keith,
02:51mon ami de l'université,
02:52le musicien ?
02:54Sa femme est avec moi et elle est enceinte.
02:55Elle a des douleurs et des palpitations.
02:58Tu as une idée de ce que nous pouvons faire ?
02:59Parce qu'elle a besoin d'aide.
03:11Tu peux faire des exercices de respiration profonde.
03:14Parfois, dans la pregnancie,
03:15il y a de la pression sur le diaphragme et le ventre.
03:18dis-lui de se détendre.
03:19Dis-lui de s'assoir
03:20et de mettre ses pieds devant le siège.
03:22Il est important d'élever ses pieds.
03:24Donne-lui de l'eau.
03:25Et dis-lui de respirer lentement.
03:29Mais si ça ne te fait pas de mal,
03:30tu peux l'emmener au docteur.
03:32Je te remercie beaucoup.
03:39Je ne sais pas
03:40ce qu'il fait tout le temps.
03:42Qui était-ce ? Vian ?
03:44Ne me demandes pas.
03:45Il a toujours appelé
03:46pour des problèmes différents.
03:48Je ne comprends rien.
03:51Il vit une vie d'échec.
03:57Un instant.
03:58Vian !
03:59Ça va.
04:00Je suis là.
04:01Je suis là.
04:04Respire lentement.
04:12Je vais prendre de l'eau.
04:13Un instant.
04:14Un instant.
04:15Je suis là.
04:17Prends ça.
04:18Prends de l'eau.
04:19Des petits gouttes.
04:24Respire lentement.
04:29Comment tu te sens ?
04:31C'est génial.
04:32Tu as fait une erreur incroyable.
04:37Je me sens beaucoup mieux.
04:46Oh mon Dieu !
04:47Qu'est-ce que c'était ?
04:52J'ai pensé que quelque chose
04:53s'était passé à toi.
04:57Je n'ai jamais
04:58été si inutile dans ma vie.
05:12Qu'est-ce qu'il y a ?
05:14Il dénonce maman.
05:16Quoi ?
05:17Ne le dénonce pas, bébé.
05:19Vian est en train de
05:20prendre soin de maman, n'est-ce pas ?
05:22Maman est absolument bien.
05:26Oh !
05:29Maman et Vian sont
05:30en train de discuter.
05:31Et personne ne s'est
05:32préoccupé de la bébé.
05:33Depuis maintenant,
05:34peu importe ce qu'il se passe,
05:35c'est entre eux
05:36ou entre eux.
05:38La bébé doit savoir tout.
05:39C'est très clair.
05:45Ressens la bébé.
05:54Non, non.
05:55Je suis fou.
06:14Non !
06:15Je suis vraiment...
06:17Mais pourquoi !
06:18Comment as-tu pu le faire ?
06:20Je le convaincre !
06:21Je l'ai fait,
06:22je l'ai eut.
06:23Je l'ai laissé toute seule.
06:25Mais Cherie...
06:29Dommage, miles.
06:32Qui a faith en Christ ?
06:35Ainsi que tes parents.
06:37Que les autres.
06:38Oui, alors ils sont
06:40pas encore Type.
06:41L'art mara
07:11Hey baby, I'm Vian uncle, your parents' friend and when you come out with me, I'll be your friend.
07:36Yeah, no, not friend, I'll be your best friend.
07:42Ok, see you, bye.
08:05Wow, wow, Kata was right, for a father, it's important to connect with his child, even if he's not in the world.
08:31Wow, wow, I'm not prepared for this.
08:56I don't know what to do, you were in such a bad condition, I don't know what to do.
09:12I didn't know either, it's ok.
09:16No, I don't know.
09:21It was just one thing, I don't know how many things like this happen.
09:28This is the beginning of your journey, there are so many phases, I'm never going to experience it.
09:34Yes, I understand children, as a friend, but as a father, I don't know.
09:49Hey, what? Everything will be fine, don't worry.
10:20Hey, Batman, what's going on? Are the exams over or not?
10:27Hey, what happened? All ok?
10:31Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you.
10:35Yes, but this is not such a sad thing.
10:38So why are you sounding so low?
10:41Batman, tell Robin what the problem is.
10:43The exams are going on, but I don't know what's going on.
10:48I prepared everything, but I don't remember anything.
10:52The teacher told me that the exams tell you how successful a student will be.
10:58In the last exam, when I saw the exam paper, I lost my mind.
11:03I prepared everything, but I don't remember anything.
11:06I think I lost my memory.
11:08I prepared everything, but I don't remember anything.
11:11I think I'm going to fail.
11:14Batman, some teachers put pressure like this.
11:17How many exams did I fail?
11:19In fact, I failed in one or two exams.
11:21But look at me, I handle the whole company.
11:24I handle a team of 100 people.
11:26Really Robin, you failed too?
11:29Of course, everyone fails.
11:31And you are so intelligent, I take so much life advice from you.
11:35And look, there are exams in life.
11:37Some exams are good, some are bad.
11:40The bad ones teach us what our mistakes are.
11:44And prepare us for the next exams.
11:47That's it.
11:49So please don't worry.
11:51Mom says the same thing.
11:53But I don't know, the moment I see her, I get scared again.
11:58This is not the right way, Batman.
12:01How can your teacher put pressure on you like this?
12:03Is this school preparing you for exams or for failure?
12:07You know what, this is not done.
12:09Don't worry, I'll come to your school today.
12:12I'll talk to the principal and the teachers.
12:16No Robin, there's no need for that.
12:19The PTA is about to start in a few days.
12:22Mom said she'll talk to the principal.
12:25I was feeling a little low today.
12:28So I thought I'd talk to you.
12:31Okay, fine.
12:33But tell me what your mom said.
12:36And don't stress yourself.
12:38Listen, when problems come in life,
12:40Batman and Robin solve them together, right?
12:45So just call me and I'll come.
12:48You'll call me, right?
12:50Of course Robin, I'll call you.
12:52I'm going to study now.
12:54And best of luck for the rest of the exams.
12:56And always remember, I'm here.
12:59And don't stress yourself.
13:03Bye Robin.
13:05Bye Batman.
13:10Hi Kadha.
13:24Take a look at the final codes of these contractors.
13:30Are you okay?
13:36I'm not.
13:40Do you remember my friend Batman?
13:42His exams are going on.
13:44And he's in so much stress.
13:47He's a kid.
13:50Do you know he's blanked out in his exams?
13:53Imagine how worried that kid must be
13:56that he's sitting blanked out in front of his question paper.
13:59Imagine how lonely he must have felt in that moment.
14:02And you know what, I know this kid.
14:04He's bright, happy, and sensible.
14:06But when he was sounding so low,
14:10I don't understand if they're running a school or a factory.
14:18Have you ever been stressed in your exams?
14:21It happens.
14:23Sometimes kids take a lot of pressure.
14:26So did Batman's family handle the situation?
14:31His mother is going to the school to talk.
14:34And she's a very smart lady.
14:38I think...
14:40What do you think?
14:43I think I should go and talk to the principal.
14:46Otherwise I won't find peace.
14:48You can't interfere in someone else's family for your own peace.
14:56Someone has to do it.
14:57Otherwise the kid will keep worrying.
15:01First of all, as a friend, you can't go to Batman's school and talk to him.
15:05The school won't appreciate him at all.
15:07And in the future, it could be a problem for the kid.
15:10Only the family should talk about this.
15:13And you just said that his mother is going to the school to talk.
15:17I think this is the right way to handle this.
15:21You should have seen how low he was sounding.
15:27Mr. Raghuvanshi, think about it.
15:29You're just a friend.
15:31Think about his mother.
15:34I'm sure she will try her best
15:37to talk to the school authorities.
15:40Don't worry.
15:42You can do one thing.
15:44Stay available for Batman.
15:46Keep asking him how he's feeling.
15:48So that you know if he's okay or not.
15:58Please check the contractor's codes.
16:01Thank you.
16:19Kavita, did you speak to Kata?
16:21Is Arav okay now?
16:23Yes, I spoke to Kata.
16:24Arav is better.
16:28Let's tell Kata that
16:30we'll all go on a picnic after his exams on the weekend.
16:34The kid will get some change.
16:37That's a good idea, dad.
16:41Dad, this is so strange.
16:44Arav is so confident.
16:46He's such a positive kid.
16:48How did he get so stressed?
16:51Don't worry.
16:53It happens, son.
16:55It happens sometimes.
16:57Even Kiara was stressed once.
17:00Don't you remember?
17:02Hold on, Yuvraj.
17:04But Kiara didn't have a breakdown.
17:06I took care of Kiara
17:08before things got out of hand.
17:11And look at Kata.
17:13She's so smart.
17:15She can see everyone's problems.
17:17Why can't she see this?
17:19Maybe she's busy.
17:21Otherwise, Arav's stress
17:23never leaves his sight.
17:28You're right, dear.
17:30But it happens
17:32when kids hide a lot from their parents.
17:36And Arav said
17:38he didn't want to stress Kata anymore.
17:41That's why he didn't tell her.
17:42Mother, what I'm trying to say is
17:45Kata is a human being.
17:47She can make mistakes too.
17:49Maybe she can't focus on Arav
17:52because he's somewhere else.
17:54Anything can happen, Reet.
17:58What are you trying to say?
18:00I'm just saying
18:02that kids do this a lot
18:04to get their parents' attention
18:06when they feel
18:08their parents aren't paying attention to them.
18:11it's because of Vyaan Raghuvanshi
18:13that Kata...
18:20talk to Kata.
18:22And make sure
18:24Vyaan Raghuvanshi's chapter
18:26is closed.
18:28Which chapter?
18:32Which chapter should I close, Reet?
18:35I don't care about the chapter.
18:38I have complete faith in Kata.
18:41If she tells me
18:43there's no place for anyone else in her life,
18:45then no.
18:48That's the end of the story for me.
19:07Arav knows that his mother
19:09is going through a lot right now.
19:12Kids understand everything these days.
19:14That's why he's putting all the pressure on himself.
19:19as a family, it's our duty
19:21to support them in this difficult time.
19:26You're Arav's aunt, right?
19:28Next time he comes here,
19:32take extra care of him.
19:38Reet, what's wrong with you?
19:41Kata is also a mother like you.
19:44There's nothing more important than Arav
19:47in her life right now.
20:07Mom, I'll go check on her.
20:09I'll talk to her.
20:14There's been a big problem.
20:16Amrita's water broke.
20:18She's going to labor.
20:20I'm stuck here in Lonavala.
20:23Jeetu, where did Mr. Raghuvanshi go?
20:25One of his friends needed help,
20:27so he went to him.
20:29The white car followed him.
20:37Why are you taking a right?
20:39The school is on your left.
20:41Madam, I'm following the car.
20:43If he's going right, I'm going right.
20:45If he's not going to meet Arav,
20:47who is he going to meet?
